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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-11-21, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TUl’K.SDAY, NOVJSWSB al. IMO CHRISTMAS TREH EUCHRE AND DANCE Town Hall, Hcnsall Wednesday, November Sponsored by Chamber Commerce Euchre starts at doch’s orchestra. Proceeds in aid Christmas Tree. General Admission 35c 37 of Mur-8.30 p.m. Lunch provided, of community to $14.70 was divided | solo, “Nearer My God to Thee.” Miss Audrey Campbell favored with a reading entitled “When I am a Wo­ man”. A piano solo played by Miss Margaret Dougall was much enjoy- Misses Audrey Campbell and 'Jesus ’. Th^e meeting closed by 'My Faith Looks up to \ followed by the Lord’s Pray- unjson. Mrs. .'Percy Campbell Mrs. Bari Campbell’s group responsible for the program. HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. MacDougall visited on Saturday with relatives in Ayl­ mer. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hay ton of Delhi were Sunday visitors with Miss H. Johnston, Miss Crozier of Brantford is vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coo­ per. Miss Margaret MacGregor visit­ ed over the week-end with relatives and friends in Toronto. Mrs. W. A. MacLaren lias been confined to her room during t the past week owing to illness. /Miss Greta Lammie spent a few days recently visiting with her sis­ ter, Miss Amy Lammie in Windsor. Miss .Margaret Tudor of Hamil­ ton visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tudor. Ross Corbett spent Sunday vis­ iting with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and IMrs. Wesley Jones near Cro­ marty. Mr. Geo. Douglas and .Miss Irene Douglas left on Monday for London where they will spend the winter months. Mr. Lloyd Hedden, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hedden of fit. Catharines visited over the week-end with Mrs. (Lloyd Hedden and Mrs. Catharine Hedden. ■Mr. and Mrs. Janies Parkins visited on Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn in London. The many friends of Mrs. Laird Mickle regret hearing that she is still confined to her room owing to illness. Mr. Isaac Jackson, Jr., of High River, Alta., is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. Jackson, uncle Mr. Robert Jackson and relatives. .Messrs. Thomas Lavender Ezra Willert returned home Maddock after a pleasant hunting trip, each shooting a deer. The nomination meeting for the purpose of selecting and nominating a reeve and councillors for the com­ ing year will be held in the Town Hall on Friday evening, Nov. 22. Mrs. A. L. Case underwent an ■operation on her throat in Toronto General Hospital on Tuesday. Hex’ many friends hope foi’ a speedy re­ covery. Rev. services Sunday presided gan in the absence of the organist, Miss Greta Lammie. The choir sang two anthems, “Thine is the Gloiy”, and “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”. The latter was unaccompanied. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, Wilfred and Eleanor of Thames Road and Mr. and Mrs. A'lex Mac- iBeath of Brucefield visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell. ■Services were conducted by Rev. Wm. Weir, B.A>., in Carmel Church on Sunday. The choir sang two an­ thems, “Lo, Everyone that Thirst- eth,” soloist, Mr. Robert Cameron, and “Sabbath Bells are Ringing.” Mrs. John Blatchford, of Hensall and now of Ont. recently made a short visit with hei- relatives in town, includ­ ing Mrs. Geo. Brown, her sister-in- law, yeai' and is looking hale and hearty. A Miss Florence Welsh, Hess, Mr. W. O. Goodwin and Mr. W. A. MacLaren motored to Grand Bend on Tuesday evening and fav­ ored with selections at the Lions Club banquet held in the Brenner Hotel. The Wohelo Class of the United Church were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clar­ ence Smillie on Friday evening. Croquinole was played 'with Miss Gladys Lukei’ and Mr. Gilbert Gei­ ger winning the highest score. Re­ freshments were served by the Host­ ess. The Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring a euchre and dance in the Town Hall here on Wednesday evening, November 27th. proceeds for the annual Christmas Tree. Murdoch's orchestra will furnish the music. Everyone is cordially in­ vited to attend this- euchre and dance that every boy and girl will receive a bag of candy at the Christ­ mas Tree. ' Mrs. D. Walks and Mrs. A. Kers- lake were hostesses to an afternoon tea at their home on Thursday af­ ternoon when the members of Mrs. Geo. "Walker’s and Mrs. Wm. David­ son’s group, of the Ladies’ Associa­ tion were very pleasantly entertain­ ed. Readings were given by Mrs. Jas. Patterson, which were much enjoyed. Red Cross Note The pansy duilt made by the school girls of No. 10, Hay, Was won by Mr. Albert Geddes. The proceeds of the sale of tickets, amounting equally between the Hensail Branch of the Red Cross and the Junior Red Cross. Arnold Circle Holds Croquinole Party A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. MacDougall on Friday, when the Arnold Circle members and friends were entertained at a croquinole party, The ladies’ first prize was won by Miss Violet Hyde and the consolation was won by Miss Han­ nah Murray. The gents’ first was woix by Mr. Roy MacLaren and the consolation was won by Mr. James Mustard, Jr. Refreshments were served at the close. Mr. Andrew McKenzie to Conduct Young People’s Anniversary The Young people of Carmel Pres- byteriaix Church will hold theii’ an* nual anniversary services on Sun­ day, November 24th, when Mr. And­ rew McKenzie of Knox College, To­ ronto, will be the guest speakex. Andrew is a member of the congre­ gation and well known here and it is expected that a large number of the young people in the vicinity will endeavour to attend these services. lA young people's choir are prepar­ ing special music. The anthems are “Victory Through Grace” and “Go Forward.” A mixed quartette comprising Misses Lois and Marion MadLaren and Messrs. Robert Cam­ eron and Jim Campbell and the solo ist, Miss Margaret Dougall will sing special selections. Thos. pryde, Exeter, Guest Speaker At Young' People’s Meeting The regular meeting of the Young Presbyterian Monday even­ singing “Unto followed fiherritt was hostess the Hensail Senior i Mabel Workman The theme of the and International Roll call was ans- and othei' and from R. A. Brook conducted in the United Church on and Miss Mary Goodwin at the console of the or- Mrs. Blatchford is mixed quartette I Sweetly formerly Shedden, in her 94th comprising Mrs. Geo. b'yv The was The min- People of Carmel Church was held on ing and opened by She Hills Around” prayer by Miss Helen Murray. Scripture lesson. Psalnx 144 read by Mr. Gerald Campbell, roll call was answered. The utes were read and adopted and the business discussed. Miss Violet Hyde read a poem entitled “Trees.” Miss Margaret Dougall favored witn a solo entitled “Rest., Comrade”. Mr. Thos. Pryde of Exeter was the guest speaker and delivered an in­ teresting address on “Canada’s Em­ pire Training Scheme”. The meet­ ing closed by singing “Lord of the Lands” by Rev. Mrs. followed by the benediction Weir. Death of Nephew Bertha Bell received the sad news oix Saturday of the death of hex* nephew, Sgt. Robert Caw- thorpe, aged 2 5 years, Highland '.Light Infantry of Canada, son of Mrs. F. J. Cawthorpe, and the late Dr. Cawthorpe of Tavistock, who died following a motor accident at Shakespeare when a car driven by L.A.C. Frank Holley, -23, Royal Can­ adian Air Force, collided with a heavy loaded transport truck on .Friday evening near the main in­ tersection in Shakespeare. Holley died three hours after the accident. Misses Beatrice Millington and Ed­ na Hammer, two Tavistock girls, were seriously injured in the acci­ dent and are in Stratford Hospital. The sympathy of this community is extended to Sgt. Cawthorpe’s moth­ er, who was formerly Miss Jean Dick of IHensall. Council Meeting statutory meeting of council was held on the vil- Friday, in the A lage November 15th at 8 P.m. council chamber with all members present except Councilloi’ D. Rob­ inson: Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Moir and Cam­ eron That the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. R. J. Patterson, tax collector, reported having re­ ceived $.332.29 since last meeting and a total of $2,5'3'8.40 cash and $1370.0'0 in prepayments, being a total of $3918.40 on the 1940 roll. J. A. Patterson, treasurer, read the financial report at November. 15, 1940, and explained the same. ‘Hor­ ton and Cameron That the treasur­ er’s report be accepted as read and that sufficient copies be printed foi' Nov. 2i2. Carried. Reeve R. E. Shaddick reported the request of Flight Lieut. J. M. Roberts, R.C.A.F., for the use of a room foi’ the examination of recruits. Same was granted. Also reported re the equalization of the County in the County rate as applied to the vil­ lage. Correspondence read from Judge T. M. Costello, Dept, of Municipal 'Affairs, County Treasur­ er. Same filed. Horton and Moir That we now adjourn. Carried. Jas. A. Patterson, Clerk. Ladies’ Association Sleets The Ladies' Association of Car­ mel Presbyterian Church met on Tuesday evening with the Presi­ dent, Mrs, F, Farquhar presiding and opened by singing “Lead Kindly Light,” after which Mrs. Farqulxar led in prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ad­ opted. Kenneth 'Campbell gave a reading of welcome. Miss Eileen Munn sang' a solo entitled] “An Apple for the Teacher”, accompan­ ied by Mrs. Munn at the piano. Mrs, Weir gave the treasurer’s report in the absence of the treasurer, Mrs. Davidson. This report was most gratifying and was responded to by a reading entitled “.Steward of the Master”, by Mrs. Farquhar, The business was discussed. Mrs. Aud­ rey Campbell and Marion Triebner sang a duetr “When He Cometh”, Miss Eileen Munn played a piano I ed. Marion Triebner sang a duet. Loves Me singing * Thee’ ex* in and were Refreshments were served. Advises Women to Be Brave, Bright, British 'Mrs. T. J. at her home for Institute. Miss was co-hostess. evening, “Peace Relationship”. ; wered by “How to Keep Peace in the [Family,” In presenting the motto, “How We Can Help Win the War,” Mrs. W. B. Cross stated that a “tremendous responsibility rests upon oui* shoulders, that we can win the war by being brave, bright and British. We can also win the wax- by drawing closer to God.” Mrs. Ken Hicks 'also gave a pa­ per on the same subject, iMiss Sally Manson gave a demonstration of “Europe as it Stands Today.” For her subject, Mrs. R. Kestle, of Exeter, guest speaker, chose, “Our Queen in her War Work.” Mrs. James A. Paterson gave a report of the annual W.I. of West­ ern Ontario held in the Hotel don. During the business period sided over by the president, Beryl Pfaff, Mrs. Fred Beer, Florence Welsh, and Miss Mabel Workman were appointed a com­ mittee to assist with the packing of overseas boxes. For the musical, portion of the program, Mrs. W. A. MacLaren sang with Miss Florence Welsh, accompanist. Miss Greta Lammie played the violin with Miss 'Gladys Luker Miss Mabel the evening cent South held at the were presented by Mrs. W. Wen* and Mrs. R. J. Moore. Young' People Visit County Home The Young People’s Union and members of the congregation mot­ ored to the County Home at Clin ton Monday evening and presented a splendid program. Rev. R. A. Brook was chairman for the even­ ing and after a brief address all joined in a sing-song. The Happy Gang (namely Misses Mary Good- iwn, Elva McQueen, June Saunder­ cock, Norma Cook, Dorothy Dougall and Ruth Brook) were then called upon and’ gave a selection accom­ panied by Miss Edna Walsh at the piano. Misses Joyce Broderick, Betty Mickle and Eleanor Cook gave a dance in costume. Mrs. Russel Broderick accompanied at the piano. ■Little Audrey Walsh sang a solo en­ titled “Carry On”. Miss Gladys Luker favored with a piano instru­ mental,,/‘The Old Rugged Cross”; a vocal duet. “South of the Bor­ der” was sung by Misses Doris Bu­ chanan and June Kennedy accom­ panied by Miss Mary Goodwin at the piano. Mr. Carrey Joynt sang a delightful solo entitled “Keep on Hopin’,” accompanied by Miss Gladys Luker at the piano. The Hyde orchestra played several se­ lections which were much enjoyed. Miss! Joyce 'Broderick sang and danced two numbers, “You’d Be Surprised” and “If I Had My Way”, accompanied by Mrs. Broderick at the piano. Rev. Brook and Miss Ruth Brook sang a duet entitled “Ivory Palaces”. “All Nice Girls ', was sung by the Betty Mickle and danced dressed in Mr. Robert Hess solo. Miss Lenore a read- iLon- p re­ Miss Miss hex’ accompanist. Workman presided for and reports of the re­ Huron plowing match farm of Robert Munn Love a fiailor” ’Happy Gang. Eleanor Cook Dutch costume, played a piano Norminton favored with ing. Misses Ruth Hess and Mabel Fairbuim sang a duet entitled “Ten iLittle ’Miles from Town.” Mrs, Hed­ den and Mrs. Hess sang a duet en­ titled “Have You Been in the Gar­ den with Jesus”. Mrs. Jacobs ex­ tended a hearty vote of thanks to the entertainers. The program con­ cluded by singing “Abide With Me” and the national anthem. The inmates were treated with candy and oranges by the visitors. The program was arranged by Misses Edna Saundercock, Mary Goodwin and Bob Hess. HARPLEY / Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hay ter family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statton of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and fami­ ly spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur. Mellin and i family of Detroit called oil Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carruthers on day. Mr. Charles Stone spent the end in Chatham. Much credit is given to the of school section No. 10 for their help at the Red Cross concert last Tuesday night. Mrs. Jackson of Kippen is visit­ ing with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Hickey. Don’t forget the Chicken Pie Sup- In or in the parish hall, Greenway, | put on by the ladies of Grace church on November 27. and Sattir- week- pupils CREDITON Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Goodman and Miss Wealthy Schroeder, Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder, The patrons of Mr. Gerald Smith’s barber shop will be glad to know he has obtained the services of Mr, A, Edighoffer of Zurich, who will . carry on the shop on Tuesdays, Wed­ nesdays, Fridays and Saturdays while Mr. Smith attends the 30- day training period at Woodstock beginning Nov. 22. Mrs. George Mitchell, Strathroy, has returned after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. ‘Charles Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr returned home Monday after spending sev­ eral weeks at Boat Lake, Miss Gertrude Amos of Grand Bend spexrt the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Swar z. Rev. A. E. Pletch was guest speak­ er at the dedication service at Se- bringville Evangelical Church oix Sunday. Rev. Grigg of Exeter oc- , cupied the piilpit of the Evangelical Church on Sunday and preached very acceptably both morning and evening. A comparatively high wind visit­ ed the district last week. Farm roofs and trees were severely strained by the wind and many farmers will have to .do a little shingling before winter sets in. ■Rev. Mr. Grigg and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth of Exeter were enter­ tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. EmmOry Fahner on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist and family of Dashwood and Mr. and Mrs. Earnot Gaiser and family of the Blue Water Highway visited with Mr. and Mrs. Emmery Fahrner on Sunday. Mr. Shearer of Clinton, Agricul­ tural Representative of Huron, gave a talk in the town hall last Wednes­ day night under the auspices of the Women’s Institute. Mr. Shear­ er, who spoke on “Huron County, the part Which Agriculture Plays iix It”, and also oix agricultural prob­ lems, . delighted the audience with his interesting and instructive ad­ dress. Mrs. England took the chair and the Evangelical 'S.S. orchestra provided incidental music. Elaine and Norma Fahrner sang "There'll. Always be an England”. . Oix Nov, 25 there will be the summary meet­ ing in the Institute. The members are requested to bring fruit. A Summary Day of the Local Lea­ der Project, “Preservation of Fruit” which was studied in the districr on July 25th and 26th, will be held in the Town Hall, Crediton, Mon day, Nov. 2:5th. at 2 p.m. A pro­ gram is being planned which will in­ clude the following: A musical num­ ber from each of the following branches: Kippen East, Hurondale. Exeter, and Crediton; report of the local leaders; a skit based on the subject studied by foui’ of the la­ dies; guest speakex* on the topic pertaining to the project; construc­ tive criticism of the samples of canned fruits, jellies and jams; dis­ cussion of problems. Tea will be served at the close of the meeting. All W.I. members of the district are invited to atttend. ELIMVILLE didThe windstorm last week considerable damage to the roofs of buildings in this district. IMr, and Mrs. Fred Long of At­ wood were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Win. Johns. Miss Edith Sparling, returned missionary from China gave a very interesting address at last Sunday evening’s service in this church. She very ably compared conditions of 50 years ago in China to those of the present time. Her friends here are always pleased to have the op­ portunity to hear her speak. W. A. Meeting' The W. A. met for their Novem­ ber meeting at the home of Mrs. Garnet Johns last Thursday af­ ternoon. Mrs. Alvin Cooper had charge of the meeting. Items on the program were scripture lesson by Mrs. Harold Bell; Mrs. Wm. Routly read a letter lately receiv­ ed from Mrs. Tolfvee, formerly of this neighborhood, who is residing in England in the district continu­ ally bombed by the Germans. Al­ though being constantly in danger her letter portrayed the heroic spir­ it of the English people undex- exist­ ing conditions there. Mrs. Chas. Stephen read an interesting let­ ter. Election of officers was held, the same officers being returned: President, Miss Ruth Skinner; trea­ surer, Mrs. Harold Bell; secretary, Mrs. John Delbridge; organist, Mrs. Freeman Horne. Plans were dis­ cussed for the Christmas meeting which is to be held on the 19th of December at the home of Mrs. Franklin Skinner. THE NEW MARVEL PIG STARTER. H EXITE Mfgd. by Kellogg Co., Limited of London This Starter is Highly Recom­ mended by the Biggest Hog Pro­ ducer in this District R* G. SELDON & SON THAMES ROAD AND ROYS The annual W.M-S. service was held Sunday with Miss Sparling of China as speaker. Mrs. Jas. Bon- thron of Hensall sang two solos, “God’s Tomorrow” and “Strangeri of Galillee.” | Mrs. Wiseman is visiting wth Rev.! Wm. and Mrs. Monteith near Niag-* ara. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bonthron were guests of Mr. and Mrs, P. Stone on Sunday. * Miss Mildred Hodgert was a Sun­ day visitor with Miss K. Morley of Whalen. Mr. R. spent the ents. Mr. and Collings of Ridgetown week-end with his par- it being made a on Mon- under the auspices of circle and arranged foi' has been postponed for of on of by Sol- paper, “Grace Mrs. Gollings. with prayer in Mrs. dis- Be- The uni- neighbors pleasant- Mrs. Passmore were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Gunning of Whalen, their anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Parker business trip to Chatham day. The play the mission last Friday the present. Miss Jean Brock, of Zion, was the guest of Miss Ann Morgan over the week-end. The contract for the decorating of the church is in the hands Gamey and Outram of London. The W. A. held their meeting Tuesday evening in the basement the church. The meeting opened singing “Onward Christian diers”, prayer by Mrs. Mair and scripture by the president, Coward, followed by a business cussion and a fore Meat” by meeting closed son. Friends and ly. surprised Miss Edna McCurdy with a miscellaneous showei’ at her home on Tuesday afternoon as a token of good-will and esteem on her approaching marriage. About 80 were present. Mission Circle The regular monthly meeting of Thames Road Mission Circle was held at the home of Jean Cann on Saturday afternoon of last week. The meeting opened by all singing hymn 444, followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Scripture lesson was read by Jean Cann. The secretary’s and trea­ surer’s reports were then given and roll call taken with 9 members re­ sponding. Collection was then tak­ en up and business was discussed. Hymn 390 was sung. This was fol- '1 The Red & White Store il COOKIES SHREDDED WHEAT 2 lbs. for 25c 2 fpi- 23c BAKING POWDER Nugget SHOE POLISH 15c per TIN 10c CARNATION MILK, Large • •................... .3 for 25c RED & WHITE SWEET CORN ...............................3 for 25c SNOW WHITE SHORTENING .« • ................. 2 for 23c 1 MEDIUM MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES AND 1 SMALL PACKAGE, BOTH FOR ................................. 18c Red & White 3 Large FLOOR WAX PALMOLIVE TIN, 25c For 25c 5 BARS PEARL SOAP 1 HANDY AMMONIA........................... Both for 22c APRICOTS DRIED PEACHES PRUNES FRESH and SMOKED FILLETS of HADDIE Phone 102 I Harvey & Harvey We Deliver CENTRALIA The regular Home and| School club meeting will be held on Fri­ day, Nov. 29th, the guest speaker being Mr. Bert Francis of Exeter. Mrs. (Lome Hicks visited for a few days last week with her father, Mr. T. Pollock in Ripley. iMrs. J. Pollard spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Shapton in Exeter. , Mrs. W. Spencer of St. Thomas ! and Mrs. Ross Hitch of Toronto | visited with Mrs. H. Mills on Friday I of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins of Corbett visited with Mrs. Harness on Friday of last week. Mr. George Hicks and Frank who were on a hunting trip last week succeeded in bringing home two deer, a fox and other small game. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith return­ ed to their home here last week. i in Dr. Taylor’s office last Fred Preeter, Stratford, few days with relatives here. last ’week, which was very appreciated. and Mrs. John Neeb of Wel- spent the week-end with hex* lowed by and instrumental by Doris Mr- Smith xs off duty owing to il - Duncan. The topic was read by Jean- ness- ette Stone. Mildred Hodgert then | E- Beavers, who is on played a guitar number which was sick list’ *s “^proving nicely, followed by a talk given by Mrs. I M.1’- and M'rs> darkness and Mair, Marion Hodgert then sang family of Huntsville and Mrs. J. a solo and a Herald was read by Burgess of Windsor were visitors Jean Cann. Alice Passmore played iwith- and Mrs W. Connor and* an instrumental which was followed | aud ^rs. E. Willard during the by a Herald by Roberta Duncan>ast Hymn 501 was sung and the Miz-1 ^turned home with Mr. and Mrs. pah benediction pronounced which'Hal ness', ... .. . n,* Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford andclosed the meeting. Owing to the of Hensall were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.- J. Pol­ lard. I Mr. and Mrs. Ewart' Paine and ’son of London visited on Sunday j with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Skelton. ; Mr. Fred Baynham. of London and Mr. Scotty Baynham of the R.C.A.F. in Trenton spent a couple of days at their home here and at­ tended the funeral of their grand­ father, the late Mr. Charles Loch- ner of Shipka. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. George Bayn- ham in the death of her father, Mr. Chas. Lochner who passed away suddenly in Shipka on Saturday. Centralia Y.P.S. held their regu­ lar meeting Tuesday Nov. 19. The president opened the meeting with a hymn followed by the Lord’s pray­ er in unison. After the business the meeting was taken over by Reg Hodgson. A hymn was sung; Mrs. Penwarden and Mrs. W. Essery sang a duet. Grace. Andrew read the scripture and Doris Greb gave the topic on "'Why I Don't Go to Church”. This was followed by a very interesting discussion led by Bruce Isaac. The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction. Mr. C1OSUU LBtJ Ill3&LIllg* UWlllg UU LAIC ( redecoration of the church the play from Woodham has to be cancelled until later on. KIRKTON Mrs. John Brown who is in her 86th year had the misfortune to fall off hex’ chair this past week, breaking her hip. She was taken to Stratford General Hospital by ambulance. She is under the care of Dr. Campbell. Mrs. Earl Stephens and little son are holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodge. Mr. Ross Marshall has his house and barn wired for hydro. The work was done by Morris Hearn. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Beavers and family of Medina and Mrs. John Beavers of St. Marys were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tru­ man Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock and boys were Sunday guests Wm, Morley at Whalen. All the carpenters in munity are very busy barns and houses with shingles, due to the severe wind of last week. •One man had to replace 5 bunches of with Mr. the com- repairing shingles. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mellin of Green­ way spent Monday with the latter’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carruthers. i Mrs. Alex Hamilton and son Bar­ ry of Grand Bend are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mrs. Ed Penhale who has been ill with a heart attack is improving, Mr. Steve Glanville, who has been confined to his home with the measles is out around again. Mi', and Mrs. David Baird and son Carl of Grand Bend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims. Mrs. John Baird of Grand Bend is visiting with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims. Mr, and Mrs. George Wright and Mr. Douglas Brokensliire of Wind sot spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson. Mrs, Chris Rau who has been ill with arthritis is able to be up some every day. Mr. Ed Penhale received the news of the death of his mother, Mrs. J. Penhale, who passed away last night after a long illness. The sym­ pathy of the community is extend­ ed to the bereaved. the DASHWOOD Mrs. Ervin Guenther and family visited with her parents in Toronto last week. Mrs. Cowan of Fergus is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Kel­ lerman. The Christmas entertainment, in the Evangelical Church will be held on Sunday evening, December 22nd. Mr. Allen Miller of the Blue Wa­ ter Highway was operated on for tonsils week. Mr. spent a Mr. Dagg of Zurich gave a very interesting address in the Mission Circle much Mr. lesley sister, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller. Mr. C. Baumgarten who has been on the sick list has gone to the 16th concession where he will spend the winter with his son. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Restemeyer have moved into Mrs. Henry Kraft’s house formerly occupied by Lome •Gent tn er. The Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. of the Evangelical church held their November meeting in the basement of the church. The Devotional ex­ ercises were in charge of Mrs. R. H., Taylor’s group with Mrs. Chas. Snell! as chairlady. The following program was carried out: Hymn; prayei’ by­ Mrs. H. E. Roppel; scripture lesson by Mrs. W. Wolfe; vocal duet by Cathern Finkbeiner and Mrs. A., Oestreicher, reading by Mrs. V. Schatz. The chapter in the study book was given by Mrs. It. H. Taj- lor. Prayei’ foi’ missionaries by Mrs. R. Miles. A IBible contest con­ ducted by Mrs. R. H. Taylor, president. Mrs, G. Wildfong presided for the business. The utes of the previous meeting read and their adoption, was onded by Mrs. D. Tieman. meeting then heard the treasurer’s and committees’ reports. The Sun­ shine Committee reported having made 60 sick visits. It was decid­ ed that we each .pay $1.00 instead of having oui’ annual bazaar in De­ cember. The Sunshine Committee foi’ the month are Mrs. E. Tieman and Mrs. Jas, Wildfong. There were 10'7 sick visits made and 1 dainty sent during the month. The December meeting is to be in charge of Mrs. H. E. Koppel’s group and are also holding the annual elec­ tion of officers. After roll call and collection of fees to which 17 mem­ bers responded, the meeting wag closed by singing the National An­ them. The then min- were sec- The- MOUNT CARMEL Don’t forget the dance on Friday night. Miss Winnifred Madden of To­ ronto has returned home after spending a week’s holidays with her sister, Bernadine. A number attended the oratorical contest held in the Monday night. Mr. M.. Doyle of Monday with friends Miss Evelyn McCann of Rodney spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann. Mr. and Mrs. F. Coughliix spent Sunday with relatives in Bonfield. Mr. Dave Geromette Tuesday in London. Miss Elizabeth Ryan spent the week-end at here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Daltoxx spent Mon­ day in Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietrich family spent Sunday with the ter’s parents, Mr. and* Mrs. C. gan, Lucan. I Parish Hall on London spent here. Jr., spent of London her home and lat- Re- Time is the one absolute essential in permanent success, and you have all there is. BRINSLEY A hot chicken supper will be held at St. Mary’s Church on Wednesday, Nov. 27th. Supper is to be served from 6 to 8 p.m. Cannon Bice of London is to be present to assist with the program. The chicken supper that was held in the United Church last week was a decided success. Tile tables were so- well laden with good things that everyone went away well pleased both with the bounteous supper and the excellent views on China shown by Rev. Mr. Turner, proceeds went to the -Red Cross. Miss Reta Lewis ■ ............ .. spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lewis. Mrs. Lewis accompanied Reta back to Hamilton. /The wind storm of last Monday num- tlieir Half of the of Hamilton did considerable damage. A blown offber had shingles haras, etc. Rev. Mr. Turner interesting sermon mostpreached a on Sunday last, in memory of the late Rt. Hon. Me* vilie Chamberlain, former Premier of Great Britain.