HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-08-22, Page 2THURSDAY, AUG 1ST 32nd, liMO THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Dr. Stiller bowed “Wmi't you si.
down please?”
"There’s no time to wa->te,” -aid
the Governor shortly. “I want to he
taken to my son. at once.”
Bluster Won’t Work
The doctor met the millionaire's
cold stare with an expressionless
face. "I’m sorry. Governor Stacey."
he said, mildly. “I can't permit the
young lady to go to the patient's
room. And I can let yon go only
on yo-ur assurance that you will
say nothing to upset him.”
Alicia said, haughtily; “Don’t be
absurd! Of course I’ll see him.”
Stacy patted her arm: "Of course
you will. "Licia. I demand that we
be taken to my son’s room at once.”
The doctor shook his head firm
ly: ‘This is a hospital. I issue the
orders here. Mr. Stacey is a very
sick man. He is suffering from ner-
vou- shock and amnesia. I .•unm>t
permit him to be disturbed ”
The Governor's fave colored liv-
idly: "I’ll have your job for this
imnertinanee! ”
“Very well.” the douTor said calm
ly. "Suppose you try it. I believe
the Board of Governors of the hos
pital will >tand by me in my desire
to protect a patient. Good day."
He sat down to his desk and pick
ed up some papers.
The Governor gritted his teeth.
“May I see my son?" he asked, more
respectfully, knowing he was de
feated for rhe time being.
The doctor got up. “After I have
talked with you a few moments in
private. Governor Stacy. I’ll have
to ask the young lady to wait in
the waiting room down the hall.”
Ali-ia’s green eyes flashed an
grily and she flounced out and
banged the door.
"Will you please sit down, sir,”
t.he doctor motioned to a chaii. “I
think we’ll both be more comfort
Governor Doubts Marriage
The Governor sat down. He was
a big man. a hardened edition of
Tex, with a lean jaw and cool, keen
gray eyes. "Well, he asked gruffly,
what is it?”
The doctor sat
“You know, of
then, “that your ;
ried recently.”
“I know,” the Governor
chorus girl,
The doctor
lie’s married,
very sensible young lady. You bring
ing his former fiancee into the hos
pital complicates matters somewhat.
Mrs. Stacy might not be very well
The Governor barked: “I will not
. retoanize this marriage My son
was no doubt suffering from loss
c.’ memory when he met this actress
Alicia is my son's fiancee as far as
I am concerned. I’ll get at the bot
tom of this.
some grafting
picked up!”
Dr. Stiller’s
maud it,” he fought to keep the
anger out of his
wile. Her claim
‘han yours. But
tin greater than
The Governor wa- a man
knew men. He looked at the set
of Dr. Stiller ami knew that a
lion dollar bribe would not move
him or change hi> mind of his at
He said, a little more calmly:
Will you please take me to .see my
son? I'm really very anxious to see
him. doctor."
"I understand how you feel,” the
doctor said
not change
promise not
If so, L will
The Governor nodded: “As you
"And it is understood that, un
de:' no circumstances, unless your
son regains liis memory and asks
for her. is Miss Lowery to he per
mitted to go near his room.”
The father hesitated. Then he
-aid, grimly. “I will
must stay away.”
voice. “She is his
on him is greater
y )ur authority is
that of a street
under tilt* roof of this hos-
kindly. “But that does
our rules. Will you
to question your son?
take you to his room.”
tell her she
Father Sees Tex-
got up when
on his back. He opened
They were dull and life
you father,” Dr. Stiller
“Do you remember
back thoughtfully,
course,” he
son has been
he got mixed up with a
I doubt if it’s a mar-
said smoothly: “Oh,
all right. And to a
This chorus girl is
little sood-digger he
hardened. “For your
information. Governor, I think you
should know that a few days ago
Mrs. Stacy lost her father. When
your son met with this accident yes
terday afternoon his wife took all
the money she had in the world, her
father’s insurance policy, and put it
up as security so that he could
have the best care.
“He has a private room, a day
and night nurse and everything
money can buy to make him com
fortable. She has haunted
pital to be near
I hope
to her
him. Mrs.
if you’re
you will
on top
the hos-
Stacy is
the man
not add
of 'her
broken and
you are.
death and her husband’s ac-
Slie is keeping on at the
so that there will be money
to rake care of your son.”
“I’ll take care of my own son,”
Stary -Sr.. said uninoved. “This
woman must be kept away from
him. I demand it.”
Doctor Defends Smoky
Dr. Stiller rose. “You can’t de-
Bowel Complaints
of Children
During the hot summer and early
fall months most children, and
especially those teething, are subject
to diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cholera
infantum and other bowel com
Every mother should keep a bottle
of Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild
Strawberry in the home as a pro
tection against sudden, attacks of
these troubles.
Don’t experiment with new and
untried remedies. Consider your
child’s health. Get “Dr. Fowler’s”
It has been successfully used by
thousands of Canadian mothers dur
ing the past 94 years it has been, on
the market,
Don’t accept a substitute,
Get the genuine “Dr. Fowler’s.”
Tho T, Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto,-'Ont.
The nurse on duty
the doctor and the Governor enter
ed ‘he room. "Shall I leave, doctor.”
she asked.
"No," said Dr. Stiller: “You may
stay, nurse. Is the patient asleep?”
“Just resting, I believe doctor.”
The doctor bent over the patient.
"Mr. Stacy, some one to see you."
Tex lay
his eyes,
‘This is
said quietly,
The Governor’s face was very pale.
He smiled witlf difficulty: “Hello,
Bill. Glad to see you.”
Tex tried to raise on his elbow.
The nurse put an extra pillow un
der his head while he stared at the
gray-haired Governor blankly, strug
gling against the numbness of his
tired brain. “My father?" he asked
weakly. “You’re my father?”
“Yes” the older man bent over
him closely. “Look at me son, and
try to remember.”
Tex closed his eyes. “I—can't re
member anything,” he said wear
ily. “I’m sorry.”
“Very well.” the doctor said
soothingly. “Rest now. Stacy. And
we'll be back again. You’ll be all
right in a little while.”
* Tex sighed heavily. “I don’t re
member anything,” he said drearily
and stirred impatiently. “My head--
it’s so tired.”
3Lore Trouble For Smoky
The doctor touched the father on
the arm and he left the bedside
reluctantly. Outside the Governor
was visibly shaken. “How soon can
he be moved?” he asked. “I’d like
to charter a plane and take him to
a hospital at
have the care
It might help
The doctor
would not be
en*. even if Mrs. Stacy did give her
The Governor’s
but he kept silent.
Alicia paced the
haughtily when the
her. “Come, ’Licia,” he said
“We’ll go talk with that chorus girl
home where he can
of doctors he -knows,
to restore his mem-
said firmly: “That
permissable at pres-
jaw hardened,
waiting room
Governor found
Smoky was making a
and coffee in the kitchen when
doorbell rang. She wiped
hands and went to the door,
was wearing a navy blue dress
green frilly apron.
When she saw the tall gray-hair
ed man and the haughty mink-coat
ed blonde she knew instantly that
the man was Tex’s father and the
girl Alicia I^owery.
“You’re Miss O’Toole?” the man
asked coldly.
“Yes”. She swallowed and her
heart skipped a beat.
The man did not ask if they could
come in. He took a step forward.
“I'd like to talk to you,” he said,
his hostile eyes taking in her pale
young face. She was without a
trace of make-up and the freckles
stood out. plainly on her little turn
ed-up nose.
Shamrock stepped back and they
walked inside. “W-won’t. you sit
down,” she fought for control.
Alicia looked at the little room
with distaste and sat down as if
the best chair in the room was dirt
under her expensively shod
The Governor sat down on
Needless Introduction
“You you’re Tex’s father?”
Smoky moved to the edge of her
father’s arm chair, wrapping her icy
hands in the little apron nervously.
“I am William Stacy's father,
yes." the man’s eyes bored into her.
“I've come to get to the bottom of
this so-called marriage my son con
tracted with you. This young lady
is my son’s fiancee.”
“Miss Lowery,” Smoky nodded.
“I thought so.”
Alicia, Smoky noted quickly, was
golden-liaired and green-eyed and
very beautiful in a cool, languid
way. The detective had been rigli’t
when lie described her as a cool one.
Her face was petulant and snob
was written all over her, Smoky
Alicia's narrowed eyes blazed
with malice. She raised her eye
brows inquiringly “Who told you
of me? Bill?”
“No.” Smoky shook her head.
“He never mention you. It was the
detective who came last night. I
was glad to find out where you
were, Mr, Stacy,” Smoky looked at
him appealingly. “I wanted to let
you know your son was hurt.”
The Governor grunted. “Didn’t
you know where to reach me?”
Smoky flushed,
you were,
The Governor looked surprised.
“Maybe you’re right.” Smoky's
tongue had loosened with anger.
“Tex might have married me when
he had amnesia. Maybe he won’t
rememoer me. if I let him go free
it wofi't he for money. It’ll be
cause it’s what Pop would want
to do.”
Her voice caught and Tex’s
ther watched her closely, not con
vinced that she wasn’t just a clever
Alicia said impatiently: “Oh, rot!
Will you stop emoting and get this
thing over with. This place stifles
Smoky raised her chin. “There’s
plenty of room outside,” she flush
ed angrily.
Then she
“No, I didn't know
My husband hadn’t
Argument Begins
hi?a cigarette,
eyes studyinggray
led you to
the private detective
the phone last night. Is
believe he was a
The father lit
me on
“Yes. sir,” said Smoky.
“That proves then,” he turned
to Alicia, “that when Bill went
through a marriage ceremony with
this girl he was suffering from am
nesia. Therefore, the marriage is
not legal. It can be annulled.”
“Of course, it can,” Alicia smiled
“And I’m sure Miss O’Toole will be
Smoky wet her lips. “What—do
she asked
the heiress
room con-
you’d be
you mean, reasonable?”
“I mean you’ll settle,”
looked around the little
temptuously. “I’m sure
very glad to get out of this place.”
Shamrock’s eyes snapped angrily.
“This is my home. I was born in
this house. It’s good enough for
The Governor spoke up impa
tiently: “Oh, come now! You don’t
have to pretend with us. Native your
price for annulling this marriage
and we’ll meet it. If it’s within
Shamrock stared at him speech
lessly, and Alicia said: “Bill loves
me. He didn’t know what he was do
ing or he never would have married
so far beneath him. You must
know that. If he were in his right
mind he wouldn’t be caught dead
in a place like this. He’d be ter
ribly humiliated if he recovered his
memory and found himself married
to a chorus girl.”
The father broke in grimly: “I
don’t intend to let that happen,
Alicia. I’m sure I’ve the influence
to annul the marriage at once.
Then when my son recovers he
won’t know what happened. You
and he can be. married and go
around the world for a year till the
scandal blows over.”
'fries to Buy Her Off
“Oh,” Smoky said in a small voice
and sank back in her chair
very faint.
“How much?”1 Governor
took out his check book. “Is
dred and fifty thousand
Smoky recovered her voice. “Oh.
Mr. Stacy.” she said with a little
sob. “I dont want any money.”
He snapped: “Stop acting, Miss
O’Toole! I’m in a hurry to get this
thing over with. I might even raise
it to $250,000 if you signed an
agreement to destroy all trace of
your whereabouts and meet certain
other requirements.”
Shamrock looked at Tex’s father
a few seconds without speaking.
Then she said very low: “Suppose
I love Tex. Suppose I refuse to give
him up."
Alicia jumped to her feet. “Oh,
so you're going to be difficult, are
Tex's father’s brows darkened
and he looked very important and
forbidding. ‘4Young lady,” he snap
ped then, “I've made you a reason
able offer. If you won’t listen to
reason I’ll find another way to deal
with you. Why should you want to
try to hold a man who will despise
you when he recovers his memory
and finds he has married you while
he was unbalanced.”
Snjoky was trembling. She said
Stacy, I
it was
Tex. I
a hun-
“Anything I would
would do because I
the right thing to
wouldn't do it for
Ivly father didn’t bring me
do, Mr.
do for
up that
More Threats
The Governoi’ looked down at the
hat in his hand. Then he walked
toward the door. “I’ll send an at
torney to talk this over with you.
If you’re wise you’ll listen to reason
and settle out of court. Otherwise
I will have to take drastic meas
“Tell your attorney,” Smoky threw
back her head proudly, “not to
come around here trying to buy me,
or I’ll slam the door in his face.”
Alicia said threateningly: “You’ll
listen to reason and be smart before
we’re through with you.”
Smoky said to Tex’s father, wear
ily: “Please—give me a little more
time to think. But don’t worry, I
won’t give you any trouble.”
He grunted, coldly resisting the
plea in her eyes, “I’d like to believe
it. Good day.”
Sept. 2-7
Fall Fair Dates
Lambeth .........................>t, Aug. 28
Tillsonb wg .................... Aug. 27-29
Toronto (Can. Nat. Ex.) Aug. 23.
[Sept. 7
the bath-
with cold
into the
of coffee
When the door closed upon Go
vernor Stacy and Alicia Lowery,
Smoky sank into Clancy’s old chair,
faint and ill. She had a feeling of
unreality. Surely all these things
couldn’t be happening to Shamrock
She realized if she were going to
get to the theatre on time she would
have to pull herself together, and
she got up and went to
room and bathed her face
water. Then she went
kitchen and drank a cup
but could not bear the sight of the
sandwich she had made.
Courageously, Smoky took off her
apron and, still in the simple little
navy blue dress, put on her silver
fox jacket and a navy blue turban
and started for the theatre.
In the subway she went over the
scene with Tex’s father and the
girl he had been engaged to marry,
and her head ached with confusion
until she thought she would have
to go back home immediately.
(To be Continued)
Slips That Pass
“Miss Myrtle James for some
years worked in the Treasurer’s
Office when Mr. Berkcaller was in
charge — and it was then that the
friendship which will be concluded
at the altar Wednesday night be
“FOR SALE - Bakery, large oven
owner in it nine years.”
“FOR SALE - 183 6 Ford Coupe
in good running order.”
At the Toronto Exhibition, Aug. 23
tp Sept. 7, be sure to see the outstand
ing General Motors Exhibit in the
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of mechanized army vehicles pro
duced by GM . : . LEARN about the
activities of the Volunteer Auxiliary
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194 lPontiacs and McLaughlin-Buicks
. . . ATTEND, the showing of two
thrilling movies—-"Futurama,” in
technicolor, in the GM Theatre in the
Automotive Building—"Motors on the
March,” at Harry Foster’s Outdoor
Theatre on the grounds. Everything
free . •. everybody welcome.
“How did ■ you manage
Rome in three days?” “Oh, we man
aged very well—my wife did the
churches and the shops, my daugh
ter did the museums and I did the
One pad kills flies all day and every
day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in each
packet. No spraying, no stickiness,
no bad odor. Ask yonr Druggist,
Grocery or General Store.
THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont.
Fergus ............................. Sept. 6, 7
Tavistock .......................... Sept.” 6,7
New Hamburg .......... Sept. 13, 14
Wiarton ....................... Sept. 12, 13
Acton ........................ Sept. 17, IS
Ailsa Craig .............. Sept. 19, 20
Alliston ...................... Sept. 19, 20
Barrie .......................... Sept. 16-19
Blyth ........................... Sept. 17, IS
Burford ........................ Sept. 17, 18
Clifford ........................ (Sept. 20, 21
Comber ...................... Sept. 20, 21
Dresden ....................... Sept. 17-19
EXETER ................... Sept. 18, lfl
Galt .............................. Sept. 19-21
Hanover .....................Sept. 19, 20
Hepworth ................... .Sept. 19, 20
[ Kincardine .............. Sept. 19, 20
Lindsay ....................... Sept. 18-21
Lis towel .................. Sept. IS, 19
Mount Forest .......... Sept. 19, 20
Norwich ....................... Sept. 17, 18
Seaforth ..........................Sept. 19, 20
Shelburne ................... Sept. 17, 18
Shedden ............................ Sept. 18
Stratford .......’.............. Sept. 16-18
Thorndale ................... Sept. 17, IS
September 23-28
Atwood ....................... Sept. 23, 24
Belmont ............................ Sept. 26
Brussels ....,................... Sept. 27, 28
Collingwood ............. Sept. 2 6-2S
Georgetown ............... Sept. 25, 2G
Harriston ................... Sept. 26-27
Harrow ...................... Sept. 26-2'8
Ilderton ............................ Sept. 25
Jarvis ....................... Sept. 26, 27
Kirkton ....................... Sept. 26, 27
Lakefield ................... Sept. 25, 2G
Lucknow .................. Sept. 26, 27
Mitchell .................... Sept. 2 4, 2 5
Owen Sound .......... Sept. 2S-0ct. 1
Port Elgin .................. Sept. 26, 27
! Ridgetown ................... Sept. 26-2S
I Ripley ........................ Sept. 24, 25
1 Sarnia ........................ Sept. 24, 25
Strathroy .................. Sept. 2 6-2 8
Wingham ................... Sept. 25, 26.
Wyoming ................... Sept. 25, 26
Zurich ....................... Sept. 23, 24
September 30—October 5
Alvinston ........................... Oct. 2,3
Atwood ................Sept. 30-Oc.t. 1
Dungannon ...................... Oct, 3, 4
Fordwich ......................... Oct. 4, 5
Leamington .......... Sept. 30-Oct. 5
St. Marys .........'.............. Oct. 3, 4
Teeswater ........................ Oct. 1, 2
Thedford ................................ Oct. 2
Highgate ..................... Oct. 11, 12
London—(Jr. Fair only) Oct. 9, 10
The Exciter Times-Advocate
Established 1873 and 1387
at Exeter, Ontario
Published every Thursday mornin#',
SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year Id
advanceRATES—Farm ■ or Real Estate for
sale 50c. each Insertion for first
four insertions. 25c. each subse
quent insertion, Miscellaneous ar
ticles. To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or
Found 10c. per line of six words,
Reading notices 10c. per line.
Card of Thanks 50-c. Legal ad
vertising 12 and 8c. per line. Ii
Card of Thanks ___
vertising 12 and 8c. per line,
Memoriam, with one verse 50c
extra verses 25c. each.
Member of The Canadian Weekly
Newspaper Association
Professional Cards
(F. W. Gladman)
Money to Loan, Investments Mad?
Safe-deposit Vaults for use of our
Clients without charge
Office: Carling Block, ftfain Stree*.
Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S,
Office; Carling Block
dosed Wednesday Afternoons
Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.D S
Offke opposite the Post Office.
Main Street, Exeter
jOffice 36w Telephones Res. 38j
Closed Wednesday Afternoons
For Huron and Middlesex
Phone 57-13 Dashwood
Chesley '
Milverton .
Mount Brydges
Sarnia Indian Reserve
For Huron and Middlesex
Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction
EXETER P. O. or RING 138
For Huron and Middlesex
Special training assures you of your
property’s true value on sale day.
Graduate of American Auction
'erms Reasonable and Satisfaction
Crediton P. O. or phone 43-2Ontario Flocks to Ancient Quebec
JOHN ESSERY ................ Centralia
ALVIN L. HARRIS ... Mitchell R. 1
THOS. SCOTT ................... Cromarty
W. H. COATES ................... Exeter
ANGUS SINCLAIR ... Mitchell, R. 1
WM. HAMILTON ... Cromarty, R. 1
T. BALLANTYNE ... Woodham, R. 1
Head Office, Exeter, Ont.
President ............ JOHN
Kirkton, R. R.
Vice-President .... JOHN
Dublin, Ont.
The exchange of
visits between
the Provinces
of Ontario and Quebec has been a
pleasing feature of the holiday
season this summer. Bound
closely together geographically
and in, a score of other ways, On
tario and Quebec are as different
as night and day . . . different in
language, customs, laws and, to
somo extent, climate.
The averago man or woman
from Ontario finds Quebec City as
foreign as any of the cities of
Europe, Walk through lower
town, outside Quebec’s famous
wall, and talk to some of the peo
ple on the street. You will hear
the musical French language
spoken on all sides, and most of
the English you hear will have
B. W. F. BEAVERS .............„ Exeter
Solicitors, Exeter
Pert and Pertinent
“America is essentially a nation
of homes.”
—and nobody home by the mort
that charming French inflection
that makes it pleasantly novel to
the ear.
From the windows of the luxu
rious Chateau Frontenac, Quebec
City can be seen spread out in
orderly disarray. The splendid
parliament buildings, steep, nar
row streets up and down which
taxis drive furiously and horse-
drawn caloches proceed at a
crawl, ancient and modern build
ings side by side and neither of
them incongruous, tall-spired
churches, homes reminiscent of
medieval Normandy, with the
broad St. Lawfence flowing ma
jestically in the background.
Driving along good roads
through the rural districts, the
even tho farms are different.
Their smallness and narrowness
dates back a few hundred years
to tho days when tho river was
’ the only route for travel. On some
farms the equipment and build
ings show great ago, paint is gen
erally brighter than in Ontario
and occasionally cattle turn out
to be oxen.
Quebec has, of course, the same
forms of summer recreation as
Ontario but it is tho setting that
is different. That is why the pro
vince has played such an impor
tant part in the holiday plans of
Ontario people this year,? Good
roads have enticed more Ontario
cars to Quebec this season than
ever before and the good people
of each province are getting tovisitor from Ontario Hods that taoWonoJevor bXk
“Keeping the wolf from the door
a very necessary precaution.”
—if you don’t want the beast to
deposit a litter of pups on the
doorstep —- or whelp on the side
“Father never gave me any ad
vice or anything” - said John D.
Rockefeller Jr.
—then where did he get it all?
“Love,” said Herman Keyserling,
“is the only justification for mar
—and most old .fogies with a
healthy bank deposit who marry
coy young ladies of 18 to 24 actual
ly believe it.
—Oley Okedolce