HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-10-31, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, OCTOIJei? 81, 1040 FRIEND IN NEED EDITORIALJLmI ■ kJ JL 1 W I*! 1 U Yes, sir, this is the town where everybody is friendly. ******** And how did the trees manage to locate all those leaves? ******** Leaves have their time to hurn And flowers to wither at the north wind’s breath. Sometime when contribs are slim And your own Lamp of Genius grows dim, This rhyme will help you to con­ trive A verse in the middle And prose at the end 'So you can meet the deadline When it arrives. —Lonesome Rookie * * * A HUMAN BALANCE SHEET Last week a brokerage house re­ ceived a letter from an applicant for a vacant cashier’s job which took the form of the following bal­ ance sheet: Assets—A wife and three chil­ dren, a home in the country with­ out a mortgage, $2,000' cash in sav­ ings bank, $3,200 in Liberty’s, $4,- 000 in other securities, $20,000 in­ surance, member of the local Pro­ testant Episcopal Church, a good temper, habit of getting up early, good health, age 4>2, and have never been in court for anything. Liabilities—'Lost my last job for taking a certain stand on too much efficiency when an efficiency man was brought into our midst. Be­ lieve strongly in the human equa­ tion in business. Rather self-opin­ ionated. Spend a ibit too much on clothes and like an occasion­ al drink of good liquor. Yep—he got the job—and if his present enthusiasm holds up, he’ll be a junior partner before the year is out. * * * Tday’s Smile—As self-conscious as a young man growing his first moustache. Love thine enemies—they merely lie about you while your friends are prone to tell the truth. * * * Is it because women are natural lovers of flowers that so many of them marry blooming idiots. Most people fail to make, the first page because they try to build a penthouse without .bothering about laying a foundation and erecting a building to top with a penthouse. * * sit IA11 men are born equal—it’s that they are equal to later in life—after their school diploma is forgotten, that makes the difference.* * * YOUR SPARE TIME Your spare time - your leisure moments - is the acid test of your character. During his spare time, Edison performed hundreds of experiments that laid the foundation for his inventions'. •At the end of the month, can you think of anything “worth while ac­ complished during your spare hours? Do you know how much you can learn by spending just one hour each day in some special study? Try it. You can learn the prin­ ciples of almost any trade or pro­ fession in 365 hours of careful study, effort and concentration. . Why not begin TODAY? * * * A verse by Chas. Hanson Town for youi’ scrap book: f Around the 'Corner Around the corner I have a friend, In this great city that has no end', Yet days’ go Iby and weeks rush on And ’ere I know it, a year has gone And I never see my old friend’s face For life is a swift and terrible race. He knows I like him just as well As in the days when I rang liis bell And he rang mine. We were younger then; And now we are busy tired men - Tired with playing a foolish igame; Tired with trying to make a name. “Tomorrow,” I say, ‘I’ll call on Jim’ Just to show 'I’m thinking of him.” But tomorrow ’comes - and tomor­ row goes, ——"w——w Nagging, Dragging Pains In the Back Many women have to do their own housework, and the constant bend­ ing over, lifting, making beds, (Sweeping, ironing, sewing, so neces- eary to perform their household duties puts a heavy strain on the back and kidneys, and if there were no kidney weakness the back would be strong and well* Doan’s Kidney Pills help to give relief to weak, backache, kidney suf­ fering women. Doan’s Kidney Pills are put up in an oblong grey box with our trade mark a uMaple Leaf” on the Wrapper. , Don’t accept & substitute. Be sure and get ‘‘Doan’s.” Th* T. Milburn Co., Ltd, Tercafe Onfe And the distance between us grows and grows Around the corner! yet miles away “Here's a telegram, sir,” Jim died today!” And that's what we get and deserve in the end, Around the corner—a vanished friend.* * * It was a fairly busy time in the outfitting department when a little boy entered and, approaching the counter, asked the clerk for “a soft man’s collar.” The clerk smiled and the customer laughed - then, point­ ing to his own collar which happen­ ed to be a soft one, usked: “You I mean like this, sonny,” “No,” replied the boy, “I want a clean one.” * * * —an immodest girl is one who is aware that you are aware that she is aware of her legs and doesn’t care —-we will continue to have divorce as long as people cannot distinguish between real love and curiosity. —crime, in some cases, may be un­ premeditated, but gating galoshes are deliberate. —a judge has ruled that a hus­ band must divide his salary with his wife 50-50. Well, we are glad to see the husbands getting a break at last. —‘Curious Cynic * * * Senator Glum Tells Us—If you can't put into writing the reasons for your opinion on a subject, don’t press your viewpoint too strongly. ’Congress has reached that danger­ ous stage reached by every congress when it would rather go home and build political fences than to stay in Washington and achieve the doubtful honour of quoting other authorities foi’ the purpose of get­ ting something under their own name in the Congressional Record-i * * * About the (best mental picture of a proposition you can expect some minds to grasp is a silhouette. * * * If a two-wheel vehicle is a bic­ ycle, a three-wheel a tricycle, a one wheeler ought to be an icicle — but it isn’t, it’s a wheelbarrow. * * * “Why, iMaggie, Ah thought you- all was on youah honeymoon. Was you not married honey-child?” “Yes, Ah was married all right, but G-awge wanted to go to Mem­ phis and ah had been there befaw, I so ah let's mah sister go in mah I place.”* * * Pert and Pertinent iSome presidential aspirants re­ mind me of the cork tree, which is principally bark.” —the cork offers further sugges­ tions—which have doubtless al­ ready occurred to some of our readers. “What is more humiliating than finding one has not worn the right shirt studs at an exalted social function.” —well, perhaps, it is the bitterness of being obliged to explain one’s own ■ jokes. “Father -Coughlin is a strong ad­ vocate for stable money.” ' —iwe move that the word ‘stable’ be stricken out and the word ‘gar­ age’ substituted. “According to statistics, women are now marrying younger than they did a generation ago.” —and apparently too often. —Oley Okedoke ' * * * A Tribute This excellent bit of verse was sent in to the Column without the author’s name — we’d like to be able to give proper credit: Men are of two kinds-, and he Was the kind I’d like to be Some preach their virtues, and a Few express their lives by what They do. That sort was he, No Flowery phrase Or glibly spoken Words of praise won friends for I-Iim. He wasn’t cheap or shallow, But his course ran deep, and it Was pure. Yott know the kind. Not many in a life you find Whose deeds outrun their words iSo far that more than what they Beem, they are. * * * A popular IM. D. in town recently hired a new maid and one of the first times she was summoned to the door >by the ringing of the bell and the caller asked how long the doctor would Ibe out, she said: ‘‘No, sir, I don’t know how long the doc­ tor will foe gone — he’s been called out on an eternity case,” * * * The reason a cleric’s sin seem so shocking is that a man just has to foe unusually Wicked to foe bad at all In a clerical environment. ******** Those prize winners at the plowing matches had good heads, sound muscles, steady nerves and skilful hands. Congratulations. ******* * Exeter folk have no time to discuss such non existants as depres­ sion and defeat. They’re too busy keepin’ this town a moving along. ******** Mr. ,Sol invites us out into his direct influence every hour that he is broadcasting his rays. He says we’ll need the benefit of them before next Easter. ******** Fine weather or foul, the sturdy citizens of this good town rake their lawns and dig theii* gardens. There may be great need of those gardens a year hence. *** .****** Every day that England holds out makes her that much surer of victory. Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa are working at top speed in training men, making machines and providing muni­ tions. ******* * Nationally it is altogether true this minute that “It’s all very well to be pleasant When life goes along like a song; But the man that’s worth while, is the man who can ■Smile when everything goes dead wrong.” ******* * Those Exeter plowman veterans drew a fine furrow at the plow­ ing match as they competed in the novelty class. The only reason they didn’t win because they did not start soon enough. The winners had about nine years advantage of the most of his competitors. And that clergyman who doffed gown and hood and surplice and clerical collar and long-tailed coat to show what he could do, made about the best job of any of them. Though the grave and dignified horses won­ dered what it was all about and the plow, through sheer nervousness shook in every joint and sinew, the novelty class held the attention of the hour.******** AN INQUIRY Why is it that the preachers in this town give us the best ser­ mons on a wet and stormy night? ******* * THEM ’ENS Some time ago we drew attention to a Londoner who complained to the Lawd Mayah Of ’is city abawt a rooster that wake ’im up at foah o’clock in the mawning. That terrible devastator’ of ’uman rest has -been excleed by some 'ens. It appeahs that a blomin’ bomb dropped near their quatahs and bust. Next day these forty ’ens laid eighty eggs. Come on Mr. 'itler all you can do is double our pros­ perity.******** CAN IT STAND Hitler is building his power on the twin evils of hatred and suspicion. Can such a kingdom stand? Like Napoleon he appeared to his dupes as a deliverer. In reality he was an oppressor. His method is the simpliest in the world. He first deceives. Next he robs and financially ruins. Those whom he promotes he watches every moment, in the full knowledge that they would kill him were the opportunity to present itself. Every organization that he bene­ fits realizes that it is but the fatted ox, to be slaughtered when the fattening is complete. Nations that cherished the fatal fallacy that he was to be trusted but which have passed under his heavy yoke know that he nourishes them only to suck their blood. Though it may be long delayed, there is but one end to such domination. ******** ENCOURAGING Cannon and tanks and warplanes never can crush the spirit that once has breathed the air of freemen. Belgium is illustrating this fact. Crushed as she was by the dead weight of German Nazism her government bowed before the storm. Not so her choicest spirits. Like the Scots under Wallace and Bruce, like the Jew under Judas Maccabaeus, these men have rallied to fight till the last deadly taint of German rule is purged from the land. What the Belgians have done the rarer souls of France are doing under DeGaulle. Petain and Laval are not having things all their cowardly way. The martyrs burning were more terrible than the martyrs living as tyrants of the old times discovered. So will it be again. The stars in their courses, old writers said, fought against Sisera. So will it foe with Hitler. He is yet to learn that the unseen is more to be reckoned with than the visible. The souls of free men are more potent than their foodies. v***** * * * A FALSE CONFIDENCE? Without being either recriminative or pessimistic, we venture to ask if America, and by that we mean both the United States and Can­ ada, has not ’been regarding the Atlantic ocean as an impenetrable Maginot line that the Axis powers of Europe could not overcome. It looks very much as if that was the case. Again and again we have pointed Out that Iceland and Greenland are two angles of a triangle of which Germany is anxious that some point in the Gulf of St. Law­ rence should constitute the third. Now that France has disowned Britain and has become a “me too” of Germany and her allies, we discover that France owns islands in the very place where Hitler desires that she should have them, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Ot­ tawa and Washington may as well take note of this disturbing fact. Disquieting stories are abroad of foreign airplanes flying over that mysterious land, the Hudson Bay region. What were those planes doing and what stores of oil and high explosives did they leave be­ hind them? Then Asia by way of Alaska is font a thumb nail’s length from British Columbia. -Should things take a nasty turn for America, bombs could be dropping in Vancouver, Halifax and Mont­ real and London before the United States election 'be fought and won or Canadians drop the divisive ga'me of partizanship politics. There is nothing like the stitch in time. A Maginot line indeed? We don’t like the word except in so far as it serves as red light to heedless gov­ ernments. * * * * *-* * * ANXIOUS TIMES Even mathematicians skilled in the theory (of probabilities have been hopelessly at sea when trying to find out what thejfuture has in store for the nations. What will Japan do in the Pacific, we ask? Will she make the great gamble of making war on the United States? Will she risk her all on her compact preparedness and herjmwer of striking her foe hard when he is least looking for her to do so? That is like her, but the United States would eventually wear her down and wear her out. Will France forget herself and sell her soul to utter ruin for a mess of pottage never to recover her soul though she should seek it bitterly with tears? Will Spain loose the dogs of war upon her already war-ravished countryside and cities. All in exchange for a German lie? Will Hitler strike at the far East? Will he risk all in a mad rush for Egypt, trusting to the devastators of Ethiopia to pour out their life blood that Berlin may enslave them forever, the only reward they dare hope for? What will take place in the Balkans? Will Russia remain inactive now that her opportunity has come to put Germany under her feet forever? What will be the outcome of the elections of the United States? Will Japan strike at Canada through Alaska? Will Britain fulfil her determination as she thinks of her sea girt home, “Come one, come all, this isle shall fly from its firm base as soon as I?” Meanwhile every lover of his kind will renew his faith in God, put another roll on his sleeve and face the future With a, manly heart. Huron Young People’s Annual Rally at Seaforth On Monday night October 21st, over two hundred young people of the Presbytery of Huron of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met at the annual rally in Knox church at Goderich. The meeting followed dinner at which the Guild of the church were hosts. Representatives were present from Clinton, .Sea­ forth, Hensail, Exeter, Blyth, Au­ burn and Goderich. Mrs. F. Kling, the president, presented the inter­ esting program which was inter­ spersed with community singing led by Miss Eileen Bogie at the piano. The guest speaker, Rev, A. E. Thomson, of Elora, secretary of the Board of Sabbath .Schools and Young People's Societies of the Presbyterian church, gave a splen­ did forceful address on “Some Great Things.’*' “It is not difference of age which makes a man young or old,” he said “As long as- a man has courage, he is young. The test of old age is the lack of it. When he loses -courage, afraid to take the great adventure, climb some mountain or cross a sea, he can think of himself as an old man, but so long as he can face ob­ stacles, he is a reat man still. Bri­ tain has won battles because her people can foe -counted on to foe brave. I “When King George and Queen 1 Elizabeth came to weld this country as she had never been welded before we sat in the sun for hours to see this brave man and woman. They went from us to meet another brave man, and when they met, two great conquerors met. They have conquered themselves. When Mr. Roosevelt was stricken with infan­ tile paralysis he was told he would never rise again but in his soul was the spirit of conquest, and he worked on his disability until now he can sway thousands by his ora­ tory and dynamic personality. Our King was not born to the throne but he took it up, this George of ours, conquered his impediment of speech and today he can sit in Buckingham Palace and speak to the Empire. “The King and Roosevelt have welded a force today against the worst barbarism ever practised in the world. So long as a man has I courage, he is young!” The speaker urged the use of I talents and to take -chances on speaking as often as possible. “There are people who would ne- -ver have had inferiority complex if they had not heard that word. Don’t be afraid or cowardly; they who seek shall find. Don’t be content with second rate findings but seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you. Get the things- 'that cannot foe taken from you, something the bailiff can­ not seize, nor come under the auc­ tioneer’s hammer. Christ alone is worthy to take you into His keep­ ing so that the great adventure will only -be a challenge to go out and follow Him.” Dan Firth, president of the Pro­ vincial Young People’s Society and J. Lawson, President of Hamilton Presbytery, were surprise visitors and spoke briefly. IMiss I. Hoggarth, of Hensall, gave a fine report of the Hamilton conference and it was decided to affiliate with the Pro­ vincial society. Greetings from Presbytery were brought by the Moderator, Rev. Hugh Jack, of Seaforth, Rev. Wil­ liam Weir, convenor of the Presby­ tery’s committee on Sabbath schools and Young People’s Societies, in­ troduced the guest speaker and as­ sisted in the presentation of the program. The worship period was conducted by the Exeter young people the theme of which was ador­ ation. The musical numbers consisted of two well-rendered solos. “The Blind Plowman” and “Without a Song” by Glen Lodge, of Goderich; piano solos, by Miss E. Snider, and a quartette by Misses I. Hoggarth, M. Dougall, L. McLaren and M. Mc­ Laren, accompanied by Mrs. M. Dou- gall all of Hensall. The officers chosen tor 1940- 1941 are: Hon. president, Rev. H. • Jack, of Seaforth; president, Clif­ ford Lowry, Goderich; vice presi­ dent, Harold Whyte, Exeter; secre­ tary-treasurer, Miss Beryl Pfaff, of Hensall. The rally next year will be held in Clinton. EUROPEAN WAR DAY RY DAY Chancellor Adolph Hitler of Ger­ many, conferred for two hours on Wednesday with 'General Franco of Spain. The meeting took place on the French border and it was at­ tended by their foreign ministers Joachim von Ribbentrop of Ger­ many and Serraco Bunner, of Spain. After a month and a half of day and night attacks on German inva­ sion bases along a 2,000 mile front it was officially disclosed that the Nazis’ attempt has been smashed The enemy had planned, the Bri­ tish Ail* Ministry’s News Service said, to invade England simultan­ eously Iby land and sea. London reports that it is feared that a German bomb, dropped on one of England’s largest depart­ ment stores, had. sent 25 persons to their deaths. The missile scored a direct hit ou the building. A thick fog Tuesday night hamper­ ed the enemy. Again Wednesday they found difficulty in operating over the city and it was reported that no attackers reached the inner portions of the capital. Some planes managed to get over commun­ ities in Western England. Casual­ ties were few and damage was light In the Midlands one town was bombed for two hours. There were some deaths. The United States has formally protested the action of Italian bombers attacking American oil properties in neutral Saudi Arabia last Saturday. An influential Japanese news­ paper, Asahi, declared yesterday that the Japs must bring the Neth­ erlands East Indies “over to our side by armed force, if necessary.” to provide oil for the Japanese war machine. SOUND IMPULSES USED TO LOCATE DEPTH OF CARLE Halifax, N. S. October—One of the principal problems in ocean cable-laying is to know the precise depth at which every foot is located according to the Canadian National Telegraphs whose cable connections reach all parts of the world. This requires exact navigation to locate cable when trouble arises, and the use of special devices. One of these is the Sonic depth-finder. This de­ vice propragates sound inpulses in the water beneath the ship so that they strike the ocean floor and are reflected upward again to the surface, where they are picked up foy the ship's receiving apparatus, accurately measures the time in­ ternal and establishes the depth. Exploration still has many lands to conquer. 'Approximately ten mil­ lion square miles or eighteen per cent, of the earth’s land area have not yet been explored. This expanse is greater than that occupied by the whole of North America .from the Panama Canal to the Arctic Ocean. —and yet, there are those who would like us to believe that there are no ‘new horizons’—that the world has reached its zenith. RELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION Woman Finds a Remedy With perfect frankness a woman correspondent writes:—» “I have suffered from constipa­ tion as long as I can remember, and taken ah ports of things—which in some cases seemed to do good at first, font afterwards to have no effect. Then I thought I would try Kruschen in my tea every morning, and I have dope so for oyer a year, I am pleased to say after the first month I had no more trouble with constipation and X have felt very fit?’—-(Mrs.) Qr M. S. Kruschen helps to maintain a condition of internal cleanliness. The several salts in Kruschen stimulate the organs of elimination to smooth, regular action. Your system is thus kept clear of clogging waste and poisonous impurities. REDUCED FARES FOR HUNTERS IN ONTARIO Toronto, October—Reduced fare arrangements for hunters in On­ tario have been placed in effect during the hunting season by the Canadian National Railways to some of the best sport areas in the province and beyond. These rail­ way tickets, issued on presentation of the big game hunting license, are on sale daily to November 21, with return -movement good to No­ vember 30. The territory from which these fares apply include all stations Kingston, Harrowsmith and west to and including Sarnia and Wind­ sor, Ontario. Also from stations on all branch lines west of these points, south to and including Bala Park and Gravenhurst. The destin­ ations in hunting territories include Nakina, Long Lac, Sault Ste. Marie, Heron Bay, and east thereof but not including Parry Sound and Scotia in Ontario, also to and in­ cluding Pembroke, Ont., and Amos Que. Many hunting clubs take advan­ tage of these reduced fares each, season, trains conveying hundreds of sportsmen to some of the best hunting districts to be found in Eastern Canada adjacent to lines of the Canadian National Railways. Your Next Visit to TORONTO Try Hotel Waverley Located on Wide Spadlna Ave. at College St. Easy Parking Facllitlea Convenient to Highway* • Rates Single • • $1.50 to SL58 Double : • $2.50 to S5.W Four to Room, $5.00 to $6.00 Close to the University, Parliament Buildings, Maple Leaf Gardena, Theatres, Hospitals, Wholesale Houses, and the Fashionable Retail Shopping District. Ai Mi POWELL, President ...Greeting... ...Cards... ON WIRELESS DUTY Jordan Laing, eldei* son of Rev. and Mrs. A. Laing, of Woodham, left Tuesday for New York where he will join the British naval ser­ vice in wireless work. Jordan will be on duty ou a mercantile vessel. St. Marys journal-Argus. Rev. Dr. Robert Laird, 69, treasurer of the United Church of Canada, died Friday night at Toronto. Dr. Laird had been church treasurer since its establishment in 1925. He previously had been the treasurer of the Presbyterian church. Birthday Cards for every member of the family Thank You; Going Away; Wedding Anniversary; Sympathy; Friendship; Convalescent; Gift Enclosure; Baby Congratulations; Birth Announcement.