HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-12-12, Page 1ESTABLISHED .1873 ^Extra Special 39c, 2 for 75c GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR MEN AND BOYS GIVE SILK HOSIERY Shirts—Braces—T ies Neck Scarves SweatersGloves Bath Robes Pyjamas BLANKETS BATH ROBES AND DRESSING GOWNS $2.95 each AXMINSTER AND Pillow Cases CONGOLEUM RUGS Christmas Groceries Low Prices Candies POULTRY SKATE OUTFITS WOMEN’S VELVET OVERSHOES See our special $1.00 Supersilk values in Chiffon, Crepe and Service Weight, Black, Brown, Grey and Green In all the newest styles Chenille Bed Spreads at $3.95 and $4.95 each Fancy Parasols Neck Scarves Black or All White Skating Outfits Nothing better for Christmas gifts. Our prices are as low as last year. for Ladies, Men, Boys and Girls See our special Chenlillel Bath Robes for Ladies and Misses 10 dozen men’s Ties, boxed. Regular 50c. On Sale 10 dozen Men’s Ties boxed singly. Regular price, $1'.00 On Sale, 69c ea. Large fresh stock. Oranges — Nuts All baking requirements Arm Bands Garters Initialed Linen and Bordered Handkerchiefs We will appreciate your order which will have our best attention. Fancy Linens Leather Handbags Fancy Towel Sets Sweaters Extra Special HOUSE SLIPPERS AS GIFTS Complete range of ©lippers for Men, Women artd Children. Very low prices. ...GROCERIES... 100 pairs plain white Jumbo Flannelette Blankets—extra large—full 2Va yards Idng whipped singly. On sale at This store will be open evenings commencing Wed. Dec, 18th ... Christmas Merchandise LADIES’, MISSES’ and GIRLS’ Winter Coats at Greatly REDUCED PRICES Every coat must go, regardless of cost. Handsome new coats at real bar­ gain prices. These would make a hand­ some Christmas gift. A few odd ladies’ coats clearing at $9.85 each NEW DRESSES FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON for LADIES and MISSES Just arrived.... Smart Styles.... Low prices. Dozens to choose from. GIFT SUGGESTIONS for LADIES and GIRLS Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes Bath Robes and Dressing Gowns Silk Hosiery and Underwear Lace Tablecloths at old prices Extra Special 25 Dozen Supersilk Crepe Hosiery New 'Fall shades. Very slight imperfec­ tions. Sizes 8% to A real bargain 79c pair All wool. A real bargain. Standard sizes. White with rainbow borders. While they last at $5.00 each Woolcoft—Wool and Cotton Blan­ kets. Bound singly. Beautiful colors. $2.25 each Reversibles in Same $2.95 each MEN’S AND BOYS’ OVERCOATS Newest styles and colors. Buy your new Overcoat now. We still have a few Young Men’s Overcoats at last year’s price, $15.00 each. Also a fine range of better ones at $17.00 to $25.00. Complete range of boys’ overcoats at $6.95 to $14.00 WINDBREAKERS, SKI CAPS, ETC. Hoisehide, Pigtex or Special All-Wool Windbreakers A real assortment to choose from All colors in Ski Caps GIRLS’ SNOW BOOTS All white Snow Boots with cosy fur tops. These make a very suitable Christ­ mas gift. .................................................. TENDER FOR BRIDGE TO BE IN NEXT TUESDAY Estimated cost is $30,000 According to a Canadian Press despatch from Toronto on Saturday the Ontario Department of High­ ways officials announce that plans and specifications for the new bridge at Exeter have been prepar­ ed and tenders for the contract are to be in by Tuesday of next week. According to their report no de­ lay has arisen in preparing for the new bridge since the other bridge collapsed in November. The bridge will be of concrete construction with two 45-foot spans and will cost about $30,000 of which the province will pay the ma­ jority and the municipality part. Whether or not a temporary bridge is erected will not be decid­ ed until after the tenders have been received, Jas. Ballantyne, M.L.A., has been in Toronto during the past week in an endeavor to speed up construction of a new bridge or pro­ vide a temporary bridge. IN MAGISTRATE’S COURT A fine of $5.OU was imposed on four persons in Exeter in the magis­ trate’s court for failure to procure radio licenses. In the absence of Magistrate Hawkshaw the court was presided over by Magistrate B. W. F. Beavers. This was Mr. Beavers’ first time on the bench since his appointment a number of years ago. A resident of Hay township was charged with the stealing of beans he pleaded guilty to the charge and had made restitution. He was given suspended sentence for one year on the payment of costs. Ernest Loomis, of Parkhill, driver of the Carlton Automobile Trans­ port of Oshawa which crashed the Exeter bridge on Nov. 2nd, was charged' by Traffic Officer Frank E. Taylor with reckless driving. Several witnesses were heard, case was dismissed for lack of ficieut evidence. , at attractive prices for Christmas Your Superior g Store B SANTA CLAUS TO VISIT EXETER The suf- CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND The Christmas Cheer Fund is meeting with a ready response from the public and children of Exeter cun be assured that Santa Claus will pay his annual visit when Christmas eve rolls around, A checking up is being made of the needs of various families and warm clothing and necessities will be provided as far as funds will per­ mit. Already several children have been provided with warm clothing. Last week we acknow­ ledged the receipt of $3 6.00. Fur­ ther contributions are as follows: F. W. Gladman, $1.00; K. J. Lampman, $1.00>; Miss L. M. Jeek- ell, $1.00; Lebanon Forest Lodge, A.F. & A.M., $10.00; R. N. Creech, $1.00; W, W. Taman, $1.00; DF. D. A. Anderson, $1.00; Grigg Sta­ tionery, $1.00; J. H. Jones, $1.0'0; Wm. May, $1.00; iF, A. May, $1.00, Total, $56.00. i on a Santa Claus will visit Exeter Saturday, December 21st and theatre party for the children will again be given but this time it will be on a somewhat different scale to that of last year. The theatre party is largely sponsored by the Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion and it is now proposed to provide transportation and entertainment for the Hensail public school scholars along with the scholars from Exeter and a few of the surrounding schools. By including the scholars from Hensail this year it will be impossible to accommodate as many schools from the country as was done Invitations will again be a parade will be held and an entertainment at Theatre the children will ed to candy and oranges. are a number of details yet to be worked out and a full announce­ ment will be made next week. last year, sent out; following Leavitt’s be treat- There DIED IN TORONTO Three days following the celebra­ tion of their golden wedding anni­ versary, Mr. John May, of 10 Arun­ del Ave., Toronto, and formerly of Exeter, was taken ill and on Sun­ day morning relatives in town re­ ceived word that he had passed away. Mr. May had not been well for some time and on two previous occasions had suffered partial paralytic strokes. He was born in Usborne township and the farm on which he was born, two and a half miles south of Exeter, was pur­ chased from the Canada Company by his grandfather, the late Wil­ liam May, a little over one hundred years ago, he being the first settlei* in this district. The farm, at that time, was all bush, and a clearing had to be made for the erection of a log cabin. Fifty years ago Nov. 30th. Mr. May was united in mar­ riage with Miss Sarah Alice At­ kinson ’and for a number of years they resided on a farm adjoining the homestead, ago they May was Danforth for years tile 0 fi­ ber eav- by ond spent a Twenty-five years moved to Toronto. Mr. an active member of the Ave. United Church and was a membei' of ficial Board. Besides his ed widow he is survived son, Rev. Russel May, who number of years in the West and is now stationed at Lakeside. Out,, also two daughters, Carrie and Minnie at home. Mr. Joseph May, of Exeter, is a brother, and Mrs. J. G. Jones and Mrs. H. T. Rowe are sisters. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from th© Danforth United Church with in­ terment in the Scarborough Mem­ orial cemetery. Mr. Joseph May, Mr. J. Hubert Jones and Mr. and Mrs, William Allison attended the funeral. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12th, 1940 GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Heywood, residents of Exeter, quietly cele­ brated their golden wedding anni­ versary on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Heywood’s maiden name was Harriet Sanders. Following their marriage they resided on a farm in Usborne and for almost twenty years have lived in Exeter. Their sons, Gordon and Victor Heywood, and their families, spent Tuesday afternoon and evening The ladies provided a dinner, also a wedding ated with the markings wedding anniversary, program was enjoyed, wood presiding at singing. Earl and several selections. joyed at the close of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Heywood received a purse of money presented to them by their sons and their families. They also received other gifts from friends and neighbors and many cards congratulating them on an occasion. BANQUET AT HENSALL FOR O.B.A. CHAMPIONS The officials and players of Hen­ sail Baseball Club, who won the Championship Cup of the O.B.A. were pleasantly entertained to a venison, dinner by the manager of th? team, Mr. Stanley Tudor at the Commercial Hotel on Monday even­ ing. the Baseball man for the the toast to responded to Kitchener. Goderich was present and delivered a. very fine address on sports. Mr. W. O. Goodwin favored with a vo­ cal solo, “There'll Always be a Hen- sall”, Rev. Wm. Weir gave a very interesting address. The Cham­ pionship Cup was presented to Mr. Duff Brown, captain of the team, by Mr, Arnold McConnell, of God­ erich, treasurer of the Huron-Perth Baseball League. A very pleasant feature of the evening was the pre­ sentation of an engraved lighter to the manager of the team, Mr. Stan­ ley Tudor, The presentation was made by Mr. Walter Spencer. Mrs. Tudor was presented with a beau­ tiful bouquet of flowers by Mr. E. L. Mickle. The evening concluded by the singing of “Auld Lang Syne ” Dr. D. G. Steer, president ofi Club, acted as chair­ evening and proposed the Ring which was by Mr. Lederman of Judge J. M. Costello of THAMES ROAD CHURCH IS REDECORATED The public is cordially invited, to the re-opening of the Thames Road. United Church which has just been re-decorated, on Sunday morning next at 11.15, when the special speaker will he Rev. Duncan Mc- Tavish of London. Special music by the choir. ROADS with them, hot goose cake decor- of a golden A musical Mrs. Hey- organ andthe Marie also sang Games were en- such UPBEING OPENED and community have with the snow-blocked over a week and the coun- and concessions are now beenExeter battling roads for tv roads being opened up for motor traffic. The Highway has been kept open at all times. During the latter part of last week considerable snow was removed from Exeter’s main street. With the thaw on Saturday last mo­ tor traffic broke through the foot of hard snow that had formed on the pavement and in the afternoon it was almost impossible to navi­ gate the road with a car or truck. Towards evening a large snowplow cleared the pavement and piled the snow up against the sidewalk sever­ al feet deep. Mild weather has been gradually melting it away. A. one­ way track has been ploughed out on the Thames Road as far as dale. Russel- DIAMOND WEDDING AT RED CROSS NEWS At a meeting of the executive on Monday afternoon it was decided to end the financial year on December 20th, so that the books may be audited before the annual meeting which will be held on the evening of Friday, January 3rd, when the election of officers will take place. Messrs. Victor Kestle and W. J, Floyd were appointed auditors Friday afternoon, December 13th is packing day. Exeter Branch has received a very heavy quota of work for Jan­ uary and we are sure that the offi­ cers of the various units would ap­ preciate the help of many addition­ al servers for this particular work, consisting of windbreakers, capes, shirts, sheets, etc. Tell the offi­ cers what you can do and. i.hat you are willing to help. The need to help the bombed victims is very great. VIRDEN, MAN. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Down, of Vir­ den, Man., celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary at their home on Saturday, November 30th. The occasion was also Mr. Down’s 83rd birthday. He was born at South­ wold, Ont., and is a brother of Rev. J. W. Down, of town. Mr. and Mrs. Down were married in Exeter on November 30, 1880, where they resided until 1905 when they mov­ ed to Hargrave, Man. There they operated a farm until 1920 when they retired and moved to Virden. Mr.’ and Mrs. Down enjoy good health and are keenly interested in current events. Mrs. Down is 80. They have five children, Mrs. Russell Fletcher, Iona, Ont.; J. L. Horjiant, of Winnipeg; Ralph Rolston, Virden; Mrs. J. Hamm, of Fleming. Sask; Ed. Down, of Hargrave, Man. They have 15 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Pictures Mr. and Mrs. Down appeared in Winnipeg Free Press. WAR TIME COMMITTEE Pewnits Mrs. Mrs. W. of the prayer Exeter WEEK OF PRAYER The universal week of will again be observed in early in January. Four services will be held on successive nights, beginning on Tuesday, January 7th The subjects for 'the addi’ess- es are those suggested by the in­ ternational committee for th° week of prayer. All meetings will start at eight o’clock and will last one hour. Each night the minister ot the church in which the meeting is held will preside and the form of worship will be that prevailing in his church. The following sched­ ule gives the dates, place of meet­ ing speakers and subjects: Jan. 7— Trivitt Memorial Church, Mr. Page, “The Church Universal”. Jan. 8, James Street Cnurch, Mr. Hunt, “The Troubled World”. Jan. 9, Main Street Church, Mr. Hi’l, “The Empire of Christ....... Jan. 10. Caven Church, Mr. Woods, “The New Generation" OFFICERS ELECTED At the regular meeting of Le­ banon Forest Lodge, A.F. & A.M., on Monday evening the following officers were elected for the com­ ing year: I.P.M., Wor. Bro. C. Tan­ ton; W.M., Bro. K. J. Lampman; Sr. W., Bro. H. H. Cowen; Jr. W„ Bro. J. B. Daw'Stm; Chap.. Wor. Bro. E. M. Dignan; treas., V.W. Bro. W. W. Taman; Sec., W. Bro. R. N Creech; Tyler, W. Bro. Chas. Sal­ ter; Auditors, Bros. Lampman and Dawson; Examining Board. W. Bro. G. W. Lawson; Wor. Bro. M. W. Pfaff and W. Bro. E. A. Howald. The installation of officers will place Friday. Dec. 27th. take Landed in England A cableg. am was received Wed­ nesday morning from Sapper Andy Easton that he had arrived safely in England, tioned Camp. Andy had been sta­ tor some time at Petawawa MotherGive filled mattress, $10.95. E. R. Store, Exeter. PRESENTATION Neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell, 2nd -concession ot Hay, on Friday, November 29th, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Russell, fol­ lowing their recent marriage. About one hundred persons were present. In the course of a pleasant evening Mr. and Mrs. Russell were present­ ed with a beautiful chesterfield, an address being read by Will Geddes and the presentation made by Per­ cy Campbell. Homer expressed the thanks and appreciation of himselt and Mrs. Russell. The evening* was spent at cards and dancing, followed by lunch served by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rus­ sell expect shortly to move to their new home in Hensail, Mr. Homer Russell taking over the farm, address was as follows Mr. and Mrs. Homer Russell: It is with a great deal of pleasure and enjoyment that we gather to­ gether on this happy occasion to do honour to the bride and groom. Homer has always lived in this section and is highly thought of by everyone. We welcome Carrie to the section and hope she will spend many happy years in our midst. We realize that the section which she has left suffers a great loss but their loss is our gain. It is the wish of everyone that she will find us true friends and neighbours. We are very happy to present Homer and Carrie this token our appreciation and trust they will derive a great deal of comfort and enjoyment from it. —Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbours. T.he to of Mrs. Thomas Harvey has receiv­ ed word of the death of her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) B. M. Buchanan, who passed away December 6th in the “ ‘ “ L Mrs. was Regina General Hospital. Buchanan’s maiden name Amanda E. Perkins. A number of friends pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth on Monday night, it being the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. The evening was spent playing cards, after which ..a dainty lunch was served. ‘ 1 There has been plenty of evidence in the Magistrate's Courts recently to show that the soliciting of funds, for War charities or Red Cross work are punishable by fines and imprisonment when the persons have not obtained “permits” from those in authority. No matter what your desire may be to make money foi’ these worthy causes, the law does not allow you to go ahead with any canvass, sale of tickets, entertainment or othei’ project without first obtaining a “permit” Please bear this in mind and avoid any possible- difficulty. There are only foui- people in Exeter and dis­ trict authorized to issue permits. They are, on behalf of the Red Cross, Mrs. N. J. Dore; on behalf of the War Time Committee, Thos. Pryde, J. R. C. Moffatt or R. N. Creech. They are all anxious to issue “permits” to proper persons, groups of persons or organizations, and all advertisements should state that the projects are being put on under “permit” issued by either the Red Cross or War Time Committee, Personal gain or aggrandizement must not be a consideration in these war efforts. Please read, the above over again so that you will understand and remember the advisability and necessity1 for “per­ mits”. After a year of effort to explain this requirement we stilL have people innocently forgetting to obtain permit authority. After the the net the the a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures connected there­ with. You may ask why. Because the Government insists upon a repre­ sentative committee in every dis­ trict to ensure that no suspicion o£ a 'racket’ is allowed to creep into the efforts for these worthy caus­ es which are being so wholehearted-, ly supported by the The Government es the activities and insists upon books by public mits and statements must be shown the auditors. The treasurer has a great responsibility where many thousands of dollars -are handled in the year. He is not paid one cent of salary nor is anyone else, so it is your duty to assist him in every way. projects have been carried out permit, accompanied by the receipts must be returned to Treasurer with a statement on back of the permit card giving general public, town supervise the Committee audit of their in of an accountants.. Fer­ Look at Your Label ..BINGO.. Sponsored by Zion Community Proceeds to go to British War Victims* Fund Salvage Old License Markets On another page will be found j an item In connection with the sal- ‘ vaging of old motor license plates, the proceeds from the sale of which will be used for the Red Cross. All Supertest Service stations are co­ operating in gathering these plates. Snell Bros, fe Co. will store these plates until turned over to the Red Cross. Jas. Taylor, truck driver, will pick up plates at various sta­ tions and bring them to the Exeter garage, R. G. motor licenses, the plates, ? i and Dad a spring priced as low as Hopper’s Furniture Seldon, issuer of is also collecting , Usborne Friday, Dec. 13 15 Rounds — General Adm* 25c Additional Frizes for Extra Rounds Door Frizes and Consolation Prices Draw fur Quilt 5