HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-08-08, Page 8WHUBSOAY, AUGUST 8th, 1910 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ...... - - ■ & V’s Beauty Shoppe FOR CHARM AND BEAUTY We will be Closed From Monday, August 5th to the 17th Inclusive Exeter Markets Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Wheat 53 Oats 3"v Burley - Creamery Butter Dairy Eggs. Hogs, Bu ter. A large medium B 14v dressed.$10.75 FOR EXPERT ADVICE ABOUT YOUR EYESIGHT AND FOR RELIEF FROM THE RESULTS OF EYE STRAIN CONSULT CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C, Hill, B,A„ B.D. Minister airs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist lu u.m.—-Sunday School 7 p.m.—Public Worship Section: “The Four Gospels.” 2 The Gospel for the Jews Evening Services only during August Great Reductions in Summer Dresses We offer every Summer Dress at Greatly Reduced Prices. Don’t miss this opportunity of securing a lovely dress at a fraction of their value SATURDAY, AUGUST 10th at 8 o’clock p,m. * Outside Next to Legion Rooms All Good Prizes Died in Detwit There pitted civiay at lie- family! residence in Dvrroi. nn July g7'h> Annie (,’retvh. aged S6. ndi : of tm-*: lute T. D. Uruec’’. Tilt- i-J survived hy •»nu .uma’rt-r Mat and one grund"»in Ralph. S".t w.i- u'.i aunt of Mi1". W. I). Dearina. Lon-' don and Mr. R. N Cr>>vch. ; town. The funeral was ’odd Mon-; day. July 29th in Yp-d’a’.iti. Mich t I I and ’Haisiimallow ■ at Blake Friday j the memhui- ot j Memorial Hi :;vh , h.oir. amp fire wieii- • ers were cooked over the s-oaI-> an; iriaislimallows were rousted. A sing-i song was enjoyed. This coining Fri­ day evening the members and lilts-! bands, wives and friends will hold I an ice cream social and euchre on1 the lawn of the president. BillI Davis. I U einer Roast /* Chopped Virginia Ham Loaf Home Made Head Cheese Home Made Meat Loaf Macaroni & Cheese Loaf Virginia Ham Cooked Ham Bologna Weiners, Etc A Full Line of Fresh and Cured Meats The Ideal Meat Market C. Tanton Phone 38 Main St. I Exeter Phone 245n------ ........ 1 i 1 LOCALS i 1 1 = SPECIAL = C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter UNION SERVICES Street A jolly weiner roast was held evening lust by the Trivirt Gathered around u Resurfacing Huron Street Workmen are now engaged in completing the work of hard surfac­ ing Huron street. For several weeks foundation work has been in prog­ ress and gravel has been drawn. The work of completing the road will take about ten days. After com­ pleting the road horse-drawn ve­ hicles will be kept off for about a week until the surface hardens suf­ ficiently to permit such traffic with­ out damage to the surface. Cavern Congregational Circle The C. C. C. met in Caven church parlours Tuesday afternoon presid­ ed. over by Mrs. A. Mitchell. Rev. E. Grigg was the speaker and the ladies were delighted with hi< ad­ dress. Partial arrangements were made for holding a supper this fall. Committees for arranging flowers for the church and visiting the sick were appointed. A social half hour was enjoyed over the tea-cups. NOTICE—The Exeter Public Lib­ rary will close from August 13th to 27th while the librarian is on her holidays.— Exeter Library Board, Miss Jeckell. Secretary-Treasurer. LADIES WANTED A few more ladies wanted: Must be convincing talkers to clearly ex­ plain advantages our Household ne­ cessities known as FAMILEX PRO­ DUCTS offers to buyers. Already selling in immense quantities. Door to door canvassing necessary to show articles and take orders for same. GOOD COMMISSION. Un­ limited earnings possible. Friends, neighbors, anyone wll be glad to order. FOR FREE CATALOGUE AND DETAILS write: FAMILEX. 570 St. Clement. Montreal. Mis." Edith Pucker -.pent the holi­ day at Hen<all. Mrs. James Frayne is visiting in St. Marys for two weeks. Miss Mary MvKaig visited Sun­ fl | day ut her home in Hensail. Mis- Gladys Stone, of the Bell Telephone staff, is on holidays. Mr. and Mrs. j. \y, Kent, of Woodstock, visited with Mr. and Mrs. c. Luker over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Cline Flynn, of don. spent the week-end with rives in Exeter and Hensail. Miss k. McFaul is visiting Mrs. Catharine Broadbent in Hope. Miss Berniece DeLbridge, don, spent the holiday week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bob, of Fort with relatives Pte. Hilton Borden, visited at his over the week-end. Miss Nellie Carmichael, of South­ volt Bros, staff, is holidaying this week with her brother in Toronto. Miss Mona Gould, of London, spent Sunday and Monday -with Miss Meta Salter. Mr. Wm. Ludford and Mrs. Gor­ don, of Toronto, rhe holiday with O. Southcott. Mrs. William North, visited her daughter Wm. McDowell, in Denfield, the week-end. Dr. and Mrs. Cowen, Marion, Charles and Peter spent the week­ end with Rev. and Mrs. Page at their summer home at Muskoka. Misses Francis Gidden and Rhena Mclllroy, of Hamilton, were guests with Miss Isabelle Anthony last week. Miss Jean Elliot has home after holidaying for a with Miss Shirley Moise at heim. Miss Florence Southcott Donald are holidaying this Loii' rela- Lon- R. G. Gillies and son Erie, are in town. Sanders, holidaying of Camp home here spent Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. T. Vale, of Exeter Mrs. over returned week Blen- Crediton Residence for sale at a sacrifice. Home of Dr. C. C. Misener. Brick with hard wood floors. All conveniences. Barn and nice lot. C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. Tenders to construct a brick ad­ dition to Mt. Carmel School U.S.S. No. 16, Stephen and McGillivray, 30x24 feet with basement. Tenders to be in by August 15 th. For further particulars apply to Andrew J. Mor­ rissey. Ailsa craig R.R. 2. Phone Crediton 2orl2. and Mrs. Fraser. WANTED—Girl for general house­ work. Apply Mrs. J. S. Park, can. Lu- Itp. LOST-—On Monday evening be­ tween Exeter and Kirkton, a set of 4 lawn bowls, in brown leather case with the initials W. I. on the case. Reward, Finder kindly return same to the Times-Advocate. t'ne FOR SALE — Brick house three acres of land on edge of ter. other homes. Farms. C’. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. and Exe- Low price, terms. Also several General store with attached dwel­ ling in village; also store with at­ tached dwelling at country road in­ tersection; houses of various sizes and prices in Exeter and luges, also several farms from.--W. C. Pearce. other vil- to choose Dead animals removed,Dead animals removed, cash for fox horses. Two hours service, day or night. Phone Crediton 47rl5 collect, — Jack Williams. Open every week day except Wednesday All glasses made up on the premises k Main Street and James United Churches R-ev. N- »J. Wood, of Main in charge Street of Mrs. Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE will be closed from August : to August 10th inclusive. 6th SMELTS Cleaned 1 1-4 lb. packaged 25c Jumbo Ice Cream Bricks BIGGER AND FULL PINT Assorted Flavors 2 for 35c BETTER each 18c Grade “A” Chicken lb. OQ Dressed .........................wZiv EXETER FROZEN FOODS Phone 70 7IIIIII III lilllilllllliilllliillillllllllllillllllD ALL GRAINS All new equipment for handling same Paying Top Prices R. G. SELDON & SON For information call 2w or 90w Garfield Johnston, son of George Johnston, had his appendix remov­ ed Monday at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. His condition is consider­ ed quite serious. Rev. Andrew McLauchlin and family left town for their home at Havelock on Wednesday morning. Miss Betty McLauchlin joined the staff of the Star Fresh Air Camp at Bolton, Ontario. Miss Florence Down is taking her father, Rev. J. W. Down, for an extended motor trip through East­ ern Ontario and Quebec. They town Wednesday morning and not return, for some weeks. left will and the Mrs. i and week ■at the home o<f Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moise at Blenheim. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Beavers, of Pt. Edward, are holidaying with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mrs. Richards and Miss Schweig- ler have returned to Windsor after visiting with their niece, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mitchell were favored with a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Horne and family, of Stratford. Mr. Gordon Emmett and Miss R. Fraser, of London, spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Fleischauer and babe, of London, visited from Saturday until Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Norry. Mrs. C. A. Southcott, Miss Stella, and Miss Ethel Coward, are spend­ ing the month of August at Grand Bend. Mr. Sam. Hicks, of Toronto, vis­ ited Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. Hannah Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. George Walker of Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. George Mawson, of, town, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmore1 Turkey and Donald, of London en­ joyed a -pleasant motor trip to Mont­ real and Ottawa last week. Rev. James Anthony took the service at the Listowel United Church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Pen­ rose took charge of the the Duff circuit, Mr. Harry Cole left for Toronto where he forepart of the week with Morris Dale, the two leaving Wednesday for a two weeks’ trip up the lakes. Mr. and Mrs. John Payne, and babe, of Hamilton, visited from Sat­ urday till Monday with the form­ er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bayne. service on on Sunday spent the Vistors at the home of Mr. Mrs. W. H. Johnston during last few days were Mr. and Freeborn Johnston, of Bruce Beach their nephew, Oliver White, B.S.A., of Toronto; Mr. E. Johnston and West Wawanosh Johnston, F.A.S., and Mrs. Albert son, Morley, and Albert of Toronto. of W. Wuerth has a pair long boots which souvenir. The boots by Mr. Wuerth thirty of lie Mr. A. E. French 'kip prizes as a were made years ago while learning his trade as a shoemaker with the late Mr. 33. Brown, of Crediton. They were returned to Mr. Wuerth by the gen­ tleman for whom he made them •who lias now no further use for them. They are in good shape and Mr. Wuerth has them on exhibition at his store. Foot Sufferers! Special Attention! The Special Representative of Miracle Foot Aid HAMILTON, ONT. Will be at A. E. WUERTH’S STORE “The Home of Bunny White” Exeter, on Tuesday, Aug. 13th from 1 to 8 p.m. PLAN TO SEE HIM! No Charges for Consultation “Miracle” Method of Correction successfully proven by our many satisfied customers in this district Music under the direction N. J. Dore and the Main Street choir. 1U am—Sunday Sehool 11 a.in.—Main Street 7 p.m.—-James Street Thursday, 7.30— -Prayer Service in Main Street. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MaeFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 12th Sunday After Trinity a.m.—Sunday School a.m..—Morning Prayer & Sermon “Faith Essential” Anniversary Service, September 1st i 10 11 Painting and Paperhanging Sign Work of all Kinds Spray Painting TOM WALKER EXPERT Permanent Waving TOMLINSON’S I LOCALS Decker is holidaying . Northern Ontario. J. Nestle, of Welling- remodelling his home, is under way Miss Vera this week in Mr. Henry ton street, is Wheat threshing and a satisfactory yield is reported. Miss Edna Martene has returned to her duties at Dr. Fletcher’s Of­ fice after holidaying at her home. Mrs. I. S. Clubine, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Hy. Parsons. Miss Marion Powell week-end with Mrs. A. St. Thomas. Mr. Bruce Rivers and las, visited with his spent the E. Powles, son Doug- sister, 1 Chas. Way, of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grant, daughter, of London, visited town Monday. Mr. T. Walker is engaged painting one of the rooms of Exeter High School. Ross McDonald, of Exeter North is visiting with his cousin, Roy Houghes, of Windsor. Mr. Geo. Biernes, of Owen Sound, visited several days with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. Shirley Thomson is visiting with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomson, of town. Miss Verda Deer, of Canora, Sask., and Miss Roberta Robinson, of Lachute, Que., visited at the home of Mrs. L. Sweitzer last week. Monday was Civic Holiday. The places of business were closed. The attraction of the day was the bowl­ ing tournament on the local greens. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers were in Glencoe Wednesday of last week visiting with Mrs. Beavers’ niece. Mrs. J. Singleton. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Neale and daughter, of Glencoe, visited at Brucefield for the holiday and call­ ed on friends in Exeter. Miss Isobel Turnbull was in Tor­ onto Thursday of last week attend­ ing the wedding of her cousin, Wil­ fred Turnbull to MiSs Jean Quigley. Miss Helen C. Anthony B.A. has just returned from assisting Miss McKenzie in .the conduct of the Fresh Air Camp at Ryerson Beach. Miss Nona Chambers of Algonac, Michigan, arrived Friday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John! Chambers. Dr. D. A. and Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. S. Fitton and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers spent the holiday week­ end at the Morrison Inn .at Owen Sound. Mrs. and in in the ( i Mr. and Mrs, G. E. McTaggart. o£^ Watford, called on the former's mother in Exeter Sunday while on their way to Blyth on a visit. They will visit in Exeter on their return. Mr, and Mrs. McTaggart were hon­ ored last week on the occasion of Mr. MeTaggart’s retirement as sta­ tion agent for the C.N.R., an ac­ count of which will be found on an­ other page. PURE LINEN HAND TOWELLING This is the last all linen towelling we will have at anything near this price. Get a supply at PER YARD 30c HEM STITCHED SHEETS A good quality cotton that will give ex­ cellent wear at ia very attractive price. 72 x 99 inches EACH $1.50 PILLOW CASES To match hemstitched sheets. This is a value that is hard to duplicate. Buy your requirements now! EACH 35c LADIES KNEE HIGH HOSE Extra Special—5 dozen Ladies Knee High Hose, Regular 49c value on sale this week PER PAIR 25c Beautiful All Wool Kenwood and O. V. Blankets Buy them for yourself or for a gift. All the Newest Shades. Satin Bound. The Prices are exceedingly low. Join our budget plan and .pay one dollar a week. Take delivery at once MEN’S COLORED SHIRTS A good quality shirt with soft or forfused collar in good patterns. Excellent value. EACH $1.00 MEN’S STRAW HATS All this season’s Straw Hats for men on Sale at greatly reduced prices. 75c to $1.50 MEN’S WHITE SHIRTS Made by- Forsyth. Fine quality Broadcloth with forfused collars in different length sleeves. EACH $1.95 NEW ALL WOOL SWEATERS FOR MEN Showing new color combinations in lovely brushed wool and tweed trimming at $3.50 to $4.50 Large Size Linoleum Rugs at 25 per cent. Discount We offer a few sizes in large size Linoleum Rugs at 25 per cent. less than the regular price. These are drop patterns. It will pay you to see them. ODD WHITE CUPS AND SAUCERS A good strong cup and saucer for thresh­ ing. Odd Cups, Each ....................................... 6c Cups and Saucers, per dozen..............$1.00 WATER GLASSES A special in water glasses. White or green EACH 5c SPECIAL IN BLUE DUCK PANTS Men’s riveted pants in good weight blue duck. Very Special. EACH $1.49 WHITE STRIPED PANTS FOR MEN A splendid pant for hot weather. Values $1.59 to $2.25. SPECIAL EACH $1.50 GROCERY SPECIALS FAIRBANKS SOAP 5 Cakes Carbolic 3 Cakes Laundry 1 Cake Laundry Free PEANUT BUTTER 25c 9c Campbells PORK and BEANS 2 tins . . .. 19c PINEAPPLE JUICE FRY’S COCOA V2 lb tin . . 17c Large ice box jar. 22c 3 tins . . . . NEW HONEY CHIPSO Large box . . . 19c 2 4 8 lb. pail . . . lb. pail . . . lb. pail . . . 25c . . . 27c ... 53c ,.. 95c Gold Medal 1 lb tin . . . . 47c MAPLE LEAF SALMON 1 lb tin. .. 35c Southcott Bros. Exeter,Phone 16 tn Mr. and Mrs. A. Barker and children are holidaying at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sims, of Alymer, spent the week-end holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Sims. Miss Gladys Rycknian, holidayed the past week at the home of her ^sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. Finkbeiner, at Crediton. Mr,* and, Mrs. Cecil Laing and children, have returned to after holidaying for a week relatives here. Mr. Orval Lawson, of the adian Bank of Commerce, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson. Mr. and. Mrs. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto, were here Saturday at­ tending the Beavers-Snell wedding and spending the week-end with Mrs. Patrick’s mother, Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mrs. C. “Beirnes” Brussels) on Monday also visitin. at Seaforth and Hensail returning on Tuesday. Miss Ann Turnbull, of New York, who is spending the summer with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Turn­ bull, spent the last two weeks vis< iting in Brampton and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells and daughter, Caroline, of London, vis­ ited with relatives in town Monday. Miss Caroline is remaining for a time. Miss Mae Armstrong left last week for Kincardine where she is holidaying at the home of her sister, Mrs. McCreath. Master Ron­ ald McCreath accompanied her home. Mr. and Mrs. Molv. Guenther, of Windsor, were called here owing to the death of the former’s father, Mr, Charles Guenther, of Dashwood. They visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanders. Hot Weather Suggestions For Men Erin with Can- Orillia, W. Christie attended the reunion at Ethel (near ■S i WINDBREAKERS $1.95 to $4.95 ' FLANNEL PANTS $3.50 to $5.50 ANKLE SOCKS 35c to 50c PYJAMAS $2.00 SUMMER UNDERWEAR 50c to $1.00 SHIRTS $1.50 to $1.95 TIES 50c to $1.00 Newest Miracle of Science STRETCHES, TRANSPARENT and DURABLE ELASTIC-GLASS SUSPENDERS $1.00 GARTERS 75c W. W. I’HONE 81 A A N EXETER, ONT. Mrs. Catherine Hedden returned last week from a two weeks’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. Carman Doupe, at St. Thomas. Mr. Stanley Walter; of the Bank of Montreal staff, Yarker, spent Sunday and Monday visiting rela- and Hensall and Mr. H.S. Walter Roland Brintnell, the form- Brtntnell, tives in London with his father, of town. Mr. and Mrs. after a ten-day visit with er's mother, Mrs. James left Friday for their home in North Battleford, Sask. The daughters. Misses Dorothy and Marjorie ate remaining another week, Mr. Alf Andrus, of Traquair's Hardware, is holidaying at his home at pt. Perry. Flowers were placed in .James St. church on Sunday last in memory of Earl Christie B.A., who was drowned at Burk’s Flails two years ago August 4th while junior pastor there. The marriage took place in St. Peter’s Church, Hamilton, on Tues­ day, July 30, of Miss Audrey Peryl daughter of Mrs. John S. Lewis, of Mr. Gordon Westaway Hilboru, of Hamilton. Mr. Hilborn was a form­ er teacher on the Exeter H. School staff.