HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-05-09, Page 4SOCIAL HOUR wrye to move out IPs a smart ■rtm© tpr yaw to mave in* WeTl make you a deal ort a good used car thafll be hard to refuse. Prices are way down — allowances way up — payments are painless# For a better buy — better see us. You1!! never get a better choice than now. Look *em over*"* don*f overlook ’em. And be sure to pick your deafer before you pick your used car. A itour ©’.dst! ’■be aufj'Jtes •be Itodrg Pstftoh to'tz- Mato ‘L btoL Wi,’N . ;>M ’•btday Mwttog May a- ’©e 'tote ©4 toe evsbltg ttoerrb ^to-eld Sfemev in -'ca’W to '’-'fi Fbltowtog ■a totontoD to ftitotoj tf.g to 'to'., at. to ■ I'to ato&tol gave a vtoal toato •totfy apyte■••?<• ted LL-'i rto>r to ''be toL to Marys hj'f- L toi'toe nas Itotodtoto! A )G to the toass ■ Itt/jc? spt* to< ysat is Stott; 'a &-■; at; fr-x'toato.Ar S'h»- a .to.s”'to,totg at;d vt- '& to to to11 it, g bet ex- tbto’-vaand .vnprfeto totob Af'vto. Tils msstlng af Ttotb'y by ”bs 'lass by its ms musts woo LAVrsw—-In Llr.owA. cn Tuesday. May Th. 294b, to Ito and Mrs* Wm, Lawson, a son DTNDAS—At Dr. FAtrher's rtos-, m Menslay. May €- 294© ■ hT and Mrs, E J Dundas, of’ fil'landeboye, a «rn. < i ! 1 residence in | ■May. May Itod-, u.to tn his H'tito -.t. SmurdayJ •t’.nab Cornish J re late William ] n her 74ix year- At Pat kh: HA1 2 wifi DANCE RECITALS W39 FORD DELUX COACH. A real beauty that gives yea! economy. Guaranteed in every way . . . $7^5.00 PLYMOUTH DELUX COACH. A nice clean car and the tire^ look like new .................................. L93f^ FORD COACH. Also R. G. which means your money cheerfully refunded if ■the car is not entirely satisfactory. It is a bargain at ....... .... $750.00 W37 PLYMOUTH DELUX SEDAN, With Heater. The or­ iginal tires are like new ........................ .$5^5.00 1037 FORD DELUX SEDAN, With Heater. This car is tested to give 24 miles per gallon and is guaranteed to run, 1,000 miles without adding oil. R- & G. Only $595, 1030 FORD DELUX TUDOR With Trunk and Heater $375 1030 FORD DELUX FORDOR A very choice, clean c^r with large heater........-............... ,$475.00 1934 CHEVROLET COACH. 1933 CHEVROLET COACH sy? pt everted ■nderl’.-k and he: xg in tit Town ( ‘day. Town Hull. ■ ,.y in the Opera ‘ catt of *hirty program if toe, . ballot and ' nc T’K-k 1 Hut and thirty other good used cars AND WE ARE GOING TO SELL THEM. SEE US TODAY FORD DEALER SANDY ELLIOT Rhone -64, EXETER ca FARMERS ATTENTION! We want to meet a limited number of progreswe termers who wish to Increase their Income by severe! hundred dollars growing one acre of a large variety of Red .Raspberry- The berries to he shipped to a large Toronto dealer for -store and miscellaneous use. Government certified. root systems furnished for Fall plant­ ing on. attractive terms. With ordinary care the berry to 'be planted will yield over 8,000 pint boxes per acre. Mail reply to Box 280H, Exeter on or before May 29tte A personal visit will be made at your home showing business in detail. Farm owners only considered I J ft One Each in Backeffoall REATHS At hie i'.< Datr.wpsd on p- 19S£i. Adolph Sto year. SNELL—to Credr; May $'h 194b. belt ven wife of ’ SnV AHMSTtoWG—At p^tkhill Thurs­ day, May Bud, 194". Mary’ Arne Armetrpxg, betor-h wife of the late Albert Arm?”tmg. HILL—At parkbill. Ort., ©n Thurs­ day. May 2nd, H-e*1. Rev. Lewis Tfarner Hill, BA, beloved hus­ band of Elizabeti Jarkstm Hill, in his S'7th year, EELBECK'—At pats wood Hospital- London, on Tuesday. April Sb, 2 94b. Arthur Ba?--' k. formerly of Exeter, aged 57 years. NEIL—In McGillivray Township on. Tuesday. April S' 294T Walter, E Neil, in hie £7•© year. ! AUCTION SALE —• ef — : FOM STOCK, BCI*LEMFNTS ’ AND HOrSJEHOW EFFECTS ■ Tfct nnde signed anaiioneer has ne-j reived instfuawns to xell by pah-’ ,ir aatiion at | Lot 17, Cancesjdon 13, Stei^en ? Two mrles ec-tith of Dashwood ©n SATURDAY, MAT 18TH, 1940 | at 1:20 o Coak the foltowing !HORSES—.Black ?er;oheron eoltJ rising 3 year old. filly well broken;, blatk Pert-heron filly rising two' years: 2 Bay mare rising 10 years | old; 1 aged mare. ’ 2MPLEMENTS—MfCormiek bind- < er, 2 Brantferd mowers, Oliveri bean srnffl^r with puller combined j Noxen seed drill; 12-plaie disc; rid­ing plow’; Cotkshntt walking plow; I spring-tooth cultivator; 3-eection 1 harrows: tow wagon; high wagon; I light wagon; harrows; eart; root] pulper; nutter: bob sleighs; hand sruffler; two set of heavy harness; ] collars; wheel barrow; forks; sho- i veto logging chains; neekyokes; large copper kettle; fanning mill; 22-lb. scales; vragon box; hay rack; grain bags: set of sling ropes; 149 feel of large rope, new; quantity of maple flooring: quantity of hem­ lock joist; 5 tons of mixed hay; 15*J bus. of mixel grain; 50 bus. of 1 buckwheat; tile; scoop; hay ■ Barley folk; whiffletrees; : scalding barrel; large chop j chicken hopper; measuring 2 pumps: 2 stone hammers; ! single eord of wood; sausage grind- I er; lard press; wire stretchers; 1 I iron kettle; maul; cross-cut saw; ■I square; collie dog.‘ HOL'SEHOLD EFFECTS — Sep- | arator: S-burner coal-oil , heater; Aladdin lamp; 3 ! lamps: washing machine; 2 exten- t- Yomg • Awodaito PS™ trt!es othCT artMes ,0° ?aven Presbyterh r church de-1 to express thei’ armeciatlon of] splendid patroi.tc’- of the pic-j •‘Stanley and Lv1-;r.gstone” andi to «Mr. and Mrs J. Cochrane I their liberality it. dividing the I lfe-Cia|8§ig TtilKH IF Let Jarmain’s forks; large box; chain; ten & LICENSED When you have your clothes elei ned, wouldn’t you like to J>e sure that tL-y are cleaned THOROUGHLY — rigid to the heart of the fabric? JARMAIN’S SANI- TONE PROCESS gives you that assur­ ance. It RENEWS the fabric; MOVES all BRIGHTENS will look just SANITONED. RE- soils and odours', and colours. Your garments like new when they are Mrs Adolph Mt.’-’c and fa wish to thank then :.y rela: friends and neighte” for the pa'by and help giver a*, the tin Mr Morenz’ Uhies* ;rd death. Tire Exeter High ’Sthool and Sea- r".b Collegiate p.ayed a home ana me oaeke• nail f.erie>, the home earn v;mn;r;g lx, ea/rr cate, The firs* . game was played in Exeter and end-' ;t. a t.os- victory ftr Exeter 3.5-4 13. Mo’z and Hannigan were th« ■ .«-adlx.g pc.rj’-geu.ers scoring two ba-'ke’e ear h Moore and W. Fabne? ; eank a ba-'i’e’ aprece ar.d Kefc'.le- and5 Moore a* cred on penalty shots. For \ 'i Coding w "he leading sinking two baskets and a ■-ho*. Horney. Wigg and • each ‘he loop once and ' ar.d Ki’r.nei sank a penalty 1 i stove; small numerous *o mention. TERMS OF SALE — CASH ARTHUR. WEBER, Auctioneer R.R. 1, Pash wood, phone 12-57. MRS. MARGARET HELD and MR. BEN MeCANN, Executors of the Estate of the late Jacob Henhofer Ladies’ Plain Men’s Suits . Dresses or <■> f fl E?A. . 95c. ea. for $ 1 *OU IN EXETER CALL TUCKEY TRANSPORT FOR PROMPT SERVICE >■- . y ■ s Q-.:.-’/an : Hc”>y 1 ■ 00ea' ; Or. Tuesday uigr.' a* Seaforth J Exe-ar lost ”o ’be ao.ma--owr.ers 2fe- ■; 2'1 For Exe-e* Mo’z led the way :i w?b four oaeke’s: Hannigan loop- i ;j ad two and W. Fabrr.e*'. Moore and J Baynfeam each got orre. Fahrne* j tod Move each sank a penaPy ’ Gob-',a Hbkoa.’ and Mtlver eafh gol j *ajee b&ske>: for Seafor’h; 1 and Goldmg got two and H one. Exeter - - Forwards. Mo*z, MotOT'O-’1- K#?st’e. Fab'‘j,av. Baynham i Fab mar HRks, Seaforth : wards, Wiggs. Coutt>\ Grieve. Hick, .nahb Quinlan. -Golding. ; guards, Horney, Cintron. Mr.. Glen McTavkh, of Michell spent Sunday w?h his mothH J. MoTavieh. Wiggs C’outtw Moore. Harmigar.!. W, : guards, A. For- McIver IN MEMORIAM LA FOND—In lovim- memory of a dear eisteg* Minx'- who passed away a year ago. May 12th. 1939. | Aw we loved her so v.; miss her. ; Ju our memory sb- • dear, I Loved, remembered. txged for al-| ways I Bringing many a . -nt -ear, ) Always- remembered Brothers 1 ___ and Sisters. every Saturday, (XWOrCNITY AUCTION SALE DASHWOOD HOTEL BARN, on SATURDAY, MAY Uth, 1940 Farmers bring in any article you have to sell, dealers also. Reason­ able jates, This sale will continue FRED HOAG. Proprietor THE LATE MRS. SNELL The fuxieral of tl>- .’are Mr«. Wm. i-ne.l wae held M'.’day afternoon: ■ from Mr. E- H, tapper’s funeral yarloj-s wih in’erment in the Exeter ■ “eme’ery. Mrs. S’.eB, whose maid­ en name was Susannah Cornish. wa« in her 74th year. She yvus burn In, Ufiirorne township and her enUre j life v.'as spent in this community.’ ■ Mr, Snell predeceased her on th* ' 20th day of May. 1936. For ?ome' time she has made hea* home with j '■ her only daugh’er. Mrs. Eime’’ j < Keller, of CJ’edi1'om She is survived • " by three bi'otters, Thomas, Fred and j Emerson Cornish, all of Exeter, Thej funeral, Monday Rev, bean TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Court of Revision is hereby given that ths Revision of the Assessment the Township of Stephen Notice Court of Holl of for the year 15 40 will hold its first meeting in the Township Hall in Crediton on Monday, the 2 7th day of May 19 4G at one o’clock p.m. HERBERT K, EILBER, Township Clerk Crediton, Ontario Dated at Crediton, May 6th, 1940. 5-9-Stc. Jarmain's Mr. Tn ■rs wen swift, Vi Cornisl ! Cable nouse oading tl H pay; had go< d all m Link on Monday had ihnSpecial Spring Showing of the in nnnninn«n»nni»nnHwnnHHH«i»minn»iin These were purchased from the factories in conjunction with about one hundred dealers WE HAVE MAILED A FIVE PAGE FOLDER SHOWING ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPHS OF THESE SPECIAL NEW SUITES WE HAVE ON OUR FLOOR. They are exactly as illustrated and the very Latest Design. Hence the low prices these very excellent suites. Special Innerspring Mattress Stripped or Floral Ticking Riser 3-3 4-0 COME IN AND VISIT OUR STORE IN THE NEXT WEEK AND SEE THESE PIECES WE DELIVER ANYWHERE E. R. HOPPER, Exeter .. ............................iiiiiiiiin.....iiiii.... ilts from my advt. i potatoes” stated ■ Times-Advocate ’■Saturday last we about the coal­ ed in the paper ist person to in- in had gone to he approached another person nto an automo- dvertise. was conducted by of Crediton. Th* -rs. Jack Elliott ylor, Ed. Penha> tv. Cliffe. i EXPM’ER WOMAN’S BROTHER PASSES IN HAMII/rON A dispatch from Burlington states that Harry Whiuhouse, salesman for Imperial oil Limited, died on Saturday night in st. Joseph’s Jlos- piial, Hamilton, alter an illness last­ ing ;dnce the fir: J of the year, at the age of 36. Mr. Whitehouse had lived in Hamilton for seventeen years before coming to Burlington a yea)’ ago. Surviving are his widow, formerly Charlotte Chennell; three sons, Edward, Gordon, Robert, and a daughter, Viola, at home. Also hiw parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Whitehouse, of 'i'oronto, and one sister, Mrs. William Parker, Exeter. CRAIG — KOEHLER A pretty wedding was solemnized at Toronto when' Vlise Shirley Belle Koehler, younger daughter of Mrs, O. Koehler, of Bonsall, was united in marriage to Allan Walker Craig, Jr., son of Mr, Allan Craig, of To­ ronto. The marriage ceremony was performed at the High Park. United Church man;je, with Rev, J, J). Parkes officiating. The bride wore a turquoise blue sheer dress with white accessories, she wore a cor­ sage of Johanna Hill roses and was attended by her cousin, Miss Rena Marie Koehler, of Baden, Ontario, who wore a powder blue dress with hat and shoes to match, and wore a corsage of pink sweet peas. The groom was attended by his friend, Norman Whalen, of Toronto, The bride’s mother wore a black trleo-» tine suit with a corsage of mauve sweet peas. Guests at the wedding included Harold. Koehler, brother of the bride; Beatrice Manson, cou­ sin of the bride and Mrs. Allan/ Craig, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig will reside in Toronto. 'TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed ■“Tender for Coal,” will be received until 12 o’clock noon (daylight saving) Wed­ nesday, Muy 29, 1940, for the sup­ ply ion img JH tions and conditions attached bi Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Archi­ tect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont, Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with depart­ mental specifications and conditions attached thereto. When exceeds whether it be for one building only or more the tenderers must at­ tach to their tender a certified che­ que on a chattered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent, of the amount of the lender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent com­ panies, unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the afore­ mentioned bonds and cheque, if required to odd amount. The Department also right to demand from ful tenderer, a security deposit, in the form of a certified cheque or bond as above, equal to 10 per cent, of the amount of his bid, to guar­ antee the proper fulfilment of the contract. By order, J, M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 30, 1940, ■Several members of the Lions Club were in Sarnia Friday of last week attending the district meeting. of coal and coke for the Domin- Buildings throughout the Prov- of Ontario. orms of tender with specifica- can obtained from the Purchasing the amount of a tender the sum of $5,000.00—- a certified make up an reserves, the any success- WAYS to make sure of Better Pullets SHUR-GAIN161 Growing Mash Manufactured by G. A. CANN & SONS Exeter, Ontario .4’ Q SHUR GAIN 34 Developing Concentrate PUEPK gmc UnCbn prices WITH THE LOWEST! 1. Smart, streamlined appearance. 2. Smooth, powerful engine. 3. Greater savings in gas, oil and overhead. GmC FEATURES AGAINST ALL TRUCKS Every type .. . every capacity from y2-ton up. Full ^Heavy.Duty’’ line of Diesels. Cab-Over- Engine units from 2 tons. If you want to cut costs on long or short hauls, see your GMC dealer. Ask him to show you a GMC that exactly suits your needs. ................................................ . ........ , . .. . GMCUO Snell Bros. & Co., Exeter 4