HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-05-16, Page 1EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 16th, 1940ESTABLISHED 1873 Sixty-Seventh Year INTERMENT TUESDAY OF MOTHERS’ DAY Ladies’, Misses’ & Children’s Spring Coats at Greatly Reduced Prices BARGAINSBARGAINS EVERY COAT MUST GO REGARDLESS OF COST. WE HAVE A OF STYLES AND SIZES LEFT. ACT QUICKLY AS THEY WILL THESE BARGAIN PRICES Misses’ Spring Suits at $7.95 5 Only Misses’ Spring Suits. Brand New Styles. Sizes 16, 18 and 20 $12.95 Each. GOOD RANGE GO FAST AT to Clear. Were THE 1940 LINE OF BATHING SUITS FOR LADIES, MEN AND CHILDREN HAVE JUST ARRIVED. YOUNG MEN’S SUMMER WINDBREAKERS GABERDINES, FANCY SILKS', ETC., IN THE NEWEST SHADES—GREEN, BLUE, SAND AND TWO-TONES These Windbreakers are just the thing for cool evenings in Summer. They are light weight and very smart in style at $2.50 to $4.50 , Young Men’s Summer Trousers All the latest shades in both cotton and Tropical Worsteds. Priced at $2.95 to $5.00 pair. I Smart Summer Shoes For Men, Women and Children in White, Two-Toned, Etc. A smart variety of styles to choose from. All widths carried in Women’s AA to EE.. .Come in and see our smart 0 styles at medium prices. Sisman Scampers and Sport Shoes These Scampers stand long wear and are solid comfort. See our range of Saddle-Strap Shoes for Girls. FORMER PASTOR DIES Rev. Samuel W. Muxworthy, of London, a former pastor of the Main St. Methodist church, now United, died Friday last in Victoria Hospit­ al, London, after a few months illness. He was in his 81st year- Mr, Muxworthy spent forty-nine years in the ministry, all in the London conference. in June 1914 he succeeded Rev. E. G. Powell, as pastor of Main Street church, and in 1917 he was president of the London .Conference. In July 1918 he left Exeter for Forest being suc­ ceeded here by Dr. Medd. Mr. Muxworthy was born in De­ vonshire, England coming to Can­ ada when eleven years old. He lived in Fullarton Township near Mitchell where he received his early school­ ing. He entered the ministry at nineteen, and attended Victoria College at Cobourg. His first charge aftei’ ordination was at Gesto, and then followed terms at Melrose, Ar- va, Belmont, Charing Cross, Tees- water, Aivinston, Glencoe, Watford, Exeter, Forest and finally Dresden. In addition to the presidency of the London worthy and for cretary ed in 1924 and since had been as­ sociated with .Forest United church and Centennial United church, Lon­ don. Following his retirement he mov­ ed to Forest where he lived until a year ago when he moved to reside with his daughter, Mrs. F. W. Man­ ning, 8'38 King street, London. Mr. Muxworthy was a member of Har­ mony Lodge I.'O.iO.F. Chatham and the Chatham encampment. Predeceased 4i2 years by his wife, formerly Miss Frances Rebecca Hop­ kins, of Brownsville, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. G. -S. Pass-* more and Mrs. Manning. A brief funeral service was held | Monday at 1 p.m. in Centennial United church, followed by public service in the United church, Forest at 3.30'p.m. Interment was in Beech­ wood Cemetery, Forest. FORMER EXETER LADY conference Rev. Mr. Mux- had been on many boards many years was journal se- of the conference. He retir- Interment took place in the Exe­ ter cemetery Sunday afternoon of Margaret M. Yager, wife of E. Malone, a well-known merchant of Tillsonburg, whose death took place suddenly late Saturday evening. Ou the previous Sunday Mrs. Malone had the misfortune to fracture her ankle in Woodstock and returned to her home Thursday from hospital in the best of spirits until about ten minutes before she died. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Yager, of Exeter, and was born in Hay Township over fifty years ago. As a young lady she learned the millinery in the millinery depart­ ment of E. J. Spackman’s store, now Jones & May. Twenty-four years ago she was married to Mr. Malone, She was a member of St. John’s Anglican church, Tillsonburg; treas­ urer of the Chancel Guild, member of the Ladies’ Guild and a worker in all branches of the church. She was treasurer of the Women’s Aux­ iliary of the Tillsonburg Soldier’s Memorial Hospital and worked for everything for the betterment of the community, doing much charit­ able work. Surviving besides her husband are her mother, Mrs. Margaret Yag­ er, who lived with her; two bro­ thers, Alex, of Crow’s Nest and Wil­ liam, of Swift Current, Sask.; three neices and one nephew. Mr. Walter Cunningham, of town, is an uncle. A number from Tillsonburg includ­ ing the mother of the deceased ac­ companied the remains to Exeter Tuesday. The bearers were Messrs. W. Cunningham, W. W. Taman, R. N, Creech, Wm. Kuntz, Wm. May and J. W. Morley. REAL ESTATE CHANGES Men’s Farm Boots $2.00 to $5.50 Pair Sisman, Sterling, William’s and other good makes. We carry , a big range of Work Boots. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Pork and Beans Aylmer or Clark’s, 20 oz. Crunchie Sweet Pickles Mixed, Large 28 oz. Jars Grapefruit Juice Texas Golden, 20 oz. tins tlns... each 8c each 23c Aylmer Golden Kernel Corn nor lip A Real Treat ............................P.C1 1,11 1 Phone 32 Multiplier Onions A |L« 1 Dr A Real Buy, for planting “ IUD. IVt Dole Pineapple Juice Pure, unsweetened, very Blueberries for Pies Golden Diamond Brand fine13 oz. tin 14c 2 tins 19c Kellogg’s Whole 'Wheat BiscuitsO r Q C « The New Cooked Cereal .............. REEVES — SALTER In a pretty spring wedding on Saturday, Miss Helen Olive Salter, daughter of Mrs. Salter and the late Martin Salter, became the bride of Mr. Louis Charles Reeves, son of Mr.' and Mrs. George Reeves, of Seaforth. The ceremony was per­ formed by Rev. krthui- page at the home of the bride's mother in tha presence of the immediate relatives. Given in marriage by her brother, Charles, the bride, unattended, was charming in heaven blue lace over taffeta with corsage of roses, Following a wedding luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Reeves left by motor for Detroit and on their reside in Seaforth.the bride chose a . JI ___ ___ blue dress, hat and accessories. The many friends of the will join with the in extending best wishes. return will For travelling beige coat with bride and groom Times-Advocate Jones & May Your Superior Store MUSICAL RECITAL USE LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD PAINTS AND VARNISHES, NEPTO. LAC ENAMELS, HEAT RESISTING Poultry Fence Poultry Supplies Poultry Starters Poultry Grow Mash Poultry Feeders Bring in your Old Lawn Mower and trade for a Maxwell Rubber Tired. ^Very Latest Style Chan Wax Barb Wire Vigoro 3 lb. 98c $3.35 5 lbs. 50c NEW PREMIER OIL BROODER Efficient, Simple and Silent SPECIAL $21.00 We will donate a Purina Jack Knife value $2.00 each to the winners of first and second prize in the boys’ Pig Club Class held at the Exeter Fall Fair providing pigs have been fed on the Purina programme. Special prices on feed for Club members. For further particulars call in and see us. We Have Semisan for Beans, per pound .$2.75 Traquair’s Hardware Tinsmithing Sign Work Plumbing NOTICE Re refuse On Tuesday, May 21 the Muni­ cipal Council will begin the col­ lection of refuse and continue until the collection has been completed- Citizens will please have refuse piled in suitable containers in front of their residence. BY ORDER Mr. H. Sturgis, of the Exeter High School staff, has purchased the residence of Mr, George Jaques, on William street. Mr. Jaques, in turn, has purchased the residence of Mr. Arthur Jones, Victoria street, at present occupied by Mr. John Beane. The deals were put through V. Pickard. by C. WELLS BAKER Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding pleasantly entertained the parents of Mr. Goulding’s junior pupils at a recital in their home on Wednesday evening of last week. Among those taking part in the program with piano selections were Betty and Billy Mickle, of Hensail; Grant Mor? gan, Donald Southcott, Jean Elliot, Mary Fletcher, June. Sleamon, Cath­ arine Gibson and Marion Cowem Vocal numbers were given by Mar­ ion Cowen, Dorothy Squires, Joan Redfern, Dawson Goulding. Dawson and his father also played two piano duets. The pupils acquitted them­ selves very creditably. Following the program a delightful luncheon was served. The waitresses were: Misses Aldonna Wuerth, Verna Wein ■and Marilynne Campbell. Misses A. (.Handford and May Jones assisted Supper Served.From 6 to 8 p.m.| Mrs- Goulding in the kitchen. 1 HAM SUPPER to be served in Elimville United Church FRIDAY. MAY 24th. 1940 Under the auspices of the Women’s Association Mixed Program by Talent from London Township Admission 35c. and 20c: LEAVITT’S THEATRE | Phone 135 Visit Exeter Chapter At the Exeter chapter Wednesday evening of visitors were present Strathroy Chapter, and Chapter In London. The Strathroy Chapter conducted the opening ex­ ercises and Ruth Chapter the clos- Following a short business ev- Atkinson — Charlesworth f O-E.S. , O.E.S. On last week, from the the Ruth Ing, „ meeting the remainder of the ehing was spent socially, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY TWO FEATURES “Rulers of the Sea” Starring DOUGLAS FAIR- BANKS and an all Star Cast ‘Thousand Dollar Touchdown Starring the Two Wide-Open Faces JOE E. BROWN and MARTHA RAYE * * * MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Two Features “Hold That Co-Ed” Starring JACK HEALY, JOHN BARRYMORE & JOAN DAVIS WESTERN Starring ROY ROGERS and GABY (GEORGE).HAYES The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Charlesworth, of Clinton, was the scene for the marriage of their only daughter, Ellen Myrtle and Percy Henry Atkinson, of Wood- stock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen G. Atkinson, Grand Bend, was solemnized with Rev. A. Lane, pastor of Wesley Willis United church, officiating. The bride was lovely in muted blue suede crepe, with navy accessories and carrying a bouquet of briarcliffe roses. Miss Virginia Harris, of Gorrie, Ont., was •bridesmaid, wearing orchid triple sheer with hat to match and cor­ sage of pernet roses, groom was attended Greene, Grand Bend, followed. Those who serving were Miss Jean Morison, of Guelph; Mrs. Harold Tyndall, Miss­ es Irene and Jean Vodden, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson left for a motor1 trip, the bride wearing a coat of skyway blue. 'They will reside in Woodstock. About 30i guests were present among them were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Exeter, grand­ parents of the bridegroom. Other out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Melsom and Lawrence Melsom, Woodstock. which The bride- by Burton A reception assisted in Mr. John Fletcher, of town, Is ill at his home >101 pleurisy and pneumonia, A pretty wedding took place at the United Church manse, Grand Bend, at two o’clock Tuesday after­ noon when Rev. Mr. Beacom united in marriage Miss Iva Marie Baker, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Bak­ er and Mr. Henry Nelson Frederick Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Freder­ ick Wells, of Exeter. The bride was attired in a dainty blue wedding dress. She was assisted by her sis­ ter Miss Thelma Baker while the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Ernest Wells. A reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents following the ceremony. In a room gaily decorated with blue and white streamers luncheon was served to the immediate families and friends. tored graph Wells their Their the Times-Advocate best wishes for their future wel­ fare. In James Street Church Mothers' Day services were fit­ tingly observed in James Street United Church on Sunday. A male choir led the service of song both morning and evening. At the morn­ ing service Messrs. Walter Cutbush, A. E. Wuerth, E. Lindenfield and W. R. Goulding sang a quartette and in the evening Mr Frank Taylor sang a solo. Baptismal service was observed in the morning and the following children were baptized: Donald John, son of Lieut. D, J. and Mrs. Gladman; Allan Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle; Marion Jeanette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sanders; and Eleanor Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norval Jones. Lieut. Gladman assisted Mr. Page with the opening exercises of the morning service- Mr. Page’s messages both morning and evening were in keeping with the day, A special Mothers Day service was held by the Sunday School in the afternoon in the auditorium of the church. 'Scripture lessons were read by Donald Traquair and Dor­ othy Welsh. A story, “The Unseen Guest’’ was told by Florence South- scott. Fifty-three diplomas and seals were awarded to scholars who ha.d been faithful in their attend­ ance during 1*939. The highest award, the tenth year seal, was pre­ sented to Francis King. A violin, clarinet and piano trio was played by Alf. Andrus, W. R. Goulding and Laurene Beavers. Mr. Thos. Pryde, Superintendent of the Caven Pres­ byterian Sunday School was the speaker of the afternoon and told an interesting story with a moral application for the boys and girls. The wearing of a flower in honour of mother was in evidence through­ out the day. Sunday School will meet at 10 a.m. beginning with next Sunday for the summer months. In Main Street Church The wearing of a flower in honor of “Mother” was in evidence at the Main St. United Church on Sunday when special Mothers’ Day services were held in the the Sunday School Special music was choir and a solo ther of Mine” Merna Sims. ' C. Copeland, preached a very fine sermon in keeping with the occasion. At the Sunday School in the after­ noon a special Mothers' Day pro-1 gram lessons Powell er by Donna poem. Miss Lillian Hockey, Messrs. G. Cann and Earl Witmer, accompanied by Miss Merna Sims sang “My Mother’s Prayer. At the evening service a solo was sung by Mrs. Mabel Hockey entitled “Gardens.” ✓ The bridal party mo- to Exeter for a group photo- and afterwards Mr. and Mrs. left on a mo-tor trip and on return will reside in Exeter, many friends will join with in extending WAR IS NOW RAGING AS NEVER BEFORE IN HISTORY The world’s greatest battle, des­ cribed as a battle such as the world has never seen before, is now rag­ ing in Belgium, Holland and France. Without warning German armed forces on Friday of last week made a sudden attack on these peaceful- loving countries. The clash be­ tween the various armies is said to surpass anything the human jbrain had ever conceived. From the air the Germans dropped troops by parachute on strategic positions. A despatch from Paris Monday stated that from 1,500 to 2,000 tanks had met in an epic clash. The fight last­ ed for hours over a wide front, the French being masters of the situa­ tion. British troops have been rushed to the scene of conflict. Dog fights in the air have been fierce and many planes have been destroy­ ed. England claims that 600 Ger­ man planes have been brought down, at a ratio of four to one. All Bel­ gians between the ages of 16 and 35 have been called to join the colors. The greater part of the Netherlands has laid down their arms to the German forces. The Dutch High Command decided that further re­ sistance was useless and moved to save the lives of the people and cities from destruction. In Belgium the invaders are meeting with stiff resistance. Ill in Hospital Mrs. Annie Bedford, who has been, confined to her bed for some time, was removed to Victoria Hospital in London Monday. Mrs. Bedford, who is in her 95 th year, has been a remarkably smart woman but at present her condition is considered somewhat critical. Mr. J. C. Vidt, of the Exeter Re­ frigerated Locker Service and his staff, Mrs. Short and Gerald Ford, Guelph Wednesday attend- first Ontario Conference of Service operators, at the Mr. Vidt, who is a live wire were at ing the Locker O.A.C. on locker storage, was the moving spirit behind the convention. BAND CONCERT LEAVITT’S THEATRE SUNDAY, MAY 19th, 1940 8:30 p.m. Special features will be a male quartette and piano solos by Harry Mills. Silver Collection Ted. Walper, Director “For Pete’s Sake” A Comedy in Three Acts Presented by Zion Y. P. Exeter Town Hall MONDAY. MAY 20. 1940 '4 at 8.15 p.ni. Under auspices of the Exeter Women’s Institute Admission 25c and 15c Sunday School Anniversary Woodham United Church morning and at in the afternoon, provided by the “Wonderful Mo- ’ was sung by Miss The pastor., Rev. R. was carried out. Scripture were read by Miss Marion and Earl Witmer and a pray- Mrs. Robt. Turnbull. Miss Cornish read an appropriate A quartette composed of Kes tie, Mrs. Mabel In Caven Church Family Day was combined Mothers’ Day for special service in Caven Presbyterian Church day. A mothers’ choir led vice of song both morning ening. Beautiful spring with on Sun- th e s er­ and ev- flowers adorned the pulpit and a flower was worn by most persons present in honour Rev. D. C. Hill spokp on the sanct­ ity of family life, splendid, attendance. of mother. The minister, There was a RED CROSS NOTES 1 Home from Trip to Pacific Coast Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Coward, of ■Grimsby, who have spent the last seven months on a motor trip to the Pacific Coast going as far south as San Diego, Calif., are now visiting' the former’s mother, Mrs. Dan Co­ ward, before returning to their home. On Sunday Messrs. Ross Co­ ward and Bob Armstrong and Miss Olive Coward, of Hamilton; Miss Elva Coward and Dr. Latham, Of Grimsby, visited with them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Co­ ward. Sunday, May 19th Morning service at 11 conducted by Rev. Levi Hussey, of Mitchell. Even­ ing service at 7 ping service at 7 p.m: conducted by Rev. M. A. Hunt, of Exeter. Chorus­ es by the school assisted by the or­ chestra. Mr. Carey joynt, of Hen­ sail, soloist at both services. SUPPER, FRIDAY MAY 24tH in the Orange Hall from 5.30 to 8 o’clock followed by a program con­ sisting of a play entitled “Pair of Country Kids” presented by young people of Thedford United church. Admission 50c., Children 2 5c. Rev. A. Laing, Pastor Milton Hooper, Superintendent LEAVITT’S THEATRE Exeter, Ontario “Gone With The Wind” IN TECHNICOLOR Starring CLARK GABLE and VIVIAN LEIGH The April work of the Exeter Red Cross branch is as follows: 211 pairs socks, 20 sweaters, 5 scarves, 20 pairs wristlets, 1 helmet, 10 abdom­ inal binders, 9 slings, 47 pairs py­ jamas, 6 pillow cases, gowns, 5 water bottle personal property bag, cloths, 24 quilts and 12 clothing. Since its organization Red Cross branch, composed of 16 Units in Exeter, Centralia, Crediton, Dashwood, Grand Bend, Zion, Whal­ en, Hurondale, Thames Road Mount Carmel, have completed forwarded to headquarters the lowing supplies: 1342 pairs socks, 168 sweaters, 2-6 scarves, 332 pairs knee caps, dominal binders, pital gowns, 167 pillow cases, 30; surgeons gowns, 30 surgeons caps, 33 bed jackets, 10 dressing gowns, 18 water bottle co­ vers, 7 ice bag covers, 20 personal property bags,. 4*5 wash cloths, 6 bed pan covers, 5 pair mitts, 193 quilts, and 714 articles of clothing. On May 22nd a Red Cross District meeting for Huron County will be held in Goderich at 2 p.m. standard time, Each Unit is requested to send representatives. Please notify the Branch President, not later than the 17th, how many representatives you - expect to send from your Unit. May 29th & 30th Reserved Seats will be on Sale 8 dressing covers, 1 US wash articles of the Exeter and and fol­ pairs wristlets, 10 3 helmets, 185 ab-* 299 slings, 98 hos- palrs pyjamas, 119 MONDAY, MAY 20th, at Robertson’s Drug Store ALL SEATS RESERVED Afternoon Prices 75c Evening Prices $1.00 Afternoon Show at 1:45 p.m. Evening Show at 8:00 p.m. Hiking Through South America Presented by one of the TOLL BROTHERS Thames Road United Church TUESDAY, MAY 21st, 8 p.m. Motion and Still pictures in Color Crossing tlie Andes with “Inca” their $3 donkey Remodelling Home Fletcher is remodellingDr. home on Victoria street. He is add- . ing several feet to the front of the i house and also an addition to tho I east side. During the alterations Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher and Mary, ate residing with Mrs. V. Hyndman. I Friday, May 24th will be a public holiday.