HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-06-27, Page 4THE EXETER TJMES.ADVOCATETHURSDAY, JUNE 2-th, 1910
League Standing
Monday. June 24. 1940
A regular meeting of the Muni
cipal council held with all members
present. The minutes of the meet
ing held June 11th were read and
adopted on motion of Councillors
Southcott and Taylor.
A circular letter from the De
partment of Labor. Stratford office,
giving notice of the postponement of
the meeting to be held at Galt, June
19th. Further notice will be given
Discussion regarding complaints
being made of dogs roaming at
large. Per motion of Dignan and
Southcott; Complaints having been
made to members of the Municipal
Council regards dogs roaming and
becoming a nuisance. Notice is here
by made that all complaints are to
be made to the Chief of Police and
the owner of the dog will be sum
moned for violation of the Village
By-law. Carried,
Per Taylor-Hern: That a final
notice be made to ratepayers, owners
or harborers of dogs. Regards se
curing of dog tags and paying the
usual dog license. The same must be
secured on or before July 15th next.
A notice re County Levy for 1940
was read as follows: General Coun
ty rate $2339.03; County Highway
rate, $1849.75; Provincial High
ways, $286.42; total $4,475.20. Ac
cepted on motion of Dignan and
Southcott. Carried.
The following accounts were read
and ordered paid:
Eaton-Clarke Co., Windsor, balance
calcium chloride account. $231.12;
County of Huron, hospital fee $7.85;
L. Dav & Son, labor flower beds,
plants T.H. $5.30; Twp. of Usborne.
use of grader, $33.00; John Stirc.
labor, cutting grass $27.00; William
Laverty, ditto $23.75; Gerald Cor
nish ditto $2.50; L. E. Day, team
cutting grass $6.6 0; Peter Coleman,'
ditto, $27.50; William Andrew, la
bor and supplies $26.90.
J. Senior, Clerk
AYLEN — At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos
pital on Saturday. June 22nd.
. 194to Mr. and Mrs. C. McA. Ay-
leu, a daughter.
FERGUSON — In St. Thomas, on
Thursday, June doth, to Mr. and
Mrs. Leverne Ferguson the gift of
a daughter.
MEADOWS—Ill St. Joseph’s Hospit
al, London, on Friday, June 21st,
194", to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison
Meadows, of Ailsa Craig, the gift
of a son, Gary George.
5.9 0
Mr. Moffatt, the treasurer,
vises that the following contribu-
butions have been received:
Dashwood Unit. Sale of Link
Quilt ..................................$ 24.2'
Collection from milk bottles
for blanker ......................
Eastern Star .........................
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Rowe, do
nation ..............................
Sale of Cards ........................
Funds are required to carry
the good work and contributions will
be appreciated. .■Miss B,eta Rowe has kindly eon-1
seated to be the representative from I
Exeter district to attend a school in!
nutrition which will be operated by;
the government throughout the!
month of July at the Agricultural
•College at Guelph.
It is the intention of the Govern
ment that one representative from
each Community with a population
in excess of 1,000 should, if possible,
attend this school. Those attend
ing the school will be instructed in
the latest knowledge of food values,
methods of preparing foods econo
mically and general wartime domes
tic science. It is expected that on
the completion of this course that
those attending will return to their
various communities and impart the
knowledge gained to the benefit of
the other members of their commun
There appears to be some misun
derstanding current with respect to
the generous shipment of blankets
which went forward from this
trict. The white blankets were
warded to assist in equipping
diers’ hospitals and the others
the use of refugees.
It will be recollected that the sum
of $300 was recently forwarded to
the Central Division of the Red
•Cross from our local funds for the
purpose of assisting in the purchase
of ambulances and aiding refugees
in acknowledging receipt of this
money the following letter has been
"On behalf of the Executive Com
mittee of the Ontario Division, may
I assure you that the support of the
Exeter branch to the overseas work
is very much appreciated.”
winner of
for at the
of last
Harry Coates was the
the beautiful quilt drawn
Exeter races Wednesday
week, proceeds of which were used
for war work.
Grand Bend
Willis Tipping I
Midnight Dance
JULY 1st at 12:05 a.m.
Join the happy throng for
Since the mass meeting of the ci
tizens of Exeter and District was
he,d in toe Arena on June loth last
two meetings of the Exeter and Dis
trict Wartime Committee have been i
held. i
Plans had been made for the or- j
ganization of a Home Defence Uni' j
locally but, since the enactment of j
uie .viooilization of Resources and
Manpower Bill recently by the Go- veuiment. it was considered that!
♦hese plans should now be placed in /
abeyance. i
The matter of doing all that is •
possible to assist in the allocation!
and welfare of refugee children has
received earnest attention. A com
mittee under the chairmanship of
Mr. R. G- Seldon has been formed
to deal with this matter. • Will any
citizens of the whole district who are ■
willing and able to assist in this im- i
portant matter by caring for and i
taking into their home any refugee
children, please register their name: i
with Mr. Seldon now. It is our in- j
formation that several thousand
these refugee children will be
their way to Canada by the end of
the present week.
A committee under the chairman
ship of Mr. W. G. Medd has been
formed to look after the welfare
and interests of the members of
His Majesty's forces and their de
pendents and families.
Efforts are being made to safe
guard the community and country
from any subversive acts or sabotage
by elements of the fifth column. In
this -connection a secret committee
the members of which are only
known to the President of the Exe
ter and District Wartime Committee
has been formed with representa
tives throughout the district to in
vestigate any matters of this nature.
Any citizens who has knowledge
of any contemplated subversive act
or hear any remarks contrary to the
proper prosecution of the war
should communicate their informa
tion promptly to any member sof the
Exeter and District Wartime Com
mittee. Steps will then be taken to
place the matter in the hands of
the secret committee. Some few
eases have already been looked into
by the secret committee.
Funds will be required to assist
in soldiers’ welfare work and also
in connection with refugee work in
the district. It is expected that
shortly a local fund will be opened
to which the citizens will be asked
to contribute to further the work;
In the meantime the Committee are
corresponding with the. Secretary of
State regarding the establishment
of such a fund.
The Committee will be glad to re
ceive from the public for considera
tion any suggestion whereby locally
effort to assist in prosecuting thr
War successfully may be furthered.
Let us all unite of our 'efforts to
this end.
To Form Red Cross Unit
Clinton ...........
Hensall ...........
St. Marys ........
Blyth ..............
Lucan ............
Tie Game at Creditor!
onIn a game played at Crediton
Thursday night in weather that, was
more suitable for football than base
ball, Blyth and the Crediton-Exeter
team played a seven-all tie. The con
test was rather loosely played, each
team committing a number of er
rors. Austin Fahrner started the
hurling for the home team but gave
way to brother Wallace in the fourth
who in turn was relieved by Bob
Dinney in the sixth. Jardine went
the route for Blyth. Fairservice, of
Blyth led the hitters with a triple
and a double. Sid Brown did the
umpiring at the plate.
Exeter Wins From St. Marys
The Exeter-Crediton Intermediates
broke into the win -column with t
vengeance on Friday night when
they pounded out 15 hits to defea'
St. Marys at St. Marys, 9-5 in an 8-
inning game.
Bob Dinney pitched effective ball
for 7 innings and was relieved by
A. Fahner who halted a threatening
rally in the Sth inning. The Exeter-
Crediton team showed power at the
plate and divided 15 hits, every
player but one having at least one
hit. E. Carscadden held the batting
honors with 4 singles and a double
out of 5 trips to the bat. The line
St. Marys—J. Fellion, rf; Bestard
3b; Clifford p and If; Blackman, ss;
Richardson, cf; Noble lb; Drum
mond, 2b; G. Fellion, If; R. Atkin
son. p in 6th, Quillard, c.
Exeter-Crediton—F. Creech lb;
E. Carscadden, rf; M. Hackett, If;
J. Creech, cf; A. IFahner, 3b and p;
R. Dinney, p and 3rd; A. Haist, 2b;
H. Bowden, c; G. England ss.
St. Marys ......001 200 0<2—5
Exeter ...........330 20-0 00—9
Hensall Beats Clinton
Join the happy throng for the
usual Saturday and Holiday
evening dances!
June 30th -— Exeter Brass Band
Monday, July 8th
Audience Judges -— Enter Now!
Cush Prizes
Ratepayers of S. S. No.
No, 5, usborne, packed
school house on Tuesday
the interest of Red Cross
lowing a discussion on
Mr«. George Westcott, S. S. No. 4
and Mrs. Gordon Heywood, S. S.
No, 5 were appointed to interview
the officers of the Red Cross in Ex
eter with a view of organizing a
unit and report at a joint meeting
to he held in Eden school- on Friday, July Sth at 2.‘30 p.m. A gener
ous collection was received for the
Red Cross amounting to $16.25. Mr.
John Wakelin presided over a de
lightful program of varied numbers.
A bountiful lunch was served fol
lowed by dancing.
4 and S. S.
the Eden
evening in
work. Fol-
the work,
Hensall turned the tables on
ton Colts Friday night by setting
McDonald in the first gave Jack Tu
dor two bases and Stade followed
with a three-bagger, scoring Tudor,
himself crossing the plate on D.
Kerslake’s out.
Theye were held down from then
until the fifth, when they ran wild
for seven hits and five runs. Stock
was yanked in the sixth and Taylor
took the mound.
The players were:
Hensall —J. Tudor, 3b; Stade, ss;
D. Kerslake. c; Brown, 2b; O’Brien
rf; Bell, cf: Hedden. If; M. Tudor,
lb; C. Kerslake p.
Clinton—McDonald, 3b; H. Haw
kins, If; White, ss; J. Hawkins, 2b;
Glew, cf; Hovey, lb; Colquhoun, c;
Nellans, rf; Stock, Taylor, p.
back 11-0 in a 7-inning twi-
game. Carter Kerslake was
in the Hensall line-up and the
just couldn’t do a thing with
A wild peg to first base by
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Johns left
Trivitt Memorial Church, Monday,
June 24, 1940, Margaret Helen,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ellerington, to Leslie G.
Coates, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.
G. Coates, of Brampton, by Rev.
M. A. Hunt.
McBEATH—HUNKIN—At the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred J. nunkin, Thames
Road, on Saturday, June 22nd,
1940, Margaret Evelyn, to Alex
ander John McBeath, only son of
Mr. and Mrs. John McBeath, of
Varna by Rev. Mr. Mair.
Zion Lutheran Church, Stratford,
on Saturday,
Pearl E.
Mr. and
son of
G. Gruhn.
Presbyterian manse, Hensall,
June 20th, 1940, Miss Gladys Van
Alstine, to Cooper Forest, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Forest, of Hay
Township by Rev. Wm. Weir.
V.ARLEY — SMITH — At the Tri
vitt Memorial rectory, Exeter, on
Saturday, June 22nd, 19 40, Ed
na Marjorie, youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Smith.
Kippen, to George Varley, son of
Mrs. Robt. Dalrymple, of Hensall
and the late Mr. Varley, by Rev.
M. A. Hunt.
Presbyterian manse, Hensall, on
Thursday, June 2'.'th, 1940, Letha
Evleen, youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Glanville, of near
Hensall, to Wm. John Miller, Pte.
of Perth Regiment, son of Mr. and
and Mrs. George Miller, of Staffa.
by Rev. Mr. Weir.
Crediton Evangelical parsonage,
Saturday, June 22nd, 1940, Mar
garet Eileen, Reg. N., daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Amy, to Al
vin Charles, only son of Mr. _and
Mrs. Harry Finkbeiner,
A. E. Pletch.
22nd. 1940.
daughter of
Sehwindt, of
G. Schwalm,
Mrs. Peter
, June
Mrs. Con,
to Mervyn
Mr. and
of Hensall, by Rev.
by Rev.
Robert Skin-
SKINNER—In Exeter, on
June 25th, 1940,
ner, in his 74th year.
HODGINS—In Stephen Township on
Saturday, June 22, 19 40, James
E. Hodgins, in his 72nd year.
CiLARKE—At the home of Elmer
Lawson, Con. 10, Stephen Town
ship on Wednesday, June l_9th,
19 40, Diana Clarke, in her
si 11-
an d
Mr, and Mrs. John Passmore
family wish to express their
cere thanks to the many friends
relatives in appreciation of the kind
ness as shown Mrs. Passmore while
ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital and also
for the cards and flowers.
of a
WILLIS—-In loving memory
dear husband and father,
passed away five years ago
23 rd.
No one hears the door that opens,
When they pass beyond recall;
No one knows the silent heartaches
As the twilight shadows fall.
So we leave you in God’s keeping
The rough road safely o’er
You are not lost to us dear dad
But just gone on before.
Sadly missed by Wife and Family
SIMMONS—In loving memory of
a dear husband John Simmons,
who passed away five years ago,
June 30th, 1935.
Oh happy hours we once enjoyed,
How sweet the memory still;
But death has left a loneliness
world can never fill.
Sadly missed by his Wife
and Mrs. Arthur T. ReeveMr.
announce the engagement of their
Kenneth Charles Eastwood Stan-
bury, son of Judge J. G. S. Stanbury
and Mrs. Stanbury, St. Catherines,
the marriage to take place quihtly
at Toronto on Saturday, June 29th.
Lena Gertrude, to Mr.
of the Citizens of Hensall and the Surrounding Community
for the Purpose of Forming a
War Time Citizens7 Committee
To Encourage and Assist the Government to Extend its
War Effort
Tuesday, July 2nd at 8 p.m.
All Patriotic Citizens are Asked to Attend
R. E. Shaddick, Reeve
The Exeter Women’s Institute held
their June meeting at the home of
Mrs. Wm. Hatter and Miss F. Hat
ter. The meeting in charge of the
president, Mrs. Kyle, opened with
“The King” and the usual opening
exercises. There were fifteen mem
bers and nine visitors present. The
roll call was answered by a helpful
verse of Scripture. Rev. E. Grigg
was the guest speaker and in a
pleasant manner gave a very inspir- |
ational address. He stressed the1
great importance of religion also I
prayer in our lives especially so in
this present crisis. Misses Ethel'
and Irene Kydd sang “There’ll Al- |
ways be an England” with Mrs. G. I
Cochrane at the piano. The num
ber was much enjoyed. Mrs. B.
Preszcator and Mrs. W. R. Goulding;
gave reports on the District AnnualJ
Meeting which was held in Hensall
recently. Mrs. Walker took charge!
of the Red Gross activities of our [
unit and it was decided to hold a'
quilting meeting the next month on
the lawn of Mrs. Lee Wilson when
several quilts which are being made
will be quilted. The next regular
meeting will be held in September.
The meeting closed with “O Can
ada.” * I
The fifth annual reunion of the1
Earl families was held at the homt
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Stewart in
Egmondville on June 21st, 1940
with a good attendance. Sports for
both old and young were enjoyed
by all followed by a ball game. Sup
per was served on the spacious lawn
to some ninety members after which
the president, Mr. Milton Stewart
discussed the business part of the
program for the ensuing year,
election of officers was held
committees were formed.
The sports were as follows:
Girls under 5, Jean Hern, Katli-
■leen Scott; boys under 5, Billie Hern
Jimmie Hern; girls 6 to 10 years
Marilyn Hern, Audrey Arksey; boys
6 to 10, Jno. Hern. Bobbie Hern;
girls 10 to 15 years,' Christine Dob
son, Gladys Earl; boys 10 to 15
Geo. Earl and Jno. Hern; young
ladies’ race, Mary Earl, Edith Earl;
married ladies’ race, Mrs. Angui
Earl. Mi's. Milne Pullen; married
men’s race, Bill Thompson. Milne
Pullen; necktie race, Mr. and
Milne Pullen; kick the slipper,
Angus Earl, Mrs. Milne Pullen;
loon race, Ward Hern; dinner
Mrs. Norman Brock; dropping
nuts in bottle, Mrs. Elgin Hern, Mrs
Geo. Earl; people coming longest,
distance. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen; ’
oldest person, Mr. James Anderson;
youngest person, Laverne Scott. The
1941 reunion will he held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Nornran Brock
in Usborne.
Mrs. I
Mrs '
es!] i
All thanked Mr. and
Stewart for their kind hospit-
In conclusion all stood
“God Save the King.”
a goodly,
Rev. M. A. and Mrs, Hunt are leav
ing on their holidays July Sth.
The Exeter Chapter of the Order
of the Eastern Star visited with
St. Marys Chapter on Thursday ev
ening and conducted the closing
Mrs. Valeria Armstrong left last
week for Glen Orchard, Muskoka,
. where she will spend the summer
Monday morning for their home in with Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Love
Edmonton, Alberta after nearly two1 at the Glen Home Hotel. Miss Kath-
months with their parents in On-| erine Armstrong will join her mo-
ta)"Jo. th er early in July.
. 'Congratulations to Miss Edith
Fletcher and Helen McNaughton for
receiving their Entrance certificates
on their year’s work.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cluff, Mrs. W.
Cluff and son Don attended the
Passmore picnic Saturday at Turn
bulls’ Grove.
Some 50 ministers attended the
Perth Presbytery meeting held at
Kirkton United Church on Wednes
day. The W. A. ladies served din
The Kirkton United Church Sun
day school held, their annual gar
den party Friday night in the base
ment of the church. The ladies serv
ed a bountiful repast of ham, salads,
strawberries and a lot of other good
things. Those present were delight
ed. Following the supper a play
was presented by the Young People
of Benmiller United church. Music
was provided by the Paul brothers.
Trustees of the Kirkton Public
school have engage^ Miss S. Moser,
of Stratford, as teacl?er for the com
ing year.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Anderson, Ham
ilton, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. I-I. Berry and called on
friends in the village Saturday.
Made Presentation
At the morning service in the
Kirkton United Church Rev, C. L.
Lewis dedicated a silver basket to
the church presented by the players
of “Eyes of Love” a play that was
put on by the young people of the
church some time ago. They also
gave a donation to the Y. P. Y. and
to the Kirkton
Mrs. R. Hazelwood directed this playThe sacrament of the Lord’s Sup-!
per was observed at the morning ser
vice in the United Church to a large »
congregation. 1
joined and
Mr. and
of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. R.
Jumbo Ice Cream Bricks
Assorted Flavors 2 for|35c
Grade “A” Chicken lb.
'Dressed ........................
each" 18c
s j Phone 70 S
The Strawberry Supper of the
United Church is to be held on
Thursday evening June 27th. Sup
per to be served from 6 to 8. A
good program is being provided.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice
have returned from Toronto where
they spent some time with their dau
The Young People’s Union held
their picnic to Grand Bend last Sat
urday. All reported that they had
a good time.
A Missionary program was held
in the United church Sunday School
last Sunday with Miss Vera Was-
nidge as convenor. Two young men
Messrs. Affleck and Cowan, who
were speaking on behalf of the
Youth Movement assisted on the
program. These young men had
charge of the services in the church
as Rev. Mr. Turner was helping in
the Decoration Day services at Cred
The Strawberry Supper of St.
Marys church was held on Monday
evening. Rev. B. Martin is the min
ister of the church.
The play “For Pete’s Sake” under
the auspices of the Zion Red Cross
will be held at Grand Bend on Fri
day night, June 28th.
Miss Laurene Hern, student nurse,
returned to her home on Sunday for
three weeks holidays.
Shirley and Jean Dickison have
been spending a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren
There will be no Sunday School
held in Zion church on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, Frances
and Keith visited on Monday with
Mr. and Mrs, Hector Taylor, Exeter.
Community rink. |
Five new members j
received into the1
i C. Reed and son, I
the week-end with 1
Reed. ’
The seventeenth annual reunion
of the Hern family and connections
was held Wedesday afternoon June
19th at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Foster near Granton. The
sports under the direction of Mr.
George Parkins and Mr. Melville
Hern,were as follows:
Girls and boys under 7, Marylin
Hern, Phyllis Hern; girls and boys
6 to 10, Jack Hern, Christine Dob
son; girls and boys 10 to 14, Helen
Stevenson, Harry Hern; young la
dies’ race, Lorene Stevenson, Mabel
Parkinson tie and 'Francis Foster;
young men’s race, Kenneth Hern, L.
Hern and Philip Hern tie; three-
legged race, Kenneth Hern and L.
Hern; Philip Hern and Gordon An
derson; young ladies throwing the
slipper, Helen Stevenson and Lor-
ene Stevenson; ball throwing, Fran
cis Foster, Lorene Stevenson; young
men kicking the slipper, Kenneth
Hern, Stanley Stevenson; peanut
scramble. A ball game was enjoyed""
by the girls and boys. At 6 p.m. a
banana and ice cream
served to 95 members
per the president, Ward
all to bow their heads
Charles Johns offered a
er in honor of our departed mem
bers; also for those who where un
able to be with us on account of ill
ness and for those in
land. At the close of
business for 1941 was
the President, Ward
lows: President, Thomas Hern, of
Woodham; vice-president, Mrs. N
Hern, Norwich; secretary-treasurer
Mrs. Herman Kyle, Exeter. A hearty
vote of thanks was tendered the host
and hostess. A very enjoyable re
union was brought to a close by
singing “God Save the King.” The
guests were present from Saskat
chewan, Norwich, Birr, London.
Rockwood, Ilderton, Denfield,
ton, .Russeldale, 'Granton, Zion
muiiity and Exeter.
Since the picnic
been received from
Charles Jewell, of
land. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell stated
that all are going through a time of
distress and worry but with God's
help we shall win through, of thatf.
we have no doubt. If there is any-
w ua,j,o, ■ one amongst yon that have a son or
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shelling, of relative coming over with the troops
supper was
before sup-
Hern asked
When Mrs.
short pray-
3L1WHINNEY, late of Exeter, On
tario, Gentleman-, deceased.
ALL PERSONS having claims
against the late David Mawhinney,
who died on or about May 15th,
1940, are required to send particu
lars of their claims duly verified to
the undersigned Executors on or be
fore July 17th, 1940, after which
date the assets will be distributed.
DATED June 26th, 1940.
Thomas Mawhinney, James J. Law-
son, Executors.
J. W. Morley, Solicitor for Execu
tors, Exeter, Ontario. 6-27-31C.
Re George Kellerman, late of the
Village of Dashwood, in the Coun
ty of Huron, Gentleman, deceased.
CREDITORS and other having
claims against the estate of the
said deceased are requested to send
full particulars of such claims duly
verified to H. Eilber & Son, Cred
iton, on or before the 12th day of
July 19 40, after which date the
Executors will proceed to distribute
the assets of the said estate having
regard only to the claims of which
notice has been received.
Dated this 21st day of June A.D.
Rev Arthur Kellerman,
24 Cedar St., W., Waterloo Ont,
and Norman Kellerman,
18 Queen St.N., Kitchener, Ont.
6-,27-2tc. Executors
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
celebrated their wedding
ary last Saturday with
number present.
Miss Beulah Holt, of
Hospital, London, is holidaying at
her home here , IThe funeral of the late John) Hodgins, of the Mollard Line wasj
held Tuesday at the Grand Bend
cemetery. A large number of;
friends attended the funeral. I
A very large crowd heard Rev.
Mr. Grigg at the morning service on
Sunday. All enjoyed him and hop
ed to hear him again in the near
future. 1
The young people are holding a
strawberry supper at the church on ‘
Friday evening.
The very rainy weather has
made it bad for putting in the bean
crop.Mrs. Dennis Stebben returned
home last week after two weeks'
visit in Port Huron where her sonz George has been quite ill but is now/
on the way to recovery.
< A baptismal ceremony was con
ducted at the United church .Sunday
morning.Peonies are the order of the, day. at the park, I J
Mr, Alex, HamiltoiwgPoYts mwv; Dodge truck. I
Mrs. Gib. Statton visited u!
for a few days, I I
Mr. and Mrs. 'Cyrus Green visited<
in Pt. Edward and, Detroit for a
few days. I
peril in Eng-
the meal the
conducted by
Hern as fol
Mr, and
Sarnia, visited 'Tuesday with Mr. and we should be pleased to have them'; Mrs. Abner Mollard. Mr. Mollard visit us and we Will do what we can |
is still confined to his bed. for them.
Rc James Carroll, late of the Town
ship of Stephen in the County of
Huron, Farmer, deceased.
‘CREDITORS and Others having
claims against the estate of the
said deceased are requested to send
full particulars of such claims duly
verified to the undersigned Execu
tors on or before the 2nd day of
July 1940, after which date they
will proceed to distribute the assets
of the said estate having regard
only to the claims of which notice
has been received.
Dated this 13th day of June A.D.
6-1912tc. Executors, Crediton.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore subsisting
between Ezra Tieman, now deceased,
and Addison ,Tieman operating un
der the name and style of E. Tieman
& Son, as general merchants in the
Village of Dashwood, was dissolved
on the first day of June, 1940, by
mutual consent. All debts owing
to the said partnership are to be
paid to Addison Tieman at Dash
wood aforesaid, and all claims
against the said partnership are to
be presented to the said Addison
Tieman by whom the same will be
Dated at Dashwood this eleventh
day of June A.D., 1940.
TIEMAN, Executors of Ezra Tie
mail Estate and Addison Tieman,
Dashwood, p O. 6-13-3tc.