HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-06-27, Page 1ESTAIJLIHHEP 1873 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 27th, 1940 »Sixty-Sevepth Year gl For Ladies, Men and Children The New Bathing Suits are here, in New Styles and Materials. We feature the well known Monarch Brand in Satin and All Wool Fabrics. Men’s Trunks and 2-Piece Bathing Suits With Zippers from $1.25 to $2.95 SPECIAL—Boys* All Wool Bathing Trunks at $1.00 Boys’ Satin Bathing Trunks, Popular Colors at $2.00 Martha Washington Dresses for the Hot Weather Martha Washington Dresses are absolutely guaranteed fast in color. We have a large stock to choose from for both Misses and Ladies. Prices $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95. to London some wine, empty, was an addition­ in Dodge’s SILVER WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. A. O. (Sandy) El­ liot, on Sunday last celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary by entertaining a number of relatives. A three-layer wedding cake adorned the dinner table and the rooms were decorated with peonies and spring flowers. In the afternoon a musi­ cal program was enjoyed. Mr. Tripp father of Mrs. Elliot, who is 76 years of age sang the “Holy City.” Mrs. Elliot sang a solo, Jean and Marion sang a duet “I Love You Truly.” Miss Pearl Wood was the accompanist. Mr. Stanley Tripp gave a reading. A group photograph was taken by Mr. Joseph Senior. Among those who were present for the occasion were Miss Hazel Elliot, nurse-in-training at the Kitchener- Waterloo Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ thur White, Miss Annie Elliot, of In­ wood; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tripp, of Dutton; Mrs. Reginald Armstrong of Aylmer; Mr. and Mrs, D. Moore, and daughter, of town. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot were married* at Oil Springs. In 19 29 they moved to Exeter from Lambeth. Their fam­ ily is comprised of two boys, Harold and Howard, and three girls, Hazel, Marion and Jean. Their many friends will join with the Times- Advocate in extending congratula­ tions and best wishes for many years of happy married life. more MEN’S SPORT SHIRTS NOW IN STOCK. NEW STYLES FOR THE HOT WEATHER WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. ARROW AND FORSYTH SHIRTS TIES, SOCKS, FANCY BRACES, SWEATERS, ETC. Men’s Fine Straw Hats Keep cool with one of our smart straw hats. We carry a good selection priced at from 89c to $2.00 each. Also a full range of field Hats at lSc to 25c. AWNING DUCKS. REVERSIBLE. BRIGHT STRIPES AT 59c YD. GRASS VERANDAH RUGS AT THE SAME OLD PRICES. iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Clark’s Irish Stew A Meal in a Jiffy ...... Pork and Beans Large 20 ounce tins .... Raisins New Seedless Sultanas 2 tins 25c 2 tins 15c 2 lbs. 23c Libby’s Catsup 1 ? A7 hnttlp14fTry This Popular Brand*" "vlUC ill Corned Beef Regular Size, El Rancho .... Clark’s Soup Tomato or Vegetable ....... Huskies Limited Quantity ............. Chipso, Large Pkg. With Mission Pottery Bowl tin 15c 2 tins 15c 2 pkgs. 13c all for 27c Phone 32 Jones & May Your Superior Store ■waXi Buy Sudden Death Bug Killer Band Concert for leaf feeding insects ooooo—O—ooooo SEE THE EASY PUSHED MAXWELL LAWN MOWER 25, 40 and 60 Nitrate .of Soda Bran Electric Bulbs for Tomatoes Shorts 10c each 7c lb.$1.45 EXETER CONCERT BAND at the Casino GRAND BEND SUNDAY, JUNE 30th 8.30 p.m. Silver Collection In Aid of tbe Exetei* Wartime Citizens’ Committee Ted WaJper, Director Reeve Tuckey, Chairman SEE OUR STOCK OF OIL AND GASOLINE STOVES » ......... STRAWBERRY SUPPER Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys, Sling Ropes and Pitch Forks Bring in Your Can for Stock Spray. Sold in any Quantity. Now is the time to have your Eavetroughing, Furnace Work and Plumbing Done. at ELLMVILLE CHURCH, on MONDAY, JULY 1st. 1940 undei’ the auspices of the W. M. Supper served from 5.30 to 8 P< The program will be a play ‘'Deacon Dubbs” presented by the Egmond- ville people Admission 40c and 25c S. an. KILLED WITH AXE INDIAN BEING HELD Allegedly 'Svhile under the influ­ ence of liquor tragedy entered the home of Samuel Dodge, an Indian, living in a little house on the lake Road, just on the outskirts of Ex­ eter and opposite what for years was known as the Smith farm. As a result Mr. Dodge is lotiged in the county jail at Goderich charged with the murder of James Kilpat­ rick, aged 65, a carpenter and farm­ er. . The tragedy occurred Thursday evening shortly after nine o’clock Kilpatrick was found lying on the floor in a pool of blood while Dodge was found in an adjoining bedroom apparently asleep kneeling as if in the act of prayer on a cushion be­ side the bed. According to information receiv­ ed the two men had been working together.as carpenters and were on the best of terms. They had finish­ ed a job of shingling a building on a farm in Stephen Twp. the day pre­ vious and had been paid that night. Thursday they went where they purchased A gallon jug, almost found in the house and al quantity was found car. According to Mrs. Dodge, about five o’clock in the afternoon she pre­ pared supper for the two men and with her little family went to one of the neighbors. She had left Kil­ patrick sitting on the floor, with legs crossed, singing. She return­ ed about nine and discovered the tragedy. She^ advised a neighbor and then left for Lucan to adviS6 her mother and a brother of Mr. Dodge as to what had happened. Meanwhile County Constable John Ferguson, of town, was notified and as Provincial Constable McCoy and Constable L. Rutherford, of Gode­ rich, were in Exeter at the time, they hastened to the home. The house was in darkness and with the ; aid of flashlights they first found the body of Kilpatrick and then that of Dodge kneeling beside the bed. The latter was noticeably under the influence of drink. Dodge was dazed when awakened and the only remark he made was that he did not remember what had happened. There was evidence of a struggle about the room. Coroner Dr. Weekes was summon­ ed and a jury of five men were im­ panelled by Chief Norry. The jury comprised, J^.eve B. W. Tuckey foreman’; H. C. Rivers, W. E. Mid­ dleton, R. Motz and H. O. Southcott. They viewed the remains at the scene of the tragedy and then ad­ journed sini die. It was some time before the slain man was identified. The identifi­ cation was made by Arthur Bierling who was called from his bed. Kil­ patrick resided with. Mr. Bierling having come here from near Hensall where he lived for 12 years. He was unmarried. The dead man had been struck on the head with an axe and the skull fractured. Evidence indicated that there was more than one blow. The axe was found near a woodpile and apparently an effort had been made to wipe the blood off. The axe was retained for fingerprints. Dodge, who is 41 years of age, has four daughters, Martha May,' who was 12 years old Thursday; Susan, aged 6; Caroline age 4; and Shirley the baby, aged 7 months. Taken to Goderich the accused man was Gundry, J. manded to June 27 th. Inspector assisted by gusou and Chief Norry conducted an investigation Friday mortem examination was made by Drs. Fletcher. The funeral of Mr. held Saturday afternoon from the undertaking rooms of R. E. Hopper with interment in the Exeter cemet­ ery. Rev. D. C. Hill officiated. I taken before Thomas P., Friday and was re- tlie county jail until W. Oliver, of Kitchener, Constables McCoy, Fer- and a of the Weekes post­ body and Kilpatrick was TROUSSEAU TEA A WET HONEYMOON USE LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD PAINTS AND OILS For a Good Outside Paint Job. Tbe Paint That Lasts.O. E. S. DIVINE SERVICE Traquair’s Hardware ITinsmithing Sign Work Plumbing and Culled to the Colors Mr. Leonard McKnight, who held the position of Captain in Huron - Middlesex Regiment, been called to join the regiment now being formed at Strathroy. has the has In Critical Condition The many friends of Mr. Albert McFalls, of the 2nd Concession of Biddulph, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis in Lon­ don, will regret to hear that his condition is far from satisfactory. The Exeter Chapter O.E.S. visitors will attend Divine Service at Trivitt Memorial Anglican church on Sunday, June 30th, at 7 p.m. Rev. M. A. Hunt will .have charge. The members will meet at the Parish Hall at 6:35. Mrs. Roxie Beavers. Worthy Matron. Win First Prize Messrs. M. W. Telfer and Bert Rivers of the Exeter Bowling Club, were winners of first prize at the •opening Twilight Scotch Double tourney at Seaforth Wednesday ev­ ening of last week. They had three wins plus twenty-three out of a pos­ sible plus of twenty-four. Messrs. H. C. Carey hnd Gordon May had two wins plus twelve. (Vtmping Trip To Vancouver Mr. A. J. Fawcett, or the Exeter H. S, staff will be accompanied by Mr. John McLaren, principal of the Wyoming Continuation School on a camping trip to Vancouver, B.C. They intend to motor mainly thro’ the United States on the outward journey. Mr. Fawcett left early in the week. Messrs. W. E. Middleton. H. C. Rivers, W. H. Pollen and T. O. Southcott motored to Montreal Sun­ day where they are attending the District A Lions Convention. Martin Noon.ofPrivate John London, a member of the R.C.A.S.C. and married to a niece of Mr. Wm. Abbott, has been reported missing and is believed to be a prisoner of war. He was reported mUslng June 20th, COATES—ELLERINGTON • A very quiet wedding took place in Trivitt Memorial Church, Monday afternoon at 2.30, when Miss Mar­ garet Helen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellerington, was unit­ ed in marriage with Mr. Leslie G. Coates, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Coates, of Brampton, manager of the Chainway store here. Rev, M. A. Hunt, rector, officiated. The bride was attired in a smart blue traveling suit with white accessories and wore a corsage of orchids. She was attended by Miss Pearl Wood dress­ ed in powder blue sheer and wear­ ing a corsage of yellow rose buds. Mr. Fred Ellerington assisted the groom. The church altar was decor­ ated with lighted tapers and spring flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Coates left the same day for a motor trip thro’ Northern Ontario and on their re­ turn will reside in Exeter, occupy­ ing the house recently vacated by Mr. James Bowey on Main street. The young couple were the recip­ ients of an elaborate display of gifts including cheques, chest of silver, etc., showing the high esteem in which they are held by a host of friends. The best wishes accom­ pany them and may their future be filled with happiness and prosperity. SELDON—COAKWELL A Detroit couple on their honey­ moon bound for Chicago in a 39- foot sailing yacht beached their boat in a storm while trying to dock at Grand Bend Thursday evening about six o’clock, Roger Glendell. owner of the boat and his bride, and another couple, with sails flying from a 45 ft. mast endeavored to make the river as waves six and seven feet high rolled over the dock. They missed the mouth of the river and ran aground just below the south pier. The water was only a couple of feet deep at the spot but with the waves running high the party was forced to brave the rough surf and struggle to shore. They were taken to the Brenner Hotel where they were provided with dry clothing and everything possible done -for their comfort. That evening J. Manore’s fishing boat made an attempt to free the yacht but the rope broke and the task had to be abandoned. Mean­ while the boat was filled with water and everything in it was soaked. The lake calmed during the night, and the yacht was hauled off about six o’clock the following day but not before the resources of Grand Bend bad been augmented by a coast guard motor life boat from Pt. Hur­ on.’ The yacht had been carried by the waves into shallow water and rest-, ed on its side with about five ton^ of ballast in the bottom. The fish­ ing boats of Ivan Green, John Mah­ ore, Disjardine Bros, and Henry Green all assisted in the rescue. A windlass was attached to the dock and it required the united efforts of' all to haul the boat to deep water. A cheer went struggle ended J. Sweitzer suction pump from the hold, but while doing so the small boat in which he was working with his equipment over­ turned in the water. With scores of -people lining the dock the two women commenced the salvaging entire women soaked sand. the bride’s dresses was water-soaked and heavy. In spite of it all par­ ticularly the women were very cheerful and light-hearted about the whole affair and it was with relief and rejoicing that they found two wallets, water-soaked but intact. The coast guard motor boat was in charge of L. P. Hebert and next morning the life boat took yacht in tow back to Sarnia, up when an all-day in victory. with a motor-driven pumped the water g of their belongings. The wardrobe of both men and was a sorry-looking mess with water and filled with One suit-case in which were the the Miss Florence Evelyn Coakwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Coakwell, St. Catharines, and Mr. Wallace Grant Seldon, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon, of Exeter, were married in Knox University Chapel, Toronto on Friday, June 21. Rev. J. Rhodes officiated, and Miss Sisley played the wedding music. •Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a graceful gown of white imported marquisette, with appliques on the bouffant skirt and the puff sleeves of the baby bolero Her finger-tip veil of scalloped hand rolled French tulle fell from a seed pearl halo, and she carried white roses and valley lilies. Miss Rena Coakwell was her sister’s brides­ maid, wearing a princess gown and carrying Briarcliff roses. Mr. Sel­ don Newman, of Kingston, nephew of the bridegroom, -was The reception was at Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. live in Exeter on their New York. Mr. Seldon is one of Exeter's pop- his many groomsman, the Savarin Seldon will return from ular ybung men and friends will join with the Times Advocate in extending eongratula- ions and best wishes for their future welfare. « < The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellerington was gay with brilliant summer flowers and sunshine for the enjoyable trousseau tea given Friday afternoon and evening in honour of their daughter, Miss Mar­ garet Helen. Mrs. (Rev.) Hunt and Mrs. L. J. Penhale received the vis­ itors In the afternoon the tea table was presided over by Mrs. C. H. Sanders and Mrs. M. McAvoy and in the evening by Mrs. “Ben. Tuckey and Mrs. C. W* Kestle The table was centred with a beautiful silver basket filled with a large cluster of pink roses and lighted softly with green tapers in silver holders. A three storey-wedding cake, prettily decorated and ornamented with a tiny and quaint bride and groom, was displayed in the dining room. The cake was made and given to the young couple by the groom’s aunt at the shower in Brampton on Wed­ nesday of last week. Assisting in the tea-room and in displaying the trousseau and gifts were: Mesdames W. Ellerington, L, parsons, R. Snell, Fred Newton and Misses Wllla Beat- son, Ina Revington, Eileen Snell, Nelen Flynn, Marion Bissett, Helen Dignan, Pearl Wood and Anne L. Sanders, the latter also having charge of the quaintly bound book in i Which each guest wrote her name. Many guests from out of town at­ tended the interesting event. THE LATE ROBERT SKINNER The death took place in Exeter on Tuesday of a well-known and high­ ly esteemed resident in the person of Mr. Robert Skinner who passed away in his 74th year. Mr. Skinner has been a life-long resident of the community having been born at Elimville and moved to Exeter in 1917. He was twice married, his first wife being Mary Chown. Later he was united in marriage with Mary Ellen Hodgson, his bereaved widow. He is also survived by one son, Wel­ lington Skinner of Centralia and two sisters, Mrs. J, Peart, of town and Mrs. Mary Noble, of Shallow Lake. About four weeks ago Mr. Skinner was taken to hospital in London for treatment but later returned home and had been gradually growing | weaker. Deceased was a member of i James Street Church and for years an active member of the Official Board. The funeral, private, will be held with tery. Thursday afternoon at 2.30 interment in the Exeter oeme- Rev. A. Page will officiate. McBEATH—HUNKIN The home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Hunkin, Thames Road, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday, June 22nd, when their daughter Margaret Evelyn was unit­ ed in marriage to Alexander .Johu McBeath, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John McBeath, Varna. Rev. Mr. W. Mair, of Thames Road, i officiated. The ceremony was performed under an ar-ch of evergreen, orange blos­ som and ferns with a large terh for the background. Given in marriage by her father, .the bride looked very charming in a fiodJtdength gowu of teal blue net and laceT’over taffeta with white accessories and bridal wreath of, orange blossoms and car­ ried a bouquet of Lestra Hibbert roses and philadelphus orange blossoms. Miss Jean Venner, of Chis­ elhurst, cousin of the bride, was the bridesmaid and wore a floor length gown of pink sheer over taffeta with blue velvet bows and with accessor­ ies and carried a bouquet of Early roses and white Ivory carnations. Miss Audrey Cochrane of Kippen. cousin of the groom, played the wedding music. Mr. Wm. McKenzie of Kippen was best man. During the signing of the register Mrs. John Hodgert sang “I Love You Truly”. Following the ceremony a sumptu­ ous wedding dinner was served to sixty guests. The bride’s table, dec­ orated with pink and white stream­ ers, rosebuds and peonies was cen­ tred with the wedding cake. Serving were the Misses Helen Selves, Dor-, othy Armstrong, Helen McNaughton. Gladys Jarrott, Lois Darling, Beth Ballantyne, Mildred Hodgert assist­ ed by Mrs. Percy Passmore and Mrs. Clifford Allen. Mrs. Hunkin receiv­ ed in mauve triple sheer and lace with a corsage of pink carnations and Mrs. McBeath received in navy chiffon over taffeta with a corsage of pink carnations. The young couple left amid showers of best wishes and confetti for a motor trip tc Niagara Falls, Toronto. North Bay For travelling the bride donned a rose crepe dress, Acadia blue coa with white accessories. Upon their return they will reside on the groom's farm at Varna, Ont. Guest" were present from Varna, Brucefield Kippen, Hensall, Zurich. Exeter Chiselhurst and Thames Road, LOYALTY PLEDGED AT PATRIOTIC MEETING i IN CLINTON Exeter was exceptionally well re­ presented at a patriotic gathering in Clinton on Sunday. Though it rained all day thousands of loyal people of Huron gathered there for the great patriotic rally which was planned to be held in the park but instead was held where the band stand could be utilized as a covered platform. The speeches were carried to the crowd, seated in autos, through amplifiers. While the attendance ran into four figures it is believed that had the day been fine it would have been a five figure crowd. County Warden George Feagan was chairman. “O Canada” was played by the Seaforth Highland band and invocation by Rev. A. H. O’Neil. R. E. Pooley. of Exeter, Legion Zone commander spoke on “Internal Security.” The speaker stressed the need of con­ tinued vigilance on the part of every one to prevent sabotage. Adequate defence measures on the part of the government were also urged. J. D. Thomas, Goderich, chair­ man of Citizens' Wai* Committee spoke on the subject of “War Ser­ vices.” He spoke of the generous support Service peal for 500 for bled. Mr. Thomas was guard units and also thought there should be organized in every coun­ ty a volunteer militia regiment. Rev, Dr. Hurford spoke on the subject of “Evacuated Children.” He said: “What a blessing it is that there is a Canada for children to take refuge in, far removed from the scene of strife, a country in which there is an abundance of food for their sustenance, clothing for their comfort and kind hearts to cherish them.” Bands played hymn tween addresses. A strongly worded faith in God, loyalty and the Empire and dedicating our­ selves anew to the supreme task of •winning the "war and manfully ac­ cepting whatever burdens the war may impose upon us was presented by Mr. E. D. Brown, deputy-reeve, of Goderich and seconded by Reeve J. R. Scott, Seaforth, A resolution that every encour­ agement be given the farming .com­ munity to^ produce food for the consumption of the people of Great Britain and of that probable in­ crease of our own population which may come to us by way of refugee children from the British Isles was presented by Mr. Feagan and given loud and prolonged approval. ‘'LTeutaCoh" StewaVt. O. C. of the Elgin RegimehW'^'iiich is being re­ cruited from four counties includi ing Huron spoke, briefly and ex­ pressed his delight at the fine spirit of patriotism of the people of Hur­ on, There were six bands taking part in the rally, those of Brussels, Exe­ ter, Wingham, Seaforth, Dashwood, and Clinton. given the League in funds. An the county British Empire the Legion ap­ ob jeetive of $4r was nearly dou- urgent for home selections be- resolution of to the Crown EVACUATED QHILDREN COMING TO EXETER Reg. Moffatt has received a from England that his two Mary and Janet Moffatt, dau- of Col. James Moffatt, now Mr. cable nieces ghters stationed at Hong Kong, are on their way to Canada accompanied by their aunt. The two girls have been at­ tending an officer’s school in Eng­ land and for the duration of the war will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt. This will be the first of the evacuated children to come to Canada from England. TO INDUCT NEW MINISTER On Friday evening, July 5 th, Rev. Norval J. Woods, M.A., who comes to Main Street United Church from Sparta, will be inducted into his new charge. The induction service will be in charge of Rev. J. Falcon­ bridge and Rev. W. Mair. Hollowing the induction Mr. Woods will go on holidays for the month of July as union services will be held by the Main Street gregations. have charge month. and James Street Rev. Mr. Page of the services the HONORED BY SHOWERS Mr. and Mrs. Les Coates con- will first Intermittent showers have visited this section 'almost every day dur­ in the past week At times has been a drizzling rain. At times rain has fallen in showers, almost a cloudburst, land is well soaked. Hay is for cutting, Fall wheat is heading out and a dry spell would be apprec­ iated by the farmers. there Other heavy The ready 25th ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McAlister, Mt. Brydges (formerly Minnie Jewell, of E. of town) celebrated their 25 th wedding anniversary on June 23rd at a family gathering held In the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradt, of London, at Grand Bend. The bride and groom of 25 years ago received many lovely gifts of silver including a silver tea ser­ vice from their three children. were honoured last week when Mrs. Ben Revington of Lucan, gave a miscel­ laneous shower on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Mrs. H, G. Coates, of Brampton, mother of the groom, also gave a miscellaneous shower, and on Thursday evening, Mrs, Ben­ son Tuckey gave a kitchen shower. Many and varied were the gilts re­ ceived and came as a great surprise to the young couple. On Saturday evening the staff of the Chainway Stores, of which Mr. Coates is “the manager, presented Mm with a combination smoker and magazine rack. Although taken by surprise, Mr. 'Coates made a suitable reply thanking the doners for their kindness and thoughtfulness. Miss K. MacFaul, who has been confined to her bed for over two weeks as a result of scalding her foot was able to be up Tuesday for the first lime..