HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-09-05, Page 4THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1010 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE EXETER FAIR..t 311 J a ■; a , r i H ij (I i Wednesday and Thursday MiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiiniiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiHiiiiiuiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHinniniiiiiib GIRLS’ BICYCLE RACETRIALS OF SPEED LOCAL NEWS Labor Day pa—> d off quietly in I Mr. over nibi’i' Mr ■ mW Uip Tot parr of the week. Miss Ruby W* ,-pi nt ’ht- week-' in Exeter and Us1 Mr. and Mrs. M •i and Mrs. Oscar T r(«nto Exhibition j end. 1 Rev. R. R. ( du’ighter Elaine. wi‘h Mr. and M: Fi id ay. or Pare Half Mile GIRLS’ FOOT RACE n -12 an<l under — 75v.. 50c., 25c CALF CLUB COMPETITION BOYS’ BICYCLE RACE E=n MISSION CIRCLE AND PRESENTATION I Sponsored bj Exeter Lions dub Ualf must be born in 1940, f<*<l and raised bj b<>5 or girl 15 years of age or under, in Usborne. Stephen or Hay. Frizes, S1O. $7, $5, $3 with additional prizes for those not in the prize money. l(i ami under. 1st prize. Fountain Pen; 2nd, Pencil Set: 3rd, 25c. BOYS’ FOOT RACE Swine Club to be Judged at 1 o’clock Mills’ Super Sound System Will be Used Grafton & Co.. London, donate Silver Trav for exhibitor obtaining most number of points in Live Stock. Special Attractions in front of Grandstand The Exeter Band Will be in Attendance Admission 25c; Children 15c; Cars 25c All exhibits must remain on the grounds until 5 p.m WM. COATES, Pres.R. N. CREECH, Treas.CLARK FISHER, Sec’y DANCE IN THE ARENA AT NIGHT MARRIAGES I LOCAL NEWS EL1MVILLE POST--POWELL— On Saturday, Aug. 31st. 194<t, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell, Marion Gertrude to William Gerald Post, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Post of Windsor, by Rev. F. E. ('lysdale. ROBERTSON—STEVENS— At the Brussels United church, Mary Stevens, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hawkins, of An­ derson, to Angus C. Robertson, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson, of near Hensail, Rev. C. L. Lewis. by IN MEMORIAM MUSSER—In loving memory of An­ drew Musser, who died a year ago August 31 st, 1939. Ever re membered by his wife Mary and family. JN MEMORIAM McISAAC— In loving memory of Mr. J’eter Mdsaac, who passed one year ago, September 19 39. Ho is gone but not. forgotten, And as dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near, Days of sadness will come o’er us, Friends may think the wound healed, But they little know the That lips within the -coaled. Sadly missed by wife, grandchildren. away 6 th, sorrow heart sons IN MEMORIAM is con- and CORNISH—In loving memory of Mrs. Thos. Cornish, who died five years ago, Septem­ ber 7 th, 193 5. Husband, son and daughter. BOWLING NOTES Pryde have mo- Van the Mr. and Mrs. Tho>. redmed home after a pleasant tor ‘rip to Montreal. Mis.*es Irene Sweet and Mary Camp were in Toronto over week-end attending the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson and two daughters, of Detroit, visited in Mitchell and Exeter over the holi­ day. Mi­ ter, Miss tieth are tion. Master Tuesday evening summer at Point Aux Pins, Sle Marie. Mr. Ronald Hookey aii.l son Ron­ ald, of London, visited with Mr. and Jim over Charles MonHeth and daugh- Jessie, and Miss Ella Mon­ attending Toronto Exhibi- Keith Batson arrived home after spending the Sault Mrs. J. H. Hookey and the- week-end. Miss Eva. Pearce, who her home Orchard. ■has been here, re- Muskoka, Grocery Business Sold; Qn Tuesday evening the Mission *! ■. W. II. Wo -1 was in Toronto Cip-le of James Street United church ’ ‘ the week-end ^/tending the Ex-’held their first meeting of the sea- L t'Ui. at, the home of Vera Decker, a] and Mrs. A;-hie Etherington’Following the opening numbers and’ d*d the ToK'tro Ex. the fore- business Ardys McFalls took charge. | of the program. A hymn was sung; of RidSe*own.k”d- -yrs' led in 1,rayer' The‘ with relatives lessons i— (letter was i Tn iccnn’asts of leading men of India”, -LTv’- Cilina and Japan and stories of In-li Mei- nv ^b-adl< Were given by Mary Van Camp • and Vera Decker. The feature of, '! moor, wife a.id the evening was the presentation ofi.H Einhro, visited j an alarm clock to Dorothy Traquair 5' - . Jas. Bowey on < who enters Victoria Hospital, Lon-i“ I don, next week as a probationer.4— Mr. and Mrs. F W. Huxtable and;JJie address was read hy Mary Vnn ^ daugh‘er, Marie, - '-nt the week-end A'aniI5 au^ presentation made by, wrh Mr. and M;-. Fred Love at!Vera Decker. Dorothy expressed Hanover. pei thanks and tried out the alarm. I:«. J. H. and Mrs. Stainton and! ’I!" „se„rve<1 a ■hree sons, of r-t.-lph. visited on j t °lrt.ai!,hCexten5t^ 10 with Mr and Mrs W R < next meeting will be avim Ml. auu mis. . r. ;por lm.k supper and quilting on. „ , „ . ? Tuesday, October 1st at the church, jK.C.. of Vetaski-i 1 Wilson, of Chic- j »* week with Mr. ! i’lssell. ■■ ss. of :<le‘on sn.-n *) ? tl with t’piarjves lessons were re*ad by,p 1 ieia 1VS|Eilene jory and Edna Martene. X! An Moir and Mr lleUer ’<ead b?' 'Mrs* a»4c.n moi. ana .ur.. ecmrasts leading i..... T —■- ! Having disposed of the Red and White Grocery business to Mrs, C, P. Harvey I wish to take this opportunity of expres­ sing my thanks to the many customers who have patronized me during the years in business in Exeter. I solicit for Mrs. Harvey a continuance of your favor. All accounts are now due and we would kindly request an immediate settlement. Accounts may be paid at the store. R. L. MOTZ SPECIAL!SPECIAL! ! 1I | Monday • Gf.mlding. C H. Russell. r. and Mrs. Do:. o. spent the pa land Mrs. Milton I Mrs. W. C. K: >Mr>. Gordon A: j mrzher Mrs. Del’ ! of days in Dresde: Canadian Came i‘lit canning of wrr phe latter part o: | canning of corn v. ! Miss Doris Penh Saturday afier s; i j-wo months at Rideau Ferry with jhei sister, Miss Gladys Penhale. 1 Dr. Gen. Hind. Mrs. Hind and ! daughter Harlene. f Walkerton, Mr. John Harley, Mr.-. Harley, of Tor­ onto. vi>ited at th-- home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hind on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid G. Turnbull, of Leaside. Tororzo. spent several days last week visiting Mrs. Eliza- ’ heth Turnbull. Miss Ann Turnbull I returned with them to Toronto. Mr. Treble returned Wednesday after spending several lays in Toronto. Miss Leone Trebl" who visited for some time in Exeter returned to To­ ronto with them. Master Carey J vnt, of Hensail, sang two selection* that were well received at the union services James St. United ___ ... ____„ morning. Carey and his father, Mr. Grand Bend during their T. C. Joynt, were zuests of Mr. and U'ip, also renewing many Mrs. Goulding. quaintances in this community. (Shaw. ___, I _________ B . Visitors at the home of Mr. Robt.' itany from this district attended ] Marion Snell, B.A., of Auburn. They Tinney, on Sundav. were Mr. and itlie Strathroy races on Labor Day. have taken the places of Mr. Rodway Mrs. Arthur Ford. Mr. and Mrs* Nor-' *^r\ an.d ■Ars- ^Iauri<T AIurFay al" anfl Douglas, who resigned. In i w Wingham. I and her I a couple ;a<t week. ; . will complex; md green beans his week. The I i come next. ! ? returned home! ding the Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Aidworth and family, of Staffa and Mrs. John Pryde, of Windsor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aidworth, Labor Day. COD FILLETS (BONELESS) per lb. , JUMBO ICE CREAM, Brick .............. GRADE A CHICKEN (Drawn) per lb. Exeter Frozen Foods, phone 70 18c or 2 for 17c 35c 22c ■ Presentation AUCTION SALE On Tuesday evening, Aug. 27th a party of friends of the newly mar­ ried Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wells, vis­ ited them at their home in Exeter and presented them with an end table. The following is part of the address: To Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wells: We, your friends and companions Mildred Hodgert. | of Grand Bend, have called here to Mrs. Harry Greason, of Pt. Rowan’meet you again, as we did on the and Mrs. Jas. McCullagh called on night of the uprising Miss Mary Gardiner on Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whalen, spent Sunday Mildred Hodgert. Visitors with Mr. and Kerslake on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall, of London and i Mr and Mrs. Robert Horney and j Miss Mary, of London and Mr. Ed. Treble and Miss Effie' £h£‘etser Kersli?ke aml returned Wednesday after ,Ios,e’ 01 Exete1'_________ several ’— ■“ m-----“ ! Leone Trebl” THAMES ROAD AND ROYS j Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgert and! Mrs. Eric. MacKay visited with Mi. and Mrs. Norman Douglas of Burk’s 1 Falls. i Miss Janet Hodgert is spending Past! two weeks with, her cousin, Miss' --•‘h............- * ____ ... .. . g of fun and we Labor Day. I would ask you to accept this little Morley, of with Miss gift in remembrance of the same. May you both long be spared to enjoy life in its full. With best wishes we still remain the same Charivari Gang Both Mr. and Mrs. Wells made very appropriate replies and the rest and ’ of the evening was spent in games. Miss i !i I and Mrs. Wesley J. Marks, of I Mr. Mrs. W. L. CORBETT i to be held at G. J. Dow’s Stork Yards WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER lltli at two o’clock One hundred and twenty-five head of yearlings and two-year-olds weigh­ ing' from five to nine hundred pounds. These cattle are on consignment and must be sold. TERMS—CASH Trucks to Deliver W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer G. J. DOW, Manager A very enjoyable lunch was served by Miss Velma Baker and Miss Orva Bestard. AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTSSchool Re-OpensMr. Winnipeg, Man., visited with i and Mrs. Garfield Steeper and Lyle, ______ in Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgins and mrch on Sunday family and Mr. Charles Hodgins, of ... .. • vacation old ac- , I undersigned auctioneer has re-The ceived instructions to sell by public auction at School reopened Tuesday follow-, ing the mid-summer vacation. The I enrolment at the high school the' first day was 19 0, about the same ns last year. Two new teachers have beep added io the staff, Mr. W. R. B.A., of Hawkstone and Miss Crediton TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 th 1940, at two o’clock the following: Chesterfield suite, 9-piece solid, oak dining room suite upholstered in red leather, breakfast suite in ivory and green, lamps, end table, 2 kit­ chen chairs, easy chair, white por­ celain top table, kitchen cabinet, odd chairs, verandah table, 2 rust Bar­ rymore rugs, 2 cong-oleum rugs, 1 tapestry, bookcase, stair treads, chest, Jenny Lind bed, washstand, vanity, springs and mattress, screens hangings, sealers, dishes, garden I tools, day bed, Quebec hearer, pipes, . lawn mower, wheelbarrow and other I articles too numerous to mention, | TERMS—CASH ! MRS. C. C. MISENER, Proprietress F W, MORLOCK, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer On Wednesday afternoon ol last week the Friendly Workers' Mis- Sxor. Band entertained their mothers at the church. Hymn llu was us­ ed to open the meeting and all re- 1 rated the 23rd Psalm. The Scrip­ ture lesson was read by Mrs. Prance. Roll call was called and business dealt with. After singing hymn 4 53 Mrs. R. Batten led in prayer. Mrs. F. Skinner, Mrs. C. Stephen. Mrs. L. Johns, Mrs. A. Cooper and Mrs. Hy. Murch sang a song. W Bradshaw gave a reading. Ford played an instrumental Mair gave an interesting talk on "Education.” A Biblical quizz was conducted by Mrs. R. Batten. Hymn 25% was sung and Mrs. Bell closed with benediction, then all joined in singing the National Anthem. Mrs. Bell was hostess to the ladies and children after the program lunch ; was served and the children enjoyed 5 some games. ; Miss Mary Johns, of Watford, spent the week-end and holiday at ' liei home. I Miss Bonnie McFalls spent a few ! days last week at Mrs. Wm. Brad- ‘ shaws. ; Mrs. A. McFalls, of Exeter visited ! with her sister Mrs. Wes Horne last ; week, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Murch, of Lon- Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. t inai Ford, and daughter Diane* of tC31^e(J tke funeral of the latter’s, the public school 169 pupils were. grandmother the late Mrs. Randall,: enrolled. of Thedford on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ryan arc ” > smiles, its a girl!j *”, our midst I school. _ _ . _ ___ ‘"iyeai with us. | ilr. and Mrs. Norman Fralick, of.■ .,^..1 Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Gladman and well, former United States minister’and Mrs. G. Steeper and Lyle and' family and Mrs. a. F. Passmore, of to Canada, wa- rhe speaker at th*’ . _ . - -- complimentary Board of Mr and Mrs. Muskoka and with Rev. and Mrs. Page at Wigwas- san Detroi”; Mr. and Mrs. H. Ford, Lake Road, and M-. E. Harrison, of, Crt-diton. and Mis- Jean Taylor, of' Exeter. They also visited with Mrs.! John Penhale who is ill at the home of her brother, M: Tinney. Mr. and Mrs. J M. Southcott a tended Press Day a’ the Toronto Ex- ailu .U1O< . hibitKm Friday. James H. R. Grom-, Detroit) spent the hoHday with Mr. I Thirty-seven pupils pas- >sed out of rhe public school and only all nine beginners started Tuesday, This requires only five teachers in- We welcome Miss Nola Isaac* to stead of six as formerly, Mrs. Hock- as teacher in Corbett ey having resigned front the staff This is Miss Isaac’s third and her place has not been pilled. Island. he speaker at tl uncheon by the; UI.Dir-c‘ors. On Saturday | holidaying' with Pi-ithcott motored snem the week-end ■ SicGiliivray.* | Mr. and Mrs. Ted 'family have returned to Toronto af­ ter spending the vacation| summer home here. J Members of the Women’s re-] ary Society of Greenway ke; other relatives. —! Mr. Earl Steeper ...................... his A j car Holland of the spent a sister Mrs. Ed-. 7th Concession,' McPherson and • i London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. week' F. W. Gladman. On Sunday leav­ ing the children in Exeter and ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. Glad­ man they motored to Camp Borden and visited with Lieut. Chas. Glad­ man and Lieut. Don Gladman. at their RED CROSS NOTES The following letter has been ceived from Mrs. Wallace R. Camp- I me* at Eie_ home bell, National Chairman of our Women's War Work Committee. It would be very helpful if it were possible to keep the Work Rooms closed until September 9th. There the village with Mr. and Mrs? P. j is to be a Council Meeting on Sept- Murch. _ i ember 5 and 6, when general poli- Miss B^sie Bell, R.N., of New ■ and future plans will he discus-York and Miss Florence Bell, R.A.,‘ a T+of London, visited with their par-'IsIt seems ad-usable to go slow- ents Mr. and Mrs. T. Bell. i unt11 after ,hat for fear of an? Tronspnii change which would follow so closej upon re-opening as to be undesir- at the or refugees refugees in recuperating at turned to Glen Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. family, of Stratford, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Aid­ worth last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Passmore, Mrs.;E. Passmore and Mrs. C. Frayne vis-Mon, spent the week-end_ holiday in. iied with Mrs. Spargo at Bowman-] .......""" " J ville Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rockola and babe of Guelph, Miss Pearl and Bruce Cann, of Bayfield, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Blan­ chard over the holiday. Mrs. F. Reid, who has been ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, returned to her home Wednesday and will be confined to her bed for some time. Mr. and Mrs. T. spent the past week Gravenhurst and in district. They also visited with Rev. and Mrs. Page at Wigwassan. Master Roy Austin returned home aflci spending a week with his great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jona­ than Kydd. Mr, and Mrs. Austin wore callers on Sunday. Mr. R. A. Dale and Ken. of ’ onto, spent the week-end with and Mrs. Sid Sanders. Mrs. I (Alien and Douglas rfburned h aftrr “pending two weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd, Jr., and bubo, and Mi-, and Mrs. Frank Thompson, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of the form- ej'f grandparents, Mr. Jonathan Kydd. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley family and Mr. and W. R. McLellan and 0. Southcott holidaying at the Muskoka i Dan On Thursday last Mrs. E. Johns- rn.was hostess at a trousseau tea for ; al'le- rhe greatest need her daughter, Gladys, a bride of j moment is new clohing f< ■this week. The gifts, linens, trou- and evacuees. 75,000 Jseau, etc., were shown by Mrs. Nor- from the Channel Islands are ! ™an Jaques, Mrs. Fred Long and England. People have been moved I Miss Hazel Johns. Mrs. Wm. Py-Llhout qn of1pn TriaTlv have Inm bus and Mrs. Wes. Johns poured tea it, 1 ^any have 10st !in the afternoon and Mrs. Lloyd’what Mothes they had. Older boys Johns and Mrs. Kenneth Johns in: S’rls have been overlooked up to■ the evening. Miss Marian Miners, I new. Clothes arc to ’Miss Dorothy Johns, Ccultis sisted guests. be worn in Miss Doreen.(England, hut may be needed in T"T”1° nc_. Canada children come over in the numbers expected. Do not for­ get adults. All sorts of knitted garments for , , - -- civilians are most acceptable. ThereaA AAAAA Lre.?Ar,A | i- no change in the needs AAAA*JA*Aarnied forces at present. Quite a large number. ;ind mitts will he wanted in and Miss Bessie Johns as-! in serving eighty-eight Kitchen Shower Gladys Johns was guest of Two rinks of bowlers took in flic Scotch Doubles tournament at God­ erich Labor Day Messrs. Bert and IL C. Rivers were winners of the' sixth prize. Three rinks of bowlers took in the Merchants and Manufacturers bowling tournament of"the StratfoHij Club Wednesday afternoon and ev-j euing of last week. Stratford, St. i Marys and Mitchell greens were used owing to the large entry. The rink comprising W. E. Sanders, S. B. Taylor, Dr, Ronlston and C. Tanton, skip, were in the prize money. Messrs. W. H. Pollen and M. W. Telfer are taking in the Globe and Mail Scotch Doubles Which opened in Toronto Mrs. Pollen and little George accompanied Mr. tin. city. and Mrs. Miss honor ed her at the home of Mrs. Norman' Jaques, Zion, on Tuesday afternoon- of last week, C 2 ___\ . ( of ladies were present. The kitch-j weeks. Cold weather comes en ware was. white and red enamel, ( on the sea and abroad. Helmets, sea- ......... . . . .man's stockings and turtle-neck ornamental. Miss' . . , , ,Skinner read an address, j svAa A1 s c!\e‘ a1so needed, thanked all in a few well- | I* 18 W3tk words. After gifts were ad- D<?at words the rest of the afternoon cable from of the Gloves a few earlier tournament Thursday, son Win. Pollen to About twenty-five members of D company of the Middlesex-Huron Battalion, who have, been training in Exeter two nights a week, left Monday for two week’s training at the Thames Valley camp, London. A number of the boys went direct to London while others joined the battalion at Seaforth and took the train from there. Geddes and Mrs. Harry Eyre and son Henry all of London, and Mrs. Robert Geddes, of Thomas, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes. Visitors at the. home of Mrs. R. Rogers and Mrs. E. Christie during the past week were Mrs. Carling and Miss Jean Carling, of Toronto: Mrs. Fuco and grandson Kenneth, of Lan­ sing, Mich., and Miss Davis, of Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith and family, of Sparta, wore guests of Rev. J. N. and Mrs. Woods at the Main St. parsonage on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Underwood, of Lon­ don. visited with them on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb were in T’etroloa August 29th attending the wedding of Miss Nora Grace. Brown, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown, to Albert Geo. WilJert, of Sarnia, only son of Mr. and Mrs. George Willert, of Petro- lea, which took place at St, Andrews Presbyterian church. St. there were also numerous other ar­ ticles useful and. Ruth Gladys chosen mired was spent in contests. A sumptuous sinner: lunch was served before all repair-. riotbinf-ed to their homes. The following' A is the address: ; muoh Dear Gladys: i We, your friends have gathered I here t* ' . . - great pleasure we re­ quoted from a recent our overseas Commis- received first class, admired hy pleased recip­ ients,” and from another source: 11 the women could hear the com-yuur liienus nave gainereo i wuiunn coum near rue com- this afternoon to help to send ments passed on the Canadian Red n"mVre30ri they would be par­ tially repaid for all their effort.” Do cheer your workers on with _ . __ ,are’ not.tb^se two messages for in addition us 1,1,1 Jnat jnoving to an-’to the refugees from the Channel .----........... • an(i | Mahils, there are ^approximately ! 1.00,000 evacuees ol all ages now needing clothing in Britain. Sincerely yours Gladys E. Campbell mony. It seems that one by one the girls of this community are tak-, ing life partners and leaving us, hut' wo can rejoice that you t other home. 1...... ,......................... (have been a great help io our com.-! imttnity. You have always been' .willing to do your part. May God ,speed yon on your now venture in life and may you go over the hills I of the coming years op high, and ’never shift gears, “with plenty of ;spark and never a knock, and a - joy filling station at every block.j (Wf now ask you to accept these gifts! tas a little token of our apprecia- , tion and we hope they will brighten1 The Treasurer acknowledges the following receipts in recent weeks: Main St. Church $9.88; Dashwood unit, sale of cards, $2.40; Evangeli- ....... ..... <-al-B. picnic, $5.00; baking sale 'your home and ever remind you of’ $15.50, total $22.95; Exeter War us.................................................e | Time Committee $37.5.2; donation Signed on behalf of your Elim- $1-00; Women's Association United vllle, Winchelsea and Zion friends, church Crediton garden party $36.11 Mission- United of Mrs. ; Wilbert Young on Wednesday after- i neon last with the president, Mrs. Fred Steeper in the chair. This ! was followed hy the Women’s Aux- ; iliary meeting with Mrs. T Brown, the president, presiding, very beautiful number in song " You One of the Ninety and Nine? was given by four ladies, Mrs. W. T. Ulens, Mrs. (Laurence Pollock, Mrs. Wm. Hicks and Miss Miss Evelyn Curts Later Mrs. J, Hugh asked to accept a lamp and a silver cake plate as a remembrance from the two Societies of which she was a valued member, and from her Sunday School class, j Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGregor have moved to Exeter. Mrs. McGregor1 replied very fittingly and hoped her] friends would not fail to call on her. in her new home. A beautiful lunch' _________ with coffee was served to some 60 of *TO7onto “and“ Mrs.' J.^Gettler Vnd members. Everyone expressed their | daughter Lois, of Stratford were delight with, the pleasant time en-; Sunday guests with Mrs. .Tames KIRKTON AUCTION SALE Miss Eliza Shier returned home from a pleasant holiday with friends in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Howe, Mr. and (Mrs. R. Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Wib Dean | ciuff spent the'week-end in Toron- ?• A to and also spent Monday at the “Arp n-uii-.z." — REAL ESTATE undersigned auctioneer has re-The ceived instructions from the Exe­ cutors of the late Mary Engeland. to sell by Public Auction on the "Are I Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts family returned to their home in 1'onto having spent the past months with Mrs. A. Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marshall over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Grey, of Toronto returned to their home this past week after spending their summer vacation with Mr. Maxwell Grey. We are sorry to report that Mr., John Williams is quite ill at time of writing and will be confined to his room for some time. Misses Ethel and Vera Roadhouse it Ula Ulens with at the piano. McGregor was beautiful floor and To- two Premises in Dashwood, on. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th 1940, at 2 o’clock p.m. the following. Real Estate joyed by all. Following is the address: We the members of the W.M.S., the W.A. and Young Ladies’ Class of Greenway United church have gathered here this afternoon to en- joy a social hour with you, after our, Wilfred Doupe regular monthly meeting. We have I Geo. Hazelwood heard with deep regret of your de- Miss E. Doupe, parture from our midst, and realize. fold. we are about to sustain a great loss. | Some of the You have always given freely of your, their fall wheat " ' ’’ ' , Mr. and Mrs.time and talent, and your courage, and cheerful disposition has added |to the success of every undertaking. [You have served in the. different capacities in every organization of both church and Sunday School. Your home was always open to their gatherings and your support freely given. Your motto was "Many Hands Make Light Work” and your endeavor was to interest and en­ list everyone. However every cloud has a silver lining and as your new! home is not far distant we shall* look forward with much pleasure to having both you and your family with us on many occasions. May God’s richest blessings accompany all your undertakings in your new home. We feel the congregation to which you are going will bo deeply enriched. May these gifts we are about to present, bear sjveet mem­ ories of friends at Greenway. We. would ask you to kindly accept this floor lamp from the W.M.G. and W. A. also this silver cake plate from your Sunday School Class. Mrs. McGregor made a very fitting reply. Lunch was then served by the ladies. Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson (nee Nancy Stinson) and daughter, of Arcona, called on a number of old friends on Sunday. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. and daughters and R.N., all of Strat- Village Lot 17, Noah Fried’s Sur­ vey, Village of Friedsburg being part of original Lot 24, Con. NB, Township of Stephen, 1-5 of an acre- of land more^or less. There is a good frame house on the place, splendid garden, hard and', soft water. A desirable place. TERMS 10 per cent, on day of sale. Bal­ ance in thirty days. ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer JACOB ENGELAND and BELLA ENGELAND, Executors, Thed­ ford, Ontario. AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS farmers have sown in this district. B. Harrison, of Niagara Falls, spent the week-end with Miss Jennie Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reid and' son, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mt., and Mrs. R. Reid. Miss Betty Reid returned to Toronto for a week’s vacation. Celebrate Wedding Anniversary A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tru­ man Tufts Saturday evening, when quite a number of neighbors and, friends met on the eve of their 20th' wedding anniversary. September 1st. After the bride and groom of 20 years opened their gifts of china Mr. Tufts made a very fitting reply, A social time was spent visiting with old friends and neighbors after which a musical program was given by a number of guests, commenced by singing ways be An England, given by Marian and Ken Mills, Nor­ ma Tufts, Mrs. Wm. Urquhart and Mr. and. Mrs. H. Tufts. A very dainty lunch was served. All the guests joined in wishing Mr, and Mrs. Tufts many happy returns. I I Mr. CT. Paul There’ll AI- solos wore The undersigned auctioneer has re-- ceived instructions to sell by Public Auction, on Huron Street, Exeter, on THURSDAY, SEPTEJLBER 12th 194(1, at 1.30 o’clock the following: Dining room table, 6 dining room chairs, 2 stands, china cabinet, pictures, electric fixtures, curtains, chesterfield, 3 leather rockers, Grell piano, parlor table, 3 beds, springs, mattresses, 3 rugs, 3 dressers, 3 commodes, kitchen stove, 6 kitchen chairs, kitchen table, kitchen cabin­ et, sealers, quantity of dishes, ice cream freezer, large crocks, cradle, boiler, 4 verandah chairs, quilts, pillows, bedding of all kinds, gar- lumber, washing mowers, shovels, den fools, step ladder, wood, sewing machine, machine, gas stove, 2 lawn wheel barrow, iron pump, Bhuvw», saws, boxes, oil cloth, oil cans, gar­ den fence, top buggy, 'TERMS — CASH estate of the lateTHE WILLIAM PENl-IALE * FRANK 1'A.YLOiR. Auctioneer PRANK 'COATES,'Clerk.