HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-06-06, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE HENSALL Mrs. Walks is visiting with rela­ tives in st. Marys this week. Mrs. Earl White, of Guelph, visit­ ed on Monday with relatives here. Miss Pearl Harpole, of London, spent the week-end at her home here, Mr. Ruehen Dennome, of Wind­ sor, called on friends in town last week. Mrs. Harold Foster and sou, of Blyth. visited with relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. AV. Tideswell visit­ ed with relatives in Sarnia over the week-end. Mrs. J. AV. Bonthron is visiting in Kitchener, with her mother, Mrs- Yungblut, who is ill Miss Eleanor Fisher, of Graven- hurst. visited with relatives and friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs Laird Joynt, Toron­ to, spent the week-end with the former’s mother Mrs Alice Joynt. . Mr. and Mrs. Van Laughton, of Toronto, visited Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonell. Mrs, Geo. Walker is visiting at the home of daughter, Mr. of Clinton. Mr. Robt. her son-in-law and and Mrs. Geo. Gould, who has College in home here Passmore, been attending Divinity Toronto returned to his for the summer months. Mrs. Howard Harris, her brother and and Mrs. Sam’l was the guest of sister-in-law, Mr. Rennie last week. Mr. and Mrs. of Detroit, of of the sister Jack Bailey, Huntsville, are the guests former’s brother-in-law and Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Weir. Mr. Howard Hemphill, of to, and Miss Mary Hemphill. Lon­ don, spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and ' Mrs. A, W. E. Hemphill, • Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, of Tor­ onto, left Saturday for Los Angeles 'Calif., where they will month with the former’s Mrs. Ch elew. Mr. AV. R. Davidson appointed by the session Presbyterian church to Huron Presbytery at the General As­ sembly meeting this week in St Catharines. Rev. William Weir conducted ser­ vices in Carmel church on Sunday and the choir rendered fine music. The Sunday School room of the church is. being redecorated. The work is being done by Mr. Kay, of Clinton. A very pleasant afternoon spent at the home of Mr. and Th os. Drover on Monday when daughter Beatrice, bride-elect, presented with a miscellaneous shower. The bride-elect was the recipient of many beautiful gifts, Lunch was served at the close. Rev. R, A. Brook conducted ser­ vices in the United church Sunday and the choir sang an anthem with solos by Mrs. Q. M. Drysdale and Miss Ruth Brook. At the evening service the choir sang a beautiful anthem. Miss Jennie Murray gave an interesting address entitled “Then and Now” in the Sunday School illustrated with lantern slides. A very pleasant evening was spent on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sangster when a kitchen shower was held in honor of their daughter Mrs. Leonard Noakes who was married last week. Contests were directed by Misses Gladys Lu­ ker and Gladys McKenzie and a sing song was led by Miss Greta Lammie, A mock wedding followed with Miss Kay Drysdale as bride, Miss Jean Foster as groom and Mrs. Harry McMillan minister. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts, ments were served. Council Minutes Hensalh June The regular meeting of lage council was held this at 8 p.m. in the council .chambers with all members present? Minutes of the last regular meeting and two special meetings also the Court of Revision read. Horton and Robinson: That the minutes be adopted as read. Carried J. Pripst appeared asking about the sidewalk on the North side of Richmond street, south. Same to he looked at in the near future. Mrs. C. Cornell appeared re the spraying of the road oil also spread-; ing the sand on the streets. Horton and Cameron: That we en­ gage Mrs. Cornell to do the spray­ ing of the road oil also to supply the spreader for spreading the sand and operator. Carried. Mr. H. Atkinson, Imperial Oil re- presen taive appeared re the road oil as applied on the streets. Cameron and Moir: That we or­ der the same amount as last year from the Imperial Oil of grade Im­ perial R.C. 3 at a price of 12.45c. per gallon, car to be delivered at I-Iensall June 12th, Carried. Correspondence was read as fol- Toron- spend a daughter, has been of Carmel represent was Mrs. their was Refresh- 3, 1940 the vil- evening For lots of BIG Eggs Chichi No Writing. No Money Orders. No bother. Just phone or drop in BRAY HATCHERY ExeU'r phone 246 — i I lows: Dominion Tar & Chemical Co.; garnishee on Lee Hedden from Division Court; Dept, of Municipal Affairs; United Farmers’ Co-Opera­ tive Co.; County Treasurer; Imper­ ial Qil; Mark McLeod Tew; Provin­ cial Treasurer; Huron Expositor; Liquor Control Board, University of AVestern Ontario; Fire Marshall; Mrs. C. Cornell; H. Atkinson. Same considered and filed. Horton and Mair: That the Dept, of Highways be billed for their share of the snow removal costs. Carried. Moir and Cameron: That the clerk appear at Court in Exeter on 19th at 9.30 a.m, Carried. Bills and accounts were Township of Tuckersmith, ____ $8.13; G. M. Case, coal $2.50; Hu­ ron Expositor, printing, $2.52; C. N. R., freight, $10.34; School Bd., $1,000.00; R, AVebber, supplies $2.- 07; Hydro Commission, hydro $5.- 31; AV, Hildebrandt, labour streets, 80c.; R. Hedden, labour, garbage, $4,60; E. AVillard, trucking, garbage $23.00; AV. Madge, dumping $10.00; Provincial Treasurer, insulin $1.3 0; Treasurer, band, grant $100.00; F. G. Bonthron, postage, $5.00; total $1230.'57. Robinson and Moir: That the bills j and accounts as read be paid. Car­ ried. Horton and Cameron: That the reeve be instructed to approach the County Council as regards stopping the use of the German language in all public places. Carried. Moir and Horton; That we secure all the property of the village from Lee Hedden before any wage pay­ ments are made. Robinson laws three and second Cameron three and four' be given third and final reading and finally passed. Carried. J. Farquhar and G. Grant appear­ ed for the band asking for the bal­ ance of the band grant. Robinson and Moir; That we grant the band the balance of their grant $100.00, Carried. Robinson and Horton: That we adjourn. Carried. James A. Paterson, Clerk , THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1040 tot June, read: relief I Carried. and Horton: That By- and four be given first reading. Carried. and Moir; That By-law DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz and Catharine Finkbeiner visited in Sar­ nia last Thursday. Mrs. Schmook and daughter Lu­ cille, of Detroit, spent the with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raschke dren spent the week-end latter’s mother Mrs. Merner. Leonard Schenk, of AValkerton, is visiting with friends here. Mr. spent [ here. Mr. Thomas spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. Gottshalk. Mrs. Malone, of London, who has been attending Mrs. Gottshalk has returned to her home. Mr. Wilbur Graybiel, of Wood- stock, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. Graybeil and Beatrice. Mrs. McNevin, of London, is visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oes- tricher. Rev. T. Luft was the guest speaker at a Rally in Mitchell on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher vis­ ited friends in London, Ingersoll and Beechwood on Sunday. Melick - Smith Miss week-end and chil- with the A. Bills and family, of Detroit the week-end with relatives and Mrs. Hopkins, of St. A quiet but very pretty wedding took place at the Evangelical par­ sonage, Dashwood, last Saturday, afternoon at 3 o’clock, when Miss Della ward near riage weddini_ was decorated with a profusion of ferns and June flowers and the bride looked charmingly lovely in her gown of pastel blue with hat to match, carrying an elaborate bou­ quet of bridal flowers. After the ceremony the happy couple returned to the parental home of the bride where about thirty close friends greeted them at a wedding supper.. Mr. and Mrs. Melick will take up j residence on the Melick farm Zurich Edith Smith and Clarence Ho- Melick both of Hay Township Zurich, were united in mar- by Rev. R. E. Roppel. The g parlor at the parsonage near north of town. Lutheran League weekly meetings for of May opened with study. Rev. Mr. Luft was in the third and the cate- The month chism charge taking up fourth commandments. The next meeting, a social evening, was held in honour of this year’s confirmation class. The evening was spent on progressive flee which was very interesting. Highest prizes going to Leona Fischer and Gordon Kraft while the consolation prizes went to Ada Kellar and Lome Rader. A tasty lunch was then served by the committee, Ruth Becker, Dorothy and Harold Kraft and Elgin Rader. The following week Rev. Luft tool? charge of the Bible study on Psalms. The last meeting of the month was the regular business meeting. Dues for th‘e month were taken up. The treasurer gave his monthly report, New Officers for the year 1940-41 were elected: President, Harold Kraft; vice - president, Hildegard Mueller; Secretary, Loma Kraft; Treasurer, Garnet Weiberg; librar­ ian, Eileen Miller; Assist, librarian, Dorothy Hayter; reporter, Leona Fischer. About 50 members of the league attended the Blue Water zone rally which was held in Mitchell on Sunday, June 2nd. A very stout man was walking on the promenade of a seaside town when he noticed a weighing machine with the notice: “I speak your weight.” He put a penny in the slot and stood on the platform. A voice an- wered, "One at a time, please!” Zion S. S. Anniversary SUNDAY, JUNE 9th, 1940 .Services at 11 a.m, and 7 pan, SPEAKER — BEV, L. U. HAM SUPPER TUESDAY, JUNE 11th Supper served at 6 o’clock Followed by a play entitled ‘•BETTY BEATS the BAND’* From Bi it Admission 40 and 20c. . WHITE CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs, M. Sleamon and June spent the week-end at their cottage at Grand Bend. Mrs. Clara Abbott who has spent the winter in California returned to her home on Tuesday. Betty Ann Willard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Willard has been ill for the past week with pneumonia Mrs. N. Baker is taking care of her. Mr. Andrew Hicks who returned from the hospital last week is still confined to his home but is improv­ ing nicely, I Mac Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis, who was ill with pneu­ monia last week is much better. Don’t forget the picnic of the Home and School Club on the school grounds on Friday afternoon of this week. Everybody is welcome, Come and bring your lunch basket. i ROY’S CHURCH ANNIVERSARY and SUPPER H, Services on June 9th at 11 and 7 p.m. Morning, Rev. R. E. Brooks, Hensail Evening, Rev. Arthur Page, Exeter Tuesday, June 11th, Supper Concert by MaeDuff Copeland and Kenneth Duff,, These are Scotland’s Versatile Entertainers Admission 50c and 25c a.m. of of and most KIRKTON Mrs. N. Gouldiug spent part of last week with Mrs. L. Fletcher. Miss Elaine Robinson and Miss Wilma McCurdy visited with Mrs. Lome Marshall this past week at London. Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer spent the week-end with their son Dr.i Glen Sawyer at Pt, Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis and, Mr. M. Grey spent the week-end with Mr. H, Grey at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wib. Williams and son Norman, of Medina, were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Williams. (Sunday visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul, of St. Marys with Mr. and Mrs. R Humphreys, Rev. J. R. Thompson, of St. Pauls Church, of Stratford, with Rev. Mr. and James Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jaques and fam­ ily with Mrs. AV. Moor. Mr. and Mrs. AVilliain Morley and daughter with Mr. and Mrs. R Brock. Mr. Lloyd Colgan, Mrs. .Lester McCurdy and daughter Jean, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Jas. Howe. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Howe and fam­ ily visited their son Stan, at Niagara on Sunday. The United Church Sunday School are practicing music for the anniver­ sary, June 16 under the direction of Mr. Wein. THAMES ROAD I S. S. Anniversary Church Services for SUNDAY, JUNE 16th, 1940 .11 a.m and 7:30 p.m. Rev. Kenneth Beaton, of. Toronto, will preach at both services TUESDAY, JUNE 18th Strawberry Festival and Supper Tile program to be presented by the Shiel Family, ol' Mt. Forest, well- known Scotch entertainers Admission 40c and 20c ZION Anniversary services will be held at Zion United Church on Sunday June 9. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The guest speaker will he the Rev, Mr. L. AVhite, Burgessville. There will be special music by the phoir. Zill 'Tllfisrlsiv 0VPnin<r Tuna 11 1choir. On Tuesday evening June 11 the annual supper will be held fol­ lowed by a play entitled “Aunt Bes­ sie Beats the Band” Birr young people. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock Jean visited on Sunday with and Mrs. T. Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert .... ited on Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern. Zion w. M* S. The Women’s Missionary meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Angus Earl, Thursday, May 3u. Mrs. Mel­ ville Hern had charge of the busi­ ness part of the meeting. The meeting was then taken by Mrs. N. Jaques. Eight members and one visitor were present. The meeting opened with hymn 266 after which we repeated the twenty-third Psalm in unison. Mrs. Norman Jaques read a passage of Scripture. Mrs. Warren Brock led in prayer, Lesson , was read by Mrs. Harold Hern. The Scripture was also read by Mrs. Ed­ gar Baker and Margaret Hern. A reading entitled “God’s Love” was read by Mrs. Angus Earl. The Study Book was taken by Mrs. Norman Jaques and Mrs. Warren Brock. We closed with the Mizpah benedic­ tion. At the close of the meeting a ten cent lunch was served by the committee in charge. presented by and Mr. vis- CREDITON ■ Miss visited Gaiser. Quite a tended SHIPKA Greta Haberer, of Zurich, on Sunday witli Miss Ada number from here at- funeral of the late Mrs. Henry England, resident the of Dashwood, a here on Sundayformer last. Mr. and Mrs. proud parents of Sunday, June 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch, of De­ troit, visited last week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo'. Clarke and babe, of Thedford, visited Sunday -x j; ’ AVm. Roy Dietrich are a baby boy. Born I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sweitzer. Sunday last was missionary day in the Sunday School. A j si on ary reading was given by l Wm. Sweitzer. The sympathy is extended to Wm. Divine and Mrs. Wilfred __ jardine in the death of their mother the late Mrs. England, of Dashwood. Mr. Isaiah Tetreau had the mis­ fortune to be kicked by a horse and sustained several broken ribs and other injuries. He is able to be aro’H'd again. Mr. Elgin Adams has returned home from the hospital and is get­ ting along nicely. The public school No. 7 had a social evening on June 3rd on the school grounds in honour of their teacher Miss Alma Ratz who is leav­ ing at midsummer after five years of faithful service. She was present­ ed with a club bag. Games and a short address and program were en­ joyed. Lunch was served. Miss Rats made a suitable reply. Miss Hick® from Centralia has been engaged as ; the teacher for the coming year. j Sun mis> Mrs. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Williams ited relatives in St, Thomas on urday last. Mr. and Mrs. Will Roe and __ Robert were callers in this vicinity on Sunday. An interesting service was held On Sunday evening when Rev. Har­ old Wright, of Brucefield, preached a fine sermon, the choir sang an anthem very acceptably and Mrs. H. a solo “I Hear the srevice of one vis- Sat- son Mrs. Misener, of London, is visit­ ing Dr, and Mrs. Misener, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Finkbeiner and Donald and Miss Alma Smith, spent the week-end in Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Ruehen Goetz and Catherine Finkbeiner, Dash- visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Haist. and Mrs. Wileox, Mrs. Miss wood,Dash- Mi'................... Mac- Lane and daughter, of Birmingham, Mich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fahner. Miss Marguerite Guettinger is spending a week in Chicago. Mrs. H. M. Faist, Mrs. II. Beaver Mrs Freeman Morlock, Miss Clara Gaiser and Miss Dorothy Ratz at­ tended the AVomen’s Missionary So­ ciety Convention at Milverton last week. Rev. L. H. rJ anniversary services in the United Church at Lucan, on Sunday next and Rev. AV. G. Moores, of Lucan, will have charge of the service in the United church here Sunday ev­ ening, The members of the con­ gregation are urged to be present to hear Rev Mr. Moore. Mr. Herb Trevethick, of Melfort, Sask., who is visiting several weeks in the community visited wth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr on Monday. On June 2nd temperance Sunday was observed in the United church Sunday School for which we were very fortunate in having as our guest speaker, Mrs. Herman Powe, Superintendent of 'the Temperance Committee of an impressive ance situation, a temperance “Sing a Song ... Elaine Mitchell contributed a “Count Your Blessings.” Sunday Services A special series of sermons on prayer was preached last Sunday morning and evening at t^e Evan­ gelical Church. There was a large attendance at the morning service. “Prayer” Rev. Mr. Pletch said, “Is the mightiest weapon man ever had” The full gravity of the situation in Europe, plus the need for prayer was ' tion Turner will conduct O.R.E.C., who gave talk on the temper- Grace Penhale gave recitation entitled, of (Sixpence”and solo. brought home to the congrega- in no uncertain way. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis son, Eber, Mrs. Alec Hamilton son Barry, of Grand Bend; Mrs. and and ___________ Job | Sims and Mr. Elmer Kellar spent J 'Saturday in Ingersoll with Mr. and Mi’s. Thomas Edwards. Mr. Edwards is seriously ill. Mrs. Wilson and sons Charles and Eber spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Taylor near Exeter. Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schenk of north of spent Sunday with Mr. and Wm. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Cliffe — Marlene and Gary spent the week: end in London. Mr. and Mrs. Harold MacDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bayn- ham and two sons, of Exeter, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Baynham. Mr. Harold Glanville was a busy man on Monday when he arrived at Grand Bend with several thousand cedar posts from up north and is now busy trucking them home. town Mrs. and Vacation Time is Almost Here! NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR PUT IN SHAPE FOR YOUR VACATION AND SPECIAL TRIPS Come in and let us quote yoq a deal on a New Set of Tires for your car. We will dispose of your old ones. We can offer you the most Modern Battery Service on our modern machine so you will feel sure your battery will give the best service* Be sure to come in and let us service your car for pep and power and properly lubricate it to save you additional expense* 1 1 1 1 1 Used Car Specials for This Week 1939 PLYMOUTH COACH 1938 DODGE DELUX COACH 1932 CHEVROLET COACH 1928 BUICK SEDAN 1928 HUPMOBILE STEWART BROS. / Huron Garage Chrysler and Plymouth Exeter, Ont, -H ' GREENWAY Keep Tuesday, June 25 th open for the Strawberry Festival at the United Church. Miss Mary Corbett, of London, spent a few days last week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Swindell, Betty and Shirley and Mrs. Carl Swindell, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus- Turnbull of Grand Bend spent Thurs­ day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown. Mr Claude Detloft, of Detroit, vis­ ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pollock. , Mr. and Mrs J. Nichol, of Califor­ nia, (nee Marion Laurie) renewed old acquaintances here last week. Miss Lillian Ulens, of JVindsor spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. W. T. Ulens.1 Mr and Mrs E. Harris, of Brinsley, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Woodburn. There will be a meeting of the Greenway Red Cross Society in the Corbett school on Monday evening. June 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wallace, of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. English on Saturday. We are glad to report that Mrs. Ed. Bullock returned home from the hospital on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elson and Billie, of Brinsley, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Eisen. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown visited ( on Sunday with Mr. and Wilson of Arkona. Mrs. R. L. Sheppard, of spent Saturday with her Mr. and Mrs. R. English. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey, Cleve and Frances spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Fallis of Mount Forest. The Red Cross Society held a very successful quilting last Wednesday when three quilts'were quilted. Mrs. James Arran, of Saskatoon, visiting with friends here. HURONDALE W. I. The regular meeting of the Huron- dale W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Stewart McQueen. Mrs. Kernick pre­ sided, Minutes of the previous meet­ ing were read and approved. Roll call was answered by “A Canadian City”. Various items of business were dealt with. It was decided to hold our annual Bend on July 6th. Leaders in the are Mrs. Kirkland Rev. Mr. AVeir, of ncuoan, was uuw, special speaker of the day and gave a very interesting discription of his experiences and the life of the people in North Western Canada. Miss Ho­ garth and Mrs. Weir, of Hensail, favored the audience with two very delightful vocal duets, meeting will Moir’s home, conducted a ical contest, with singing followed by ... __ hostess and her committee. picnic at Grand roll and Hensail, was the, call Mrs. contest Welsh. The June be held at Mrs. Alvin Miss Helen McQueen very interesting mus- The meeting closed the National Anthem lunch served by the Mrs. D. London, parent'1 eer Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. R. AV. Batten---- Billy visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Archer of near London, Mrs. John Delbridge has returned home from London where she has been nursing. Mrs. M. Elford, of Exeter, spent Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. AV. J. Veal. Mrs. H. Bailey spent Thursday with her daughter Mrs. Alf. Collier of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Roweliffe. of near Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock. Mrs. F V. Horne spent one day last week with her mother Mrs. AVhitlock in St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge and family spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Delbridge of Exeter. The family of Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher, of Exeter, gathered at their home on Sunday. The occa­ sion being the fifty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Flet­ cher. and is The Court Yields “This is the fourth time you have , been before this court for traffic violations,” remarked the judge se­ verely. “Aren’t you ever going to abide by our laws?” “Give me time, Your Honor. Give me time,” replied the man. The judge promptly complied with the prisoner’s request as he replied “Thirty days.” I Heywood sang ) Voice of Jesus was held under group of the AV. The Mission home of Doreen evening of last week, ers was in charge, There was a good attendance. Those taking part were Doreen and Shirley Coultis, Hazel, Dorothy, Etheleen and Eileen Johns. The Late Mrs. Whiteford The death took place in Usborne on Thursday, May 23rd, of Mrs. William Whiteford, for many years an esteemed resident of Exeter, who passed away nearing her 95th birthday. For the past year Mrs. Whiteford has been residing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Weston Horne, of Elimville. Her maiden name was Rebecca Culbert, borne on the 2nd Concession of Biddulph. At the age of 20 she was united in mar- ) riage with William Whiteford who I predeceased her 20 years ago. For j 30 years they resided on a farm in _ ., near Brus­ sels, after which they moved to the Township of Usborne miles south of Elimville, which farm they sold and retired1 to the village of Ex­ eter. Mrs. Whiteford is survived by two sons and four daughters, Will. H. of Blairsburg, Iowa; John S., of St. Marys; Mrs. Jas. McFalls, of London; Mrs. Alex. McFalls, of Ex* eter; Mrs. Weston Horne, of Elim-1 ville; Mrs. Wilbert King, of War­ wick Village and sixteen grand­ children and ten great grandchild­ ren. The funeral, Saturday, was held from the home of Mr. Horne, conducted by Rev, Mr, Mair and as­ sisted by Rev. Mr. Penrose and Rev, ! J. R, Peters, of Varna, Rev, Mr. Mair sang a beautiful Solo ''Face to Face” accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Henry Ford. The bearers were six of her grandsons, Messrs. La­ verne, Stanley and Hillson White­ ford, Garnet and Silas McFalls and Billie King. Relatives attended the funeral from London, Ripley, Forest, Lucan, Pontiac, Ingersoll and Ex­ eter. Interment in the Exeter cem­ etery. Say." The the auspices M. S. Circle met Coultis on Tuesday Marion Min- There was at the KIPPEN I Mrs. N. Detweiler, of Byron, visit- w ed over the week-end with her bro-jri then and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker, of Hills-J,the township of Morris, AA** Titr.x-u -CT* * • I - - Xgreen and Mrs. AV, McLauchlar spent Friday in London. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fuss and family of Hillsgreen, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, Cochrane. Mrs. Joseph Stacey, of Exeter, is confined to her bed with a sprained ankle at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney. Mr. and Mrs Oliver Jaques and Dorothy attended the Cornish Re­ union in Riverview Park, Exeter on Saturday. Anniversary services are being held at Hillsgreen United Church on Sunday, June 9th at 7.30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. Mr» Brook, of Hensail. Kippen choir will furnish the music Mr, and Mrs. Archie Parsons vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons of Seaforth. Miss Irma Ferguson spent the week-end with Miss Mary Westlake, of Exeter Mr. and Mrs. AV- Dearing, Exeter visited on Sunday with Mrs. H. Richer and Arthur. MOUNT CARMEL Hilbert McKeever spent" SumMr. Hubert McKeever spent" Sun­ day in Kitchener. Miss Jean McCann spent Sunday with her parents here. Miss Marion McCarthy is spend­ ing her holidays here at her home. Mr. James Dalton Jr. purchased the home of the late John Rowlands. Dennis O'Rourke is all smiles. It’s a boy. Miss Mary McCann R.N., of Kit­ chener, is spending a month with her parents. Mrs. M. Ryan and Elizabeth spent Thursday in London. I KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. Harry Branston, of Lambeth, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert. Don't forget Khiva school picnic which will he held at Grand Bend on Friday afternoon June 14th. Miss L. Mossey has been ed to teach Khiva school 6 for another year. Miss Leona MeCann training at St, Joseph’s London, is spending her at her home. Miss Alden© EagTeson visited a few days last week with relatives at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. James Ziler and family spent Sunday with friends at Parkhill, re-engag- S. S. No. nurse-in- Hospital. vacation Special for this Week* GET YOUR BABY AND STARTED CHICKS FROM POOLEY’S THE TIMES-ADVOCATE 1 R. E. POOLEY WINCHELSEA, ONT. phone 14 r T, Kirkton 0UCI.S v PURINA FED FLOCKS 3,000 Started Chicks 1 to 6 Weeks old Leghorns, Hampshires, Rocks 10-day-old Rocks at lOy^c each 6-week-old Hampshire Cockerels at 20c each THESE CHICKS MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK Day-old Chicks: Rocks 9c; Hampshires, Leghorn-Rock Cross Sc* RTE NA