HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-11-28, Page 5& ^Coming to Hensail C, R. Wilkinson, R.O. Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con­ sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 16 Hensail for appointment J THE EXETER TJMES*ADVOCATE THCIISJMY, NOVEMBER $3, 1010 HENSALL You will want to hear the fine, performance of the Hive Disting­ uished Artists appearing in the Monster Musicale at James Sreei Church, Exeter, Tuesday evening, Dec. 3rd. Mrs. John1 Elder is spending a few days visiting with relatives Toronto. Mrs. Beatty of Varna called relatives and friends in Saturday. Pte. Sidney Taylor and Mrs. Tay­ lor of London visited over the week­ end with relatives here. Miss Helen Glenn of London vis­ ited over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn. Miss Maude Bolton of London spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bolton. Miss Margaret MacLaren of Wa­ terloo spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Mac­ Laren. Miss Evelyn Corbett spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Wes­ ley Jones near Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett visit­ ed on Tuesday with the former's sister, Mrs. P. H. Devlin. Mrs. C. W. Nichols and Mrs. Mar­ garet Scott of London visited on Tuesday with Miss Hattie Suther­ land. Mr. Philip McKenzie of the West is visiting with relatives here and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gould, of Clin­ ton visited on Sunday with the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Miss Jean Bonthron and friend of London visited on Saturday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Miss Olive Walker, R.N., of Al­ bany Hospital, New York, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Little Miss Norma Harburn of Staffa is holidaying at the home of hei’ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daters. Mr. Andrew McKenzie of Knox College, Toronto, spent the week­ end with .his- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie. Pte. Ivan Jones and Mrs. Jones (nee Mary Little) of London spent the week-end with the latter’s moth­ er, Mrs. Mary Little. Miss Dorothy Thompson of To­ ronto visited over the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson. Mr. Waghorn of Clinton was re­ lieving at the C.N.R. station here last week in the absence of Mr. town in on on Nomination liesuits Following are the results of the nomination held in the Town Hall here on Friday evening for* the pur­ pose of selecting a reeve, council­ lors, school trustees and a public utilities commissioner. Reeve Er­ nest Shaddick was elected by ac­ clamation for the reeveship, this being his fourth term, proposed oy Mr. H. W. Horton, and seconded by Mr. Robert Cameron, Councillors —Mr, James Parkins, proposed by Mr. Chas. Moore, seconded by Mr. W. 0, Goodwin; Mr. James Par­ kins, proposed by Mr. G. C. Petty, seconded by Mr. A. L. Case; Mr. Harry W, Horton, proposed by Mr. Robt. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Geo. E, Hess; Mr. Donald MacKin­ non, proposed by Mr. Wm. Fair­ burn, seconded by Mr. Jas. Sang- ster; Mr. Robert, proposed by Mr. D E. MacKinnon, seconded by Mr. Wm. Sheppard. Councillors elected by acclamation, Messrs. James Par­ kins, Harry W. Horton, Robert Cam­ eron and Donald E. MacKinnon. School Trustees, Mr. John Shep­ pard, proposed by Mr. A. L. Case, seconded by Mr. Geo. Hess; Mr. Alf­ red Clarke, proposed by Mr. A. L. Case, seconded by Mr. John Shep­ pard; ‘ Mr. Wilfred Goodwin, pro­ posed by Mr. A. IL. Case,, seconded by Mr. John Sheppard; Mr. Walter Spencer, proposed by Mr. W. 0. Goodwin, seconded by Mr. Geo. Hess; Mr. Carl Passmore, proposed by Mr. W. O. Goodwin, seconded bv Mr. Chas. Moore; Mr. Edward Nor­ minton, proposed by Mr. W. O. Goodwin, seconded by Mr. Chas. Moore; Mr. Kenneth Hicks, propos­ ed by Mr. W. 0. Goodwin, seconded by Mr. Chas. Moore. School trus­ tees elected by acclamation, Messrs. Alfred Clark. Edward Norminton and Kenneth Hicks. Public Utilities—Mr. Thos. Welsh elected by acclamation, proposed by Mr. Chas. Moore, seconded by Mr. W. 0, Goodwin. The above all elected for a term of two years. James A. Patterson, Returning Officer Have You Heard About the OPENING WINTER FROLIC at the Brenner Hotel, Grand Bend WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4th Music by Clayton Steeper and his popular ()-piece band General Admission 35c you to accept this gift and trust it may serve to remind you of this happy occasion. Signed on behalf of your neigh­ bours and friends, The groom made a very fitting reply, thanking the friends for the gift and also thanking the boys re­ sponsible for the reception. Dancing was enjoyed to the strains of Mur­ doch’s orchestra with Mr. Wm. Hay- ter as floor manager. W.M.S. Meets Bride and Groom Honored three hundred and fifty and Hall A. L. Case who was in Toronto. g <.,g Miss Audrey Cochrane of Kipj)^r* sun^tai has accepted a position as assistant “ * operator with the Hensall Branch of the Bell Telephone Company. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Glenn and Miss Maude Glenn of Toronto were week-end visitors with Mr.- and Mrs. John Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn. Miss Edith Parkins of Exeter and Mi'. Murray Parkins of Zurich vis­ ited on Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patter­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latimore and Mrs. Nellie Latimore of Ko- moka and Mrs. Oscar Metter,s of Prospect Hill were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser­ vices in the United Church on Sun­ day and at the evening service de­ livered a fine address on the pic­ ture “Angelas” which was shown by the lantern slide. The choir sang two anthems, namely, “Sing Unto the Lord”, and ‘‘Sweet Hour of Prayer.” The Young People’s Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church held a social evening in the schoolroom of the church on Monday evening. Games were played, the prize-win­ ners being, first, for ladies, Miss Irene Hoggarth and gents’ first prize. Mr. Alvin Bell. Lunch was served/ The Wohelo Sabbath School Class of the United Church are pre­ senting a variety program in the auditorium of the church on Fri­ day evening consisting of musical numbers, travelogue, pictures of the South to be presented by Miss­ es Hazel Smillie and Margaret Grieve and a one-act play entitled “That's What They All Say.” Every­ one will be made welcome. Presentation A very interesting evening was Spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Moore last week when the of­ ficers and teachers of the United Church Sunday School gathered in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smillie. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Smillie were presented with a tri-light floor lamp. The ad­ dress was read by Miss Jean Mur­ ray and the presentation was made by Mr. Moore on behalf of the Sab­ bath School. Clarence made a fit­ ting reply. Refreshments were serv­ ed by the hostess. i The regular meeting of the W. M. S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday af­ ternoon with Mrs. R. Y. MadLaren presiding and opened by singing “Unto the Hills Around”, followed by prayer by Mrs. Weir. The scrip­ ture, Psalm 2 4, was read by Mrs Donald Park. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ad­ opted and the roll call was ans­ wered with “Hope”. The business was discussed and the offering re­ ceived, after which Mrs. James Pat­ terson favoured with a vocal solo entitled “Just Outside the Door' . accompanied by Mrs. Donald Mac­ Kinnon at the piano. Mrs. R. 7. MacLaren gave, a very interesting paper on ‘‘A Review of India”, af­ ter which Mrs. Manson led in pray­ er. The meeting closed by sing­ ing “The Sands of Time Are Sink­ ing” and the Lord’s Prayer in uni­ son. About relatives the Town ening in honor net Mousseau strong) who were recently married. During the evening the bride ana groom were presented with a stu­ dio couch and chesterfield table. The following address being read by Mr. Jack Corbett: To Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mousseau: We, your neighbours and friends have gathered here tonight to spend a happy evening with you. We wish to extend to you our heartiest con­ gratulations and hope that as you journey through life the richest blessings may be yours- W.C.T.U. Addressed by Mrs. C. W. Christie, Exeter The Exeter-Hensall Branch of the W.C.T.U. met in the schoolroom of the United Church on Thursday af­ ternoon with a large attendance. Miss Jean Murray presided over the worship period which opened by singing “I Need Thee Every Hour”. The Scripture lesson, 53rd chap­ ter of Isaiah was read by Miss Mur­ ray followed by the singing of ‘‘The Way of the Cross Mrs.' Geo. Hess then Annie Consitt was cording secretary in Miss Irene Douglas. ‘Spirit of the Living God” was id the offering received.'Mrs. E. W. Christie of Exeter, president of the County W.C.T.U. gave an interesting report of the provincial convention held recently in Toron­ to. District Union presented Dr. Routly of the. Red Cross Society with a cheque for $17'50.00 for the purpose of purchasing an ambu­ lance for the soldiers overseas. It was also decided to contribute to the Red Cross Society for a sol­ dier’s mobile canteen (travelling field kitchen). Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Hedden sang a delightful duet en­ titled ‘‘Have You Been in the Gar­ den with Jesus”, accompanied by Mrs. Sherritt at the piano. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and the benediction. friends gathered in here on Monday "v- of Mr. and Mrs. Gar- (nee Dorothy Arm Leads Home”, presided. Miss appointed re­ tire absence of The theme Bride-Elect Honoredk On Saturday evening, November 23 Mrs. Annie Berry of Hensail was hostess to some. 50 guests to do honor to the bride-elect, Miss Mona Glenn. The reception rooms of her beautiful home were lovely with large vases of mums. The evening was cheerfully spent in music, speeches and singing. The highlights of this most delightful event was the presentation of a shower of china. At the close of the program • a most appetizing lunch was served after which good wishes were bestowed on the bride­ elect. all singing “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow”. To you, Dorothy, we extend a hearty welcome to our neighbor­ hood. Although you are not a stranger to many of us,’ you are not so well known to us as Garnet, in whom we have found a true friend and companion. We know you will be missed in your home community and our gain in having you come to live among us will be a heartfelt loss to them. As time goes on we feel that you will be­ come more and more endeared to us and trust that you will find in us the same sincerity and true friendship friends. We are will make midst and you a long and happy married life together. As a slight token of our friendship and good wishes, we ask you found in your old happy to know that you your new home in our we all unite in wishing Mr. A, L. Case motored to To­ ronto this week and was accompan­ ied home by Mrs. Case, who under­ went an operation in the hospital there last week. The many friends of Mrs. Case wish her a speedy re­ covery. Young People’s Anniversary Services Largely Attended The Young People of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their an­ nual anniversary services on Sun­ day, both services being largely, at­ tended. Mr. Andrew McKenzie of Knox College, Toronto, was the guest speaker and delivered a splen­ did address at the morning service on the subject "Youth Despised.” The Scripture lesson was read by Mr. Alvin Bell and Miss Sally Man- son led in prayer. The choir was filled to its cap­ acity with the young people of the congregation, who rendered excel­ lent music. The anthem in the morning was “Victory Through Grace”'. Miss Margaret iDougall I sang a pleasing solo entitled “Rock of Ages”. At the evening service Mr. McKenzie spoke on the subject, “Ambassadors of Jesus Christ”. Mr. James Bengough read the Scripture and Miss J. McQueen led in prayer. A. mixed quartet comprising Misses Lois and Marion MacLaren and Messrs. Robert Cameron Jr. and James Campbell sang “My Saviour’s Love”. The choir sang a beauti­ ful anthem entitled “Go Forward”. Miss Helen Dick very ably presid­ ed at the organ for both services. Young People’s Union The Young People's Union of the United Church had as their guests on Monday evening the Young People of the Evangelical Church, Zurich and a number of the young people from James Street United Church, Exeter. The young people of Zurich provided a very interest­ ing program with Mr. Milton Dagg acting as chairman for the even­ ing. Miss Shirley Krueger played the opening music “Sweet Hour of Prayer” followed by the singing of ‘‘What a Friend We Have in Je­ sus”. The scripture lesson, Luke 1'5: 1-7 was read by Miss Betty Deitz, followed by prayer by Rev. C. B. Heckendorn. Miss Shirley Krueger played a piano solo entitl­ ed, “'Showers (df’Stars”7%Miss Bea­ trice Manson raw-axed with a read­ ing entitled “Hope arid Pray”. A playlet entitled “Happiness)” was given by MisseSMiaillljaen-Hey and Alpha Meyers. Misses Margaret Hey and Hazel Utley favored with a vocal duet, ‘‘Jesus the Saviour for Me”. All jojned-irTsinglr®^‘There/Jl .Always be^'W-nng-lgndZ followed by a pati^oBc readinjLpy .^fiss jfrl- pha Meyerk-XL.w/Kviw;ar read a poem entitled "Rosew wff Sunshine”. A humorous readrffgJ entitled “So You’ll Want to G/l Home” was given by Miss MeyeysJ The program concluded by singing ‘‘I am Thine 0 Lord” and the bei\^ diction.,. Lantern slides were shown representing the story of the Prodi­ gal Son. Miss Betty Coates of James Street United Church, Exeter, had charge of the recreational gam­ es, after which a dainty lunch was served by the Hensall Young People. KMSMWt BINGO PARTY Sponsored by the Centralia War Service Unit Cook’s Hall, Centralia Wednesday, December 11th Ducks, Chickens and Hams also consolation prize Also drawings for Quilt and Blanket CREDITON This is the last week for Anni­ versary Specials on permanents at Tomlinson’s. See advt. Don’t miss the Monster Musi­ cale next Tuesday night, Decem­ ber 3rd, in James Street Church, Exeter. An excellent program is promised. Bob Blackwell of Brantford spent the week-end here. Emery Fisher left Thursday for Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Brown ana Tommy of Munroe, Mich., spent the week-end with Mrs. Sam Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore of Holmes­ ville visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown. Mrs. Mildred Hinton, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Sam Brown, for the past few weeks ac­ companied her brother on their return to Munroe. Mr. and Mrs. W. Krotz and fam­ ily of Millbank and Mr. and Mrs. George Richmond and family of Norwich were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel. The windstorm of last week re­ moved one of our old landmarks, the lamp post in front of the hotel. The post, which was approximately twelve feet high, has been standing for ovei’ sixty years. It had a wea­ ther vane on the top and contained a light which used to be lit every night by the hostler of the hotel long before the hydro came to Cre- diton. Mr. Harry Beaver has finished the brick work of his new house. Mr. IL K. Eilber and Mr. F. W. Morloclc attended a municipal con­ vention last week at Seaforth when representatives of the Department of Municipal Affairs, who were pre­ sent, discussed matters pertaining to municipal work. Sunday last, Rev, L. H. Turner, B.A., of the United Church of Cre- diton, inaugurated a series of ser­ mons entitled “The Faith of Our Fathers.” Last 'Sunday’s sermon— “I ‘Believe in God the Father Al­ mighty”. Next Sunday—“And in Jesus Christ Our Lord”. This is in keeping with the desire of a general council of the United Church of Canada, which met in the city of Winnipeg a few weeks ago. On Thursday evening last Ber­ nice Fahner entertained a few of her friends at her home. The even­ ing was spent in contests and music after which a dainty lunch• was served. An enjoyable evening was spent by all. DASHWOOD This is the last week for Anni­ versary Specials on permanents at Tomlinson’s, See advt. You will want to hear the fine performance of the Five Disting­ uished Artists appearing in the Monster Musicale at James Sreet Church, Exeter, Tuesday evening, Dee, 3rd, The annual Foreign Day service of the Evangelical church in the interests of missions will be ob­ served next Sunday evening. The Henrick Memorial Band will be in attendance and assist in this ser­ vice to help boost the cause of mis­ sions throughout the world. A good attendance is also hoped for. Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Steinhagen of Port Dalhousie spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Steinhagen, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman spent the week-end in Fergus. Mr, Art Weber and Mr. Wm. Decker of Zurich attended a ban­ quet at Clinton sponsored by the Clinton Spring Show society last Thursday evening. Mrs. Schinook and daughter Lu­ cille of Detroit spent the week-end with relatives here. The boys that went in training last week in Woodstock were Al­ bert Goetz, Harold Kraft, Leonard Schenk, William Ness and Elmore Gackstetter. Mrs. Susan Merner is spending a few days with her daughter in Clin­ ton. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Klumpp is very sick with pneumonia at present. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tniel of Zurich were Sunday guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob •Fischer. giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiininiiiHniiiHiiiiiiHiiiniiijnuHiniiiiiiniiiimmiiiiiiiu | THE EXETER WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE PRESENTS I g a | A Stamp Out ] Hitler Party) E H I Leavitt’s Theatre, Exeter I I MON., DEC. 9th I f SEE THE EPIC PICTURE OF THE TIMES | I “CONVOY” | | AND OTHER FEATURES | | All for 15c plus one War Savings | | Stamp purchased at the door | i TWO COMPLETE SHOWS, 7.15 and 9.15 | ~ Do your bit for Canada. Do not fail to see this E E remarkable picture E j| GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY | | HininiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiniiHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiifiiniiiiiHiiiiiiiiinHE GRAND BEND Mr. Isaac Bestard Sr., has moved in with his daughter, Mrs. Baker, for the winter. We welcome him to our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Statton of Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs Walter Statton. Mr. Cyrus Green and Ivan Green were in Sarnia last week on busi­ ness, also visiting a short time with friends. Miss Ella Mousseau visited in Zurich last week. Miss Freda Lovie has returned home after a visit in London. Mr. Stanley Gill of the R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Gill. Mrs. Gibb Statton is visiting in 'Sarnia. Mrs. Baker visited in 'Exeter on Tuesday. Mr. Joe Desjardine is sporting a new V-8. Mr. and Mrs. McPherson of Buf­ falo are having a short visit at the camp. Mr. Erie McIlroy is sporting a new Chev. coupe. Mrs. Bert Cox has an orange tree which belongs to Mrs. W. Beer of Exeter. It has quite a few oranges on it. SHIPKA Mr. Irvin Greb of Hensall visited on Sunday last with friends here. Mr. Harry Lochner of Windsor is remaining here for a time with his mother after attending the fun­ eral of his father. Miss Jean McKenzie, nurse-in­ training at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, spent Saturday last at her home here. Miss Ida Sweitzer of London spent Sunday last with relatives here. Messrs. Ray and Milton Sweitzer and Orval Mellin left, last week for a thirty-day training in camp at Woodstock. Mr. Prance of Parkhill visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Baker. 'The regular meeting of the La­ dies’ Aid will be'held Thursday, De­ cember 5th at the home of Mrs. Wm. Ratz at 2 p.m. The Y.P.S. held their regular meeting on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamport. The public school Christmas con­ cert will be held in the evening of December 10. The children are busy practising. The Christmas entertainment of the Sunday School will be held on Wednesday evening, December 18. Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch of De­ troit visited on Thursday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keyes. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Lovie of Greenway were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lovie. Mr. Chas. Baumgarten of Dash­ wood is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Christian Baumgarten for the win­ ter. CENTRALIA This is the last week for Anni­ versary Specials on permanents at Tomlinson’s. See advt. Don’t miss the Monster Musi­ cale next Tuesday night, Decem­ ber 3rd, in James Street Church, Exeter. An excellent program is promised. Miss NeTannis Semmens of To­ ronto, was a guest with Rev. and Mrs. J. Falconbridge last week. Miss Semmens, Children’s Work secretarj of the United Church, was an in­ structress at the training school held in Crediton last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleamon and June moved last week near Chatham where Mr. Sleamon has purchased a business. Mr. Sleamon’s mother, Mrs. J. Sleamon went to spend the winter with them. Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham and Gordon visited with Mr. and ! Mrs. E. Carruthers in London on Sunday. j Mr. 0. Clark of London spent the week-end with his mother and fam­ ily here. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Molitor of Thedford visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. J. Falconbridge were in Toronto for a couple of days the latter part of last week owing to the illness of Mrs. Fal­ conbridge’s father, Mr. “Shannon. Mrs. Andrew Hicks visited with her daughter, Mrs. S. Henry in Har­ riston, returning home on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Don­ ald who spent the week-end here. Mr. .and Mrs. J. Mugan and Philip of London were Sunday visitors with Mrs. C. J. O’Drien. iA number from here attended the Training (School at Crediton last week. Mrs. Kerslake, of Victoria, B.C., who is visiting with relatives in Toronto, was a week-end guest with Mr. and Mrs. O. Clark and Mrs. M. E. Clark. Mrs. Kerslake is Mrs. 0. Clark’s step-mother. The shooting match held at the station on Wednesday of last week in aid of the Red Cross was well- attended. Refreshments were serv­ ed by the ladies. Don’t forget the meeting of the Centralia Home and School Club in the school *on Friday evening oF this week. Mr. Bert Francis will be the guest speaker. Frozen Foods 0-----0-----0 ...SEA FOODS... Shrimp Cooked l/2 lb. 30c. 1 lb. 60c. Fresh ....... % lb. 22c. 1 lb. 40c. Fillets of Cod ......... 17c. per lb. (Tops in Sea Food) Haddie (smoked) ... 20c. per lb. Ciscoes ................... 22c. per lb, 0----0-----0 Strawberries Dry Pack ... pts. 20c.; qts. 35c. Chicken (drawn) ...22c. per lb. EXETER FROZEN FOODS Phone 70 the Anderson home. Mrs. Roland Motz and Shirley and Bobby of Exeter spent Sunday with Mrs. Catharine Motz. Mrs. Sam Baynham is nuisiug Mrs. E. Beaver at her home in Cen­ tralia. Moving here from Ingersoll Mrs. Thomas Edwards and daugh- I ter and son moved here yesterday ' from Ingersoll into the home of Mr. Freeman Morlock and recently occupied by Mr. Ross Taylor. Mr. Eldon Merner spent Sunday with Mrs. Merner at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rocky, in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cliffe of Lon­ don called on friends and neighbors on Wednesday. Mrs. Alex Hamilton and son Barry returned to their home at Grand Bend after a week’s visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H Lewis. Mrs. Wilson Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson attend­ ed the birthday party for Mrs. Wil- con Anderson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor near Exeter on Thursday. Read Your Label WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerslake vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penhale of Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole and Marie of Elimville visited on Sun­ day1 with Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Horne. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Alf Collier of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Sholdice and family of Watford visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Horace Del- bridge in the death of her grand­ mother, (he late Mrs. Cooper of Elimville. Mrs. Godbolt of Blanshard spent Tuesday with Mrs. W. F. Batten. ■Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penhale and Eunice of Elimville spent one evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Bean and family of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Delbridge. —........... — ..... z"T:• ‘ KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. John Williams spent the week-end with their son Wilbert at Medina and while there visited Mr. William’s aged mother at Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson of Centralia were Sunday guests- with Mr. and Mrs. Al’low Copeland. Pte. Sid King of Camp Borden spent the week-end with Mr. and: Mrs. Arthur Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Wib Cluff and son Don spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. P. G. Butcher of Simcoe. Mr. H. Pardmore, Mrs. R. R. Copeland of St. Marys, Mr. and. Mrs. Elgin Copeland and son Bob­ bie of Paris were Sunday guests with Mr. Arlo Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. P. Moffat, Mrs. r Moffat and Mrs. Craik, all of Tees- water, spent Sunday with Mr. R. Humphreys. Miss Katherine Maloy of An­ derson is staying with Mrs. H. Greenstreet. Mr. and' Mrs. J. Ferguson and Mr. R. Ferguson St. Marys spent Sunday with Mr. G. H. Burgin. THAMES ROAD AND ROYS Messrs. Fred Dawson and Percy Passmore, entertained two of the airmen from Pt. Albert on Sunday. They were Wm. Robertson and Jas. Ross, one being from Glasgow and the other from Edinburgh. Mr. Stewart Mair, who has join­ ed the Canadian forces as a radio operator and who hws left for Hali- I fax, visited at his home the latter [ part of the week. On Friday even­ ing a number of friends and class­ mates gathered at the Manse and in the course of a pleasant social evening presented Stewart with a pen and pencil set. Mrs. Mair serv­ ed a dainty lunch at the close. A miscellaneous shower for Miss Mildred Hodgert, bride-elect, was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Mavers Tuesday evening by a num­ ber of neighbors and members of the Mission Circle young ladies. The guest of honor received mans’ beau­ tiful gifts. Refreshments were serv­ ed at the close of a pleasant even­ ing. ? CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Ed Penhale and Grace attended the funeral of the former's step-mother, the late Mrs. Penhale in Exeter on Wednesday. Mr. Jack Ahderson of London and Harold Sills of St. Thomas Air Force training school and formerly of Gill Lake, iSask., spent the week-end at .................................................................- — The Red & White Store ECONOMY Large . . Medium Small .. 59c 18c 9c Coffee Chase and Sanborn i/2 lb. 25c 2 pounds 25c TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT ..............7 for 25c CALIFORNIA GRAPES ... .2 lb. for 19c NEW CROP RAISINS ... .2 lbs. for 21c Chocolate Mallow Cookies ‘‘The Better Kind” ... .2 for 29c KIRK’S CASTILE SOAP MACARONI ...................... SMOKED KIPPERS ... . ...6 for 25c 6 lbs. for 25c ... . . 10c pair For your Xmas Cake, Raisins, Currants, Dates, Pineapple, Cherries, Walnuts, Almonds, Spices, etc. We also welcome you to lunch at our Tea Room Open every day and evening Harvey & Harvey Phone 102 We Deliver