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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-12-12, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE xjuuwax, »iw. »ati>, wo -------— , .......... Coming touHensall X C. R. Wilkinson, R.O. Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W, O. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con sult me. Hours 10 a.m, to 6 pun- Phone 16 Hensail for appointment Old and New Time Novelty CHRISTMAS DANCE Town Hall, Hensall Friday, December 13th Dancing 9 to 1 Music by MURDOCH’S ORCHESTRA General Admission, 25c Proceeds for XMAS TREE FUND wwhimijwiwii—rm rwii HENSALL Mr. Bill Glenn of Woodstock spent Saturday at his home. Mrs. P. H. Devlin spent Tuesday in Stratford on business. Miss Mary Thompson spent the week-end with friends in London. Dr. Harry Joynt of Byron spent Saturday visiting with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Miss Helen Glenn of London spent the week-end at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn. Miss Irene Douglas of London, spent Friday with relatives and friends in the village. Mr. Don Wiggins of the staff of the Bank of Montreal spent the week-end at his home in Goderich. Mrs.’ Steer of Mt. .Brydges is spending a few days at the home of her son, Dr. D. G. Steer. Mrs. D. G. Steer is spending a few days this week visiting with her mother, Mrs. Brazier in London. Mrs. D. Walks, Mr. and Mrs. Al Kerslake and Billy spent Tuesday in London The annual Sabbath School con cert will be held in che schoolroom of Carmel Presbyterian Church on Monday evening,, December 23rd. The many friends of Mrs, Wm. Davidson will be pleased to hea>’ she is much improved after her recent illness. Miss Mae Schwalm and friend of London spent Sunday with the for mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm. Mrs. Robt. Bonthron will cele brate her 87th birthday at her home here on Thursday. Mrs. Bonthron will be at home to her friends in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and two daughters of Detroit attended the Finch-Glenn wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn on Sat urday. The Christmas Concert of S.S. No. 1, Tuckersmith, will be held on Friday evening, December 20th. The program will commence at 7.45 sharp. The proceeds will be given to the Red Cross. Mr. J. W. Ortwein will on Christmas Day observe his ninety- first birthday, and on New Year’s Day Mr. and Mrs. Ortwein will cele brate their fifty-first wedding an niversary. Rev. Wm. Weir conducted servic es in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The choir sang two anthems, “The Voice of Many Wa ters” and “Lead Me O Lord”, solo ist. Mrs. W. A. MacLaren. Mr. Wm. Simpson Of Detroit spent the week-end with his grand mother, Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. He was accompanied home by his mother, Mrs, Lou Simpson, wno has been spending several weeks in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie. Sr., of Kippen moved into the resi dence which they recently our- chased from Mr. Geo. Ferguson and are getting nicely settled We welcome Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie to our village. The members of Carmel Church choir are preparing a cantata en titled “The World’s Redeemer” un der the able leadership of Mr. W. A. MacLaren. This cantata will be presented on Sunday, December 22nd. • Keep the date open for the nov elty dance, Friday. December 13th, sponsored by the Chamber of Com merce, proceeds for the commun ity Christmas Tree. Balloons, streamers, noisemakers and fun ga lore. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser vices in the United Church on Sun day and delivered a very fine dis course on “The Leadership of the Bible”, at the evening service. The choir sang two anthems entitled “Sing to God" and “To Be With Jesus.’* Mrs. Alex Buchanan celebrated her eighty-first birthday with a family dinner. Many gifts and con gratulatory messages were receiv ed. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Buchanan of London, Ont.; Reeve and Mrs. George Armstrong and their fam ily were present. ♦ The Hensall Senior Institute held their Christmas meeting at the. home of Mrs. G. M. Drysdale on Wednesday evening. The roll call was answered with a gift for the Sick Children’s Hospital in Lon don. The annual Community Christmas Tree has been erected in front of the town hall and presents a very fine appearance with its colorful lights. Gifts and candy will be dis tributed by Santa Claus on Satur day, December 21st> at 2.3U in the afternoon. The Arnold Circle and Mission Band of Carmel Presbyterian Church held a very successful after noon tea and home baking and can dy sale in the school room of the church on Saturday afternoon. Mrs, Roy Bell and Mrs. Melvip Moir were m charge of the home cooking booth; Miss Violet Hyde had charge of the apron booth and Misses Mina McEwen, Donna McEwen, Marion Sangster and Mildred Purdy were in charge of the candy; Miss Beryl Ehaff had charge of the tea tables which were beautifully arranged and decorated in Christmas decora tions. Assisting were Misses Helen Moir, Lois MacLaren, Mabel Work man and Mrs. Geo. Walker. A very beautiful tulip autograph guilt which the Arnold Circle members made for Mrs. (Rev.) W, A. Young in Fergus was on display. Bride and Groom Honored A large number of neighbours and friends gathered in Watson’s Hall, Kippen, on Monday evening in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mc Kenzie, Jr., who were recently mar ried. Dancing was enjoyed to the strains of Murdoch’s orchestra. Dur ing the evening Mr. and Mrs. Mc Kenzie were presented with a stu dio couch. The address was read oy Mr. Howard Hyde. The groom made a very fitting reply. All join ed in singing, “For They Are Jolly Good .Fellows”. Attend Fu.n’eral of Uncle Messrs, A. L, Case and G. M. Case attended the funeral of their uncle, Dr. T. E. Case of Toronto, which was held in St. Paul’s Ang lican Church, Dungannon, on Mon day. Interment in Dungannon Cemetery, The late Dr. Case went to Dungannon at the age of thirty where he began to practise. Ho practised there for forty-three years. He suffered a stroke thir teen years ago and then sold his practice tn Dr. A. S. Vockes of Blyth, after which he moved to Toronto, where he has resided ever since. The deceased was in his 8 6 th year, and is survived by his widow, one daughter, Miss Ethel Case of the Toronto staff of teach ers and three sons, Benson, Toron to; Howard, Saskatchewan and Dr. George Case, near Toronto. Young People Hear Interesting' Reports of Summer Camp The Young People’s Union held their ’ regular meeting on Monday evening when the program was ar ranged by Misses Ruth Brook and Elva McQueen and Miss Mary Good win, a delegate of the Young People’s Society and Bob Hess and Howard Love, delegates from the Sabbath School, who attended Sum mer Camp School at Goderich this year. Miss Elva McQueen presid ed and the meeting commenced with a sing-song, the songs of which were shown by the lantern.. The Scripture was read by Howard Love and Miss Mary Goodwin gave an interesting address on “A Day at Camp.” Bob Hess played a me- dly of songs which were sung at Camp. Interesting pictures were shown on the screen, which were taken at camp and Miss Ruth Brook very ably described the’scenes. The meeting closed by singing “Sun of My Soul” and the benediction. Presentation A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Miss Audrey Coch rane on Thursday evening in hon or of a popular bride, Miss Mona Glenn, whose marriage took place on Saturday, when a number of the girl friends of the bride were present. Many were unable to at tend owing to weather conditions. A sumptuous dinner was served from a beautifully arranged taele, decorated With red, white and blue candles, and flags and place cards with flags. Following the din ner the bride was presented with a walnut end table and wall mir ror. Miss Audrey Cochrane read the address and Miss Kathleen Jones presen text the gifts. The bride made a very fitting reply, af ter which contests were enjoyed Mrs. Malcolm Douglas spent a few days last week visiting with relatives in Toronto. Mission Circle Elects Officers The Mission Circle of the United Church held their regular supper meeting on Friday evening at the home of Miss Ruth Brook. A num ber of Christmas carols were sung and Miss Edna Saundercock had charge of the worship period. Thp following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Miss Barbara Sheppard; vice-pres., Miss es Gladys Passmore and Elva Mc Queen; treas., Miss Norma Cook, sec., Miss Kay Drysdale; press sec., Miss Gladys McKenzie; pian ist. Miss Ruth Brook; lunch comm., Misses Mary Clarke, Mary Goodwin and Edna Sauudercock, Miss Irene Douglas gave the topic on "Letters from Missionaries in Japan." The letters were read by Misses Gladys Passmore, Ruth Brook, Elva Mc Queen, Nellie Fee, June Saunder- coek and Andrey Twitchell, Toys are to be packed by the members for the Friendship House In Lon don, Finch-^Glenn The home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn was the scene of a very pret ty wedding on Saturday at 6 p.m. when their youngest daughter* Mona Stewart was united in marriage to William Wheatley, son of Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Finch of Clinton. The ceremony was performed in the spacious living room under an arch, centred with a white wedding bell. Rev. R, A. Brook officiated. The attractive bride looked charm ing in a floor-length gown of white chiffon, shoulder-length veil and carried a bouquet of American Beauty Roses, Miss Helen Glenn of London, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing a floor-length gown of turquoise blue and carried a bouquet of Briarcliff© Roses. The wedding music was played by Miss Kay Drysdale. Mr. Ross Finch, brother of the groom, was best man Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to about thirty' guests. The bride’s table was arranged with crystal and silver, roses, pink and white streamers, and centred with the wedding cake. Serving were Miss Phyllis Gill, Grand Bend, Miss Ruth Lavis, Clin ton and Misses Margaret Glenn and Margaret MacGregor, Hensall. La ter the young couple left on a honeymoon trip, the bride travel ling in a blue wool crepe dress, black coat and hat, both trimmed with mink. They will reside in Clinton. Additional Hensall news will be found on another page. CENTRALIA Mrs. Harris West visited for a couple of days last week with Miss es Iva and Ila Willis in Exeter. Mr. Scotty Raynham of the R.C.AJF. in Trenton spent the week-end with his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Simpson of Ail- sa Craig visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Simpson on Sunday. Messrs. Hugo and Carl Thean- der have returned ’home after spending a week in Toronto. Lorraine Stewart, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. R. N. Stewart of Teeswater recently underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Whigham Hospital. Friends in Cen tralia wish Lorraine a speedy re covery. On Thursday evening, December 19 th, the Centralia Home and School Club will hold their Christ mas concert and tree in the school. The first half of the program will be put on by the Home and School Club and the latter part by the school children. Be sure and come A real treat is in store for you LEAVE YOUR ORDER for some IICE BOX FLOWERS I AN IDEAL GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS HEATED PASSENGER CAR AMBULANCE SERVICE equipped with wheeled cot T. Harry Hoffman Funeral & Ambulance Service Phone 70 Dashwood I swaiwaw—ms ituniiM. »■■■—y— —w ELIMVILLE A joint quilting of Red Cross and Mission Circle quilts was held in the basement of the church on Friday of last week. There wasn’t a very large number present as the roads were almost impassable in some places. A Sunday School meeting was held in the evening. Two other ouilts for the Red Cross are being quilted in ■•liomes this week. Quite a rush has been made on sugar beets the latter part of, last week and the beginning of this to finish up for this year. No regrets will be felt on the part of either growers or haulers. Mr. Robt. Woods is under the doctor’s care. He has been quite ill for some days. We hope he will soon show improvement. Mr. and Mrs. L. Battersby and family of Exeter; Mr, and Mrs. Harry Roder of Dashwood; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Gould of the Lake Road visited the ladies’ father, Mr, Wes Heywood, who has been indisposed for a few days. "C” 'Company Hussars were en tertained in London on Tuesday night CREDITON-—-Tlw heavy snowfall of the past week has resulted in burying the natural food supply of the pheasants which have been pro pagated in this district. Maliy farmers have been carrying the birds food from their grain sup plies. Read Your Label DASHWOOD Specials in Shampoo and Finger waving from now until Christmas. We have had a new dryer installed. Phone 70, Gertrude Hoffman. The Christmas entertainment in Dashwood Public School will be held on Thursday evening, Decem ber 19th. A cordial invitation to all to attend. „ The storm last week left the roads in a vey unfavorable con dition. Traffic was ’almost at a standstill for a few days and the mail had to be taken part way by horses. 'However since the plow has gone through things are much more satisfactory, Mr. Albert Mil ler underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils in Dr, Tay lor's office last week. Miss Leona Fischer is taking his place in the store during his absence. The entertainment in the Evan gelical church will be held on Sun day evening, iDec, 22nd. Mr. Albert Goetz is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Coxon in Zurich. CREDITON Mrs. Walter Clark and Mrs. Jos. Lawson, who have been quite ill are registering improvement. Mrs. Garfield Hill is well on the road to a complete recovery. Mr. W. H. Wood of Toronto is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr, Mr. Gerald Zwicker recently un derwent an operation in .St, Joseph’* Hospital, London, and is getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. Tell'er, manager of the Can adian Bank of Commerce returned home from St. Joseph’s Hospital. London, on Sunday afternoon. He is registering improvement and it is the hope of all that very soon he will effect a complete recovery. At the United Church next Sun day evening there will be a carol service. The minister will weave around each carol sung a sermon- ette. All welcome to this carol ser vice. The choir will include in its carol work for the evening, two carols, one of which will be “Silent Night” and “Dear to the Heart of Christendom.” Ciediton W. I, The Christmas meeting of the Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Ewald with a good attendance present. As the presi dent was unable to attend, Mrs. Lawrence Wein presided. The meeting opened by singing “God Save the King”, the “Ode” and re peating the Lord’s prayer in uni son. The roll call was answered and each member gave a donation to the Red Cross. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted and considerable business discussed. Miss Alma Smith then took the chair for the following program; Song, “O Little Town of Bethlehem”; paper on Legislation by Mrs. Emery Fahrner; solo by Mary King; poems by Mrs. Chris. Haist and solo by Donald Fink- beiner. After the exchange of gifts a ‘Candy’ contest was held. A delightful lunch was served by Mrs. Ewald, Mrs. E. K. Fahrner, Mrs. M. W. Telfer and Mrs. Gerald Zwicker. The next meeting is to' be held on the evening of Jan. 6 a.t the home of Mrs. Chris. Haist to which the husbands are invited GRAND BEND On Thursday evening, December 5. Mrs Leesonie Desjardine enter tained at a delightful birthday par ty for her daughter, Joy. After spending a jolly hour in games, the twelve guests, playmates from the B Line school, sat down to a table centred with the birthday cake, gaily lighted with 1'3 candles. Mrs. Maxim Desjardine assisted the host ess in serving. Miss Mary Yeo returned to De troit with her brother, George, tn spend a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Webb re turned to their home in Lansing, Mich., after visiting for a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Webb and Mrs. Webb’s parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Sol Pollack. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turubnll. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turnbull spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt. Mr. Jake Switzer is building a new house in Exeter and has moved temporarily there while finishing it. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Wells and Miss Velma Baker of Exeter speur. Sunday with Mrs. Ettie Baker. Mr. Carmen Lovie visited at his home on Sunday. He is in training in Woodstock. Mrs. Frank Geromette is ou th» sick list at present Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pollock of Detroit are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brenner. Ml’. Eldie Gill and Mr. Stanley Gill visited at Windsor on Sunday Mrs. Leslie Turnbull is laid up with a broken bone in her foot. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown of Greenway visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker on Sunday, Mr. Bert Craig has gone to Au burn to open a garage where he expects to move, in the near future. Miss Enid Holt has gone to Lon don to take up hair dressing. Mr. Geo. Mason is on the sick list. Everyone is hoping for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mike Gratton had the mis fortune to fall on the ice on Mon day and break her arm. Mrs. Mary Shank of California is visiting her sister, Mrs. Richard Webb at present. Mr. Wilbur Dewey of Hudson re turned home this week. Mr, Dewey fishes up In the north country and reports very cold weather there. Christmas Suggestions The new Budget is affecting the Furniture industry a great deal. If you are thinking of buying a new Dining-Room or Bedroom Suite, make your purchases early. We under stand the furniture manufacturers cannot buy raw lumber or fancy veneers from the United States. This has been the source of these products for years past, LAMPS On all Electrical applianc es there has been an excise tax imposed of 25 per cent. This effects our Lamps, so don’t put off buying that Tri-Lite or Table lamp. We have a very large stock pur chased before the Budget came down. Tri-Lite lamps complete with Silk Tailor ed Shade and four bulbs at $9.95 This is a very heavy stand in Bronze, Ivory, and Gold and Antioue Copper finish. Table lamps from $3.00 indirect table lamps as high as $11.50 to SHJPKA Annual Meeting The annual meeting o£ the La dies’ Aid was held Monday, ’Decem ber 9th at the home of Mrs. Wm. Ratz. The 2nd vice-president pre sided, with a good atendance. Tne meeting opened with singing hymn “0 Come All Ye .Faithful”, prayer by Rev. Mr. Turner. Scripture les son, Matt. 2, by Miss Pearl Keyes. Roll call, responding by the name of their favorite hymn All reports were given and adopted, all of ■which were encouraging. It was decided to send fruit, cake, can dies to the sick and the shut-ins at Christmas. Christmas gifts were exchanged by the ladies which was much enjoyed by all. Christmas carols were sung, led by Rev. Tur ner. Mrs. Roy Ratz favored with an instrumental; Mrs. Albert Gais- Practical Xmas Gifts SKATING OUTFITS $3.75 to $6.50 HOCKEY STICKS To suit all, at reasonable prices. Nut Crackers, 15c and 25c Nut Crackers and Picks in sets* 50c Cutlery, Pocket, Butcher, Paring and Bread Knives Scissors PENLIGHTS, FLASHLIGHTS Batteries and Bulbs g THIS YEAR MAKE g | LINDENFIELD’S i YOUR, HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING H PHONE 181 Specializing in Tinsmithing and Plumbing EXETER |B. WMNttMi Don’t fail to see our Bedroom Suite with Radio built in bed. This is the last word in comfort and is something entirely different OTHER CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Coffee Tables, End Tables, Living Room Tables, Occasional Chairs, Dinner Wagons, Smokers* Magazine Racks, Card Tables, Foot Stools, Doll Buggies, Child’s Rockers, Mirrors and Fancy Cushions .... Chesterfield Suites .... Make your home comfortable and family happy for years to come with a beautiful Chesterfield Suite. We have a good stock of two or three piece suites purchased before the advance in price, in the newest shades and covers. Make your selection early. We will store and deliver at Christinas time E. R. Hopper’s Furniture Store, Exeter Phone 99 er gave a Christmas reading. Of- i ficers for 1941 were elected as fol lows: Pres., Mrs, Roy Ratz; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Ernest Keyes; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner; sec., Mrs. Wm. .Sweitzer; asst, sec., Mrs. Wm. Ratz; corr, sec., Mrs. E. Keyes; treas.. Miss Pearl Keyes, asst. Treas., Mrs. J, Ratz; mission ary treas., Mrs. Ed Lamport; pian ist, Mrs. Milton Ratz; asst, pianist, Mrs. L. Turner; flower comm., Mrs. P. Ratz, Mrs. L. Finkbeiner, Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer; parsonage comm., Mrs. Milt. Ratz, Mrs. Albert Gai- ser, Mrs. Major Baker; chaplain, Mrs. J. Ratz, Mrs. Albert Gaiser. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ed Lamport. The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev Turner. Dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Latta have moved to near Chatham. SPENCER Deluxe Streamlined RANGES with patented oven and SPIRAL type grates which have proven to be the most economical yet devised. Also many others to choose from. Large assortment of MITTS AND GLOVES in Cotton and Leather as low as 15c FLOOR MOPS Assorted Colors 59c to $1/75 Residence 63 Sung at an Intersection Motors of the great remind us, We must be as spry as birls. Or we’ll leave the world behind us, In a flow of nauvhty words. Pedestrian DANCE to CLAYTON STEEPER KIPPEN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13th There is fun for all. Be on hand. CL Watson, Manager Aluminum COOKING UTENSILS will soon be off the market As yet we have a large as sortment to choose from. Prices have not risen. What could be more service able than an assortment TOOLS for the home or farm. Electric TOASTERS, IRONS WARMING PADS Westinghouse Mazda LAMPS of