HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-08-29, Page 8THTRSDAY. AUGUST 39, JO40 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe FOR CHARM AND BEAUTY Plione 113 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress BINGO! Exeter Markets New Wheat 53 J for Wheat Board. Ohl Wheat GUe. Creamery Butter 26v. Dairy Ba'tev. 2V. 2U,v. Eggs. A large 3ee. Eag>. medium 2Se. Eggs. B 22c. Hogs, dre-sed §11.50 SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st j at 8 o’clock p.m. j Outside i I Next to Legion Rooms ! All Good Prizes j Mrs. V. Cockwell is visiting in1 Kirkton and St. Marys. i Mr. and Mrs. Eric Campbell are holidaying at Grand Bend. Chopped Virginia Ham Loaf Home Made Head Cheese Home Made Meat Loaf Macaroni & Cheese Loaf Virginia Ham Cooked Ham Bologna Weiners, Etc A Full Line of Fresh and Cured Meats No One Can Give You A Pair of New Eyes but we can tin the next be^t thing — prolong’ the comfort­ able use of those you have. We do it bj furnishing glasses that ease up on the strain to which you subject your eyes, C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Kestle are visiting with relatives at Hamilton. Isabelle Battershy has returned home after spending two weeks with her grandmother Mrs. Wes. Hey­ wood. of Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Irwin. Miss Mar­ lon Bissert and Miss Helen Penhale returned Sunday from a pleasant motor trip to Montreal. Quebec, Ste. Anne de Beaupre. Ottawa and Tor­ onto. Members of the Middlesex-Huron Regiment now in training in Exeter two nights a week will join with members of Company from Goderich and will go into curnp at London 1 •» strong on September 2nd for two weeks. Mrs. T. D. Sanders, of London, is .'.pending the week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ford, of Exeter North. Mr. Ford, who has been seriously ill tor the past ten days, is slowly improving. His many friends "hope for his speedy recov­ ery. The Ideal Meat Market C. Tanton Phone 38 Main St. Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Phone 245 LOCALS Mi'S Ardys McFalls if week. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. spending this week in Toronto. Miss Mary Tapp couple of days with at Grand Bend. Mr. John Carroll, visiting at the home Mrs. Fred Ellerington. —O I i I is on holidays ALL GRAINS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas U. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Organist lu a.m.-—•Sunday School 11 a.m.—Pubic Worship Sermon: “After a year of war” 7 p.m.- -Public Worship Sermon: “Christ and You.” Tuesday, September 3rd at three p.m. in basement of church, reg­ ular meeting of the C. C. C. UNION SERVICES Main Street and James Street United Churches Rev. N. J. Woods, of Main Street in charge Music Under the Direction of W. B. Goulding and the James Street Choir 10 am—Sunday School 11 a.m.—James Street church “Labor Day Message” The evening service will be with­ drawn in favour of the Anniversary of Trivitt Memorial Church. Thursday, 7.3b— Prayer Service in Main Street. Men’s Fine Worsted Suits If ip need of 'Clothing we would like you to see what we are showing, We believe we have some excellent values that it will pay you to look over. Newest Styles and Patterns. h: Southcott are Muskoka and visited for a Mrs. Southcott of Toronto, is of Mr. and WANTED—Good general maid for London home. Country girl 18 to 30 years with city experience pre­ ferred. Good wmges and steady em­ ployment if satisfactory. Apply to Box 280S. Times-Advocate. WANTED — A few loads of sec­ ond cut alfalfa also a number of pullets.—W. F. Abbott. Exeter. Thames Road Farmers’ Club are now’ receiving orders for fertilizer. Orders should he left early. Dis­ count will be the same as in the spring.--P. Passmore, Sec’y. 2tc. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Rowe and Misses Vera and Reta spent Sunday I and Monday in Dundas. 1 Mr. Sydney West has returned to Fergus after holidaying for a week ; with his mother here. i Miss Maude Abraham, of Mont- ! real, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hatter. Mrs. Mervin Wilson, of London, spent the week-end with her par- i enrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks. Dr. and Mrs. E. J. McLachlan, of Jackson, Mich., spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner. ROOM AND BOARD for Higa School girls. Apply Times-Advocate. ltp. WANTED.—.General maid with ex­ perience, Vs mile from Ci*y of Lon­ don, all conveniences, 3 in family, $5.00 per week. Apply Mrs. Thos. Sanderson. R.R. No. 3, London, Ont. phone Met. 8111 2tp Rev. Mr. Anthony conducted the Memorial services in the North Mis­ souri United Church on Sunday. Mr. Jas. Drake and Mrs. Flossie Beadle of London, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ford. The many friends of Miss Eva Pearce will he pleased to learn that she is recovering from her recent illness. Miss Harriet Knipe, R.N., who has been visiting with her sister Mrs. W. D. Sanders, has returned to Detroit. i WANTED — Refined middle-aged woman for housework, good home, conveniences, for lady in Exeter. Apply in writing Times-Advocate, Box No. 2SOM. j Mrs. D. A- Gordon and family ! are holidaying at Grand Bend this j week, Mr. Gordon going back ev­ enings. TO RENT — Service Station in Exeter. Apply Box 6 4. FOR SALE—'Seed Wheat, Gov’t. Grade No. 1 Dawson’s Golden Chaff, 75c. per bushel. Phone Exeter 177rl6. Hy. Strang, R.R. No. 1, Hensail. FOR SALE—’White Leghorn pul­ lets, ready to lay, Alvin Gingerich, phone 84r3, Zurich, 8-28-2tp FOR SALE—'200 White Leghorn pullets, starting to lay. Apply to Harold Taylor, phone Kirkton 3 9r8. 2*c, FARMS FOR SALE—10 0 acres, bank bam, brick house, hydro, 87 acres, stone house, bank barn. Both well heated and in good state of cul­ tivation—C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE—'Cocksliutt Beaver 2- furrow riding plow. James Gar­ diner, Kirkton, phone 21rl0. ltp. Use Shell-tox fly killer, household spray 29c.; stock spray $1.50 gal.,' 98% kill. Robertson’s Drugs, Exe­ ter. FOR SALE—100 acres with buildings about 4 miles from Cen­ tralia, to close the Whiteford es­ tate.—•W. C» Pearce. Exeter. WANTED—Will pay cash for horses or cattle, dead or alive, free of medicine or disease, suitable for mink feed. Phone Kirkton 34r3 col­ lect.—Francis Mink Ranch. 8-15-tfc. FOR SALE — Brick house and three acres of land on edge of Exe­ ter. Low price, terms. Also several other homes. Farms, C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE—300 pullets, ready to j lay, also brooder house 10 x 12 ft J St. Marys Poultry Farm St. Marys. • 8-15-2tp Dead animals removed, cash for fox horses. Two hours service, day or night. Rhone Credtton 47rl5 collect. — jack Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis, Jeanette and Bill returned to Williamsburg Sunday after holidaying in Exeter and St. Marys. Mrs. Garnet Ford, who spent the | past week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ford, has returned to her home in Flint, Mich. Miss Alice Eacrett. of Preston, after a pleasant' two weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs. B. W. F. Beav­ ers returned to Preston Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Ew’ing and daughter Ruth, of Sherbrooke. Que., are visiting with Mrs. W. S. Howey and other friends. j Mrs. Frank Taylor was in Sea­ forth Tuesday evening attending a trousseau tea for her cousin Miss Leone Box. a bride-elect of early September. Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. Art Broderick motored to Sarnia on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are staying for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and Dr, and Mrs. D. A. Anderson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Giles Hamilton at their summer home at Cedar Springs over the week-end. Twenty-one probationers will en­ ter St. Joseph’s Hospital training school. London, the 1st of Septem­ ber. Among them -will be Theresa Ziler and Rita May McRae, Park­ hill and Helen Catherine O’Reilly of Dublin. The Times-Advocate had on ex­ hibition in its window for a few days last week an Easter lily with two beautiful blooms. The lily is own­ ed iby Mr. L. Day and the blooms j were, second growth. Mrs. Strange, last week also had an Easter lily with second blooms. Mr. Richard Penhale, who has been spending the past two months with Mr. and Mrs. George Walker, Stephen, has returned to his home in Toronto. Mrs. Penhale, who vis­ ited with her mother Mrs. Hannah Sanders for a week returned with him. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding and family have returned after holiday­ ing for a week in the Muskoka dis­ trict. They motored as far as Sun- drige and Burk’s Falls. Owing to the cold weather they returned 1 home a few days sooner than ex-: pected. I All new equipment for handling same Paying Top Prices R. G. SELDON & SON For information call 2w or 90w LEAVITTS AIR-CONDITIONED THEATRE EXETER Phone 133 Thursday, Friday, Saturday Special Feature “THE FIGHTINC 69th” Starring JAMES CAGNEY, GEORGE BRENT, PAT O’BRIEN TWO NIGHTS ONLY Special Show AFTER SUNDAY MIDNIGHT 12:05 a.m. and MONDAY Prize Comedy of the Year “His Giri Friday” Starring CARY GRANT and ROSALIND RUSSELL Two Nights Only Tuesday and Wednesday “Torrid Zone” Starring ANN SHERIDAN JAMES CAGNEY and PAT O’BRIEN TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFauI Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 15th Sunday After Trinity ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY S a.m.—Holy Communion 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. The Rev. C. L. Langford, M.A. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon The R. P. O. Hurford D.D. Special music by the choir Thursday 7.30 — Intercession and prayer service Choir practice after SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th The Rt. Rev. Walter Adams, D.D. Bishop of Kootenay will preach at the morning service EXPERT Permanent Waving TOMLINSON’S NEW FELT HATS FOR FALL We are ready for the early buyer with a smart range of the newest shapes and shades in Men’s and Boys’ Felt Hats for Fall. $1.95, $3.00 and $3.95 ARCH-REST OXFORD SHOES FOR MEN These shoes are becoming more popular every season fqr men who want shoe com­ fort. . . Ask to see them. PRICED AT $5.95 FORSYTH SHIRTS It pays to buy quality merchandise. You get this when you buy Forsyth Shirts. White and Colors in new patterns. EACH $2.00 ALL WOOL CREW NECK SWEATERS In shades of Green, Wine, Blue and Black. A very popular sweater for young men in a fine Botany wool. EACH $2.50 Linoleum Rugs at Big Reductions We offer a few good patterns in Linoleum Rugs at great savings. These are drop pat­ terns. Act quickly. 9 x 9 ft. Regular $11.50 for $7.95 9 x 12 ft. Regular $15.50 for $12.95 9 x 10y2 ft. Regular $13.50 for $9.95 9 x 15 ft. Regular $19.50 for $15.95 PURE LINEN TOWELLING Very scarce goods. Selling much below reg­ ular price. PER YARD 30c LADIES’ SUB-STANDARD HOSE In Chiffon and Service Weight in the best selling shades. Extra value. PER PAIR 69c FANCY APRONS j Made by the blind in a variety of new pat­ terns and styles. 29c, 35c, 39c and 49c ODD CUPS AND SAUCERS FOR THRESHING Odd Cups, Each 6c Cups and Saucers, Per Doz $1.00 Water Glasses, White or Green 5c Clearing all Ladies’ White Shoes at Bargain Prices GROCERY SPECIALS Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bickell and Miss Dorothy Anne, London: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kuntz, of Windsor and Mrs. Ralph McDonald and two children, of Detroit, Michigan, were the week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. There is little change in the condition of Mrs. Kuntz, who has been seriously ill the past month. ’Mrs. J. M. Southcott and Miss Stella Southcott were in London on Tuesday afternoon attending the funeral of the latter’s cousin, Mr. George Ernest Burridge. who died suddenly at his home in that city on Saturday in his 5 8th year. Rev. R. E. Southcott, of Sombra. assist­ ed with the funeral service which took place from the George E. Lo­ gan & Sons Funeral Chapel. Post Nuptial Shower Tuesday evening a number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Roylance Westcott met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Sweet and presented the bride and groom with a post­ nuptial miscellaneous shower. Dur­ ing the evening court whist was played with high prize going to Royl. Westcott and consolation to Miss Gertrude Cann. Miss Irene Sweet read the address and Misses Ferrol Fisher and Mary Van Camp carried into the room a pink and white decorated basket ■well lAden with gifts. The bride opened’ the ; gifts and expressed her thanks to all. "For They are Jolly Good Fellows” was sung. A delightful menu of jellied chicken, ice cream, cake. etc,, was served by the hos­ tess salesmen wanted Get into a good-paying business, selling EVERY DAY NECESSITIES from door to door in your district. Make your own pay envelope and cash in on the profits with our Pro­ fit Building Sales Plan. Let us tell you more about it. FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement, Montreal. LOCALS Mrs. Mercy Qua nee who has been ill at her home continues in a cri­ tical condition.. Mrs. Paul Coates and Miss Verna spent the week-end with Mrs. Southcott at Grand Bend. Miss Matilda White, who has been seriously ill at her home during the •week, is at present slightly improv­ ed. Miss Barbara Harness has been visiting with her aunt Mrs. Lloyd Baynham of Guelph, for the past ten days. Mr. Harry L. Wethey, of Oak­ ville, is expected today (Thursday) to visit with his brother, Mr. E. J. Wethey. Mr. J. A. Follick has resumed his position at Lindenfield’s Hardware after being off for several weeks through illness. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tanton attended the Scott family picnic at Monkton on Sunday. Master Teddy Scott re­ turned with them on a visit. Mr. Bert Gardiner has returned to Osgoode Hall, Toronto, after holi­ daying with his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Gardiner. Miss Marjory Francis, R.N., of the .Sick Children’s Hospital, Tor­ onto, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. J. Fletcher and other friends. Mr. George Beavers, of Toronto, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers during a business trip to this district. Miss T. McCurdy and her mother, Mrs. Thos. McCurdy visited in Essex last week. Mrs. Hugh McDonald returned with them on a visit. Mrs. Arthur Coakwell and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wild, of St. Catharines, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Seldon over the week-end. Mrs. W. C. Kress, of Wingham, visited for a few days last week with Miss Greta Harness. She left here Sunday fo visit with her mother in Brantford. Miss Isohel Turnhull and Miss Eacrett, and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eacrett at Woodstock on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Hern, of Norwich, visited during the past week with the. former’s mother, Mrs. James Hern and brother, Mr. J. Wellington Hern. Mrs. B. E. Hicks and son Stanley spent Sunday at Port Elgin. Miss Dorothy Hicks who had been holi­ daying at Sunset Lodge, returned with them and has resumed her pos- iion on the staff of rhe London Life. BAKERS COCOA 1 lb. tin ........................ 25c V2 lb. tin ...................... 14c BAKING POWDER Forest City 1 quart .......................... 30c 1 pint ............................. 20c COOKIES Fresh 2 lbs. •••••• 25c MATCHES 3 boxes .... 20c PRUNES Large and Meaty 2 lbs« •••<>• 25c CLASSIC CLEANSER 3 tins..............12c WHOLE WHEAT BISCUITS 3 for..............25c VINEGAR XXX White Wine or Cider 35c a gallon TRY MAGIC FRESH GROUND COFFEE 1 lb.................41c1 Southcott 1 Exeter, Bros. Phone 16 Mrs. Ulric Snell, Miss Greta Har­ ness and Miss Jean Sheere spent the forepart of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Armstrong, in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Haliverseni and daughter, Beth, of Watrous, i Sask., visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Fraser on Thursday. Mrs. Haliver- sem is a niece of Mr. Fraser. Mrs. Dan Davis and Miss Carolyn returned the latter part of the week after holidaying in Brantford and Ingersoll. Mrs. George Clipson, of Iagersoll, returned with them on a visit. Mr. Preston Dearing is again at­ tending Toronto Exhibition with his Dorset Horned sheep. He is showing eighteen this year, the largest showing he has yet had at the Exhibition. Miss Mark, a former teacher of the Exeter High School staff and now of Pembroke, who has been holidaying in Wallaceburg, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Camp­ bell one day last week. Dr. Cecil and Mrs. Johnston and son, Peter, of Beacon, N. Y., visited last week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. Dr. Johnston is on the staff of the Mat- teawan State Hospital. Mrs. Frank Coates and grand­ daughters Shirley and Wilma Coates are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. Coates has spent several days with them. Mr. and Mrs.«W. Coates vis­ ited with them over the week-end. Mr. Lome Howfey, of town, who has been with Strong’s Drugstore in London, has signed up as a pilot with the Royal Canadian Air Force, He was called up Wednesday of last week and left for Toronto to begin training. 'Mr. Rory Leathorn, of London, spent a week with his cousin Ralph Willis, of Exeter, who is recovering from a recent illness. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Rory Leathorn, of London, and Mr. Frank Davis and lady friend, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Willis. Hot Weather Suggestions For Men WINDBREAKERS $1.95 to $4.95 FLANNEL PANTS $3.50 to $5.50 ANKLE SOCKS 35c to 50c PYJAMAS $2.00 . _ SUMMER UNDERWEAR 50c to $1.00 SHIRTS $1.50 to $1.95 TIES 50c to $1.00 Newest Miracle of Science STRETCHES, TRANSPARENT and DURABLE ELASTIC-GLASS SUSPENDERS $1.00 GARTERS 75e W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. m Miss Isabel Clarkson, of Toronto, is visiting with Miss Laurene Beav­ ers. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lauton, of Ro­ chester, N.Y., are spending a week’s vacation with Mr. and Mrs. William Baker and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Tuckey and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Arch­ er, of London and Mr. Jack Swift, of Toronto visited with Mrs. Ben­ son Tuckey at Grand Bend over the week-end. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd during the week were Miss Violet Appleton and Mr. Harry Reaman, of Toronto on Sat­ urday; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Moffatt and family, of Listowel on Sunday and Miss Vera Carmichael, of Tor­ onto and Mr. H. Houston, of Mont­ real, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Butler, of London called on friends in Exeter, Seafortjli, Kirkton and Cromarty over the week-end. Mr. Butler has just completed twenty years with the London Street Railway, having started August 25th, 1920. Surprise Birthday Party A surprise birthday party wa3 held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher of Exeter on Wed­ nesday evening, August 21st in honor of Mrs. Fletcher who cele­ brated her 75th birthday. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fletcher and Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher and family, Mr. and Mi’s. .Ray Fletcher and family. Cake, ice cream and cookies were served to those present.