The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-10-03, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE HENSALL -Mr. <1 tunes Priest continues quite ill at his home here. Dr. and Mrs. I. G. Smillie visit­ ed with relatives in Toronto, on Sunday. •Miss Jean Jessop, at Seaforth, is spending a few days with Mrs. P. IL Devlin. ■Miss Minnie Reid has had a new and up-to-date sun porch erected on her dwelling. Miss Elizabeth Slavin is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Stewart in London. Miss Emalie Morrison, of Tor­ onto, is holidaying with friends in town this week. The Senior Women’s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. R. Moore on Wednesday, October 9th. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smillie, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with the latter’s sister Miss Jean Murray. The Mission Circle of the United church will meet at the home of Miss Margaret Tudor on Friday ev­ ening. Miss Margaret Hobkirk, who has been seriously ill during the past week is somewhait, improved at> date of writing. The Thank-Offering service of the W. M. S. of the United church will be held next Sunday morning. Mrs. C. Murray, of Toronto, will be the guest speaker. IMr, and Mrs. Roy MacLeod, Pearl and George visited Sunday at Camp Borden with the former’s brother Mr. Robert MaLceod in training there and formerly of Win­ nipeg, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanson moved to Thamesville on Saturday where Mr. Hanson has secured a position, Mrs. P. H. Devlin, Strat­ ford, moved into the dwelling on Monday vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Hanson. Communion service was held at the United Church on Sunday morning conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. The choir sang a beautiful anthem. The evening service was , withdrawn owing to anniversary services being held at Chiselhurst. The Young people’s Society of the United Church will commence their fall and winter meetings next Monday evening with a social ev­ ening. Rev. R. A. Brock will give an illustrated lecture on Winnipeg. ‘ Miss Gladys Luker and Mrs. Hed­ den will have charge of the meet­ ing. Rally Day services were observed at Carmel. Presbyterian church on Sunday morning when the Sab'bath School scholars met with their teachers at the service. Rev. Wm. Weir addressed the scholars deliv­ ering a fine discourse. Misses Mar­ garet and Jean Love sang a' duet and Miss Paula Hanson sang a solo. _ Song service was held at the even­ ing service when Rev. Weir spofce on the “Life of Isaac Watts and seven of his former hymns were sung. Silver Wedding Anniversary A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Cochrane this week when about 30 immediate relatives of their family gathered to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. A buffet luncheon was served from a table centred with the wadding cake, white candles and English ivy, As­ ters and Cosmos graced the table. Following the luncheon commun­ ity singing was led by Miss Audrey Cochrane at the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane received many notes of congratulations and many beau­ tiful gifts. This pleasant event was arranged by their daughter Audrey and came as a pleasant sur­ prise. Young People Elect Officers The Young People’s Society of Carmel Presbyterian church met on Monday evening in the school room oif tihe church when the of­ ficers were elected for the coming season. After the opening hymn the officers were elected as follows: President, Miss Irene Douglas, vice- president, Miss Hannah Murray, se­ cretary-treasurer, Jim Campbell; assistant secretary-treasurer, Alvin Bell; pianist, Helen Dick; assist­ ant pianist, Margaret Dougall; con­ test captains, Harry Dougall and Gerald Campbell, Lois MacLaren and Margaret Gangster; worship convenor, Miss Sally Manson; Fel­ lowship convenor, Miss Beryl Pfaff; missionary convenor, Jim Mustard; social convenors, Jean McQueen; Allen Davidson and Mrs. Melvin Moir. Violet Hyde and Irene Hog­ garth were selected as delegates to attend the, Presbyterian Young • People’s Convention to be held in Hamilton during Thanksgiving week-end. Plans were made for as many of the members as pos­ sible to attend the Huron Pres­ bytery Young People’s Rally which will convene on Monday, October ^lst at Knox Church, Goderich. The meeting closed with the sing­ ing of "0 God of Bethel.” Slavin - Shelton A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Richard Shel­ ton. Goderich on Saturday when her younger daughter Rosella Elizabeth, was united in marriage to Frederick Stewart Slavin, son of Mr. Wm. Slavin of Hensall and the late Mrs. Slavin, Rev. D. L Lane, of Knox Presbyterian church, officiated. The bride, given in mar­ riage by her brotjier Mr. Richard Shelton, looked 'charming in a floor-length gown of white satin, with a .tulle and lace veil falling to the hem of the dress and car­ ried a bouquet of Talisman roses. Miss Jean Moore, of Bervie, cou­ sin of the bride was bridesmaid and wore a floor-length gown of blue satin with matching accessories and carried a bouquet of Briarcliff© roses. The groom was attended by Mr. Charles Shelton, brother of the bride, Following the ceremony a reception was held, the bride’s mother received in a mauve crepe gown with a corsage of roses. The bride’s table was centred with the wedding cake and adorned with rose-buds and candles. Those at­ tending the wedding from here were Mr. Wm. Slavin, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Slavin, Mr. and Mrs. G. Slavin. Later the young couple left on a honeymoon trip. They will re­ side on the bridegroom’s farm near Hensall. Red Cross Notes Concerning Jam-Making Will the ladies please note care­ fully paragraph number 12 under the general directions for Jam­ making, issued hy Miss Edith L. Elliot of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, which says: Lay a Round of Waxed Paper over top of jar after it has cooled, and the press cover firmly into place, This is important to insure a perfect seal. The South Huron Women’s In­ stitutes are advised that extra cans are now available and may be pro­ cured at the C. N. R- depot at Hen­ sail. The following instructions have come to us in the No, 1 Bulletin for September 1940, regarding knitting. Do not make wristlets. Mitts and gloves are urgently need­ ed. The Hensall Branch in a few days will reach its first anniversary We lack 100 pairs of socks to make up the total of 1,000 pairs since we organized and distributed our first wool. Will tihe ladies please work hard in this direction so that we can reach the magnificent ob­ jective of 1,000 pair. Please measure your socks care­ fully. The inspecting committee has found some socks too long and others a little short. They must be exactly 16 inches. Seaman’s long stockings are also in great demand, Wool has ar­ rived for these. Please plan for this work. We appreciate the co-operation of all our ladies. We are looking forward to a good season’s work and a united effort to do our bit to defeat Hitler. W. C. T. U. Meets The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held at the home of Miss Jennie Murray on Thursday after­ noon with a good attendance. Mrs. Chas. Jinks led the devotional, which opened by singing a hymn. Mrs. E. McQueen read the Scripture. The theme song was sung followed by prayer by Miss Murray and Mrs. McQueen. Mrs. Jinks closed the devotional part of. the program with prayer. Miss Murray took,, charge of the remainder of the meeting and read and explained a letter about the Temperance Study Course to be taken in schools during Oc­ tober. Miss Irene Douglas played a. piano instrumental. The following were appointed to lead the depart­ ments for the coming year. Evan­ gelical .and Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Passmore, Mrs, Jinks, Miss Hartnoil and Mrs. Johns, of Exeter, Press reporter Miss Hattie Suther­ land and Mrs. Hedden; Narcotics and Medical Temperance, Mrs. El­ der; Travellers’ Aid, Mrs. William Cook, Exeter, Mrs. Victor Fee; tem­ perance and Sunday Schools, Miss Jennie Murray; Medal contest, Mrs. Christie and Mrs. Abbott, of Exe­ ter; (Scientific Temperance Insti­ tutes in Day (Schools, Miss Ethel Craw, Seaforth; Little White Rib­ boners, Mrs. Geo. Hess. The treas­ urer’s report was given by Mrs. Ed. McQueen. Moved byjMrs. McQueen and seconded by Mrs. Jinks that Miss Murray be left in .charge of getting someone to attend the con­ vention to be held in Toronto in October, The meeting closed by singing a hymn followed by prayer by Mrs. Lammie. A delicious lunch was served by Miss Murray and Mrs, Lindsay at the close. Hensall School Fair Concert Hensall Town Hall Thursday ev­ ening September 26th was packed to the doors for the annual school concert held in conjunction with the School Fair held here last week. Mr, W. R. Davidson, secretary or the School Fair introduced Mr. Bea- coin, of Goderich, inspector of pub­ lic schools, who following a brief few remarks acted for the evening. There were many entries in the public speaking, recitations and mu­ sical numbers and the event was greatly enjoyed. Winners in the senior public speaking contest were Lenore Nor- mington, who chose for Iler subject "Our British Empire”; Patsy, Mc- Donell, "Camping”; Gordon Moir, "There’ll Always Be An England”: Wanda Turkey, "Our King and Queen”. Junior public speaking ' contest, Janeth Simpson. Junioi recitations, Mabel Selves, Bernice Dilling, Pearl McCleod, Marian Madge. Senior recitations, Billy Campbell, Billy Mickle, Eleanor Cook, Velma Ferguson. Vocal so­ los, Marian Triebner, Helen Noakes, Mabel Fairbairn, Donald MacArthur instrumentals, Norma Knight, piano, solo; Marian Greene; Betty & Billy Mickle, piano duet; Beverley and Marguerite Moore and Eleanor Cook piano trio. Winners in the spelling ■contest were Marian MacLaren, Clarence Dilling, Norma Sangster, Harold Dilling. Taking part in the various con­ tests were the following; Vocal, Donald MacArthur, Norma Greene, Elaine Beer, Claudette Blowes, Mar­ ian Triebner, (Margaret and Audrey Campbell, Helen Noakes, Mabel Fairbairn and Marjorie Cudmore; recitations, junior, Mabel Selves, Bobby Bell, Marian Madge; junior recitations, Keith Volland, Bernice Dilling, Lome Ford, Pearl McCleod; senior recitations, Velma Ferguson, Gerald Wurm, Bernice Jinks, Eleanor Cook, Billy Campbell, Dor­ is Buchanan, June Kennedy, Billy Mickle; instrumentals, Norma Knight, Billy and Betty Mickle, Marian Greene, Beverley and Mar­ guerite Moore and Eleanor Cook, trio; violin solo, Grant Triebner; public speaking, Patsy McDonell, Lenore Normington, Gordon Moir, Wanda Tuckey; junior speaking, speaking, Janeth Simpson. Winners of the public speaking contest will appear before the County Council at Goderich in No­ vember. Judges were Mr. W. O. Goodwin, director of Hensall Unit­ ed choir; Miss Ireqe Douglas and Miss Mcllvenna, assistant at the Hensall Continuation School. Ac­ companists were the Misses Greta Lamie, Florence Welsh, Miss Camp­ bell, Jean Triebner and Marion Greene. The event was greatly en­ joyed. (Soldiers of the First Hussars and of the Middlesex-Huron Battalion from Seaforth, Clinton and Exeter, will parade to the Lions Frolic at the Exeter Arena Thursday at 8 p.m. headed by the Exeter Band. DASHWOOD Special Anniversary Services will be held in the Evangelical church on Sunday, October 6th, Rev. H. A. Kellerman, of Waterloo, will be the guest speaker also special music by the choir. The public is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. W. George Smith, of the Haig Farm spent the week­ end with the latter’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock. Mission Circle was held on Tues­ day evening. After a short program Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goetz were presented with a beautiful chenille bedspread after which a dainty lunch was served. Dr. Lome Tieman, of Ottosville, New York, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diechert and Miss Freda and Peter Neuswanger, of Zurich, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Neuswanger. Mrs. Allemang and son Carl and daughter Gertrude, of St. Clemens, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer. Harry Hoffman spent Sunday with friends in Tavistock. Miss Hazel Schenk, of Walkerton, is the guest of Miss Sigrid Peder­ sen. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopcroft and son Russell spent a few days last week with their son in Port Col- borne. Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Prance, Shirley and Betty, of Thedford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent. iMr. Louis' Morenz returned home on Sunday after spending the sum­ mer up North. Quite a number from here at­ tended the Red Cross meeting held in Exeter on Monday. Mr. Henry Hoffman had the mis­ fortune in having a fall which has laid him off duty for the past two weeks. WOODHAM There was a misprint in last week’s paper when it read Woodham Anniversary, Sunday, October 18th when it should have read, Sunday, October 13th. Rev. Harry Royle, of Talbotville will preach at both services in the morning at 11 a.m. and in the evening at 7 p.m. Our Sunday School had a real treat last Sunday morning when Mr. Trueman Tufts, Kirkton, came over and taught the Bible Class. Many from here attended the Kirkton Fair on Friday of last week Miss Florence Kirk spent the week-end at her home here. The W. M. S. meets this Wednes­ day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred Pattison with Mrs. Jas. Squire convenor of group number two in charge of the program. The Perth Presbyterlal conven­ tion of the W. M. S. will be held on Friday, October 4th at Milverton. All who can are invited to attend. A large allocation of clothing etc. is alloted to this district for the re­ fugees of England who lost their homes. t Your Shur-Gain Feed Service Dealer Speaks Why are your hens not laying to their capacity? Is it because they are getting too much scratch grains ana not enough protein supple­ ments? Are you feeding a balanc­ ed protein ration for the production of eggs? Are your hens crowded for rest space? Are they free from worms and disease? Come in to •the mill; talk over the situation with us and we’ll do our best to make your hens producers. AB our prepared SHUR-GAIN feeds are made in our mill and are con­ stantly fresh. AU the grains to make them are above standard, and the concentrates used are of the best quality at the lowest possible cost. These are essentials of better feeds and good reasons why our SHUR- GAIN feeds are giving ?ueh excel­ lent results. We can strongly rec­ ommend our SHUR-GAIN laying mash to help your hens produce mere and better eggs. If you have good grains bring them in to the mill and have them mixed with con­ centrates to make your own It will save you money. THE FEED BUSINESS IS OTCBSDAX. OCTOEBB 3rd, IMO feeds. OUR BUSINESS AND NOT A SIDE LINE. These are some of the. feeds we carry to supply our customers: A full line of prepared Shur-Gain feeds, Shur-iGain concentrates, Pioneer concentrates, hog and cattle minerals, worm powders, meat meal, bone meal, fish meal, powdered milk cerogras, cod liver oil, feeding mo­ lasses, oyster shell, grit, salt, lin­ seed meal, oil cake meal, soya bean meal, oat meal, mill feed, cracked, rolled and ground grains. If we have not the feed you want we get it for you. We Handle Welcome, Five Roses, Purity and Robinhood Flour We are Buying Wheat, Oats and Barley at Top Prices. AT YOUR SERVICE PHONE 35 Exeter Flour and Feed Mill G. A. CANN & SONS MOUNT CARMEL I A large number attended the I dance held in the hall last Friday ; evening. ■ Mr. and Mrs. M. Doyle, of Lon­ don, spent Monday at their summer home here. Miss Evelyn Regan returned to London after end with her gan. Mr. George day in London. Miss Mary McCann R.N., returned to Galt hospital after spending a week at her home here. Miss Bernadine Madden is ing a few weeks in Toronto. Mrs. P. Fleming Glavin, delegates spending the week- mother Mrs. M, Re- Coughlin spent Tues- with her spend­ sister Jamesand Mrs. of the Catholic Women's League of Mt. Carmel are attending the Diocesan Convention in Delhi. Miss Elizabeth Dietrich, of Lon­ don, is spending her holidays with relatives here. Miss Winnifred Madden, Toron­ to, spent a few days at her home here. Mr. George Dietrich, of Sarnia, spent the past week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ryan and family spent Sunday in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Tuffield. Denomme, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Regler. Mr. spent here. Justin Mahoney, St. Thomas, the week-end at his home ZION will be no services held church on Sunday on ac- : anniversary services in •church on the Mitchell There in Zion < count of the Zion Road.Mr. and Mrs. M. Stewart and flir. and Mrs. H. Tyndall visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl. We are glad to report that Lloyd Hern has returned from hospital and will soon be up around again. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jacques Erlma and Ray visited on Sunday with Mrs. A. Gunning of Exeter. Several from the community took prizes for exhibits at Kirkton Fair. Practically all the threshing in the community has been completed This is the latest in a number of years. Mr. the and i I the Fowl Supper CREDITON Mrs. Charles Schroeder visited in Toronto last week. Mrs, C. W. Goodman, of Detroit, is visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs. Charles Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. C. Moser, of Evan­ ston, III., spent the week-end with Mrs. Florina Brown. Mrs. Maurice Brown, of Amherst- burg, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Florina Brown. Remember served by the ladies of the Evan­ gelical church on October 10th. iMr, and Mrs. Harry Cudmore and Mr. and Mrs. John Cudmore and Charles, of Holmesville, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown. The Crediton Women’s Institute assisted by other ladies of the com­ munity made 795 pounds of jam which was donated to the Red Cross iMr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr spent a few days over the week-end at their cottage at Boat Lake. (Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dale and son Donald, of Brampton, are holiday­ ing for two weeks with Mrs. Dale’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clark Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark and Glen, of Detroit, spent the week-end here. Anniversary services will be held in the United Church on Sunday next, October 6th. The service in the morning will commence at 11 a.m. and will be conducted by Rev. L. H. Turner, B.A. At the evening service commencing at 7-30 p.m. Searle, M.A., United Church, guest speaker. be furnished are cordially invited tn services, Sabbath B.D., of London, Special by the Rev. C. H. Hyatt Ave. will be music choir, attend School to the Brinsley will Crediton congregation. Last Wednesday evening, Mrs. Harold Fahrner, a recent bride, in­ vited the Evangelical Mission Circle to hold their meeting at the home of her parents. There was a good attendance, twenty-two being pres­ ent, had and ing. • tile will All these will be held at 10 a.m. prior morning service. Shipka and worship with the the meet- that each article to the Fowl made for Norma Fahrner, the president charge of the worship service the business part of The Circle decided member • contribute some the Red Cross booth at Supper; also plans were the making of clothing for refugee children. The program consisting of hymns, Scripture reading, the discussion of the Study Book, a piano solo, a harmonica selection and a short, interesting talk was in charge of the following committee, Irene Morlock, Malee.ta Wein, Nor­ ma Finkbeiner, Leila Mollard and Ada Gaiser. During the evening Norma showed her trousseau and wedding gifts, served by the ial half hour to a close. A dainty lunch was hostesses and a soc- brought the meeting Valuable prizes will be given away Thursday and Friday evenings at the Arena. Lions Frolic in the Exeter Proceeds for war work. GRAND BEND and Mrs. Ritchie, and Parkhill and Mr. and of Greenway, fam- Mrs. were Mrs. Mr. ily, of Dean Brown, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Norman Turnbull. Mrs. Alma Mollard and Miss M. Yeo spent the week-end in Brigden with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mollard. Mr. Kenneth Lovie is still quite ill in Stratford hospital. Mr. John Luther and Mr. and Mrs. Manford Luther visited in London last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther, Mrs. Lloyd Fahner, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker On Saturday. Alma Holt, little daughter of Edwin Holt fell on the steps of the choir loft in the church on Sunday last fracturing her right arm. She is getting along nicely. The arm was set by Dr. Taylor, Dashwood. Mrs. Nancy Ravelle has gone to St. Marys to visit her Mrs. S. Dewey. •Sunday being such a it drew quite a number cottages. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Atkinson vis­ ited at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen At­ kinson over the week-end. Percy is at the R. C. A. F. training school at St. Thomas at present. Mrs. W. B. Oliver is under the doctor’s care, but all hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Kay Sarnia with Mrs. Oliver. Mrs. Jake daughter, nice day to their Seed Wheat Cleaned and Graded ALL WEED SEEDS INCLUDING CHESS AND COCKLE REMOVED. TIMOTHY AND ( LOVERS BOUGHT AND SOLD G. Z wicker creditonPhono 3 w LISTS MUST CLOSE As the subscription Lists for the Stock of the Huron County Flying Training School must close within the next few days all who are in a position to sub­ scribe are urged to see one of those whose names appear below Hugh Hill, Chairman, Goderich 1' For Further Information Enquire from any of the following Reeves: B. W. Tuckey, Exeter; P. Passmore, Usborne; Alonzo McCann, Stephen; Geo. Armstrong, Hay; R. E. Shaddick, Hensall; S. H. Whitmore Tuckersmith KIPPEN iMr. and Mrs. H. Fuss and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane. Mr. William Whitecom'be, of In­ gersoll, spent the week-end with his grandfather, Mr. W. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. E. Butt visited with relatives in Seaforth on Sunday. ■Mr. and Mrs. E'. J. Horney, Shir­ ley and Bobby, of Ridgeway; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz, of Crediton, spent Sunday with Mr. ajid Mrs. Wm. Horney. Miss Doris Alexander, London, spent' the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander. Misses Theda and Ruth Watson, of Clinton, spent the week-end with their - par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson. THAMES ROAD AND ROYS A record crowd attended the re­ ception at the Hall, on Friday night when Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur Rohde were presented with a day bed. Mr. J, McCullogh is home from the hospital but *is in a cast. We hope to hear of his improvement soon. An interesting meeting of the W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. R. Cann with a good attendance. The president Mrs. S. Coward open­ ed the meeting with the National An­ them. ' followed by the Scripture and prayer. Mrs. Selves gave a paper. Roll was (ailed and busi­ ness discussed at the close of which it was decided to call for sealed lenders for decorating the basement and interior of the church. Tenders to be opened at next meeting. A good program under the leader­ ship of Mrs. B. Dunean followed Mrs. A. Stewart, a piano solo; Mrs. John Stewart, a vocal solo; Mrs. Selves, a humorous reading; Miss A. Hackney a reading and Mrs. L. 1 Thomson, a reading. A vote of thanks was given to all taking part. Some time was spent on Red Cross work and the desire for more help­ ers was expressed. The meeting clos­ ed in singing ‘Fight the Good Fight' and prayer. Tea has been dispens­ ed with for the duration. Roll call for the next meeting'— "Ideas to raise money to meet fu­ ture obligations.” I ELIMVILLE ! A meeting of interest was held on Wednesday afternoon September 25th at the home of Mrs. H. Ford, when the Baby Band members and their mothers were entertained by the W. M. S. Nineteen ladies and seven children were present. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. E. Skinner and Mrs. Lewis Johns, su­ perintendents of the Baby Band. The meeting opened with singing “When Mothers’ of Salem” and Mrs. Sherwood Brock read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Ralph Bat­ ten led in prayer. Minutes and the roll call were read and business session conducted by Mrs. R. Bat­ ten. Mrs. Pooley and Mrs. R. Bat­ ten were appointed to attend the Sectional meeting of the W. M, S, at Roys church. Mrs. Hubert Hey­ wood and Mrs. Ed. Johns favored with a vocal duet. “When He Cometh” was sung and several la­ dies gave short readings. Mrs. F. Brock read a Temperance reading. The meeting closed with singing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” and the benediction. Lunch was served and the children also treated to an orange. Mr. Will Jones, Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones and Miss Betty Munn were Sunday visitors at Mr. Lloyd Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Ford, Clarence and Gordon, Mr. Jno. McElrea, Mrs. W. H. Dickey and baby visited Pte. W. H. Dickey in Guelph Hospital las* Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whiteford, of Ingersoll, were week-end visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns, returned from their honeymoon and are get­ ting settled down to the stern real­ ities of married life. Admission to the ' Lions Frolic Thursday evening is l(hc.; Friday night 25c. Statton is visiting in her parents, Mr.and Sweitzer had the fortune to sprain her may be laid up for a present it is not known it is hurt., Mrs. Lizzie England Shipka for a few days with friends. Mr. and visited With Sunday. Mr. John the farm with Mr. and Love. Mrs. John friends in Love spent mis- and At ankle while, how badly visited at Mousseau Clinton on Sunday on Mrs. Wm. CLANDEBOYE Miss Margaret Hennessey, nurse- in-training at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, and friend spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. G. Hennessey. CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Tueman Mills, of Sarnia, visited during the past week with Mrs. Harry Mills. Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry and Don­ ald, of Harriston, and Mr. Donald Hicks, of the R.C.A.F. in Toron- io, were wefek-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton and Donald spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe, in London. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mugan and son, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. C. J. O’Brien. Mr. Cyril Hennessey was in Pt. Dover for a couple of days last week attending the Prudential In­ surance ’Convention. Mrs. Ohas. Isaac, who was taken to Victoria Hospital last week, suf­ fering from a fractured arm has returned to her home. Her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Archie Robinson and Mr. Robinson are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac. On Sunday evening the mem­ bers of the W. A. presented their pageant "The Light of the World” in the church here. Special music was provided by a ladies’ choir. Mrs. Margaret Fletcher, of Exeter, contiibuted a very fine solo. Those taking part in the pageant were Mrs. O. Brown, Miss F. Davey, Mrs. Lightfoot, Mrs. M. Elliott. Mrs. R. Smith. Mrs. Falconbridge, Mrs. J. Blair. Miss Chambers, Mrs. L. Dav­ ey and Mrs. C. Skinner. The church was nicely decorated with flowers. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horney and Shirley and Bobby, of Ridgway, spent Friday with the former’s sis­ ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz spent the week-end in Cargill and Kippen. iMr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and Mrs. Frank iSchieding, all of London, spent Sunday with their mother Mrs. Catherine Motz. Mr. Murray Neil, of Stratford, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Neil and daughter re­ turned to Stratiford with him for a visit. •Mrs. Wilson Anderson has re­ turned home after a visit in Exeter with relatives. Mr. Howard M. Sells, a former employee of Mr. Eber Anderson, of Gull Lake, Sask., now a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force at St. Thomas, visited with Mrs. Wilson Anderson on Saturday. Mr. Jack Jesney and Mr. Melvin Richard returned home Friday after training at Thames Valley Camp for two weeks. The Johnston Sisters, singing Cowgirls in full costume, will be heard at the Lions Frolic in the Exeter Arena Thursday and Friday evenings. Program at 8. WHALEN (Crowded out last week) Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann, of Thames Road were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning and Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Millson attend­ ed the funeral of the former’s sis­ ter, the late Mrs. Ashton in Lon­ don on .Saturday. (Mrs. Win. Smith, of Belmont, is spending this week with Mrs. M. Gunning. Mrs. Wm. Morley spent the week- and at Kirkton with Mrs. Russell Brock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hazelwood spent Sunday in St. Marys. Mr. Grafton Squire is spending two weeks in Hull, Quebec. SPECIAL? SPECIAL! COD FILLETS (BONELESS) per lb.................................. 17c JUMBO ICE CREAM, Brick .......... 18c or 2 for 35c GRADE A CHICKEN (Drawn) per lb...................................22c Exeter Frozen Foods, phone 70 W-*-.............. ........... ..... ..... .................................................