HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-08-15, Page 4THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1910 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 15 Proclamation of the County of Huron TO PROCLAIM A COUNTY PATRIOTIC FAIR GROUNDS, EXETER J: I To Stimulate and Assist the People in the County of Huron In Greater War Effort Prominent Speakers Will be Present to Discuss War Subjects • a •MASSED BANDS • •• ALL PATRIOTIC CITIZENS ARE URGED TO ATTEND — GOD SAVE THE KING i i = WEDDINGS Westcott—Robbins wedding ’o >k Ida* e on -t 1 ‘”h at ’he <ummer home ArCw Page at Wig wassail Mu.-koku, Ru’ihin.-. youngest Mrs. Frank Gunning Richard Robbins liiiue '<) Roykinef . elder son of Mi si We-’rnt-. T?V* JI of olive a< i'tssoi ie gladioli. They were A Ana of Rev. I.-kunl. mi re nf kc nu. f ’ U’ * * WUL gov. n of uHvh gu-Hji wi'h whin? and tan a*eessnries and carried white and pink gladioli. They were un- a*’ended. Aft r having tea with Rev. and Mrs. Pane, the young couple !ef» on a motor nip ’o Nor'h Bay and other points north. Their many friends will join with ’he Times- Advih-ute in wmuratula'ions and best Page a’. Wig’.va wh»n ELie Mar- daughter and 4he was uni'ed in Arthur Wus'- and Mrs. Ed- hrid" .'hti«se a JUVENILE PLAYOFFS Hensall at Exeter THURSDAY NIGHT 5 o’clock Signed: GEO. FEAGAN, Warden i bi?-'"gji'Li i..— nrnf^TnrrtTirrH’Trrrrrr . . . __ ... Get Ready for Winter!BIRTHS .are in wi-hes. Order your storm sash and combination doors early before the price advances. GADBOIS—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital, on Saturday, August 10th, 194", t<> Mr. and Mrs. George Gadbois. of Lucan, a son. Huron Lumber Co. D. A. GORDON, MANAGER Phones: Office 4«, Res. 255 HARLTON—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital, on Saturday, August 3rd, *o Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Harlton, of Varna, a son. Mi-DONALD—In Exeter, on Sunday, August 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man McDonald, a son. LEAVITT’S AIR-CONDITIONED THEATRE EXETER Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ‘•Little Old New York” Special Feature Starring FRED McMURRAY ALICE FAYE and All Star Cast Added Attraction “Canada Carries On MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY “Irene” Musical Comedy Starring ANNA NAGLE, RAY MILLAND ARTHUR TREACHER and MAY ROBSON WINCHELSEA and Mr. cot- and Mr. and Mrs. John Delbridge Kevin spent the week-end with and Mrs. Harold Bell at their t.age at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Horne Kathleen visited on Sunday with Mrs. p. Whitlock at St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. W. Batten and Billy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman and Helen of Elimville, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns spent the week-end •with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long at Atwood. Misses Kathryn and Joan Batten are holidaying with their W. Burns, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and family, of St.. Marys, Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Delbridge. aunt Mrs. Del bridge visited on Grand Bend Dancing Nightly to WILLIS TIPPING AND HIS CASCADE RHYTHM ORCHESTRA Last call for AMATEURS-—Only ONE Chance More Monday, August 19th FINAL CONTEST AUG. 26th for 1st and 2nd of Each Contest Cash Prizes Each Monday Free Admission before 9 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday First two dances free each night. Bath House and Surf Shop Open Till 10 p.m. Beach Floodlighted Until Mid­ night Every Night SUNDAY, AUGUST 18th, 8:45 p.m. WILLIS TIPPING AND HIS ORCHESTRA — IM CONCERT HERN—At Mrs. Godholt's ’Hospit­ al on Wednesday, August 7th. 19 4 u, to Mr. and Mrs. Th os. G. Hern, of Zion, a son. Appleton—Fairburn quiet wedding took place on Monday ar i; p.m. at the Baptist Ch ;reh. London, when Rev. E. H. Riggs, united in marriage, Agnes Mary, only daughter of Mr. Wm. Fairburn and the late Mrs. William Fairburn, of Hensall, to William Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Appleton, of Exeter. The bride wore navy sheer, street-length dress ’rimmed wi’h white braid, white picture hat with navy ribbon and three-quarter length white net gloves and carried American Beau­ ty rosebuds. She was attended by her aunt, Mrs. Jack Taylor. She wore navy blue silk marqusiette, s'reet length, with a lovely corsage of Sweetheart roses. Pte. Elpon Fairburn, of Springbank, brother of the bride, was groomsman. The wedding dinner was served at Wong's Cafe, London. The young couple left on a motor trip to points north in Ontario. The bride travel­ led in a navy blue ensemble. They will reside in Hensall. A Johnston—Wright MARRIAGES WESTCOTT —- ROBBINS—-At AVig- wassan Island on Saturday, Aug­ ust I", Miss Elsie Margaret Rob­ bins. youngest (laughter of Mrs. Frank Gunning and rhe late Rich­ ard Robbins, to Roylance Arthur Westion. elder sou of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Westcot', by Rev. A. Page. .JOHNSTON — WRIGHT — At the Main S’. Uni'ed church parson­ age, Exeter, on Saturday. August lu'h. 194'i. Marguerite Helen, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, of Crediton, to Ross 'Henry, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnston, of Zurich, by Rev. N. J. Wood. APPLETON- -FAIRBURN—At the Baptist Church, London, on Mon­ day, August 12, 1940, Agnes Mary, only daughter of Mr. Wm. Fairburn and the late Mrs. Fair­ burn, of Hensall, to William Gor­ don, son of' Mr. and Mrs. D. Appleton, of Exeter, by Rev. Riggs.H. CARD OU THANKS G. E. to so Mrs. Henry Eagleson wishes thank the many friends who kindly remembered her with flow­ ers, letters, cards and dainties while patient in St. Joseph’s hospital.'a CARD OF THANKS andMr. and Mrs. Bert O’Brien Gladys wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown them in their recent sad bereavement, ‘especially Rev. Mr. Woods, Dr. Fletcher and for the butes. loan of cars and floral tri- CARD OF THANKS toWillert and family wish their sincere thanks to the Mrs. express neighbors and friends for the kind­ ness and sympathy extended during their recent bereavement, also to Rev. Mr. Falconbridge, to those who sang and for the floral tributes and loan of ears. ENGAGEMENT The. engagement is announced of Gladys Earlene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johns, of Elimville, to Delmar Lawrence, son of Air. and Mrs. Melville Skinner. The marriage, to take place early in September. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Barry Finkbeiner, Crediton, announce the engage-of nient of their (laughter Norma Irene to Mr. Harold Henry Fahner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fahner, of Ciediton, the marriage io take, place in the Evangelical church, the 7th of September. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns, Roger, Gordon and Lois, have returned to Toronto after holidaying in Exeter. While here Mr. Johns made a num­ ber of improvements to his home On William street. James St. Evening Auxiliary The AVilling AVorkers Evening Auxiliary of James St. United eliunh met Alonday evening at the home of Miss Alay Jones. There was a splendid attendance. The devotion­ al exercises were led by the presi­ dent, Airs. AVm. Thomson and the business of the evening transacted. A:iss Eileen Snell presided over a splendid program ■ mnprising a solo 1-y Aliss Pearl AVo»d and an address on “The Great Commission" by the guest speaker, AIr<. Penrose, the ad­ dress being both interesting and in­ structive. Aliss Ella Link read tvo selections, one on ’Worry” and the other on “SmileFollowing the Alizpah benediction refreshments were served by he committee in charge. TAG DAY TO AID BLIND War or nu war the work in, aid of the blind must go on as usual. The blind are still with us and their net ds are the same. This is the determined attitude of twenty Exe­ ter girls who have volunteered their services in eonnectionn with the Tag Day for the Blind being held in Exeter on Saturday, August 17th. Everyone feels an the blind. Everyone that urge into fruitful action by giv­ ing generously when they are ap­ proached on Saturday by one of these young enthusiastic workers. The proceeds of the Tag Day are expended on service for the benefit of more than thirty blind persons in Huron County as well as pre­ vention of blindness treatment for those who are in danger of losing their sight. A Tag Day Committee has been formed on which a group of well known women will serve: Mrs. AV. E. Weekes, Mrs. Louise Kyle, Miss Reta Rowe, Mrs. E. Walker with Mrs. I). A. Anderson as convenor. urge to help can translate Grand Bend Will Help Plans to include Grand Bend in this year’s County-wide Tag Day for the Blind have been announced. Under the splendid convenorship of Mrs. Emery Desjardine a Committee of over twenty young people has been formed to assist with the sell­ ing of tags on Saturday, August 17. i t James St. W. M. S. Ontario Provincial Police AN APPEAL FOR ARMS ONTARIO I fr ........ ■............-............J—— Persons willing to loan firearms to the Province of Ontario, in accordance with the appeal recently published, may de­ posit such firearms with a Provincial Police Officer at the following address: THOS. W. OLDFIELD, COURT HOUSE, GODERICH W. C. OLIVER, District Inspee tor, Ontario Provincial PoliceAugust 7, 1940. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the residence of the Rev. Mr. Wood. Main Street United Church. Exeter, when Marguerite Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright, ox Crediton and Ross Henry, only son of Mr. and Mrs. AV. J. Johnston, of Zurich, were united in marriage. The bride look ed charming in a gown of white D’.chess sa’iu cut in princess lines, the flared skirt falling in'o a slight train, with leg-o'-mutton sleeves and V neckline adorned with a thiee- strang neiklace of pearls, silver slippers completed the costume. Her •hree quarter-length veil of net was held over her dark hair with a wreath of pink rose-buds and she carried a sheaf of Sweetheart roses. She was attended by the sister Miss Ruth Johnston, who was daintily gowned in length frock of pale blue with whi’e picture hat. She a colonial bouquet of white roses. Ted Wright, brother of the bride, supported the groom. A reception was held at the home of the bride’s sister Mrs. H. Penhale, Exeter, to the immediate families. The table was attractively arranged with pink and white tapers centred with the three-tiered 'wedding cake and sil­ ver candle holders with pink candles The August meeting of the W. AL S. of James Stre*-’ United church was held in the s<’uol room Thurs­ day afternoon August 8 at 2.3 0 p.m. Mrs. J. Al. Soutlicott presided in the absence of ’h" president Mrs. Page. The usual business was con­ ducted and repor’s given. Airs. Fanson read a paper on Temper­ ance. Attention was called to the School of Missions to be held at Alma College, St. Thomas, the last week in August. The topic for the devotional program was “Christian Stewarship”. Airs. AV. Christie in charge. The Bible lesson read by Airs. D. A. Anderson, topic for discu-sion were “Tith­ and Stewardship” led by Airs. “Our Peismialities as Ste- Alrs. Bus .veil; “Factors in Building” Airs. i THE VOICE OF THE RED CROSS was was The in.a Stone: wards” Character Building” Mrs. Kyle; “How we may use our time and tal­ ents” Miss Monteith. Others assist­ ing were Mrs. Horney, Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Heywood. groom’s Zurich, a floor­ taffeta carried and the and Mrs. Reynolds the 1941 The Canadian Red Cross, whose business it is to know where the burden of hardship falls most heav­ ily is well aware of what is being endured by the thousands of men on tne British ships, large and small. It is our business to see that the needs of these seamen are met and even anticipated. One day a ship of the British Navy arrived from a warm climate to a Canadian port in mid-winter. They had the lightest of clothing only. The captain called on the Red Cross to see if anything could be done to provide his men with warm clothing. The answer was ‘Yes.’ Within a few hours the supplies were on hoard — Balaclava helmets, scarves, socks sweaters, etc. Warm clothing such as the women of this district have been making — the women of the prair­ ies. the villages, towns and cities where the war seems remote. We must carry on with this job. Pre­ parations are now being made for the great canvass for funds next month. Save some money weekly for the next few weeks will be ready to give when called upon. A great showing of work will be made at the Toronto Fair. The whole of Arts building is being this exhibit. 5th, is Red Cross teers will give all demonstration of Every feature of shown. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. F. AV. Gladman is visiting I with Mrs. Wyndliani, of Oakville. Miss Enid MacGregor, of Regina, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. G- Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman aie holidaying in and Norwich. Mr. AV. E. laid up for a hope to see him around Mrs. AVm. Lankin, of spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Coultis and other friends. Mrs. Ida Sanders and sons, Bor­ den and Britain, left Sunday for a week’s vacation at Bangor Lodge, Bracebridge. Mrs. Bechley and daughter Mary Louise, of Flint, Mich., visited over the week-end with Mr. and O. Harness. Members of the Allison were at Springbank Sunday ing a picnic of the Horton St. Thomas. Misses Wray Hedden and Toronto, Middle ton few days. Burgessville has been His friends again soon. Granton, is Mrs. E. family atten d- farnily, Shirley Doupe, of St. Thomas, visited Exeter with relatives returning their home last week. A. Miss with Sunday. so that you generously Red Cross the Graphic taken up with Thursday, .September Day. Many volun- their time to the Red Cross work, the work will be E.Brown, Hussie, Rev. ; in to , of of and Good Grade Screenings $20.00 a ton ARE PAYING 60c BUSH.WE FOR A LIMITED QUANTITY OF OLD WHEAT Now is the Time to Start Your Hens on SHUR-GAIN Laying Mash or Egg-Maker with Your Own Grains Hominy, Chick Scratch, Salt. IF IT IS THE FEED LINE WE HAVE IT o---0---0 We Buy Wheat for the Wheat Board G. A. Cann & Sons Exeter, Ont. KIRKTON Phone 35 LAID TO REST The funeral of the late Edward C. Willert, who died in Centralia on Wednesday, August 7thr was held from his late residence, on Friday, August 9th. The service was con­ ducted by Rev. Falconbridge. Re­ quested hymns were sung. Mr. Wil­ lert, who was in his 58th year, was a son. of the late Henry and Mrs. Willert. Besides his mother he is survived by five sisters and one brother, Mrs. H. Zimmer, Windsor; Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver and Mrs. R. Hayter, of Dashwood; Mrs. Thos. Isaac, of Greenway; Mrs. p. Strat­ ton, of Toronto and William B., of Centralia. The pall-bearers Friday were Messers. F. Warner, AV. Dobbs, M. Sleamon, F. Penwarden, p. Simp­ son and J. Pollard. Those who car­ ried the flowers were Shirley and Marion Smith, Doris and Shirley Isaac, Dorothy, Jimmy and Bobbie Hayter. Relatives from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer, Mrs. Bruce and Grace Hayter, of Windsor; Mrs. Stratton, of Toronto; Orno Strat­ ton, of petewawa Military Camp and Mr. and Mrs. Thao. Willert, Cairo, Mich. Interment took place in the Exeter Cemetery. REYNOLDS REUNION The sixth annual Reynolds reunion was held at Grand Bend on Civic- Holiday with about sixty present. Owing to the downpour of rain it was impossible *o hold any sports, much to the disappointment of the kiddies and adul's alike. The rain however did not prevent a very hearty supper in the Casino Hall. The eldest member present was Mrs. Emily Picket, of Clinton youngest, the son of Mr. Geo. Wright. Horatio conducted the election of officers and was re-elected presi­ dent; Mrs. Hartley Managhan, sec­ retary-treasurer; Mrs. Leslie Ball, table convenor and sports’ commit­ tee, Ralph Josling, Leslie Ball and Clarence Managhan. It was voted and carried that the picnic for 1941 be held at Springbank Park, London The proceeds were given to the Red Cross. Members were present from Windsor, London. Exeter, Clinton, Londesboro, Wingham. At the close all stood and sang “God -Save the King.” Euchre and Social Evening Members and friends of the choir of Trivitt Memorial church enjoyed a euchre and social evening Friday on the lawn of the president, Wm. C. Davis. Prizes for ladies’ high was won by Mrs. Geo. Wright; gents’ high by John Cox and lone hands by Mr. Davis. Ice cream, pie and refreshments were served in the house at the close of a pleas­ ant evening. THE CHAIN LETTER RACKET Chain letters are being received by many persons in Exeter. Six have been received on Huron Street and four of them went into the stove. The following letter is taken from, the Homemaker page of the Globe and Mail: The Chain Letter Racket Dance at Spruce Grove on No. 4 Highway, 3 miles South of Exeter EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY DURING SEASON BERNIE COULTER AND HIS ORCHESTRA Break in Water Main Last week a leak developed in the water main between the springs and the pump-house of the town’s water system and the small well near the station proved to be a valuable aux­ iliary. For two days while the main source was out of commission the 33-foot well provided 66 gallons per minute or an average of about 100,000 gallons a. day. This with the water stored in the reservoir was ample for the town’s need. Since the new well was placed in operation about two years ago it has provided over two million gal­ lons of water. Dear Homemaker: Several weeks ago I be one letter” raging of ‘ ler. many unsuspecting people that these are illegal in Canada and the war will never be won by people breaking the laws of our land, and the whole object is that the persons who start these letters are making money or stamps—not any Red Cross or charitable organization. They are just a racket, and in this case the lady who sent it I know would never have dope so had realized. Please Hirough the umns of your valuable page let recipients know just how these tors should be treated —to waste paper basket. Red Cross Worker Thank you, Red Cross Worker, we are glad to reciterate wo have said before about letters. The only place for is, as you point out, in the ■basket. was unfortunate enough to of the victims of this “chain racket that is at present in our city under the guise ‘I-Telp Win the War: Down Hit- ’’ .Seemingly it is unknown to unsuspecting Dancing 9 to ?? New and Old Dancing 5c she col- the let- the and whaf chain them waste Serge uniforms' are being manu­ factured in Uanada almost 3,000 a day, a day, and socks at pairs daily .for the force, Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First at the rate of boots at 4,700 close to 6,700 army and air THE TIMES-ADVOCATE Mr. and Mrs. Mo'herwell and Stratford, visited Mrs. Anthony on The W. A. of the Crediton United church are holding a frolic Friday evening, proceeds for war work. See advt. elsewhere in this issue. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Orleman and Jimmie of Pittsburg, Pa., have been visiting for the past week with Mr. and Mrs. G. AV. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Ryckman and Mr. and Mrs. E. Al. Quance and Clif­ ford returned Friday after a pleas­ ant holiday at AVasaga Beach. In another week the Canadian Ni tional Exhibition will open its guL for the world’s largest annual i position. Summer is passing. Miss Phyllis Bierling, R.N., of Kitchener - AVaterloo Hospital, holidaying at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bierling. Mrs. AVm. Cowhig and Miss Eva Copeland R.N., of Albany, N.Y., are holidaying with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. AV. J. Simmons. •Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hutchinson, of London, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. AV. mer cottage day. Mrs. Orley ed home after visiting with her sis­ ter Mrs.’ W. G. Reid at her summer cottage- Point Park, Fort Francis, and also in Winnipeg. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawson and little son William James have re­ turned to Listowel after holidaying for a week with Mr. and Mrs. .Tas. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgins and Miss Ferrol Higgins and Mrs. L. McNeil, of Clinton, visited for a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs.' Geo. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hockey have taken up residence in Mr. F. Johns’ house on William street. Mrs. Hockey returned to Exeter on Sunday after holidaying for a month in London. On Wednesday of last week, the family of Mrs. J. Harding met at her home to celebrate Mrs. Hard­ ing’s birthday, and spent a very pleasant evening. Pie, cake and ice cream were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beavers re­ turned the latter part of the week from their honeymoon spent in Mus- koka. They have taken up their residence on Main St. in the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Thorn. Baker. Mr. James Morrow ex-M.P. or Manitoba, and daughter, Miss Nan Morrow, of Winnipeg, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe and Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. L. Sanders on Saturday. They were also visitors in Hay, Kippen and Hensall. Miss Eva Pearce, who has .been - in Orchard Beach, Muskoka, foi^ several weeks returned home last week. Miss Pearce has not enjoyed very good health for some time. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Woods, of Watford, and the Mr. Gilbert Woods ter’s son, Rev. N. J. at the Main .Street nesday. Mr. John _____ monton, also visited with them the | same day. Ct - jates ex­ the is Beer at their sum- Grand Bend Sun­ A.Martin lias return- former’s father , visited the Iat­ an d Mrs. Woods parsonage Wed- A. King, of Ed- Mrs. Wm. Lankin, of Granton, spent the past week with her dau- | gh-ter, Mrs. I. N. Marshall. Miss Marjory Jones, of Hamil­ ton, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wib. Cluff. Stook threshing has commenced this past week and quite a number have finished cutting their crop for another year. Miss Turner, ( of the General holidaying with Kirk. Rev. and Mrs. returned home after a pleasant holi­ day with friends in the Western provinces. Mr. and Mrs. E. Waterton and family were Sunday guests with Mr. E. Switzer. Mr. R. Switzer and Mr. R. Brock linemen for the Blanshard Muni­ cipal Telephone System are busy installing a cable system. The line is extended from the Kirkton of­ fice going 7i miles north of the village. i i of Neepawa, Man.. Hospital staff is her aunt Miss R. Rapon and family Renew Now BRINSLEY Mr. Pletch, of Crediton, oc- the pulpit of the United in the absence of Rev. Mr. Rev. cupied church Turner, who Js away on holidays. .Mr. and Mrs. George Vaux and Fred Slipper, Civic Holiday at the home of Mr. J. H. ol’ Toronto, spent Amos. Quite a number from here took in the Old Boys at Lieury last week. Farmers are bilsy threshing alsike and drawing in wheat. Dont forget to register on Aug­ ust 19th, 20th and 21st. The re- ‘ gistering will take place in S. S. No. 6. Mrs. Alice Grey spent the week­ end with Mrs. M. Carter. The Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Watson last week. Jack jelfs, who has been work­ ing with Everard Corbett has sign­ ed up and is now in uniform. Miss Reta Lewis, of Hamilton, has been holidaying with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lewis. The Red Cross Tea held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert .Shol- dice’s was a decided success. A good program was held in the af­ ternoon with a raspberry tea and ice­ cream were served. Mrs. Lloyd Odd is to join her husband in St. Catharines on Sat­ urday next. Mr. Odd has secured a position at that city. Erma Morgan is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan. CANADA Many AS EMPIRE ARSENAL of the industrial plants which have been built in for British and Canadian over the, last 10 months are engaged in the production munition ranging from shells and their components, includ­ ing anti-aircraft shells and a var­ iety of heavy and field gun ammuni­ tion, down to rifle bullets. Canada is now producing not merely shells but cartridge cases, fuses, primers and all components included in a .round of ammunition. Canada account 1 already of am- artillery