HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-10-03, Page 2THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, HHO THE EXETER T1MES-ADVQCATE by Joseph McCord you? It’s so I really am to visit with THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper It records lor you the world’s clean, constructive doings The Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation: neither does it Ignore them, but deals correctively with them. Features for busy men and all the family, including the Weekly Magazine Section. Pheasant-Shoot Dates for Ontario The Exeter Times-Advocate Established 1873 and 1387 at Exeter, Ontario Announced “So sweet of you to run in. Cygie . . you don’t mind if I call you by Jeffrey’s name, do cute. This is one time going to have a chance you.” “How’s the ankle?” “Doing nicely. We hospital this morning picture taken. Just a but they say I must keep off it for a while. It's a dreadful imposition on these dear people.” “Terrible." Jeff laughed, brought a chair for Audrey, then excused himself for a few moments, saying with exaggerated careless­ ness: “I know you two girls would like to have an uncensored gabfest for a bit. I’ll go down and amuse the old folks with my bright say­ ings.” He went out and closed the door softly behind him. He CHAPTER V of a Published every Thursday morniur; SUBSCRIPTION-— $2.00 per year in advance RATES—Farm or Real, Estate tor sale 50c. each i. four insertions, quent insertion, tides. To Rent, Found 10c. per 1 Reading notices Card of Thanks 59c. vertiBing 12 and 8c. per line. insertion for first 25c. each subse- Miscellaneous ar- Wanted, Lost, or line of six woTds. 10c, per line. Legal adi ______„ __ . . '■ . Is Memoriaii, with one verse 50o extra verstiB 25c. each. The annual pelee Island pheasant shoot will be held the last day of October and the first day of No­ vember, with a five-bird bag limit per day, Hon. H. C. Nixon, Minis­ ter of Fish and Game, announced recently. All the birds must be cock birds, ex.ept that hen birds, not exceed­ ing three in number, may be in­ cluded in the seasonal possession limit of ten birds upon payment ofi $1 per hen bird to the game and fishery officers at the island. Official anticipated a reduction in the number who will take out licenses for this and the other phea­ sant shoots. Many sportsmen are absent on military duty, and many foreigners, under Federal regula­ tions, have lost the right to own weapons. The department is hopeful that regulations will not curtail greatly the number of Unit­ ed States guns which will join the shoot, and, to this end, have ad­ vised by mail every American who had a hunting license last year, the nature of the regulations and what he should do to secure a permit to bring a gun into Canada. The shoot for English ring-neck­ ed cock pheasants and ruffled grouse, Canada grouse, sharp-tailed grouse and prairie hen, in the six­ ty odd townships established as game preserve areas, is to take place on October 25 and 26, “pro­ vided, however, that in such rege­ lated game preserve areas where a third day is declared in the open season, such day shall be November 1.” The limit for pheasants is three per day and for the grouse or partridge, five per day. A three-day shoot for English ring-necked cock pheasants, quail, Hungarian partridge, ruffled grouse Canada grouse, sharp-tailed grouse and prairie hen, is granted to the Counties of Essex and Kent. The shoot is for October 25 and 26 and November 1 and unlike the hours allowed in the other shoots, name­ ly from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. the hunt­ ing may open at 7.30 p.m. in the two counties and will not close un­ til 5.3 0- p.m. The limits are: Pheasants, cock­ birds only, three per day; Hungar­ ian partridge, two per day: part­ ridge (other than Hungarian) five per day and quail, four per day. The final draft in the regulations permits the shooting of ruffled grouse, Canada grouse, sharp-tailed grouse and prairie hen throughout. Ontario, except on the Crown game preserves and regulated game pre­ serve areas and in Essex and Kent Counties, from October 1 to October 14, both days November 4 to days inclusive, five birds per in all during these two periods. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter my subscription to The Christian Science Monitor Tot a period of 1 year $12.00 6 months $6.00 3 months $3.00 1 month $1.00 Saturday issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year R2.60, 6 issues 25c j about coming up?” i “I can wait a while. I’ll be very i glad to see you.” < Audrey discovered that she was ! unexpectedly glad to see Viv when | ho sprang from his car and came hurrying up the steps. There was something reassuring in his rugged (smiling face. j Victor sat down at Audrey’s side, flighted a cigarette without offering her one, and remarked: “Now start in and tell me all about yourself. Everything.” “Well . . .” she mused, “it’s been a long time since we’ve met, but to the best of my knowledge and belief I’ve been nowhere, done, seen and heard nothing. Oh, I’ve i eaten and slept and tried to be a good Girl Scout,” “Hmm . . . m. That sounds in­ nocent enought. Almost vacuous. “Why, of course you do The door opened at that moment > and Jeff thrust in his head. “Secret session over?” he wanted to know. He kept his eyes on Au­ drey as he entered, closed the door after him and leaned against it. She rose, went to him with her hand entended in a frank gesture. “(ongratulations, Jeff. Lots of them. And happiness,” “Thanites, Cygie. Hoped you knew. Like it?” “Of course!” “Think it’s pretty swell my own self.” “What did your mother and father say?” Olive asked abruptly. bore up very nicely, I They’ll be up shortly to you into the elan. Of told them there was noth- and all that.” He . ..“You’re the only‘By the way. I dropped in at the ” j Castle office this afternoon, I ’•scarcely expected to see Jeff on a so I wasn’t disap- I really; pointed. The busy elderly lady hold­ down the place told me he was of town. If I had seen him.” went on, watching Audrey’s through half closed eyes, “I going to congratulate him.” “They thought, welcome course I ing imminent, turned to Audrey, one in on the, dark secret. “And I shall be very discreet, , ----. she smiled. “I appreciate the honor. | half holiday, Best of luck to you both, must be going.” Jeffrey went down to her car with “I wanted you to know first Cygie!” he exclaimed boy- once they ■were out of the were “Has; . us?” I You meanj . . is it congratulations?” I nodded and loowered her ■ The admission came shyly: | We’re engaged.” With the: her hand came out and Au- . .> his I she exclaimed 1 Name Address Sample Copy on Request Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Professional Cards LETTER BOX ing out He face was “About wliat?” Audrey wondered how he had found out about engagement.” “Olive got her decree. Or haps you knew it.” “No, I didn’t know. Then assume . . .” “If they weren’t engaged when he left for the city, I’ll stake my j her. thing, isbly. house. “Told Olive that you one of the family and if she didn't tell you today, I would. I’m a lucky guy. don’t you think?” He was wistfully anxious that she should agree with him. “And how! Best of luck, Jeff. Good-by.” Judge George Castle, retiring lo, library after lunch, hailed his reputation they are now. the per- “Isn’t he precious?” Olive as with a light laugh, “He reminds so of a little boy. Cygi? . . .? “Yes?” “Has Jeffrey told yon about us9” Audrey Swan was conscious curious sensation. It was almost as if her heart had skipped a beat at Olive’s smilingly demure: Jeffrey told you about . . “I don’t believe so. then . Olive eyes. “Yes. words, drey clasped it firmly. “Congratulations! ” cordially. “I think it’s wonderful!”! “So do I.” Olive admitted, with-’ drawing her hand somewhat hastily. • “I imagine Jeffrey’s breaking the tidings to his parents now.” i “I’m sure they will be very happy for him.” < “Hope so.” Olive’s smile vanish­ ed. “Of course, darling, you under­ stand why we are not making a general announcement. I haven’t my decree. At lease, I don’t think I haie.” Audrey experienced another in­ ner shock. The explanation had been so matter of fact. “I see,” she said simply. • i “And are you properly appalled?” Olive supplemented good-naturedly. “It’s only a matter of form, heart has been free for a long . . . that is, until I met Jeffrey in Europe.” Audrey nodded. The face felt frozen. “I think marriage good for Jeffrey, on complacently, lonely life, after all. That’ trouble of us ‘only’ children, don’t you think? He never has had the real advantages of a social life of the sort we will have. I’m selfishly glad that it isn’t really necessary, for him to work for a living . . . ‘ grub, I mean. Clubs and sports and lar dower brought him by Lousie meeting the right people will do wonders for him. I don’t believe he is cut out to be a you?” “No,” Audrey “I doubt if he is. people have been eral generations, I son. “A moment,Jeffrey, if you please.” “Want me, sir?” “Yes. Sit down.I wish to talk to you. I believe,as matters now stand, you expeer to marry Mrs. Cooper before New Year’s.” My time over i smile on her will be very fiancee went “Why, yes. That's the arrang.e- ! ment, providing . . -“I am quite aware of Her father is Harvey the Harrison Products From all accounts, wealthy man. times over. “It wouldn’t surprise me.” “I should judge . • . rather. I am convinced . . . that you would have a low opinion of a man who was content to live upon his wife s bounty. Had you given the matter any serious thought, may I ask?” “Why no.” Jeffrey was a little taken aback at the direct question. “Of course I had always thought that . . .” “That you would be associated with me in a business way. Such an ar rangement was in my mind 'when the proviso. Harrison of Corporation, he is a very A millionaire several I should imagine.” GLADMAN & STANBURY (F. W. Gladman) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vaults for use of ou? Clients without charge EXETER and HENS ALL or resentment. Instead, a little ing of pity. It might be akin to but it wasn’t love. i “Why did you?” was her question. “Oh, why?” Vics smie was pathetically twist-j Rev. Harry Jennings writes ed, but Audrey was looking down , . . . . ,, into the water and did not see. } There was no smile in his voice or. eyes. i “I guess I had to, Audrey. Would i I ever have a chance?” i “I can’t tell you, Vic. It’s be­ cause I don’t know. Honestly.” “And that’s fair enough.” There was nothing to cry about, but Audrey felt perilously close to tears. There was something pathetic in Vic’s acceptance of things. “If I behave nicely,” he asked, “can we keep on being friends?” “Oh, of course Vic! Your friend­ ship does mean a lot to me. Really ir does, I want it to- go on.” “Then everything’s all right with the world. We'll omit all this from the record and start where we left off. “It’s Vic’s visit at i that he O.K.?” a bargain.” principal reaction to his the Swan’s was a suspicion probably had made a first .. . . . _ . I’m won-' class fool of himself and destroyed J dering what it may do to old Jeff.1 any possibility of future happiness If he ’ turns out to be the sort of by being so •precipitate, guy who lets his wife support him, could feel no genuine regret. I’ll walk all the ■way from some-j love for Audrey had become where and back for the ----- - ----*■ -c 1SC~ pleasure of kicking him!” Audrey pondered this in silence; had in some way felt it. . for a moment. “I guess they’ll mud-■ wonder was that she even had been die through,” she decided carelessly. I kind to him. that she hadn’t dis- “Which is a deft way of remind-j missed him forthwith and perma- ing me that I should worry over .gently. As long as she hadn’t there my own affairs,” Vic chuckled was some hope. With that, he changed the subject‘ give up, but he and talked lightly of other matters, enough “How I have been running on!”, on. he exclaimed in dismay when the The clock in the hall chimed eleven. , sented you Yet he His such express'a part of his life that he had been | unable to suppress a hope that she The great to watch He would never must have sense | his step from now ot his “He has lived a ; I sent you to law school. You know that has always been my hope and intention.” Jeffrey, for the first time, was tempted to insinuate that his fath­ er’s success had not been particul­ arly handicapped by the million-dol- Langdon. He contented himself with: “That is the matter you wish to discuss, sir?” “There is nothing particular to discuss,” the Judge retorted. “In business man. do ! j admitted slowly.! But his father’sI view of a long vacation and your lawyers for sev-' intention to support a wife, I as- understand. I im-‘sume that you are ready to settle agined that he would follow his i down and think of a professional father’s profession and take his; career. In that event, I am ready to place ... at least, that is what jarrange a partnership with you. everyone here has always thought.” j More than that, I am willing to “Well, a connection wth some: guarantee you a substantial income important law firm in the city might j the start. Doesn’t, that appeal had Fort Smith, N.W.T. ■ Sept. 19, 1940 To the Editor, Exeter Times-Advocate, Exeter, Ontario Dear Sir and Friends,— I had expected to be home this fall but there has been a change in my plans. On my way out I discovered that there was no mis­ sionary here and I was challenged to open the 'dosed door of another mission. The church cannot give me as much stipend as at Norman but I shall carry on just the same. Fort .Smith is on the boundary between Alberta and the N. W. T. It is the administrative centre for the N. W. R. C. It. is There tween Alberta. carrying freight to the docks here and two taxis carry passengers. Trucks and cars nre passing my gate day and night plying between here and Yellowknife and down North. Two aeroplane companies have bases here. There is a plane coming in or going out almost every day. We get mail twice a week. There is weekly mail service by i:lane between here and Peace River. We have very (fine mission build­ ings. The mission house is a Bish­ op’s palace built by a Bishop for himself. The old and very Just as I did improved the work. I live poclar trees. I have seventeen children en­ rolled in Sunday School with an extra teacher for the infant’s class. We had twenty seven at church on the Special’ Day of Prayer. There are between sixty and seventy white residents here. Some do not stay for the winter, but return with the shipping season. There are rapids here and when the wind is blowing ‘from that di­ rection their roar can be heard above the noise of trucks, cars and dogs. There is a fine golf course on the R. C. M. P. grounds and a fine tennis court on the government grounds. I am and am now helping lie school for which donating forward vocate. CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office; Carling Block, Main Strec®, EXETER, ONT. T. It is the divisional M. P. centre for the N. W. T. a busy iplace herejust now. is a sixteen mile portage be- here and Fort Fitzgerald in Two truck companies are Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon* Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.D S DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite the Post Office, Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 3fi) Closed Wednesday Afternoons ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and IMUddlesex FARM SALES a SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Da.shwood R. R. No. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 188 church is three years fine in appearance, at Norman. I have grounds after much in a small park of following morning he pre- liimself at the Castle office ( ‘Why didn’t you tell me to toddle .'promptly at nine-thirty. To his sur-( on long ago?” [prise, he found his friend in the: “Because I have been having a private office, feet up on the desk good time,” Audrey answered hon­ estly. “It isn’t often I have a chance to sit at the feet of a man of the world and snatch pearls of wisdom. Mother suggested that if you were in town tomorrow I might ask you to have Sunday dinner with us. We usually dine at one or a little after.” I “I'll be here on the stroke. ! When Victor strolled in at the appointed hour, Audrey thought he,'looked unusually attractive in his ■ fresh white suit, rose in the lapel | of his double-breasted jacket, carried a sheaf of newspapers under one arm and porch swing and family. It was not Vic had an opportunity to speak to Audrey alone. “Say, Audrey,” he said, “there’s a release in the society news that may interest you . . . here we are.” He held out an open page. “Oh!” It was a two-column portrait of Olive. Over it a caption: “Her Betrothal Announced.” A u d r ey skimmed through the accompanying account. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Har­ rison were announcing the engage­ ment of their daughter to Mr. Jeff­ rey Langdon Castle. The wedding was scheduled for September. There was a mischievous twinkle in Victor’s eyes, but he kept silent until Audrey remarked “How would you like to stroll?” “Very much of a good say. "Where away?” Almost involuntarily Audrey di­ rected their course to her favorite big tree. “I always liked this place when I was a youngster,” she ex­ plained as they stood on the shady bank. “My idea of a good time was to come here with a good book and a couple of apples. “I don’t wonder. It’s beautiful.” Vic. looked about soberly, then down at Audrey. “I’m in love with you, little Audrey Swan. Deeply and truly. And there it is.” Until this sunny Sunday after­ noon, no man had ever told Audrey Swan that he loved her. In the manner of evbry normal young woman she had dreamed her di earns in solitude, dreams unknow­ ingly influenced by romantic stories und pictures. If they awakened no perceptible longing for love they did bring a knowledge of the thrill that must come when the words were spoken softly by the man to •whom she was ready to give her heart, “I love you, little Audrey Swan,” Nc one could have words with quieter Vic. Yet there was particular sensation I i be an asset . . . like Vic’s. But he.to V°u as a fair proposition?” wonks dreadfully hard, and it will; “Very.” The quiet agreement take him years and years to get ^s‘ effect, anywhere! There’s no point in Jef-’ “Now see here, my boy.” frey’s keeping his nose to stone.” “Then you here?” “My dear marriage, not Country life time is bearable, but that’s enough.” I “I understand that you are taking When Olive spoke again there J Mrs. Cooper home.” was an earnestness in her voice' “I haven’t planned definitely, that made it almost sharp. “There. Olive spoke as if she is expecting is one thing, Cygie, I want you to. me to stay a few days. . ~ ' ! “Well, I .shall have to make due allowances, I presume. However, I will ask you to return as soon as possible. Miss Dodds, my secretary, is leaving me." “Not really! Why? Not on my account, I should hope!” “No. She tells me it is according to the doctor's orders, “Lord. That’s a horse of another color. Why, I was . . .” “And so was I,” his father I finished grimly. “What is still more •to the point, she wishes to be re-. I lieved from her duties as soon asI j possible, '. The ; received a telephone call soon after j dinner i I don’t plan child! I’m i______, . retiring to a convent! { a week or t The - a grind-’Judge’s heavy features relaxed in a i frosty smile. “I need you. In fact to live'I need you particularly just now. j You are not planning to be away planning < long are you?” [ “You mean when I go to the two at a city?”t I i i understand . . . believe. I really love ■ Jeffrey.” I ii IDiarrhoea If you are Suddenly attacked with diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps or pains in the stomach or bowels, or any looseness of tho bowels do not waste valuable time, but at once pro­ cure a bottle of Dr. Fowler’s Ex­ tract of Wild Strawberry and see how quickly it will give you relief. When you use "Dr. Fowler’s” you are not experimenting with some new and untried remedy, but one that has stood the test of time; one that has been on the market for the past 94 years. Beware of substi­ tutes. They may be dangerous to your health, Get "Dr. Fowler’s” and feel safe. The T. Milburn Cd., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. I I The following Saturday, Audrey When she heard the voice at the other end of the wire she ■ laughed. It was Victor Quinn. J “Don’t tell me. Let me guess. It’s I the old smoothie himself.” ; “How right you are. Checked in i at tho village inn, had my supper and everything, If you’re not goingI to take your bath for a bit, how deposited them on the after greeting his host and puffing contemplatively on a pipe. Jeff’s soles came down with a crash. “Well, of all things! Where I he dickens did you come from, Vic? And at this time of day! Come in and have a seat, fella.” Vic shook hands and to a chair. “Why, I’m the moment. Vacation. i ing the •paper yesterday morning', > seemed to me that it would be n« [ more than decent to break my trip j long enough to offer congratula- IIeitions and all that sort of rot. So jhere I am. Accept my good wishes, iif i you will.” until after dinner that abruptly: go for a idea, I’d tittered those sincerity than no thrill, no of amazement dropped in- on tour at After read- (To be Continued) GREENWAY (Crowded out last week) Anniversary Services of the Unit­ ed Church will be held on Sunday, October 13th and the Harvest Sup­ per on Thursday evening October 17th. Further notice later. The national canvass for the Greenway branch of the Red Cross Society will be sponsored this week, j Mrs. T. Bullock visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Prance of Winchelsea. Miss Viola Curts, of London and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smithers, of Parkhill, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Curts. Messrs. Harold Pollock and Sel- bourne English, of Detroit, spent the week-end at. their homes here. Y. P. S. Anniversary Services of the United Church were well at­ tended on Sunday and very inspir­ ing sermons were given by Miss E. Wynne, of London and Mr. Gor­ don Pickell, of Wilton Grove. Spec­ ial muisic was rendered by the choir Mrs. Jas. Wilson left, on Sunday to visit friends in Saskatoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Prance and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Yule, of Winchel- on Sunday with Mrs. J. Gardiner. Bullock returned home for a few days. sea visited T. Bullock and Mrs. Miss Mary with them content with littleTo be is difficult; To be content with much, impossible. i exclusive and from November 16, both The limit is set at day or twenty-five ZURICH enjoying the work here to erect a pub- the people are I am looking the Times-iAd- Mrs. A. F. Hess and sons Fred and Paul were in Toronto recently. Paul is remaining to continue his studies at the University. Smith leift for Western London, to continue for the fall term. is being made in the WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P. O. or phone 43-2 the labour, to getting Yours sincerely, HARRY L. JENNINGS of of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hohner, Varna announce the engagement their daughter, Bertha Mae, to Har- very William Taylor, son of Wm. Taylor and the late Mrs. Taylor of Varna. The marriage will take place in the near future. Miss Mae University, her studies Progress new building of Mr. George Dei- chert, the foundation being ready for the cement work. Friends of Miss Norma he pleased to learn returned home from hospital and is feelin: a recent operation for appen- Miss T. Dagg, who also Mousseau that she the Clin- g fine af- will has ton ter dicitis. Miss T. Dagg, had a similar illness at the same hospital has returned home. AS THINGS UNFOLD Your Next Visit to TORONTO Try Hotel Waverley Located on Wide Spadina Ave. at College St. Easy Parking Convenient to Facilities Highway* n ■ Single - Rates ?oub'°:$1.50 lo $150 $2.50 to $5.00 ZZZ Four to Room, $5.00 to $6.00 Close to the Pa rlla ment Maple Leaf Theatres, Wholesale Houses, the Fashionable ____ Shopping District. A. Mi POWELL, President ■MLJIRUJ University, Buildings, Gardens, Hospitals, and Retail DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone Collect: Seaforth 15; Exeter 235; Lucan 12 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LTD I I What shall be thinking of morrow may contradict sure about today. The move. Hard-and-fast ideas, able theories, concrete - have no place in an age when even Nature secret hours. That refuses to- amwhat I world does unchange­ convictions is (forced almost to give up another every twenty-four truly asinine whoman is to adjust his mental lens to the changing focus of life’s panor­ ama. “I have never had a policy,” said Lincoln. “I have simiply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came.” He knew. .Some men are so con­ ceited about their own pet notions that they are almost as bad as the fellow who raised his hat every time he mentioned his own name. May we ever hold so fast to the theory that any man is indispen- sible. Only the opinionated jackass thinks that the world can’t along without him. It has can. A high school girl, seated a famous astronomer at a party, struck With him by do in life?” “I study ; calm reply. “Dear me,” said the the brash confidence of finished astronomy last year. get and it next to dinner up a conversation asking, “What, do you astronomy,”was his girl with youth,. “I »♦ USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUA1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ont. President ........... JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R. R, 1 Vice-President .... JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. DIRECTORS W. H. COATES ................. Exeter ANGUS SINCLAIR ... Mitchell, R. 1 WM. HAMILTON ... Cromarty, R. 1 T. BALLANTYNE ... Woodham, R. 1 AGENTS JOHN ESSERY ............... Centralia ALVIN L. HARRIS ... Mitchell R. 1 THOS. SCOTT ................. Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS ............ Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter my dog Just as we were thinking it was about time for us to have another Dog Poem in the column and wish­ ing some kind reader would write one and send it in, we opened our morning mail and found this one from Nan Dephunb. Thanks, Nan: A little demon in defense Brave as a lion he; I wish I had the courage Of this atom on my knee. >A little universe of love, Unselfish as the sea; I wish I did by others As he has done by me. A little lump of loyalty No power could turn from me; I wish I had a heart as true, From fear and favor free. A little Irish Terrier In whose brown eyes I see The windows of a faithful soul Too large to live in me.