HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-10-31, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Coming to Hensall C. R. Wilkinson, R.O. Ophthalmic Optician Winghain will he at W. O. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the. purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con­ sult me, Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m, Phone 16 Hensall for appointment London, Bride and Groom Honored The town hall, Hensail, was filled to the doors on Friday evening when friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sgiillie (nee Elsie Ann McNaughton) who were recently married, honored them with a re­ ception. Dancing was strains of Murdock’s Mr. Win. Hayter as Mr. and Mrs. Smillie with a handsome studio couch and mirror, the address being read by Mr. Rae Lammie of Exeter. The groom made a very fitting reply. enjoyed to the orchestra with floor manager, were presented Funeral of the Late Miss Hobkirk HENSALL his father, Mr. and babe have Scott Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid have mov­ ed into the rooms in the Petty Block. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron vis­ ited with relatives in Hanover on Sunday. Dr. Wm. Geiger of Waterloo vis­ ited on Sunday with Owen Geiger. Mrs. E. L. Mickile returned home from Hospital, Seaforth. Mrs. Verne .Smith of Exeter is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Miss Jean Bonthron of London visited on Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Miss Edith Parkins of Exeter spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Mrs. Sharpe of Seaforth has mov­ ed here, where she has accepted a position with Mr. John Zuefle. Rev. Wm. Weir, B.A., has been confined to his room during the past week suffering with a severe cold. Mr. Clare Zuefle of the C.A.S.F. of Petawawa visited this week with his grandfather, Mr. John Zuefle. Miss Margaret MacLaren of Water­ loo spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren. Miss Dorothy Brazier of London visited during the past week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer. Mrs. Chas. McDonnell spent the past week at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Van Laughton in Toronto, Rev. Wm. Weir, B.A., was in Brussels on Sunday conducting ser­ vices in the Presbyterian Church there. Mrs. A. Lammie returned to her home in Detroit this week after a very pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case. Miss Margaret Buchanan,. R.N., of Port Huron, has taken up residence in the rooms in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougall. Mrs. P. H. Devlin returned home after spending a few days at the home of her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Miss Margaret Hobkirk of Detroit spent a few days last week in town and attended the funeral of her cousin, the late Miss Margaret E. Hobkirk. The Teachers’ Convention will be held in the vember Sth. Presbyterian the teachers. Mrs. Hannah Mabel Workman gangster visited Rev. W. A. Young, Mrs. Young family in Fergus. Mrs. Jas. Patterson attended the Annual Convention of the Women's Institutes held in the Hotel London this week as a representative of the Hensall Senior Women’s Institute. Mrs. Annie Saundercock moved into the dwelling which she recently purchased from the Patterson estate. This week Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Doerr have moved into Highway No. 4 Saundercock. Rev. Bruce of ducted services ill Carmel Presby­ terian Church on Sunday in the ab­ sence of the pastor, Rev. Wm. Weir, B.A., who conducted services Brussels. The choir sang two them, “As Panteth the Hart” “Rise Up, 0 Men of God”. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted vices in the United Church on Sun­ day and at the evening service gave a very fine address in the form of a picture sermon on “The Light of the World”.o This beautiful picture whs shown on the screen by the lan­ tern. The choir sang two beautiful anthems, “(Sing to the Lord”, and “Hear the Call Ringing”. Seriously Injured in Auto Accident Mr. Earl Dick, of Dorchester, old­ est son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dick. Hensall, was seriously hurt in an auto accident in London last week when the car he was driving collid­ ed with another auto. Earl receiv­ ed a fractured skull and is in a ser­ ious condition in Victoria Hospital, The funeral of the late Miss Mar­ garet E. Hobkirk was held from her late residence on Thursday after­ noon conducted by Rev R. A. Brook- The floral tributes were very beau­ tiful, showing the esteem in which the deceased was held. Mrs, J. W. Bonthron sang a solo entitled “No Night There.” The pallbearers were Messrs. Oliver Anderson, Hullet, Jas. Anderson and Alfred Hunkin, near Exeter, Harvey Hyde, Hensall, Mr. Smith, Ilagersville and Mr. Hobkirk, Michigan, Interment was made in MacTaggart’s cemetery. Relatives attended the funeral from. Michigan, Detriot, Hagersville, Seaforth, Clin­ ton, Hullet, Exeter and Thames Road. Carmel Young People missionary meeting of the People’s Society of Carmel town hall here on No- The ladies of Carmel Church will cater to Workman, Miss and Mrs. Minnie on Saturday with and the dwelling on vacated by Mrs. Ailsa Craig con- m an- and ser- HALLOWE’EN DANCE KTPPEN FRIDAY, NOV. 1st, 1940 CLAYTON STEEPER AND HIS ORCHESTRA “Masquerades4’ ate fun, so wear yodr best eostinne. Good prizes# General Admission 35c. C. Watson, Manager Oyster Supper Orange Hall, Woodham Tuesday, Nov. 5th Under auspices L.O.L 492 Followed by a concert by The Queen of Comedy . Entertainers ALICE DUNBAR Favorite from Coast to Coast Admission 60c, Children 35c. Rd. Hodgins, W. M. A Milton Hooper, Deputy P.M. and groom spent their honeymoon with relatives at Parkhill and with the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Venner, Hensall and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kyle, Kippen. United Church Young People The Young Church was held on Monday evening and was arranged by the convenor, Mr. Jas. Mustard, Jr., who presided over the worship period. “Come, Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love”, followed by the Lord’s Prayer in uni­ son. Mr. Bert Thompson read the Scripture, Psalm 148. Misses Lois and Marion MacLaren favored with a vocal duet, “God’s Tomorrow. Miss dow”. Irene Hoggartli presided over the business. The minutes were read and adopted and the roll called. Mrs. MacDougall played a piano instru­ mental, Mrs. C. Hudson, president of the W.M.S. gave an interesting ad­ dress on “India”. Misses Margaret and Jean Love sang a duet. The meeting closed by singing “"We’ve a Story to tell to the Nations”, follow­ ed by the National Anthem. a Claudette Blowes “Playmates”. The Young People’s Union held Hallowe’en Social in the school room of the United Church on Monday evening with a very large atten­ dance. Mr. Claude Blowes acted as chairman. “Jesus Bids Us iShine” w£s sung, follwed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Elaine Bier sang a solo followed by a reading by Doris Buchanan, favored with a solo, A reading by Eleanoi’ Cook was fol­ lowed by a vocal duet by Mabel Fair­ burn and Ruth Hess in costume. Miss Lenore Norminton favored with a very humorous reading dressed in suitable costume. Misses Mary Goodwin and Ruth Brook sang a duet entitled “I Passed by Your Win- Miss Gladys Luker played a piano instrumental ' entitled “The Rosary”. Rev. R. A. Brook favored with a solo entitled “In the Gloam­ ing”. Misses Gladys Luker and Greta Lammie were accompanists foi' the evening. Games and were directed by Messrs. Blowes and Carrey Joynt. was served at the close. Hensail Red Cross Ladies’ Aid Meet The Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Pres­ byterian Church held their regular meeting on Tuesday evening, with Mrs. Weir presiding in the absence of the president, Mrs. F. Farquhar. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Lo­ gan, after which Miss Jean Dougall led in prayer. Group three present­ ed the following program: Mrs. Roy Bell gave an interesting “Our Red Cross Work”, Campbell of Toronto. Dougall a piano reading “When Maggie”, after which Mrs. Dougall sang “When You and I Young, Maggie”. Bobby Bell a reading entitledr “Bread Jelly”. Mrs. MacDougall and Margaret Dougall sang a vocal which concluded the program, meeting closed with “God Save the King”. o reading on by Mrs. Mrs. Andrew and Margaret favored with duet. Mrs. Roy Bell gave a on the history of the song, You and I Were Young, , after which Mrs. Mac- Were gave and Miss duet The Smale—Harburn contests Claude Candy A public meeting of the branch of the Red Cross will in the Hensall town hall Thursday , evening ,November 7th at 8 p.m, All the members of the 'Red Cross •and those interested in the work of i the Red Cross are cordially invited. Reports will be given by the con­ venors of ' the various committees, also a financial report from the treasurer, Mr. FI. Lawrence. We are hoping to have a representative from headquarters in Toronto to give an address. A brief musical program will he presented and elec­ tion of officers for the new year will take place. The amount of work that has been accomplished ladies of Hensall and through the generous gifts I people of the Red Cross hear i i A quiet wedding was solemnized at the United Church manse, Nor­ wich, on Saturday at 4 p.m. when Rev. A. Boa, uncle of the groom, united in marriage Hilda Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Archie Luxton of Staffa and Roy Edward (Smale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smale, Hensail. The bride wore a street-length gown of blue French wool with gold trim, with hat to match and matching ac­ cessories and wore a corsage of sweet peas. Miss Bella Smale, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid and wore a street-length dress of black georgette wool with gold trim and matching accessories and wore a cor­ sage of sweet peas. Mr. Harburn, Staffa, brother bride, was groomsman. was Mrs. with the Later the young couple left on a honeymoon trip to .Windsor, their return they will reside in sail. Marvin of the A reception held at the home of Rev and •Boa following the ceremony, only the immediate relatives of contracting parties attending. Rhodie—Ryan Hensail be held by the vicinity of the very the is of the Red opportunity gratifying. Come and whole story. The Hensail Branch Cross wish to take this to express thanks to the ladies of the Hensail Senior Institute for re­ ceipt of the sum of $95.00 received through their efforts in connection with the South Huron Plowing Match held at the farm of Robert Munn Thursday October 24th, and they also desire to give recognition to the gift from Hensail continuation school augmenting this amount. KIPPEN On Hen- wasA pretty autumn wedding solemnized recently in the chapel of Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church, Detroit, when Jessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan of Detroit, and Alfred Rhodie, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Rhodie, Detroit, Were united in marriage. The bride looked charming in a suit of beige sheer wool, with trimming of sable (dyed squirrel) with hat and matching ac­ cessories and of-the valley, denias. Miss honor, chose gown with matching accessories and wore a cor­ sage of yellow roses, baby mums and gardenias. Mr. Charles Berge, Detroit, was groomsman, A wedding dinner was held at the Whittier Mo­ tel with thirty guests present. Mrs. Ryan received in soldier blue crepe gown and Mrs. Rhodie wore a wine crepe dress, both wearing corsages of mixed autumn flowers. The bride corsage of roses, lily­ baby mums and gar- Delores Watt, maid of a poudre blue wool dubonnet trim and Mrs. Gillean, of Greenway, and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull, of Grand Bend, visited on Saturday with the latter’s sister, Mr. and Mrs, Elzar Moussqau, Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Jaques, and Dorothy spent the week-end with Mr. and (Mrs. Wesley Jaques and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner, of Elimville. Mr. F. Kading, of Grand Bend, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney. Quite a number attended the re­ ception in Hensall on (Friday ev­ ening for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smillie newlyweds. During the ev­ ening they Were presented with a studio couch. Dancing was enjoyed with music being furnished by the Murdock orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. H. MoMurtrie, spent a day in London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson, and Eva, Of UdertOn, spent (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney. Miss Mildred pybus, of Zurich, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. H, Ricker. Miss Eva Ferguson, of Ilderton, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney. Wedding bells are ringing in the vicinity. Mr. Robt. Passmore, of Hensall, student in Toronto University will have charge of the services in the United Church here on Sunday next. HAD TO MARRY IlER — We were recently told of the case of a Scotchman who became engag­ ed to a girl who got so fat he Want­ ed to break off the engagement— but, the girl couldn’t get the ring Off so he had to marry her. I proud Ruth Lloyd CREPITON Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyce, of Go­ derich, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr. Mrs, M. W. Telfer and Miss F. W. Morlock attended the Women’s Institute convention at London this week. Mr. Ed. Trietz, of Sarnia, spent the week-end in the village. Bob Blackwell, of Brantford, spent the week-end here, Mr. Emerson Wein is the father of a baby boy. Mrs. England and Miss England visited with Mr. England at Chatham on Sunday. (Mr. and Mrs, Howard Haist and daughter, of Penham, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Rich­ mond, of Norwich. 'Mr, Sidney Brown and Miss .Jean Mountain attended a teachers’ meeting in Dashwood on Tuesday. A temperance program was given in the United Church Sunday School last Sunday. Orland Taylor sang, “Footsteps of Jesus” and an inter­ esting temperance talk, which was illustrated with drawings was given by Dr. Roulston, of Exeter. Mrs. Arthur Hodgins, who has been engaged as pianist in the Unit­ ed church for the past two years has tendered her resignation. Mrs. J. Woodall, who has been choir leader for a number of years, has also resigned. The church offic­ ials have been fortunate in secur­ ing Mr. Lawrence Wein to fill both vacancies. Mr. Wein will commence his new duties on Sunday evening next at 7 when service will commence o’clock. CREDITON EAST Everett Sims, of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Exeter, E. in on Mr. spent Sims. Pte. ;Steve Glanville, who is training at Woodstock, visited Sunday wth his brother and sister- in-law, 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glan­ ville. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil, and daughter, of Stratford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mrs. Catharine Motz, who has been visiting in Lon­ don returned to her home here. Mr. Jack Anderson, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Frank Sweet, of Sarnia and Mrs. John Morley, of Exeter, visit­ ed Friday with Mrs. Wilson Ander- son and Mrs. -Chris. Rau, the form­ er ladies are sisters. Mrs. Rachel Sims, of Exeter, is visiting with relatives here. KIRKTON Wm. More of Parkhill calledMr. on friends in the village this week. Mrs. A. Robson of Welburne spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Ross Francis. Mr. Gerald Paul of Kitchener spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Paul. Quite a number from the village attended the funeral of the late Mrs. H. Switzer, of Anderson Monday. Miss Mary Hanna of London spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hanna. Rev. and Mrs. Allan Duffield, of Sault Ste. Marie are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Duffield. Mr. Duf­ field is quite ill at time of writing. Opens New Barber Shop Mr. G. H. Burgin has leased a room to Mr. Neil Witmer for the purpose of a barber shop. This room was once owned and occupied by the Montreal Bank. We wish Mr. Wit­ mer every success, so call in and get a trim nip. Eightieth Birthday Party The SOth birthday of Mrs. Wm. Lankin of Granton was celebrated on Wednesday evening by a dinner par­ ty at the home of her son, Mr. Fred Lankin. Her complete family of four daughters and one <son, together with their husbands and wife sat down to a prettily decorated table centred with a large birthday cake lighted with caudles. During the evening a. presentation of an electric heating pad was made to the guest of honor. Women's Institute Meeting The Women’s Institute held their October, meeting at the. home of Mrs. Garnie Doupe with the president, Mrs. Eric Humphrey and Mrs. Stew­ art Shier in charge of the meeting. A splendid talk was given by Mrs. (Rev.) James on Education. A c,on-| test was also given by Mrs. James on “Do You Know Your Islands?” A display of articles remodeled at the sewing course was shown. It was decided to send two delegates to the London convention, the delegates being Mrs. Nelson Watson and Mrs. Robert Ross. It was decided to still carry on with the sewing class and anyone is welcome to come who wishes to sew, either for themselves or families or for the ten. The class is to Lizzie Collie’s home from 7.30 till 9 p.m. then closed with the them. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wes Hodge November 28. A ten cent lunch will be served. refugee child­ meet at Miss November 7, The meeting National An­ Mr. and Mrs, Harris West, Mrs. Thos, Willis and Miss Flossie Dav­ ey were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot in Grand Valley. Mr. Fred Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser, of Shipka, vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. Arthur Gaiser at the training camp ' in Woodstock. Mrs. 'Clara Abbott left on Thurs­ day of last week for California, to spend the winter with her brother, Mr. F. J. and Mrs, Fairhall. Mr. and (Mrs. F, Penwarden and Harold visited with relatives in London on Sunday. On 'Sunday November 3rd the Sunday School will hold their anni­ versary at the morning service in the church here. Special music will be provided by a (Sunday School choir. Moving to Toronto Mr. Dave Smith, popular manager of the creamery here for the past few years has been transferred to the Canada Packers plant in West Toronto. Before leaving he was presented with a zippered traveling bag on behalf of the creamery staff and with a leathei' bill fold on be­ half of the business men of the vil­ lage. The Home and School Club presented Mrs. Smith with a cup and saucer. Mr. and Mrs, .Smith have made- many friends here whose very best wishes will follow them to their new home. Mrs, Smith is visiting for a week with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Lambert in Pal­ merston. Mr, Wm. Skelton will take Mr, .Smith’s place at the creamery. CENTRALIA THUJWAX, OOTOBBB SI, 1010 USED TRUCKS Farmers, be Independent,.. Have Your Own Truck 1931 CHEVROLET 2-ton stake truck, ready to go to work $95.00 1936 G. M. C. 2 ton long stake truck, a lot of good service in this one for $195.00 1934 FORD stake 2 ton truck, newly overhauled motor, new tires and only $350.00 1937 FORD 2 ton dump truck. New reconditioned motor, new radiator, new battery and new tires. This as a reliable truck and is hauling 4 yards of gravel every day. It’s a bargain at $750.00 1938 FORD sedan delivery, a nice bread truck. . . . $350.00 1934 FORD 1-2 ton Pick Up, all steel cab and all steel box, all for $275.00 Get your new Ford Tractor now while prices are low. SANDY ELLIOT, Exeter unsamuk Ksara KfiUtWVRMOI ELIMVILLE WOODHAM There was a large attendance at Sunday school on Sunday. The Bible class was ably taken by Mrs. Rich­ ardson, of Wellburn. The lesson on Temperance was given. (Mrs. Rich­ ardson gave the amount in dollars that was spent in beer and alcoholic drinks and it is appalling the amount spent in Ontario alone. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was partaken of here last Sunday morning. There will be no church or Sunday services here next Sunday owing to anniversary services being held at Kirkton United. Jordan Laing, elder son of Rev. aud Mrs. Laing left Tuesday of last week for New York, where he will join the’British Naval Service in wireless work and will be on on a mercantile vessel. We him The decorations of plants flowers were lovely. The for the day was Rev. John of Schomberg and he de­ success. DASHWOOD and Mrs. Sweeney, and Miss Zeta Nadiger Howell,Mich., spent Mr. and Mrs. duty wish Mrs. R.N., the Wm. Harry Hartleib and Mrs. Kate were Sunday Jonas Hartleib Mr. Grant all of week-end with Nadiger. Mr. and Mrs. babe, of London and Hedden, of Hensall, visitors with Mr. and Lava da. Mr. Allen Bills and daughter Marjory and son Herbert, of troit, spent the week-end with atives here. Mrs. J. Raschke and family Mrs. C. Bosh, of Detroit, spent week-end with their mother, Mrs, Merner, Miss Anna Hess, of Zurich, spent Sunday man. 'Mrs. spent a ‘Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman. De- rel- and the Last Sunday was the occasion of the Fall anniversary services of this church and the auditorium was fill­ ed to overflowing at the morning service, and cut minister McEwen livered two forceful sermons which were given good hearing. The choir sang one anthem, “Praise the Lord, O My Soul” in the morning and Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs. Ed Johns, Messrs. Bruce Cooper and Alvin Pym sang “Wonderful Morning” as a quartette. In the evening the church was well filled and the choir sang two an­ thems. “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” and “Tarry With Me”. Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. Ed Johns sang a duet, “Count Your Blessings". The congregation are well satisfied with the day’s activities and hope for a< large crowd on Thursday evening at the fowl supper. Many visitors were present at the anniversary services in the morning. Quite a few of these spent the day' with friends and relatives. Among! them were: Mr. and Mrs. Alec Crago and son, Mr. and Mrs. Will Rogers of Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Pass-j more and Alice, Mrs. John Cann and; Miss Mary Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. i Will Ferguson and Roy, Thames' Road; Mrs. Routley of Woodham;, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Venner and sons' of Chiselhurst; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur1 Ford, Lois and Irwin of Farquhar; ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle and baby of near Exeter. | Miss Florence Bell, R.N., of Lon­ don. was homo ever the week-end. ; Mr. and Mrs. Collishaw. Ted and .Ivy of Wyoming were visitors at, Mr. Wes Johns on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. McEwen and daughter also entertained Ewen and Rev. A. college together, not aware of the going to be a guest at old home until after there. Mrs. Fred Hern and Fox left here Friday and entrained at London Sunday for their respec­ tive homes in Bengough, Sask., and Roblin, Man., after spending five weeks visiting with their brother, Mr. Beu Williams and sister, Mrs. R, Dennison and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whiteford of Ingersoll were week-end visitors in the village. The ladies of this community in­ tend having a quilting bee for Red Cross work at the church on Tues­ day afternoon, November 5. The Red Cross meeting will also be held at that time. Five quilts will ready to do, so all are invited to present and help. with call­ last. Shipka public are having a Hallowe’en Miss Heddy of this week, after which a served. Harry Cook, of Windsor, few days with her parents, GREENWAY So- I were there. Rev. Mc- E. Johns attended Mr. McEwen was fact that he was Mr. Johns his arrival Mrs. A. L. A meeting of the Red Cross ciety will be held in the Corbett school on Monday evening, No­ vember 4th. Plans will be com­ pleted for the Chicken Supper to be held November 12th. We extend our sympathy to relatives of the late Jop Baker was instantly killed Saturday euing at Grand Bend. Messrs. Harold pollock and bourne English, of Detroit, spent the week-end at their home here. Mrs. J. Baker isn’t very well at time of writing, her out again soon. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Facey and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Facey, of Boisse- Fac- and the who ev- Sel- SHIPKA The regular meeting of the La­ dies Aid will be held on Thursday afternoon November 7th at the home of Mrs. Roy Ratz. » Mrs. John ,Sharpe, who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London re­ turned home on Saturday last. Mr. and (Mrs. Arthur Brohpey, of Greenway, visited Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. L. Finkbeiner. Mr. Jas. Baxter, of London, ed on friends here on .Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roland Neil, of Brinsley, visited on .Sunday last at the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer at­ tended the funeral of the late George Henry Elliott at Clinton on Saturday. The Y. P. Society held a meet­ ing in the church on Tuesday even­ ing last for the purpose of organiz­ ing for the winter months. Rev. L. Turner in charge. <■ Rev. L. Turner gave for his mes­ sage on Sunday last a reviewed talk given by Rev. Dr. McClure, of Tor­ onto, who spoke in Main Street church, Exeter on Monday evening. It was very interesting. The pupils of school party on Thursday atfernoon. A pleasant evening was spent oil Friday evening last when Mrs. Rus­ sel Webb entertained at a miscel­ laneous shower for Schendle. bride-to-be Games were played buffet luncheon was Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Keyes; Mr. and. Mrs. Wilfred Cairn, Mr«. Ed. Mc­ Cormick, Mrs. John Keys, of Lou­ don; Mi’, and 'Mrs. Albert Keyes and son Murray, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. (Schwartz and daughter, of Detroit, called on relatives and friends on Sunday. •Mr. L. Schroeder is visiting for a week with relatives in London. A meeting of the Home and. School Club of Shipka was held at the school Monday evening October 21, with the president, Mrs. Gaiser, in. the chair. The meeting opened with a sing song. Election of officers was held. It was decided to carry on Red Gross work in connection with Home School. Plans were made for coming year. The following is the list of ficers for the coming year: President, Mrs. Albert Gaiser; vice-president, Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner; secretary­ treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer; assis­ tant secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner; pianist, Mrs. Milton Rutz; assistant pianist, Mrs. Ratz; membership convener, Wm. Mellon; card convener, Arthur Webb; lunch convener, Roy Ratz; programme convener, Mrs. Verne Sharpe. and the of- We hope to sec vain, Man., visited Mrs. Lon ey’s aunts, Mrs. W. Sherritt Mrs. S. W. Webb last week. A. Gollen is visiting and other with a painful when he Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hading friends at Grand Bend. 'Jack Hartle met with accident last Saturday was kicked by a horse and had his jaw broken. He is at present in the hospital in London. We hope to see him home soon. Mr. Raymond Pollock and Jack, of Kerwood visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson (nee Verda Wood­ bum) who were married last Sat­ urday. THAMES ROAD AND ROYS spent the Mrs. Peter Mfs. Arthur Gardiner week-end with Mr. and Gardiner, of London. Miss Mary Gardiner week-end with Miss Dorothy Johns of Elimville. spent the be he The first law of repartee - better never than late. Roy Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. — ' —— We have Western Oats & Western Barley Arriving in Car-load Lots [ NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY GOOD, COARSE GRAINS, BOOK YOUR ORDER NOW FROM TRACK AND SAVE YOURSELF EXTRA EXPENSE. We are also Taking Orders for Hominy in Any Quantity Buy Now While it is Moderately Priced Inquire About Our Prices SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE We handle Welcome, Five Roses, Purity & Robin Hood Flour Exeter Flour and Feed Mill G. A. CANN & SONS AT YOUR SERVICE ' PHONE 35 »■