HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-05-16, Page 9gs
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Las been ill
if [London,
e here.
will start
of May.
Ik Hockey,
liss Stella
re were in I last week
Ir for Miss
larriage to
lake place
Hunt Were
renlng at-I of chat-
I Rev. and
I years in
many old
IT,, Wood-
Ik-end at
Kan. Miss lisit. Mr.
I home df
are down with the lowest
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Over-Engine models from 2 tons and
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plete facts ■—
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Coming to Hensall
C. R. Wilkinson, R.O.
Ophthalmic Optician
will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month, for the purpose of
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
Difficult cases and those that
have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to con
sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Phone 16 Hensall
for appointment
Mrs. Kirk Hutton, of Fergus, vis
ited in town on Monday.
Mrs. I. G. Smillie is visiting with
relatives and friends in Toronto.
Miss Joyce Scruton, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her mother
Mrs. A. Scruton.
Miss Mavis Spencer, of Toronto,
spent the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer,
Mr. Rae Patterson, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Patterson.
Miss Helen Glenn, of London,
spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn.
Mr. Howard Hemphill, of Toronto
spent the week-end with his parents
Mrs. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm< Gram, of De
troit, spent the week-end with the
former’s, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Hudson, of
fit. Marys, spent 'Sunday with the
former s parents, Mr, and Mrs. T.
Mrs. Geo. Gould, of Clinton,
spent a few days last week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker.1
Miss -Jean iBonthron, of London,
spent the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron.
Mr. Don. Bladd, of London, spent
the week-end with his uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Patterson.
Mrs. Eldon Kading and daughter
of London, spent a few days with
Mrs. Kading’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
6. Hudson.
Mr., and Mrs.‘Cline Flynn, of Lon
don, visited on Sunday with the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin and
daughter Eleanor, of the Thames
Road spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy MacLaren.
Mrs. Herb Briton and daughter
Joan, of Dublin,visited over the
weekend with the former’s mother
Mrs. Hannah Workmen. ' I
A number of the Young People
of the United church attended the
Young People’s Convention held in;
Grand Bend on Monday night.
Mrs. Buchanan, of Toronto, re
turned home after a very pleasant
visit with her brother-in-law and
sister, Dr. I. G. Smillie and Mrs.
Anniversary services will be held
in the United Church on Sunday
May 26th, when Rev. A. Sinclair,
of Blyth, will be the special speaker;
Special music by .the choir,
The Hensall Council received a
cheque from tile Ontario Liquor
Control Board for $155.17 which
is one-fifth of the license paid by
the local hotel-keeper, Mr. Stan,
Anniversary services will be held
on Sunday, May 19th in Carmel
Presbyterian church when Rev. W.
A. Young, of Fergus, will be the
special speaker. Special music by
the choir..
Tennis Club Organize
A meeting was held last week to
organize a tennis club and the fol
lowing officers were appointed.
President Miss Beryl Pfaff; vice-
president, Mr. E. J. Coveny; secre
tary-treasurer, Mr. Duff Brown.
Grounds committee Messrs. James
Campbell, Douglas Sangister, Ho
ward Love and Ivan Kipfer; tourna
ment committee, Miss Gladys Pass-
more; Messrs. Ken, Hicks and Ivan
Wohelo Class Meet
The Wohelo class met in the
United Church on Friday evening
with Mrs. Lome Chapman presid
ing. Mrs. Peter McNaughton was
convenor of the program. Ruth
Hess and Patsy McDonald sang a
duet. Mr. Edison Forest gave a
reading. Miss Gladys Passmore
read the Scripture. A committee
comprising Mrs. Lome Chapman,
Misses Gladys Passmore and Goldie
Cross were appointed to make mon
ey for the Red Cross. A number
of hymns were sung. Contests and
games concluded the program. .
Mission Circle Meet
The regular meeting of the Mis
sion Circle of the United church was
held on Friday evening at the home
of Miss Ruth Brook. Miss Barbara
Shepherd led the devotional. The
Mission Circle Ode was followed by
a hymn. Miss Margaret Tudor, read
the Scripture. The .roll call was ans
wered with a verse beginning with
the letter "P.” After another hymn
prayer was given by Miss Norma
Cook. Miss Douglas gave the topic
on "The Little Bride.” The next
meeting will be held at the home
of Miss Elva McQueen. All work for
the bale is to be completed to send
in June.
Celebrates 90th Birthday
Mrs. Jacob Lindenfield celebrated
her ninetieth birthday at her home
here last week. Mrs. Lindenfield
was born in Baden and has been,
a resident of Hensall for the past
seventy-five years. The table was
beautifully decorated for the oc
casion with carnations, daffodils
and snapdragons and centred with
the birthday cake. Mrs. Lindenfield
has a family of six: Mrs. Schoch,
of Zurich; Mrs. Johnston, Hensall;
William of Billings, Montana; Is
rael, London; Ed., Exeter and Wal
ter, .of Sterling. Members of the
family attending the celebration
were Mrs. Schoch, of Zurich; Israel,
of London and Ed., of Exeter.
AV. M. S. Meet
The regular meeting of the W.
M. S, of Carmel church was held on
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J.
Dallas presiding and opened by sing
ing a hymn followed by prayer by
Mrs. Dallas. The Scripture was
read by Mrs. Weir. The roll call
was answered with "Faith,” Busi
ness was discussed and arrange
ments made to hold the 50 th anni
versary of the W, M. S. in June.
Mrs. J. Patterson favoured with a
solo accompanied by. Mrs. D. Mac
Kinnon on the piano. The topic or
“The Ministry of Healing in India”
Special This Week Only
Barred Rock Cockerels $5 per 100
Place your orders now for June chicks and be prepared for
increased export demand for eggs and poultry.
Large Type S. C. White Leghorn^, Barred Rocks, Rock X
Leghorn Hybrids and Rock X New Hampshire Cockerels,
pullets and mixed chicks for June delivery.
was very ably given by Mrs. J.
Dallas, Mrs, Logan led in prayer
and the offering received. The clos
ing hymn was followed by the Lord's
Prayer in unison.
Mothers’ Pay Services Held iji the
Local Churches
Rev, Win. Weir preached special
Mothers' Day sermon at the morn
ing service in Carmel Presbyterian
church on Sunday, when haptismal
service was also held. The children
of Mr, and Mrs, A. W- Kerslake,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Greene were
baptized. Little Paula Hanson sang
a solo "Jesus Loves Me,” The choir
sang two beautiful anthems "Re
member Thy Creator in the Days of
Thy Youth” and "Lead Me Lord".
Mrs. W. A. MacLaren soloist.
Mr. Clarence Smillie presided at
the morning service in the United
Church when the classes or the
Sunday School were present with
their teachers, Mr. Edison Forest
read the Scripture. Mrs. R. J. Moore
gave a spendid address to the chil
dren on "The Unseen Guest.” Rev,
R. A. Brook conducted baptismal
service baptizing the children of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Norminton and Mr.
and Mrs. Shearer, Mr. Brook deliv
ered a very fine sermon and the
choir provided special music.
Arnold Circle Celebrate Tenth
• Anniversary
The Arnold Circle of Carmel
church celebrated their tenth anni
versary on Monday evening. The
school room of the church was
beautifully decorated for the occa
sion. Mrs. Roy Bell presided over
the program. Quiet music was played
by Miss Margaret Dougall and a
hymn was sung followed by prayer
by Rev. Wm. Weir. Miss Sarah Man-
son read the Scripture. The busi
ness was discussed and interesting
letters were read from former mem
bers unable to attend. The offering
was received and dedicated by sing
ing "We Give Thee but Thine Own”
Miss Margaret Dougall sang a de
lightful solo. An interesting drama
on "The Untouchables of India” was
presented by the following, Misses
Audrey Dick, Margaret Dougall,
Hannah Murray and Mrs. Roy Bell
and Mrs. MacDougall. Mr. Weir
introduced the characters of the
drama. Misses Irene' Hoggarth and
Mabel Workman sang a beautiful
duet. Mrs. D. Lane, of Goderich,
was the guest speaker and gave a
very interesting and inspiring Ad
dress on reports from the 26th an
nual Provincial Presbyterial held in
Toronto. Mrs. McDougall played a
piano solo. The meeting concluded
by repeating the Lord’s Prayer in
unison. Mrs, Dunlop of Goderich,
who helped organize the Circle ten
years ago was present and was call
ed upon to light the candles on the
birthday cake. While the candles
were burning Miss Beryl Pfaff gave
■the history of the Arnold Circle
which was named in honor of Mrs,
H. Arnold who is the Honorary
President. Mrs. Roy MacLaren one
of the first 'presidents was given the
honor of cutting the birthday cake.
Tea was poured by Mrs. Weir and
Mrs. Roy Bell from a beautifully
arranged table decorated with
spring flowers and candles in silver
tapers and centred with the birth
day cake. Dainty refreshments were
served. Former out of town mem
bers attending were Mrs. H. Britton,
Dublin; Mrs. J. Vincent and Mrs.
Geo. Gould, Clinton and Mrs. Kirk
Hutton, Fergus.
By the pupils of Crediton, Mt.
Carmel, and No. 2, No. 6 and No. 7
schools of Stephen Township, in the
Town Hall Crediton, Wednesday, ev
ening, May 22, at 8.15. Come and
patronize the children in their ef
fort to aid the Red Cross.
Miss Beatrice Wilcox spent sev
eral days recently in London and
Mr. and Mrs. David Bradshaw, of
Toronto spent a couple of days with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw the
end of last week,
Mrs. M. Routly spent Sunday at
Mr. Wm. Routly’s.
Mr. and Mrs, Leon O’Reilly and
Miss Thelma were week-end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brock.
Zion people presented their play
"For Pete's Sake” here on Friday
evening of last week under the aus
pices of the Mission Band.
W. A.
The W. A. met at the church dn
Thursday of last week. Mrs. J. Kirk
land was in charge. Meeting open
ed with singing "I Gave My 'Life
For Thee” and prayer by Mrs. F.
Horne. "The 23rd Psalm was re
peated in unison. Miss Ruth Skin
ner gave a reading "A Mother’s
Birthday” and a spiritual daily do
zen was read by Mi’s. Geo. Davis.
Miss Dora Delbridge gave another
reading entitled "Spring Cleaning.”
Plans were made for a supper to be
held on May 24tli, Talent from
London to give the program.
Mother’s’ Day Services
The service here was held on
Sunday morning, Sunday School was
with withdrawn and the Mothers’
Day program was followed. Rev, Mr.
Mair had charge and gave the ad
dress. Ethel pooley read a Scrip
ture lesson. The choir sang a suit
able number. The little son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Murch was baptized.
The floral decorations were very
beautiful and consisted of cut roses,
hydrangea, daffodils and a number
of lovely potted plants Which adds
so much to any occasibn such as
A ‘trust’ is a monoply that robs
the people Who dwn the stock and
Share the profits taken from them
Mr. and Mbs. 0, F. Marshall' and
daughter Betty, of Hamilton and
Mrs. H. C, White, of St. Marys, call
ed cm friends in the village Satur
Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford and
family, of Detroit, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dobson.
Quite a number of farmers have
finished seeding and report the land
in wonderful condition.
Miss E. Doupe.R.N., of Stratford,
was a week-end guest with Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Doupe,
Miss Ellen Hazfewood, nurse-in
training at the General Hospital at
Stratford, is home on two weeks'
vacation and has had as her guests
Miss K. McDonald and Miss A.
Green, of Stratford.
Mrs. E. Lewis, of Pt. Huron, spent
the weekend with her son Rev, C.
L, Lewis.
Mrs. Mary Gallup, of Mt. Pleasant
was Sunday guests with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Ross Marshall.
Mr. Allan Doupe and family, of
London, spent Sunday wjith her
mother, Mrs. A, E> Doupe.
Mothers’ Day services were ob
served in the Church Sunday School
and also at the morning service a
baptismal service was also held at
which time four babies were bap
Mr. and Mrs, I. N. Marshall spent
Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Lankin at
Mothers’ Day services were ob
served here Sunday morning last.
The program leaflet vas curried out |
with the addition o. u oeautiful
address oy Rev. A. Laing and Miss
Gertrude Camm favored with a solo,
The Young People, of Thedford,
will put on their play "A Pair of
Country Kids” in the Orange Hall
on the evening of the 24th of May.
Supper will be served in the hall
basement the same evening com
mencing at 5.30 p.m. until eight
o'clock. This is our annual supper
and entertainment and a larg,i
crowd is expected.
Mr. C, Joynt, of Hensall, will be
the guest soloist at both services
at our anniversary Sunday, May 19.
Mr. Wendell Camm, teacher of
Burgessville, was a week-end visitor
at his home h'ere.
Mr. and Mrs. James Squire visited
Sunday afternoon last at the home
of Mr. and Mrs'. J. Dayman, Kippen.
, Misses Netta Shier and Gladys, of
London, were recent visitors at the
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Shier.
Rev. Mr, A, Laing administered
baptism to the little son of Rev. and
Mrs, C. Lewis, of Kirkton on Sun
day morning last having arrived at
Kirkton at the close of the latter's
service, about 12 o’clock.
Mr. Harvey Eagleson spent a few
days with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hod
Mr. Wesley Mellin met with a
painful accident recently at a wood
bee. when he had a finger nail
torn off his finger by the circular
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleton are
sporting a new Plymouth coupe.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson spent
Thursday evening ^with Mr. and
Mrs. Garfield Steeper.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross iBettram vis
ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John
Shank and Evelyn,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins have
moved to their new home which
they purchased from the estate of
the late Jas. Hodgins. „
Mr. Earl Hodgins is spending
some time with Mr. Hugh Hodgins
of the Mollard Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Steeper
and Lyle visited Sunday evening at
the home of her father Mr. James
E. Hodgins, Mollard Line, who is
convalescing after a severe heart
Mr. Dean Brown, of Greenway,
and Mrs. David Steeper, of Park
hill, spent Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Corsaut and family.
Mr, John Pickering and Cecil
Pickering spent Sunday under the
parental roof.
Mr. J. Shank has been busy paper
ing and decorating in the commun
Mrs. Wes. Mellin spent Monday
with Mrs. Arthur Hutchinson.
We are pleased to report Mrs. T.
Ryan is slowing improving,
Mr. Harold Glanville and son
Steve have returned home after a
ten day trip to North Bay and Mani-
toulin Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keller and
family are visiting relatives near
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and
Mrs. Frank Schieding, all of London,
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. Motz.
Mrs, Wm. Cliffe and son Gary
have returned home after a week’s
visit in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton and
son Barry, of Grand Bend, spent
Spnday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mrs. Catharine Motz returned to
her home Sunday after a week’s vis
it in London with her daughter,
‘ Mrs. Wilson Anderson had a real;
Mothers’ Lay on ’Sunday when all
her children that are living around
here and also a number of her
grandchildren and two great grand
children visited her on Sunday.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Mervin Brokenshire and family of
Hagersville; Mr. and Mrs. George
Hayes and Patsy, of Exeter; Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Schroeder, of Fairfield; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murray and
soil and daughter, of Clinton; Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Taylor and daugh
ter of Exeter and Mr. Jack Anderson
of London,’
YEAR IN THE £■ KhMeb in inc feet
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The latest 1940 model with exclusive Westinghouse sensational “True-
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this value before you buy.
Mutt wisely Westinghouse
Phone 246
Mi*. A. Desjardine had the mis
fortune while playing ball to fall
and fracture his collarbone. He was
attended by Dr. Dunlop, of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig and
daughter Betty visited in Detroit
over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Webb visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnston
on Sunday.
Miss Mary Yeo visited in Loudon
over the weekend.
Mrs. J. W. Holt had the misfor
tune to get a severe cut in her hand
from the cheese slicer. The wound
was dressed by Dr. Taylor, Dash
wood, and required several stitches.
Mrs. Oliver, of Sarnia, is visiting
her daughter Mrs. Kay Statton.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dodds, of
Buffalo, visited Mrs. Dodds’ par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Geromette
over the week-end.
Mr. Geo. Oliver, of St, Marys,
was a week-end visitor with Mr.
and Mrs. W, B, Oliver.
Quite a number took advantage
of the nice week-end and visited
their cottages.
Mr. Mansell Mason is making a
good showing on his new house to
Mrs. John Love is still on the
sick list.
Mr. and"Mrs. Gordon Ulens and
family visited friends in the burg.
Mrs. Maude Pybus, of London, is
visiting her mother Mrs. H. Ricker.
Mr, and Mrs. T. Coward, of Us-
borne, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. A. Parsons.
Miss Mary Westlake, of Exeter,
spent the week-end with Miss Irma
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and
daughter Dorothy spent the week
end with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Jaques, of Zion.
Mr. and Mrs. JV. Horney, Misses
Mary Westlake and Irma Ferguson,
and Mr. A. Gackstetter visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Cann, of the Thames Road,
The many friends of Mrs, P. Sales
will be sorry to learn she is serious
ly ill.
Mp. and Mrs. Joseph Dayman and
Mrs. K. Colborne spent a day in
Exeter recently.
The Young People of St, Andrews
United Church, Kippen, are holding
their annual anniversary on -Sunday,
May 19th at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
The guest speaker at both services
will be Rev. Mr, Menzies, Londes-
boro. Special music is being prepar
ed by the choir and will be assisted
by Mrs. (Rev.) Menzies.
Serious Accident
A very serious accident occured
at the Main intersection at Kippen
about noon on Monday when Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Dinning, of Eg-
mondville, were driving from the
west and were struck by a south
bound car on No, 4 Highway. Mr.
and Mrs. Dinnin were thrown out
Of the car onto the pavement and
were removed -by ambulance to the
Scott Memorial Hospital in Seaforth,
where it was found that Mr. Dinnin
was in a very serious condition, but
Mrs. Dinnin after receiving medical
treatment was able to return to her
home. The occupants of the south
bound car escaped with minor in-
jries. Both cars were badly dam-A cynic is a man who sees only a
grin of Lohengrin.
to make