HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-09-12, Page 4THE EXETER TJMES-ADVOCATE c>THVJRSPAT. SEPTEMBER 12, 1910 FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME with Rockwool BIRTHS SCOTT- In Usborne. on Friday, September 6th, l!i4V, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott, a son. STATTON—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital. on Sunday. September Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Statton, of Grand Bend, a son. The Clean, Thorough, Pneumatic Way A BLIZZARD OF ROCKWOOL, BLOWN BY PROPERLY REGULATED AIR PRES­ SURE INTO EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY. (FIREPROOF AND VERMINEPROOF)1 Floored Attics, Dormers, Sunrooms, Walls (Brick Veneer, Shingle, Frame, Stucco) as well as Flat, Open Attics, are Easily Insulated the Pneumatic Way, Without Fuss, Muss, or Inconvenience to the Household. Year Round Comfort, Less Draughts on Stairways and Floors, More Even Temperature in Every Room, Better Fire Protection, Substantial Fuel Savings.. .These are Some of the Benefits of Pneumatic Insulation. ESTIMATES AND SKETCHES CHEERFULLY GIVEN BY COMPETENT SALESMEN Watch for the Big Red Truck MAIL THIS COUPON AND LEARN Name Address For your Convenience Coupons my be mailed to, or left at TIMES-ADVOCATE OFFICE THAMES ROAD AND ROYSCROMARTY ('AVEN CONGREGATIONAL CIRCLE Kindly send me (without obligation) your illustrated booklet on PNEUMATIC INSULATION COMFORT FOR LESS MONEY. HOW TO HAVE GREATER HOME WM. A. HAIRE 789 King St. London Pneumatic Insulating Company, Toronto District Representatives H. E. FOWLER 225 Hale St. London Thursday Mrs. Jas. was read The pre­ led in of the prev- read by Mrs. call was answered Several Mrs. Hill report. The MARRIAGES CLARKE—MARTIN — At St. diews United church parsonage, Kippen, on Saturday, September 7th, 194", Gertrude Jane, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, of Kippen. to William Raymond Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Clarke, of Woodham, by Rev. E. F. Chandler. SKINNER—JOHNS At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johns, Elimville, on Wednesday, September lth, 1940, Gladys Earlene, •«> Lawrence Del- mer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner, of Elimville, by Rev, Win. Mair. FAHRNER—FINKP.EINER At the Zion Evangelical < hureh, Crediton on Saturday, Sep'emher 7th, 19 40 Miss Norma Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finkbeiner, to Mr. Harold H Fahrner. son of Mr. and Mrs. A'/-er: Fahrner, all of Crediton, by lb v. A. E. Pletch. MILLER—EARL - At the Wood­ ham United Ch .-ch parsonage, Edith Lillian, C. lighter of Mr. and .Mrs. Jarno Earl, of Zion, to Mr. Everard W. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. ‘'has. Miller, of Thames Road, by Rev. A. Laing. BARTLIFF—MERNER—At the Lu­ theran Kathleen daughter of Mrs late George “Mt to Charles Elliot* Bartliff, Clinton by Rev. T. Luft. An­ parsonu-u. Dashwood, Matilda. youngest Merner and the r.er. Dashwood, DEATHS JEWELL — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, Sept. 10th, Mary Ann Arnsby. beloved wife of James Jewell. Exeter, in her 76rh year. Body is restingat E. R. Hopper’s Funeral Chapel where service will take place on Thursday at 2.3“ p.m. MOLLARD—-At Grand Bend, Tues., September 10th. Abner Mollard, in his 73rd yea:. Funeral from his late residence on Friday at 2 p.m., intermer.’ in Grand Bend cemetery. WAMBOLD—At ht- in London, on Tl.ti her 5 th, 194 U, bold, in his 76t' WELSH—In Usbc Sunday. Septe: Henry Welsh, i; late residence I rsday, Septem-I Joseph A. Warn-* : year. '.e Township, on : .er >th, 1940, his 77th year. ENGAGEMENT LOCAL NEWS Misses Isabel and Helen Anthony of Hamilton, visited at their home here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston, and little daughter, Gail, of Simcoe, vis­ ited in Exeter the forepart of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson, of Sarnia, visited the formers’ parents Mr and Mrs. George Anderson, on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher are on holi­ days this week. The doctor’s prac­ tice is being looked after by Dr. Wollin of London. We where ing of letter last Mrs. Cecil Skinner, of Centralia, brought into the office an egg on which was plainly marked the letter “V." The egg has been on exhibi­ tion in our window. Some people say that this is nature’s way of tel­ ling noticed in the London paper some party reported the find- a hen’s egg on which was the “V.” On Saturday evening us that “V” stands for victory. DASHWOOD The W. M. S. met on afternoon at the home of Hill. Th° Scripture lesson by Mrs. Jessie Hamilton, sident, Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, prayer. The minutes ious meeting were Sett. The roll bv ten members. Several visitors were also present. Mrs. Hill gave the treasurer’s report. The Glad Tidings prayer was taken by Mrs. S A. Miller. A very interesting let­ ter from Dr. Margaret Strang Sav­ age of the Peace River district was read by Mrs. Ken McKellar. Miss Grace Chalmers favored with a very find solo. The topic "Prayer,” was taken by Mrs. Hill. Current events were read by Mrs. Tom Laing. Mrs. A. D. Cameron, of Mitchell, who is a District Representative of the Presbyterial, gave a very interesting address. She also brought greetings from the Presbyterial. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Jamieson. Lunch wyas served by Mrs, Hill. Rev. H. Bennie and Mrs. Bennie and family have returned to Acton after visiting with Mrs. Macintosh and Mrs. Ramsay. Mr. and Mrs. .Frank Bruce and Mi. and Mrs. Len Houghton spent a few days at the C.N.E. The new school which is being erected in the place which was burned not yet completed, case school opened ment of the church with a good at­ tendance. A good congregation attended service Sunday. Sunday was a day of special prayer for our Empire. Mrs. Morgan and Miss Ann sang an appropriate duet “Did You Think to Pray.’’ Next Sunday will be Rally ser­ vice. Mr. tended Keyes Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Parker at- the funeral of Mrs. Burton at Morriston. and Mrs. P. Passmore spent Sunday with some of their relatives at Whalen. The Red Cross Frolic held Friday evening was a great success, booths, bingo and refreshments were well patronized. Dancing followed a fine program given by the Shiel family of Mt. Forest. Mrs. B. Woodham, mother. and MWesley J. Vernier Kippen, .iin. mnue the engage­ ment of thei: < .:Iy daughter. Jean Evelyn. +o Gi’.’-.rt Warren Johns, son of Mr. Wm. Johns and the late Mrs. Johns, of Elimville. the mar­ riage to take place the latter of September. GARD OF THANKS part Miss Rose Guenther is visiting with relatives in Windsor. Mrs. A. White and son Robert and daughter Nancy Jane, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the i’orm- ei’s mother Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. Henry Cheslock and daugh­ ter Lois and Mr. Rudolph Dyck, of Tavistock and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Helbreclit, of New York City, visited the former’s sister Mrs. Ness last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hopcroft, of Port Colborne spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott, of Bowmanville, called on her parents on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor are taking a motor trip on their va­ cation. The property formerly owned by the England sisters was sold by auction on Saturday to Mr. Jonas Hartleib. Rev. and Mrs. Roppel and daugh­ ter Hope are attending the funeral of Mrs. Roppel’s sister in Port Elgin this week. Miss Anuice Bartliff, Mrs. Harry Bartliff, Miss Dorothy Bartliff, Miss Eva Cluff and Mrs. Wm. Pinner, all of Clinton spent Wednesday even­ ing with Miss Kay Merner. Mr. and Mrs. family, Mr. and Siebert and family, Snyder and family, Mi. and Mrs. John ily of Breslau and of Kitchener, were with Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. Jas. Smith Windsor and Mr. Milier and son Billie spent Monday with Mr. Jonas Hart- i leib and Lavada. j Mr. Jack Rasehke and family who have been visiting with her j mother Mrs. Merner returned to iher home in Detroit on Sunday. ■ Mr. Harry Hoffman attended jrento Exhibition last week.‘j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, of p’onto. spent the week-end with land Mrs. D. Tieman.I I I Ed. Siebert and Mrs. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. L. all of Kitchener, Thaler and fam- Rose Lobsinger, : Sunday visitors and Shirley, of and Mrs. Bill of Detroit, To- To- Mr. I Vincent Ira Vin- i Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Middleton wish to express their sincere thanks fcr the many arts cards and flowers dleton during his minster Hospital. of kindness and sent to Mr. Mid­ illness in West- Sinclair and family, of spent Sunda’y with her held The with Mrs. of the old one in January is This being the in the base- SHIPKA The September meeting was at the home of Mrs. Rhode, president opened the meeting a hymn followed by prayer. W. Stone, Mrs. Selves, Mrs. Kirk­ land gave the Scripture readings. Mis. E. Pym and Mrs. Kirkland were appointed to the sectional meeting to be held at Roys. Mrs. Kydd was in charge of the program. Mrs. Pym gave a reading, Mrs. Kirk­ land, a solo; Mrs. J. Allison, a mis­ sionary paper; Mrs. Stone a solo; Mrs. P. Stone, the president, gave the topic, after which a hymn wyas with was Sick and Shut-in, Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Flynn; Envelopes, Moir and Miss Hatter; Mrs. A. Moir; Lunch, Mrs. card of thanks Shipka United Church Annivers­ ary Services, Sunday, September 15. Anniversary preacher, Rev. John Falconbridge, B.A., of Centralia United church. Services: Afternoon 2:30, evening 7:30. Brinsley and Crediton churches have withdrawn their services for the day and will worship with the. Shipka congrega­ tion. Special music by the choir sung and Mrs. Wiseman closed prayer and'-' the Lord’s prayer repeated in unison. Mobilization of Canadian dollars are now being made in the Three Million Dollar War Loan which opened in Canada on Monday. Buy bonds and help Canada’s War Ef­ fort. M SPECIAL! The Caven Congregational Circle held their meeting in the basement of the church on Tuesday afternoon of last week, with a good attendance. Mrs. Mitchell presided and opened the meeting with hymn 374 follow­ ed by prayer by Mr. Hill. The roll call was answered. The roll call for next month will be, “Our duty to a stranger within our gates.” The following committees were then ap­ pointed: lard and Mrs. A. Flowers, Dow, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Hatter; Pro­ gram, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Clarence Simmons. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Easton. Mrs. Pollen then read a chapter written by Margaret Strang Savage “At Honje and Abroad” which was very interesting. The girls who at­ tended Kintail Camp put on a pro­ gram of a day in camp. Each one | told of their doings throughout the j day, and they also sang a number I of songs they had learned while there. It was all well done and j greatly enjoyed by everyone. The meeting closed with God Save the King. Lunch was then served by j the committee. OUR SILVER WEDDING DAY Crediton, Sept. 11, 1940. i on po- medium and small, and Mrs. Milo Snell wish their many remembered Mr. thank kindly various ways while General while Hospital, convalescing to so in a patient in the Toronto, and at his home. friends who Mr. Snell CARD OF THANKS toMr. thank for remembering Mrs. Ogden with flowers, cards, gifts, etc., and for the kindnesses extended while confin­ ed to her home. and Mrs. N. Ogden wish the neighbors and friends CARD OF THANKS and The Times-Advocate has had exhibition in their window 46 tatoes, large, grown from a single potato that, was left in the ground all last winter in the garden of Mr. William Rivers. Mr. Rivers observed the Ione potato growing in the spring and he pro­ tected it to see what the results might he. The stalks made remark­ able growth and measured 7 feet, 7 inches across. When Mr. Rivers dug it up last week he found 46 po­ tatoes in the hill. The big majority o? them were very small however. five years we’ve stood and showers, sorrow their best for one an- the gold to silver turn, eyes 1 turn dull and gray, firm, each slower as true as by-gone and go, SPECIAL! ■a COD FILLETS (BONELESS) per lb. JUMBO ICE CREAM, Brick ............. G^ADE A CHICKEN (Drawn) per lb. Exeter Frozen Foods, phone 70 18c or 2 for 17c 35c 22c ■ Today is our silver wedding day. For twenty together, In sunshine and pain, Each doing other. We’ve seen Bright blue Footsteps once grow, But our life is days. We’ve seen the seasons come And many dear ones pass away; So much has happened since our first wedding day, For better or worse, that vow we kept in every way; Still going down the trail with mem­ ories sweet and sad Not wishing to forget one thing pas­ sed away, But to the end to love the same and, live Thanking God we have each other this happy day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lawson, Crediton Ontario. Mr. Gottschalk, Mrs. Stade Mrs. Hopkins wish to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the kindness and symp­ athy extended during their recent bereavement, also to Rev. Mr. Turk­ heim, to Mr. Harry Hoffman for his solo at the house, to those who sang at the church and for the offerings and loan of cars. MOUNT CARMEL floral hall and Don’t forget the dance in the on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. James Dalton family spent Sunday in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard and son Ronald, of Zurich, spent Sun­ day with Mr, and Mrs. A. Morris­ sey. Mr. jack Madden spent the week­ end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coughlin spent Sunday in Chatham. Mrs. Helen Rogan spent Tuesday in London. Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams and family and Mr. Jack McKeever, of Detroit, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs, James Dalton. Messrs. Jack and Benny Morris­ sey spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietrich and family spent Sunday in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Norman and Miss Evelyn and Mr. cent and Mr. Norman Batram spent Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Prance, of Thedford. Mrs. Walter G. Smith, of the Haig Farm spent the past week wifli her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent. Bartliff-Merner A quiet ceremony took place at the Lutheran parsonage, Dashwood, when Kathleen Matilda, youngest daughter of Mrs. and the late George Merner, Dashwood, to Charles ton. The by R.ev. T. The bride Soldierette ies. with corsage of white gardenias. Mrs. A. Tieman, sister of the bride ■was bridesmaid wearing a street length dress of mustard green and biown accessories. Her corsage was of Briarcliffe roses. Mr. Bruce Bartliff, brother of the groom was best man. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left on a motor trip to Northern Ontario. They will reside in Clinton. Ladies’ Aid and W. M, S. The Ladies Aid and W.M.S held their regular meeting on Thursday evening ’in the basement of the church. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. J. M. Tieman’s group with Mrs. Milton Haugh as chairlady. Mrs. Milton Haugh led in the open­ ing prayer and also led the re­ sponsive Scripture reading. We were then favored with a reading by Mrs. Chas. Snell and a solo by Mrs. J. M. Tieman. The chapter in the Study Book was given by­ Mrs. G. Link. After singing another hymn the president Mrs. G. Wild- fong, presided for the business. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and their adoption was seconded by Mrs. Milton Haugh. In the absence of the Treasurer, Mrs. J. M. Tieman was appointed pro­ tein. The Sunshine Committee for the month are: Mrs. J. M. Tieman and Mrs. V. Schatz. The. Floral Committee for the month are Susan and Mrs. J. S. Witzel. It be­ comes our duty to entertain the W. M.S. District Rally sometime this month. Lunch committee is as fol­ lows: Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher, con­ venor; Mrs. Wes. Wolfe, Mrs. Bender, Mrs. E. Tiernan, Mrs. Tieman, Mrs. G. Wildfong, Mrs. A. Kellerman. The registration of the delegates is in charge of Mrs. V. There were 25 sick visits month and 17 shut-in friends. 13 members re­ call. The meet­ singing the Na- Matilda, George Merner of was united in marriage Elliott Bartliff, of Clin- ceremony was performed Luft, past of the church, wore a smart frock of blue with navy accessor- Schutz. made during the bouquets sent to Wo had 2 visitors, sponded to the roll ing was closed by tionai Anthem . E. D. ELIMVILLE Miss Dorothy Johns spent Sunday with Miss Jean Venner neai’ Chisel­ hurst. Mrs. Harry Ford is staying with her mother and sister Mrs. P. Whit­ lock and Miss Joy Whitlock at St. Thomas this week. Mr. and Mrs, Delmer Skinner re­ turned from their honeymoon on Sunday evening. The preaching service and Sunday School will be held combined in this church next Sunday afternoon at 2 it being Rally Day, Presentation Another of our popular young ladies was honored by the presenta­ tion of a kitchen shower on Mon­ day evening. The young lady be­ ing Miss Marion Miners, a bride of this week. The shower was held ai. the home of Mrs. Wm. Brad­ shaw. A large number of frjengs were present. Miss Miners was shown to a chair beneath a.n arch decorated in sprays of pink roses. Mrs. Harold Bell wheeled a baby carriage filled with presents info the room. Two dolls dressed as a hoy and girl were sitting on top of the presents. The kitchen utensils were enamelled in cream and blue, there was also several pieces of pyrex ware and many other pretty gifts. An address was read by Miss Ethel Pooley, after the gifts were passed and duly admired Marion made a fitting reply, expres­ sing her thanks. The remainder of the evening was spent in con­ tests. The address was as follows: Dear Marion: Dance at Spruce Grove on no. -1 Highway. 3 miles South of Exeter EVERY FRIDAY EVENING Due to the weather, the Tuesday Dances have been cancelled, BERNIE COULTER AND HIS ORCHESTRA Dancing 9 to ?? New and Old Dancing 5c ABNER MOLLARD DIES AT GRAND BEND The death took place suddenly at his late residence in Grand Bend, on Tuesday of Mr. Abner Mollard in his 73rd year. The deceased had been suffering for some time with a heart condition. He is sur­ vived by his bereaved widow whose maiden name was Marie Holt, also one son, Russell, of Brigden; and one daughter, Mary, of Grand Bend. The funeral will take place from his late residence Friday, at two p.m. with interment in the Grand Bend cemetery. ZION The Zion Mission Circle will be. held on Friday evening at the home of Miss Erlma Jaques at 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock,, Jean and Mrs. W. M. Brock spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, Frances and Keith spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerslake, of Exeter. We your friends of Elimville, Winclielsea and Zion community wish you a long, prosperous and happy wedded life, with enough joy, sorrow and “little troubles” to make yours and your partner’s life a success. It. seems that one by one the girls of this community are tak­ ing life partners and leaving us, but we can rejoice that you are not leaving us but just moving to an­ other home. Both you and Howard have been a great help to our com­ munity. You have always been willing to do your part in both the choir, church and Sunday School and Young People’s Society May God speed you on your new venture of life. We now ask you to accept these gifts as a little token of our appreciation and hope they will brighten your home and ever re­ mind you of us. Your Friends KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopkins, of St. Thomas and Mr. Harold Hopkins, oi Ottawa visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baker, of the Lake Road spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgins, of Mt. Car­ mel. Mr. and Mrs. Pius Dietrich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milford Ayotte, of London. Misses Ilene and Ruth Willert, who have spent the. last couple of months at Grand Bend have re­ turned home. Mr. and Mrs. S. Thompson and family, of Hensall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb. i KIRKTON Mrs. Alex Stewart, of Ailsa Craig called on friends in the village and also spent the day with Mrs. The. Near one day this week. Miss Isabel Gray and little sister of Millbank are holidaying with their grandfather,Mr. M. Gray. ■Miss Roxie Doupe spent the past week with Miss H. Williams, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. M. .Hazlewood, of Detroit, visited with Mr. Walter Hazelwood this past week and while here spent the week-end at Niag­ ara Falls, Toronto and Hamilton, accompanied by Mr. Walter Hazel­ wood. Mr. I. N. Marshall has had the in­ terior of his stove redecorated, the work being done by Mr. Robt. Roy, of Kirkton. Mrs. V. Cockwell returned to her home in Exeter after visiting with Mrs. James Garner and Mrs. Daniel Coward, of Usborne. Mrs. Garner and Mrs. 'Cockwell were school chums over sixty years ago. Mrs. I. Bailey,, of St. Marys, is holidaying with her daughters Mrs. Oliver McCurdy and Mrs. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Frankforth. of Com­ ber, Essex, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Washborn. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin at­ tended the Pridham-Johnston wed­ ding at Mitchell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garbert, of Preston, were .Sunday guests with Mrs. R. Pearson. , GREENWAY M. and Mrs. Harold Prance and Shirley called on Mrs. Tom Bullock and Mrs. M. Gardiner last Thurs­ day. Mrs. H. Baker, Grace and Lillian, of London, spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eph- riam Hern. Church will be held next Sunday at 9:30 as it is Rally Day. There will be combined services. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Rogers and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern. Mr. Robert Flood visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl. Mr. Morris Heim visited on Sunday evening with his aunt Mrs. H. Kyle of Exeter. Mr. Kenneth Hern is spending two weeks at Thames Valley Camp. Several from the community at­ tended the Drumhead Service held ar Seaforth on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Squires visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl. We are glad to report that Mr. Lloyd Hern who is ill in Stratford Hospital following a motor accident is slightly improved. Trousseau 'Pea Mrs. James Earl, of Zion was a 'hostess recently, entertaining al a trousseau reception for her daughter Edith Lillian. Summer flowers were arranged attractively through the house. In the after­ noon Mrs. J. T. Hern, of Zion and Mrs. James Squire, of Woodham presided over the pretty tea table and in the evening Mrs. George Eail and Mrs. A. Gunning, of Exeter. The guests were received by Miss Ola Morley and the trousseau was dis­ played by Misses Margaret Hern, Mary Earl, Alice Passmore and Lillie Miller. Assisting in the tea­ room were Misses Jean Brock, Hazel. Hern, Anna Brock, Erlma Jaques and Marjorie Earl. Miss Irene Brock attended the register which numbered 105. W. M. S. The W. M. S. meeting was held at the home of the president, Mrs. M. Hern, Friday afternoon, A’Ug. 30. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Wellington Brock and was opened with the National Anthem. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Eighteen mem­ bers answered the roll call, several visitors were also present. Hymn 65 was sung and Mrs. Pooley gave a reading. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Wellington Brock and Mrs. Melville Hern. Another hymn was sung and Mrs. Angus Earl read a poem. The meeting closed with prayer. n AUCTION SALE CATTLE to be held at G. J. Dow’s Stock Yards WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 at two o’clock One hundred and twenty-five head of yearlings and 2-year-olds weigh­ ing from five to nine hundred pounds. These cattle are on consignment and must be sold, TERMS—CASH Trucks to Deliver W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer JAS. MacARTHUR, Proprietor DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone Collect: Seaforth 15; Exeter 235; Lucan 12 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LTD.I