HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-05-09, Page 5CREDITON NOTICE The Police Trustees have appoint­ ed Friday, May 17th as rubbish collecting day. All citizens are re­ quested to have their rubbish brought to the street curb in boxes or bags for ready-jgathering by the, truck. ^ltc The Police Trustees are asking the co-operation of all business places to again observe the weekly half holidays by closing their places of business for the summer months. Half Holidays to begin Wednes­ day, May 15tlx to .September 2$th, . See the new Frigidaire Refriger­ ators on display at Snell Bros. & Co, Last ^Sunday being Missionary Sunday in the United Church, Mr. Trevethick gave a talk on mission­ ary work in West Canada and Mr. Brown sang a solo ‘Help Somebody.’ For next Sunday a Mothers’ Day program is being prepared. Let everyone come out to Sunday School and honour mother. Miss Marguerite Amy visited last week with Miss Golwill, of London, Mr, and Mrs. E. K. Fahner, Aus­ tin, Wallace and Elaine spent -Sun-, day in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mawhinney at­ tended the conference at Waterloo No Writing. No Money Orders. No bother. Just phone or drop in BRAY HATCHERY Exeter Phone 216 op Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hendrick, of the Blue Water Highway, Grand Bend, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hendrick on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth, of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Fahner attended the anniversary at Hyatt Avenue United Church, Lon- oon* on Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kerr and Miss Walker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Aljoe Culbert at Lucan. Mr. Lewis Faist, of Stirling, On­ tario, visited at his home here on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Bilker visit­ ed in Dashwood on Sunday, Rev. A. B. Pletch returned home from Conference on Monday. We are glad to report that he will be the,pastor of the Evangelical church for another year, Mr. Fred Gaiser, who has been seriously ill at the home of his daughter Mrs. Haberer in Zurich is improving. Dr. Carl and Mrs. Morlock, of Rochester, Minn., are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morlock this week. •The township council has bought' a power grader from the Dominion Road Machinery Co., at Goderich . and has appointed Mr, Ed. Lippert to operate the same. No doubt the public will soon notice an improve­ ment in our roads. Mrs. Misener, of London, is visit­ ing with her son, Dr. & Mrs. Mis­ ener. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ sell Clark, of Detroit. 'Special Mothers’ Day services are being prepared at the Evangelical Church for next Sunday. A ladies choir will render special music at the morning service. An interest­ ing program will be presented in the Sunday School, Special recogni­ tion will be given to the youngest baby and the oldest couple present. A men’s choir will occupy the choir loft at the evening service and ren-1 der several numbers. All are cord­ ially invited to attend. Retires From Business The egg and poultry business of Mr. Chris. Fahnei’ has been taken over by his son Emmery, who will have the patronage of many friends in the community. Mr. Chris. earned rest. Keep off the Lawns Citizens are kindly asked not to. cut across lawns at this time of the year us it injures the grass. Several complaints have been received in regard to people thoughtlessly cut­ ting corners, and the correspondent has? been asked to draw the matter' to the attention of the public in an effort to protect the grass, which is beginning to come along nicely and beautify our town. Social Evening The Young People’s League of the Evangelical church were guests* recently of the Mission Circle of .the Dashwood Evangelical church. Gor­ don Ratz, the president presided over the program. A committee composed of Miss Evelyn Nott, Grace Pepper and Jean Cole of the I Dashwood group took charge of the interesting games that * followed, Complimentary ceremonies were . given. Every moment was made de­ lightful by the solicitations of the hosts and hostesses of Dashwood. Red Cross ’Euchre and Dance The Euchre and Dance in the town hall last Tuesday night held under the auspices of the Crediton Red Cross Unit was a most unqualified success. The capacity crowd was representative of all the surround’ ing communities and the spontan­ eous manner in which everyone participated, guaranteed the success of the venture. As a result the fund for Red Cross work will be increased by a substantial amount. The local unit is to be highly con­ gratulated for arranging such a pleasant and profitable evening. Annual Meeting, Women’s Institute The annual pusmess meeting of the Women’s Institute was held in the Town Hall on Monday evening to elect their officers for the ensu­ ing year. The meeting opened by singing the Ode followed by repeat­ ing the Lord’s Prayer. The roll call was answered by paying of the dues and the correspondence was then read after which the report of the secretary and convenors of various committees was given. Mrs. L. England conducted the election THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ■« - „■ - T~~" J. Fhhner having now retired from business, his legion of friends all over the district Join in expressions of best wishes that he may live long to enjoy good health and a well- of officers which resulted as fol­ lows: Hon. president, Mrs. Chas. Zwicker; president, Mrs. l. Eng­ land; 1st vice-president, Mrs. W. Mack; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. W. Wein; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. H. Schenk; assistant, Mrs. G. Zwicker; district director, Mrs. L. Wein; au­ ditors, Mrs. F. W. Morlock and Mrs. G. Zwicker; reporters, Mrs. L. Wein and Miss Jean Mountain; agricuh tural representative, Mrs. A. Wein; pianists, Mrs. E. Fahner and Miss L, Mollard; choristers, Mrs. G. Mor­ lock and Mrs. J. Woodall; relief committee, Mrs. F. W. Morlock and Mrs. L. Wein. Mrs. J. Woodall took the chair for the following pro­ gram. Song “Annie Laurie" read­ ing, Miss Jean Mountain; piano solo M. Amy; paper on “Peace" Mrs. B. Fahner; song, “Juanita". A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. J. Woodall, Mrs. A. Amy, Mrs. W, Mack and Mrs. J. Wein, DASHWOOD See the new Frigidaire Refriger­ ators on displaycat Snell Bros. & Co. Mothers’ Day will be observed in the Evangelical church on Sunday with a special Mothers’ Day pro­ gram in the Sunday School add at the evening service a pageant entit­ led “Mothers of the Bible" will be given also special Mothers’ Day music at both services. Confirmation service will be held in the Lutheran church on Sunday morning. Mr. Wm. Maier was taken to London hospital last week where he is getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. Henry England is very ill at her home here. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery, Mr. and Mrs. E. Koehler and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile spent Sun­ day and Monday with friends in Kitchener. Miss Catharine Lindenfield and Miss Annie Lindenfield, of Parkhill were Sunday visitors with the lat­ ter’s sister Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steinhagen. , Rev. H. E. Roppel attended Gen­ eral Conference in Waterloo last week. Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. The Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. of the Evangelical church held their May meeting in the basement of the church on Wednesday evening last with a good attendance. The theme of the meeting was Mothers’ Day. All the mothers of the church were" especially invited. Mrs. D. Tieman, convenor of the group, oc­ cupied the chair. The program con­ sisted of devotional exercises; vocal solo by Nancy Tieman; reading by Mrs. C. Snell; vocal duet by Miss Catharine Finkbeiner and Mrs. A. E. oestricher. The chapter in the study book was taken by Mrs. D. Tieman and prayer was offered by Mrs. R. Miles. The president, Mrs. G. Wildfong took charge of the business. Following the usual re­ ports by the committee it was decid­ ed to hold the annual Strawberry Social. The committee in charge and. Mrs. D. Tieman, con., Mrs. D. Haugh, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. R. H, Tay­ lor and Mrs, E. R. Guenther. The delegates to the W. M. S. conven­ tion to be held at Milverton are Mrs. A. E. Oestricher and Mrs. J. M. Tieman. 80 sick visits, 4 dainties and 3 bouquets to the shut-ins were reported. The June meeting will again he held in the evening and Mrs, R. H. Taylor’s group will be in charge. At the close of the meeting a social half hour was enjoyed and tea was served by the group In charge. CENTRALIA See the new Frigidaire Refriger­ ators on display at Snell Bros. & Co. Mr. and Mrs. S, Henry and Don­ ald, of Harriston, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs Andrew Hicks. Bunday visitors with Mrs. C. O’Brien were Mr. and Mrs. J. Gla- vin and Mr, and Mrs. J. Mugan, of London. Mr.' and Mrs. Phin Dickens, Fred and Lillian, of Ailsa Craig and Mr. Carl Theander, of Watford, were 'Sunday visitors' with Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Theander. Mr Fred Baynham, of London, spent the ^week-end at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Haddock are visiting with relatives in Windsor. Mr, M. Sleamon was in Toronto for a couple of days this week. Mr. Wilbert Penwarden, Chatham has visited this past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Penwarden. The last meeting of the season of the School and Home Club will be held May 17th with Mr. Floyd,.man­ ager of the Bank of Montreal, Exe­ ter, as guest speaker. Miss Iva Brokenshire, of Wind­ sor, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. S. Brokenshire. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert, of Palmer­ ston, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith. Mr, and Mrs. William 'Skelton vjsjted on Sunday with relatives in London. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Talbot and Joame, of Grand Valley, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harris West. t Mothers’ Day services will be held in our church Sunday morning with Mr. A. Hicks as speaker. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs, Lome Hicks visited with relatives in Ripley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Murdy, of Lu cam were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Essery, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and family and Mr. Frank Snfyth, of Saintsbury, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Theander. Mrs. Baynham, of Shipka, is vis­ iting with her son Mr. and Mrs. G. Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner and family have moved into the residence they recently purchased from Mr. A. Mit­ chell. Mrs. C. O’Brien is confined to her home owing to illness. Her niece, Miss Mary Hennessey is with her. Mr. and Mrs. George Cook and family, of London, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cook. Women’s Association The regular monthly meeting oi' the Centralia Women’s Association was held on Thursday afternoon May 2nd. Mrs. George Godbolt was in charge of the program which opened with the hymn “I am Thine O Lord". The lesson was read re­ sponsively from 1 Cor. 13. Miss F. Davey gave a reading entitled “My Mother’s Golden Key.*’ A very lovely duet was 'sung by Mrs. F. Penwar­ den and Mrs. W. Essery. Mrs, G. Godbolt gave a reading entitled ‘No’ THURSDAY, MAY Dance at Kippen b to JACK EVANS and HU W-Piece Orchestra ‘ FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1940 General Admissiion 50 The hymn “Come Let us all United Sing" was sung. The president, Mrs. 0, Brown then took charge of the meeting. The hymn “GqS is Love” was sung. The minutes of the April meeting were read and adopted, fob lbwed by the treasurer’s report. An invitation from the Crediton W.‘ A, to visit their society in June was ac­ cepted. It was decided to forego the June meeting in view of the invitation. After the closing hymn followed by the benediction tea was served by the refreshment commit­ tee consisting of Mrs. A. Isaac, Mrs. G. Hepburn, Mrs. L. Hodgson and Miss Flossie Davey, “Those new people across the road seem very devoted,” said Mrs. Jones wistfully Ao the newspaper which hid her husband. A rustle of the sheet was all the reply she got, but she was used to that. “Every time he goes out he kisses her, and goes on throwing kisses all down the road. Edward, why don’t you# do that?” “Me!" snorted the man behind the news. “I don’t know her!” “For Pete’s Sake” A Comedy in Three Acts Presented by Zion Y. P. Elimville United Church FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1940 Under auspices of Elimville Mission Band Admission 25c and 15c DODGE FOR 1940—Switch to DODGE and Save Money If Interested in Saving Money Before You Buy a New or Used CarStop Think. The New 1940 Dodge 1. We Can and Do Sell for Less. 2. Customers will tell you we have saved them up to $50 by seeing us before buying. 3. $7 Buys your License for any Dodge or De Soto Car. 4. Our stock of Used Cars is one of the largest in Huron County. 5. No Price Increase This Year on the New 1940 Dodge. Most cars advanced from $25 to $60 this year. 6. No Salesman’s Commission to add to the price of the car you buy from us. We employ no Salesmen which enables us to sell at the low­ est prices. 0 7. We Have Sold 78 Dodge, De Soto Cars and Trucks to Date—1940 Models. Last Year Sales 80 Units. This Statement Guaranteed and Proven on Request. USED CAR CLEARANCE SALE » • ■- _ ' ! DODGES 1939 DODGE DELUX SEDAN VERY CHOICE _ CHEVROLETS 1939 CHEVROLET COACH, LIKE NEW 1931 CHEVROLET COACHES (2)1928 and 1929 FORD COACHES (3) 1936 CHEVROLET Ton PICK UP, 18,000 Miles 1928 FORD ROADSTER 1938 CHEVROLET COACH, NO KNEE ACTION 1937 CHEVROLET COACHES (2) WITHOUT KNEE ACTION 1936 CHEVROLET COACHES (2) TURRET TOP (NO KNEE ACTION) 1933 CHEVROLET 1% TON TRUCK, RACK & PLATFORM, DUALS — $190.00 1929 and 1930 FORD TON PICK UP TRUCKS 1929 FORD COACH AS IS — $65.00 1939 DODGE DE LUX COACH 14,000 MILES FORDS 1936 V8 COACH, TRUNK. ONE OWNER SINCE NEW — $425.00 OTHER MAKES 1929 ESSEX TOWN SEDAN IN EXCELLENT CONDITION — $125.00 1929 ESSEX SEDAN AS IS — $75.00 1938 DODGE DE LUX COACH 1937 DODGE DE LUX COACH AND 1 SEDAN 1934 CHEVROLET STANDARD COACH 1932 V8 COUPE. NEW TIRES — $195.00 1931 CHEVROLET 6 WHEEL SEDAN 1931 FORD COACH. TRUNK RACK 1930 FORD COACHES (4)1937 DODGE DE LUX COUPE 1930 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1931 DE SOTO COUPE. ONLY — $225.00 1929 ESSEX; COUPE. RUMBLE — $75.00 , 1929 DE SOTO ROADSTER — $90.001939 PLYMOUTH STANDARD COACH 1929 CHEVROLET COACHES (2) 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1930 FORD COUPE. REPAINTED ORIGINAL UPHOLSTERING If We Are Ever Undersold, it Will be by Inferior Quality Ward Fritz, Dodge, De Soto Distributor, Zurich Associated Dealers: McKnight Bros., Exeter; J. Passmore & Son, Hensail; Harry Zimmer, Dashwood ■ft*