HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-09-12, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHVRSIh-KY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1040 No One Can Give You CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH V’s Beauty Shoppe FOR CHARM AND BEAUTY Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Exeter Markets New Wheat 55c for Wheat Board Old Wheat 55c. Creamery Butter 2 Sc. Dairy Butter 22c. x1. g g • A 1 a 1 g e a. 9i. Eggs, medium 27c. Eggs B. 2tic. A Pair of New BINGO! SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER at 8 o’clock p.m. Outside Next to Legion Rooms AH Good Prizes Frank Trace and Mrs. Ed. of Shedden, visited for aMrs. Down, ....... couple of days this week with Mr. { W. C. and Miss Nettie Keddy. 1Mrs. John T. Stewart has return-[ ed to her home after a visit in Ham- j ilton. Her -on. A. L. Stewart and ! family of Montreal, visited with her ever a week-end in Hamilton. Mrs. G. Brown, of Kingsville, has been in Exeter for several days at the home of her father, Mr. John Dignan. Mr. Dignan. who has been with his daughter for some time is enjoying fair health for a man of his years. Chopped Virginia Ham Loaf Home Made Head Cheese Home Made Meat Loaf Macaroni & Cheese Loaf Virginia Heun Cooked Ham Bologna Weiners, Etc A Full Line of Fresh and Cured Meats biit we can do the next best thing — prolong the comfort­ able use of those you have. We do it by furnishing glasses that ease up on the strain to which you subject your eyes. C. E. ZURBR1GG Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday The Ideal Meat Market C. Tanton Phone 38 Main St, i Ii I li if il TO RENT—Modern 2-<torey brickj ^Iiss June house in Exeter, nicely decorated, 3 jttisdinj? the bedrooms, bath, hot air furnace Ile„e (nearly new), garage, large garden,! ® . lovely grounds. Apply Mrs. Minnie Miss Doris Rowcliffe. 13211 Lincoln Road. Walk-1 spent the week-end with Miss Dor- erville otliy Traquair. -------- ---------- Mrs. william Brock, of Zion, is a LOCALS .ai I i •a Clark, of town, is at- Clinton Business Col- Meyers, of Zurich, Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Phone 245 Special Sunday Dinner Central Hotel, Exeter menu Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Pubic Worship Sermon: “Power and Love of God” 7 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon: Second talk to pre-Com- munioants—“The Work of the Church” Sunday, Oct. 20. Anniversary Ser­ vices. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Noiwal J, Woods, M.A. Dlrs. N. J . Dore Organist and Choir Leader 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—The Minister 7 p.m.-—Rev. E. F. Chandler, Kippen 7.30 p.m. Thursday, Prayer Service Rally Day, September 29 th Nov. 17th—-Anniversary Services. Preacher, Rev, Duncan McTavish. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arliur Page W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader -Sunday School. -The Minister. a.m.- a.m.- LADIES’ FALL COATS We want you to see the New Coats we are showing for Fall and Winter. very smart and you will like the new Cloths. The prices should interest you. ■ ■ The styles are FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE 15 Dozen Ladies’ Full Fashioned Hose in Chiffon and Service Weights in the new­ est Fall Shades. PER PAIR 69c NEW PLAID COTTON FLANNEL For Dresses and Odd Skirts in Snappy plaid patterns. PER YARD 45c NEW GLOVES FOR FALL In the newest Fabrics and Shades. Em­ broidered and Leather Trimmed. 79c $1.00 $1.50 SMART NEW OXFORDS Our new Calvacade Oxfords for growing girls have Style, Fit and give Excellent wear. $3.25 $3.50 $4.00 Extra Special in Ibex Flannelette Blankets Largest Size Ibex Flannelette Blankets, all colors in Plaids and White with Blue, Pink, Yellow, Green and Mauve Borders. ® . . . „ »^Special this week and Fair Day $2.35 SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK AND FAIR DAY All 30c Prints, Sale Price .......................24c 27 inch White Flannelette, iReg. 16c Sale Price ........................................ 12ac Striped Flannelette, Reg. 22c Sale Price .......................................... 18c 36 in. Factory iCotton, Reg. 25c Sale Price .............................................21c 36 in. Factory Cotton, Reg. 20c Sale Price .......................................... 16c Broadcloths, all Colors, Reg. 20c Sale Price .......................................... 18c SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK AND FAIR DAY 5 Doz. Men’s Fine Sox, Reg. 50c ................................. 35c or 3 for $1.00 10 doz. Men’s Overalls, Reg. $2.00 . .$1.75 Men’s Fine Shirts, Reg. $1.00, Sale Price ,.......................................... 89c 10 doz. Men’s Neck Ties, Reg 25c Sale Price ........................................19c Men’s Work Shoes, Reg. $3.75 Sale Price ...................................... $2.95 FINE WOOL SWEATERS FOR BOYS Bought before the advance in Prices. We pass these savings on to you. $1.25 and $1.69 BOY’S SCHOOL SHOES AND OXFORDS That will stand the hard wear that boys give them. Leather or Rubber Soles. $2.25 .and $2.50 Kenwood All Wool Blankets In Colors of Wine, Rose, Blue, Gold, Green and Peach. These beautiful blankets are the finest that money can buy. You will be delighted to own one of them. 60 x 84 ins. — $6.95 72 x 84 ins. $7.95 GROCERY SPECIALS CORNFLAKES Sugar Crisp 3 boxes .... 21c Rubber Rings 6 doz. . . 25c ^inc Rings, 1 doz.............23c LARD Maple Leaf 2-1 lb. pkgs. . 20c 1 BOX CHEESE 1 BOX SODA BISCUITS all for 25c PEANUT BUTTER 1 Pint Jar .................... 22c 1 Ice Box Jar ............. 22c CASTILE SOAP 12 cakes . . . 18c JAMS Raspberry, Strawberry and Black ^Current 25c a jar TRY SOUTHCOTT BROS. SPECIAL BLEND TEA Bulk, Black or Mixed 1 lb.....................59c Special This Week PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag .. . 55c 10 11 7 p.m.—The Minister. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday, 2:30 p.m.—W. M. S.(’ream of Mushroom Soup Tomato Juice Cocktail Banana Nut Salad Fried Chicken with Apple Jelly Roast Prime Beef with Brown Gravy T-Bone Corn on William Brock, of Zion, is a with Mr. and Mrs. Hector this week. Eldred Holmes, of Dresden, on Friday with her sister, FOR SALE—Nb-e ,-ottage and I visitor lai ger houses, farms and stores. W. pp.ivp)r G. Pearce. Exeter.I Mrs. j visited — - - - | Mrs. Arthur Kerslake. S. on the! Mrs. Laura Prouty, of Hay, spent return to ; tilt* past week visiting with Mr. and i Mrs. Jas. Green, of town. i Miss Ila Westcott, of Toronto, has » cta ta a t-. , \ , (been visiting for 111 o past week withDISEASE—Protect I our-IM, an.l, Mrs. Rd Coateg Herds—by having your Stables, Hog . „ .and poultry pens thoroughly fumi- kBen Wilkinson returned- gated, disinfected and white washed, P\onclaj'. ^lom a three weeks ysit the scientific way, by competent;v'xth friends and relatives in M ing- werkman. Only modern methods:1111111 an(1 Be>1Srave. used and all work guaranteed..Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Beavers re­ Charges moderate: give us a trial. | turned to Sarnia Monday after Bruce Berry, Brucefield; A. Armi-1 spending the jweek-end with Mr. and tage, V.S., Lucan. :i-12-4tej LOST—Tn Exeter Saturday even-I ing a lady’s gold wrist watch and j chain with initials O. M. back. Reward. Kindly the Times-Advocate. KILL THE GERM, WANTED-—General plain cook. ' able person. Campbell, don, Ont. Capable sires position adult family, ply Times-Advoeate. I Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Postmaster M. W. Pfaff was in maid, good London for several days last week highest wages to cap-. attending the Postmasters’ Conven- Write Mrs, B. N. jtion at the Hotel London. 994 Richmond b«„ Lon- I Oliver Ford, London, visited ,'with his daughter, Miss Audrey, on , Sunday at the home of his parents . i‘Mr. and Mrs. George Ford.inAp-' Miss Betty Hogarth and Miss Dor- ltp j otliy Traquair left Tuesday for Lon- j don where they will enter Victoria Hospital as nurses-in-training. In keeping with the request of His Majesty King George VI the churches of Exeter observed the na­ tional day of prayer on Sunday. Mrs. C. Aidworth recently had the misfortune to trip and fall over the edge of a pail with the result that she is nursing a fractured rib. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis and daughter Elizabeth, of Toronto, are holidaying with the former’s par­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Davis, Mrs. T. O. Southcott returned to Exeter Sunday after visiting for a week with Miss Bowman at Preston. Mr. Southcott motored over for her. Mrs. Harry Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lyon and family, of Londes- boro, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake,j of Usborne. 1 Mr. cently house deuce middle-aged »voman as housekeeper Moderate wages. Con- ! an d ‘ FOR SALE—2 dressers, 2 goleum Rugs, bed, mattress uru: springs, cupboard, studio couch. Ap- I ply to A. Ryckman Exeter. 2tc | FOR SALE-—Seed wheat, Gov’t [ Grade No. 1, Dawson’s Golden Chaff, j 75c per bushel. Phone Exeter 177 j r 16, Hy. Strang. R.R. 1, Hensail, j I ! t WANTED—Refined elderly wo­ man for light housework and com­ panion for lady in Exeter, comfort­ able home. Apply in writing to Box 280T, Exeter. lip FOR SALE — Trombone, with case, “King” make, in excellent condition. Terms strictly cash. Ap­ ply box 187. Exeter. 9-12-2tp FOR SALE—Modern 1% storey frame house, corner lot, stable, gar­ age. several kinds of fruit, must be sold. Apply Box 280P, Times-Ad- vocate. 912-4tc WANTED— Experienced girl woman for housework. Apply Mrs. J. ~ 'G. Dunlop. or to SALE—Four acres of landFOR and two lots, good frame house, cot­ tage, 8 rooms, good barn, good hen house, all kinds of small fruit, two good spring wells, at a very reason­ able price, quick sale, must be sold, is in the Village of Lucan. Apply Joseph Gilfillan. Lucan, Ont. 2tc acres, i TR1V1TT MEMORIAL CHURCH Steak with Sliced Tomato the Cob and Butter Beans Whipped Potatoes and Central Special Pie Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss FARMS FOR SALE—100 bank barn, brick house, hydro. 87 acres, stone house, bank barn. Both ”’p’l heated and in good state of cul­ tivation—C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. Use Shell-tox fly killer, household spray 29c.; stock spray $1.50 98% kill. Robertson’s Drugs, ter. gal., Exe- for free WANTED-—Will pay cash horses or cattle, dead or alive, of medicine or disease, suitable for mink feed. Phone Kirkton 34r3 col­ lect.—Francis Mink Ranch. 8-15-tfc. FOR SALE — Brick house and three acres of land on edge of Exe­ ter. Low price, terms, Also several other homes. Farms. C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. MEN WANTED Every day carries its own To cover these you need income. With a Famflex Agency, you pocket cash profits every day and at any time you are free to give up and return your unsold goods for credit. For FREE details and catalogue: FAMILEX, 570 St. Clem­ ent, Montreal. expenses, a steady I and Mrs. Harry Penhale re­ moved from Mrs. Gambrill’s on Main Street into the resi- on William Street vacated by Mr. Rodway. Mr. and Mrs.. Cecil Chappell mo­ tored up from Hamilton Wednesday of last week bringing with them Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Kestle who have been visiting in that city. Mrs. Allen Jones, of Toronto, who attended the funeral of her uncle, the late Mr. Harry Welsh is visiting with friends and relatives in Exeter the* guest of Mrs. C. Birney. Dr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, who havej been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stewart and Mr. George Wilson for the to their home day. Mrs. Valeria ghter Miss Katharine who have been spending the past two months at Glen Orchard Hotel, Lake Joseph, Muskoka, with Mr. and Mrs. Lam­ bert Love, returned home last week. Mr. Milo Snell, who recently un­ derwent an operation in the Toronto General Hospital, returned home last week and is recuperating nicely. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Snell and May and by his nurse, Miss Lavis formerly of Clinton. I Rev. R. A. Brook, of Hensall, and Mr. G, S. Howard, of town, left on Monday for Winnipeg, as represent- | atives of Huron Presbytery to the ; General Council of the United church of Canada. They expect to be gone for two weeks, L.Cp1. Chas. Triebner, driver with the Canadian Ordnance Corps, Lon­ don, has been home for several days on leave. An entertainment in liis honor was held at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. McFalls, Biddulph, I Wednesday evening. ; l past week, returned in Toronto on Mon- Armstrong and dau- I I Apple Fruit Cup with Whipped Cream Tea, Coffee, Milk Dinner served from 12.30 to o’clock at 65c 2 AMELIA L. ACHESON Proprietress 17th Sunday After Trinity p.m.—The preacher Rev. M. Parker, B.A. Note change of Harvest Home Services in sail. Harvest Home Services here, day, September 22nd. 3 B. toservices owing Hen- Sun- I Jas. P. Bowey agent for Forthcoming Dominion of Canada War Loan STANLEY J. SMITH A. T. C. IVI Teacher of Piano Theory Cornet Pupils conscientiously prepared for all Conservatory Examinations Special Courses for Beginners and Advanced Pupils During the past year all Pupils have been highly successful in passing various examinations .STUDIO PHONE 231 North and Andrew Sts., Exeter LET T. H. ELLIOTT Have Your Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Now is the time to have that fall and winter O’Coat and Suit repaired and pressed. Altera­ tions and Repairing guaran­ teed satisfactory and the charge to meet your pocket­ book. Agent for Ontario Cleaners and D yers EXETER PUBLIC CEMETERY Bulbs for Fall planting must be ordered not later than Sept. 30th, 1940. NOTE—All orders for flower beds, etc., planted by the care­ taker in paid for date on. the cemetery must be in advance from this K. Clarke, Caretaker DANCE EXETER OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Dancing 9 to 12 Clayton Sleeper’s Orchestra Admssion 25c EXPERT Permanent Waving TOMLINSON'S Presentation was spent social- Marie and Earl intervals during before lunch the On Wednesday evening of last week a large number of friends, re­ latives and neighbors gathered at No. 5 school house, Usborne, in hon­ or of Mr. and Mrs. Roylance West­ cott. The evening ly and in dancing. Heywood sang at the evening. Just r.ewly married couple were present­ ed with a studio couch. The address which was read by Clifford Hey­ wood was as follows: Dear Elsie and Roylance: . We your neighbors, future neigh­ bors. friends and relatives are gath­ ered here this evening to convey our best wishes for a happy and prosperous journey upon the adven­ turous sea of matrimony. In order to show the high esteem with which you are regarded by the community we wish to present to you something upon which you may rest your weary bones. This studio couch will certainly fill the bill. On behalf of your many friends, C. L. Heywood. Roylance on behalf of himself and his wife kindly thanked all those who had contributed toward this very acceptable and useful present. i i James Street Mission Band All Southcott Bros. ALL GRAINS new equipment for handling same Paying Top Prices R. G. SELDON & SON For information call 2w or 90w The 1 t Willing "Workers Evening Auxiliary ... The • •• Men’s Store The regular meeting of the Mis­ sion Band of James Street church was held on Tuesday afternoon at 4:15 with an attendance of thirty. Donald Southcott took charge of the meeting owing to the absence of Dawson Goulding. Following the opening hymn, everyone repeat­ ed the Mission Band prayer. Myrna Pym read the Scripture lesson after which the Mission Band Purpose was repeated in unison, i Tan ton recited the 100 th Margaret White sang a solo, was Creed in unison, the story from the first chapter of the new study book, “Trinidad” which was most interesting. Fol­ lowing the closing hymn and prayer lunch was served and a social half hour spent. George Psalm. . This followed by the Children’s Mrs. Tanton told Mr. a few Mr. have son in Sarnia. Miss Vera Rowe returned Tues­ day evening from a two weeks’ vis­ it in Hamilton. The Wednesday half holidays for Exeter continue during the month of September. Mr. Stanley J. Smith who is in training with the Middlesex-Huron Regiment at London will be home next week and will resume his in­ dividual and class teaching in music, he has also accepted the position of musical instructor in several schools in this district. Samson Yelland is spending weeks in Pt. Perry. and Mrs. George Anderson returned after visiting their Willing Workers EveningThe Auxiliary of James St. United church held their September meeting on Monday at the home of Mrs, J. H. Jones with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Thomson, presided over the business. It was decided to pack a bale at the October meet­ ing which will be held at the home of Mrs. Hamilton. Miss Handford reported that the Red Cross collec­ tion amounted to over $50.00 and considerable knitting was done. M. Johnson presided over the gram. The devotional part gested in Missionary Monthly followed and those taking part Mrs. Jean Mrs. Miss of James Evans, beiner gave a reading. lison gave a talk on her trip to the* World’s Fair. The meeting closed in prayer led by Mrs. Sharpe. Lunch was served by the group in charge. WINDBREAKERS $1.95 to $4.95 ANKLE SOCKS 35c to 50c PYJAMAS $2.00 SHIRTS $1.50 to $1.95 TIES 50c to $1.00 Newest Miracle of Science STRETCHES, TRANSPARENT and DURABLE ELASTIC-GLASS SUSPENDERS $1.00 GARTERS 75c Mrs. pro­ su g- was were MissJohnson, Mrs. Cowan, Sheere, Miss Lulu Lindenfield. Robertson sang a beautiful solo. Handford gave the life story Miss Helen Fink- Mrs. W. Al- At the close of- choir practice in James Street Church Thursday ev­ ening of last week a social hour was enjoyed as a farewell for Miss Dor­ othy Traquair, who left Tuesday of this week for London to commence training as a nurse in Victoria Hos­ pital. Mr. W. R. Goulding in a few words spoke of the faithful services of Miss Traquair as a member of the choir and extended best wishes for her future welfare. Refreshments were served. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. r Mrs. George Griffith and son Harry and Mr. Arnold Coomb, of Toronto, visited with the former’s sister, Miss Annie Handford for a few days this week. Mr, Griffith who spent last week with Miss Hand­ ford returned home with them. Kitchen Shower About twenty girl friends of Miss Alva Elliott, bride-to-be, gathered at the home of Mrs. Dalton Hey­ wood and honored Miss Elliott with a kitchen shower. The gifts were drawn in on a wagon daintily de­ corated in pink and white, by lit­ tle Beverley Heywood. The even­ ing was spent-in contests and pro­ gressive euchre.* Miss Catharfne Armstrong was winner of the high priae and Mrs. Orville Webber won the consolation prize. A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. Exeter W. I. Members of the Exeter W. I. met at the home of Mrs. L. Kyle Friday evening, A demonstration on dist­ rict project “Preservation of Fruit” was ably given by Mrs. Kyle and Miss F. Hatter. The ladies also took part in a “Berry” contest in charge of Mrs. Goulding. The past president of the Exeter W. I., Mrs. A. E. Walker, who is leaving Exeter in the near future to take up resi­ dence in London, was taken by sur­ prise, when Mrs. Kyle on behalf of the Institute members, presented her' wit(h a beautiful bed lamp and table reflector. “ — ed the ladies, most delightful meeting ments were served. I,L„. Cann invited the ladies to her homo for the September' meeting, Mr. C. Salter to be guest speaker. A good attendance is hoped for. Mrs. "Walker thank- At the close of a refresh- Mrs. G. A.