HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-12-12, Page 6THURSDAY, DEC. lStlh 1010 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE HAY COUNCIL monthly meeting Of the Township of Hay The regular the Council of was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, December 2nd, 1940, with all members present except Mr Alex Crerar, After disposing of communica­ tions following resolutions were passed: According to provisions of Municipal Act the meeting of ratepayers of the Township of for the nomination of Reeve Councillors for the years 1941 1942 will be held at the Township Hall, Zurich, December 30th, 1940. The following are appointed as Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks: Poll No. 1, Earl Campbell, Clifton Prouty; Poll No. 2, Donald Burns, Sydney McArthur; Poll No. 3, Leroy O’Brien, Ervin Schilbe, Town Hall. Zurich; Poll No. 4, Dan­ iel Oswald, Albert Hess, Town Zurich; Poll No. 5. Urban Milton Truemner; Poll No. 6, ton Pfile, Arthur Weber; No. 7. James McAllister, Garnet Jacobe; Poll No. 8, Fred Ducharme, Edward Corriveau. That accounts covering payments of Township Roads, Hay Telephone System, salaries, relief and gener­ al accounts be passed as per vouch­ ers: Township Roads—Dom. Road Machinery C., repairs, §6.48; A. O. Elliot re winch, §3.50; Bert Craig re winch and Deitz, gas and Pay roll No. 'Salaries—G. The the Hay and and Hall, Pfile. Clay- Poll G.pit, §6.60; M. labor, §31.18. 9, §76.49. Armstrong, reeve, §75; F. J. Haberer, councillor, §65; A. Crerar, §65; R. Geig»er, §65; W. Haugh, §65; A. F. Hess, balance, Clerk, treas., §90. Hay Telephone System—G. Arm­ strong, reeve, §15; F. J. Haberer, A. Crerar, R. Geiger and W. Haugh as Councillors each §10; Bell Tel­ ephone Co., toils, §130.93; North­ ern Electric Co., supplies, §154.21: 'Bell, Co., directories, §120.00; A. F. Hess, balance, secretary-treasurer, §87.50; E. R. Guenther, cartage, <57c; T. H. Hoffman, 1 month’s salary, §191.66; H. G. Hess, one month’s salary, §175.00. Unemployment accounts — D. Geiger, rent, §5; J. Suplat, allow­ ance, §20.00. General accounts Hensail §44.5'3; Township g: wood police grant, §61.0 0; Division Court Ward Fritz, Division Court sittings, $40.00; Whillier & Co., supplies, $10.4'9; W. R. Dougall, school at­ tendance officer, §6.00; treasurer Huron, hospital account, §21.85; South Huron Plowing Assn., §15; E. Willert, inspector North Branch Drain, §2.00. The Council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, December 14th at 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon. A. F. Hess, Clerk. portion Zurich ;ran-t, village, A. J. sittings, Treasurer of county rate, police village, §18'3.75; Dash- Township Kalbfleisch, §40.00; GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hod­ gins, of 165 Ridout Street, London, lifelong residents of Western On­ tario, celebrated their golden wed­ ding anniversary on Sunday, with many friends visiting the 50-year- wed couple. Both were born and married in Lucan. SMALLDON—JACKSON A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Egmondville United Church parsonage when Ethel Irene, daugh­ ter of Mrs. J. C. Jackson and the late Mr. Jackson, of Tuckersmit'h, was united in marriage to Harold Smalldon, of Walton. The bride wore a smart navy suit and silver fox fur. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson, bro­ ther and sister-in-law of the bride. Following the ceremony dinner was served at the home of the bride’s brother, Stanley Jackson, in Tuck­ ersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Smalldon left later on a short trip. to&zcco JUST LIKE J| OLD CHUM Does Your Food Cause You Distress? The impairment of the stomach is often of serious consequencesf for only by properly digested food is the System nourished and sustained. Burdock Blood Bitters is a re­ liable remedy for stomach disorders such as dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach, belching of gas, headaches, etc. It helps to stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, the main factor in digestion, neutralizes acidity, tones up the lining mem­ branes of the stomach, and restores the natural, healthy process of digestion. Put your stomach right by tailing B.B.B. and see how quickly you will Start to enjoy your meals free from digestive troubles. The T. Milburn Oo.» Ltd., Toronto, Ont I J CREDITON EAST Eldon Merner, Russell Alvin Sims and Harry Messrs Sturgeon, Flynn spent Sunday in Stratford at the home of Mr. Wm. Rocky. Mrs. Merner, who is ill at her mother’s home is not improving very fast. Mr. Dan Truemner is confined to his home with an attack of the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swartzenlru- ber of Dashwood s_pent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Charles Glanvill. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis who celebrated their 31st wedding anniversary on Sun­ day at their home. Butchering is the order of the day in our neighborhood. Mr. Charles Anderson and Mrs. Wilson Anderson and Mrs. Cather­ ine Motz spent Tuesday in Exete»' with relatives. SHIPKA Wedding bells are ringing in our vicinity this week. Mr. Wm. Sweitzer meeting Insurance day last. Owing roads the high school in Exeter were forced tn remain out last week. The concert put on by the public school was a decided success on Tuesday evening last under the dir­ ection of the teacher, Miss Hicks, and Mr. Wein of Crediton. The children are now busy prac­ tising for the programme for the church on the evening of December 18th. Mrs. John Baynham is at pre­ sent visiting at the home of her son, Mr. George Baynham of tralia. Wm. Sweitzer attended a ; of the Hay Township Fire Co,, at Zurich on Mon- to the condition of the pupils who are attending Ceii- s' J. N. Corry, committee the reprp- the countv SUGGEST PAVING OF ROAD FROM -MITCHELL TO ELGINF1ELD A deputation to the department of highways suggesting that the road between Mitchell and Elgin- field be paved during 19 41 will be sent from the Perth county council in the near future it was decided at Thursday's session of Perth Coun­ ty Council. On the suggestion of Reeve G. H. Jose, W-arden A. Bradshaw and Reeve J. chairman of the road were appointed to make sentation. In a short address to council, Reeve Jose pointed out the imperative need for improvements to the road. “I am not in favor of extra costs being laid on the gov­ ernment in this time of war,” ho said, ‘‘and as a part of the British Empire I realize we should be will­ ing to do our part in cutting down expenses. But it has already been announced that the department of highways intends to make extra ex­ penditures for road work this com­ ing year. This being the case i feel that we should have ample con­ sideration. Highway No. 23 is in bad conditioin, and I can say from personal experience that traffic o" the road is steadily increasing and is sufficient to warrant paving ” His statements were corroborated by Reeve W. J. Kay, who seconded Reeve Jose’s motion that the war­ den and tion to ways Reeve Corry be a deputa- the department of high- OLD LICENSE PLATES TO BE USED IN WAR EFFORT Officials of Red Cross Societies have recently been considering how they could cooperate with an On­ tario Red Cross plan to salvage 19 40 motor vehicle plates. The license plates, it was estimated, would pro vide about 300 tons of munitions steel. In Toronto Wednesday night Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn an­ nounced the plan and asked the wholehearted cooperation of motor­ ists in the Red Cross drive to sal­ vage material which would even­ tually become an integral part in Canadas gram. It was plan was cooperation of tlie Imperial Oil. Limited, asked plates tions, picked motive would steel mills free of charge. It was not definitely known if the same plan would be applicable to all communities but details will ikely be worked out by the Red Cross executive in each locality al­ ong with Imperial Oil representa­ tives. In Exeter the old license plates may be left with Mr, R, J, Seldon, issuer of motor licenses, “I hope the motorists will co-op­ erate wholeheartedly,” said Mr. Hepburn. “This arrangement gives them an opportunity of rendering effective aid in two ways and at no cost to themselves. Three hund­ red tons of scrap steel could be an important amount in war indus­ tries, and the cash derived from the sale of the metal will be used by the Red Cross, In the present emergency, when steel mills are working to capacity, we must avoid waste of material, and I am sure that motorists will support this worthwhile undertaking.” munitions-producing pro- stated at Toronto that the made possible through the Motorists were being to leave their 1940 license at the Imperial service sta- The plates would then be up by members of the Auto­ Transport Association and eventually be delivered to f HENSALL W.M.S. Elect Officers The W.M.S. of the United Church held their regular meeting on Thursday afternoon and elected the officers for the coming year. Mrs. W. B. Cross presided over the meeting which opened by singing the following Christmas carols: “Joy to the World”, “Holy Night, Silent Night”, ‘‘Angels From the Realms of Glory” and “Come Let Us Adore Him”. A letter was read from Mrs. Chas. A. McDonnell, ex­ pressing thanks for kindness shown during her recent bereavement. Mrs. W. Carlisle and Mrs. S. Mer­ ner reported the visits made, following reports were which were Ed McQueen ers report; the report of ly and Mrs. C. Cook surer’s report, from Mrs. E. L. Mickle expressing her thanks for kindness shown her in her recent illness and also her resignation as superintendent of the Baby Band. M'iss Florence Welsh sang a solo entitled “God Will Take Care panied by Mrs. piano. Rev. R. splendid address the W.M.S. ' Mrs. Stevens, at the council held in which Rev. Brook attended in Sep­ tember. Following is the list, of officers elected: Honorary pres., Mrs. C. A. McDonnell; pres., Mrs. W. B. Cross; vice-presidents, Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne. Mrs, R. A. Brook and Mrs. John Elder; treas., Mrs. Cook; recording sec., Mrs. N. Cook; corresponding sec., Mrs. W. E. Hemphill; pianist, Miss Irene Douglas; Sherritt; Mrs. G. Stewardship and finance sec., Mrs Carlisle and Mrs. Harpole* sec., Mrs. John Elder S. Merner; temperance Jean Murray; supply comm., Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. J. Elder and Mrs. S. Merner; Mission Circle supt., Miss Irene Douglas; Band supt., Baby Band supt., Hicks; and Mrs. Ed Norminton; press sec.. Miss Hattie Sutherland. The meeting was closed with the bene­ diction. I The given, Mrs. reports very gratifying: gave the Home Helji- Mrs. Drysdale gave the Missionary Month- gave the trea- A letter was read of You", accom- Drysdale at the Brook gave a work of given by president, Winnipeg A. on the which was , Dominion C. E. A. CAVEN CONGREGATIONAL CIRCLE The regular meeting of the Ca- ven Congregational Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Rose Russell on Wednesday afternoon last, Mrs. Russell acting as president in Mrs. Mitchell’s absence and opened the meeting with hymn 64. Scripture reading was also taken by Mrs. Mason followed by the daily prayer ip unison. Hymn 173 was then sung, and the roll call was answer­ ed. The committees were then ap­ pointed as follows; Sick and shut- in, Mrs. Willard and Mrs. White; envelopes, Mrs. Pollen; lunch, Mrs, Strang, Miss Weekes and Mrs. Flynn program, Miss Jeckell; hostess, Miss Jeckell. Mrs. Strang gave an excellent report for the year. It was moved and seconded by Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Pollen that the fol­ lowing officers be appointed for the coming year: President, Mrs. A. Moir; vice-pres., Mrs. Pilon; sec., Mrs. Willard; treas., Mrs. Dow; press reporter, Mrs, Flynn; auditors, Mrs. Cann and Mrs. Sil- lery. It was also moved and sec­ onded by Mrs. White and Miss Hat­ ter that a Red Cross meeting be called some time in December to elect new officers, then gave a good report on Cross work. The meeting was favored with a lovely solo by Blanche Senior. Mrs. Mason ed a vote of thanks to Miss Senior, ■also to the hostess and all those closed a dain- Miss Jeck..li Red then Miss mov- taking part The meeting with hymn 172, after which ty lunch was served. Aesop second Two thousand years ago said: “It’s better to be the husband of a widow than the first.” FIRE AT LUCAN DESTROYS FLOUR MILL Fire of unknown origin broke out on the top floor, completely destroying the Lucan mill on Sat­ urday afternoon, gutting the inter­ ior and destroying the machinery and stock. The mill had not been in operation on Saturday. W. A. McGowan, superintendent for Rob Roy Flour Mills Limited, owners, had visited the building about 3.40 p.m., did a few chores and was about to leave when a passerby in­ formed him that smoke was com­ ing from the roof. No explanation has been offered as to how the fire started. Mr. McGowan had in- | tended to start the fire but owing i to the weather had not done so. The Lucan fire brigade respond­ ed to the alarm promptly but fire had gained fierce headway, floors collapsed quickly under weight of stock and machinery, only valuables saved were mill’s papers. The replacement value along with the building was estimated at about §60,000, par­ tially covered by insurance. Fire­ men were busy well into the night protecting the dwellings near tlie mill. the The the The the DEATH OF BAYFIELD RESIDENT The death occurred on Friday at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, of Jennie Nicholson, daughter of the late Wm. Nicholson of Bayfield in her 76 th year. The funeral took place on Monday at 2 p.m. from the home of her brother, John Nichol­ son, on the Mill Road. Rev. Hugh Jack of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, conducted the services, with interment in the Bayfield Cemetery. ►►► •./a „ mi roust?: nil's coiv < d HAS Mt } When a Cold “takes hold it pays to know- w HOW TO RELIEVE DISTRESS FAST THIS PROVED VICKS WAY Now you can relieve misery and dis­ comfort of your children’s colds ... with a “VapoRub Massage.” It’s one successful way to ease bronchial irritation and coughing, re­ lieve muscular soreness and tightness, help clear clogging mucus and make breathing easier. Results are so good with this MORE THOROUGH treatment (perfected by the Vick staff) because the valuable poultice-and-vapor action of Vicks VapoRub more effectively . . . Penetrates irritated air passages with soothing medicinal vapors, inhaled deeply with every breath, Stimulates chest and back like an old-fashioned warming poultice or plaster. To get a “ VapoRub Massage” with all its benefits—massage VapoRub for 3 full minutes on IMPORTANT RIB­ AREA of THE BACK as well as.on the chest and throat—then spread a thick layer of VapoRub on the chest and cover,with a warmed cloth. And al­ ways remember—to use genuine time- tested VICKS VAPORUB. Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. A. Darling of Exeter have announced the engagement of their eldest daughter, Grace, of London, to Kenneth Schlimme, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Schlimme, of Woodstock, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of De­ cember. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson of Auburn have announced the en­ gagement of their daughter, Mar­ garet Gertrude, to Mr. Ray Wilson O’iNeill, of Parkhill. The marriage will take place quietly the latter part of December.I gone htj s them from to surren- value and dispose of Us­asst, pianist, Mrs. T. J Missionary Monthly1 sec., M. Dryjsdale; ChT,istian> W. strangers’ and Mrs. sec.. Miss Mission Miss Kay Drysdale; Mrs. Kenned assistants, Mrs. Geo. Hess REMOVAL OF LICENSE PLATES FROM VEHICLE TO BE SEIZED FOUND NOT A THEFT Charge Against Centralia Man Dismissed removal of license plates vehicle about to be seized acceptance corporation be- monthly payments are in ar- does not constitute theft, in effect, was the ruling of T. M. Costello, at Goderich The from a by an cause rears This, Judge on Friday of last week when he ac­ quitted Andrew R. Bell, of Cen­ tralia, of a charge “that he did steal license plates of a tractor trailer, the property of General Motors Acceptance Corporation.” Accused was not put on his de­ fence, the judge granting a motion for dismissal made by Frank Don­ nelly, defence counsel, at the con­ clusion of ,tlie crown evidence. Magistrate Hawkshaw had commit­ ted Bel] for trial at Exeter on July 5 last. Judge Costello remarked that Bell, the accused, had no intention of stealing the markers which had cost him §129, two months pre­ vious, when he removed •the truck he was about no cash made to Officer Taylor had agent that Bell was In any event markers could der. They had no attempt was them. Traffic told the G.M.C. sincere in his belief that the mark­ ers were his. The judge added that if a mis­ take was made it was an honest one. have been obtained if an informa­ tion had been laid under the H.T.A. charging Bell with failure to' turn them in to the department and Bell would have been ilable to a fine. The evidence disclosed that when Bell refused to hand the markers over to the acceptance corporation’s agent a charge of theft was laid against him, police seizing plates. Witnesses heard were C. Burr, car dealer of Forest; Geo. Pen war­ den, Centralia garage man; P. Walden, G.M.C. agent; Weatherdon, car salesman, Traffic Officer Taylor. DIAMOND JUBILEE John Bert Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurm of Zurich celebrated their Diamond (60 th) wedding anniversary Saturday, December 7 th. Wurm was 87 years of age on cember 4th and Mrs. Wurm be 7'8 on December 15th: they both enjoying good health. Wurm is gifted with a wonderful memory of incidents and condi­ tions of the past and is very inter* esting to listen to, being one of the pioneers of Zurich. I 11”roubles Telephone lines running through trees encountered frequent "trouble”. Mod­ ern telephone cable on private right-of-way is rel- free>»t SB/// / / / wOB GEO. W. LAWSON Manager TK/TODERN telephone plant is built to offer maximum resistance to "trouble” of any sort. When trouble does occur, we aim to make repairs before your service is affected. Sixty years of telephone research and operation add up to a great deal of specialized experience. Telephone engineers can now anticipate with greater accuracy the causes leading to trouble. They don’t wait for wear and tear, or an emer­ gency to announce itself; they attack it before it interferes! This activity is called ''preventive maintenance” — and telephone people are very proud of it. The cumulative effect of preventive maintenance, plus improved design, reduced troubles per tele­ phone by 43 per cent in the period 1926 to 1929 and this improvement continues. Since then "trouble” once in 8 months per telephone has been reduced to an average of one trouble in 14 months! Performance at peak efficiency is de­ manded —- and as far as is humanly possible, is delivered to every user of telephone service.