HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-06-20, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THVJWDAY, JUNJJ 20111, 1040
Keep Well and Buy British I
If you are one of those countless
thousands of loyal Canadians anx
ious to do your bit—buy British and
look to your health!
In the rush of daily affairs don’t
neglect your body. If you have
rheumatic, lumbago or neuritic
pains, frequent headaches, sour
stomach—more than likely you are
neglecting to keep your body free of
poisonous waste, your blood of
Don’t neglect this important mat
ter, for the solution is simple and
inexpensive. Simply take your
"little daily dose” of Kruschen
Salts. Millions throughout the
Empire take Kruschen every morn
ing of their lives.
Kruschen contains—not one or
two, but several highly refined
specially selected mineral salts. In
combination these salts make a
. mass attack on these ailments that
keep you away from work and take
the joy out of life.
So get a bottle of Kruschen and
use it. Just what you can put on a
dime—every morning. Then you be
the judge—after you’ve been taking
it for awhile. You’ll see what is
meant by that priceless million-
dollar Kruschen feeling! At drug
stores 25c, 45c and 75c.
80th Birthday
Bride-Elect Honored 50 YEARS AGO
for Mrs. C, Harris
“Don’t you .know it is bad form
to sop up .gravy with your bread?’’
“It may be had form but it am
mighty good taste.”
A surprise family gathering Avas
held for Mrs. Charlotte H. Harris,
tvife of the late James Harris at her
fomer home, the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard J. Harris, Uth con
cession Usborne Township on June
12th, The occasion Avas Mrs, Har
ris’ 80th birthday. Borne 32 guests
including children, grandchildren
and other close relations sat doAvn
to a delightful dinner planned and
prepared by Mrs. Leonard Harris,
Mrs. Thos, Fanson and Mrs. HoAvard
Fanson. Miss Dorothy and Fedelma
Parsons assisted at the table as
Avaitresses. Following the dinner,
a brief program Avas held consist
ing of piano solo by A. Ernest Har
ris, of London; duet by Mrs. Leon
ard Harris and Miss Ina Harris;
readings by Mrs. Nelson Couch and
Audrey Couch, of Stratford and
Miss Ina Harris; also a duet by the
Misses Dorothy and Fedelma Par
sons, of Munro. At the close of
the program Mr. Leonard Harris
read an address of congratulations
and appreciation, and hoped for
many more birthdays. As a token
of appreciation of her kindness, she
Avas presented Avith a silver basket
filled with red and white carnations.
Master Arthur Harris, the youngest
grandchild made the presentation.
Mrs. Jas. M, Gardiner, of Kirkton.
spoke very nicely and expressed the
hope that she and Mrs. Harris Avould
spend their 90th birthday together.
The guests then gathered on the
laAvns and many pictures Avere taken
of Mrs. Harris and the group. Mrs.
At 7 weeks your chicks are on the
way to becoming money-making
Fall and Winter layers. Keep them
going in the right direction by feed
ing Roe Complete Growing Mash
—the feed that has helped
hundreds of thousands of Ontario
chicks grow into sturdy, strong,
productive pullets.
This complete feed is of a
medium texture, high in digestible
nutrients — with the correct
balance of proteins, minerals and
vitamins your chicks need to pay
you big returns in Fall and Winter
eggs. Ask your Roe Feeds dealer.
Avore a dainty flowered
mauve silk dress. Some of the
guests from a distance Avere Mrs.
Charles Brown and Raymond, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur BroAvn and Ken
neth, of Dungannon; Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Couch and Audrey, of Strat
ford; Mrs. Thos. Fanson and Ilene,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fanson and
family, of Munro; Mr. and Mrs. R.
Bean, of near Goderich. Mrs. Harris
and Ernest of London.
The home Avas beautifully decor
ated with a profusion of peonies,
columbines and lupins. Mrs. Har
ris is very active for her age and
enjoys splendid health. She is ac
tive in the Ladies’ Aid of Knoll-
Avood Park Presbyterian church in
London, Avhich held a birthday party
for Mrs. Harris on Tuesday after
noon. During the afternoon the
guest of honor was presented with
a fancy apron covered Avith dainty
handkerchiefs. At the tea-hour
lovely birthday cake centred t
table. Since the first of the year
the members have made and quilt
ed fifteen quilts and also Red Cross
work. Most of the quilts are quilt
ed at Mrs. Harris’ home.
On the Thursday a reception Avas
arranged for Mrs. Harris at her
home by Ernest Harris with whom
she lives in London. Receiving Avith
Mrs. Harris was her daughter, Mrs.
Thos. Fanson. Around thirty guests
called during the afternoon to ex
tend congratulations. On Thursday
evening another surprise party Avas
given by the ladies of the church
Avhen fourteen members gathered at
Mrs. Harris’ home. The evening was
spent in music
On Friday evening, June 14th
about sixty girls friends and neigh
bors gathered at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Allen in honor
of Miss Evelyn Hunkin bride-elect
and presented her with a miscell
aneous shower. The girls gave a
very fine program of readings, guit
ar selections and singing. The bride-
to-be was seated in a chair under
an arch of maple leaves, beside a
decorated basket laden with many
lovely gifts. An accompanying ad
dress was read by Miss Shirley
Duncan. After opening the gifts and
reading all the appropriate verses
Evelyn expressed her appreiation for
the fine gifts.
All joined in singing “For She’s
a Jolly Good Fellow", A dainty
lunch was then served after which
all departed for their homes wishing
Evelyn much joy and happiness,
Following is the address;
Dear Evelyn,-—
Knowing that a very happy event
is to take place in your life,
we your friends and members of
Thames Road Mission Circle
gathered here this evening to
you much happiness in your
adventure. We have valued
citizenship, not as a passing visitor,
who has remained a short time and
then carried her influence elsewhere
but as a citizen of this community,
who has grown and developed in
our midst.
Your cheerful disposition, willing
ness and sunny smile will be missed
at our gatherings, but we feel what
is our loss will be another’s gain.
Good friends always find good
friends no matter where they go
and we know’ you will soon have
many in your new community.
It is a right and natural thing that
everyone should desire a life part
ner and a home of their own and
while it would be very romantic to
live on love, it has been found very
unpracticable. Many things are nec
essary for our material comfort and
convenience. We wish to help you
begin your household duties with
a few of the necessary gadgets to
lighten and brighten your
we ask you to accept these
we hope you Avill have
pleasure in using them as
in giving them.
Wishing you a long, happy and
prosperous Avedded life.
Signed on behalf of the Thames
Road Mission Circle.
June 10, 1800
Lamport-Dick-On Thursday,
12t.h, 1890, at the residence of
ander Dow, Esq., Exeter, by
’ a
work, so
gifts and
as much
we have
and games. Mrs.
received many lovely and
gifts, 1’loAvers and cards. Mrs.
has worked tAvo large needle
cushions and many lovely
_____ of needle work and knitting
recently and thinks the secret of her
good health at this age is in
busy for herself and others.
Sold by
Many a Romance
The lives of many young people
are made miserable by the breaking
out of pimples on the face.
Tho trouble is not so much physi
cal pain, but it is the mental suffer
ing caused by the embarrassing dis
figurement of the face which very
often makes the sufferer ashamed to
go out in company.
The quickest way to get rid of
pimples is to improve the general
health by a thorough cleansing of
the blood of its impurities.
Burdock ' 'Blood Bitters cleanses
and purifies the blood-—Get rid of
your pimples by taking B.B.B.
The T. Milburn Go., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
The appearance and spread of the
destructive disease, bacterial ring
rot of potatoes (bacterial wilt rot),
in Canada has caused grave concern,
states the latest report of the Can
adian Horticultural Council Com
mittee on horticultural research.
The Research Officers of the Divis
ion of Botany and Plant Pathology,
Science Service, Dominion Depart
ment of Agriculture, in co-operation
Avith the inspection staff for seed
potato certification of the Plant
Protection Division, Production Ser
vice, the report says, are doing
everything possible to prevent the
dissemination of the disease and to
eradicate it from the areas in Avhich
it has occurred.
The disease Avas first observed in,
Quebec in 1931. Since then, it was
found in NeAV Brunswick and Al
berta in 19 37, in Prince Edward Is
land, Ontario, Manitoba and Sask-
atchewan in 193 8, and in Nova
Scotia in 1939. Commencing in 1936
certification has been refused po
tato fields shoAving even a trace of
infection, but the number of fields
turned down on this account has
decreased from year to year. In all
provinces, the affected crops have
been disposed of either for making
starch or for table use.
The research work of this pro
blem has revealed a number of im
portant facts relative to the bacter
ial organism responsible for the di
sease, its dissemination, and the
Bourses of contamination. There
have led to the issuance of instruc
tions for diagnosing the disease;
the disposal of infected crop;
disinfection of cellars, tools,
machines in order to prevent
contamination of the neAv seed;
use of hew bags, or the washing and
sterilizing of second-hand ones; and
the exclusive planting of certified
seed. By these means and by con
stant vigilance, and further research
work, it is hoped that this disease
" may be completely eradicated.
The Municipal Council of Usborne
ToAvnship met on June Sth with all
the members present. Minutes of
May 11 Avere adopted as read.
At the invitation of the Council,
gravel pif OAvners Avho will be re
quired to supply gravel to the toAvn-
ship in 19 40 Avere present and ex
pressed their Avillingness to accept
Avhat tlw council might deem a fair
price per yard for gravel. The price
was subsequently set at 8 cents per
yard as compared with 11 cents paid
After carefully considering the
cost of crushing, hauling, etc., the
Council decided that the sale price
of crushed gravel shall he 50 cents
per cubic yard, delivered to Muni
cipalities and to persons outside of
this municipality and 48 cents to
ratepayers, requiring lane gravel.
The former price to be subject to
the contractor’s Avillingness to haul
the distance required at the contract
The Reeve and Clerk Avere ap
pointed to secure a fountain pen foi
presentation to each of the boys-. Avho
have or may later enlist in His Ma
jesty’s Forces from this tOAvnship
and to have the name of each sol
dier suitably engraved on his pen.
This gesture on the part of the
municipality is designed as a slight
token of recognition of the sacrifice
Avhich the boys are making for those
at. home. Relatives and friends of
any boy enlisting are asked to com
municate with the Clerk, giving thrt
soldier’s address so that no one may
be missed.
The Council purchased 1,000 feet
of half Inch cable from
Supply Co. to be erected at
proa ch to certain dangerous
in the Township where the
guard rails are broken.
At three o’clock a Court
the ap-
At three o’clock a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll Avas I
Iopened. Only one property appeal
Avas heard and in this case the as
sessment Avas sustained.
A number of dog OAvners reported
their dogs killed and they Avere
struck off. The Court ajourned un
til July 13th at 3 p.m.
The Relief Officer reported that
$1’3.50 had been issued in relief
vouchers and that uoav all able-bod
ied persons Avere off relief.
The treasurer reported receipts
for May amounting to $1163.91 and
a cash balance at May 1st of $6196.
The follOAving accounts for pay
ment Avere presented to the Council
passed and orders Avere drawn on
the Treasurer for payment:
Road Superintendent’s voucher,
$558.26; Relief and administration,
$15.50; Printing materials $60.82;
Miscellaneous $8.'S3.
The Council adjourned to mecl
on Saturday, July 13 at 1 p.m.
A. W. Morgan, Clerk
Jasper Wilson, B.A., Mr. Samuel
George Lamport, Crediton to Miss
Mary Dick, of Exeter.
Mr. Wright and wife, of Michigan
who have been visiting Mr. Case of
this place left on Tuesday for a
visit to friends in the Old Country.
Mr. Albert Down, of this place,
student of Albert 'College, Belleville,
leaves next week for Florence where
he Avill occupy the Methodist
for a time,
Mr. R. H. Archer manager
Molsons Bank left Monday
ing for New York where he will visit
his siter.
Mr. A, Bishop, M.P.P. and Mrs
Bishop sailed on the ship “Vancou
ver” for a visit to Scotland..
Mr. William Baker left for Wing
ham Tuesday last Avhere he has se
cured a position.
Mr. R. H. Collins and Mr. H. L.
Billings Avent to London on Friday
evening to witness the execution of
Dr. Rollins, reeve and Mr. Wm.
Wm. Bissett, deputy-reeve left
Goderich Wednesday to attend
County Council.
work for the more advanced pupils.
Canada, we learned, rates lower than
England or the United States in
musical training and for this reason
music is now being taught in the
schools in order to develop our Can
adian talent and to know and ap
preciate good music. The lattei
part of the program consisted of
a vocal solo by Mrs. Hubert Hey
wood; recitation by Ethel Pooley.
double duet by four pupils of the
senior room and a number by the
orchestra. All joined in singing the
National Anthem after Arihich lunch
was served.
of the
June 17, 1915
Mr, Jacob Schroeder, Dashwood,
having his barn raised.
Mr, J. K. Ehlers, DashAVOod, is
having the house he recently pur
chased from Mr. Weigand, veneered.
Mr. David Tieman, DashAvood, is
having his frame house moved back
on his lot and will erect a neAV
dwelling in front of it.
Mr. Silas Handford has purchased
the house and lot on Main Street
OAvned by Mr. Wm. Dunsford and
occupied by Mr. Thorn Baker.
Wm. Ballantyne, former license
inspector, Avas presented Avith a
Morris chair by Britannia Masonic
Lodge last Aveek, the occasion being
the fiftieth anniversary of his init
iation into Britannia Lodge.
Mr. Grafton Burdett has been
transferred to the Bank of Com
merce in Toronto,
Miss Edna F’ollick is in London
today where she will take part in
a recital given by Mr. Percy of the
London Conservatory of Music.
Annual Picnic
The annual picnic of the residents
of the second concession of Usborne
was held at Grand Bend on Satur
day, June 15th. The afternoon Avas
spent in sports Avith the following
results: Girls 5 and under, Margaret
Willard, Beth Taylor, Joan parsons;
girls 8 and under, Audrey Coates,
Joan Parsons, Dorothy Pincombe;
boys -8 and under, Bob Kerslake,
Bob Coates; girls 12 and under,
Maxine Parsons, Ilene Kerslake;
boys twelve and under, Bill Luxton,
Douglas Parsons; young ladies’ race,
Helen Essery, Hazel Kerslake;
young men’s race, Jack .Coates, Fred
Luxton; relay race, Fred Luxton
and Helen Essery, Jack Coates and
Phyllis Kerslake; married men’s
race, Lloyd Parsons, Verne Pin
combe; married ladies’ race, Mrs.
Maurice Coates, Mrs. Harry Coates;
ladies’ mystery Avalk, Mrs. George
Westcott; bag race, Jack Coates
and Helen Essery; Verne Pincombe
and Mrs. Maurice Coates; balloon
race, Helen Essery’s team; pilloAV
race, Mrs. Verne Pincombe’s side;
calling contest, Bill Etherington;
string race, Verne Pincombe; clothes
pin race, Mrs Maurice Coates; ball
relay, Mrs. Bill Etherington, Doris
Westcott;- biscuit eating contest.
Mrs. Bill Etherington, Chas. Fsher;
slipper race, Mrs. Maurice Coates
and Alf. Coates. The committee
for 1941 are are follows: Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Parsons, Mr. and Mrs.
'Sams. McjFalls, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Heywood, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skin-,
ner, Mr. Wm. Frayne, Mr. and Mrs.
Clinton Sweet.
Every farmer is familiar with the
effects of Aveeds on crop yields and
is continually striving to keep these
persistent plants under control.
Weeds are particularly effective in
reducing grain yields during firy
tears when the supply of soil mois
ture is limited.
'The results of experimental work
shoAv that weeds have approximately
the same water requirement as the
cereal, says Dr. J. <L, Doughty, Do
minion Soil Research Laboratory,
Swift 'Current, Sask. They use from
220 to 550 pounds of water for each
pound of dry matter produced. The
Russian thistle is the most efficient'
of the Aveeds tested in the use of
Avater. The heavy infestations of
this weed that may occui* during a
dry season are ample evidences of
its efficiency.
Experiments dealing with the
storage of moisture in fallow land
have shown that when, the weed
growth was kept doAvn the type of
cultivation did not materially influ
ence the conservation of moisture.
The growth of weeds in a field fol
lowing harvest may utilize all the
avaiable moisture in the soil, thus
reducing the benefit of the fall rains
Likewise, the Aveed growth on the
field the following spring prior to
or after cultivation uses up moisture
that should be stored in the soil. A
heavy infestation of weeds is not
necessary to seriously deplete the
moisture supply, for one ton of dry
matter represents 220 to 5 50 tons
of Avater; thus a crop of even one-
half ton per acre of dry Aveeds will
have used the equivalent of 1 to 2i
inches of rainfall. It is evident that
any weed growth on land being
fallowed used moisture that should
be conserved for the following grain
Weeds groAving in a cropped field
compete with the grain for the avail
able moisture, Avith a corresponding
reduction in the yield. Even a feAV
Aveeds may cause a reduction of 25
One pad kills flies all day and every
day for 2 or 3 weeks, 3 pads in each
packet. No spraying, no stickiness,
no bad odor. Ask your Druggist,
Grocery or General Store.
THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont,
per cent or more in the yield of
grain. It is during a dry period that
the weeds cause the greatest dam
age, for cereal crop cannot compete
successfully when moisture supplies
are low.
Under certain conditions, Aveeds
have a beneficial effect in the trap
ping of snow and prevention of soil
drifting. Each farmer must decide
for himself whether the benefit de
rived from the Aveeds will compen
sate for the loss of moisture requir
ed to produce such groAVth.
A.-1 Baby Chicks and Pullets. Hy
brids (White Leghorn-Barred Rock
Cross) and White Leghorns 7c.;
Barred Rocks, NeAv Hampshire Reds
and Brown Leghorns, 8c.; White
Rocks and Black Giants, 9c.; Light
Surplus, 6c.; Heavy Surplus, 7c.;
White Leghorn Cockerels, lc.; Leg
horn Pullets, day old 15c. 1 week
17c., 2 weeks 20c., 3 weeks 25c. 4
weeks 30c. 5 weeks 35c.
June 18, 1925
E. Sanders, G. E.
W. Taman and R. N.
Exeter BoAvling Club
carving sets, at
Tournaments on
Creech of
Avon second prize,
the Blyth Bowling
Dr. Gibson, V. S., who has had
ten year’s experience in Saskatche-
Avan, has located in Exeter. He has
rented the office of the late Doctor
SAveet and the residence of Miss E
Frayne. James Street.
Mr. Edgar Thomson
cessful in passing his
honor science at the
versity standing eighth in a class of
forty who Avere successful.
Mr. R. L. Rogers Avho has been
has been suc-
first year in
Toronto Uni-
occupying Miss Frayne’s house
James street moved to Stratford
Mr. W. C. Davis and Mr. W.
MacLaren, Hensail, are having their
store on Main street repainted by
Mr Little and staff.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey spent
Sunday Avith Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Col
lier, of Kirkton.
Mrs. W. J. Veal and family at
tended the Bell family reunion held
near Seaforth on
Misses Audrey
Veal and Beryl
Achievement Day
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Pym
family, of Thedford visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. John Prance.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Willard, of Hen
sail, spent Sunday Avith Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Batten.
Mr. and Mrs Geo. Davis visited on
Sunday Avith friends of Thames Rd.
and Lumley.
The Hhine and School Club
the year. Major Bowes Avas imper
sonated by Mr. Wm. Routly in a
striking familiar manner not even
the gong being omitted.
Mrs. Ralph Batten, vice-president,
presided for the opening exercises.
The meeting opened with song and
the Home and School prayer. A short
time Avas devoted to the business of
the evening. It was decided to hold
a picnic on the school grounds on
Saturday, September 7th for all
residents of the section.
Everyone enjoyed the numbers/
which followed: selections by the
orchestra, songs by the Maple Leaf
quartette, vocal duet by Marion and
Margaret Miners: double duet by
four pupils of the junior school;
monologue by Mrs?. Ralph Batten:
solo by Muriel Coward; song and
dance by Wanda Stephen; duet by
Mrs. Harold Bell and Bruce Cooper.
Mr. Laurence Wein was the guest
speaker and gave a talk on music as
it is taught in the schools and ex
plained hOAv children wore taught
to sing first, by voice, tuning songs
and rhythm training for beginners
and singing to syllables and theory j
Saturday ,
France, Mildred
Brock held
at Clinton on
Major Bowes program pre
Wednesday evening at the
was a fitting climax for tho
and School Club meetings of
Granton, Ontario
£qe It ••
T9 IT/u| lt»
Biuj It I
The ignition key is ready for you... at our show
rooms . . . any day you call for it!
Drive the new Chevrolet — and you’ll find it starts,
steers, shifts and stops with the utmost ease!... Drive
it—and you’ll thrill to new performance! ... Drive it
—and you’ll find it’s the smoothest, safest, steadiest
riding car in the entire low-price field — in fact, the
only car with “The Ride Royal”*!
Eye it, TRY IT, buy it... and you will join the throng
who are saying, “Chevrolet’s First Again.” Please
accept our invitation to drive this car — today!
Associate Dealerss G. Koehler, Zurich: J. E. SordwI. Lucan