HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-10-17, Page 8THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17 th. 1010 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe We have installed a New Perma­ nent Wave Machine so that you may have the latest at reasonable prices. Spiral, Croquinole & Combination Evenings by Appointment. Phone 112 VERA C. DECKER, Prop. Exeter Markets Wheat for Wheat Board 53Jc. New Wheat jUe. Creamery Butter 32c. Dairy Butter 25-27e. Eggs A large 35c. Eggs, medium 33e. Eggs B 22c. Hogs, dressed $11.50 b Good Vision Makes Good Students Children Learn Through their Eyes! Make Sure Vision is Perfect FuR SALE—400 bushels spray­ ed Spies. Government inspected or­ chard 75c. a bushel. Ready this •week. 7 miles west of Clinton, 1 mile north. Stucco house. ’William > A. McGuire, Bayfield. I i ------------------ I FOR SALE—Girl’s winter coat, * 14-year size, in good condition. Ap­ ply P. O. Box 85, Exeter ltp IDEAL MEAT MARKET C. Tanton First, last and all the time the eyes must carry the big load in the class room. Hidden defects in vision may mean the difference between success and failure in school work. Learn the facts about your children’s eyes. Have them examined today by CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hey, Douglas C. Hill, B.Am B,D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.-—(Sunday School Tilth ANNIVERSARY Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Conducted by Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., of Goderich s & Young Men’s Overcoats IN CLOTHS THAT WILL GIVE EXCELLENT WEAR, IN STYLES THAT YOU WILL LIKE AND AT PRICES THAT ARE HARD TO DUPLICATE. WE WANT YOU TO SEE THESE BEFORE YOU BUY THAT NEW COAT. Choice FOR SALE—.About 40 little pigs 6 to 8 weeks old. Apply to R. Faber. R.R. 1, Hensall or phone 22r92. Quality Meats C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday FOR SALE—Ford motor ed on steel frame equipped inch pully for grinding grain. Apply George r .21. FOR Light ready more, Phone 38mount- with 9 ltp. Link, Dashwood, phone 34 tfc SALE—About 50 pullets. Sussex and a few Reds. All to lay. Apply to Edgar Cud- Hensall R.R. 1, ltp Special Fowl Dinner at the Cen- ti’al Hotel, Sunday next from 12.30 to 2 o’clock and from 5.30 to 7. 65c ai«OI n I ' ‘ i i LOCALS i i r 1|WT- W||'-n--. iiimii - i r. irrr-.. i Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 245 Prospective Locker Patrons.To We now have available lockers for immediate use. — Exeter Frozen Foods. i TALENT WANTED ------ Play and amateur talent for Christmas con­ cert. Write A. Watson, R.R. 2, Zurich. ltp. WEANED PIGS FOR SALE—Ap­ ply Arthur Broderick, Exeter, ltc MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Norval J. Woods M.A. Mrs. N. J. Dore Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—7 Service withdrawn in favour of Presbyterian Annivers­ ary Services. p.m.—‘Sunday School p.m.—The Minister 3 7 Anniversary Services November 17 Rev. Duncan McTavi&h NEW BILTMORE HATS FOR FALL In the Shapes and Styles that are popular this Season $2.00 — $3.00 — $3.95 STANFIELD’S UNDERWEAR In a medium weight combination that the young men like. Comes in cream or nat­ ural shade. PER GARMENT $2.00 FORSYTHE AND TOOKE SHIRTS When you buy these makes you buy shirts that give satisfaction. They sell at $2.00 SPECIAL IN OVERALLS 10 Dozen Men’s Heavy Denim Overalls, full size in a regular $2.00 overall. SPECIAL AT $1.75 New Dresses that Have Just Arrived . . $2.95 This shipment just came to hand. They come in all black, also in colors and are out­ standing values at $2.95. LOVELY ESMOND BLANKETS Full bed size and a warm, cosy blanket in Rose, Mauve, Yellow and Blue Checks. EACH $2.50 LARGE SIZE IBEX BLANKETS In White or Grey. White comes with Pink Blue, Yellow, Mauve or Green borders. PER PAIR $2.50 PURE LINEN TOWELLINGS You will do well to lay in a stock at this low price. Pure Linens are almost im­ possible to procure. AT PER YARD 30c KENWOOD ALL WOOL BLANKETS In all the newest shades. Made from lovely all wool Australian yarns. They are the finest money can buy 60 x 84 ins. $6.95 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page W. R. Goulding, A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—W. M. S. Thank-Offering service. Rev. Ernest Grigg 3 p.m.—(Church School 7 p.m.—The Minister Tuesday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thurs. 1 p.m.—War Service Unit ALBERTA tCOAL CANADIAN COAL for CANADIANS Carload Just Arrived JAS. P. BOWEY Mr. Qrville Lawson, of' Orillia, spent the week-end at his home here Mr. Jack Waldron has accepted a position with Case’s Bakery in Hensall. Mrs. Walter Sole, of Sarnia, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. L Robertson. Miss Nellie Carmichael and Mrs. Rd. Coates visited in Toronto for the holidays. Mr. Samuel Peart, of Guelph, spent the week-end with his brother 'Mr. John Peart. Miss Doreen Hoover, of ford, visited with relatives holiday week-end. Miss Dorothy Welsh, of spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson. Mrs. W. Hall, of Mitchell, spent the holiday with her brother, Mr. ; and Mrs. Wm. May. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ro'bt. Flynn. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnston and family, of London, spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Ritchie. Mr. Kinney, bf London, Monday with his daughter, and Mr. Kenneth Hockey. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston and babe, of Simcoe, spent the week­ end with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McLeod, of Aurora, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Samson McFalls. Mrs. Thos. Collingwood is spend­ ing two weeks with her daughter, •Mrs. Roy Alderson, of Arkona. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Brokenshire and family, of Hagersville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Guenther and family-, of Windsor, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sanders. Mrs. F. A. May and Warren spent the week-end in Toronto visiting with the former’s sister, Mrs. F. K. Matthews. Mrs. Lome Oke and babe are spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dettmer, of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Treble and son Ted, of Toronto, visited with Mr. Ed. and Miss Effie Treble over the holiday. Mr. Frank Johns and sons Ro­ ger and Gordon, of Toronto, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warren. Mrs. Dan Roehler, of Kitchener and Mrs. William Gearing, of Tor­ onto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kestle. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ryckman have returned home after spend­ ing several days in Toronto, Bow- manville and Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mawson are visiting this week with friends in Wyoming and with Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Tuckey in London. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Birney and son Gordon, of Toronto, spent the holiday week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Chas. Birney. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Acheson, Jane and. Nancy and Miss H. Far­ rell, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Rev. Ernest Grigg has returned to Exeter from Buffalo where he delivered a series of addresses for the American Baptist Missionary Society. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Garrett and daughter of near Lucan, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates. Mr. and, Mrs. Bill Tennant and son Harvey, of Toronto, visited a THE NEW MARVEL PIG STARTER HEXITE TRIVTTT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middleniiss SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE— Spy, King, Talman Sweet, Greening, Russet, Baldwin and other apples. Phone Clinton 622 r 24. Fred Mc- Clymont, Varna. 17-6tc I FOR SALE—Girl’s leather jack­ et. size 16; also brown cloth coat, chamois lined. Both in good condi­ tion. Tel. 272, Exeter. ltc STRAYED—-From lot 5. Con. 7, red heifer, without horns freshen the 22nd of this Mark in left ear. Crediton. Geo. Exeter. Hay, a due to month. 17 r 44 R. R. 1, Phone Walker, Leghorn to Alvin Brant- for the Sarnia, FOR SALE—300 White pullets, ready to lay. Apply Gingerich, R.R. 3, Zurich or phone 84-3, Zurich. Responsible party requires 81,000 Will give first mortgage on town business property. Revenue produc­ ing. Apply Box 280S, Times-Ad­ vocate. 10-17-3tp. WANTED TO RENT—House with modern conveniences, central loca­ tion, not more than $15.00 month. Apply at Times-Advocate. APPLES Baldwins, 'Gardiner, 21rl0. FOR SALE — Spies, Starks, Pewaukees. — J. phone 2tc. R.R. 1, Kirkton over­ price spent Mrs. FOR. SALE—Boy’s brown (oat, with belt, good as new. $5.00. Apply to Times-Advocate. ltp The Thames Road Farmers Club are expecting a car-load shipment of Green Mountain potatoes to ar­ rive within ten days oi' two weeks. Phone your orders as soon as pos­ sible.—P. Passmore, Secretary. POTATOES—A earload of New Brunswick No. 1 potatoes coming in about ten days. Send in your or­ der.—Centralia Farmers’ Co-Oper­ ative. 10-10-2tc. HOUSES FOR SALE — Several comfortable, houses in Exeter. One in Crediton. Two with acreage. C. V. Pickard, phone 165. STRAYED—Onto lot 11, Conces­ sion 4, one heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and pay­ ing expenses. Apply to Tinney, R. R. 1, Exeter. Robert tfc cottageFOR SALE—Comfortable Simcoe St., and other houses in town. A barn. Metropolitan Hotel. 75-acre farm convenient to school and churches.—W. C. Pearce, Exe­ ter. FOR SALE--New 800 lb. De La­ val Cream Separator, electric drive, at cost,—P. O. Box 273, phone Exeter. 231 for day Dead animals removed. Cash fox horses. Two hours service, or night. Phone Crediton 47rl5 collect.—'Jack Williams. 10-3-3tf To settle the Whiteford will sell the hundred acres, east of Centralia as one farm or two fifties for pasture or tilling.—-W. G. Pearce, Exeter. Estate, 4 miles tillable .FOR RENT—Residence on An­ drew St., possession. 1st November Apply to Geo. Hepburn, Crediton, phone 26r2. Mfgd. by Kellogg Co., Limited, of London *. | This Starter is Highly Recom­ mended by the Biggest Hog Pro­ ducer in this District R. G. SELDON & SON LEAVITT’S THEATRE EXETER 22nd Sunday After Trinity FAMILY DAY a.m.—'Corporate Communion for A.Y.P.A. and Sunday School 10 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon: “Standing for Christ” 3 p.m.—Children’s Day Service Parents and friends are invited. Evening service withdrawn fo Caven Presbyterian Anniversary Thursday, 7.30 p.m.—Intercession and Prayer service. 9 Phone 135 LADIES” WINTER COATS We want you to see our Winter Coats for Ladies while our stock is complete. Repeat orders are costing more as materials are steadily advancing in price. We would advise early buying. Some last season’s coats at bargain prices. TAPIOCA EXPERT Permanent Waving tfSALE GIANT BATH 5IXE GROCERY SPECIALS p & G SOAP Supper from 5:30 to 8 o’clock Men s Store 35c to 50c PYJAMAS $2.00 SHIRTS $1.50 to $1.95 TIES 50c to $1.00 ( i Chester and Mrs. Harold Gibbs Miss Lillian Kestle, of Wind- spent the holiday with Mr. Mrs. H. J. Kestle. Dominion Rubber Boots at $2.00 a pair Are as good value and will wear as long as any Rubber Boot on the market THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, 3-Unit Show 2 packages . . 23c Pyrex Dessert Dish Free “Untamed” Technicolor Feature Starring RAY MILLAND and TOMLINSON'S Tester* Front of Steel” With CHARLES STARRET Stooge Comedy MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY “Tom Brown’s ■ School Days” Under Auspices of the Anglican Chancel Guild Featuring SIR CEDRIC HARDURCKE FRED BARTHOLOMEW Added “Deon Errol Comedy” “Carry on Canada” DISNEY Technicolor CARTOON Body and Fender Work ALSO CARS REPAINTED Prices Reasonable BRODERICK BROS. the McColl Frontenac Station Phone 210, Exeter at Foot Sufferers! Special Attention! The Special Representative of Miracle Foot Aid HAMILTON, ONT. Will be at A. E. WUERTH’S STORE “The Home of Bunny White” Exeter, on Tuesday, Oct. 22nd from 1 to 8 p.m. PLAN TO SEE HIM! No Charges for Consultation “Miracle” Method of Correction with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coward I successfully proven by our many - — - ~ • satisfied customers in this | district, i and Mrs. Dan Coward over the Thanksgiving holiday. Pork and Bean Supper under the auspices of the W. A. Trivitt 'Memorial Church Tuesday, Oct. 22nd Admission 25c Miss Olive Quance visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer for the Thanksgiving holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mitchell and family spent Thanksgiving Day with relatives in Stratford. Mr. Laverne Christie left Mon­ day for Toronto where he will at­ tend Shaw’s Business College. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wright, of Wyoming on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stonehouse and family, of Forest, visited with the latter’s sister, Mrs. C. and Mr. White. iMr. and Mrs. Harley Sanders and son and sor, and VITAMINS — A capsule a day from now until May builds resist­ ance against colds and infection— Robertson’s Drugs, Exeter. ALFALFA ND Having purchased a new < Deere Hammer Mill, we will be to do your grinding this fall. Kenneth Johns, R. B. Williams John able 2tc. willOK Apple Butter Factory operate every day except Saturday until end of season. Custom work, our specialty. Phone 229, Exeter.— S. J. V. CANN & SONS. profitable is “OVER HELP WANTED, FEMALE YOUNG WIVES! Here is your chance to do pleasant, work while “HUBBY” THERE!” Make from $15.00 to $20.00 a weefc “extra” money by do­ ing a REAL SERVICE to your friends and neighbors supplying them with FAMILEX HIGH HOUSE­ HOLD FREE 570 St. NECESSITIES. Write for booklet today, FAMILEX, Clement Street, Montreal. Friend: “Of the two apartments we looked at, the other one seemed much the better. Why did you choose this one?” Mrs. Freshwed: “S-sh! In this one they forbid all Cooking.” BAKER’S COCOA 1-5 lb. Tin Free with 1 lb. tin ... . 25c QUICK QUAKER OAT­ MEAL Fresh 1 Plain Box................ 23c 1 Chinaware Box .... 30c PALMOLIVE SOAP hwsjv you soy sox SUPER SUDS Southcott Bros iMr. and Mrs. Wright, of Detroit, and Mr. Harold Hill, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Noble .Scott. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Picknell, their daughter Dorothy and friend, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Francis. Mrs. Preston Dearing of Stephen, Mrs. Quance and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allen, of Cromarty, visited over the week-end with relatives Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes, Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Eyre, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Vincent, of Stroud, over the week-end. Mrs. A. Westlake and daughters, of Wyoming, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Parsons and daugther, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whyte. Mr. Borden Sanders, of Western University, was home for the week­ end and with him as guests were Dr. Allen G. Webb, of Drumbo and J. C. King, of Western. Mr. Marvin Howey, of London, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. W. S. Howey, of town, motored to Mt. Forest and spent the weefc-end with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Howey. Among those who visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mawhinney and Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy for Thanksgiving were Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Amy and son Leslie, their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. McColeman and Bake, of Brantford and another daughter, Mrs. Jack Dickson and son Donald, of Woodstock. A baptismal service was held on Sunday in James St. United church in connection with the communion service. The children baptized were James Roy and Jack Ray, sons of Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Prout; Mary Catharine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner; Mar­ garet Jean, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Warren Sanders and John Hallam, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Robertson, | WINDBREAKERS $1.95 to $4.95 ANKLE SOCKS Newest Miracle of Science STRETCHES, TRANSPARENT and DURABLE ELASTIC-GLASS SUSPENDERS $1.00 GARTERS 75c W. w. T A M A N PHONE 81 Mr. H. O. Southcott was in Toron­ to for the week-end. Capt. Bruce Medd, Mrs. Medd and son David, of Napanee, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd and with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Bossenberry at Grand Bend, Thanksgiving passed off quietly in Exeter. A number took advan­ tage of tile holiday week-end for visiting with relatives. A heavy downpour of rain visited this sec­ tion in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman, of Lis- towel; Mr. aftd Mrs. Robt. Graves and babe, of London; Ml§s Jean­ ette Taman and Mr. Harold Ashton, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, W, W. Taman. EXETER, ONT. L. Gertrude and Mrs. and Mr. Fenwick Ripe raspberries in the middle of October were picked by Mrs. Sweitzer. A branch containing a number of ripe berries was brought Into the office Saturday. Mr. Chas. Cox and Swayze, of Welland; Mr. Durham and babe Patsy and Mrs. A. Gambrill of and Miss Reta Birr, of Saskatche­ wan, spent the holiday with the former’s mother, Mrs. N. Hannigan. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eilber and Mr. Samuel Eilber, of Ubly, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz and family, of Windsor and Mrs. Austin Bickle and Dorothy Ahn, of Lon­ don, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Win, Kuntz,