HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-09-19, Page 5THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE 'IHl'KSDAY, SIJP’JBMBBR ll>, JWO HENS ALL week­ train- Valley over told and class con- past Miss Cora Stinson spent the end at her home in London. Lieutenant Sanx Rennie is Ing the militia at Thames this week. Mr. Harold Hanson, of Thames- ville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Han­ son and family. Miss Gladys .Slay, of Windsor, visijed over the week-end, w(ith Miss Greta Lamniie. Mrs. Robert McKenzie was fined to her room during the week owing to illness. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. McFederan, of Forest, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tideswell. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carter, Clinton, visited on .Sunday with the latter’s mother Mrs. Catharine Hedden, Miss Norma Collins, of Bruce­ field, spent the week-end with the Misses Lois and Marion MacLaren. IMiss Marie Bell, of London, vis­ ited over the week-end with hei’ parents Mr. and Mrs., Wm. G. Bell. Mrs. Hannah Workman visited last week at the home of her dau­ ghter Mrs. Herb. Britton at Dub­ lin. Mr. .and Mrs. London, visited on latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Mrs. P. H. Devlin, of Stratford, visited last week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. Corbett. and Mrs. C. Yager and fam- Kitchener, visited on Sunday home of Mrs. Annie Saunder- Cline Flynn, of Bunday with the Mr. ily, of at the cock. Dr. town, John : Peter ‘Mrs. . . children of Exetei* visited on Sun­ day with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir. ■Harvest Home services will be held in Carmel Presbyterian Church next Sunday. Rev. Wm. Weix* will conduct special services. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Corey, of Lon­ don, were recent visitors with the latter’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett. Mrs. A. IV. Kerslake and Billy and Mrs. Walker are enjoying a motor trip to Northern stopping at Bracebridge. Miss Margaret MacLaren week fox' Waterloo where been appointed Professor tory at the Ladies’ College Mr. and Mrs. r Fairgrove, Mich., visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess. Little Patsy Steer returned home on Sunday after spending few weeks at the home grandmother, Mrs. Brazier in Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. hatve moved into the dwelling re­ cently vacated by Mr, McNaughton Miss E' ray, and Mrs. McAllister, George- visited this week with McAllister and Mr. and Moir. Lawrence Baynham Mrs. Mrs. and Ontario left this she has in His- ____ there. Reid Kirk, o'f the past of her 'George Walker and Mrs. P. Elizabeth Mur­ ray, of Milwaulkee, Wis.,_ visited this week with her sister Miss Han­ nah Murray. Misses Leila and Vera Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Welsh, all of Toronto, visited last week with Messrs. Thomas and William Welsh, Miss Florence Welsh and Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Clarke. Misses Violet .Schwalm, of St. Thomas Mae and Margaret, of Lon­ don and Mr. Mervyn Schwalm, of Stratford, visited last week with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm and attended the funeral of their grandmother the late Mrs. Pfaff, of Zurich. The Young People’s Society, of Carmel Presbyterian chui'ch will commence their fall meetin'gs with a social evening and weiner roast to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen on Friday evening Septembei’ 20th. All the young people of the congregation are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. P. H. Devlin, of Stratford, has rented the dwelling occupied by Mrs. Harold Hanson and in­ tends moving into same this month. Mrs. Hanson intends to move to Thamesville where Mr. Hanson is employed in a produce store. The Clerk, James A. Patterson, states that he has been very busy lately registering guns and rifles of which there seems to be no shortage around these parts, having register­ ed about 200 to date and advises all who have any to register them now and avoid further .trouble. A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mrs. W. R. Davidson on Thursday afternoon when Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Davidson enter­ tained their group of the Ladies’ Association of 'Carmel .church to a tea. A contest was given out and Mrs. George Walkei* received the first 'prize while Mrs. Nellie Mc- Cullogh won the consolation prize. Tea was served and a social half hour spent. At the meeting of the Council on September 9th the tax rate for the village for the year 1940 was set at 35 mills taxable rate. Now this is 4 mills higher than last year. The. school rate has been raised from 10.9 to 14.4 or 3.5 mills; the county has been raised from 3.5 to 5.2 or 1.7 higher than last year and the Provincial subsidy has been dropped from 1.5 mills to 1 mill this year making a total of 5.7 mills extra to be raised and to offset this the' rate has been dropped 1.3 and the vil- dropped 12..4 to The library and the same. This these are things Rally Day service was held on Sunday morning at the United church when the Sabbath School classes attended worship in a body. Mr. Clarence Smillie presided the service. Miss Mattie Ellis the story of the "Loaves Fishes’. Miss Greta Lamxnie’s formed the choir and gang "Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee.” Mr. Robt. Passmore delivered the sermon at both services. Mr. Benson Stoneman sang "My Task” at the evening service. Harvest Home Services Held St. Paul’s Anglican church was beautifully decorated with flowers, fruits, vegetables, grain and maple leaes to celebrate Harvest Home services on Sunday. Rev. C. F. John­ ston of St. George’s church, Lon­ don conducted morning service and the choir sang "It Is a Good Thing to Sing Praises”, Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Middleton sang a duet "My Task.” Rev. M, B. Parker, of St. Luke’s church London, a form­ er rector of St. Paul’s church con­ ducted the evening service. The choir sang a beautiful anthem "We Give Thanks” and Mr. Carey Joynt sang the “Old Rugged Cross.” Mission Band Party The Missioxi Band of the United church held a party on Saturday afternoon in the school room of the church with 5 8 members present, and was a great success. The presi­ dent Miss Lenore Normington pre­ sided over the following program Vocal solo by Joyce Broderick "There’ll Always be an England.” Norma Smillie, of Toronto a read­ ing; Patsy McDonell and Ruth Hess a duet "I Don’t Want to Play in Your Yard.” Miss Jean Murray told a very interesting story and Miss Eleanor Smillie of Toronto sang a solo. Eleanor Cook played a ipiano solo. Miss Kay Drysdale made the following presentations of prizes to George Beer for securing most members and to Eleanor Cook for sale of most Christmas cards. A treasure hunt followed and re­ freshments were served. Hensail and Kippen Red Cross During the coming two weeks Hensall and Kippen district will be canvassed by the local branch of the Canadian Red Cross in con­ junction with the nationwide ap­ peal of the Society. In the cam­ paign of 1939 slightly more than $1,000.00 was raised of which amount $200.00 was sent to the central branch in Toronto. Since the branch organized last fall more than $1,150.0.0 has been expend­ ed to purchase material and sup­ plies to make hospital and other articles fox* making the above men­ tioned possible the branch extends it’s sincere tliartks to all those who contributed to the and to those who gave so generously pledge parts, local canvas that of 19 3 9 trust that all do so again and wherever increase their donations everyone will see that he not missed. 1939 campaign in many cases later on the hoped that the greatly exceed It is will and to this end we those who gave be- Meetings Women’s In­ meetings for Hen sail Senior reopened their with a pot luck supper held home of Mrs. D. G. Steer on evening with Mrs. Steei1 and a debenture fiom 4.3 to 3.0 or Iago rate has been 12.0 or 04 mills, relief rates remain seems too bad but over which the Council have very little to say as has been explained and the money has to be raised. fore will possible and that oi* she is Institute Re-opens The stitute season at the Friday Mrs. W. O. Goodwin as hostesses. Beautifully decorated tables were set with an abundance and variety of food. .Following the suipper the President Miss Beryl Pfaff presided over the business. An aviator’s sweater, cap, wristlets and socks which had been knit by members and exhibited at the 'Canadian Na­ tional Exhibition was displayed and stated that it had won a prize. It was also decided that each member would fill a can with jelly or jam which were sent from Red Cross headquarters. After the business period court whist was played and the first prize was won by Mrs. E. Chip-chase. A hearty vote of thanks was extended Mrs. Steer and Mrs. Goodwin .by Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, seconded by Mrs. Eric Kennedy. Former Hensail Doctor Heads Hospital Dr. .Rosswell P. S. Dougall, former Hensail doctor, now prac­ ticing in Petrolia offered his ser­ vices in the Second Great War and his application has been accepted. Dr. Dougall will be in charge of the new military hospital at Chatham now being erected in connection with the government training scheme. Dr. Dougall has a distinguished military career. During 1917-18 he served with the 18th Battalion in France for twenty months and re­ ceived his honourable discharge as lieutenant. He enlisted at Hen­ sail and during his pre-med days at the University of Western On­ tario 1922-25 he was second in command of the medical company of the Canadian Officers Training Coups. He was officer command­ ing "D” Company of the Huron Regiment from 1925 to 1930. His present job is a C.A.S.F. appoint­ ment to the R.C.A.M.C. with the rank of ealptain. Captain Dougall will be in complete charge of the new 3()-bed hospital. Dr, Dougall moved to Petrolia from Hensail ten years ago and has taken an ac­ tive ipart in civil affairs ever since. 1-Ie is past president of the Lions Club of Petrolia, past president of the Lawn Bowling Club, past dis­ trict deputy of the Knights of Pythias and a staunch supporter of Petrolia, snorting clubs. Captain Dougall expects to leave for his new duties about September 20th. Mrs. Dougall, who also graduated in medicine from the University of Western Ontario, London, will con­ tinue to reside in Petrolia and will carry on the practice, Dr. Dougall is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Dougall Sr. of Hensan. DASHWOOD The annual Mission Festival will be held in the Lutheran church on Sunday, September C. J. Killinger, of the guest speaker service and Rev. Port Huron in the Mr. Sanx Witzel, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. Witzel. Miss Catharine F’inkbeiner is visiting friends in Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs, R. Eckstein, Mrs. Carrie Hoffman and Miss Lily Hoff­ man, of London, called on friends here on Sunday. Harry Hoffman and sister Gertie attended the Goetz-Reid wedding in Thedford last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Westlake and son Stuart and daughter Marjorie of Listowel; Mr. and Mrs, Graham Arthur, of Exeter’ and Fred Hop­ croft, of Mitchell, were Sunday vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hop­ croft. Anniversary service will in the Evangelical church October 6th when Rev. H. erman, of Waterloo, will guest speaker. Mrs. Pochler and family, of Fort Wayne, are visiting with hei’ mother Mrs. Willert. The Dashwood Red Cross Unit shipped the following articles to Exeter for theii’ September ship­ ment: 37 pair socks, 5 sweaters, 4 washcloths, 4 pair broadcast wrist­ lets 22nd when Rev. London will be in the morning Albert Ruff, of evening. be held Sunday, A. Kell- be the CREDITON KIPPEN and one quilt. CENTRALIA Reeder is ill at the daughter, Mrs. Fred Exeter. His many Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry and Don­ ald ,of Harriston, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mr. James Hennessey, who has been visiting for some time with his sister, Mrs. ‘ -C. J. O’Brien left last week for his home in’the West. Mrs. O’Brien went to Lon­ don with him and is visiting there with her daughter Mrs. and Mr. J. Mugan. Mr. Frank home of his Huxtable in friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. M. Sleamon, a storekeeper here for a number of years has sold his store and stock to Mr. Gar­ net Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and family, now residents of Ayl­ mer and formerly of Saskatchewan, are to take immediate possession. Mr. and Mrs. (Sleamon are unde­ cided to their future plans. Mr. Donald Hicks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks, who has enlisted with the R.C.A.F. left on Saturday .for Toronto to commence his training. Mr. Fred Warner has .purchased from Mrs. William Dobbs the pro­ perty he is now occupying. Mr. George Hicks has accompan­ ied Mr. Fred Kerr on a duck hunt­ ing trip to Boat Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock, of Lucknow, called on friends in tine village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard ed on Sunday with Mr. and Eldon .Steepei’ in Parkhill. Skelton, Mr.Mr. Wm. visit- Mrs. Dave Smith, of the .Shamrock Creamery staff and Mr. Jack Kirkham an employee of Mr. W. T. Colwill left on Monday for two weeks’ training at the Thames Valley Camp. Mr. Ken Pickett and Mr. R. Parker are in charge of the Creamery. Miss Ila Willis, of Exeter, visiting with Mrs. Thos. Willis. On Friday evening of this week the September meeting Home and School Club held in the school and it that every member will special effort to be present and bring all your friends with you. The guest speaker for the evening will be Mrs. Ted Wethey, who has recently returned from a trip to London, England. This address should be of great interest to every­ one. is of the will be is hoped make a Centralia Women’s Association The regular monthly meeting of the Centralia Women’s Association was held in the school room of the church on the afternoon of Thurs­ day, September , the 5th. Essery was in charge of the pro­ gram which opened with the sing­ ing of the hymn "All the Way My Saviour Leads Me” followed by the Lord’s prayer in unison. The first Psalm was read responsively. Mrs. Falconbridge gave a reading entit­ led "The Weavers” and Mrs. H. Lightfoot and Mrs. Falconbridge sang a duet "Love Lifted Me.” Miss F. Davey gave a reading on prayer. The hymn “Take the Name of Je­ sus with You” was sung. Mr.s. O. Brown, the president, then took charge of the business part of the meeting. After the reading of the secretary’s and treasurer's reports it was decided to buy $10.00 worth of wool in order to give a present to each local boy who, was leaving to join the army, navy or air force. The ladies decided not to have a fowl supper but to collect from each family and give the money to the stewards board. After sing­ ing the closing hymn, the meeting was closed and tea was served by Mrs. B. Hicks. Mrs. R. Smith, Mrs. C. Skliiner and Mrs. W. Bokden. Mrs. A. Dance at Kippen FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER. 20th Dance to the Sweet Music of MAC MeCUTt^HEON and His Orchestra "Follow the Gay Crowd to Kippen” Yom* Requests are Welcome This Band Aims to Please You General Admission 150c 0, Watson, Manager Crediton merchants are handling the Exeter Lions Club coupons iox* their big draw Frolic Nights. Sev­ enty-five per cent of proceeds will be credited to Crediton War Time Committee. The Evangelical church has de­ cided to hold a fowl supper Thurs­ day, October 10th. More particu­ lars later. The township clerk’s office was one of the busiest places in the vil- lage during the past week when rifles and shotguns were brought in for registration. To date over 700 have been registered. The time has been extended until the 30th of the month fail to fine. Mr, Toronto, and Mrs. spoon and daughter Enols, of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lavigne and daughter Jean and Mrs. Stanley Sernegen, all of Windsor, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert King. Bob Blackwell, of Brantford, is visiting in the village. Mrs. George Lawson and Sam spent Sunday at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr and George Hicks left Lion’s Head where Mr. Mr. Hicks __ _ ___ opening of the wild duck season on Monday. Mr. and Detroit and Mr. and Lovie, Harvey and Sunday with Mr. Lovie, of London. The — started night. Mrs. Man., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finkbeiner. Mr. Fred Gaiser was pleasantly surprised recently when his chil­ dren, grandchildren and a few other friends gathered at his home in honor of his 80th birthday. Suppei’ was served and a pleasant enjoyed by all. Mrs. John Mininick, Mr. Stanley Minnick and little iel J., and Mrs. Allen Wendle, all of Lockport, N.Y., visited for a few days at the home of Mrs. J. Min­ nick’s sister, Mrs. Rosina Stahl and Irvin. They also visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kleinfeldt, north of Crediton and with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Eggert at Greenway, rheir visit being much enjoyed by all. - A Rally Day (program was given in the United Church Sunday School last Sunday. A recitation "Friends” was given by Rosalie Mack. A hymn was sung by junior* girls and a re­ citation "Now God we Thank Thee” was given by Jean King and "Jesus Christ and Me” by Lois Schwartz. Miss Hardings told a story "Serv­ ing Jesus With Gladness.” Three boys took up the offering. Elaine Mitchell and Betty Mawliinney sang a dedication hymn. Rev. J. Falcon­ bridge, of Centralia, was the guest speaker and gave an interesting ad­ dress having as his theme "Serving the Lord with Gladness.” Crediton AV. The September meeting of the W. A. of Crediton United Church was held Thursday last with the ladies of the Evangelical church being their guests. Mrs. Zwicker, president, gave the address of wel­ come. Hymn 10 6 was sung follow­ ed by prayer by Rev. Mr. Turner, The Scripture was taken by Mrs. Turner. A few items of business were discussed and an appeal made to the ladies to help with jam for the Red Cross. Hymn 240 was sung and then the meeting was given over to the visitors. Mrs. Wes. Wein taking the chair for a most interesting and inspiring program. The theme being “Courage.” All joined in a sing song of lovely old hymns followed by a reading by Mrs. C. Haist. Duet by Mrs. E. Fahner and Mrs. H. Shenk; poem by Mrs. M. Faist; (paper on "Cour­ age” by Mrs. Emery Fahner; chor­ us by ladies’ octette. Hymn and a playlet “Changed from self to Service” given by Mrs. T. Ma- whinney and Mrs. A. Amy. Hymn "I Gave my Life for Thee” was sung and the meeting was closed by the National anthem. The Unit­ ed ladies took charge of a contest and lunch was served by the ladies of the W. »A. convened by Mrs. Kes-tle and Mrs. Lovie. after which date those who register will be liable to a and Mrs. Andy Craven, of ', and Mrs. Jane Wither- Miss Norma Pybus, of London, is visiting her grandmother Mrs. H. Ricker. Mrs. W. McAllistex* of the Parr Line, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. N. Alexandei’ spent a day last week visiting friends at Blenheim, Quite a number from this vicinity attended anniversary services at Hillsgreen United church on Sun­ day. Kippen choir being in at­ tendance. Mr. H. Ricker and Arthur spent a few days the beginning of the week -with friends at Bright. Miss Doris Alexander, of London, spent the week-end with hex* par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. William Alexand­ er. General Store Sold Having disposed of my General Store Business to Mr. G, R. Andrew, of Weyburn, Sask., I Wish to take this opportunity of expressing my thanks to the many customers who have patronized me during the ye&rs in business in Centralia, I solicit for Mr. Andrew a continuance of your favour. All accounts are now due and we would kindly request an immediate Settlement. Accounts may be paid at the store. ly. C. SLEAMON, Centralia son Saturday ~ Kerr will participate in Mr. for and the Mrs. Henry Stevens, of Jack spent Roy Mrs. Marian and Mrs. church choirEvangelical their fall rehearsals Friday Gill and son, of Brandon, are visiting this week with time was and Mrs. son Dan- MOUNT CARMEL Mr. J. Blundy, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Keogh. Mr. Joe. Regan, of Kirkland is spending his holidays at his here. Mr. Norman Geromette, of dc-n, spent Tuesday at his home here. Mr. family Mr. Lake home Lon- and Mrs. Joe Dietrich and spent Saturday in London. Justin Mahoney, of St. Thomas, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. James Carey and Mrs. Hubert Carey spent end in Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan and family spent Sunday in Chatham. Mahoney <s employ­ er Mr. C. Regan, of Mr. and the week- Miss Frances ed at the home Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. son Gerald, of week-end at their homes here. Hubert Dietrich and London, spent the CLANDEBOYE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brooks en­ tertained their friend Mr. Charles Edgington at a fowl dinner, the occasion being his birthday. Mrs. c. Paton attended the fun­ eral of her sister in London. Miss Ila Paton is attending Tech­ nical School in London. Mrs. C. Flynn has returned home • from a visit with relatives in St. Thomas, 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Blanchard and family, of Exeter, spent Sunday with relatives in the vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dinden and Verna, of Denfield and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter and Marie, of Clande- boye, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Miss Irma Ferguson and Mr. Gor­ don Gachstetter visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pybus, of Zurich. Master Gerald Parsons is visiting with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden, of Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long were vigited in-law end. Mrs. son Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. by their daughter and son- of Detroit, over the week- Mina Love is visiting her KIRKTON Mrs. Howard Balfour, visited part of the past her sister Mrs. C. Paul. Mrs. Frank Anderson, daughters and little granddaughter visited with Rev. and Mrs. Lewis, of Brussels. Master Charles Lewis re­ turned foi* the balance of the week. Mrs. R. Pearson and family left Sunday for their new home at Col­ lingwood. Miss Edith Fletcher left Saturday for Brussels where she will attend the Brussels High School. She will make her home with Rev. and Mrs. Lewis. The Kirkton Public School open­ ed Monday, September 16th with the new teacher, Miss Moser, of Strat­ ford. Mr. and Mrs. _ have moved into jhouses recently of London, week with Sr., her Gordon Burgin Miss E. Doupe’s vacated by Wm. j i i 3 i I J I I i i 1 I P-14 Moore. Mr. Jas. on friends day. Mr. and Don were and Mrs. Wm. Ryekman. of Exeter. Mrs. Marion plireys, Mr. nor, of husband Mr. andtMrs. John Fother- ingham, of friends in Chris, was a former Kirkton boy having spent his boyhood days in the community. Howe, of London, called in the village last Pri­ Mrs, Wib. Cluff and Sunday guests with son Mr. (Rev.) Bulteel and daughter visited with Mrs. R. Hum- of Pt. Stanley, on Saturday, and Mrs. Christopher Ven- Clinton, their daughter and Brucefield, called on the village Sunday. Nurse: "You should hear my pat­ ient raving day and night.” Interne: "About what biondie?” Nurse: "Me, of course, silly!” Calling out men of certain age classes for medical examination, and if Fit, to undergo military train­ ing for a period of 30 days within Canada, or the territorial waters thereof. PROCLAMATION CANADAATHLONE [L.S.] GEORGE THE SIXTH, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas KING, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India. To All To Whom these Presents shall come or whom the same may in anywise concern,Greeting : E. MIALL, tat Acting Deputy Minister ► y y of Justice, Canada PROCLAMATION HERE AS it is provided by The National Resources Mobilization Act, 1940, that the Governor in Council may make from time to time such orders and regulations requiring persons to place themselves, their services and their property at the disposal of His Majesty in the right of Canada for the use within Canada or the territorial waters thereof, as may be deemed necessary or expedient for securing the public safety, the defence of Canada, the maintenance of public order, or the efficient prosecution of the war, or for maintaining supplies or services essential to the life of the community; And Whereas pursuant to the powers therein contained, and the pro­ visions of The War Measures Act, our Governor in Council did on the 27th day of August, 1940, make regulations to provide a system for calling out men for military training within Canada and the territorial waters thereof, such regulations being known as the National War Services Regu­ lations, 1940; And Whereas pursuant to and in accordance with the said Regula­ tions, it has been decided to call out for military training, as aforesaid, every male British Subject who is or has been, at any time subsequent to the first day of September, 1939, ordinarily resident in Canada and who, on the first day of July, 1940, had reached the age of twenty-one years but had not yet reached the age on that date of twenty-two years or had reached the age of twenty-two years but had not yet reached the age on that date of twenty-three years, or who had reached the age of twenty-three years but had not yet reached the age on that date of twenty-four years, or who had reached the age of twenty-four years, but had not yet reached the age on that date of twenty-five years and who was on the fifteenth day of July, 1940, unmarried or a widower without child or children; Now Therefore Know Ye that pursuant to The National Resources Mobilization Act, 1940, and the War Measures Act, and pursuant to and in accordance with the National War Services Regulations, 1940, promul­ gated under the provisions of the said Acts, we do hereby call out the aforesaid classes of men to submit themselves for medical examination and to undergo military training for a period of thirty days within Canada or the territorial waters thereof, and to report at such places and times and in such manner and to such authorities or persons as may be notified to them respectively by a Divisional Registrar of an Administrative Divi­ sion appointed by the Governor in Council pursuant to the above men­ tioned regulations. Of all of which Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these Presents may concern, are hereby required to take notice. In Testimony Whereof, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed. Witness: Our Dear Uncle, Our Right Trusty and Right Well Beloved Cousin and Counsellor, Alexander Augustus Frederick George, Earl of Athlone, Knight of Our Most Noble Order of the Garter, Member of Oui* Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Grand Master of Our Most Dis­ tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross of Qur Royal Victorian Order, Companion of Our Distinguished Service Order, Colonel in Our Army (retired), having the honorary rank of Major-General, One of Our Personal Aides-de-Camp, Gover­ nor General and Commander in Chief of Our Dominion of Canada. At Our Government House, in Our City of Ottawa, this eleventh day of September, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty, and in the fourth year of Our Reign. ’ By Command, E. H. COLEMAN, Under-Secretary of State. The above is verbatim copy of Proclama­ tion appearing in The Canada Gazette, No. 25, Vol. lxxiv, September 13th, 1940. Published for the information of those concerned by the authority and courtesy of HONOURABLE JAMES G. GARDINER, Minister of Nafionol War Services, !