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Baseball Schedule
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On Friday evening of last week
the relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Reichert (Otilla Walper) who were
recently married, met at the home*
of Mr. and Mrs. William Reichert
of the Town line near Hillsgreen
and presented them with a miscel
laneous shower. The following ad
dress was read by Mr, Wm. Mc
Lachlan; This happy gathering of
your relatives has been assembled
to let you know that we are in
terested in your welfare and wish
to express to you, our most hearty
congratulations on the occasion of
your recent marriage,
Now that you have embarked to
gether on this
we hope that
that you are
have learned
very highly, and have
happy and unveiled enthusiasm to
ward promoting anything worth
while in the community. We also
wish to welcome you, Mrs. Reichert,
as a new citizen to our community,
hoping you will soon feel very much
at home, among your new relations.
We have known Harold for a num
ber of years and have found him
a dependable helper.
Not with any thought of value;
but as a symbol or token of the
•esteem in which we hold you both,
we would ask you to accept* from
us the “Group Gifts” and we trust
that you may experience as much
pleasure, in whatevei* little service
these may render, as we have felt
in giving them.
Glad that you are settling down
in ouiv midst, we again wish you a
full store of happiness, prosperity
and Christian Blessings.—Signed on
behalf of. your relatives. After which
the groom thanked every one'' for
the lovely and useful gifts. The
evening was spent in games and
dan’cing after which a lovely lunch
was served.—Z-urich Herald.
CLINTON, May — Representa
tives of seven teams forming the
Huron-Perth (League in intermed
iate O.B.A. met at Hensall and ar
ranged a game schedule for the
1940 session. The teams are:
Blyth, Clinton, Exeter-Crediton, iGo-
derich, Hensall-Zurich, Lucan and
'St. Marys. 'Officers of the league
are; president, D. A. Wilson, Sea
forth; first vice-president, K, iF.ah-
ner, Crediton; second vfice-presi-
dent, J. Cowen, Blyth; secretary,
J. R, Butler, Clinton and treasurer,
A. McDonald, Goderich.*
Following is the schedule which
opens with four games on May 24;
Lucan at Clinton, 10 a,m.; Clinton
at Lucan, afternoon; Hensall-Zurich
at St. Marys, 3.15 p.m, and Goder
ich at Exeter 10 a.m.
derich at St. Marys; Blyth at Exe
ter (Crediton.)
June 3'—'St. Marys at Goderich;
Blyth at Clinton; Exeter at Hensall.
June 7-—Hensall at Goderich--;
Lucan at Exeter; Clinton at Blyth.
June 10—Bly th at
Goderich at Hensall.
June 11—'Exeter at
4 June 14—Hensall at
ton at Exeter.
June 17—Blyth
Marys at Hensall.
Blyth at Hensall.
June ’26—St. Marys
June 28—Clinton at 'Goderich;
Lucan at Hensall; Exeter at Blyth.
July 2—Goderich at Clinton; St.
Marys at Lucan; Hensall at Exeter.
July 5—-Clinton at St. Marys;
Blyth at Goderich; Exeter at Lucan.
July 9—St. Marys at Exeter.
July 10i—Lucan at Blyth.
July 16—‘Lucan at St. Marys.
Mrs. Cecil McFall s and daughter
Noreen, of London, spent Thursday
afternoon at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James McKann.
The young people of the United
Church sponsored the play from Lu
can “Eyes of Love” in the school
house Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, John Hotson
daughter Edith, of Mooresville,
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan
xon of Ailsa Craig on Sunday.
Mr. William Lee is confined to
bed through illness. We hope for a
speedy recovery.
Miss Marjorie Neil, of London,
visited with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Neil over the week-end.
The Women’s Auxiliary and La
dies’ Guild,
held a joint
Mrs. James
opened with
followed by
O’Neil, Mrs,
27— -St, Marys
at Hensail.
28— Exeter at
31—Hensall at
at Blyth;
Lucan; Go-
■St. Marys;
Blyth; Clin-
at Lucan; St.
19— (Lucan
20— Exeter
21— 'Goderich
at Clinton.
at Goderich
at St. Marys,
at Blyth;
at Lucan;
at Clinton.
in the ju-
drawn up.
Are You Still Pioneering?
LIKE log houses, iron pumps and outside sanitary
accommodation are relics of pioneering days.
They are out-of-date, inconvenient, unhealthy — and
your family should not have to put up with them.
A schedule of. games
venile league was also
The teams are: Clinton, Goderich,
Exeter and Hensail. Following is the
M'ay 27-
Exeter at - Hensail
31—Clinton at 'Goderich s
4— Hensail at Exeter
5— ‘Goderich at Clinton
10—Clinton at Exeter
14—/-Goderich at Hensail.
2 4-—-Exeter
3—Clinton at Hensall
8—'Goderich at Exeter.
Running water under
pressure enables you to
replace such antiquated
arrangements with a
Modern EMCO Bath
room, and up-to-date
kitchen and laundry fa
cilities. .An up-to-date *
DURO Water
will furnish all the water necessary for these home
improvements and it will also supply running water
to barns and other buildings where required.
. The Duro Special System, capacity 250
gals, per hour, complete with 25 gal. Galvan-
izedTank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only
For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the
;j » EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and
Lavatory with trimmings costs only..............136.00
(Soil and iron pipe and fittings extra)
Other Complete Bathroom equipment as
low as ........ ...............................$83.90
Can be purchased under our
Easy Payment Plan or the
Home Improvement Loan Act.
Can also be supplied for
Gasoline Engine operation
London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury.
Winnipeg Vancouver
Phone Collect: Seaforth 15; Exeter 235; Lucan 12
„ The council of the Township of
Stephen met in the Town Hall, at
Crediton, on Monday, the 6th day
of May 1940, at one o’clock. All
members were present. The minutes
of the previous regular meeting
held on April 1st and special meet
ings held on the 8th, 13th and 30th
of the month were adopted on mo
tion of Thomas -Love seconded by
Nelson Schenk.
’The Clerk reported he had re
ceived the 1940 Assessment Roll
from the Assessor.
It was moved by Arthur Amy, sec
onded by Nelson Schenk: That the
roll be accepted and the Assessor’s
account amounting to $119.45 be
paid and that the Court of Revision
to hear and determine appeals be
held- in the Town Hall, Crediton,
on Monday, the 27th day of May
1940 at 1 o’clock p.m, Carried.
Moved by Thomas Love, second
ed by Roy Ratz: That By-law No.
544 appointing George Westlake a
Constable for Stephen Twp. for a
period of 1'2 months without remun-
Jeration having been read three
times be passed and signed by the
Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of
Corporation attached thereto. Car.
Moved by Thomas Love, second
ed by Nelson Schenk: That the fol
lowing Payment Voucher and
ders be passed:
Payment Voucher—Pay roll
4 $275.35; Dominion, Road Machin
ery, grader blades $15.38; Cana
dian National Railways, freight 50c
Thomas H. Wilson, compensation
Insurance $50.00; total $34,1.23.
Orders—Lu celle Lochner, con
veyance to San. $4.00; Anna Gill
rent re Jackson, April $3.00; A. G.
Webb, groceries, Davis $5.00;- E.
E. Tiernan & Son, relief re Jackson
$15.25; A. G. Webb, groceries, Car
ruthers $7.50; Treasurer Township
McGillivray, relief, Kinney $7.9 6;
E. R. Hopper, burial of Mrs. Snell
$30.00; Queen Alexandra Can. ac
count re Lochner $15.00; H. C.
Beaver, salary as Assessor and post
age $119.45; Leslie Richards,
fenceviewer’s fees $2.00; Eli King,
ditto $2,00; D.
$2.00; Municipal World,
$2,60; Bank of Commerce,
ing road cheques $2,75; Cora Gais-
ei\ milk re Jackson $6.30. Carried
The council adjourned to meet
again for their regular business
meeting ift the Town Rail, Credit
on on June 3rd, 1940 at 1 o’clock
M. Elliott, ditto,
H. K. EilbOr, Tp. Clerk
of St, James’ churcn,
meeting at the home of
McRann. The meeting
the singing of a hymn
prayers led by Mrs. K.
, Wilfred Cunningham
and Mrs. Herb E. George. Mrs, Jas.
Hodgson, delegate to the annual
meeting held in London, gave -a very
interesting report on the three-day
sessions. Rev. L. C. Harrison gave
a short talk on Bible study in con
nection with Ascension Day. At,
the close of the meeting lunch was
served by the hostess and commit
A-l Baby Chick Prices for May.
Hybrids (White Leghorn-Barred
Rock Cross) and White Leghorns
8Sc,, Barred Rocks, New Hamp^
shire Reds and Brown Leghorns
9Sc., White Rocks and Black Giants
Write for Prices on four and five
week old Pullets.
Granton, Ontario
Caven Congregational Circle
'Owing to Mrs, A- Mitchell's ill
ness the Caven Congregational
Circle was held in the school room
of the church on Tuesday afternoon
with a good attendance. Mrs. E.
Mitchell presided and opened the
meeting with the first two verses of
hymn 538. The roll call was ans
wered with a notable event in the
TKist y03<i\ Roll call foi* June will
be a Canadian city. The following
committees were then appointed:
Sick and Shut-in, Mrs. Sillery and
Mrs. E. Mitchell; Envelopes;
Dow and Miss Hatter; Flowers, Mrs.
Bollen; Lunch, Mrs, C. Cann, Mrs,
Willard, Mrs. Stanlake; Program,
Miss Weekes, Mrs. Kydd, The June
meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. Ed. Pollen. The program
committee then took charge.. First
was windows of worship, and taking
part were Miss Jeckell, Mrs. Wil
lard, Mrs. Pollen, Mrs. Mason, Mrs.
Sillery, Mrs. A. Moir. Mrs. Archie
Morgan then sang that lovely old
hymn “What a Friend We Have in
Jesus.” Mrs. E. Mitchell then gave
a topic on the well known author
of the same hymn, after which Mrs.
Cochrane played it in variations,
It was all very beautifully arranged
and very interesting. Mrs. Willard
gave a vote of thanks to the pro
gram com. and to Mrs. Morgan for
her lovely solo, and all those who
took part. We then sang the last
two verses of hymn 53 8 and closed
the meeting with “God Save the
King” after which lunch was serv
ed. by the committee.
“Folks,” said the colored minis
ter, “The subject of my sermon dis
evenin’ am LIARS, How many in de
congregation has done read the
69th Chapter o’ Matthews?”
Nearly every hand in the audience
was raised immediately.
“Dat's right,” said his reverence,
“You Is jest the folks I want to
preach to. Dere ain’t no 69th chap
ter o’ Matthews.”
Seeding is nearing completion in
this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prance and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Pym
and family, of Thedford, visited on
Sunday with. Mr.
Mr. and Mrs.
Thursday of last
daughter Mrs. Alf.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Denham and
friends, of Sarnia, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten.
Mr. R. E. Pooley attended a con
ference in London on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Dickinson
and family, of St. Marys, visited on
Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. George Delbridge
day with her daughter,
Murch, of Elimville.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stephen and
family, of Woodham, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock.
and Mrs.John
H. Bailey
week with
Collier, Kirkton
spent Sun-
Mrs. Harry
Home and .School Club
Winchelsea Home and School
Club met Wednesday evening, May
8th with the president Mrs. K.
Johns presiding. The meeting be-,
gan in the usual manner and every
one enjoyed the very fine program
which followed, consisting of music,
dialogues and readings; also a mus
ical drill performed by eight little
girls of the junior school. Five
others namely, Allen Johns, Lorne
Elford, Mildred Veal, Jean Davis
and Ethel Pooley were splendid ac
tors in a humorous dialogue “A
Heavy Shower.” An important
feature of the evening was a trea
sure trail contest conducted by R.
E, Pooley and George Davis.
Dora Delbridge was the prize
ner. It was decided that the
meeting should take the form
Major Bowes program with.
Routley impersonating Major Bowes-
After singing the hymn "Nearer,
My God, to Thee,” the meeting clos-
ed with the National Anthem.
of a
Headaches, Acid Indigestion,
RheymcitifC Pains
In the rush and bustle and strain
these days, are you going to neglect
yourself till nature shouts her pro
test—-headaches, sour stomach, pains
of rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis?
Don’t do it! Don’t lose a single
day’s work or a minute of fun that
you can avoid losing.
Keep fit with Kruschen Salts,
Millions of people throughout the
Empire take the "little daily dose”
of Kruschen every morning of their
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anywhere in the world.. Together
these mineral salts, in minute
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Whether you are on active service
in the kitchen, the office, at a lathe,
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keep fit the easy, inexpensive
Kruschen way.
Get a bottle from your druggist.
Take just what you can put on a
dime—each morning. jNo bloaty
aftermath. No violent laxative
effect. Just a grand remedy that
imparts that million dollar feeling of
abounding health and vigour. Bottles
25c, 45c, 75c.
Miss Alva Elford, M.A., daughter
of Rev. and Mrs. James Elford, has
been awarded for the second year
the Graduate Resident Fellowship
in Classical Archaeology for 1940-
1941 at Bryn Mawr College, Bryn
Mawr, Pa., valued at $860. To be
awarded this Fellowship for the
second year is an honor seldom
attained,—Seaforth News.
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Better light means better sight . . . and it
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For quick breakfasts, tasty supper snacks,
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