HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-08-08, Page 6THURSDAY, AUGIW 8th, 19<0 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
A weekly review of developments on the Home 1’contt week ot Julj rXI
to August 2
Miss Laurene Hern spent Satur
day and Sunday at her home.
The service at Zion church on
Sunday was conducted by Rev. Mr.
Grigg, of Exeter.
On Thursday last the Zion
Circle entertained the Zion
at the home of Miss Je;ui
The meeting was opened by
Exeter Old Boy
Retires at Watford
G, E. McTaggart. who started Rail'
road Career at Exeter, ends 38
Years of Service
G. E. McTaggart. C.N.R. agent at
Watford has retired from active
As Hitler intensified his air raids
over Britain, members of the Do
minion reviewed in the House of
Commons what Canada has done in
the war, and outlined what it is pro-1
posed to do. I
“Mark 111” tanks to be produced
at rate of 3 it a month as soon as
plant equipment is completed.
Artillery plant at cost of $ 10.001>.-
null to be largest and most modern
in British Empire.
Canada will shortly have a co’-ps
of two complete divisions and an
cillary troops in the British Isles.
Would not serve common cause at
this time to have additional Can-(
adian forces added Giis corp. Need ; ily.
in England is nut manpower but!
equipment. Third and Fourth Div-'
isions will h. trained and equipped
in Canada.
Plants now under construction at
cost of §120Jhhi.O(ki will have pro
ductive capacity of §500,0110.0110
worth of goods a year.
Shipbuilding programme costing
§50.imii.iioo progressing satisfactor-
Canada probably producing great
Ser volume of automotive equipment
i ihan any country in world at G " o
mechanized units a day.
Reuniting for mm-periuamni ac
tive militia in Canada will he sus
pended from Auaust 15th. There
after men will enter militia on call
under National Resources Mobilisa
tion Act.
Compulsory training of men cal
led. starts October 1st. with 30,<i«H)
a month called and trained there
Compulsory training period:
days: pay. §1.20 a day. First
probably men 21 and 22 years.
War programme will require an
expenditure of $15n,i>oo,0<iu to
§2"'',"Oit,U(H) this year in addition
to the §70<)1'>(Hi,nou provided for
war by Parliament.
Total sale of war savings certifi
cates to July 27th had a fare value
of $16,090,435.
Registration Forms Mailed; Plans
All unmarried men in Canada be
tween 21 and 45 years and physic
ally fit may have to take 30 days
military training within one year.
Canada can train 1.(100, *>(>() men
under this system and not dislocate
industry and primary products.
Defence department requirements
may be met by calling up during the
first year single men from 21 to 3 5
National registration boards for
each military district and one for
Prince Edward Island to be created
with jurisdiction for calling up men.
All employers must, under pen
alty. put employees back in jobs or
equivalent positions on completion
of training period.
hundred tons of mail
Ottawa during the past
Chief Registrar Jules
office, addressed to
registrars everywhere in
Ten thousand mail bags,
Over four
rolled out of
week from
each weighing about SO pounds and
filled to capacity with cards and
forms on which all male and female
citizens in Canada between the ages
of sixteen and sixty-five will regist
er, were used to complete these ship
ments. Mail bags w'ere despatched
at the rate of
comprising an
nients of about
about S00 per
average daily
40 tons.
hymn number 143, followed by a‘service after being 38 years with
prayer by Hazel Hern. The minutes’-’ ” TT. -----* ...
were read and adopted and the roll
call was taken. The business was
then discussed after which scripture
reading was given by Jean Brock,
Erlma Jaques, Marjorie Earl and
Margaret Hern. Mrs. Elgin Hern
then favored with a solo after which
Anna Brock recited "Canadian
Born.” Hymn 85 was sung follow
ed by a reading by Erlma Jaques.
Jean Brock and Marjorie Earl then
sang. A very interesting address
was given by Rev. Mrs. Penrose, of
Exeter. Mrs. George Brock .played
an instrumental followed by a solo
by Hazel Hern. The collection was
taken after which hymn 13 6 was
sung. The meeting was closed with
prayer by Rev. Mr. Penrose, after
which lunch was served by the Mis
sion Circle girls on the lawn.
There will be no church service
in Zion Church the next two Sun
A number from this community
attended the Red
Frolic at Spruce
day night.
Mr. and Mrs.
the G.T.R. and C.N.R. He went to
Watford as agent”on January 14th,
1924, to succeed
Mr. McTaggart
farm just north of
ed to learn the telegraph and station
work in Exeter, and for 38 years
worked for the old line and its suc-
the C.N.R,. in that capacity,
first appointment as agent
Alienford, on February 3rd,
Three years later he was
Cross dtnce and
Grove on Thurs-
Max Pullen
Helen and Mr. and Mrs Lloyd
len and Joyce, of Woodstock,
Sunday visitors of Mr. and
The following is a report
races run at the Chiselhurst
church and Sunday School
was at
transferred to the same position at
Bly th, where he served for IS years,
moving to Watford in January,
Mr. McTaggart was an accom
modating and wll-liked agent and
a good citizen an I his many Watford
friends are pleased to know that he
and his family will remain there.
He is at present serving his
second year as president of the Bow
ling Club and it was through his ef
forts that the Watford bowling club
has been revived. He is known
throughout Western Ontario as a
fine bowler and sportsman. He. also
takes an active interest in the Odd
Fellows Lodge and is a member of
the Cantons.
Stilson Swales, of Strathroy, will
succeed Mr. McTaggart as agent at
Watford and commenced his duties
on August 1st.
was horn on a
Exeter, find start-
the late Charles
$ .
• •Jean .
A ;
Con ie on up,
The country is calling—Long Distance.
It’s calling those of us who have sent
our families away from town — it’s
calling those of us who work all week
and need to be stirred into action by
a Long Distance call. In the old days
vacation meant separation. To-day
efficient and economical Long Distance
Telephone service connects town and
countryside, brings holiday
ght to your desk
held on Tuesday, July 23rd at Turn
bull’s Grove.
Children 5 and under, Virginia
McClinchey, Ross Riley; girls S and
under, Joan Horton, Dorothy Mae
Keyes; boys 8 and under, Murray
Brintnell. Irwin Rycknian; girls
9 to 11, Shirley Caldwell. Leta Kins
man; boys 9 to 11, Grant McLean.
Keith Brintnell; girls 12 to 15, Er
ma Chambers, Jean Wright; boys
12 to 15, Bruce Glenn, Roger Ven-
ner; young ladies’ Verna McLean,
Marg. Glenn: young men. Bill Mc
Lean. Ken. McLean; married wo
men. Mrs. W. Broadfoot. Mrs. Dick
Kinsman; married men, Clayton
Horton, Harold Parker; fat women.
Clayton Hor-
slipper, Mrs.
Glenn; gents’
McLean, Win
Brintnell; wheel-barrow race, Mrs
C. Horton. Bill McLean, Verna Me
ant! (’. Horton: needle race,
Dalrymple. C. Horton tie
Bill McLean, Marg. Glenn. C.
Marg. GIphu, Gerald Glenn
tug-a-war. C.
Gerald Glenn, R. A. Mc-
Bill Parker, Wilmer Dal-
Carl Sroneman, Jack Me
Gray, agent at Petrolia, act-
as chairman, paid tribute to
McTaggart for his long and
Telephone service is widely
used because it is courteous,
efficient, yet surprisingly in
expensive. Nothing else yields
sowasthe materials
the daily output by
Government Printing Bureau,
were kept humming
out the 16,-
and certifi-
Shipping of
geared to meet
where presses
night and day to turn
cards, forms
much for what it costs!
Total strength Canadian Activej
Service Force on July 21st botlJ,,^..
home and overseas, was 133.572. InI district
five weeks, over
for active service.
persons ineight million
are within the age limits voices n
Globe and Mail, 6 Months 3.25
('an a da
prescribed and will appear before
.......... t registrars on one of the
42.m>ii recruited' t.iirpe dates, August 19th. 20th and
121st. set aside by the Government
that purpose.to resume almost!
of training tvpe!
Britain prepared
at once shipments
planes urgently needed for Common
wealth Air Trainins Plan.
July 24:
airmen; 2.558
Twenty-two schools in operation.
strength at
Air Force
1.765 officers;
Strength Canadian Navy:
officers and men with 113
In near future 1O0 vessels
will be
lost offDestroyer H.M.C.S. Fraser
Bordeaux has been replaced. Re
placement will shortly be in commis
QtWe a number from this
niunity attended the young people's
pi-Bic held at Turnbull's -Grove on
Misses Ella Francis. Marion, Irent
and Dorothy Pooley are spending a
week at their cottage at
Miss Jessie Monteith,
spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Denham, of
the week-end
J. Batten. Mrs
returned with
of Exeter.
Mrs. W. J.
Two new destroyers under
struction in Great Britain for
adian navy. Three merchant
seis are being converted into armed
Canadian factories to produce air
planes at 150 a month early next
year. z
Your Next Visit to
Hotel Waverley
Located on Wide Spadlna Ave.
at College St
Easy Parking
Convenient to
Single -RatesDoub|e: - -.....Four to Room, $5.00 to $8.00
to the University,
$1.50 io $150
$2.50 to $5.00
Close to the University,
Parliament Buildings,
Maple Leaf Gardens,
Theatres, Hospitals,
Wholesale Houses, and
the Fashionable Retail
Shopping District.
A» M, POWELL, President
Sarnia, visited over
with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Batten and Gladys
them for a week.
Miss Betty Delbridge, of St. Marys
is holidaying with her grandmother
Mrs. Geo. Delbridge.
Misses Leona and Aldeen Pym,
of Elimville, spent a day last week
with Mrs. W. J. Veal.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
George Davis were: Mr. and Mrs.
Cliff Hotham and family of Byron;
Mrs. Ted Hotham, Mr. George Ho-
them, of Delaware and Miss Helen
Cook, of London.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Bailey visited
on Sunday with their daughter Mrs.
Alf Collier, of Kirkton.
Forewarned is Forearmed
For l»usband’.s only
Even though this is the first
week of August, undoubtedly friend
wife is already cudgelling her brain
on how to painlessly extract from
you the wherewithal to purchase
her new fall hat — so — when she
innocently (?) observes that “Mrs.
Smart has a new hat, darling —”
You can just as innocently reply:
“Well, dear, if Mrs. Smart were as
have to
as you are, she wouldn’t
spend so much on new
Bert Riley, Mrs.
ladies’ kick the
Stoneman, Marg,
rhe slipper. Bill
1 a* e,
and Verna McLean;
Lean, Bill McLean.
Mrs. James Dalrymple, of Avon-
lea, Sask., and Mrs. Robert Dalry
mple, of Clinton, spent a couple of
days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dal
Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, of De
troit, Mich., spent last week with
Mr. and Mrs. William Vernier.
Mr. David Gibbs, of Prince
pert, B.C., spent a day with
and Mrs. George Dalrymple
other friends ill the vicinity.
Mission Circle
The regular meeting of the
sion Circle was held at the home ot
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson. The
meeting was in charge of Mrs. R.
Neil and opened by singing hymn
109 followed by the Lord’s Prayer
in unison. The scripture lesson was
read by .Marion Morley and the roll
call was answered by the name of
a Missionary and his field of work.
Hymn 168 was sung and Reta Hodg
son read the topic. Verna Robinson
gave an instrumental; Evelyn Twed-
dle a missionary reading; Myrtle
and Gladys Neol gave a guitar se
lection. 'Following this was the busi
ness part of the meeting. Orpah
Watson read a letter of appreciation
to the Mission Circle. The meeting
closed with hymn 347 and the Miz
pah benediction. Marjory Daley had
the contest which was won by Verna
Robinson. Lunch was then served.
Myrtle Neil moved a vote of thanks
to Mrs. Hodgson and Reta for the
kindness in opening to us
for the meeting.
their home
grain crop
to harvest
Heavy damage to the
and the problem of how
if in the fields was reported in the.
southern part of Huron County
Monday as a result of the downpour
and wind which swept this area
Sunday night. Unnsally heavy stalks
of grain were flattened and twisted
in fields in Stephen Township, it
was feared tin* grain would not rise
again and would be difficult to har
vest in some sections. Oats and
barley are badly hit.
First Tramp: “What would you do
if yon won a rile of money?" Sec
ond Tramp: “I’d have the park seats
Upon his retirement Mr. and Mrs.
McTaggart were pleasantly surpris
ed by raidroad men from Point Ed
ward, Sarnia, Petrolia, Wyoming,
Strathroy, Mount Brydges, London
and Alvinaton at a gathering held
in their honor at Watford.
loyal service to the G.T.R. and C.N,
R. and the public, reviewing rail
roading. from 3s years ago to the
present time and expressed good
wishes for Mr. and Mrs. McTaggart.
Each visitor was called on and
expressed good wishes for
George Buckle, of London, on
half of the running crews, and John
Doar, of the maintenance of way de
partment, pxprexed regret at Mr.
McTaggart’s retirement and extend
ed best wishes. R. Dick, who has
been Mr. McTaggart’s assistant dur
ing his term of office in Watford,
read and address to Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Don Strain,
presented Mrs. Mc-
a travelling case,
Dour presented Mr.
Gladstone bag
Mr. and Mrs.
McTaggart and
Point Edward,
Taggart with
while Mr.
Taggart with a
a bowling baa.
Taggart made suitable replies.
Stilson Swales, of Strathroy,
succeeds Mr. McTaggart, rendered
vocal solos.
Mrs. Strain and Mrs. Dick assist
ed Mrs. McTaggart serving lunch.
The balance of the evening was
spent in cards.
Thieves raided the Godbois chick
en hatchery at Lucan Saturday night
and carried away between 75 and
100 birds. The men escaped With
out being seen or attracting atten
tion. The stolen birds were all
White leghorn roosters. They were
in buildings at the back of the
hatchery. Constable George Clubbe
of the provincial police, of London,
went to Lucan to investigate and is
continuing his probe.
“I want a reliable chauffeur, who
takes no risks,’’ said the would-be
plied the applicant and he added:
“Can I have my salary in advance?”
Tm your man, sir,” re
eer eyz
Sales Books
are the best Counter
Check Books made in
Canada. They cost no
more than ordinary
books and always give
We are agents and
will be pleased to quote
you on any style or
quantity required.
See your Home Printer First
Clubbing Rates
Toronto Globe & Mail and Times-Advocate
Toronto Daily Star and Times-Advocate
London Free Press and Times-Advocate
London Free Press, 6 Months
Family Herald & Weekly Star and Times-Advocate
Canadian Home Journal and Times-Advocate ..........
Country Gentleman and Times-Advocate ....
Good Housekeeping and Times-Advocate ....
Ladies’ Home Journal and Times-Advocate
McCalls Magazine and Times-Advocate ....
National Geographic and Times-Advocate .
Farmer’s Advocate and Times-Advocate ....
Ontario Farmer and Times-Advocate
Saturday Evening Post awd Times-Advocate ......
Saturday Night and Times-Advocate ....................
Woman’s Home Companion and Times-Advocate
Cosmopolitan and Times-Advocate .....................„
She understands me -
Knows my every mood
And feeling —
When silence, like a shroud
Envelopes me —
'She knows that pain again
Is bending low my spirit,
And, patting my bowed head,
She leaves me -
She understands me -
Knows the joy that fills
My being
At some kind word or smile
Of friendly cheer,
And when I want some one
To talk or gaily laugh with,
She, as ever, understands
Me - and is
Always near.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hayes, of
Parkhill, announce the engagement
of tlieir elder daugher, Olive Jean,
to Donald Hugh McGregor, younger
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGregor
of McGillivray, the wedding to take
place August 10th.
New Hired Man:
what time do I have to
mornings?’’ Farmer:
time you like, jess-so’s
er’n half past four.’’
“Well boss,
get to work
“Oh, any
it ain’t lat-
Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Ryan and
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ryan and son
George of London spent Sunday at
Mr. Mansell Hodgins.’
Mrs. LeGrand Wright and Mrs.
W. II. Haytcr. of Detroit, called on
Mrs. Fred McLiiicbey and Mr. and
Mrs. New ton Hay ter on Thursday.
We arc glad to report Mrs. Colin
Love is home 1'rom hospital. Mother
and babe are doing well.
Congratulations and best wishes
to Mr. and Mrs. N. Lightfoot neo
Beryl McLeod.
Mrs. Lottie Brent, of Toronto, is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Love
Junior, of Thedford, called on
and Mrs. Will Love on Sunday.
Musings of a Manicurist —
I got one. come-boek that knocks
any girl friend over when she start?
an argument. ’Maybe, I am, dearie,’
I say, ’but you got to admit I never
sejit my picture in for a
test’. An’ then they v
I know they done ih
If a woman’s hair is
when she goes io the d
the milk, I know 'lu- ;
worry about who hoi
lunch with.
One way to get by
world is to figger t’otlte
possibly be as
Did’ja ever
legged girl ever
swimmin’ as an
Trouble now-a-days is that there
is too much petting before marriage
and not enough afterward.
big in Gib
(• t/ny can’t
dumb as all that,
notice that no bow
cares much about
Bilious Attacks
Liver Complaint
Biliousness is just another name
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is a very common complaint, but can
bo quicldy remedied by stimulating
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liver and bowels are relieved and
toned up.
Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills quicken
and enliven the sluggish liver, open
ing up every channel, by causing a
free flow of bile and thus cleansing
tho liver of the clogging impurities.
They arc small and easy to take.
Do not gripe, weaken or sicken,
Th« T. Milburn Co., IitdM Toronto. Ofifc