HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-08-08, Page 2THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 11)10 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVQCATE ■ U. Tex No Real Cowboy Joe shook his head. “Smoky, may­ be your husband was born on a ranch, but he never rode horse*. That guy don’t know a horse from u brass monkey.’’ “What do—yon mean?” Smoky sat down in the waiting’ room stiffly. Joe lit a cigarette with trembling hands. He was badly shaken. “I eould tell from the way he rode off Naturally, I gave him a horse with a little life in him. when he came in lookin’ like the Lone Ranger. He didn't tell me he was just practic­ ing.” “Maybe—he got sick and fell off." Shamrock said defensively. “He didn’t even know which side of the horse to mount.” Joe declar­ ed. “Or how to hold rhe reins. Lightning rared up one time and he was on his ear. I guess he wouldn’t have been so bad off if his head hadn’t hit a post.” “Oh,” Smoky gasped, covering her fact with her hands. “Oh.------” Joe sighed. “Yeah. Too bad. .Smoky. Trouble's been kind of pil­ ing up for you lately, kid. Losing your father and all. I’m awfully sorry.” A nurse came in the door. “Mrs, Stacy?” Smoky got up. wiping her eyes. “Yes.” Facing New Crisis “You may come upstairs now. The doctor wants to see you. I’m afraid you can't go,” she told Joe Smith. “I’ll wait for you. Smoky,” Joe sat down. Shamrock followed the white­ clad nurse silently through corri­ dors that smelled of ether until they came to a door marked "Dr. Stiller.” Inside, the doctor stood by the window and asked Smoky to sit down. “Your husband.” he began seri­ ously, “is a very sick man. Mrs. Stacy. We’ve done everything we can of an emergency nature.” “He—he’ll live?” Smoky asked fearfully. The doctor hesitated. “I—think so. Mrs. Stacy. The head injury is pretty serious. We have taken some stitches. The X-rays will tell us more.” Tears streamed down Smoky’s cheeks. “Please—save him, doctor,” she sobbed brokenly. “You—cannot let him die.” “I—think we can,” the doctor said sympathetically. “What ar­ rangements do you wish to make for his care? A ward—or a private room?” “I—want him to have everything," Smoky decided quickly. “Trained nurses—and his own room. My father left some insurance. I—I’ll use that.” “Very well,' the doctor nodded. “Make a deposit at the office right away and we’ll see that your wishes are carried out.’ What About Moisey? Smoky was sorry she had spent all her salary on clothes. She hoped frantically there was a way she could get hold of some money at once. “I'll see that the money is deposited within twenty-four hours,’ she promised. “It may take a little time to see about the insurance.” “We’ll give you twenty-four hours,” the doctor told her, “Mean­ while, perhaps you’d better notify Mr. Stacy’s family that he has been injured." Smoky realized with a sick little pang that she didn’t know who or where Tex's people were. She didn’t even know for sure whether he had a father or mother living. She said with a flush of embar­ rassment: “I—-I'll have to get some addresses from my husband.” “That may not be possible for some time, Mrs. Stacy. Your hus­ band may not return to conscious­ ness- for several days.” “Oh,” Shamrock said blankly. “Well—I’ll have to see if I can find the addresses.” Nagging, Dragging Pains In the Back Many women have to do their own housework, and the constant bend- ins over, lifting, making beds, sweeping, ironing, sewing, so neces­ sary to perform their household duties puts a heavy strain on the back and kidneys, and if there were no kidney weakness the back would be strong and welt . Doan’s Kidney Pills help to give relief to weak, backache, kidney suf­ fering women. Doan’s Kidney Pills are put Up in an oblong grey box with pur trade mark a * * Maple Leaf ’ ’ on the wrapper, Don’t accept a substitute, Be sure and get “Doan’s,” The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Oni. “We’ll move your husband to a private room, and, you may see him in a few minutes. But of course, yon understand all yon can do is look at him.” Shamrock swallowed. “Yes. doc­ tor.” “You may wait here,” he said at the door. When the door closed behind him Smoky sobbed bitterly. All the things that had happened to her in a few short weeks! And now—Tex. Suppose he died. She wouldn’t even know where to notify his people. Where he should be buried. Pool Tex. In Tex’s Room How would she ever be able to go back to the theatre? But she had to keep going. In the show’ busi­ ness when you were out, your sal­ ary stopped. There had to be mon­ ey. Lots of it. Tex would have no salary coming in at all. except what was due for the week’s per­ formance. She would risk for that. After all, she was his wife and she had a right to it. Somehow’ she would have to go back to “Snapshots” and to work. No doubt Gogo La Maire would leave her alone now. At least until Tex was well. They could face that trouble later. A nurse came to take Smoky to Tex’s room. He lay with his head swathed in bandages, moaning brok­ enly. “He's coming out of the ether,” Miss Borland told Smoky. “That’s what makes him moan. He feels no pain.” Dr. Stiller came in and felt Tex’s pulse. Smoky told him: "I'm an actress, doctor. I’ll have to so the theatre tonight, if you think it's all right.” “It’s best for you to keep busy,” Dr. Stiller, smiled. “We’ll let you know immediately if an emergency arises. Leave your telephone num­ ber at the desk downstairs.” “I—I’ll stay here until time to go to the theatre,” Smoky said. “Then I’ll come back after the show.” “No,” the doctor was .kind, but firm, “don’t come back after the show, Mrs. Stacy. You must rest. You may stay during the daytime if you insist. But at night after your work you must sleep.” “I—I’ll try,” Shamrock promised. Mrs. Hetrick Galls When Smoky went home to dress for the theatre she searched all through Tex’s baggage for a clue to his home address. But there was nothing. It gave her a little sick feeling of guilt searching his bags. But she felt it had to be done. A little later she was putting on her hat and coat to go to the theatre when a knock came to the back door. It was Mrs. Hetrick, Karl’s mother. “Oh, Smoky.” she sobbed, tak­ ing the girl in her arms. “You poor child! What you have been through.' Mrs. Hetrick had come back for the funeral of Dagne and the baby. CHAPTER XXII Mrs. Hetrick had been almost like a mother to Smoky for ten years, since her own mother passed aw’ay. She had come to see Smoky, called back home by the death of Dagne. “Oh, I’m so glad to see you!” Smoky cried, clinging to her. “It's been so long.” Her old neighbor was distraught with grief and worry. “It was wick­ ed of me to go away, Smoky, I went away and left my boy the first time he ever made a mistake. I should have stayed and helped him.” “You mustn’t blame yourself.” Smoky tried to comfort Mrs. Het­ rick. “You were so shocked you didn’t really know what you were doing.” Mrs. Hetrick sat down on a kit­ chen chair, wiping her eyes and trying to pull herself together. “Your—your husband. He got hurt today?” she said then. Smoky told her that Tex was in St. Agnes' Hospital, so badly injur­ ed that he might not five. “If I had been here,” the mother sobbed, “maybe I could have kept you from getting married, Smoky. To a man you didn’t hardly know. You didn’t love him, did you? You did it to spite Karlie.” Mrs. Hetrick is Bitter Shamrock turned away. “I—I mar­ ried Tex because he’s so good Io me. He—he's a wonderful man.” “I—-it’s all so terrible,” Mrs. Het­ rick sobbed. “Like a terrible night­ mare. Karlie getting in all that | trouble and getting married. Then I your father giving his life to sav^ Dagne. Now your husband maybe won't live. Trouble always comes in bunches. Smoky.” “It seems like a dream to me, too,” Shamrock said wearily. “And you’re an actress now,” Mrs. Hetrick smiled wanly. “You look so beautiful with all the new clothes, Smoky. But you don’t look like yourself.” “I must get to the theatre,” Shamrock looked at the clock. “We need the money with Tex’s hospital bills and all. 1’11 have to cash Pop’s insurance, I guess.” “I'll walk to the subway with you,” Mrs. Hetrick got up. Then she shook her head darkly. “Spending your father's insurance for hospital bills. It seems too bad when it's all you’ve got.” In the street Mrs. Hetrick ask­ ed: “Your husband’s people, Smoky, can’t they help with some money?” “I’ve been looking for their ad­ dress,” said Shamrock. Karl’s mother looked shocked “You—you don’t even know where his people live?” “No,” said Shamrock. “I’ll find out when Tex can talk to me.” be feared. After a time Smoky got up and went into Clancy’s room and turned on the light. Things were just as he had left them and Shamrock felt as though 'she would always have to keep them that way. Clancy’s pipe, with the ashes from his last smoke still in it, lay on the little table beside the bed. Smoky picked it up tenderly and sat down on the bed, hot tears stinging her eyes. “Oh, Pop!” she said aloud. “Oh, Pop. what’ll I do?” Smoky sat for a long time hold­ ing the pipe and gradually some of the pressure left her tired brain and her heavy heart. It was as though Clancy’s hands were soothing her head and his gentle big fingers play­ ing with the silken strands of her red hair. A Voice From the Past Smoky Defends Dagne Mrs. Hetrick was silent for a little time, then she said: “Karl is free now, Smoky, Maybe things will turn out so you and my boy can be to­ gether, after all. Maybe this is God’s way.” Smoky could not speak. Karl’s mother put her arm around her. “You must forgive by poor boy, Smoky. Don’t hold it against him for what happened, A man is like that when a woman throws herself at him. They’ll take what they can get.” There wasn’t any sympathy for Dagne Olsen, Smoky drew away from her old friend and said de­ fensively: “Dagne has paid for her mistake. She loved Karl so much she didn’t care what happened to her as long as she got him. Why do you blame her? She’s dead.” The mother looked at Smoky in surprise. “She was a bad girl,” she said coldly, “and she ruined by boy’s life. She burned our home with a cigarette an killed your father.” Smoky stopped: “Oh,” she gasp­ ed. “How can you be so hard­ hearted? Dagne is dead and her little baby is dead.” Karl’s mother said stonily: “It is better when a woman like that doesn’t live. My boy did his duty and married her to give her baby a name. Smoky stared at her old neigh­ bor speechless then without a word turned and walked across the street leaving Mrs. Hetrick alone. What Would She Do? What would Clancy do, Shamrock asked herself then. If he were there and she could ask him, who would he say? Suddenly, as if a voice had spoken to her, Smoky saw clearly the path of duty that lay before her. And she knew, no matter what happened, that she must stand by Tex, He was her husband. True, it was a marriage that was almost like no marriage nt all, because it had not been' made in honesty and sincerity and love. But Tex needed her. He loved her, And as long as he was ill and help­ less and alone she must never let him down. Smoky squared her shoulders, Putting down Clancy’s pipe, she turned out the light and, going out, closed the door. Tomorrow she would go to Mr. Hill, who was a lawyer and would know all about how to convert Clan­ cy’s $5000 insurance policy into cash. Then she would go to the hospital and make a deposit that would insure Tex the best medical care money could buy. That was what Clancy would want her to do. She was sure of it. The lights were out in the living room. When the front doorbell rang, Smoky, jumped in fright. It was after midnight and she wondered who could be calling at that hour. Because I Live Because I live and am alive tonight Let me look back on something 1 have done To make some saddened heart more glad and bright, Who otherwise might miss the radiant sun. A lifted hand of hate might shade a ray, That otherwise might pierce a broken heart. Then let me scatter here and there each day A little sunshine as my humble part. Then let each night reflect a day well spent, A day in which I’ve done my best to give To shattered, broken lives some sweet content, A vital ray of hope—because 1 live. —D. A. Anderson The Exeter Times-Advocate Established 1873 and 1387 at Exeter, Ontario Published every Thursday morutor, SUBSCRIPTION-—?2.00 per year h- advance RATES—Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for first fouT insertions, 25c. each subae? quent Insertion. Miscellaneous ar­ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, oi Found 10c. per line of six woTda Reading notices 10c, per line. Card of Thanks 5dc. Legal ad­ vertising 12 and 8c. per line, Im Memoriam, with one verse 50c. extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Professional Cards CALUMET BRAND DOUBLE-ACTING BAKING POWDER Poor Dagne. Her own father could not forgive her because she loved Karl Hetrick too much and Karl’s mother despised her even in death. Perhaps, after aff, God had been kind in taking Dagne away from a man’s world. What a dread­ ful thing if the baby had lived and no one had wanted it. Karl was free. And if Tex died, she, Smoky, would be free. Mrs. Hetrick had said maybe things would turn out so she and Karl could be together after all. And if Tex lived, she could divorce him and marry Karl if she wanted to. The internal in between would be just like a nightmare, maybe. And all the things she had planned with Karl would come true. She would leave the theatre and take up her like in Astoria. Maybe Karl would go back to the fire department and they would live in her house, now that the Hetrick home had burned down. Dazedly Smoky went through the five numbers with the Ginger Snaps and listened to the words of sym­ pathy from the members of the company at the theatre. Torchy cried and kissed her and begged Smoky to let her know if there was anything in the world she could do to help her. No Change in Tex Before Smoky went home in the subway she went into a booth and called the hospital. The nurse on duty told her Mr. Stacy was just the same and that she would be tele­ phoned at home the minute there was the slightest change in his con­ dition. Baek in Astoria Smoky let herself into the empty house and sank into a chair in the living room wearily. It would be the first night she had ever spent alone in her life, but strangely she felt no fear. Somehow it was as though Clan­ cy’s presence still hovered over the couch and his special armchair and in his old room. A living presence that was not at all ghostly or to More Mystery About Tex It was a short dark man who asked cryptically: “Are you Mrs. Stacy?” “Yes,” she said, trying not to show fright. He thrust a picture at her. “Can you identify this man?” It was Tex. His hair was rump­ led and he was smiling broadly in a big wool sweater with an H on the front of it. “Yes,” she said uncertainly. “That is my husband. Why do you ask?” The stranger smiled. “You’ll find out! How long have you known him?" CHAPTER XXIII Shamrock said uncertainly: ‘Why do you want to know? Who are you?” as she faced the stranger at the door. The man stuck the picture back in his pocket. “I’m a detective. I’ve been looking for your husband for weeks.” Shamrock hand went to her mouth in a gesture of fear. “You—you’re a policeman? My—husband is in some kind of trouble? I’m sure he hasn’t done anything wrong. ” (To be Continued) "Thj&Ji io nu dtheft tc&icco JUST LIKE OLD CHUM parkhill area BARN IS BURNED Six miles north o-f Parkhill the large frame barn of Bert McFaulds was completely destroyed by fire on August 2nd in a few minutes, spon­ taneous combustion believed to be the cause. The fire spread rapidly and Mr. McFaulds, working in the barn­ yard with a team of horses, only had time to rescue five horses which were in the barn at the time. The first intimation that anything was wrong came when a cloud of black smoke was seen issuing from the roof. Mr. McFaulds moved the team he was working with and rushed into the stable where he succeed­ ed in releasing the five horses, but 10 pigs which were in the barn at the time perished as well as some chicken. A cat, badly singed, es­ caped. The team of horses he had been working with became badly frightened and ran away, breaking a manure spreader to which they were harnessed. A new wagon hayrack and new harness were destroyed in the fire as well as 42 loads of hay and sev­ eral loads of grain. The Parkhill fire department was called and quickly responded, sav­ ing the house as a strong wind was blowing sparks in that direction. The loss is partially covered by insurance. Thirteen years ago all but a barn on the same farm was burned when sparks blew across and set fire to a building on the next farm. GOOD/fEAR PATHFINDER It bus every quality you want for long, low-cost, trouble-free service . . . including . . . • longer, lower-cosf service than any other tire al or near its low price! CENTRE-TRACTION TREAD TWIN PROTECTOR CORD PLIES NEW SUPERTWIST CORD , MORE RUBBER FOR GET TIRES Como in and Soo tl today I Genuine GOODYEAR Extreme Provocation The. man who let the swinging door Fly back and hit my beezer - Although I am deacon in the church I hate the darned old geezer. QUICKLY AND SAVE Snell Bros. & Co. W. J. Beer Exeter, Ontario Each pad will kill flies all day and every day f^r three weeks. 3 pads in each packet. 10 CENTS PER PACKET al Druggists, Grocers, General Stores, WHY PAY MORE? THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont. Because I’m Dead I’m not my body, I’m my inner self, I only dwell within this mortal clay. ‘Tis not for me to gather earthly pelf, And gather nothing else along the way. Sometimes when days and weeks, and months are spent And I look back to view what I have done, I see some deeds all charred, and warped and bent, A picture of a race but poorly run. ’Tis then I realize what I should be, And do the things that only good men can, Then let me profit by the things 1 see, Antd come to life and be a better man. —D. A. Anderson GLADMAN & STANBURY (F. W. Gladman) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vaults for use of our Clients without charge EXETER and HENSALL CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office; Carling Block, M&ain Stree*, EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. dosed Wednesday Afternoon* Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.D S DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite the Post Office, Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36j Closed Wednesday Afternoons The Weed of the Week O-----0—o CHICORY O-----O-----O ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. No. 1, DASHWOOD Chicory is a persistent perennial weed with a deep top root. Intro­ duced from Europe years ago it was grown as a cultivated plant for its roots which were ground and mix­ ed with coffee. At the present time it is considered one of Ontario’s troublesome weeds on roadsides, fence lines, vacant places and oc­ casionally in cultivated fields. This weeds may be distinguished by its almost leafless, much branched stems, bearing numerous clusters of flower heads on the naked branches. The flowers are about IB inches across, bright blue in color and ususally close in mid afternoon. The leaves, which are long with irreg­ ular edges, spread out on the ground and resemble those of the common dandelion, states John D. MacLeod, Ont. Dept, of Agriculture, Toronto. The presence of Chicory in a cul­ tivated field is an indication of lack of thorough cultivation. A short rotation of crops is important, with deep ploughing as soon as the crop has been removed, followed by thorough cultivation until late fall, l using broad, sharp shares which overlap the cultivator, A hoed crop following this method should clean up all Chicory. You can keep on pulling Chicory but due to the length of the roots, plants cannot be pulled out successfully. Scatter­ ed plants may be spudded off well below the crown. A 100 percent, eradication of Chicory by the use of chemicals is possible and this method is recom­ mended for areas where cultivation is impossible. Consult your Agri­ cultural Representative regarding the use of chemicals. An average plant of Chicory wil< produce 3,000 seeds, therefore the importance of destroying plants be­ fore seeds mature cannot be em­ phasized too strongly. The seeds are impurities in clover seed and are very difficult to remove. This weed is now established in every county and district in the Province and is growing more ob­ jectionable each year. Complete era­ dication should be the objective of every farmer and township council, Mr. McLeod states. Willis: “That phreneologist is wonderful. As soon as he put his hands on my head he told me my business was very dull.” Gillis: “He probably felt the depression.” DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone Collect: Seaforth 15; Exeter 235; Lucan 12 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LTD. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138 WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P. O. or Phone 43-2 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAi FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ont. President ........... JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R. R. 1 Vice-President .... JOHN McGRATB Dublin, Ont. DIRECTORS W. H. COATES ................. Exeter ANGUS SINCLAIR ... Mitchell, R. 1 WM. HAMILTON .... Cromarty, R. 1 T. BALLANTYNE ... Wroodham, R. 1 AGENTS JOHN ESSERY ............... Centralia ALVIN L. HARRIS ... Mitchell R. 1 THOS. SCOTT ................. Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS ............. Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter ALL RESIGN WHEN REEVE GIVEN ROAD JOB The five members of the muni­ cipal council of Grey Township, ol’ Huron County, have resigned office and an election has been called to fill the vacancies with nominations on Tuesday and polling a week later. The shake-up was caused by the resignation of Reeve H. A. Keys, who has been appointed township road superinntendent. Deputy Reeve Tom Wilson will contest the reeve- sliip in the forthcoming election and three councillors F. Doherty, A. Alexander and l. McKay, will also try for the reeve’s or deputy reeve’s place, leaving the council positions open to newcomers. Anything may happen, Mr. Keys said on Saturday on a visit to the county buildings at Goderich, Ex-reeve Keys, who was runner-up for warden this year, was a member of the Criminal Audit Board for 1940.