HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-12-12, Page 4U'Hl K3DAY, PBT, lath, 1910 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE El..„ COOK’S Hensail Rock Bottom Cash Stores IT’S TOPS CANADA’S FINEST Lx' I A LONG LASTING—ECONOMICAL TOILET SOAP bar Christmas Coffee 28c lb- Tea ...,32c PEANUTS shell or shelled CANDY 1 lb. B. Powder 25c 15c lb.English Breakfast BACON- lb. 29c 2 lbs. 25c ^kNEW tr ICING SUGAR ORANGES 17c 3 lbs. 25c New Crop OCjr per dozen UNICES Pkg- EXETER Phone 58 COOKS ROCK BOTTOM CASH STORES The Store That Gives You Value HENSALL Phone 46 W?.: Frozen Foods BRITAIN BAGS 3,006 PLANES OVER LAND, COASTAL WATERS THE NEW MARVEL PIG STARTER ..SEA FOODS Shrimp l/2 lb. 30c. 1 lb. 60c. l/a lb. 22c. 1 lb. 40c. per Cooked Fresh ... Fillets of Cod ......... 17c. (Tops in Sea Food) Haddie (smoked) 20c. Ciscoes ................... 22c. O------0-------0 Strawberries Dry Pack ... pts. 20c.; qts. 35c. per per lb. lb. lb. Chicken (drawn) 22 c. per lb. EXETER FROZEN FOODS Phone 70 HIS HORSE Throughout the night her hus­ band had been muttering “Florrie,” and at breakfast she tackled him. “Florrie?” he echoed. “Oh, that’s the horse I backed yesterday.” A day or two later a letter arriv­ ed and wifie opened it. When hub­ by came home that night she hand­ ed it over to- him. ‘‘Your horse has written to you,” was all she said. The Press Association said the Royal Air Force and anti-aircraft guns have shot down 3,006 planes over Britain and the coastal waters since the start of the war. Twen­ ty of them were Italian, the rest German, it said. The R.A.F., official sources said, destroyed 221 Axis planes over Britain and British waters during November, exclusive of planes de­ stroyed by anti-aircraft fire from ships or by the Fleet Air Arm. <These sources said 201 of the planes were Nazi and 20 Italian, and that in additioin eight Ger­ man planes were destroyed over Axis or Axis-occupied territory or waters. British losses over Britain and British waters in November were 53 planes, but 28 of the pilots were saved, according to these sources. In the Middle East and the Med­ iterranean area the Italians lost 5 8 aircraft in November against British planes. HEXITE Mfgd. by Kellogg Co., Limited of London This Starter is Highly Recom­ mended by the Biggest Hog Pro* ducer in this District R. G. SELDON & SON MOUNT CARMEL *.v* 18 weAfter all is said and done, come to the conclusion that a fel­ low really has to need a friend to know him. BIRTHS -At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos- Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Mrs. Godbolt’s 5, KEST LE pital on 11th, to Kestle, a HICKS - -At tai on Thursday, Dee. to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hicks, of Usborne, a daughter (Marilyn Faye). Decembei' David Hospi- 1940, WAGHORN—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital on Sunday, D.ec. Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Waghorn of Exeter, a daughter. NEALE At -Glencoe, on Decembei* 2nd, 1940, to Mrs. T. S. Neale, a son Dennis). Monday, Mr. and (Ronald DEATHS MAY—At 10 Arundel Ave., Toron­ to, on Sunday, December 9th, John May, formerly of Exeter. CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. Cecil J. Stewart wish to express their sincere thanks to the friends for the kindness ex­ tended to their father, the late Mr. George Wilson, while a patient at Victoria Hospital, and also their sincere appreciation for the kind­ ness and sympathy extended during their Mr. bereavement. IN MBMO1UAM I THAMES ROAD The directors of the rink held their annual meeting at the church on Thursday night, Mr. R. Williams presiding. The election of officers was as follows: Pres., Mr. John Hodgert; vice-pres., Mr. Percy Pass- more; see-treas., William Cann. Quite* a number of improvements were made during the year. A wa­ ter system, overhead lights and a dressing room were installed. The directors go into the new year free of debt. Mr. Percy Passmore attended the Agricultural meeting held at Ciin­ ton on Monday. Rev. Wm. Mair lost his valuable Jersey cow. Mrs. Laura Kay and Mrs. John Hackney are visiting in Sarnia and Detroit. In order to get to Exeter they went with team and sleigh to Russeldale and from there motored to Mitchell and Clinton and then to Exeter. The work of redecorating the in­ terior of the church has been com­ pleted and the re-opening services will be held Sunday morning next at 11.1’5 when Rev. Duncan McTavish of London will be the special speak­ er. Special music will be furnished by the choir cc FINKBEINER—In loving memory of our dear mother, Magdalena Finkbeiner, who passed away 13 years ago, December Sth, 1927, and our dear father, who passed away 7 years ago, December 12th, 1933. Then when the twilight gathers, And the Master calls for me, I will gladly take mJ- journey With my face turned Where there will be row, All is joy, and peace And we shall all be united In the mansion up above; In our hearts they live forever, Missed, remembered, though above, lTes, they live, our dearest parents, Treasured in our deathless love. —Ever remembered by Family. to the sea, no more sor- and love, CHARGE IS DISMISSED AGAINST CLINTON MAN KIRKTON Dr. G. H. Jose attended County Council held at Stratford -this past week. The pupils attending St. Marys Collegiate from the village and vicinity had to remain in town all week, owing to the roads being- blocked, Mr. John ‘O’Brien was taken to Stratford General Hospital. Mr. Horace Greenstreet is having his house and barn wired for elec­ tricity, the work being done by Wallace Selves. Mrs. R. Rrock and little son visited the former’s parents, and Mrs. Morley of Whalen past week Mr. Malcolm Maloy has closed his home at Anderson and spend the winter months with Roy Francis. Y.P.U. Meeting- Tile Y.P.U. met at the parsonage on Monday night with 26 present. After singing a hymn, Mrs. Rapson led in prayer followed by the sing­ ing of the Lord’s Prayer by Jean Hocking. The Scripture lesson The was read by Jean worship service Raymond a poem, Mr. Bill Mr. this the told ATTENTION FARMERS HAVE YOUR POULTRY DRESSED See Our New Machine for Dressing Poultry You are assumed of highest possible returns for your poultry from CANADA PACKERS PHONE 256 EXETER, ONT. F’ ZION How about a date for the school concert in the hall on Friday night? Mr. Austin Boland spent Tues­ day in London. Mr. A. McCann and son Bill spent Saturday in London. Mr. Jack Morrissey and Benny spent the week-end in Toronto. Miss Kate Carey returned home after spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Hamilton. Mr. John Mahoney and Mr. Jim Dalton, Jr., spent Saturday m London. Studio Couches and Sofa beds in good covers, with backs, spring filled cushions, some with arms as low as $2!8.'5O.. Wine, Mahoganj’ and Rust color. E. R. Hopper’s Fur­ niture Store, Exeter. * #* ■- * & Exeter Ladies’ Wear ‘Xj.X- extend to all A Very Happy Christinas Season iiiniiinniniiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuni $WE ARE GIVING AWAY WITH EVERY DRESS AT $3.95 OR OVER 1 pair of Penman’s Chiffon Hose as a Special Christmas Gift WE HAVE CUT OUR PRICES ON THE FEW REMAINING COATS TO LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURE. COME IN AND CHOOSE YOURS EARLY FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE GIFT SUGGESTIONS TO BE PURCHASED IN THIS STORE THE BALANCE OF HATS TO BE SOLD AT COST PRICES FOR MOTHER FOR DAUGHTER FOR INFANT Coat Coat Set Coat Set Dress Dress DressSlip Hose Slip Hose Sweater Blouse Pyjamas Booties Nightgown Sweater Pyjamas Pyjamas Housecoat Bonnet Gloves Bedjacket Lingerie Parka Hood Sleeping Bag Apron Ski Cap Mittens House Dress Gloves Crib Covers :1 will Mr. The Zion W.M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs, Wellington Brock on Thursday, December 12th. This will be the Christmas meeting and the Rev. Mr. Laing will give a Christmas address. Due to the bad roads the Happy Five spent the week-end in town. Mrs. William Moore visited with her mother, Mrs. Charles Jasques. The quilting for the Red Cross was held on Saturday at Zion School. Two quilts were Miss Laura is spending a Ross Hern. On Friday Cross Unit is holding a Bingo in the Zion School, the proceeds to go to the British War Victims' |Fund. The Zion Christmas Concert will be held on Thursday evening, De­ cember 19th, at Zion Church. Miss Hazel Stewart returned home on Sunday after visiting with her sister, Mrs. Warren Brock. Rundle of short time quilted. Woodham with Mrs. evening Zion Red NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others hav­ ing claims against the Estate of PHEOBE JANE PENHALE, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 18th day of November, 1940, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the or before the 23rd her, 1940. AND NOTICE GIVEN that after the said date the Executors will proceed to distrib­ ute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 3rd day of December, 1940. F. W. GLADMAN, Solicitor for Horace H. Pfaff and Thos. Harrison, Execu­ tors. undersigned on day of Decem- IS FURTHER County Judge J. M. Costello the Grand Jury .at Goderich on Wednesday of last week that he heartily agreed with their recom­ mendation that an auxiliary power plant be installed In the Countv Home in the event that Hydro failed as a fire protection His Honor said: “I may be a crank but I wonder what would happen to the old people at the home on a day such as today if the Hydro failed. I am going to see that your report is given wide cir­ culation where it will do the most good. I hope that county officials will take cognizance of the report. I cannot stress too strongly that we can always afford money for purposes of this kind.” Charge is Dismissed Antoine Garon, 34, Clinton busi­ ness man was found not guilty of dangerous driving by a Jury so in­ structed by Judge Costello, after a motion for dismissal by defence counsel Douglas Haines had been argued for 9 0 minutds by both de­ fence and crown counsels with the jury in retirement. The crown rested its case at noon on Wednesday and immediately the court resumed in the afternoon Haines asked for dismissal as evidence had been produced of degree of negligence which the cused was charged; that there no evidence of speed given by crown witnesses and nothing criminal in­ dicated. Judge Costello reviewed the evi­ dence and said that it takes very little force behind one car to cause very serious injuries. “Certainly i have a strong feeling against the man or boy who drives his car recklessly without regard for the safety of others,” His Honor said, but 90 per cent of the accidents are caused by too fast driving. I have come to the conclusion there was no evidence of criminal negli­ gence.” < Evidence was given in the case by Provincial Constable Taylor. William Colquhoun, who with a Mr. Thompson were in the Garon car and by two other hockey players from Clinton, Monteith and who were in a car driven by Fingland. K.C., of Clinton. The case arose out of an dent on highway No. 4, last March 23 when Frank Fingland, K.C., was seriously injured during a bad snow storm. It was alleged by the crown that a car driven by Mr. Gar­ on collided with Mr. Fingland’s car T know what hunger is, Unsatisfied. And well I know how brave A thing is pride, know the sorrow Of a friendship lost know that love can be An urge, a call know your love—-to me Is best of all. I I I Mr. no the ac- was Cook, A. F. acct- Hocking. The Scripture was read by Leona Doupe. poem, “Peace”, Denham. The closed with a hymn. Paynter read the lesson; ____ _ “Neighbors” was read by Jack Ur­ quhart after the business part. A duet was sung by Mrs. Wm. Urqu­ hart and Miss T. Tufts. “Peace in our Time” was Alvin Crago after which tional Anthem was sung meeting was closed. GREENWAY WOODHAM The topic, given by the and Na- the atThe attendance was down both church and Sunday School services last Sunday, owing a great deal to road conditions. Some cases of flu are reported in this district. The W.M.S. have postponed their regular meeting till next Wednes­ day, December 18th, when election of officers will take place. The Young people’s Union held their regular Sunday evening ser­ vice on Friday night of last week, when election of officers took place with several changes. We are sorry to know that Mrs. Whitfield Switzer is ill in bed, with Dr. Campbell in attendance, hope she will soon be up again. BRINSLEY We A large bombing plane from Crumlin airport made a forced landing on the farm of Bean Bro­ thers, concession 4. The occupants were three New Zealanders and an American pilot who were unhurt. On account of the weather condi­ tions the plane has not yet been removed. There were no church services in the St. Mary’s church or the United Church on Sunday owing to the condition of the roads. The Christmas concert will be held in the United Church Thursday, Dec. 19th. The day school will assist with the program. Wedding bells are ringing in our midst. on WINCHELSEA The Friendly Workers’ Mission Band held their regular monthly meeting on Saturday, December 7th, at the home of Mrs. Geo. Davis with 8 members present. The el­ ection of officers was held and re­ sulted as follows: Leader, M',rs. R. E. Pooley; asst., Mrs. Sherwood Brock; Pres., Marion March; vice- pres., Mildred Miller; sec., Norma Fletcher; asst, sec., Patsy Johns; treas.. Gladys Batten; corr. sec., Kathryn Batten; pianist, Leona' Rym; singing leaders, Wanda Ste­ phen and Lois Coward; temperance Annie Elf ord; Worlds’ Friends sec., Wilma Veal; Copper Contest, Joan Batten and Betty Mair.z The Christmas meeting is to be held at the home of Dorothy Pooley and it was decided to exchange Christ­ mas gifts as before and a ten cent tea will be served at the close of the meeting. Miss Jean Davis spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin • Pym of Elimville, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. IF. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Delbridge and family of St. Marys visited on Sunday with Mrs. George Del- bridge, Mr. Joe Bailey spent a few days last week in Goderich acting oh the jury. London. report that been on the see her out Ail- Mr. re J. SCOTT late of the of Stephen in the Huron, Gentleman, de- The Red Cross Society are holding their meeting in the Corbett school on December 9th at 8.30 p.m. El­ ection of officers for 19 41 will take place at this meeting. Mrs. E. Stewardson has return­ ed home after spending a few weeks with friends in We. are sorry to Mrs. Dean Brown has sick list. We hope to again soon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Veitch of sa Craig visited recently with and Mrs. Langford Ridley. The W.M.S. quilting and 10 cent tea planned for this Thursday has been postponed indefinitely. Dakota has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Eggert. Messrs. Oscar and Willis Steeper are taking a month’s military train­ ing at Woodstock. NOTICE TO CREDITORS GEORGE Township County of ceased. CREDITORS and others having claims against the estate of the said deceased are required to send full particulars of such claims duly veri­ fied to either of the undersigned executors on or before the 14th day of December 1940 after which date the executors will proceed to dis­ tribute the assets of the said es­ tate, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been re­ ceived. Dated this 3 0th day of November, 1940. VERNE SHARPE, R.R. 2, Dashwood, Ont. CLIFFORD NEIL, 63'5 Dominion Public Bldg., Windsor, Ont. Executors- TOWNSHIP 01? STEPHEN NOMINATION AND ERECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Stephen will be held in the TOWN HALL, CREDITON MONDAN, DEC. 30th, 1940 At one o’clock in the afternoon’ purpose of making and re­ nominations for Reeve, Reeve and Councilmen. further notice is hereby event of more proposed and particular of- •to be elected, in the being for any required for the ceiving Deputy And given that candidates qualifying fice, than the proceedings will adjourn until MONDAY, JAN. 6th, .1941 when polls shall be opened at 9 o’clock, a.m., at the following­ places as fixed by the Township by-law: Sub-division 1, Mills’ Shop, Lot 5, Concession 1, W. B. Willert, D.R.O., Lloyd Hodgson, P.C.; Sub-division 2, Penhale’s kitchen, Lot 20, Con­ cession 2, Preston Dearing, D.R.O., Geo. Walker, P.C.; Sub-Division 3, Wenzel’s Barber Shop, Lot 11, Con­ cession 6, Thos. Trevethick, D.R.O., G. C. Morlock, P.C.; Sub-division 4, Town Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7, J. T. Hirtzel, D.R.O., J. H. Gaiser, P.C.; Sub-division 5, O’Rourke’s kitchen, Lot 10, Con. 12, Pat Sullivan, D.R.O., . Jas. Mawhinney, P.O.; Sub-division 6, Koehler’s Store, Lot 23, Con. N.B., Ed G. Kraft, D.R.O., Chester Gaiser, P.C.; Sub­ division 7, Sweitzer’s kitchen, Lot 10, Con. 17, John Houlahan, D.R.O., Major Baker, P.C.; Sub-division 8, Pollock’s Store, Lot 40, Con. S.B., Wm. Hicks, D.R.O., Mansel Hod­ gins, P.C.: Sub-division 9, Ravelie’s Store, LOt 1, Con. Sauble, Isaac Besterd, Jr., D.R.O., Wellwood Gill, P.C. In pursuance of The Local Gov­ ernment Extension Act 1940, the Council elected will hold office for two years. All Electors are here­ by requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. HERBERT K. EILDER, Returning Officer. Credlton, December 3rd, 1940 FARM AUCTION SALE of STOCK AND undersigned IMPLEMENTS. auctioneer hasThe received instructions to sell by pub­ lic aution on CONCESSION 4, STEPHEN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 1940, at 1.30 o’clock, the following: HORSES—2 good work horses. COWS—1 cow due in March. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder, cul­ tivator, disc harrow, walking plow, set harrows, wagon, light wagon, scuffler, sugar beet lifter, good set of harness, nearly new; whiffle- trees, chains, neckyokes, forks, mower and other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Cook stove, baby carriage. TERM'S—Cash MIKE URBAN, Proprietor. F. COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR. Auctioneer days of old when Knights were- bold And chivalry held sway, They took their orders from their- wives, Just as we do today. In Backache-Kidneys Cry for Mp Most people fail to recognize the seriousness of a bad back. The stitches, twitches, and twinges are bad enough and cause great suf­ fering, but back of the backache and the cause of it all is the dis­ ordered kidneys crying out a warn­ ing through the back. A pain in tho back is the kidneys ’ cry for help. Go to their assistance. Get a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills. A remedy for backache and sick, kidneys, “Doan’s” are put up in an oblong grey box with our trade mark a “Maple Leaf” on the wrapper. Refuse substitutes. Get “ Doan’s. ” ‘ The T. Milburn Co.. Ltd., Toronto, Ont..