HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-09-05, Page 6THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETIH’JtSlHr, SEPTEMBER 5, 1910 KIPPEN TEA BAGS Johnny Pinktoe Or. 1). A. Anderson POTATO PATCH SHOWS AVERAGE OF 23 TO HILL H. H. Pearson, of ParkhiJl. dag 20 hills of Irish Cobbler potatoes. which averaged 22 potatoes to rhe hill. One hill of potatoes entrain­ ed 31 tubers. Mr Pearson is very proud of his potato patch. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt spent the week-end in Toronto and at­ tended the C.N.E. on Monday. Mr. Lloyd Workman, of Osliawa, .'■•pent the week-end with his mother Mrs. T. Workman and brother Oh- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander and Miss Isabelle Alexander attend­ ed the C.N.E. last week. Mr. Clarence McLean, of London, spent the week-end with his sister Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson. Miss Beth Edworthy, who spent the past week will her cousin Miss Irma Ferguson, returned to her home in St. Thomas on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. w< ek-end with vei ron. Mr. and Mrs. Trivitt Memorial W. A S. Ropp spent the relatives near Mil- MARRIAGES IN JULY UP 13IS PER ( ENT. Marriages in Canada l.i.-t month! jumped 1342 per cent, over July. 1939. a 111 WcT e the 'mi--st in any mouth »luce ‘lb ■ wai heaan ’a.-: Sen- temljei tile D Bureau of i Statistic s repni ted. : Man i UgtS I'i July totaled in.- i 287 <ui iijjared wi’h 4.31*6 in the so-mt a onth 1 .tst year while the nr.m't.’.in St p*t mbe-r las* year was 7,966. (’LUFF — COLE A quit wi-dd'.ng took place in Woods’oMi (Hi Saturday, when Rev. Mr. Thompson of Knox Presbyterian Church, united in marriage Alberta Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cole, St. Thomas, to Private James Francis Ulv.ff. Amhnlar.ee Unit of the M-dinl Corps. <nn of Mr. A. F. Cluff and the late Mrs. (Tuff, of Seaforth. The bride looked lovely in a street length dress of dusky pink sheer. wi’h a large white hat and accessories to mutch. The bride and bridtgio-mi were unattended. After the ceremony they motored to Seafol th. Cm their return they will reside it: Woo.ls'ok. News. Seaforth i — PARKHILL JUNIOR INSTITUTE The i-e'-’U’-n- H’.e’e-’illU 0*”i« Park- ! hill Jr.uinr lu-'itute -.vas le Id W‘ d- nesd-y S> ?>* •.”’•.■ 4 at th- ' horn- Mi t’ diti D”:i - S”iirm- i bank. The gm--t smuko’w.-‘ Mrs. ’ Geergt Whi'iaa. The th-of the meetira was “Travel."M;>1 at’ret i Gray show* J a t of <1 ides which ; should p” ’v> vnry intf r<sting, Tim j roll cad •*: ■..7»-rc-’ by an exlii'.if of snapshots- nf hmtu’y <pn*.. which : you have seen. Pttrkhi’l Guzmt. 1 Johnnie slept real well alter en­ joying the lovely pi-ni at Tie park, and Alien he came downstairs to his breakfast, he was fairly bubbling over with good nature. He told his Mother ’hat he loved everybody. Daddy was Tie best man in the world, he bond his Mother a whole laurel full and he won’t d to be a aec.d hoy ail the time so that every­ body would love him. Then Johnnie’s Mother sat down on the sofa with him and told him how much she loved her little boy and hoped that lie would always he happy. Johnnie kept quiet all the while his Mother was talking, hut he was Clinking and wondering if he were doing very much for his Mother and all the o’her people he loved. Then suddenly he thought of his snow shovel, and what he had done for the old lady. He ad made her happy and he wanted to do some kind act before the end ot the day so 1hat someone else would be made happy also. So he put on his hat and was just going out of the door to find something to do when it began to rain real hard, and Johnnie was just hanging up his hut again when all at ome he thought of his Dad­ dy’s workroom in the basement. It was a large room where his Daddy kept his saws and hammers, chisels, screwdrivers, and oh everything he needed for making all sorts of things, for Daddy was a handy man and could make floor lamps and stools and I believe he t oil’d even make a phonograph. Johnnie liked to work with tools, ’o<>. ami very often he tried to make lire- and a ns, but Im had a bad Iu>'iiT of no* putting awr.y ’he tools a was ’hrouah wi’h them. So hr- mad- up his mind rmh* then tha’ !’■ would an down into ’he buse- n < ii’ .-nd ■•han :lp the whole room ■ i. I put a’! the tools in their places ami surprise Daddy. So the first thing he did was to pick up the saw and huuu u in its own place. And he did ’ll- same with ’he other tools. After ahoir ’wo ho rs of v-.v haul work. Johnnie had th-1 whole loom pu’ in order, ami when •he dinner was served at six o’clock and Hie whole family had sat down *<> the table. Johnnie's Father said, "w II Johnnie what did you do to­ day while it was raining and you couldn’t play outside?” “Well. Daddy, just you come and see.’’ “Oh. wait until you get your dinner,” said his Mama. But John­ nie couldn’t wait so he and his Daddy went down into the basement and when Johnnie’s Father saw how clean and neat the room was he just laughed and said, “You’ll be a better man than your Dad.” And I believe he will, for Johnnie is trying to do everything that is right. He never goes where his Mother tells him not to go, and he always smiles and says please and ’hank you when he should. And if Johnnie’s Uncle comes to visit him from away down south. I’ll tell you all about it in my next letter. W. Horney Misses Beth Edworthy. Irma Ferguson and Mr. Arnold Gackstetter attended Decoration services at St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean, of Northern Ont., visited recently with Hit former’s mother. Mrs. J. Lei’ll. Miss .Margaret Pybus. slum the week-end with mother. Mrs. H. Ricker. Mrs. W. Horney and Ferguson attended a trouseau tea at tne home of Mr. and Mrs. James E’lrl. of Zion on Tuesday in honor of their daughter. Miss Edith Earl, bride-elect of this month. Quite a number attended the Red Cross Frolic in Ilensall on Friday, evening. | The Fall opening meeting of Women’s Auxiliary was held in the Parish Hall oil Tuesday, September 3rd with a fair attendance. The meeting was opened with the Litany and prayers by rhe president, Mrs. Bierling. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Luxtoh after which the roll call was answered by alternate reading of the 24th Psalm. Miss Bowey gave the treasurer’s report showing an encouraging balance. It was decided to take up the new Study Book at tin* meetings A suc­ cessful picnic was reported held on the church lawn <m August 28th for the Little Helpers and their mothers. Mrs. Bierling gave a reading entit­ led “How to Face It,” which was very inspiring. An extract from a letter written by a woman doctor in Korea was read by Mrs. Winer en­ titled “The Presbyterian Cow.” The meeting closed with “A Call to Pray­ er”followed by rhe benediction. B. Mc- of her Zurich, grand­ Miss Irma WINCHELSEA Quite a numb- r of the ladies of this community attended the trou- svau tea of th- bride-to-be Miss Gladys Johns, of Elimville on Thurs­ day last. Mrs. Geo. Delbridge and Miss Lois [•<i- line visited with J.-hii Delbridge on Frown, of the B. Mi. and Mrs. Wednesday. Mrs. Mervin spent a couple with Mrs. W. J. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of London, of days last week Veal. j Mr. and Mrs. John Prance, Mi’s. Wilson Yule and Miss Eloise Pym visited with friends in Greenway and Parkliill on Thursday last. Messrs. John Delbridge, Johns and Harold Davis, couple of days last week at Exhibition. Mrs. W. J. Veal and family, Mrs. Mervin Wilson with Mr. and Elimville. Miss Leona spent Monday Jean davis. Mr. and Mrs. John Delbridge and Ke5i.11 attended the dairymen’s pic­ nic held at Turnbull’s Grove on ’ Sunday last. I Mrs. Freeman Horne and Kath­ leen are spending a few days with her mother, Sr. Thomas. A number ati ended the uic on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Brock, of Loudon, visited -m Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Brock. Messrs. Norman Ensign and Don- rid McFarlane, of Collingwood spent the holiday wi’h friends in the vil­ lage. Misses Kathryn and Joan Batten spent a couple of days lust week with their cousin Miss Duidre. Whaley, of St. Marys, who returned home with them for over the lioli- ! day. i Miss Gladys Batten sp.uit a couple Rev. Mr. Jameson has returned' of days last week with her friend home and has resumed bis work af- j Miss Wanda Stephen, of Elimville. ZURICH dt Kalbfleiseh, furniture merchants purchased from Mr. large business block are part tenants at agreement, of sale possession until the This large block Garnet spent a Toronto Confederation Life Association. F. J. DELBRIDGE, Rep: esentative, MARTIN — LEE Carlisle United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding when Margaret Isabel, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lee, be­ came the bride of Grant William Martin, of London, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin. Rev. J. L. Blair performed the ceremony. Mrs. T. L. Shipley presided at the organ and during the signing of the regis­ ter Mrs. Ross Berthwick, sister of the groom, sang "Until.” Messrs. Johnston hardware and of town, have A. Melick the of which they present. The does not give end of the year, was built, by the late Charles Hart- leib. Mr. Elmore Theil, of the Zurich Road, half way between Hensail and Zurich has purchased the dwelling property in Zurich owned by the late Helen Sreeman Estate and intends moving next Spring. J The premises are at present occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gelinas. LATE MRS. GEORGE DENO.MME Josephine Etue. wile of George Dmimnme. passed away at her home near Drysdale on Friday la.<t in her 77’11 year. Deceased had been a resident of the community all her life and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. Her husband and a numbers of sons and daughters Interment Took place in cemetery on Saturday A. Martin conducted vive. Drysdale Rev. 0. services. sur- the last, the CROMARTY ter a very enjoyable holiday camp­ ing near the Ottawa River. Miss M. Currie left on Friday for Toronto where she will visit for a week with her sister Mrs. Tufford and attend the Exhibition. Miss Mary Gorle, of Toronto, who has spent the past month visiting in the neighborhood left on Satur­ day for her home. Miss May Quanee who spent a few days under the parental roof re­ turned to Harrington on Sunday. A few of our boys are in training at Seaforth at the present time. • A few of the village folk attended the sales held in Exeter on Satur­ day last. SHIP[> visited Mrs. Philip on Friday March, of Elim ville, Mrs P. Whitlock, of from this community Fruyne-Dclbridg'e pic- Miss Wilma and Master Ross Veal snout a couple of days last with Miss Marion Murch. of villa BRINSLEY Miss Pearl M. Haist, of Ann Ar­ bor, Midi., and Mrs. Wm. Neirgarth of Battle Creek, Midi., visited their sister Mrs. Wm. Watson. Mr, George Lee is busy building a cement silo. School opened on Tuesday with Miss Sterling and Miss Doris Mc­ Leod as teachers Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Turner have returned from their holidays. Mr. Turner had liis brother and wife visiting him over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. White and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Craven were at Ches- ley visiting Rev. the week-end. Donald Stewart bit cousin Donald week Elim- i NET PROCEEDS FOR WAR WORK The Third Annual mo Lions Club Frolic With all the anxious watching and waiting that precedes the ripening of a crop, the harvest itself seems to descend with ’’Blitz­ krieg” speed. And once on, speed is the essence of success—for delay may be costly to the farmer. Heavy crops in down and tangled condi­ tion give rise to problems in harvesting methods and equipment operations and throw excessive strains on much worn parts of old, reliable machines. It is then that the farmer appreciates the real value of farm machine service as rendered by Massey-Harris. Competent men with experience in field problems and service that takes years to acquire, and a system that provides for the ready availability of parts for any of its machines, no matter how old, so as to avoid costly delays, are what have earned forMassey-Harristheenviable reputation which it has long enjoyed as— “THE SERVICE ARM OF THE CANADIAN FARM." Thursday & Friday Evenings, Oct. 3 & 4 Tickets at 25c each are now being sold, and a drawing will be made FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4th when the following prizes will be distributed: Mr. Turner over has been visiting Scott. KHIVA School re-opened Tuesday after summer vacation with Miss L. Mos- sey as teacher. ’Miss Bette Lippert, of Melbourne, will Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 1—A $250.00 War Savings Certificate 2—A $50.00 War Savings Certificate Ten Prizes Each of a $10.00 War Savings Certificate Five Prizes Each of a $5.00 War Savings Certificate You do not have to be present to claim your prize. Red Cross and War Time Units are Co-operating in selling these tickets. » EXETER Agonizing Eczema (Salt Rheum) No fest, day or night, for those afflicted with that awful skin dis­ ease, eczema, or salt rheum as it is commonly called. tThe intense burning, itching and smarting, especially at night, or when the affected paxt is exposed to strong heat, or hot water, are almost unbearable, and relief is gladly welcomed. To get rid of eczema it is neces­ sary to have the blood cleansed by the use of a thoroughly reliable blood medicine such as Burdock Blood Bitters which during the past 60 years has met with groat success in relieving such diseases by its blood cleansing and purifying properties. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white net and lace over taffeta. Her elbow length veil was caught with orange blossoms and she car­ ried a bouquet of Johanna Hill roses. Her attendants were her sis­ ter, Miss Janet Lee, wearing a floor length gown of pink sheer over taf­ feta and carrying Briareliffe roses, and her niece, little Miss Betty Lee in yellow organdy with a colonial nosegay. Aubrey Marfin, of London, bro­ ther of the groom, was best man The ushers wore Shipley Siddall. of Denfir-ld and Bill Martin, of Lon­ don. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents after which Mr. and Mrs. Grant Martin Jeff on a honeymoon trip to Muskoka, the bride travelling in a moss green dress with brown hat and acces­ sories. On their return they will reside in London. lOc WHY PAY MORE Best of all fly killers. Clean, quick, sure, cheap. Ask your Drug­ gist, Grocer or General Store. THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., HAMILTON. ONT. sorry to report that Mr. is seriously ill in Strat- His many friends $50.00 in Merchandise or a $50.00 War Savings Certificate to be Given Away Free Lumber Shingles late Mr. A left Monday Will resume The following merchants co-operating with the Exeter Lions Club are handing out tickets from their store from now until October 3rd and 4th on a free draw on the above prizes. All you have to do is to write plainly your name and address on these tickets, deposit them in the boxes in any of the stores or at the Times-Advocate and then be at the Big Frolic on October 3rd and 4th. EXETER Our Prices are the Lowest they have been for several years. If you are building it will pay you to call and get prices. Just think Matched Lumber at $35,00 per M. feet is visiting Lippert. We are F. Preeter ford Hospital, hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stebbins and Mrs. J. Hanover attended the funeral of the latter's brother the Weiss. Miss Evelyn McCann for Rodney where she her duties as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. J, Hutchinson, Miss Ruth and Mrs. G. Hutchinson, of London, where Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason and Mr and Mrs. My. Eagleson. The sympathy of this community is extended lo Mr. and Mrs. Wm Stade in the loss of the latter’s mother. Mrs. S. Gottehalk. A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 Granton We Deliver In the smokeroom of the big hotel j '■the iScot had been boring everyone with tales of the great deeds lie had djme. "Well, now,” said an English­ man al last, "suppose you tell us something you can’t do, and by jove I’ll undertake to do it myself,” "Thank ye,” replied the Scot, canna pay ma bill here.” Win. J. Smith & Son W. C. Allison Canada Packers, Limited E. L. Gibson W. S. Cole S. B. Taylor Cook’s Rock Bottom Store B. W. F. Beavers J o ji os & Mav Times-Advocato IT. C. Rivers Soiiihcott Bros. AV. E. C. W, J. Graham Arthur White’s Bakery E. Middleton Lindcnficld Jj. Robertson , Martin I*. Bowcy R. N. Rowe Frank Coates Stewart Bros. Tuckey Transport Snell Bros & Co. E. R. Hopper Sandy Elliot N. Staulake & Son F. W. Huxtable Huron Lumber Co. Wm. Hatter W. J. Beer Garnet Flynn G. A. Hawkins Exeter Ladies’ Wear Swift II. L. IL G. J. A. HENSALL G. M. Case Bonthron & Drysdale •T. Henderson R. Weber W. O. Goodwin Canadian Company Mote Seldon & Son Traquair DASHWOOD C. F. Pfilc Harry Zimmer Alex, Zimmer Joe. Merncr Ed. Nadigcr V. L. Becker Harry Hoffman Earl Guenther Wesley Wolfe Addison Tiernan D. Tiernan Thos. KlumnpChainway Stores, Limited