HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-05-16, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THVBSftAY, MAY 111, two
How fine the tulips are doing.**** ****
Sometime ago a friend showed us
a prized possession; a copy of the
Ulter County Gazette, dated Decem
ber 1799, and containing a black-
bordered account of the funeral
-ceremonies for George Washington.
A few days later, we learned that
the paper was a fake . , . really
issued in 1850 by a New York print
er, and the entire’ edition disposed
of at a good profit. The price was
25 c, a copy which was reasonable’
for a paper half a century old, giv
ing detailed account of the beautiful
and sublime scene at Mt. Vernon.
In 1870, the second, third and
fourth editions were printed.- These
were sold mostly throughout the ■
West. In some cases, it was claim
ed that the money received from
the sale of the paper was to help
pay for Mt. Vernon.* * *
The pest I’d crown
(.But who escapes)
Is one who calls
The curtain ‘drapes.’
t * * *
If it weren’t for pedestrians, a
city could get along with half the
number of traffic cops it now em
ploys.* * *
“Fathers,” said a young 12 year
■old, “have more sense than mothers
because they never call a fellow pet
names in front of the bunch,”■•it * *
And on the other hand, the trend
of events is not as important as
the events of the trend.
* * *
Religionists who unduly empha
size the importance of their own
particular rites and ceremonies,
rarely do religion any good and fre
quently do themselves harm.
This was well illustrated by a
Chinese frog ceremony that went
wrong. At Taichow a live frog in
a glass jar was carried through the
street, so that all might kotow and-
pray to fhe frog for rain.
The procession' stopped before
the residence of a military official
~ demanding that he come put and
pray to the frog. The officer de
clined, considering the time and
place inappropriate.
In the riot which followed, the
jar was dropped, and the frog
ground under the heels of the mob.
‘The, guard fired on the zealots, kill
ing eight, one being the priest who
had carried the frog.
Moral: Attend to your own pray
ing and you will not have time to
interfere with the devotions of
others. Converts are won by ex
ample — not by force or bigotry
and intolerance.
* * *
You want credit;
Me no .give.
You get sore.
You want credit;
Me give.
You no pay;
Me get sore.
—better you get sore.
Your Next Visit to
Hotel Waverley
Located on Wide Spadlna Ave.
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Easy Parking Facilities
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— Single - - $1.50 to $2.50
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Four fo Room, $5.00 to $8.00
Close to the University,
Parliament Buildings,
Maple Leaf Gardens,
Theatres, Hospitals,
Wholesale Houses, and
the Fashionable Retail
Shopping District.
Nagging, Dragging
Pains In the Back
Many women have to do their own
housework, and the constant bend
ing over, lifting, making beds,
sweeping, ironing, sewing, so neces
sary to perform their household
duties puts a heavy Strain, on the
back and kidneys, and if there were
no kidney weakness the back would
■be strong and well,
Doan's Kidney Pills help to give
relief to weak, backache, kidney suf
fering Women.
Doan's Kidney Pills are put up
in an oblong grey box With Our trade
mark a “Maple Leaf'* on the
Don’t accept a substitute. Be
(Sure and get “Doan's.”
Tha T. Milbturn Oo., Ltd., Taronta, Ont
■Class in Journalism: Strike out
the four unnecessary words ....
‘The bride was 25 and the groom
5<5 . . . he • is very wealthy.
' * * *
The secret in conversation is to
be able to disagree with being dis
* * «
The other day two lads were lin
gering near the star attraction of a
natural history museum. It was
composed of ‘hide, hooves and horn’
of a long departed tusker, mounted
in the old style way over a frame
work of lath and wire.
“I’ll bet that elephant -weighs a
million pounds,” hazarded one of I
of the urchins.
“Not on your life!” jeered the
wise one, “that bull ain't got no
It may have occurred to you too
that .we are all encountering a
great deal of ‘bull’ these days —
bull without the above-mentioned
essentials. Being a land where
freedom of speech is a sacred right,
let us not discourage the propa
ganda that is being barraged at us
from home and abroad — but let
us learn to think for ourselves —
to distinguish the real from the im-
ginary, honest-to-goodness from the
hyper-hysterical. Let us debunk the
Every editor is flooded with psuedo-
publicity boilerplate to be released
at a certain date stuff. Hence it is
the part of wisdom to read with1
discretion and believe with reserva
tion — particularly, if it eminates
from across the pond, or, if it comes
from ‘the other political party.’
* * *
Fellow members, news corres
pondents and visitors in the House
of Representatives were amused one
day to hear Congressman Maury
Maverick of Texas refer to ‘David’s
• coat of many colors’ in a speech.
The next day, however, when the
Congressional Record appeared, it
had been changed to “Joseph’s coat
of many colors.” »
The proofreader* had caught the j
error. After suffering consider
able cloak room razzing, Mr. Ma
verick interviewed the proof read
er and found such errors were quite
common in speeches of members of
Recently1* one Congressman relat
ed the story of Hobson's sinking the Merrimac in Manila Bay. Another I
had occasion to make reference to
“Bancroft's Ghost.” But, when the
Congressional Record appearea,
Hobson’s exploit had been moved
back to San Diago Bay, Cuba and
“Bancroft’s Ghost” became “Ban-
quo Ghost” as per Shakespeare.
Congressman and Column para
graphed owe a debt of gratitude to
the unknown, unhonored and un
sung proofreaders.
A mouse in h'er room woke Miss
She was frightened, it must be al-
So a happy thought hit ’er -
To scare off the critter
She sat up in bed and meowed.* St St
“A free country is one in which
it is perfectly safe to say what you
—unless you happen to be a thinker.
“Early to bed and early to rise—■”
—and your pockets won’t be emp
tied by hold-up guys.
.“The Greek philosopher and phy-,
sician, Hi'ppocrates, known as the
‘father of medicine’ lived to be 103
years old.”—
—the big question is, did he take
his own medicine?
“This country is full of patriotic
and dignified politicians who will
refuse any remuneration for ser
vices rendered theii' party.”
—unless someone stakes the hint
and offers them a nice, fat, juicy
government job with an opportun
ity to make plenty of ‘side-money.’* * *
“You jest keep pesticatin’ around
with me,’* declared Rastus, “an* you
is gwuine to hettle a mighty big
question for de sciumtificx folks.”
“What question am dat?” asked
“Kin de ded speak?* * *
“The Governmeht can help main
tain peace, to promote economy,
assist the farmers, to leave the
leave the people in possession of
their property, to maintain the in
tegrity of the courts — but after
Calvin Coolidge.* * *
You many sing the old songs
1 And the new ones too
While I pause to make a verse
Because the column’s thru.
—the colonel
Exeter is getting ready for her share of the tourist trade.* * * * * * * *
And how the pastures and the wheat have developed. ********
When one's best Is not good enough, he’s justmut of luck. ********
First the lazy feeling, then being on the job, then the work well
done.****** **
? The farmers made use of every fine minute till the grain was in
the ground.* * * * * * ’ * ♦
There are a number of places on the back streets badly in need
of patching up.* $ * * * * # A
Showers have their time to come and buds to open with, the
South Wind’s breath.********
Gentleman of the Allies, a little less of our “glorious past” and
more of present achievements, if you please.• “********
Johnny has made his annual round selling his catch of suckers.
His dad followed the same route some years ago.***** * * *
Those nasty, lime-sulphur smells the farmers are making on the
orchards are forerunners of well- flavored fruit next autumn.********
Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland — three bases for a tripod
that we hope the Germans may never use against this continent.******♦*,
The local vigilantes have given some of the local flaming youth
behind car wheels a neat once over. The magistrate is likely to fin
ish the job.********
It is one thing for us to Walk in the May sunshine but quite
another thing for Mr. Churchill to carry on in sleepless Number Ten
Downing Street.* * * * * ■* * *
Uncle Sam and some of his relatives are doing a very neat bit
of thinking. Two busy men over there in Germany and Italy are
taking notice accordingly.* * * * * * * * ’
Where we now have one physically fit and adequately trained
pilot ready for duty, we should have fifty. We are a peace loving
people. Peace we prefer, but war has been forced upon- us and war
we'must wage.********
We saw a buggy undergoing renovation the other day. “The own
er is a queer old chap,” the blacksmith remarked to us. “You see, he
has all his debts paid. Yet that old fellow when, he bought his buggy
was looked upon as extravagant for his day. Uncle Remus was right in
his comment: "The world do move.”********
Canadians have comforted themselves ever since the outbreak of
the war by saying Chat she will best serve the Allied cause by pro
ducing f >od and munitions. But her duty does not end there. She
can supply men and money as well. This she must do and do at once
if the grave situation is to be met. No one who can lick a spoon
dare hold himself aloof from his best effort in a struggle so momen
tous. Never was there a time in the history of the Empire when
Nelson’s call “Every man must do his duty” was more impelling.
Every family must set its house in order. The king’s business re
quires haste.* ft ft ft ft ft ft
Canada needs to wake up to the position confronting her. She
needs to set her teeth to the task that demands her immediate at
tention. The war cannot be won by pious platitudes and lazy wish
ing. Neither can the consequences of the war be evaded, should we
lose in the struggle - as we may easily lose - by a whole lot of
backward looking and too-late repentance. Should the Swaztilca take
the place of the Union Jack, we may as well remember that our
government bonds and the deeds to our property and all our posses
sions, won or inherited, will he worthless. Homes and churches
will all of them go to the German dump. We may as well face the
, facts.* * * 1 * * * * *
We need not remind our readers that the war cloud may break
in Canada in forked lightning and thunder and tempest any hour.
We know full well that in the days of Noah'men were marrying
and giving in marriage the day the patriarch entered the Ark. Bur
their easy way of doing did not prevent the deluge. Nor will thumb
twiddling save the present situation. Every lodge should be alive
and vocal. Every church ‘is in duty bound to make her members
aware of our imminent peril. Every Canadian should urge his
government to be up and doing. The appalling enchantment that
paralizes the efforts of the Dominion must be broken. Where one man
is ready for defence, ten should be in preparation. Where we now
have one dollar ready for the great purpose in hand there should be
an hundred.* .* * * * * i> * *
The ■British parliamentary critics tell us that Mr. David Lloyd
George’s attack on Premier Chamberlain is the most devastating that
the former prime minister has delivered in the past fifteen years. All
of which means that it is one of the most devastating speeches deliver-
'ed in the British House of Commons. Evidently years do not weaken
men as much as some people think. For instance, it is solemnly
printed in one of the church papers that no one should attend the
next meeting of the General Council who is over forty-five years of
age. How many would sit in the British cabinet were this rule ap
plied. Surely it is time for some folk to do a little real thinking, ****** **
When a youth is convicted of some miserable crime, we are liable
to hear pleas about low mentally, dual consciousness or double per
sonality. We are not disputing the soundness of such pleas. What
. we say is that they come too late. A youngster who “is queer” should
" be taken in hand by informed and firm authority long before he
breaks out into some conduct resulting in no end of harm and heart
break. School teachers and clergymen, and in fact, every citizen
needs to be on the alert and to be well supported by public opinion in
appraising the powers that be of such cases. Timely, early treatment
save's the day. Such treatment may seem severe at the time, but it
is rational, and for that reason full of kindness.****** **
The fighting in Norway reminds our readers of the cost of liberty.
What has made the struggle awful beyond telling is that the Allies are
fighting a foe who owns no moral sanctions or restraints. The Allies
have been very slow to admit this terrific fact aud have contended
fairly. On the other hand the Allies have allowed themselves to be
controlled by international opinion. For instance, had the Allies in
vaded Norway before the Germans, there would have been the sever
est criticism extended to them by the other neutral powers and by
some of their own people. Had the Allies sent their troops into
Holland or Belguim before the tenth of May, neutral nations, big
and small, would have protested her action. Even in Holland and
Belgium tens of thousands would have regarded the Allies as intruders
The Allies have to fight not only poison gas and bursting bomb, but
public opinion set on a hair-trigger to ham-string them at every turn.ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft
Was it Britain's conviction, based on certain knowledge, that
Belgium and Holland were to be invaded that caused the withdrawal
of her troops from Norway? It looks like it. That jjeirtg tile case,
a great deal of criticism of her action for so doing has been grossly
and cruelly out of order. Just now we must be on our guard against
saying that the Germans must be. driven out of Germany as If the
undertaking were on all fours with kicking the cat off the verandah,
No delay must be allowed in driving the invaders out of the country*
but it must be remembered that Germany’s real objective is Britain
■ and that Britain has a paramount duty In defending her own shores.
Then it must be remembered that Germany may take possession of
Newfouhdland with twenty-four hours of her making up her mind to
do so. Hence Britain’s efforts to conserve her forces to defend her own
An event of Interest took place
recently at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Miller, Staffa, when theii;
youngest daughter Ada, was unit
ed in marriage to Mr. Gordon Ho
garth, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Ho
garth, Cromarty. Rev J. Jamieson
officiated. The bride wore a pretty
frock of heaven blue sheer crepe
with corsage of white carnations
and sweet peas. Miss Lillian Hod-
gert, of London, niece of the bride
was bridesmaid in rose crepe with
pink carnations, Mr, Archie Ho
garth, of London, brother of the
bridegroom, was best man. Miss
Dorothy McCurdy, niece of the
bride, played the wedding music.
Following' the wedding Mr,
and Mrs. Hogarth left on a trjp to
Hamilton, the bride donning a
black suit with matching accessor?
ies. They will reside on the farm
in Staffa.
Mrs. Ida Montague, Zurich, died
Friday, May 10th, in St. Joseph’s
■Hospital, London, after some days
illness. She was 4-8 years of age,
The body was removed to Zurich
Where the funeral was held.
Anthony Rowe, 61, of Ailsa Craig
was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital,
London.on Friday, May 10th for
X-ray examination to determine the
extent of injuries he received in
a fall from his wagon some days
ago at his home. After first ex-
mination s it was decided further
X-rays would be taken. Meanwhile
Mr. Rowe’s condition was reported
from hospital as quite comfortable.
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............ ............................ ,.-■■■