The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-08-08, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TlIlJtSO.lY, AVGTST 8U1, I»l<>
Mr. ( .ms. Jinks has been seriyus-
ly ill anting the past week.
Miss Nona Stinson spent the
■week-end at her home in London.
..M-s Grure Brock, of London,
visited this week at her home here.
Miss Margaret Kilpatrick, of
Struthroy, visited with friends here
this week.
Miss jean McQueen is visiting her
sister. Mrs. Don. Rigby, of Blen
Miss Hazel Fox. of London, was
the guest of Mrs. Marjorie Sparks
last week.
Mrs. Frank Young spent the
week-end with her husband at Camp
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bushie and son
spent the holiday at London and
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Rennie and
family spent a few days last week
at Grand Bend.
Mrs. Peter Buchanan, of St.
Grand Bend
Dancing Nightly to ..
Last call for AMATEURS—Only
TWO Chances More
Mondays, August 12th and 19th
for 1st and 2nd of Each Contest
Cash Prizes $5, $3, $2 Each
Free Admission before 9 p.m,
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
First two dances free each
Beach Floodlighted Until Mid
night Every Night
Thomas, is visiting with her father
Mr. John Zuefle.
Mr, Erie Kennedy, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with his wife
and family here.
Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto, is
holidaying with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Dougall.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson, of To
ronto, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Walker.
Miss Joyce Scruton, of Toronto,
visited over the holiday with her
mother Mrs. A. Scruton.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook and fam
ily returned home after a pleasant
vacation at Wasago Beach,
Mr. Ian Filshie instructor of the
R.C.A.F. at Crumlin visited with
friends in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Patterson
left on Saturday on a week’s motor
trip through Northern Ontario.
Messrs. Rae Patterson and Ken
neth Manns, of Toronto, spent the
week-end at their home here.
Mrs. Horning and son, of Palmer
ston, visited recently with Mrs. C.
Ballantyne and Miss Katie Scott.
Miss Marie Bell, of London,
spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Bell j
Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Mona
are visiting with the former’s sons I
in Hamilton and St. Catharines. •’
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman, of Lis-
towel, visited over the holiday with
their parents here and in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gould, of,
Clinton,, visited on Sunday with the'
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Walker. I
Mrs. S. M. Barbour, of St. Hya
cinth, Quebec, is visiting with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hog
Mi’, and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale en
joyed a pleasant motor trip to Port
Elgin and points north over the
• holiday.
Mr. Casey Hudson and friend, of,
Listowel, visited on Sunday with the '
former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. !
Hudson. I
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle, Billy (
and Betty returned home this week
after a very pleasant holiday at
family _ t
Grand Bend. Committee intends packing parcels
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake and for men from this district who are
Billy and Mrs. Walks returned home now serving overseas. They are
after a motor trip to points North asking the public to contribute ar-
alcng the lake. I tides for these parcels. Donations
Dr. Wm. T. Joynt, of Brockville, to be left at Goodwin’s Store, Hen-
spent the week-end with his mother, sail; Kyle’s Store, Kippen;
Mrs. Alice Joynt. ’Store, Zurich, by Saturday,
8:45 p.rn,—Silver Collection
Come and hear a fine program by
this well known band.
and Mrs. Ken. Hicks and
have been holidaying ^at
Rev, Arthur McAsh, of Queens-
ville, visited on Monday with his
aunts, Miss Mary McAsh, Mrs. An
nie McDonald, Mrs. Marjorie Sparks
and uncle Mr. Geo. Douglas.
Messrs. Earl Passmore, Russell
I Hedden, Ed. Little, Harvey Hudson
and Elton Fairburn are camping at
Thames Valley, Springbank, where
they are training for home defence.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle, Billy
and Betty, Miss Florence Welsh
and Mr. Thos. Welsh visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess, Bob and
Ruth at their cottage at the Pin
ery on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Domerest, of
Calgary and Mr. and Mrs. Guest, of
Montreal, visited this week with
Mrs. Domerest’s sisters, Miss Amy
i Reynolds and Mrs. Frances Robin-
' son and Mr. William Reynolds.
( Mr.
’ and
daydng at Chesley Lake.
Mr. Harold Hanson, who has been
employed for the past few years
with Mrs. T. C. Joynt left this week
for Thamesville, where he has ac
cepted a position with a produce
A pleasant time was spent at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tay
lor on Monday evening when a
number of neighbours and friends
gathered in honor of their son
Melvin who enlisted recently and is
in training at Camp Borden. An ad
dress was read by Mrs. Harry Cald
well and Dr. A. R. Campbell pre
sented Melvin with a signet ring
and pen and pencil set.
War Time Committee to Pack
Parcels for Soldiers
The Hensail War Time Citizens’
and Mrs. Stewart McQueen
daughters Jean and Helen, also
and Mrs. Don. Rigby and daugh-
of Blenheim and Mrs. P. Man-
and Sally spent last week holi-
On August 4th a missionary pro-
fgrum was given in the United
church Sunday School. Jean King
recited a poem and “Flashes Across
Canada” on the work being carried
on by the Home Missionary Board
was given by Mrs. Sam’l King.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seriven, of To
ronto, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Schroeder.
Master Ross Seri ven, of Toronto,
who spent his vacation with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Schroeder, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark spent
a few days in Brampton.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Morlock spent
Sunday at Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr, Miss
Walker, Mrs, Aljoe Hulbert and
children Frederick and Margaret,
spent the week-end at Lion’s Head.
Miss Sadie Hollman, of Toronto
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Kerr.
Mrs. Martha Raymond, of Buf
falo, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs
George Eilber.
Lewis Faist. returned to Ottawa
after spending his vacation with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown, of Tor
onto, visited Mrs. Sam Brown over
the week-end.
Miss Eva Mae Brown is spending
her vacation with her grandmother,
Mrs. Grant, of London.
Mr. Sam. Hicks, of Toronto, vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey
Wein on Monday.
Miss Clarissa Hill, of Detroit,
visited in town over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Harsal Rodgers
Jack Wein and Albert Juniar, of
Kirkland Lake, were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fah-
ner and relatives last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Brubaker and son
Rosco, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kobe,
of Hanover were guests with Mr
and Mrs. Daniel Oestricher ovei
the week-end.
John English and Emmery Fishei
spent the holiday at Rondeau Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haist and
daughter of Pelham spent the week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Harry Finkbeiner.
Mr, Harry Hoffman, of Dash
wood, was present at the Evangelic
al church and Sunday School last
.Sunday morning and sang several
numbers to the delight of all pres
Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Mi'. Lloyd Ortwein and friend Miss
Margaret Billings, of London visit
ed over the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. »
Misses, Jean Foster, Margaret
Tudor, Morris Tudor and Max Hud
son enjoyed a motor trip to North
Bay and Montreal.
Misses Margaret McGregor, Enid
Parkins and Edna Sandercock re
turned home after a pleasant vaca
tion at Grand Bend.
‘Mr. and Mrs. Van Loughton, of
Toronto, visited over the week-end
with the latter’s parents Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. McDonell.
Mr. Robert Passmore conducted
service in the United Church Sun
day morning and Mr.. Carey Joynt
sang a pleasing solo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, of
Toronto, spent the week-end holi
day with the former’s parents Mr
and Mrs. Cornelius Cook.
Miss Margaret Schwalm, of Lon
don, is spending her summer vaca
tion at the home of her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Schwalm.
Dr. Byron Campbell, Mrs.
bell Misses Dorothy and Jean
bell and Mr. Keith Campbell,
ronto, spent the week-end here.
Mr. Lee Hedden, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Hedden, Betty and Marie spent
the week-end with the former’s
mother, Mrs. Catharine Hedden.
Miss Margaret Hobkirk who has
been employed as bookkeeper for
Cook Bros, has resigned her posi
tion which has been taken by Miss
Nora Stinson, of London.
Mrs. Roy parlmer and daughter
Caroline, of Windsor, spent the
week-end with the former’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher.
Rev. D. C. Hill, of Exeter deliv
ered a fine sermon at Carmel
church on Sunday morning and the
choir sang an anthem.
Misses Helen and Rose Passmore,
of Thames Road are holidaying with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Moir.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore and
family of Thames 'Road, visited on [
Sunday with Mrs. Passmore’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir.
Misses June Saundercock and
Marion MacLaren accompanied by
Mrs. Verne Smith and Mrs. Penhale
of Exeter, spent the week-end at'
Grand Bend.
of To-
W. M. S. Meet
The regular meeting of
M. S. of the United church was held
on Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
John Elder presiding. Mrs. Charles
McDonell acted as secretary in the
absence of Mrs. N. E. Cook. The
meeting opened by singing a hymn.
Mrs. Victor Fee read the Scripture
and Mrs. Lammie led in prayer. The
roll was called. Mrs. Geo. Hess gave
the topic on “Facing the Future
Task of Life in India” which was
very interesting. The meeting clos
ed by singing another hymn.
Taylor - Warm
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at Wesley United Church London,
on Saturday, when Rev. Ingman
united in marriage Clara Grace,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Wurm, of Hensall and Pte. Sidney
Taylor, of the R.C.O.C., London,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor,
of Chiselhurst. The bride wore a
street-length dress of blue crepe
with bolero jacket and blue acces
sories and carried Sweetheart roses.
Mrs. Frank
groom was
Suez crepe
roses. The
Pte. Frank
the W.
Young, sister of the
'bridesmaid gowned in
with corsage of tea
groom was attended by
Young of R.C.O.iC., of
_____ The wedding dinner was
served at the Surrey Coffee Shoppe
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at the United church parsonage,
Brucefield, when Rev. Mr. Wright
united in marriage, Elsie Lavina
Marie' Smith, daughter
Smith and the late Mrs.
Fortuna, North Dakota,
Of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Brucefield, to Gordon Stoddart El
liott, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
They were
Tile lovely bride wore
of E. J.
Smith, of
and niece
Berry, of
Elliott, of Britcefield.
a street-length costume of
georgette with smart picture hat
with blue trim and white accessories
and -wore a corsage of American
Beauty' rose buds. For their tved-
ding trip they motored to London,
Fort Stanley and points south. 'They
Will reside in Brucefield.
Miss E. Doupe, R.N., of Stratford
is holidaying with her sister Mrs.
Wm. Harding.
Miss A. Roy, of Stratford. General
Hospital, is holidaying with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Roy.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heywood and
family, of Toronto, are holidaying
with Mrs. F. Anderson.
Miss Mina Mure, of Toronto and
Miss Agnes Greason, of Byron, are
holidaying with Mrs, Milton Greg
Mr. John Williams’ mother, who
is in her 91st year and her daughter
Mrs. White, and family, of Brant
ford, were Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. John Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones and daughter,
of Hamilton, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. John Cluff,
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall, of
London, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson.
Pte. Lester Allan, of Camip Bor
den, called on a lot of his friends in
and around the village on Saturday.
Miss Birdeene Clark, of Winchel-
sea, spent the week-end with Miss
Roxie Doupe.
We welcome Mrs. Gordon Bur
gin, a bride of the past month to
our village and also wish Mr. and
Mrs. .Burgin much joy and happi
Mr. and Mrs. John Rock, Clair
and Garry spent -Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins.
Miss Ellen Shank, of Goderich,
spent several weeks with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. j. W. Shank.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murray,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young and
Jean, attended a picnic at Ipperwash
Beach on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Bert MoFaulds, of the 20th
concession of McGillivray suffered
heavy loss when the fine barn on
his farm was destroyed by fire on
Thursday afternoon. The season’s
hay crop, a wagon and rack, 10
pigs, cream separator, etc. were
also destroyed along with a few
chickens. The cause is thought to
be spontaneous com/bustion. There
was a barn burned on this farm 13
years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. McLean and babe
spent Sunday with her cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins north of
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rock, Bar
bara and Clair, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Mellin were Sunday visitors with
Mr, and Mrs. Garfield Steeper and
Mr. Billy Mason, of Centralia, is
holidaying with his cousins Max
and Earl Hodgins.
We are pleased to see Mrs. Titos-
Ryan out again after her lengthy
Quite a number have stooked-
threshed their fall wheat and
others have Mr. Jas. Geromette with
his comfbine thresh it in the field.
Wedding bells are ringing in oui
Mr. and Mrs. Clan-m-p Beck and
family, of Detroit, w» re visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Schlunt over the we»'k-t>nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. stire has re
turned to their hom*' in Tonawan
da after spending their vacation
with his mother.
Miss Emma Tieman. of London,
is spending her holidays with rela
tives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Czar riteinhagen, of
Port Dalhousie, spent the week-end
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Misses Amelia Willert and Mary
Eaid, of '’London, spent the week
end with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Evans and
family, of Kitchenei. spent the
past week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Hoffman.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis, of Exe
ter and Miss Lena steinhagen, of
Cleveland were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steinhag
Rev. H. A. Kellerman, of Water
loo, visited friends in town Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Brut? and family
of New Hamburg, has returned to
their home after spending two
weeks’ holidays with her mother
Mrs. Schoeder.
Mr. and Mrs. Addison Tiernan
are busy moving to their new resi
dence this week.
Mrs. George Schroeder, a former
resident of this community, died
at the home of her daughter in
Detroit on Tuesday. The remains
were brought nhere for burial.
The funeral was held on Thurs
day afternoon at 2 p.m. at the
Lutheran church with interment in
the Lutheran cemetery.
Charles Fee, of Hensall, is spend
ing a week’s holiday with Mr. S.
Death of Charles Guenther
Charles Guenther passed away at
his home here on Saturday in his
73rd year, He had been engaged
in threshing in this community for
many years and was a former horse
man. He was born in Phelan and
also resided in Stephen township
before moving to Dashwood. He is
survived by his widow (nee Laura
Hooper) four daughters Mrs. (Dr.)
R. H. Taylor, Rose and Mrs. Sid.
Bak’er, all of Dashwood and Mrs.
Milton Webb, of Grand Bend; four
sons, Harry and Melvin, of Wind
sor; Jack of the R.C.M.P. of Hali
fax and Ervin, of Dashwood; two
sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Martin, of
Hay Township and Mrs. Caroline
Hoffman, of London. A private
funeral service took place at the
residence on Tuesday at 2 p.m. In
terment took place in Exeter ceme
tery. Rev. A. E. Pletch, of Crediton,
Sunday School Picnic
Dashwood Evangelical Sunday
School picnic. Sports program at
Beginners race. Nancy Tieman,
Martha Oestriehe’’. Florence Jack-
son; Mrs. Schaltz’s class, Shirley
Smith, Betty Gaiser, Vesta Ford;
Mrs. Schatz’s class, Grant Wildfong,
Daniel Oestricher, Shirley Guen
ther; Arthur Haugh’s class, Jim
Taylor, Jack Ford; Mrs. Links’
class, Ruth Guenther, Joyce Eng
land, Mabel Jackson; Stuart Wolfe’s
class, Jack Gaiser, Wilfred Disjar-
dine, Ray Guenther; King’s Daugh
ters’ class, Aldeen Eagleson, Hope
Koppel, Thelma Weber; young
men’s race, Ross Guenther, Carl
•Oestricher, Kenneth Wein; crawl
ing race, Shirley Smith.
toe hold, Glen Haugh, Jim Taylor,
Jack Ford, George Wolfe; nimble
Susan race, Keith Wildfong, Maida
Wein, Harry Hoffman, Myrtle Gais
er; balloon race, Ruth Guenther,
Mabel Jackson; chinaman’s race,
Harry Hoffman’s group, Sidney
Baker’s group; balloon race, Shir
ley Smith, Lome Haugh, Betty
Gaiser; memory contest, Mrs. W.
Wolfe, Mrs. G. Wildfong, Mrs. S.
Baker, Mrs. D, Tieman, Mrs. M.
Haugh; grandmother’s race, Mrs.
J. Wildfong, Mrs. D. Weber, Mrs.
R. Baker; good judgment race,
Mr. J. Wildfong, Ezra Bender;
rooster crowing contest, Mrs. W.
England, Mrs. M. Oestricher, Miss
(Catharine Finkbeiner; Criss cross
toe hold, Gordon Eagleson, Sheldon
Wein, Clarence Schade; jump the
ditch relay, Sheldon Wein’s group;
in and out relay, Gordon Eagleson’s
group; ring on toothpick relay.
■Howard Ford’s group. The soft-
ball game ended in a tie 4-4.
Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S.
The Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. held
their regular meeting Thursday ev
ening in the church basement. The
Mission 'Circle were invited ‘>o
spend the evening With us. The
meeting was in charge of Mrs. A.
E. Oestricher’s group the theme for
the month being Christian Citizen
ship. The meeting opened with
i;— I,' II|- Iii.:mii:iiiiiir|--r . ;imit iuj-i ■ mr i -"ri : i n;iirr| p, rii„ Rll, , , ,, ,,,,, m 1.11,1,1,,
... The Third Annual ...
will be held
Thursday & Friday Evenings, Oct. 3 & 4
Tickets at 25c each are now being sold, and a drawing will be made FRIDAY EVENING,
OCTOBER 4th when the following prizes will be distributed:
1—A $250.00 War Savings Certificate
2—A $50.00 War Savings Certificate
Ten Prizes Each of a $10.00 War Savings Certificate
Five Prizes Each of a $5.00 War Savings Certificate
You do not have to be present to claim your prize.
The Merchants of this Community are Co-operating in selling these tickets. A list of
the names will be published later
soft music played by our pianist
Mrs. J. M. Tieman. Mrs. A. E. Oes
tricher who had the chair for the
evening read a poem of worship.
Mrs. D. Tieman led in the opening
prayer. This was responded to by
the Mission Circle singing their
Creed. The Scripture Lesson was
read by Mrs. V. Schatz. Prayer for
our Missionaries having birthdays
during the month was offered by
Mrs. G. Wildfong. We were then
favored with a vocal duet by Eunice
and Donald Oestricher. Dr. R. H.
Taylor, the guest speaker of the
evening gave a very instructive ad
dress on Christian and Canadian
•Citizenship. We were then favor
ed with a clarinet trio by Myrtle
Gaiser, Belva Truemner and Stuart
Wolfe. The president Mrs. G. Wild
fong then presided for the business.
The floral committee reported hav
ing sent flowers to Mrs. Hy. Eagle
son at St. Joseph’s Hospital. The •
Society held a baking sale July
27th at D. Tieman’s furniture store,
the proceeds were for the Red Cross
which amounted to $15.55. The
floral committee for the month are:
Mrs. D. Tieman and Mrs. Dan Web
er. The Sunshine Committee for
the month are Marie Kraft and
Mrs. Cora Gaiser. 43 sick visits
and 6 bouquets were reported for
the month. We had 19 visitors. Af
ter roll call and collection of fees a
social half hour was spent and
lunch served.
Pte. Fred Schroeder of St. Thom
as, spent the week-end. at the home
otf his .father Mr. L. Schroeder.
Mr. Bob Brunswick left on Fri
day last for a two weeks’ training
at camp in London.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Perry, Exeter,
spent the week-end at the home
of the letter’s father, Mr. L.
Wedding bells are ringing in our
community this week.
Miss Nola Sweitzer, nurse-in-
training at London returned Sunday
after spending three weeks’ holidays
at her home here.
Miss Ida Sweitzer, of London,
visited over the week-end at her
home with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sheppard,
of London and Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Neil and Betty Ann, of Windsor, vis
ited on Sunday with Miss Pearl
Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner, Misses
Lila and Audrey Finkbeiner, who
have been confined to their home
with pneumonia are getting along
nicely and expect to be out this
Dance at Spruce Grove
On No. 4 Highway, 3 miles South
of Exeter
Dancing f) to ?? New and Old,
Dancing 5c
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ducharme, of
Chatham, are spending a few days
with the latter’s sister, Miss Mar
garet Hogan.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard and
son Ronald, of Zurich, spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Nap. Geromette and
family, of Lucan, spent the week
end with the former’s parents Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Geromette.
Sister Mary Avila and Sister
Ilene, of Chatham, are spending a
few days with the former’s par
ents Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrissey.
Judge and Mrs. Coughlin, of
Windsor, are spending a few days
with the former’s brother Mr. F.
iMr. James Ryan and family, of
Chicago spent a few days with his
brother Mr, Michael Ryan. •
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks and
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
S. Henry at Harriston.
Mrs. E. Thompson and son of
London, visited with Mrs, Parsons
and Mrs. Kershaw one day last
Mr. and Mrs. Smith and son, of
Toronto, visited for a couple of days
last week with the former’s brother
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleamon and
June enjoyed a trip to Muskoka over
the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Murdy, of Lu
can and Mrs. J. Smale, of California
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Essery. Mrs. Smale is re
maining for a couple of weeks’ vis
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mugan, of Lon
don, were holiday visitors with
Mrs. O'Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook and fam
ily of London, and Mrs. B. Cook
and Margaret spent the week-end at
Grand Bend.
Mr. Fred Baynham, of London
and Scotty Baynham, of Galt, spent
the week-end at their home.
Visitors with Mrs. Clara Abbott
during the past week were Mr. and
Mrs. W. McRoberts, of Lucan and
Mr. and Mrs. E. Faulder, of Cred
The services in the church here
on Sunday next will be in charge of
the Woman’s Missionary Society.
The guest speaker will be Rev. Mr.
Grigg, of Exeter.
Mrs. Archie Robinson, of London,
•was a week-end visitor with her
sister, Mrs. Alvin Essery.
Mr. Arthur Field is in Mitchell as
relieving agent at the station there.
Mrs. H. Mills visited with rela
tives in Woodham on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Skelton and
Donnie visited relatives in London
on Sunday.
Miss West, of Guelph, visited over
the week-end with her brother Mr.
and Mrs. Harris West.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mitchell, of
Windsor, visited with friends and
relatives in the community on Sun
Mrs. James Neil is visiting rela
tives in London.
Mrs. Gordon Hamilton and son of
Thames Road visited on Thursday
last with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Fa iconbridge
and children are holidaying at Port-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer, of St.
Thomas, visited Mrs. H. Mills on
Wednesday of last week,
The Centralia War Service Unit
'held their monthly meeting on Mon
day, August 5th. It was decided to
discontinue the monthly meetings of
this unit until notified by the presi
dent as refugee work is not needed
at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pullen and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Pull
en, of Woodstock, were Sunday vis
itors with Mr. and. Mrs. Milne
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Lewis, Kins-1 man and David, of Windsor, spent I
the holidays with friends, i
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parkinson, of London, were recent visitors of'
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson. !
Miss Elsie Robbins is visiting with<
Mrs. Frank Gunning.
Lounge Lizard: “D’you know why
we call you girls birds?” Bright
Young Thing: "Oh, yes, because 'we
pick up little worms.”
Next Bunday evening Mr. Roy
Goulding, of Exeter, will liaie
charge of the music at the service
in the church. Messrs. Walter Cut
bush and Chas. Godbolt, two Elim-
ville Old Boys will also assist. We
hope to see a large number present.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns and
Patsy also Mr. Will Johns visited
at Atwood last Sunday.
A Red Cross meeting was held
on Monday. There were eleven in
attendance. Miss Ruth Skinner pre
sided. Some plans were made to
have a social on the school grounds
about August 22. Committees were
appointed to complete arrangements
Watch for further notices in this
Stook threshing commenced last
week. The heavy rain was very
welcome but held up threshing for
a few days.
Miss Mary Johns, of Watford,
spent the week-end and holiday
at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. David Bradshaw, of
Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bradshaw the first of the week.
They are holidaying this week at
Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whiteford,
of Ingersoll, spent the week-end
Members of the Herdman family
attended the Horney picnic at the
Bend on Civic Holiday.
Miss Muriel Allison, oif Spring
field, returned to her home Mon
day after spending two weeks with
relatives here.
The Y. P. Union held a picnic at
Grand Bend on Monday afternoon
about fifty attending. Some races
were run off but rain interferred
and they were not able to finish.
Results were as follows: Ladies,
Dorothy Johns, Lois Brown and
•Leona Coward; men under 20, Carl
Stire, Harold Davis and Laurie
Stephens; men over 20, Howard
Johns, Delmar Skinner and Rus
sel Mills; one-legged race, Howard
Johns, Delmar Skinner and Carl
Stire; board and potato race, Elgin
Skinner, Ethelene Johns, Leona
Coward, Marilyn Murray, Delmar
Skinner, Eilene Johns. All took part
in a broom stick relay race.------------------
Miss Vera Ropp visited on Sun
day with friends near New Ham
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney were Mr.
and Mrs. A, Collingwood and fam
ily, of Hamilton; Mrs, John Gack-
stetter, Mr. Elmore Gackstetter and
Miss Esther Price, of Dashwood and
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson and
family of Chiselhurst.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Connor and
Elaine, of Em’bro, called on friends
in the village on Monday.
The many friends of Mr. Arnold
Gackstetter will be pleased to learn
that he returned home from Sir.
Joseph’s Hospital, London, Wed-
day last.
The ladies of the congregation
of the United Church met on the
church lawn on Tuesday afternoon
last to do honor to a very popular
bride-elect Miss Helen Chandler
whose marriage took place in the
United church on Saturday to Mr.
Norman Alexander. The bride-elect
was ushered to a big chair on the
lawn after which Joan and Beth
Morris drew in a prettily decorated
wagon carrying the gifts. Mrs. E.
Chipchase read the address. Altho’
taken completely by surprise Helen
thanked the ladles in a few well-
chosen words. A dainty lluich was
then served after which the ladies
were invited to see the trousseau.