HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-06-20, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1910
At five, the youngster says; “The
stork brought us a new baby sister.’’
At ten: “My dad can lick any
man twice his size.’’
At fifteen: “Girls are - blah.’’
At twenty: “Just give me a
chance — I’ll show 'em."
At twenty-five; “The system is
all wrong — there should be a re
At thirty: “In a few years people
will wake up demand their rights."
At thirty-five: “I'd be rich if I
had stayed single.”
At forty: “Give me another bottle
of that hair tonic.”
At forty-five: “I’m sick of re
At fifty: “I always drink rye -
Bourbon upsets my stomach.”
At fifty-five: “Thank God, I’ve
got a good bed.”
At sixty; “I was mighty lucky to
pick such a fine woman.”
At sixty-five: “I feel as young
as I did twenty years ago.”
At sevehty: “I don’t know what
these modern young people are com
ing to,”
At seventy-five: “Hurry, Ma. or
we will be late for church."
* * *
Of all the words of tongue and
The saddest are: “It might have
More sad are these, we daily see,
“It is, but it hadn’t ought to be.”
* * *
prankish Problem
Three miners met at a store to
get supplies. The storekeeper had
120 pounds of supplies and said
each man may pay a price per lb.
equal to the number of pounds he
takes. The storekeeper sold out
and received $50.00. How much did
each man take?
(The correct answer will appear
in our next issue. Can you solve
it before then?)
* * *
The wife of a western Congress
man is sensitive on the subject of
her deficient orthography and her
demands for information as to cor
rect spelling sometimes places her
peace-loving^husband in a delicate
One day, she was writing a let
ter at her desk, and she glanced up
to ask: “Henry, do you spell gra
phic with one ‘f’ or two?”
“My dear,’ was the solon’s dip
lomatic reply, “if you are going to
use any, you might as well use two.’
* * *
We hate to admit it, but no man
works as hard as he would like to
have his wife believe.* * *
A fool and his money are soon
petted.* * *
In 1876, the late Melville E. Stone
foundei’ of the Associated Press, de
cided that Chicago should have a
one cent paper to compete with the
five cent ones.
The stumbling block was that
there w’ere no pennies in circulation
in Chicago. So, Mr. Stone, who was
then 28 years old, went to the mer-I
chants to argue that in the average
person’s mind 99 cents was a much
smaller amount than One Dollar. He
begged and he pleaded and finally
convinced them that odd prices
would increase their volume of sales
and incidentally, start pennies in
circulation that would enable folks
to buy his paper.
He sent to the Philadelphia mint
"TheJie. iAnodtneh,
to&uxo JUST LIKE
Stubborn Cases
of Constipation
Those who keep a mass , of
impurity pent up in their bodies,
day after day, instead of having it
removed, as nature intended, at least
once in every twenty-four, hours, in
variably suffer from constipation.
The use of cheap, haish purgatives
will never get you any where as they
only aggravate the trouble, and in
jure the delicate mucous lining of the
bowels, and are very liable to cause
piles. ,
If constipated take Milbum’s
Laxa-Livcr Pills and have a natural
movement of the bowels. They do
not gripe, weaken and sicken as
many laxatives do,
Tlio T. Milburn Cd., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
and ‘imported’ several barrels of
pennies. Pennies would purchase
liis paper and little else in those
days — so the odd pennies that folks
found in their pockets and purses
were spent for the paper — which
is now known as the Chicago Daily
A haughty Englishman was en
deavoring to impress the importance
of his family upon his guide in the
Highlands. “My ancestors,” he stat
ed. “have had the right to bear
arms for the last 300 years.”
* * *
News dispatch says Roumania will
sign a peace treaty — and another
bearing the same date line says
Roumania will not sign a peace |
treaty with Russia. Well the corres
pondent might have used the tune
of ‘Casey Jones’ and cabled;
Roumania and Russia going to sign
a treaty;
Roumania and Russia ain’t a-gon-
na sign
Roumania and Russia going to sign
a treaty;
Going to sign a treaty on the dot
ted line.* * ♦
Speaking of radio announcers —
oi’ were we? Well, no matter, but
an announcer the other day tout
ing for one of his commercials said
that his company recently sent out
one hundred letters to a select list
of known listeners, asking certain
questions. .
Of the replies received, so he
stated, 68 said this - 17 said some
thing else - while 15 said that and
38 said so-and-so.
Well, we never were any good at
figures — that’s why we choose to
click a typewriter — so probably
we are all wet. But as near as we
can figure (and column paragraph
ed do figure occasionally) his firm
received one hundred and thirty
eight replies from one hundred let
ters. Ain’t radio marvelous?* * *
Great Inspirations of History
“There is something rotten in
Denmark.” Hamlet.
“Strike for your altars and your
fires.” - Marco Bozarris.
“Beyond the Alps lies Italy.” -
“At least we’ll die with harness
on our backs." - MacBeth.
“Once more unto the breach, dear
friends, or close the wall up with
our English dead.” - Henry V.
“Soldiers of France, forty cen
turies look down on you.” - Napo
“England expects every man to
do his duty.” - Nelson
“The guard dies but never sur
renders.” - Cambronne.
* * «
First kid: “Gee, Jimmy, when I
passed your house this morning I
heard somebody swearing somethin’
Second kid: “Aw, that was my
Dad—he was late for churh an’
couldn’t find his hymn book.”a * *
Not that we all love criticism less
but’ appreciation more.* * *
The secret of repartee is repor-
toire.* * *
An on the other hand, a good
many - far too many - politicians
stand for what they think the pub
lic will fall for.
• « «
Building Blocks of Matter
ATOM: one of the tiny physical
units of which all matter as such
is composed.
NUCLEUS: the core or heart of
the atom.
ELECTRON: the smallest unit of
negative electricity.
POSITRON: the smallest unit of
positive electricity.
PROTON: the positively charged
core of the atom of hydrogen.
NEUTRON: a non-electrical particle
possibly a close-packed hydrogen
* * *
Those who are in the habit of
weighing themselves regularly on
penny scales will be interested to
learn that more than One Billion
pennies are dropped in coin weigh
ing machines every year.
Incidentally, the value of business
done thru coin vending machines
(exclusive of gambling units) totals
over One Hundred Million Dollars
a year. Two tons of pennies (about
$5,500.00) are gathered each week
day from the penny machines in the
New York City subway and Elevat
ed stations.* * *
South of the Column,
Down signature way,
Just one more line, and
I’m thru for the day.
-—the colonel
First the spirea and now the roses.********
Midsummer day! Old Time’s a flying.
Deeds count these days rather than words.H* $ * *
These are good days for wise men to trust each other.* *******
These are dangerous times to play partisan politics.* * ♦ ♦ * ♦ *
Freedom was not easily won nor can it easily be retained. ***** * * *
Let us endure hardness as good citizens of this great land. ********
And now for haying. The yield this season gives every promise
of being unusually heavy.******* *
Count that man an enemy who is indifferent regarding the re
sults of the European struggle.*** *****
That chqp wrho failed to get his seeding and his planting done
complains that his crop isn’t doing well.********
If you want to know how busy is this good old town, try getting
some one to do a bit of work for you.********
Let every man jack among us get ready foi’ national registration
for defence purposes. We may be needed.*** ***** t
The modern artful dodger is the Exeter gardener who has suc
ceeded this year in getting his .garden into good shape.********
Set yT)ur house in order, keep on working like a Trojan and be
ready for anything. We’re just thinking about our best licks.********
Count him an enemy of the commonwealth who attempts to
feather his nest or to play partisan politics these fateful times.********
We have seen some of the finest displays of Iris in Exeter this
last ten days that we have ever seen. Just now the peonies are com
ing into their own.********
We came across an Exeter man the other day who was doing the
real thing in sweating. He was trying to overtake the 19 40 crop of
weeds in his back yard.********
It is just too bad that some disease has attacked the onion crop.
The seed for this crop is costly, the labour severe and extensive.
When the crop fails, the loss is heavy.********
We heard a Pacifist saying the other day “I’ve changed my
mind.” A wise man changes his mind when sound arguments are
brought forward. An ass never does any such thing.********
Rushing about and talking have their place. Winning the war
is quite another thing. Getting ready for war is one thing. Telling
our enemies what we are doing is another thing.
He’s a mighty good man who saws wood-and keeps his mouth
shut these days when strangers are making inquiries about roads and
what is going on in the country. Canadians have been showing a
childlike simplicity about public matters.
We needed a job done the other day by one of the big firms.
Said the boss to us, “We’ll get oui’ man on the job as soon as we
can.” Our reply was “That youth promised to be on the job a week
ago. Do you want to keep us for a customer?" “I do,” he replied,
“and I’ll get at the job myself.” He was there in overalls at once, and
though well on in years he did fifty percent more work than his
junior. And he’s no slave, but he does real work. And there you
At the last regular meeting of the Eligible Maidens, it was found
that every last member had made preparations for war service of some
sort. Some were ready to drive delivery wagons, others were
practicing a little rifle shooting and learning something about the
revolver, though their biggest difficulty was found to keep their
eyes open when firing. They are reviewing their first aid knowledge
and sprucing up on their sewing. ‘Some are taking what instructions
they can in the way of first aid to cars and ambulances. Still others
are replacing the hat pin with the bayonet. So there you are. You
may depend on the women every time.********
In spite of the present predicament of France let us keep oui-
heads. The clock of time has been badly jarred but it can be set
running again and keeping good time. The British lion may have
a knot or two on his tail but he’s not dead. Jack Canuck may be
just waking up from his long nap, but he’s proving to be very much
alive. The United States is seeing that the front line of her defences
has been shattered, but she is getting into good shape for a mighty
struggle. India is in no mood to exchange John Bull for Hitler and
his crowd. Russia sees what will happen to her should Germany win
out. Most nations have settled down to the idea that Britain will in
evitably win without their practical help. However they are seeing
that Britain alone cannot police the -world and that her ideas and
ideals are priceless. When this is realized the struggle will begin
in earnest and we know the result.********
There’s no use attempting to disguise the fact that we’re up
against an extremely difficult situation. For a while we waved a
gentle hand, after the outbreak of the war, and said, “This thing will
soon be over” and forgot straightway the manner of people we were.
We comforted ourselves with the idea that Germany is poor and
simply could not keep up the struggle. We’ve been undeceived. Our
enemy has proven to be powerful, resourceful, informed and persist
ent. She profited by the last war. She is flushed with victory. She
is resolved to -win. For us there is nothing for it but to wake up
“Up, guards, and at them!” Wellington ordered his men at Waterloo,”
"England this day expects every man to do his duty," ran Nelson's
signal at Trafalgar. “Yonder is the enemy!” Britain calls to every
son and daughter. Nothing less than our clearest thought and our
utmost action and our profoundest faith in God will avail us at this
struggle goes on. Some way must be found forthwith to set our
willing youth to saving the day. The horrible enchantment that has
hamstrung so many must be broken. We must not rest on our el
bows while we should be standing on our feet or marching to our
country’s necessities. Already serious-minded men realize that our
freedom is to be maintained at the cost of desperate effort, but that
it may .be kept and added to if we bear hardship and labour as we
never worked before.***** ***
We cannot but wonder sometimes if a great many of our younger
men have learned what really hard work is. There is one thing of
which we are sure and that is that without genuinely severe toil that
nothing worth while is achieved. We recall a school experience. A
new teacher had come on the job who told us youngsters that unless
we accomplished so much school work we‘d get a sound thrashing.
We complained t’o our dad who smiled grimly and informed us that if
the feacher found it necessary to trim us that he’d give us another
trimming. Well, -we got up the work and found time for chores and
a bit of fun to boot. Later, We wanted a couple of watches our bro
ther and our noble self. Dad pointed to the woods and the team and
informed us that watch “winning was a case of root hog ox’ die. We
didn’t die. We got the watches and did our share of farm work be
sides. The interesting thing about it was that we boys kept right
on growing.
Laer, we were teaching school, with pur noses pointing to the uni
versity, with dad’s word for it that we had to make our own way. As
vacation time drew on we needed a suit of clothes. We were well
aware that we couldn’t take the money from our salary or we'd lose
the golden key to the university. Jobs were scarce but a farmer’s
heart relented. We were up and looking after the team by five. We
worked right along without a minute’s soldiering till seven p.m. After
that we attended to the team, did a few chores and were in bed by
nine-thirty. Every day -was the real thing in harvesting and harvest
plowing between times, Again we thrived, but we didn’t loaf or run
about at nights. Those were about the best days we ever saw. There
were youngsters who had a good time if loafing or soldiering on the
job is having a good time. Today they are not worth nails to hang
their hats on. They’re known as old so and so’s boys. They
haven't even a name. Most of them are dead and no one knows where
they are buried. We pass on this hint. Let us look about us a bit.
of the week
....Tours, France — Premier Rey-
naud in “new and final" appeal to
Roosevelt asks ‘clouds of airplanes’
from United States as French make
desparate stand; Germans converge
on Paris from three sides; Paris de
clared open city to save it from bom
bardment; French proclaim resist
ance to bitter end.
Ijondon — British Government
pledges utmost aid in her power to
France; speeds more men and ma
terials across channel; Royal Air
Force strikes at Italy in Near East
and Africa.
Ottawa—.Hon. J. L. Ralston nam
ed Defense Minister succeeding late
Hon. Norman Rogers.
Ankara—Turkey concludes trade
pact with Germany; Turkish press
attacks Italy. .
Moscow—^Russia appoints Ambas
sador to Rumania in move to re
store diplomatic relations.
Washington—Senate unanimously
approves $50,000,000 fund for war
Rome—'Fascists claim army will
march soon.
Tours —■ Main French armies fall
back below German-invaded Paris;
head-on German assault on Maginot
Line hurled back with heavy Nazi
losses. ,
London—Hitler ‘peace offensive’
predicted in few days; Britain opens
war chest wide to buy all possible
materials; twelfth of Italian mer
chant fleet captured or sunk; Allied
fleet batters Libyan shore; air force
raids from Norway to Africa; dam
aging German battleship Scharn-
horst; whereabouts of Italian fleet
in Mediterranean a mystery.
Madrid— Spanish forces occupy
Tangier, neutralized international
zone, “to keep order."
New York — American shippers
seek means of sending war materials
to Allies in United States ships des
pite neutrality restrictions. r
Belgrade — Pro-German former
Premier freed from mountain exile
as Balkan nations seen wooing Ger
Ottawa—Prime Minister Macken
zie King says all material and econ
omic strength of this continent will
be sent without delay to help
Bordeau—Reynaud resigns; Mar
shal Petain new Premier; Cabinet
in repeated grave meetings to con
sider whether Roosevelt offer of
material aid from U. S. without dec
laration of war will permit France
to continue her fight “on her own
territory’; Germans employing more
than 2,000,000 men in drive south
ward; greatest German offensive on
plains of Champagne with French
admittedly having difficult time.
London—Britain, deriding rum
ors of peace proposals, reiterates
determination to fight on to victory;
B.E.F. fighting in Normandy; four
enemy submarines destroyed in
Mediterranean; weather hampers
....Basle—Germans, penetrating Ma
ginot Line, find it virtually a hol
low shell as French defenders with
drew secretly from outflanked for
tifications to make stand in open
Moscow—^Estonia, Latvia, follow
ing Lithuania in yielding to Rus
sian ultimatums permitting entry of
increased number of Soviet troops,,
into their territories.
Infuse 6 heaping teaspoons of Salada Black Tea in a pint pf fresh, boiling water.
After 6 minutes strain liquid into 2-quart container; while hot, add 1 to Ijz cups
of sugar and juice of 2 lemons, strained; stir until sugar is dissolved; fill container
with cold water. Do not allow tea to cool before adding cold water or liquid
will become cloudy. Serve with chipped ice. The above makes 7 tall glasses.
Stockholm —- Russia gains un
challenged domination of Eastern
Baltic with bloodless invasion of
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia; Red
troops face German frontier,
Ottawa — Prime Minister King
announces some troops of 1st Divis
ion, G.A.S.F. in France last week,
but change in situation made it ad
visable to withdraw them; Canada
and United States may discuss fate
of St. Pierre et Miquelon if France
makes peace with Germany.
Washington <— Senate approves
legislation declaring United States
will not asquiesce in any transfer
of Western Hemisphere possessions
from one non-American nation to
John Rintoul, who resided two
miles west of Seaforth, died in Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on
June 12th, from injuries received
last Thursday when a team of hors
es he was driving ran away and a
seed drill passed over his body. His
condition had been critical for days.
One year ago he was injured in
a car accident which caused the
death of Peter W. Scott, former
reeve of East Wawanosh.
Mr. Rintoud was born near Wing
ham and was married to Miss Mary
Golley. In 1931 he moved to a farm
on No. 8 Highway, two miles from
He is survived by his widow and
three sons, Reginald, Cameron and
Charles; three brothers and two sis
ters. The funeral was held on Friday
afternoon from the residence. Inter
ment was made in Wingham ceme
The death occurred at Toronto on
Wednesday last of Micha.el J. Doyle,
who was born in McGillivray Town
ship, but lived most of his life in
Calgary. The funeral was held on
Thursday from the residence of his
brother, Peter Doyle, McGillivray
Township, to Our Lady of Mount
Carmel Church, -where requiem high
mass was sung. Interment was in
Mount Carmel cemetery. Mr. Doyle
was the son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. James Doyle, of McGillivray
Township. For many years he was
in the livestock and ranching busi
ness in Alberta. He returned to
Eastern Canada last year. Mr.
Doyle is survived by five brothers,
Matthew, of 'London; Philip, of
Toronto; Peter, of McGillivray Tp.;
Bert, of Exeter; and James Doyle,
of Vancouver and two sisters, Mrs.
J. A. Coughlin and Miss Annie Doyle
of London.
Rev. Mr. Jamieson motored to
Toronto on Monday to see his bro
ther who is at present very ill.
Miss Ilene Young, who spent a
few weeks with her aunt Miss Cur
rie' in the village returned to her
home in Granton.
A number from Cromarty Auxiliary
motored to North Easthope and at
tended a Sectional Meeting of the
W. M. S. in that district.
Mrs. S A Miller spent a few days
in St. Catherines last week with
her sister who iis ill.
Mrs. Robinson of the village is at
present visiting with trends and
relatves in and around Bowmanville.
The hardest tumble a man can
take is to fall over his own bluff.
Cui* Coda.
, at-'*
Bordeaux — French armies fight
on along wholte front as Government
awaits Hitler’s reply to armistice
offer; Foreign Minister demands
"honourable peace" as precondition
to surrended; unconditional capitu
lation ruled out. Report French fleet
inflicted heavy losses on Italian
Navy in major battle.
London — Britain discloses 11th
hour proposal for Britain-French
union as one nation to continue the
struggle; French apparently reject
ed offer; Prime Minister Churchill
proclaims Britain’s determination to
fight on alone “until curse of Hitler
is lifted from the brow’s of men."
Berlin — Hitler - Mussolini head
for conference "in the west” to
draft peace terms: Versailles may
bo scene of historic meeting.
Madrid - — Franco invited to act
as intermediary in armistice nego
3 out of 4 Jam and Jelly Champions use CERTO
Under the label of
every bottle of Certo
ts a book of 72 tested
recipes foe Jains ar.d
jellies. Be sure to
follow thetn exactly.
of the short boil all the fresh,, natural
\ fruit taste and colour is retained.
QUICK AND EASY—With Certo you
need boil only a minute to two min
utes for jam — a half-minute to a
minute for jelly.
Mrs. R. J. Lunn of Oxford, N.S. — Prize
winner at Oxford Exhibition — writes: *7
feel, when making jams or jellies with Certo,
that I am sure of good results. The shorter
boiling keeps the fresh fruit flavour and col
our. Several times I have taken the Special
Prize for the most points in this class at our
county fair”
ECONOMICAL-—Very little juice can boil
away in such a short boil, so you get up
to half again as much jam or jelly
SO SURE—With Certo you get easy-
to-follow recipes that give sure
l;.^> I results.
CERTO is concentrated
PECTINthe natural jollifying
substance extracted front fruit.