HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-10-03, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3rd, 1940 .11 Sixty-Seventh Year ’I BE t •Pl BOWLING NOTES AIR FIELD IN STEPHEN TWP. A POSSIBILITY With a government survey gang at work in Stephen township re­ ports are current that an air field in connection with the British Com­ monwealth Air Training plan is a possibility, It has been known for some time that the Dominion gov­ ernment has been interested in lo­ cating a suitable flying field in this vicinity. Just what connection a flying field in this vicinity would have with the airports at Goderich and Pt. Albert is mere speculation, Messrs. G. E. Ward, land surveyor, and Mr. R. C. Warren, location en­ gineer, together with J. A. Smith and J. K. McArthur, assistants, are engaged at present surveying a sec­ tion of land a mile and a quarter square located between Centralia and Crediton. Levels are being taken and bush and buildings tak­ en into consideration. Another sur­ veying party are surveying a sec­ tion near Grand Bend north of the Crediton Road and east of the high­ way. We understand another sec­ tion is under consideration north of Grand Bend. When all the ne­ cessary information is available such information will be placed be­ fore the authorities at Ottawa who will then decide whether or not any of these sites would be suitable for whatever they may have in view. SERIOUSLY ILL LADIES' and MISSES' FALL and WINTER DRESSES WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED SOME OF THE NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES AND MISSES DRESSES FOR FALL AND WINTER. THESE COME IN REGULAR AND HALF SIZES IN POPULAR COLORS AND REASONABLE PRICES. Coats for Ladies, Misses and Children Our Stock of Fall, and Winter Coats is now complete. We would advise early buying of these lines as good cloths will be hard to get later on. We have a very large range to choose from at very moderate prices. . New Shipment of Fall Shoes for Women and Growing Girls SUEDE — PATENT — BLACK AND BROWN KID Widths A A to E in Pumps, Fancy Ties and Elastic Gores Men’s and Boys’ Suits Our selection of Suits is quite large in the Newest Shades of Greens, Blues Etc., Single or Double Breasted at very moderate prices. Select your new suit now, while we have the good English Worsted Cloths. Men’s Rubber Boots at $2.00 to $3.50 in these makes KAUFMAN — GOODRICH — MINERS AND DOMINION Also our New Stock in Fine Rubbers and Overshoes has just arrived. Keep your feet dry with a pair of rubbers 1 fl fl fl vrlc ^eavy Str*pe(i ^anne^etle» colors * W ” J w* W • —regular 35c quality, while it lasts on sale Figured Flannelette at 32c a yard Hundreds of yards of heavy figured flannelette 36 inches wide for Ladies’ and Children’s Night Gowns, Pyjamas, Etc., for early fall buyers at 32c yard. Special Value in Scotch Fingering Yarns This is an exceptionally fine quality of Paton & Baldwin 4-ply Scotch Fingering Yarn in shades of Khaki, Airforce Blue and Grey. Each ball contains enough yarn for a pair of socks A real value at 85c ball iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Niblets Corn 9 91 p Fresh Corn off the Cob, 14 oz tins. £ lvl £1V Maxwell House Coffee IL /IC*«A Very Special Buy .........ID. tlllS 4DC St. Williams Marmalade 99 a? Jar 9Qn Orange and Grapefruit ... Ou u£. Jal Cowans Perfection Cocoa IL a.;n 97/» Half Pound Tins l(ic ..........IIU Zi I L Phone 32 Ca^pbs!?’iTomato Soup...2 tins 17c to SO, Very Special ...3 lbs, 23cCanta Clara Prunes Size 70 Comfort I Bars Soap Deal While They Last £ qq and 2 Glass Tumblers ....lOl Fly-Tox (The Original) Q 9ft- In Bulk, Bring your Bottle. O UZS* ZivC 1 the Tip-Top Bowling tourna- at Seaforth Wednesday of last W. H. Pollen and H. C. Rivers wet weather and conse- attendance was not up otherwise would have large crowd that did seeing plus 23. M. W- Stratford carried suit or overcoat. Exeter took part. Jones & May Your Superior Store KIRKTON FAIR | I Kirkton Fair was most fortunate I in their selection of a fair date. , While the weather was fine for the fair it was also fine for the farmers who have been handicapped in their fall work by quently the to what it been. The attend were rewarded by some of the finest livestock to be found anywhere. There was a fine showing of horses, the agricultural class of colts having twelve entries. The pick of some of the finest herds of cattle of different breeds were also shown. The showing of sheep Avas light but the exhibit of hogs Avas good. The afternoon started off with a parade of pupils from several school sections headed by the Parkhill Cor­ onation band in their snappy uni- foms of red and -blue. Science Hill school Avas awarded the prize for the best drill. The scholars wore sashes of red Avhitc and blue and carried flags. Zion School, Usborne, was second. Amos Doupe, now living retired at St. Marys, and for 4 6 years Avas actively connected with the Kirk­ ton Fair, 34 years a- secretary, Avas presented with a certificate of mer­ it signed by president John Berry and Secretary, Hugh Berry. The indoor exhibits of fruits and vegetables Avas not, up to the usual standard. Their was a fine show­ ing of cooking, of ladies’ work and flowers. The attractions of the grounds Avere mostly for Red Cross purposes. Prize winners Avere as folloAVs: HEAVY HORSES Agricultural—Brood mare with foal, Elmer Atwell, Win. Blackler 2 and 3; foal, Frank Hamilton, E. AtAvell, A. J. Fletcher & Sons, Roy Nethercott; 3-year-old, W. J. Dale, Wilson Brown, Case Allen; 2-year- old, Geo. Coyne, R. Hamilton, W. J. Dale, Allen Berry; 1-year-old, W. J. Dale, Chas. Atkinson, A. Berry, E. Atwell; team in harness, W. J. Dale, E. AtAvell; Sweeq stakes Geo. Coyne. Heavy Draught — Brood mare, A. J. Fletcher & Son; foal Robt. Hamilton: 3-year >ld, A. J. Flet­ cher & Son; 2-year-old, F. Hamil­ ton; 1-year-old, W. J. Dale, Wilson Brown; team in harness, A. J. Flet­ cher & Son; SAveepstakes, R. Ham­ ilton. Belgian and Percheron — Brood mare, Allen Berry, Mrs. J. Dalry­ mple, J. A. Blair; foal, Blue Top Stable, J. A. Blair; 3-year-old, J. A. Blair 1 and 2; 2-year-old, J. A. Blair; 1-year-old, J. A. Blair; team in harness, Austin Pringle; SAveep- stakes, Allen Berry. Fullarton TAvp. Special, Heavy draught 3-year-old. E. Atwell; Ag­ ricultural 3-year-old, E. Atwell. Judge—Nyle Shantz. PlattsA'ille (Continued on page 3) In ment week of town, carried off the second prize with four wins Binkley’s rink of off first prize, a Four rinks from Thirty-six participated. Eighteen rinks participated in an Irish Trebles tournament on the lo­ cal greens Monday evening. There were five rinks from Seaforth, four from Goderich, two from St. Marys, one from Stratford and six local rinks. The first three prizes went to Goderich and the fourth to Strat­ ford. Three 10-end games were played. Coffee and doughnuts were served by the ladies following the second game. The results were as follows: First prize, Harry San­ derson, Bert Sanderson and Albert Taylor, Goderich, 3 wins plus 27; second, J. Allaire, S. Robinson and Geo. Matheson. Goderich, 3 plus 22; third, F. Wood, R. Wheeler, F. Hunt. Goderich, 3 Avins plus 16; fourth, M. Gilroy, W. Doherty, J. Hollingsworth, Stratford, 2 plus 17. The remaining results wore: M. W. Telfer, 2 plus 4: C. Tesky, St. Marys, 1 plus 5; E. H. Close, Seaforth, 2 plus 2: J. M. Southcott, minus; M. Ainslie, Goderich, minus R. G. Seldon, 2 plus 13; C. Dale, Seaforth, minus; C. Sills, Seaforth, 1 win: R. N. Creech, minus; G. May minus: L. E. Lavelle, St. Marys, 2 plus 13; H. C. Rivers, minus; Reid, Seaforth, minus. Air. Clifton Hunter, who for a number of years was employed, as butcher with Mr. C. Tanton, of the Ideal Meat Market and who recently left for Kitchener where he had se­ cured a position with the Dumart Packing Company, returned home Friday of last week suffering from blood-poison in the hand and arm. His condition was considered ser­ ious and on Monday he was remov­ ed to St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, is g< friends covery. Latest reports state that he netting along fine. His many will hope for a speedy re- DIED IN TORONTO Dr. J. E. Elliott, aged 81, who has practised in Toronto since 18,84, died suddenly at his home in that city Friday of last week. Dr. El­ liott is a native of Centralia being a brother of Mr. W. R. Elliott. He received his education at Kingston and the Victoria College Medical School. Toronto. A private funeral was held at his home Saturday con­ ducted by Mr, H. J. Cody, presi­ dent of the University of Toronto, and life-long friend of Dr. Elliott. HENSALL OUSTS SOUTHAMPTON M. September 22nd, in Vic- i the age of 73. Mr. native of Markham in 188 6 joined the Company at Fort- driver. In 19 0 2 he DIED IN VICTORIA, B.C. Mr. Charles H. French, at one time chief factor and fur trade commissioner with the Hudson’s Bay Company, and a brother of Mrs. E. A. Follick, of Exeter, died Sunday, toria, B.C., at French was a township and Hudson’s Bay Garry as a dog was promoted to the position of purchasing agent at Victoria and in 1914 was made district manager for British Columbia. In 1921 he went to Vancouver and remained there until 1927 when he was made chief factor and fur trade commis­ sioner with headquarters in Win­ nipeg. He retired ten years ago and returned to Victoria. Mr. French during his career traded with the Indians and the Eskimos for his company and knew the far north such as few men have privileged to know it. His knowledge and his integrity for him the highest position the fur-trading branch of the son’s Bay Company and as such he made various trips to England. He has visited Exeter on different oc­ casions. He had been a member of Kiwanis and Rotary clubs and for some time was president of “Sal- arioni” an institution for crippled children. He was a member of the official board of the First church and interested in partments of its work. He A-ived by liis widow, three ters and tAvo sons. been wide won with Hud- RED CROSS WINDOW win- RALLY DAY SERVICES James Street spring of a wrist watch of Character-build­ process that must pass various stages. Each per- his or her own particular fill. The more proficient I New Coleman Radiant Circulators BURNS DISTELLATE CONSTANT WARM AIR CIRCULATION PLUS CONSTANT HEAT RADIATION ALL AT THE SAME TIME Here is a wonderful Heater that gives you both Circulating and Radiating Heat. It Actually sends heat through the Rooms at the same time that it Radiates “Hot Stove” Heat Close Up. Note the Special Features Attractive Grille iCabinet — Automatic Fuel Control Automatic Draft Control — Large Size Fuel Tank Low Flame Fuel Saver — High Efficiency 'Colman Burner “No Stoop’ Heat Control — Saves Fuel Dollars Duroplastic Finish — Listed by Underwriters’ Labratories SPECIFICATIONS No. 444—8 inch Burner, Burns 5-12 pint fuel per hour No. 839—10 inch Burner, Burns 5-9 pint fuel per hour COME IN FOR DEMONSTRATION Traquair’s Hardware Dealers in Beach, Findlay and McClary Stoves, Ranges and New Idea Furnaces; Purina, Pioneer and Dr. Roe’s Feeds, Royal Purple Concentrates ’ Phone Your Orders to 27, Exeter Lil ..FOWL SUPPER THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH CREDITON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th 1940, from 5 to 8:30 p.m. TO BE HELD IN THE SPACIOUS CEMENT SHED • • The Happy Cousins Concert Co., of Elmira will render an enjoyable program of Music — Mirth — Melody BOOTH—Entire Proceeds to the RED CROSS Admission: Adults 60c CHILDREN: 9 to .12 years 35c; 1 years and under 20c Numbered Tickets will be sold in the Church The Public Most Cordially Invited Great preparations are being made to have ample provisions for a mul­ titude of people REV. A. E. PLETCH, Pastor MRS. CLIFF HILL, Convenor of Supper Committee 8 Admission to the Lions Frolic Thursday evening is 10c,; Friday night 25c. One of the most attractive dows that has appeared in Exeter t in a long time is that of the Red | the show window . In the window is a hospital cot be- two Cross exhibit in of Sandy Elliot, a sick patient in ing attended by nurses. Surrounding many attractive articles by Red Cross workers ency needs. The window is well got up and was dressed by local Red Cross workers, made where work. Rally Day service in connection with the Sunday School of James St. United church was held Sunday afternoon in the auditorium. There was an exceptionally fine turn-out and an interesting program. A story was told by Miss Helen Rowe. The Junior choir sang a selection. Dr. Roulston gave a very impressive object-lesson address, showing scrap iron, nails, pen points, watch- springs. etc., rising in value from half a cent a pound to the small main very high value, ing is a through son has niche to we become the greater value we are to society. Rally Day is also promotion day and marks the passing of scholars from one class to another and from one department to another. Mrs. Sharp presented a number of cradle roll scholars Avho were entering the Primary department as beginners. They were presented with certifi­ cates. 'Members of the primary as they were promoted were passed throuh two gates from one teacher to another. Those passing from the primary to the main school were presented with Bibles. C-aven United all de- is sur- daugh- held in Sunday Sunday congre- Meet Hagersville Next Stan Tudor’s Huron-Perth Lea­ gue baseball champions meet Hag­ ersville this (Wednesday) after­ noon for the opening game of the series for the second round of the O. B. A. intermediate “B” play­ downs, The Hensall team were successful in eliminating the South­ ampton Indians, winners of the Bruce League, in two straight games. The final game with South­ ampton was played at Hensall on Wednesday of last week in weather that was more suitable for football than for baseball. A chilly wind SAvept the diamond and at one time during the g: Hensall took Southampton 8 to 1 with Carter Kerslake on final game M. Tudor Avent the whole route and turned in a creditable performance, the score ending 6 to 3 for Hensall. Tudor allowed eight hits. His mates had four er­ rors but they turned in two double plays. The final play of the game was a doulble, Stade to Brown to Weir. Hensall took a two run lead in the first innings and piled up four more in the fourth when Goar, Southampton’s starting pitcher, was relieved defeated Garvey’s he held less foi' the remainder of the game. Harold Stade for Hensall drove in two runs on a triple. M. Tudor also accounted for tAvo runs on a double, McKay, of the visitors, hit a two- bagger, :ame a light hail fell, the first game at the mound. In the by Garvey, whom Hensall in the first of the series, pitching was effective and the Hensall team score- Summary Red Cross them are being made for emerg- DIED IN STRATFORD An appeal is to attend the Lions all net proceeds are for BADMINTON CLUB ORGANIZES I Frolic war metThe Exeter Badminton Club for organization at the Exeter Arena Thursday evening of last week. Ar­ rangements are being made for playing badminton Tuesday and Friday evenings of each week. The fee was set at $3.00 the same as last season. The badminton club were going strong before for the summer season and again being shown, were: President, closing enthus- Officers Robert vice-President, Eric Cars- Secvetary-Treasurer, Social Committee, convenor, Margaret Eileen Betty Tape, Snell; iasm is elected Dinney; cadden; Snell; Hockey Florence Seldon and Marion Tournament committee, Helen Dig- nan, Eric Carscadden. m rr II I Rally Day services were Caven Presbyterian church when the scholars of the School combined with the gation for the morning service, the scholars occupying the centre pews. The minister, Mr. Hill, delivered a splendid discourse from the subject “Enlisting for Service.” Main Street RHE 100—3 8 4 OOx—6 9 4 Southampton 010 001 Hensall ....... 200 400 Batteries for Southampton, Goar, Garvey and McKay; for Hensall, M. Tudor and Kerslake. The death took place in Stratford on Saturday of a former resident of Exeter in the person of Mr. Peter Robertson, aged 68 years. For the past 26 years Mr. Robertson lu en a attribut-d to a heart The deceased was born Scotland, and 67 years to Canada and for 25 a foreman for the Suth- Co., travelling over has resident of Stra^ord and death took place at his home, 96 Perth street, condition, tn Crieff, ago came years was erland-Innis the greater part of Ontario, super­ vising the setting up of mills. He attended school at West Lome, In 19 00 he was married in Exeter, to Jessie Gould. Avho survives him with one son Peter at home. There are two half brothers and a half sister, Jas. MacDonald, of SaAvyerville, Que.: John MacDonald of West Lome and Mrs, T. G. Creech, of Exeter. The funeral Tuesday afternoon was held from the Heinbuieli Funeral Home. Rev. J. R. Thompson, of St. Paul’s Ang­ lican church conducted the service. Interment was in Avondale ceme­ tery. Relatives from town and dis­ trict attended the funeral. t 1 The Sunday School of the Main St. United church combined with the morning service lor their rally day on Sunday. The service was presided over by the Superinten­ dent, Mr. B. W. F. Beavers. The scholars assembled in the school­ room and with their teachers marched to the auditorium and oc­ cupied the centre pews. Beautiful autumn flowers decorated the pul­ pit rostum. The service was of a patriotic nature and Gerald Skinner sang “There'll Always be an Eng­ land.” A baptismal service, was held and Kenneth Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wildfong, and Mary Caroline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gould were baptised. The pastor. Rev. Mr, Woods delivered an interesting and appropriate ser­ mon on “Serving the Lord with Gladness” Soldiers of the First Hussars and of the Middlesex-Huron Battalion from Seaforth. Clinton and Exeter, will parade to the Lions Frolic at the Exeter Arena Thursday at S p.m. headed by the Exeter Band. Kenneth Passmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, of Hensall has enlisted for active service and has left for the Air Training School at Galt. Presentation MISS ELLIOTT DIES As we go to press we learn of the death of Miss Annie Elliott, who passed away at her home Wednes­ day morning. The Young People and the Man­ agers of Caven Presbyterian church combined in a social evening at the church Tuesday and took the occasion to present Mr. and. Mrs. Wallace Seldon with a beautiful floor lamp. Mr. Harold Whyte pre­ sided at the meeting and the pres­ entation was made by Harry Strang on behalf of the managers and Ethel Kydd on behalf of the young people. Both Mr. and Mrs. Seldon expressed their appreciation. A short program was held and games and a social time was followed by refreshments.