The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-06-27, Page 6THURSDAY, JUNE 27th, tlliO THE. EXETER JIMES-ADVQCATE
Headache?# Acid Indigestion#
Rheumatic Pains
Masons Attend Divine Worship
at Caven Church
lion. his discretion. And Paul claim
ed the rights an-1
world requires, in building
In the rush and bustle and strain
these days, are you going to neglect
yourself till nature shouts her pro
test-—headaches, sour stomach, pains
of rheumatjsm, lumbago, neuritis?
Don’t do it! Don’t lose a single
day’s work or a minute of fun that
you can avoid losing.
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Whether you are on active service
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25c, 45c, 75c.
The members of the Masonic Or-‘serving
Ider, Lebanon Forest Lodge No. 133. world.ExCer. attended Divine worship in (war is
| Guven Presbyterian church Sunday
J owning. Owing to the inclement
weather the attendance was not as
large as it otherwise would have
j been. Visitors were present from
the Hensall ledge. Past D.D.G.M.
i Rt. Wor. Bro. Thus, pryde was dir-
lector of ceremoniks and Wor. Bro.
I C. Tantun, master of the lodge and
| his officers, occupied the front
’ pews.
I The choir furnished special music
: for the occasion and a solo was sung
- by Mrs. J. Hodgert. Beautiful
I flowers adorned the pulpit rostrum.
I Rev I). C. Hill, preached a very
] scholarly sermon, timely in these ' days of strife, and wo are pleased to
j reprint it in full. His text was taken
] from 1 Corinthians 3:10: “As a
I Wise Master Builder.” The sermon
was as follows:
a useful purpose in the
Moreover, after the present
aver it will still he in exis
tence, possibly more powerful, prob
ably more useful, than ever before.
But the British Empire has been
built and rebuilt on different plans
more than once. After the last war
it was very largely reorganized along
the lines of decentralisation. It is
very likely that a new set of world
conditions following this war will
make further rebuilding necessary.
And if you believe that this strongs
and unique political aggregation
known as the British Empire serves
to give the world ideals and princi
ples, and an example, which the
world badly needs, then you trill
find yourselves called and sumfnon-
ed to have a part in that rebuilding
so that a structure may be reared
fitted and adapted to serve the
world order that will emerge from
the chaos of the present time.
The June meeting of the W.M.S.
of Staffa United Church was held
at the home of Mrs. James Miller
on Wednesday afternoon with a
good attendance. Mis Aldsworth
presided. Roll call was answered by
repeating a verse of a favorite hymn.
A short business period at which
plans were made to attend sectional
meeting at Monkton on June 18.
Mrs. Cecil Bowman led in prayer.
The Scripture lesson was then read
by Mr*. Brown. Mrs. Arthur Kemp
gave an interesting reading. Mrs.
I <-nneth Drake and Miss Ila Drown
rendered a duet. In the topic ‘Build
ing for Peace Through the Chris
tian Church.” Mrs. Aldsworth. Mar
ion Boa, Mrs. George Vivian. Mrs.
S-. ‘b. Brown, and Mrs. Drown took
pri”. Mrs. Walter O’Brien read an
address of farewell to Mrs. John
Lt ary. Mrs Frank Hambley pre
sented her with a life membership
cer*ificate in the W.M.S. Mrs. Leary
replied, thanking rhe ladies. A so
cial half-hour was <pent. Mrs. Jas.
Miller and Miss Agnes Miller served
a dainty lunch.
As a Wise Master Builder
must needs
and sympa-
yourI see
outside, and
you tonight
so in
I am
under the figure
to be yourselves
You have seized
metaphors used
Christian Church is Being Attacked
and in
Miss Diana clarke, died Thurs
day, June 2»th at the home of her
nephew, Elmer Lawson, Stephen Tp.
following an illness of two months.
She was in her 70th year and was
a members of Crediton United
Church. Surviving are two broth
ers, George W., Niagara Falls and
James R„ Hardisty, Alta.; three
sisters, .Mrs. Martha Chambers, Har-
distry, Alta.; Miss Sarah Clarke, of
Hardistry and Mrs. Emma Hudson,
Granton. The funeral was held on
Friday noon from the home of her
nephew witn interments in the Exe
ter cemetery.
privileges of a
master builder. And so may
Indeed it is only in that way
our work is a liberty where
Christ has made us free. In
the institutions our new
g charac
ters, we must exercise our sovereign
freedom, just as we must use our
wisdom. We must be bold, ready
if necessary to strike out on new
lines, although our wisdom should
always make us heedful of what we
can learn from the past. God wants
us to work as wise master builders,
exercising the rights of master
A Wise Master Builder
But there is one qualification to
all this, and it is in our text. What
constitutes you a wise master build
er? How do you know you are. en
titled to that
“According* to
which is given
apostle, I can
builder. Your
grace of God given you.
of God in your hearts,
wisdom and strength you can build
nothing that will stand when the
winds blow and the storms beat.
Only if the grace of God is in your
hearts are you wise master builders.
Remember, when all is said and
done, this is God’s world, and only
what is of God can endure in it.
If you are inspired of God, if you
are ready to be His instruments,
then with consecrated talents throw
yourselves heart and soul into the
building tasks that are before you.
In that fashion do your work. And
do it without boasting .or without
feeling that credit for the achieve
ment is yours. Give the glory
where it rightfully belongs. Give it
to God by Whose grace you have
been able to do acceptable work. It
is all of
of God?
which is
and truth came by Jesus Christ.”
Upon their return to the lodge
rooms a vote of thanks was tender
ed to Mr. Hill for his -excellent dis
honorable name?
the grace of God
me,’’ declared the
work as a master
qualification is the
The grace
In your own
Bert MacKay, well known Tucker
smith farmer, received severe in
juries to his arm when it came in
contact with a circular saw on
.Friday. Mr. MacKay was assisting
in sawing wood at the farm of John
Davidson, London Road,
moving the saw his arm, in some
manner, was caught by the saw. He
also received injuries to his leg.
The wound required 40 stitches to
The Christian Church also is be
ing attacked today by those who
■would rejoice to see it crashing in
ruins. Now I firmly believe that
the Church is a divine institution,
founded by Jesus Christ, and eternal.
But it is also a human institution,
and before this men have built their
folly and their selfishness into the
church, and then claimed divine
sanction for the whole building.
And more than once these parts
have fallen out of the sacred elifice,
thereby arousing fears for the safety
of the whole building. Now no
serious churchman today would deny
that there are elements in the church
•which are not of God, not blessed of
God, and not deserving of His bless
ing. And it may well be that the
stress of the present times will
cause the church to be destroyed,
as much of it as can be destroyed.
It is conceivable that nothing shall
be left but the foundations of the
apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ
Himself being the chief cornerstone.
And if that shall be the
a gigantic programme of
will be necessary. For
cannot get along without
At a Red Cross meeting at the
home of Mrs. McNaughton articles
turned in were 25 kit bags, 4 sweat
ers, 7 pairs socks, blouses for refu
gee children. The next meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs. Sidney
grace. And just one more
Whence comes this grace
Take heed to the answer
out of .Scripture. “Grace
to the choi)’ and to the
GRANTON—Trustees of Granton
Public and Continuation School have
engaged David McIntyre, Milverton,
as principal and teacher of the sen
ior room and Miss Rena Avery of
Mitchell as teacher for the junior
Take advantage of recent Firestone price
reductions and equip your car with safe, new
Firestone tires. We have a tire priced to suit
every purse. Firestones do not cost one cent
more than ordinary tires and on the basis of cost
per mile they are the cheapest you can own.
Drive in today and let us save you money.
A. O. (Sandy) ELLIOT
June 18
Phone 64
Illustrated—Special De Luxe Totvn Sedan.
In welcoming the Lebanon Forest
lodge, and visiting members of the
Masonic order to worship with us
this evening, I want to make it clear
j *hat in speaking to them I labour
} under the handicap of being an out-
> sider. A sympathetic outsider it is
I true, for both my grandfathers, my
father and my brother were mem
bers of the craft, and there is no
group of four men for whose Christ
ian character I hold greater admir
ation. So an order to which they
were proud to belong and to which
they gave their loyalty
command my respace
thetic interest.
only from the
what I say to
under the disadvantage of not
ing how relevant it is to your work.
But I understand that you endeav
our to picture life
of a building and
worthy builders,
one of the great
constantly in Scripture, one that is
profitable for conveying truth to
our limited human minds. For in
the Bible this same figure of speech
is constantly used. Take for ex-
' ample, this. “Other foundation can
] no man lay” or “Ye are built noon
the foundation of the apostles and
prophets, Jesus Christ Himself be-
;ina ‘he chief cornerstone.” And
; Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount
I likened our lives to houses, built
i either on the sand or upon a rock,
j So in making use of the figures of
building, you are employing a figure
of speech hallowed by the sacred
writers and by our Lord himself.
But is there any use in talking
about building
everything we
falling down?
i i
Word was received in Clinton of
the passing on of Emma
worth, widow of Robert
which occurred on Tuesday,
case, then
the world
the church
and we are called of God to build
upon the indestructible foundation
He lias Himself provided. If you of
the Masonic order are builders, then
here is work you cannot neglect, the in Toronto. Robert Holmes, a form
building of the Christian Church in
the world.
Do you hear the call for soldiers,
Will you answer it today
And help to win this awful war,
And England’s wish obey;
To arms! To arms my men. sign now
for your King and Country call
Don’t wait to be forced to answer,
But step up one and all.
Now buckle on your armour,
And do your little might
For your flag, your home and
country, and do it just and right.
Yes. fight to win a victory and your
friends and Allies free,
From bond of ir’n and tyranny,
And wrath of Germany.
They need you at the front lads.
Don’t shirk your duty now
By staying home in ease and quiet.
But to fight just show them how.
Now hoist your flag both high and
free, and let their colors show.
But do your bits it's up to yon,
To strike a lasting blow.
Olive M. Bryant
(Mrs. O. M. Skelton)
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But your stomach right by taking
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Thd T. AHibtfrn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
these days when
esteem seems to be-,-
Not only institutions
and the whole edifice of the civilis
ation we have known, but human
character also. For I think it is
undoubted that the moral standards
of mankind have been deteriorating
ever since the outbreak of the first
world war. Out own included. For
we have all become tolerant of viol
ence, of gains achieved by violence,
of deceit, fraud and infidelity to
one’s pledged word by those in high
places. We have become tolerant
of cynical judgments and selfish mo
tives. It seems to be an age when
the work of former builders is
tumbling down, and we are in dang
er by reason of falling debris rather
than an age when new and more
worthy building is possible.
A great deal is falling down. That
is true. But not everything. After
all, the only things wliihh are collap
sing are those which are better down.
As we are told in Scripture, the pur
pose and final result is that these
things which cannot be shaken mayi
remain. «
This is a period of testing,
are reminded
Jesus told us
on sand and
rock. Today
er M. P. for a Huron constituency,
was proprietor and editor of the
Clinton New Era During the Laur
ier administration at Ottawa he
was appointed supervisors of cus
toms at Toronto and the family took
up residence there.
Rebuilding Character
i So much for institutions. There
| is also the vastly important task of
I rebuilding characters, the souls of
,111011, without which no institutions,
(however wisely planned, can func
tion. I have spoken of the deter
ioration of character during the past
generation, or since (he last war. I
do not blame the war por it, not
altogether anyway. The root of the
trouble goes back at least a genera
tion farther. Towards the end of
the last century there were certain
discoveries in the fields of biology
and geology, there were certain de
velopments in the field of Biblical
criticism, and there was a school of
philosophic skepticism which flour
ished. I do not propose to discuss
these movements, or to say what
was right and what was wrong in
them. But one result of them was
that for many people belief in Chris
tianity, in Christian teaching, was
either shaken or destroyed. Now
with the loss of their faith these
people did not lose their moral
standards. By no means. They re
tained the moral teaching and disci
pline of Christianity, even though
they discarded the doctrinal part.
They remained honorable, clean-liv
ing, high-minded men and women.
! But, here is 'The point. Their cliild-
. reu, brought up to reject Christian
We doctrine, began also to question
Christian morality and to view it as
ail irrational restraint. And by the
time another generation appeared
open license and free rein for all the
basest appetites and impulses were
frankly defended as right and prop
There you have the story of the
of the two houses]
about, the one built]
the other built on a ■
the wind, the storm,
and the floods are heating upon
those houses, and the one is falling,
but the other is enduring. And in
this fierce testing those things, ____ ___ ___ __ ___ _
which are the work of God stand,' breakdown of character in so many
but those which are the work
men are not standing.
I would say that so far from
being useless to talk of building
days like these, this is precisely the
time when we should be planning
what we shall build. After a
cyclone or an earthquake has level
led half the buildings in a city, the
city must be rebuilt, and there is
opportunity to rebuild it better and
fairer, on an improved plan and us
ing more durable materials. If you
are builders, today you have a call
to duty, and an opportunity such as
you have not had for many a long
Among the many institutions which
are exposed to devastating assaults
at this time, there are two in which
we are especially interested.
British Empire, and
Church, Let. me say
the. opportunity for
building in regard to
British Empire Has Served a
Useful Furpose
First about the British Empire,
submit to you that, under God,
this Empire has served and is still
men and women. It took a couple
of generations to make itself evident
hut the root of the trouble is the
breakdown in faith in Christianity
as a revelation of God and as a way
of life. Therefore if you would re
build characters, if you would re
store integrity to human souls, you
must begin by rebuilding faith, faith
in God and in Jesus Chrst.
Agricultural Representative J.
Shearer supervised the organization
of two new junior farmer clubs last
week. They are the Blyth District
Turkey Club, sponsored by the Blyth
Women’s Institute and the Zurich
Heavy Draft Foul Club, sponsored
by the Zurich Agricultural Society.
The Junior Foal Club membership
committee is composed of Arthur
Weber, Dashwood; William Decker,
Roland Geiger, Hilton Trumner, of
Zurich. Mr. Weber is club leader.
The members are Karl Decker, Karl
Geiger, Albert Erb, Nelson Masse,
Zurich; Otto Miller, Wallace Becker,
Dashwood; who will raise Percher-
ons; Mozart Gelinas, Albert Hoff
man, Zurich; Alvin W. Rowe, Exe
ter; Herman Wein, Glen Walper, of
Dashwood, who will raise Clydes
please TRY IT,
will BUY IT!
the Christian
a tvord about
builders and
each of these.
COME on over to our showrooms
and make friends with the car that
has made buying a pleasure — and
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car-wise, value-wise people!
You’ll find you can’t wait till you get
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this big, beauty-leading Chevrolet
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Styling .. . with the Fisher Body
luxury... with the 181-inch measure
ment from front of grille to rear of
body which makes it the longest of
all lowest-priced cars!
And you’ll find you won’t want to
get out from behind that steering
once you experience thewheel
pulse-quickening, spine-tingling
thrill of Chevrolet in action.A very enjoyable time was spent
by the pupils and parents of S.S, 7
Hibbert and S.S. No. 10, Tucker
smith at the No. 7 School grounds on
Thursday afternoon last. In spite of
the cool day a large crowd was pres
ent and a good time had by all.
The following is the report of the
races: Boys and girls under 6, Floyd
Riley, Betty O’Keefe; girls 7 to 9.
Mary Taylor, Willa McNaughton;
boys 7 to 9, Ray McKay, Bobbie
Parsons; girls 10 to 12, Letta Kins
man, Dorothy McDonald; boys 10
to 12, Jack Kinsman, Glen McNau
ghton; girls 13 to 15, Shirley Hed
den, Jean Wright; boys 13 to 16, J.
McKellar, Roger Venner: girls over
16, Mary Agnes Hamilton, Lorraine
Martin; married ladies, Mrs. W. R.
Kinsman, Mrs. Bert Riley; married
men, Thomas Brintnell, William
Brintnell; wheel barrow race, Jen
nie Jolly and Roger Venner; trus
tees’ race, Bill Parsons, Earl McClin-
chey; soda biscuit race, Grant Mc
Lean, Roger Venner. The prize for
the oldest person present went to
Mrs. Stoneman, 82 and the young
est was Douglas Brintnell six week?
old. Bean guessing contest, Roger
Venner, May McNaughton. After the
races a ball game was played. Lunch
was served in the school room after
which everybody returned to their
homes reporting a very enjoyable
time. Jut»l before lunch Miss E.
Mills, teacher of No. 7 Hibbert was
presented with a beautiful magazine
rack. May McNaughton read the
address and Harold Taylor presented
Miss Mills with the present. Miss
Mills has been their teacher for the
past two years and is now going near
Atwood to teach. Though completely
taken by surprise Miss Mills made a
very fitting reply thanking the pu
pils very much for the lovely gift.
For this car out-rides them all, on
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CHEVROLETHow are we to go About the Task
of Rebuilding?
Now let me come to the last thing
I want to speak about. It is all
right Io talk about rebuilding the
British Empire, the Christian church
the human character, but how ex
actly are we to go about the work?
Let us turn to our text. “According
to the grace of God which is given:
unto me, as a wise master builder,
I have laid the foundation.”
“As a wise master builder”. The
apostles did not hesitate to speak
boldly. The work he did was not ^performed in any servile, anxious
fashion. A master builder works
with freedom. He does not have to
seek orders for every detail, but ex
ercises his judgment, his imagina-
Eqe It-T/iq It-Buq It I
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