HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-09-05, Page 8SEPTE3IBER 5, 1910 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe FOR CHARM AND BEAUTY Phone 113 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Exeter Markets New Wheat 531* for Wheat Board Old Wheat 65e. Urcami Dairy Eggs, Eggs. Egg>. Hog^, No One Can Give You 27e. 23 c. c. A Pair of SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER at 8 o’clock p.m. Outside 7th Next to Legion Rooms Ail Good Prizes NOTICE Chopped Virginia Ham Loaf Home Made Head Cheese Home Made Meat Loaf Macaroni & Cheese Loaf Virginia Ham Cooked Ham Bologna Weiners, Etc A Full Line of Fresh and Cured Meats awry* but wo can do the next best thing — prolong the comfort­ able use of those you have. We do it by furnishing glasses that ease up on the strain to which a on subject your eyes. C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday OWNERS OF RIFLES A- SHOTGUNS Registration The Dominion Government has provided for the registration of all ”i£ies and shotguns on or before Sept. 15th. 194”. Application for registering tu be made to the Clerk of the Township of Ushorue at his office. Lot 2 6. (’on. 5. Ushorne, before Sept. 12th 1940. On Sept. 13th and 14th, at the Township Hall, Elimville, bet­ ween 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. Applications must be made by gun owners. It is not necessary to bring sun hut you must know the type, make, model, action and ser­ ial number of each firearm. A. W. MORGAN. Municipal Clerk The Ideal Meat Market C. Tanton Phone 38 Main St. Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE I Exeter Phone 245 LOCALS TO RENT—Modern 2-storey brick house in Exeter, nicely decorated, 3 bedrooms, bath, hot air furnace (nearly new), garage, large garden, lovely grounds. Apply Mis. Minnie Roweliffe. 32 6 Lincoln Road. Walk­ erville. Misb Vera Rowe is visitin Hamilton. Mr. Allen Fraser spent the holi­ days with friends in Brampton. Miss L. E. Elliott visited with her niece. Mrs. Lloyd McBride, in Zur­ ich. Mr. Fred Brock, of Fingal, spent the holidays at his home here re­ turning Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Kestle. of De­ troit. visited with relatives in town for the holiday. Mrs. Aylen and little daughter, Helen, left Wednesday to visit at her home in Verona. -...................... I Mr. Robert Roweliffe, of Clinton, FOR SALE...Eleven young pigs, i visited on Sunday wth Mr. and Mrs. Ycikshire, could be registered if'E. J. Pym, of Usborne. necessary.Apply Tom Harrison, Hayj Miss Annie Westlake, of London, P. O. ltp | is visiting with her mother, Mrs. 1 Westlake, Exeter North. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb, Ken- red with! neth and Doris are in Toronto at- Notify Ed.' tending the Exhibition. ltp ( 1 I I STRAYED—-From river flats Exeter, Hereford heifer, white face, no horns. Yellow, R.R.3, Exeter.Miss Dorothy Welsh, of spent the holiday week-end home London Road, North. Mr. George Beavers, of dale, visited his brother, Mr. B. W. and F. Beavers during the week. j Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Moffatt and I family, of Listowel, visited on Mon- I day with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd. FOR SALE-—100 acres with 2J/2 J Misses Nellie Carmichael and Meta storey brick house, bank barn, gran- * Salter spent the forepart of the week ery, driveshed and garage, conceded hr Toronto attending the Exhibition, to be one of the best farms in the,! and Mrs. Wm G Birneyi o£ ?6,_00. Apply spent t]ie h0Hday with Mr. to Ed. Coveny, Deleware. ltp—- - -- — - -■ i i i TWO OR THREE rooms Apply to Box 9 7, Exeter. to Russel- FOR SALE—Nice cottage lai ger houses, farms and stores. W. j C. Pearce, Exeter. LOST—In Exeter Saturday even­ ing a lady’s gold wrist watch and1- chain with iuitials O. M. S. on the back. Reward. Kindly return to the Times-Advocate. WANTED—Good general maid for London home. Country girl 18 to 3 0 years with city experience pre­ ferred. Good wages and steady em­ ployment if satisfactory. Apply to Box 280S, Times-Advocate. TO RENT-—Good Garage, Ann St. Terms reasonable, at Times-Advocate. South Apply TO RENT—Two houses on Vic­ toria St., one fully modern. Apply to W. F. Abbott. Thames Road Farmers’ Club are now receiving orders for fertilizer. Orders should be left early. Dis­ count will be the same as in the spring.—P. Passmore, Sec’y.2tc. AVANTED—'General maid with ex­ perience, % mile from City of Lon­ don, all conveniences, 3 in family, $5.00 pel’ week. Apply Mrs. Tlios. Sanderson, R.R. No. 3, London, Ont. phone Met. 8111 2tp WANTED — Refined middle-aged woman for housework, good home, conveniences, for lady in Exeter. Apply in writing Times-Advocate, Box No. 280M. FOR SALE—White Leghorn pul­ lets, ready to lay, Alvin Gingerich, phone 84r3, Zurich. 8-28-2tp FOR SALE—200 White Leghorn pullets, starting to lay. Apply to Harold Taylor, phone Kirkton 39r8. *»u.2te. FARMS FOR SALE—-100 acres, bank barn, brick house, hydro. 87 acres, stone house, bank barn. Both well heated and in good state of cul­ tivation—-C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. Use Shell-tox fly killer, household spray 29c.; stock spray $1.50 gal., 98% kill. Robertson’s Drugs, Exe­ ter. WANTED—-Will pay cash for horses or cattle, dead or alive, free of medicine or disease, suitable for mink feed. Phone Kirkton 34r3 col­ lect.—Francis Mink Ranch. 8-15-tfc. Special Sunday Dinner Central Hotel, Exeter MEN l’ Jelly (Team of Tomato Soup Grape Fruit Cocktail Pear Salad Dressed Roast Chicken with Roast Beef with Brown Gravy Lamb Chops with Mint Jelly Whipped Potatoes, Peas and Carrots Apple and Lem”n pie Chocolate Blanc Lamonge with Whipped Cream Tea, Coffee or Milk Dinner served from 12.30 to o’clock at 65c AM F LI a L. ACHESON Proprietress INSULATION D 2 Saves fuel and makes warmer house. Let us estimate your job. Huron Lumber Co CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas (,’. HUI, B.A., B.D, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cot brane. Organist 10 a.m.-—Sunday school 11 a.m.—Pubic Worship 4 Special service of Intercession for Our Empire. 7 p.m. Public Wor ship Sermon: “Tall« :u Pre-Communi- eants. (.1) What L the Church? Sunday, Oct. 2”. Anniversary Ser­ vices. Boys’ Tweeds and • s Fine Worsted Suits If in need of Clothing we would like you to see what we are showing- We believe we have some excellent values that it will pay you to look over, Newest Styles and Patterns. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. Norval Woods Mrs. x. J. Dore Organist and c hoir Leader 10 a.m.—Sunday s hool. 11 a..—Rev. J. E. J. Millyard, of London. I 7 p.m.—The Minister. 7.30 p.m. Thursday. Prayer Service Nov. 7th, Anniversary Services, preacher, Rev. Dunean McTavish. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arhur Page W. R. Gonlding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—Sunday School. a.m.—The Minister. -The Minister. io n 7 pan. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service i TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A- Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 11 16th Sunday After Trinity National Day of Prayer a.m. Patriotic Service Special Preacher The Rt. Rev. Walter Adams, M.A., B.D. Bishop of Kootenay Intercession and Prayer Service Thursday at 7.3” p. m. Choir practice after. Harvest Home Services, Sunday, September 22nd. at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. t EXPERT Permanent Waving TOMLINSON’S NEW FELT HATS FOR FALL We are ready for the early buyer with a smart range of the shades in Men’s and Fall. newest shapes and Boys’ Felt Hats for $1.95, $3.00 and $3.95 ...... . ...........t .... FORSYTH SHIRTS It pays to buy quality merchandise. You get this when you buy Forsyth Shirts. White and Colors in new patterns. EACH $2.00 ARCH-REST OXFORD SHOES FOR MEN These shoes are becoming more popular every season for men who want shoe com­ fort.. .Ask to see them. PRICED AT $5.95 ALL WOOL CREW NECK SWEATERS In shades of Green, Wine, Blue and Black. A very popular sweater for young men in a fine Botany wool. EACH $2.50 Linoleum Rugs at Big Reductions We offer a few good patterns in Linoleum Rugs at great terns. Act quickly. 9 x 9 ft. Regular $11.50 for $7.95 9 x 12 ft. 9 x 101/2 ft. Regular $13.50 for $9.95 9 x 15 ft. savings. These are drop pat- Regular $15.50 for $12.95 Regular $19.50 for $15.95 PURE LINEN TOWELLING Very scarce goods. Selling much below reg­ ular price. PER YARD 30c LADIES’ SUB-STANDARD HOSE In Chiffon and Service Weight in the best selling shades. Extra value. PER PAIR 69c FANCY APRONS Made by the blind in a variety of new pat­ terns and styles. 29c, 35c, 39c and 49c ODD CUPS AND .SAUCERS FOR THRESHING Odd Cups, Each 6c Cups and Saucers, Per Doz $1.00 Water Glasses, White or Green 5c Clearing all Ladies’ White Shoes at Bargain Prices GROCERY ----------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIALS KELLOG’S Whole Wheat BISCUITS 3 boxes .... 25c CERTO 1 bottle .... 25c PEARL SOAP 5 bars...............21c 1 lb. pkg. Ammonia Free SOUPS Clark’s Assorted 3 tins................25c SPECIAL Choice Bread Flour 98 lb. bag ................ $2.85 50 lb. bag ............... $1.45 CHERRIES FOR PIES 2 tins............25c PEAS 3 for •••••• 25c TOMATO JUICE Dew Kist 3 large tins . . 25c FLOUR Swansdown Cake 1 box...............27c TO THE PUBLICA. GORDON, MANAGER Phones: Office 48, Res. 255Birney’s mother, Mrs. Charles Bir-1 ney. I Mr. Ellis Pearce, who has been! spending the summer with his aunt! and uncle in Hay returned home, Monday. Mrs. Jas. Jewell who was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, last week, continues to be in a critical condition. The many friends of Mrs. John Preszcator will be sorry to learn she is not improving from her re­ cent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McBride have returned to Windsor after spending tne summer at the former’s home near Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Les Coates were vis­ itors with the former’s and Mrs. H. G. Coates over the holiday. Mrs. S. Fitton, Mrs. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers were in Toronto over the holiday attending the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hill, of To­ ronto, are spending two weeks here at the home of the former’s mother Mrs. Aldsworth. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper were in Toronto last week attending a furniture show Exhibition. Master Billy Saturday to his after a two weeks’ visit with his grandmother, Mrs. I. Armstrong. Dr. D. A. and Mrs. Anderson left Tuesday for Fort Wayne, Indiana, where they will visit their daugh­ ter, Mrs. McAlister, and accompany her to California. Mr. and Mrs. James Medd, and Mr. Ray Finch, of Hullett Township, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Layton and with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd on Sunday. Messrs Frank and Joseph Creech and Eric Carscadden left Wednesday of last week motoring to -Montreal, Sawyerville. Quebec, Ottawa and To­ ronto returning Monday evening. Master Billy Redmond who has been making his home with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce, for severaj months, has re­ turned to his home in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bowey and sev­ eral friends from Brucefield were in London Tuesday attending the fun- ie.ral of Mrs. Bowey’s cousin, Ser- j geant A. Roy Monteith, of the Lon­ don Police Force. Mitoses Isabel and Helen Anthony returned to Hamilton Monday to re­ sume their duties with the Hamil­ ton teaching staff after spending the holidays with their parents, Rev. James and Mrs. Anthony. Mr. and Mrs Guenther, of Wind­ sor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Senders for a few days. They were accompanied home by Master Bobby Burns who has been spending the, summer holidays with his grand-1 parents. , i I parents, Mr. in Brampton W._ .Melville and taking in the McCreath returned home in Kincardine i FOR SALE — Brick house and three acres of land on edge of Exe­ ter. Low price, terms. Also several other homes. Farms. 0. V. Pickard, phdrte 165, Exeter. Jas. P. Bowey agent for Forthcoming Dominion of Canada I wish to announce to the public that I have taken over the Red and White Grocery business of Mr. R. L. Motz, with which I have been as­ sociated for many years, predate the continuance ronage of the many old will welcome all new The business in future will be known as Harvey & Harvey. I will ap- of the pat­ friends and customers. MRS. C. P. HARVEY Southcott Bros. War Loan ZONE 10 Drumhead Service Seaforth Sunday, Sept. 8th at 2 o’clock ALL VETERANS ARE REQUESTED To ATTEND Any member or Veteran requiring transportation please register at the Canadian Legion RoOnis, Exeter, not later than 8 pan. Saturday, Sept. 7th Canadian Legion Exeter-Hensail Branch 167 S. DongaII, President Foot Sufferers! Special Attention! The Special Representative of Miracle Foot Aid HAMILTON, ONT. Will be at A. E. WUERTH’S STORE “The Home of Bunny White” Exeter, on Tuesday, Sept. 10th from 1 to 8 p.m. PLAN TO SEE HIM! No Charges for Consultation “Miracle” Method of Correction successfully proven by our many satisfied Customers in this district. LOCALS Mrs. G. W. couple Layton are of weeks at Port Exeter,Phone 16 IM ALL GRAINS Mrs. spent Herman Mitchell Sunday in Strat-All Mrs. Mercy Quance is in a critical condition at her home. , ■ Mr. and spending a Ryerse. Mr. and and family ford. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kydd spent two weeks at London visiting their dau­ ghters. Week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. McTaggart were Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Glenn, of Toronto. Mr. W. G. Medd is spending sev­ eral days in Toronto at the Exhibi­ tion this week. Mr. George Grant returned to St. Thomas Tuesday after a few day’s visit with Mrs. Grant and family. Mr. Ross Dilling, of Brucefield,, visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Quance. Mrs. F. J. Sanders, of Toronto, visited over the week-end and holi­ day with Mrs. 0. H. Sanders. Mrs. Southcott and Miss Stella have returned home after spending the month of August at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson, of Penfield, spent Sunday with Mr. T. Appleton at the home of E. pieton. Mrs. Avery and daughter, line, Ill., is visiting Mrs. I I new equipment for handling same Paying Top Prices R. G. SELDON & SON For information call 2w or 90w Hot Weather Suggestions For Men WINDBREAKERS $1.95 to $4.95 FLANNEL PANTS $3.50 to $5.50 ANKLE SOCKS 35c to 50c PYJAMAS $2.00 SUMMER UNDERWEAR 50c to $1.00 SHIRTS $1.50 to $1.95 TIES 50c to $1.00 of Mo- Avery’s brother, T. Appleton at the home of E. C. Appleton. Mr, George Beavers who has been spending a couple of weeks in this district returned to Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Orlit returned to their home ant vacation at Elgir koka and Toronto. Mr. Harry Welsh, who is under the doctor’s care, is at present at the tfome of his nephew, Mr, Wm. E. Welsh, London Road North, Mrs. Wells, of spending the week at Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd and Mrs. Wells Messrs. Borden and _____ __ ders, Robt. Dinney, Mrs. C. H. San­ ders and Mrs. Hunt were in Toronto Friday last attending the exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kydd and Mr. and Mrs, Bert Tolly (nee Vivian Kydd) of Toronto, were re­ cent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jona­ than Kydd. A Pink and Gold Beauty Chest 7 different essentials to loveliness Newest Miracle of Science STRETCHES, TRANSPARENT and DURABLE ELASTIC-GLASS SUSPENDERS $1.00 GARTERS 75c W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER ONT. Toronto on Mar.tin have after a pleas- House, Mus- St. Marys, is the home of Medd. Mrs. are sisters. Britain San- A $5.00 value for only $2.98 A Perfectly Grand Gift Your Drugs at Robertson’s Phone 50 Exeter AGENTS WANTED It you are interested in STEADY CASH PROFITS - if you would like interesting, profitable work selling the most popular line of EVERY­ DAY NECESSITIES at present on the market, inquire TODAY without obligation: FAMILEX, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. Miss L. iM. Jeckell is visiting in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. F. E. .Clysdale, of Palmerston and Miss Margaret Jar- rott, a teacher on the staff of the Toronto Public schools, were guests for short visits in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston lately. Recently a number of friends of Mrs. Wiin. Cowhig (n_ee Anne Sim­ mons) of Albany, N.Y., met at the homo of Mr. W[es. Simmons and pre­ sented Mrs. Cowhig with a silver teapot. Games were played during, the evening and refreshments were served. Mrs. R. J. Eacrett, of Woodstock and daughter, Mrs. Wallace, of Lon­ don, and Mrs. R. Singleton, of Glen­ coe and daughter, Miss Eileen Sing­ leton, who is in training at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, were vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Wednesday last. Mrs. Norman Ford and daughter Diane, of Detroit, visited last week with her mother, Mrs. Chas. Box, of Stephen, and other relatives. They returned to Detroit on Monday with Mr. Ford who spent the week­ end here. Miss Annie Handford left Sunday for Toronto to visit at the home of her sisters, Mrs. George Griffiths and Mrs. Will Poster. The many friends of Mrs, Foster will be sorry to learn that she is not improving from her illness as rapidly as could be wished for. Mrs. J. A. Christie, of Halifax, N. b., visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie last week. On Saturday Mrs. Christie and daughter, Jean, who has spent the holidays with her grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomson, left for Windsor to visit with the former’s parents before re­ turning to Halifax, i