HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-10-31, Page 8Thursday, October 31, 1910 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe We have installed a New Perma- nont Wave Machine so that you may have the latest at reasonable prices. Spiral, Croquinole & Combination Evenings by Appointment, phone 112 VERA C. DECKER, Prop. FOR S|A!LE'—One of Huron’s choice highway farms, with fine | 'buildings, electricty and running water. W. C, Pearce, Exeter. ! You save money by using Walk- [ er’s Stock Tonic. An excellent stock . conditioner and worm tonic.—Ro- ( bertson’s Drug Store, Exeter. | Exeter Markets Wheat for Wheat Board 53Sc. New Wheat 7Ue. Creamery Butter 33c. Dairy Butter 2 6-2 9c. Eggs,large 35c. Eggs.medium 33c. E ggs B 23c. Hogs,dressed $11..50 IDEAL MEAT MARKET C. Tanton FOR SALE OR RENT—Two-stor- ey frame house with hydro, hard ' and soft water in house, one acre i of land, situated on Huron street, i west. Possession anytime. Apply | Crediton 18rl5. 2tc. I FOR SALE—Coal or wood range. Phone 261, Exeter. ltc | Choice Quality Meats Phone 38 Main St. Good VisioR Makes Good Students Children Learn Through their Eyes! Make Sure Vision is Perfect First, last and all the time the eyes must carry the big load in the class room. Hidden defects in vision may mean the difference between success and failure in school work, Learn the facts about your children’s eyes. Have them examined today by C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday DOMESTIC WANTED — Exper­ ienced cook, general, two in family. Mrs. Ramsay, 197 Ridout St. S., London, Ont. 2tp. FOR SALE—Hand-picked North­ ern Spy apples. Apply to Harold Cudmore, Exeter or phone 171r3. Exeter. 2tc. WANTED—Cattle to feed by the month or by the gain. Apply Har­ old Cudmore. Exeter. 2tc. ffii momi ii nmm 11 iiat n wn» x — « iw ii <!■ n n ■»» <> <i'»11 <O i ! I LOCALS I |______________________________£ COOKING SALE The Exeter Chapter O. E. S. will hold a Cooking Sale, Saturday af­ ternoon, November 2nd, at Mr. B. W. F. Beavers’ Hardware Store. FOR SALE—One C.C.M. bicycle in perfect condition with all ac­ cessories. Apply Douglas Cook, Hensail, Ont. FOR SALE—A kitchen range Princess Beth oil burner, cream enamelled front, reservoir, 2 burn­ ers, just like new. Apply at Times- Advocate. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER j At the Central Hotel on j Sunday. Dinner served from 12.30 to 2 o’clock and from 5.30 to 7 o’clock. Price 65c. Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 BUY ALBERTA COAL CANADIAN COAL ■ for CANADIANS Carload Just Arrived JAS. P. BOWEY FOR SALE — One good Brood Sow carrying third litter, Apply to Art Broderick, Exeter. ltp FOR SALE—Comfortable home, furnace, 3-piece 'bath, hydro, several kinds of small fruits, stable, gar­ age. Suitable fox’ retired farmer or one fond of gardening. Apply to J. W. Powell, Exeter. 2tc. F'OR SALE—-A number of choice Light Sussex pullets, laying well. Also a few White Leghorn pullets. Apply to W. H. Hodgson, Centralia, phone Crediton, 18r3. ltc OK Apple Butter Factory will operate every day except Saturday until end of season. Custom work, our specialty. Phone 229. Exeter.— S. J. V. CANN & SONS. FOR SALE—-Two-storey frame house with hydro, hard and soft water in house, one acre of land, situate on Huron Street W. Posses­ sion anytime. Apply Crediton 18rl5. 2tc. FOR SALE—Houses in Exeter, Crediton and Lucan. Building lots in Exeter and several farms in Hur­ on. Perth and .Middlesex.—W. C. Pearce, Exeter. APPLE'S—Finest grown sprayed Spys. Come and get a supply dir­ ect.—C. Hoare, Clinton, Fruit Farm 2tc. FOR RENT — Brick house in Exeter, immediate possession. Ap­ ply to Thomas Laing, Hensail. 10-24-2tc FIRST MORTGAGE of $1,000 wanted by responsible person on business property. Rev- -enue producing. Apply Box number 270SW, FARM FOR S'AiLE — One of the finest farms. 100 or 150 acres. Very reasonable price and terms. Full set of good buildings. Hydro through­ out. Best of soil. Never rented. Also good 87 acre farm. Small down payment.—<C. v. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE—'Ford motor mount­ ed on steel frame equipped with 9 inch pully for grinding grain. Apply George Link, Dashwood, phone 34 r 21. tfc SPRAYED APPLES FCR SALE— Spy, King, Talman Sweet, Greening, Russet, Baldwin and other apples. Phone Clinton 622 r 24. Fred Mc- Clymont, Varna. 17-6tc HOUSES FOR SALE — Several comfortable houses in Exeter. One in Crediton. Two .with acreage. Ck V. Pickard, phone 165. STRAYED—Onto lot 11, Conces­ sion 4, one heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and pay­ ing expenses. Apply to Robert Tinney, R. R. 1, Rxeter. tfc Dead animals removed. Cash for fox horses, Two hours service, day or night. Phone Crediton 47ri5 collect.—Jack Williams. 10-3-3W FOR RENT—Residence on An­ drew St,, possession 1st Novembet Apply to Geo. Hepburn, Crediton, phone 26r2. Mrs. N. J. Dore spent a few days last week in Windsor visiting with <. friends. | Mrs. J. S. Harvey is visiting at Willow Grove with her daughter, Mrs. N. Stacey. Miss Jean Murray, of Hensall, visited with friends in Exeter the latter part of the week. Mrs. W. W. Taman is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. W. , G. Goodison, of Sarnia. Miss Norma Wilson is visiting in Aylmer with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and -Mrs. Ted Sims. Mr. David Hern, of Hamiota, Man., is visiting with relatives and friends in Exeter and vicinity. Mr. and -Mrs. O. H. Becker, of New Hamburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. ■ A. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dellow, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Appleton on Sunday. Miss Lillian Finkbeiner, of the Bell Telephone staff, has been ill at her home for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Werner and daughter, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Russell. Mr. W. G. Medd is in Toronto at­ tending a special meeting of the Ontario Temperance Federation. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson, of Sarnia, visited the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson re­ cently. Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Anderson vis­ ited in Mitchell with 'Mrs. Ander­ son’s aunt Mrs. Williams on Satur­ day. Miss Lulu Lindenfield spent the week-end in Toronto visiting with her sister, Mrs. M. R. Cudmore and family. Mrs. Hillary Horton’s many friends will regret to hear that she suf­ fered a heart attack Sunday night. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Francis and daughter Janie Lee, of Tavistock, spent Sunday with Mrs. Francis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Jaques. Mr. and iMrs. Eugene Howey and Mr. and Mrs. E. Gardiner, of Mt. Forest, visited with ,.the former’s mother, Mrs. W, iS. Howey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dorman and son and daughter, Ailsa Craig, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy visited ' on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Willard. Mr. and -Mrs. Chas. Merrill and daughter Jean, of Foldens Corners, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Dinney. Mrs. A. Wells, Miss C. Switzer, R.N., and Mrs. Mann of St. Marys, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd. W. C. Pearce reports the sale of < the small farm of Mr. Albert Oke, corner of No. 8 highway and Ben- mfller Road to Mr. Chris. Baech- ler, of Blake. Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Beavers, of Sarnia, spent Monday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mr. and Mrs. Will McLaughlin, of Brantford, visited one day last week with Mrs. Hoskins and Mrs. Kestle; also called on Mr, and Mrs. M. Amy. Louis Forwell, a life-long resi­ dent of St. Clemens, died In Toron­ to Sunday aged 77 years. Two bro­ thers, George and Pierce, live at Zurich. ; THE NEW MARVEL PIG STARTER HEXITE Mfgd. by Kellogg Co., Limited of London This Starter is Highly Recom­ mended by the Biggest Hog Pro­ ducer in this District . R. G. SELDON & SON EXPERT Permanent Waving TOMLINSON’S At W. I. Convention Among those present at the Wo ■ men’s Institute Convention at Hotel. London on Tuesday were: Mrs. H. L. Kyle, Mrs.- W. R. Goulding, Miss L. M. Jeckell, Exeter; Mrs. James Patterson, Hensall; Miss Elizabeth Hotson, Mrs. Arnold Hughes, Mrs. Alfred Slater, Mrs. Alex Ragin, Mrs. L. Craven, Mrs. Jos. Tweddle, Miss Marguerite Tweddle, Ailsa Craig; Mrs. James Dixon, Mrs. El­ don Hodgson, Mrs. J. L. Amos, Mc­ Gillivray; Mrs. A. W. Morgan, of Hurondale; Mrs. L. Tremeer, Kip­ pen East; Mrs. F. W. Morlock, of Crediton; Mrs. H. M. Davis, Mrs. Allan McPhail, Fullarton; Mrs. N. Watson, Kirkton; Mrs. Harvey Haskett, Mrs. Mitchell Haskett, of Lucan. , FARMS FOB SALE 100 acres, three miles southwest of Hensall, Lot 13, Con. 3, Hay Township. Hydro, good bank barn with good stabling, implement house, hen house, good well, hardwood bush, 10 acres of fall wheat and fall plowing done. Also 5 0 acres, north half of Lot 12, Con. 4, Hay Town­ ship. Thirty acres plowed from sod last spring, balance in grass; good well with windmill. Also 100 acres, grass farm, Lot No. 11, Con. 5, Hay Township, with never-failing spring creek running across it. Apply to Mrs.. J. P. Todd on Lot 13, Con. 3, Hay Township. 10-30-tfc Foot Sufferers! Special Attention! The Special Representative of Miracle Foot Aid HAMILTON, ONT. Will be at A. E. WUERTH’S STORE “The Home of Bunny White” Exeter, on Tuesday, Nov. 5 th from 1 to 8 p.m. PLAN TO SEE HIM! No Charges for Consultation “Miracle” Method of Correction successfully proven by our many satisfied customers in this district. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—(Sunday School 11 a.xn. and 7 p.m.—Rev. Peter Jamieson, of Cromarty. Thursday at 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. will en­ tertain the Y.P.S. of Main St. church at a Hallowe’en supper. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Norval J, Woods M.A. AL’S. N. J. Dore Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Thursday — 7.30 p.m.—Mid-week Meeting. Anniversary' Services, November 17 Rev. Duncan McTavish, London JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—“If the foundations be des­ troyed, what shall the righteous do?” p.m,.—.Church School p.m.—“Overcoming or Escaping” •Y. P. Union •Prayei’ Service CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Sunday, November 10th Rev. Charles Leslie B.A., Toronto 11 3 7 Tuesday 8 p.m. Wednesday 8 p.m.- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 24th Sunday After Trinity 10 a.m. — Holy Communion and Sermon “Communion of Saints” 11 a.m.—Bunday School Friday—All Saints' Day Service at 7.30 p.m. Services for the next three Sun­ days in the morning at 10 a.m. S.S. Convention at Centralia The annual Sunday School con­ vention in being held in Centralia United Church on Friday, November 1st with sessions at 2.00 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Supper will be served by the ladies of the church. The special speaker for the day will be Rev. Dr. Manson Doyle of Toronto, who will also conduct an open forum on Sunday School problems. Rev. W. A. Beecroft, Wingham will tell of his experiences of “Camp Life in Northern Ontario” during the sup­ per hour. Music in the evening will be supplied by the Friendship House Orchestra of London. A cordial in­ vitation is extended to all to attend. Grandmothers Entertained Young Men’s Overcoats In cloths that are hard to duplicate. These cloths will give excellent wear. You will find the style you like at prices that will suit your purse. We would like you to see our Rvalues before you purchase a new coat. Dominion & Miner Rubbers Every Rubber we sell is guaranteed by the manufacturer. Try a pair of these well-known makes. We carry a complete range in many different styles. See our heavy Rubber Boots at $2.00 a pair Ladies’ Winter Coats We would like you to see our Winter Coats for Ladies while our stock is com­ plete. Repeat orders are costing more as materials are all higher in price. We would advise early buying. Several last winter’s coats at great savings. GROCERY SPECIALS COFFEE Gold Medal Clark’s PORK AND BEANS with Chili Sauce DAIRY BUTTER per pound . . . 28c AYLMER CORN Sweet Choice 3 tins for . . . 25c ALLEN’S APPLE JUICE 3 large tins . . 25c 3 PEAS Country Kist cans .. . 25c IVORY SNOW FLAKES 1 box .. 19c CHOICE TEA Bulk Black or Mixed 1 pound .. 59c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 large tins . . 25c Choice New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Potatoes for Sale Southcott Bros. ■ LOCAL NEWS ( Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper have this week moved into the residence of Mr. E. Lindenfield on John St, Dr. H. H. Cowen and Rev. D. C. Hill were at Clinlon Monday'even- ling attending a district meeting of I the Boy Scouts. Two new clubs, I Lucan and Milvorton, have united with the district. Mr. Noble 'Scott, who recently had the misfortune to lose his right hand in a cutting box while silo filling, returned from Victoria Hos- OH Rat-nrrlnv la«I nnfl ie innlr- ing splendid recovery. Marion, daughter of Rev. N. J. and Mrs. Woods, a student at the. Exetei’ public school, is carrying her arm in a sling having fractured hex* collar-bone when she fell one night at the Main St. Parsonage. Mr. Earl Parsons, a wax' veteran who was at Westminster Hospital for a week, on-Friday of last week underwent axx operatioxi at St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital. He has been quite ill but is improving nicely. Mr. Barry Wenger, of Mitchell, has takexi a position as linotype operator with the Times-Advocate, taking the place of Mr. Wm, C. > Davis, who leaves next week fox’ Goderich to commence his new. duties as assistant storekeeper at the Elementary Training Flying School. The Young Men’s Bible class and the Young Ladies’ Bible class of James St. United Church held a social evening Friday of last week with about thirty in attendance. Couples were formed and progress­ ive games played under the direc­ tion of the teachers, Mrs. C. Walk- ex’ and' C. V. Pickard. Refreshments Were served bringing to a close a very pleasant time, O.ti Sunday evening last the con­ gregation of the Main St. United church were given a splendid treat when the Pastor, Rev. N. J. Woods, told of his work as a student mis­ sionary in the West illustrated with pictures taken 'by himself, The pic­ tures were taken north of Edmon­ ton and of his field at Klondike City. Mrs. Dore sang an appro­ priate solo that was much appre­ ciated by ail. ( iThe Exeter Women’s Institute en­ tertained the Grandmothers of the community on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. Kyle. There were 45 ladies present 27 of them being grandmothers. Mrs. Gordon Hunter, vice-president was in charge of the business period. It was de­ cided to hold an evening of Bingo in the near future for the purpose of “the draw” for the lucky ticket on a quilt, with Mrs. Frank Coates and her committee in charge. The place and date will be announced^[tal“ou Saturday last and is mak- later. The Roll Call; each mem­ ber was to weai’ an old time gar- lxient or pieces of jewellery and tell the story of it. The Lords Prayer was repeated in unisoxx and couf- munxty singing was led by Mrs. W. R. Goulding. A very interesting talk “History of Greenfield Village” was givexx by Mrs. /S. M. Southcott. This message on pxoneer^days prov­ ed very fitting, as/the tj^eme of this meeting was His'tpri A well rendered titled ,,r- was sung by Mrs.^Robertson and Mrs. E. Lindenfi^ld/ This numibex' was enjoyedMxyrWL Mis? T- KT Jeckell ably competed an toral Quiz” mothers respo ly. The sin Anthem brouffft the meeting to a close. LunchZfwas —Served by the hostess and /committee. % RJ^UMA'l#’ PAIN, J^ciatica, Lum­ bago quidpy relieved .by RUMAOAFJS. Recbmmended thou§and^*who have gained better health^ Browningll Drug Store. Research, duet en- The Church/Af/’Long Ago” Miss L. M. l “Ances- .’ilch the grand- d whole-hearted of the National using by I ■’a I COUNTY COUNCIL Huron in the House, The ... Men’s Store WINDBREAKERS $1.95 to $4.95 , ANKLE SOCKS 35c to 50c PYJAMAS $2.00 SHIRTS $1.50 to $1.95 TIES 50c to $1.00 Newest Miracle of Science STRETCHES, TRANSPARENT and DURABLE ELASTIC-GLASS SUSPENDERS $1.00 GARTERS 75c W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Rev. D. C. Hill was at Seaforth Monday afternoon and read a paper at the Seaforth and district Minis­ terial Association, the subject of the paper being “Law and Freedom”. James Street Mission Baud “>Oh, doctor! Junior whole bottle of ink!” “Did you give him dote?” “Yes, pieces of I made him blotting paper.” drank a any eat anti- three The next meeting of the County Council will be held Council Chambers. Court Goderich commencing on Tuesday, November 12th, at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputa­ tions and other business requiring the attention of (Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 9, 1940. N. W. Miller, County Clerk Goderich, Ont, MEN WANTED FAMILEX keeps 900 leaders AT WORK. Our assortment of over 200 daily necessities, needed in every home, sells to relatives and estab­ lished clientale. With or without experience you can succeed if you are honest and a willing worker. Every sale of $1.00 brings you pro­ fit — who can’t sell for at least $2.00 in an hour? This means that you earn about 90c. per hour. WITHOUT OBLIGATION write at once to FIAJMILEX PRODUCTS, .570 St. Clement Street, Montreal. The Autumn Thank-Offering of James St. Church Mission Band was held on Monday, October 28th at 4.15. The attendance was 38 and twelve mother and friends. Don­ ald Southcott was in charge of the meeting which opened by singing hymn 426. Then everyone repeated the Mission Band Prayer.' Marguer­ ite Pickard read the minutes of the last meeting and Mary Hannigan, read the treasurer’s report. Then everyone repeated the Mission Band Purpose. Keith and Onolee Batson recited “A Prayer for all ’Children” Margaret White, Gloria Appleton and Maxine Reeder sang. George TaiitOn recited the 100th Psalm as. Scripture lesson and Margaret* White sang a solo. Mrs. Page told the very interesting and beautiful story “Hold Hal’d to Love” which was enjoyed by all. The Thank- Offering amounted to six dollars and fifty-eight cents. The meeting closed by singing hymn 429 and then the closing prayer,