HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-09-05, Page 3THE EXETEK TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1040
ThuiMlay, September 1, 1890
Mr. Edward Christie has purchas
ed Mr. A. J. Rollins’ farm 1st con
cession Usborne 1% miles south of
Exeter. The farm contains 100 ac
res with first class buildings. Mr.
Rollins will move into town,
Mr. H. A. Massey, of Brantford,
has been tendered the presidency of
the Verity Blow Company and Mr.
AV, H. Verity will be vice-president.
Mr. Hugh Ross, of Winnipeg visit
ed friends in Exeter on his way
home from a trip through the prin
cipal cities of England.
Messrs. Valentine Riter and J.
Kris, of Stephen, Township intend
going to Manitoba next Tuesday on
the harvest excursion.
Mr. Will Westaway has secured
a position in a mill in London.
Mr. Win. Gould, late of Oshawa,
who has been visiting his parents
here the past few weeks left Mon
day for Belleville where he has se
cured a position in a large dry goods
Mr. John Manning and Miss Johns
will leave this month for British
Columbia where Mr. Manning has a
J. A. Pope, of the Molson’s Bank
leaves Exeter on Friday for Wey
mouth, Dorset, England, via the
Beaver Line.
Mr. Horton, of Hibbert, this week
moves into the house he recently
purchased of Mr. E. Dyer.
Thanksgiving Day
October 14
Ottawa Government Chooses
Second Monday in October
Thanksgiving Day this year has
been fixed for October 14, the sec
ond Monday in that month, the de
partment of the secretary of state
announced recently. A proclamation
appointing that day as a day of
general thanksgiving will be issued
shortly, the announcement said.
The funeral was held on Thurs
day last of Miss Julia Ann Kenny
who died on Tuesday at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Conrad Eckert,
Seaforth. She was in her 81st year.
Miss Kenny was born in Logan
Township and
four years ago.
sisters and two
kert, Seaforth;
Mount St. Joseph, Richmond Hill;
Mrs. John Shea, Duluth, Minn and
Phillip and Frank Kenny, Dublin.
••The funeral mass was held at St.
James Catholic Church, Seaforth.
Rev. Father T. p. Hussey officiat
ing. Interment was in St. Columhan
moved to Seaforth
Surviving are three
brothers, Mrs. Ec-
Sister M. Claver,
Table Corn in Ontario Hard Hit
by Destructive Pest
Yield is Poorest in Province in Past
Ten Years
Thursday, September 2, 1915
The Connor Machine Company has
an exhibit at Toronto Fair in charge
of Mr. Walter Connor.
Miss Lottie Rice has taken a posi
tion in the office of Connor Mach
ine Co. in the place of Miss Blanche
Atkinson who has accepted a posi
tion in London.
Miss M. E. Brown leaves Thurs
day to resume her duties at a hos
pital in Toronto.
The trustees of S.S, No. 3, Ste
phen have secured as their teacher,
Miss Love, of town, Miss Ida Mar
chand having resigned.
Of the two rinks of bowlers who
attended Goderich Tournament last
week R. G. Seldon’s rink got in the
finals getting the second prize in
the Association event while that
of AV. J. Heaman did not go tar.
The players were AV. H. L»*vett, J.
A. Stewart, AV. AV. Taman, R. G.
Seldon and E. J. Christie, C. B.
Snell, R. N. Creech and AV. J. Hea
man, Messrs. Levett and Taman
also played in the doubles.
Mil ton Kydd and Silas Reid am
attending the business college in
Mss Maud Johns has gone to Con
cord to teach school.
Miss Ida Armstrong has charge
of the school at Fairbank near Tor
onto and left for that place Satur
TORONTO, August 29—(CP)
Farmers and market gardeners
growing table corn have been hard
hit this year by the destructive, corn
borer as reports of wide-spread dam
age continue to increase, indicating
th* poorest crop of corn in the last
ten years.
Produce houses in Toronto report
that good table corn is extremely
hard to get, with an average of four
out of five cobs coming in for the
market affected by the corn-borer
It is estimated that the farmers
and market gardeners will stand, to
lose thousands of dollars as a result
of the damage done by the corn
borer, as whole crops of corn in
many sections have been swept. The
damage done is more widespread
than usual, and many market gar
deners have taken a total loss on
their corn crops.
The local crops of tomatoes and
encumbers were unaffected by the
recent cold snap, which hit the hard
est in the, Simcoe district, causing
heavy frost damage to tobacco crops
in that area. Cucumbers are back
ward this year, with blight reported
in many sections due to the prolong
ed wet spells and the following
The following verse has
composed by a Parkbill man
sung to the. National
Extra verses for the Sailors Hymn
Thursday, September 3, 1925
The fire alarm counded Tuesday
about 1.30 o'clock when it was
learned that the C. N. R. depot was
on fire. The blaze was noticed by
Messrs. Chas. Keddy and R. G.
Seldon. The fire started from
sparks from a freight engine that
had pulled out a short time prev
ious. The fire was brought safely
under control.
Mr. C. B. Snell has purchased the
lot south of the S. M. Sanders
block formerly the old Janies Pick
ard block. Mr. Snell intends erect
ing an up-to-date garage that will
be used by Mr. Milo Snell, Ford
The legal firm of Parkinson &
Riordan, St. Marys, have dissolved
partnership. Mr. Riordan is leaving
for AVindsor. Mr. Parkinson will
carry on the business in St. Marys.
He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. David
Parkinson, of Exeter.
Miss Thelma Taylor has resigned
her position at the telephone office
and accepted one with Jones &
May. Mr. G. Lawson, late of the
West, is filling the vacancy at the
telephone office.
Miss Isohel Turnbull has accept
ed a position with Southcott Bros.
Mr. Rundle, who has spent the
summer at Grand Bend is leaving
for London whene he will reside in
“Eternal Father Strong to Save:”
Thine armies Thou of old didst lead
For Thine aid
In air, on land
Thou canst Thy
The enemy is at the door
Thy sword we need as ne’er
AVc are Thy servant nation still
Redeemed by Thee to do Thy will,
Thou callest us Thy battle-axe;
Thou canst defend us from attacks,
In aerial raids we will not fear
For Thou are God and Thou art
When Norris Brodies, fanner on
the Komoka sideroad, near Mount
Brydges, went to bring in his cows
from pasture following a brief elec
trical storm late Thursday after
noon ho found his entire herd of
25 head lying dead under a tree, evi
dently the victims of the one sev
ere bolt in the storm. Mr. Brodie
found the dead animals all lying
close together with their heads fac
ing one direction us if they were
about to move off when the bolt
struck. The near-by tree showed
no sigh of having been struck by
the bolt but the cattle beneath it
bore marks indicating their death
by lighting. In the herd were 19
milk cows and the herd’s value is
estimated at $1,400. Mr. Brodie is
reported to carry mine lightning
insurance on his sLn-k which will
partially cover his loss.- Milverton
A large crowd of friends and
relatives paid their last respects to
Giles Thompson, who passed
at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon-
In failing health for over a
her condition was not regard-
serious until a few weeks ago
ed as
and she was only in hospital a week
Mrs, Thompson was in her 65th
year and is survived by her husband
Giles Thompson; four sons, Ellison,
AVillium and Giles, Jr., of M< Gilliv-
ray Township, and Eli P. Thompson
B.S.M., Timmins; one daughter
Mrs. J. Hamilton, of Caperol; one
brother, Thomas A. Glendenning,
of McGillivray and eight grand
Rev. AV. M. Kitely had. charge of
the funeral service at the house
with interment in the family plot,
Mount pleasant cemetery, McGilliv
ray Township.
U.S.A. Market of 40,000,000
Flower Bulbs
Hitler is providing a generous
dietary to one considerable section
of Holland's living
Dutch cattle are
tulip bulbs.
The Nazis have
growing fat on
Pte. James Riley of the Kent
Regiment Chatham, was presented
with a signet ring by his former
fellow employees of ‘he Bell En'gine
and Thresher Co. Th< presentation
took place on Saturday evening
while Pte. Riley was home over
the week-end.—Seaforth News.
Pat Lee. owned by Harold Berry,
of St. Marys. Ontario, was named
best stallion under three years in
the standard bred horses judging at
the Canadian National Exhibition,
August 29th. Pat Lee also took the
“Futurity” special two-year-
old male class.
wiped out Hol
land’s fields of daffodils, hyacinths
and tulips. There is a ban on all
bulb growing, so Dutch stocks are
now being destroyed or used up for
cattle feed. The cattle like tulip
bulbs best.
The result is that England has
just offered U.S.A. 40,090,990 Eng
lish grown daffodil, tulip and hya
cinth bulbs for £250,000.
Little Holland, in Lincolnshire,
has already got 6,000 acres of
bulbs; for some years now the Dutch
growers themselves have come to
England for the costlier specimens.
The British Ministry of Agricul
ture had ruled that not more than
three quarters of last year’s bulb
acreage should he sown but the or-
d> r will* probably be cancelled as
flower bulbs today are more val-
urhl*- to England than cabbage.
Ruo.-evelt, a great flower lover,
has a magnificent display of bulb
’’lowers at Hyde Park, his New York
His favorite is the tulip with daf
fodils second.
■ ■ r;- ■ ■; III I. IWHW
Your Hnt Vlflt t»
Hotel Waverley
Located on Wide Spadlna Ave.
at College St
(Easy Parking
Convenient tos
\ single -RatesDoub,e:
• - 51.55 to SIM
i • 51.50 Io $5.10
—Four to Room, 55.00 to $6.00
Close to the University,
Parliament Buildings,
Maple Leaf Gardens,
Theatres, Hospitals,
Wholesale Houses, and
the Fashionable Retail
Shopping District.
rn&ut id no
tobacco JUST
or restless wave
Israel save.
now to Thee we
Parkhill Gazette
Nagging, Dragging
Pains In the Back
Many women have to do their own
housework, and the constant bend
ing over, lifting, making beds,
sweeping, ironing, sewing, so neces
sary to perform their household
duties puts a heavy strain on the
back and kidneys, and if there were
no kidney weakness the back would
be strong and well.
Doan’s Kidney Pills help to give
relief to weak, backache, kidney Buf
fering women.
Doan’s Kidney Pills are put up
in an oblong grey box with our trade
mark a ’ ‘ Maple Leaf ’ ’ on the
Don’t accept a substitute. Be
Sure and get ‘’Doan’S.”
The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Twwta, Ont
John Murray prominent Strat
ford lawyer and National Govern
ment candidate in the
election died suddenly
91 Brunswick street,
AVednesday morning,
years of age. In
health when he
night, Mr. Murray
attack. He had
business as usual
in the evening took his customary
walk to his office and uptown, chat
ting with friends in his generally
jolly manner. A member of the firm
of Riddell and Murray. A veteran
of the Great AVar, John Murray en
listed in Stratford as a youth and
went overseas as a private, gain
ing the rank of corporal. He was
wounded on active service and re
ceived his discharge in 1919. Mr.
Murray also took a keen interest
in politics and although a Con
servative for many years he ac
cepted the candidacy of the Na
tional Party for the ’ contest last
June. He was defeated but im
mediately offered hie co-operation
to the Liberal Government. He had
previously volunteered his services
in any military manner which the
'defence authorities considered ad-
in the
was an
He is
last Federal
at His home,
Stratford on
He was 42
usual good
suffered a heart
been about his
on Monday and
visable. Always interested
militia the late Mr. Murray ‘
honorary member of the
Regiment’s Officers’ Mess,
survived by his wife and
While the enemy hammers at theCanada calls again!
heart of the Empire, Canada launches her Second War
Loan Campaign. The money is needed NOW for planes,
troops, tanks, ships, munitions and guns. It is needed to
help Canada win the war — to preserve your freedom.
Everything you hold dear is at stake, your home, the
future security of your family and your country. Now
is the time for you to act!
Here is your chance to defend the Canada you love —
with the dollars you lend. At the same time you will
receive a good return, in the form of interest, on every
dollar you invest in Canada’s freedom. Be prepared to
buy —. and buy generously — Canada’s Second War
Loan, to be announced on Friday, and on sale beginning
Monday. Buy from any investment dealer, bank or
stock broker.
So live that, when you die your
death notice will not appear among
the list of town improvements.