HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-09-12, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
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Coming to Hensail
C. R. Wilkinson, R.O.
Ophthalmic Optician
Will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month, for the purpose of
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
Difficult cases and those that
have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to con
sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Phone 16 Hensall
for appointment
Mr. Harold Willard lias accepted
a position as baker at Case’s Bak
Mrs. Ainsworth, of Seaforth is vis
iting with her sister Mrs. Ezra Kip-
Miss Mona Hedden is visiting
with her sister Mrs. W. Carter in
Rally Day service will be held
at the United church Sunday school
next Sunday,
Mr. Ivan Kipher has just returned
from Montreal, where he applied to
enlist in the navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton
have moved into the dwelling of the
McNaughton estate.
Mrs. D. G. Steer spent Wednesday
last at the home of her mother Mrs.
Brazier, in London.
The Mission Band party will he
held in the United church school
room on Saturday afternoon.
Miss Edna Butt, of Toronto, visit
ed last week with Mrs. Elda Sim
mons and Mrs. John Dinsdale.
Mrs. Alex. Mousseau has returned
home from Toronto after attending
the Canadian National Exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle, of
Ridgetown were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Mickle this week.
Little Miss Donna Bowman, of
Denfield, spent the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of To
ronto, spent the week-end with the
former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Cor
nelius Cook.
The annual School Fair will be
held here on Tuesday, September 17
with the surrounding rural schools
Mr. Lloyd Ortwein, of London,
spent the past week at the home of
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Ortwein.
Mrs. Van Laughton, of Toronto,
visited last week at the home of her
parents Mr. apd Mrs. Chas. Mc-
Mr. Albert Dinnin, of the staff of
the Bank of Montreal in Clinton,
has been transferred to the bank
Rev. R. A. Brook left on Monday
for Winnipeg where he will attend
the General Council of the United
Miss Nora Stinson spent the week
end with her father Mr. Frank Stin
son and sister Miss Mary Stinson
in London,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Moore and
family returned home on Monday
after spending the summer months
at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Carter, of
Clinton, spent the week-end at the
home of the latter’s mother Mrs.
Catharine Hudson.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hudson and
son Stewart, of Sioux City, Iowa, vis
ited last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren.
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Simpson and
son of Detroit are visiting with the
former’s mother Mrs. Lou Simpson
and grandmother Mrs. Robt. Bon
Mr. F. G. Bonthron, local post
master, attended the Postmasters’
Conference held in London last week
which was attended by the Postmast
er General.
Miss Mary Stinson, Mr. Larry
Stinson, and Pte. Harold Steels, of
London, were recent visitors with
Miss Nora Stinson and Mr. and Mrs.
Roy MacLaren.
Mr. RObt. Passmove, divinity
student will conduct services next
Sunday in the United church and
Mr. Benson Stoneman, of Chisel
hurst will be guest soloist.
The Red Cross Marathan Bridge
met at the home of Mrs. Cornelius
Cook on Friday evening with a very
good attendance. Refreshments
were served by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. GUS Voth and daugh
ter Gwendolyn, of Detroit visited
over the week-end with Mrs, Voth’s
mother Mrs. Lou Simpson and grand
mother Mrs. Robt. Bonthron.
The choir and congregation of St.
Paul’s Anglican church motored to
Exeter on Sunday where joint ser
vices were held in Trfvitt Mem
orial church conducted by Rev. M.
A. Hunt.Rev. Wan. Weir conducted special
services in Carmel church on Sun
day and the choir sang two anthems
“Give Us Peace 0 Lord” soloist'
Miss Margaret Douga.ll and “See We
God Thy People Come.”
The Times-Advocate has receiv
ed a report of the annual rally of
Huron Presbyterial Women’s Miss
ionary Society of the Presbyterian
church held in Hensall on Tuesday.
Owing to lack of space the report is
being held over until next week.
The Senior Women’s Institute will
commence their fall meetings with
a pot luck supper to be held at the
home of Mrs. (Dr.) D. G. Steer on
Friday evening, September 13th, at
6:3u p.m. All members are cordial
ly invited to come and bring their
Honoring Miss Gertrude Martin, a
bride of Saturday last, some hund
red neighbors and friends met at her
home on Thursday evening last and
presented her with a miscellaneous
shower, in a lovely basket decorated
with pink and white. The gifts were
piesented by Miss Audrey MacKay
and Bernice McClinchey. Follow
ing a program of readings and muc
ical numbers refreshments were ser
Special Harvest Home Services
will be held in St. Paul’s Anglican
church here on Sunday, September
15th. Special music will be given
by the choir and Rev. Mr. Johnston
of London, will be the speaker in
the morning while Rev. M. B,
Parker, of Broughdale, a former
rector, will give the sermon at the
evening service.
Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser
vices in the United church on Sun
day when special services of prayer
were used. A ladies quartette com
prising Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, Miss
Kay Drysdale, Mrs. Geo. Hess and
Miss Ruth Hess sang “In Answer
to a Prayer.” In the evening a
ladies’ quartette comprising Misses
Shirley Fairburn, Mary Goodwin,
Ruth Brook and Goldie Cross sang
“Thanks be to God.”
About two hundred relatives and
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Triebner (nee Miss Ruby Dalrymple)
gathered in their honor at a wed
ding reception held in the Town Hall
here on Wednesday evening. Danc
ing was enjoyed to music played by
Murdock’s orchestra with Mr. Wm.
Hay ter as floor manager. During
the evening the bride and groom
were presented with a handsome
studio couch, the address being read
t>y Mr. Roy Campbell. Refreshments
were served.
W. M. S. Meet
The regular meeting of the W. M,
S. of Carmel Presbyterian church
was held on Thursday with Mrs. C.
Hudson presiding and opened by
singing a hymn followed with pray
er by Mrs. Workman. The Scrip
ture, John 14 was read by Miss
Minnie Reid. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and ad
opted. The roll call was answered
with “courage.” The business fol
lowed and a hymn was sung. The
topic “Facing the Future Task in
India” was very ably taken by Mrs.
C Hudson after which Mrs. Hudson
led in prayer. The meeting closed
by singing a hymn and the Lord’s
prayer in unison.
Mission Circle Meet
The regular meeting of the Mis
sion Circle of the United church was
held at the home of Miss Kay Drys
dale on Friday evening and opened
by singing a hymn with Miss Goldie
Cross presiding. The Scripture les
son was read by Miss Mary Good
win and Miss Ruth Brook led in
prayer. The roll was called and
the minutes of the previous meeting
read. A hymn was sung and Miss
Irene Douglas gave the topic on
“Freedom” talten from, the study
book Indian Infe in the City. A
hymn was sungTSand the ' meeting-
closed with the benediction.
Hensall Men Recewe Injuries in
Edward Little, of Hensall accom
panied by Murray Parkins, mechanic
of Zurich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Parkins, of Hensall, received in
juries while riding on a motorcycle
driven by Edward Little when it
collided with a car on No. 4 High
way at the sixth concession of Lon
don Twp., on Sunday afternoon.
Edward received injury to his right
leg and right hand and many bruis
es, while Murray had both legs
bruised, elbow abrasions and frac
ture of his right hand. Dr. G. M.
Fletcher, of Exeter, was called and
had the men removed to St. Joseph’s
Hospital, London, where they re
ceived treatment. Both were able
to return home Sunday evening.
The motorcycle was southbound as
a car driven by Mr. H. L. Sharp,
144 High St., London, was north
bound and made a left hand turn
onto the sixth concession. The oc
cupants of the car escaped injury.
Traffic Officer Lemon investigated
the accident.
Arnold Circle Entertained at Weiner
The Arnold Circle of Carmel
church were very pleasantly enter
tained at a weiner roast at the home)
of Miss Jean McQueen on Monday-
evening. Mrs. Roy Bell presided
over the following program which
opened by singing a hymn followed
by prayer by Miss Violet Hyde.
The Scripture lesson was read by
Mrs. Bell. The minutes were read
and adopted and the roll called.
The business followed and it was
decided to hold the next meeting
at the home of Miss Beryl Pfaff.
The offering was received. A hymn
was sung and Miss Margaret Doug
all favored with a piano solo. The
topic “A Day With Our Missionar
ies Through the Glad Tidings” were
taken as follows: Miss Ellen Doug
lass by Miss Beryl Pfaff; Rev. C.
L. Wood by Miss Margaret Bell;
Mrs. Quinn by Miss Irone Hoggarth
and Grace Bau of Jliansi by Miss
Sally Manson. A hymn was sung
and the meeting closed with the
Lord’s prayer in unison. A weiner
roast followed and refreshments
were served.
visiting in
Fahrner of
at th home
Mr, and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull, Mr,
and Mrs. Fergus Turnbull returned
this week after a week’s trip
Montreal and home by way of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig, Mr.
Mrs. Ralph Williams returned after
a week’s trip to the North Country.
The last of the campers have been
enjoying a very fine week.
Mr. Ken Lovie is very ill in Strat
ford Hospital having been injured
by a truck wheel passing over his
body in an accident at or near
Quite a number attended the
oral of Mrs. Ed. McPherson
passed away on Friday. Mrs.
Pherson lived near Greenway for a
number of years but spent the past
l’ew years in the village which was
her old home. She was the oldest
daughter of the late James and
Fanny Mollard and was loved by
all who knew her. The sympathy
of the community is extended to the
Mr. Jake Sweitzer, Mr. Fahrner,
Mr. Frank and Mr. Walter Statton
have gone to work on the
at Goderich.
Mrs. Dave Johnston is
with friends in and around
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brenner left
Monday on their vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Smith,
of the Haig Farm spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Prance, of Thedford.
Mrs. Mark Wild left last week
for Detroit where she will spend a
few days before leaving for Florida.
Mr. Dick Hamilton has gone to
Toronto where
for the winter.
Mr. Schenk,
with Mr. and
last week-end.
sister of Mr. Schenk.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turnbull
and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker vis
ited in Goderich on Sunday.
air port
he expects to remain
of Detroit, visited
Mrs. Richard Webb
Mrs. Webb is a
Dance at Kippen
Keep this
Mac McCutcheon
his Sweet Music
date open tor a good
time at Kippen
General Admission 50c.
C. Watson, Manager
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Willard, of
Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Del-
bridge and family, of St. Marys,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Batten.
Miss Audrey Prance and friend
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Mervyn Pym and Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Prance, of Thedford.
Miss Shirley Brock, of Kirkton, is
spending a few days with her grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins, of
Saintsbury, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern and fam
ily, of Zion, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge.
Mrs. F. V. Horne and Kathleen
have returned home after spending
a couple of weeks with her mother
Mrs. P. Whitlock, of St. T.homas.
Mr. John Batten spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Robin
son, of St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley attend
ed the Drumhead Service in Seaforth
on Sunday.
Home and School Picnic
The second . annual Home and
School picnic was held Saturday,
September 7th on Winchelsea school
grounds with
due to the late harvest,
resulted as follows:
age, Donald Stephens, Billy Batten;
girls 6 to 8, Donna Murch, Joan
Batten^ boys 6 to 10, Murray Steph
ens, Gordon Ford; girls 8 to 12, Mil
dred Miller, Marion Murch; girls
13 to 16, Grace Brock, Shirley Mur
ray; young ladies, Doreen Coultis,
Ethel Pooley; married ladies, Mrs.
Kenneth Johns, Mrs. Ralph Batten;
stout ladies, Mrs. Franklin Skinner,
Mrs. Ed. Johns; kick the slipper,
girls, Lois Coward, Marion ’ Murch;
boys kick the slipper, Carman Herd-
man, Gordon Ford; young ladies
kick the slipper, Hazel Johns, Jean
Davis; married ladies kick the slip
per, Mrs. F. Skinner, Mrs. Ralph
Batten. A short ball game was in
joyed by all. A delicious lunch was
served at the close.
a small attendance
Th exports
Under school
Seed Wheat
Cleaned and
G. Z wicker
Miss Nola Faist and Miss Mar
guerite Guettinger -spent last week
at Toronto.
Miss Alma Smith is
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine
Kitchener spent Sunday
of Mr. Chris. Fahner.
Mr. Arnold Robertson and Miss
Edna Beaver, of London, spent the
week-end with the latter’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver,
Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe (Gilbert, Fred
erick and Margaret, of Lucan, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred ;
Kerr. j
Rally Day is being observed Sun
day, September 15th in the United
church Sunday School. A good pro
gram is being prepared. It is hop
ed all will make an effort to come
and encourage
workers in this
fall term.
Special Rally
day, September
i'oi the occasion will be Rev John
Falconbridge, B.A., of Centralia.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Telfer re
turned Tuesday from their holidays.
Crediton Women’s Institute
our Sunday School
the beginning of the
Day services on Sun-
15 th. The speaker
The Women’s Institute met Mon
day evening with a good attendance.
The president, Mrs. Lloyd England,
was in charge of the meeting which
was opened with the National An
them, the singing of the Ode and
the Lord’s Prayer. After the sing
ing of “0 Canada” and the roll call,
each member’s favourite jam was
given. The Institute has arranged
to have a Needle Craft course to be
held in the Township Hall from
Oct. 14 to 19 conducted by Miss
Lillian Howell. Also it. was decid
ed that the Institute preserve jam
for Red Cross purposes, the dona
tions of fruit and sugar to be
brought to the hall next Tuesday
morning. The song “Marching along
Together” was sung. Mrs. Gordon
Morlock’s solo, “There will always
be an England” was much enjoyed.
Mrs. Wilfred Mack gave a splendid
demonstration of how to can fruits,
jams and jellies. Lunch was then
served by the hostesses, Mrs. Lloyd
England, Mrs. Hugo Schenk, Mrs. F.
W. Morlock, Miss Alma Smith. Af
ter lunch Mrs. Wes. Wein moved
and Mrs. Lawrence Wein seconded a
hearty vote of thanks to the host
esses and those taking part in the
■Standards of gladioli and asters
decorated Zion Evangelical church,
Crediton, for the wedding on Satur
day, September 7th, of Norma Irene
daughter of Mr. and Mrs Harry
Finkbeiner, and Mr. Harold I-I. Fah
rner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Fahrner, all of Crediton. Rev. A. E.
Pletch officiated and Mrs, Freeman
Morlock was at rhe organ. Given
in marriage by her father the bride
looked charming in a floor length
gown of white silk embroidered net
over taffeta, finger tip veil caught
with gardenias and wore a pearl
necklace, the gift of the groom. She
carried a shower bouquet of Queen
Mrs. Howard Haist. of
sister of the
honor and
Detroit, was
wore a gown
bodice and
organza. Both wore shoulder
with flower headdress and car
colonial nosegays. Mr. Clar-
Fahrner. brother of the hride-
Mary roses.
matron of
Wuerth, of
The former
groom, was groomsman and the us
hers were Mr. Alvin Finkbeiner and
Mr. Howard Haist. During the sign
ing of the register Mrs. Howard
Morlock sang “At Dawning” in very
fine voice. The reception was held
at the home of the bride, where Mrs.
Finkbeiner was assisted by Mrs. Al
bert Fahrner. Both were gowned in
navy blue sheer with corsage of
pink roses .For travelling the bride
donned a cherry red boucle coat,
navy blue sheer dress with accessor
ies to match. After a trip to Mus-
koka lakes, Ottawa and the Thous
and Islands the bride and groom
will reside on the groom’s farm
north of Crediton. The Times-Ad
vocate joins their many friends in
best wishes for a happy wedded life.
bride, was
Miss Elva
of pink net
the! latter
of Ham
and Mrs.
ill Windsor
after a
her daughter Mrs. George
Wednesday and Thursday
& I
2.28 and 2.20 Trot or Pace Purse $100
Every Heat a Race $40, $30, $20, $10
5 % to enter to be paid at one o’clock. Horses
eligible day of race. Horses at owner’s risk.
A least 5 to enter.
Sponsored by Exeter Lions Club
Calf must be born in 1940, fed and raised by
boy or girl 15 years of age or under, in
Usborne, Stephen or Hay,
Prizes, $10, $7, $5, $3 with additional prizes
for those not in the prize money.
Swine Club to be Judged at 1 o’clock
Mills’ Super Sound System Will be Used
Half Mile 75C., 50c., 25c,
12 and under — 75c,, 50c., 25c.,
and under. 1st prize, Fountain. Pen; 2nd,
Pencil Set: 3rd, 25c.
12 yrs. and under — 75c., 50c„ 25c.
Grafton & Co., London, donate Silver Tray
lor exhibitor obtaining most number of points
in Live Stock.
Special Attractions in front of Grandstand
The Exeter Band Will be in Attendance
Admission 25c; Children 15c; Cars 25c
All exhibits must remain on the grounds until 5 p.m
Miss E. Shannon, of London, is
visiting her cousin Mrs. and Rev J.
Mr. E. Beavers attended the fun
eral of his brother-in-law in Detroit
on Thursday.
Miss Beatrice Essery, nurse-in
ti aining at Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, spent the week-end at her
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock moved
this week to Lucknow. Mr. Had
dock has secured a position there.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Waldon and fam
ily, of Kincardine, were Sunday vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. Lome
Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, of Exeter, |
and Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith and
Marlene visited with relatives in
London on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Fields and Win-
nifred attended the, Toronto Exhib
ition last week.
Dr. and Mrs. Heighway, of Lon
don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John
Essery on Sunday.
Mrs. W. Spencer and June, of St.
Thomas, visited on Sunday with Mrs.
H. Mills. Mrs. Mills returned with
them for a visit.
Miss Lila Oke, who is recuperat
ing from her recent operation spent
last week with her sister Mrs. Jas.
The Home and School club will
meet Friday Sept. 20th.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Hodgins, of
Wiarton, are holidaying with Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Mitchell and other
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell vis
ited with their daughter, Mrs. Hobbs
at Thorndale on Sunday.
Miss Isabell Blair, ■who
ill is improving and will
back at school.
Several ladies spent a
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hom
er Buswell on Friday last, doing
Red Cross work.
has been
soon be
The W.M.£5. of the United church
held their September meeting on
Wednesday afternoon, September 4,
at the home of Mrs. W. Meilis w'ith
a good attendance. The meeting
was presided over by Mrs. John
Henderson and opened by singing
the National Antliem. Mrs. Lang
read the Scripture lesson. A hymn
was sung after which Mrs. Hender
son led in prayer. Mrs. Monteith
had charge of the topic it being the
beginning of a new Study Book on
the life of James Evans who was
a Missionary among the Indians in
Ontario and the Western provinces.
After the topic there was a short
business discussion. The roll call
and offering were then taken. The
meeting closed with a hymn and the
ily. of
day at
and Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and
Gerald, visited On Sunday with Mr.
prayer in unison.
and Mrs. Wellman and fam-
Port Huron, visited on Mon
ths home of Mrs. II. Recker
Mr. and Mrs. Czar Rau and daugh
ters Mrs. Floyd Gipson and Misses
Margaret and Eva Rau, all
ilton, sent Sunday with Mr.
Chris. Rau.
Mrs. George Wright has
to her home
few days’ visit with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Eli Lawson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Penhale and
Grace and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bend
er and Betty spent Sunday in Sea
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cliffe and Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and Helen
spent Sunday in Windsor, Master
Billy Clif-fe, who has been visiting
there returned home with them.
Mrs. Wilson Anderson is visiting
Hayes in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein and
Mrs. Harry Lewis and Mr. and Mrs.
Job Sims spent Wednesday at Grand
Bend with Mr. and Mrs, Alex,
ilton. This is the first time
Mr. Sims’ illness that he has
able to go out in the ear.
Leslie, the four-year-old sun of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Glauville, under
went an operation on his arm in
St Joseph’s Hospital on Wednesday. and Mrs. Joseph Carter, of Clando-
last for the grafting of skin on liiSjhoye.
arm which was crushed and broken
some time ago.
a success and the little lad is Im- visited on Wednesday last with Mr.
proving nicely. and Mrs. G. Robinson, of London.
Mrs. W. Horney. Miss Irma For-
The operation was1 guson and Mr. Arnold Gackstetter
“You never tell me what you’re
going to buy. Doesn’t a husband
have a voice in the buying?” “Of
course, dear, you have the invoice.”
Policeman; “How did you happen
to hit the other ear?” Motorist:
“It really was my wife’s negligence.
She fell asleep in the back seat.”
Are You Still Pioneering?
LIKE log houses, iron pumps and outside sanitary
accommodation are relics of pioneering days.
They are out-of-date, inconvenient, unhealthy •— and
your family should not have to put up with them.
Running water under
pressure enables you to
replace such antiquated
arrangements with a
Modern EMCO Bath
room, and up-to-date
kitchen and laundry fa
cilities. An up-to-date
DURO Water
will furnish all the water necessary for these home
improvements and it will also supply running water
to barns and other buildings where required.
The Duro Special System, capacity 250
gals, per hour, complete with 25 gal. Galvan- ~~
izedTank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only 'poq.OO
For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the
EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and
Lavatory with trimmings costs only.............. 136.00
(Soil and iron pipe and fittings extra)
Other Complete Bathroom equipment as
low as............................................................... 83.00
Can be purchased under our
Easy Payment Plan or the
Home Improvement Loan Act.
Can also be Supplied for
Gasoline Engine operation
Phone 181 Exeter
London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury
Winnipeg Vancouver