HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-04-25, Page 8THURSDAY, APRIL 23, IMO THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe FOR CHARM AND BEAUTY Croquinole, Comb. and Spiral Permanents Exeter Markets Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Wheat 80c. . Oats 42c. Barley 60c. Buckwheat 60c Creamery Butter Sic Dairy Eggs. Eggs. Eggs, Dairy Hogs, Butter 25c., 28c A large 18e. medium 16c. B 15 c. Butter 28c. dressed $10.25 FOR Comfortable Glasses CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Douglas C. Hill, B,A», RD. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School ‘11 a.m.-—Public Worship Sermon; “Alpha and Omega” 7 p.m.-—Public Worship k Sermon: “Paying Debts" <1 W. J. Smith & Son 4 Doors North BanK of Montreal Main Street, Exeter hl 0 Hl K 0 w Serve! Electrolux Refriger­ ators have no Moving Parts, are absolutely Silent and they Cost no More. See Thein, Electric and Engine Drive Washing Machines, 12 Year Guarantee. DeLaval Cream Separators Stewart Warner, Crossley & Philco Radios. Magic Key Tuning. White Sewing Machines Famous Grinnell Bros, Piano Upright, Otto Heigcl Action Suitable for School, Church, or Hall—8150. Used Radios & Machines at Bargain Prices * H ► H R H - K I A MT O SS | The Ideal Meat Market LOCALS Try One of Our DELICATIZED STEAKS A new MERKEL DELIOATOR has just been installed ... a truly amazing invention . . It makes our steaks more nutri­ tious and savory. You must taste a “Delicatized” Steak to really appreciate its juicy tenderness and improved flavor Order One Right Now! Phone 38 Main St. SEE C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest approved methods of Eyesight Testing used. Office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday k The Short Cut to Comfort Is A Quick Call For D&H ANTHRACITE TENDERS, MARKED AND SEAL­ ED for the purchase of the East Church Shed, Kippen, timber frame 30 feet by 60’ feet will be received until May 15th, 1940.—W. J. F. Bell, Secretary. You’ll some order This Pennsylvania Hard Coal is a fuel of tested quality—especially prepared for home heating use. Once you’ve tried D&H Anthracite —you’ll know it’s the only short to save many days of trouble­ heating—if you phone your for D&H Anthracite, today heating comfort. cut FOR SALE—Allis-Chalmers trac­ tors. new’ and used. Any size on display at Hensall. More horse­ power per dollar. Easy terms. Hyde Tractor & Combine Co,. Hensall. 3tc. Flowering plants for sale. & Son. L. Day FOR SALE — 2 Holstein cows, due to freshen May 10th. John Wein Dashwood, Ont. ltp. STRAWBERRY PLANTS—Heavy croppers, large solid berries. $1 per 100; $6 per 1,000.—W. J. Seymour, Exeter. 4-18-tfc.------------------- Q Several load of filler, lime and small pieces of brick will be ex­ changed Exeter. for earth. — N. Statton I FOR cooking SALE — 200 bushels good _ apples priced from 50c. to $1.00 a bushel; clean, good and firm. Bring bushel.—C. B. Middle­ ton. Clinton, Ontario. Miss Annie Elliot is ill and under the doctor’s care. Miss Evelyn Lawson, of London, visited Mr. spent here. Mrs. on Sunday at her home here. Charles Cox, of the weekend at JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33; Residence 157 Hamilton, his home who has i '' * 1 FOR SALE— Hundred acres clay } loam, good buildings, nice bush county road. Country store, at j tached dwelling, small chopping j niiil.—W. C. Pearce. s WANTED — A girl for kitchen work. Apply Windsor Hotel, St. Marys. HOUSE FOR RENT — Available about July 1st. Apply to Thomas Laing, Hensail. FOR SALE—Rust resistant' No. 1. Vangua'rd oats, grown from re­ gistered seed 85c. per bushel, sacks included. — G. Broderick, R. R. No. 1. Hannah Sanders, been ill for several days is able to be up again. Mr. C. H. McAvoy, of Wingham, spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. M. McAvoy, Mr. Sydney West, of Fergus, spent the week-end visiting his mother. Mrs, S. West. Mrs. George Mantle, who has been confined to her bed owing to illness is daily improving. Miss Ada Gaiser, of Shipka, was the guest of Miss Barbara Dinpey over the week-end. Mrs. J. C. Snell and Mrs. Henry Cudmore. visited for a couple of days in Stratford. Miss Greta Haberer, of Zurich, was the guest of Miss Dorothy Tra- qtiair for the week-end. Miss Annie Westlake visited with her mother Mrs. Westlake, Exeter North, during the week. Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner and Tom, spent the week-end in Jack- son. Mich., with friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. McInnis, Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, and family, vis­ ited at Brussels on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Worden, of Staffa, visited with Mrs. C. A. South­ cott and other friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carmichael, of Toronto, visited on Sunday with the former’s sister. Miss N. Carmi­ chael. Mr. Clifford Hicks, who has been sick for with measles, is back again. Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 SEOS Exeter ltp. Centralia, two weeks to school FOR BALE—-A Toronto 30 ft. tower with Zerk cheap. Apply to Geo. Centralia, R.R. No. 1. windmill, fittings, Godbolt. FOR SALE—Lard pails, jam pails and barrels. Apply at Middleton’s Bakery, ltp. If anyone going by car to Toron­ to and has room for a passenger— will pay well. Phone 97, Exeter. FOR SALE — One new Interna­ tional bean cultivator, used about five days. No further use for same and will sell at a. bargain. W. B. Elder, phone 83rl4, Hensail. ltp. LOST—-In Exeter, a purse con­ taining two dollars. Allen Saunder- coek, phone 25r22, Dashwood. FOR SALE—Two large clocks, tapestry rug 9x9, $5.00; hand grass seeder $1.00; girls outgrown dress­ es and sun suits, aged 6 to 10, 10c. each; coats 25c to 50c, one Coleman lamp. Phone 15, Exeter. ltc. Dead animals removed, cash for fox horses. Two hour service, day or night. Phone Crediton 47rl5’ collect.—JACK WILLIAMS 4-25-4tp. Custom plowing, discing, culti­ vating and pulverizing within the radius of 20 miles.—Wallace Wein Dashwood, Ont., phone 57r7. ltp. FOR SALE — One of Exeter’? finest homes. Hard wood floors. All conveniences. Beautiful lawn. Acre­ age may be had if desired. Easy terms. Several other homes.—C. V. Pickard, phone 165. WANTED — Middle aged Woman to act as housekeeper for elderly couple. Steady employment to right person. Give references, state age and experience. Apply Times-Advocate. Box HE 3tc, close to best of FOR SALE—100 acres, Exeter. (Sood soil in the condition. 75 acres ploughed. Must bo sold. Balance should Pickard, Reasdhable cash payment, by mortgage, This farm make you money.—-C, V, Dhone 165, Painting and Paperhanging Sign Work of all Kinds Display Cards, Etc. TOM WALKER IMPERIAL V- PRODUCTS J Attention TRACTOR OWNERS For Economy Use Imperial Oil Products •‘Quality and Service Our Motto” Prompt Delivery at all Hours JOHN F. BEANE, Agent Phone 110 Exeter I JilllilllilliililllllllilllilllllllliillllliliilHJ: Mrs. John preszcator, the winter in London, children returned to recently. Mrs. Frank Lee Billy have returned her and to who spent with her home here Phone 70 little Thorndale: son after a visit at the home of her fa­ ther. Mr. Geo. Easterbrook. Miss Doris Harvey, nurse-in-train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey and other relatives. Mrs. B. H. Harvey who has spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Norman Stacey’, at Willow Grove, has returned to her home in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beavers, Detroit and Mr. Beavers, of .Sarnia, visited over the week-end with Mr. F. Beavers. Mrs. J. Harding ed to her bed for Mrs. G. Hunter in friends -will be pleased to know that she is improving. Mr. Alvin Brintnell and family, who have .been spending the winter with the former’s mother Brintnell, have moved to home on William street. Mrs. Fanny Triebher, been residing with her Mrs. . ‘ to illness has recovered sufficiently to return to her home here.CMr. T. O. Southcott and Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech motored to Pres­ ton on Sunday and were accompan­ ied home by Mrs. Southcott follow­ ing a visit to Toronto and Preston. Mrs. J. T. Wood, who recently underwent an operation in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, returned home last week and is now recup­ erating at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Wm. Melville. Among those graduating from Victoria Hospital in May are Misses Mildred Follick, Hensall; Helen Grieve, Clandeboye; Ellen Holland. Ailsa Craig; Eleanor Robinson, ot Ailsa Craig and Gladys Sprowl, ot Ltlcau, Mr. E. ited with Monday, _ r . ... Exeter visiting the scenes of the girlhood days of his mother, Mr. Moody’s mother was a Logie, and at one time the family kept store in a part of the old brick hotel that stood on the corner in what was then known as Francistown. The buildihg has long since disappeared. I of and Mrs. Reg. and Mrs. B. W. has been confin- two weeks with attendance. Her Mrs. their Jas. own has Jumbo Ice Crem Bricks 1 Assorted Flavors each Grade “A” Chicken lb. OE Heads, Feet Off, Drawn ZSJL Winnipeg White Fish 1 E Winter Catch, Drawn lb dC who daughter, Fahrner, of Crediton, ow’ing G. Moody, of Chicago, vis* some relatives in Hensail and on Tuesday was in MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH 0 Rev, Robert Copeland B.A. Miss .Evelyn Huston Organist and Choi*’ Leader 11 a.m.------Sacrament and recep­ tion into membership, 3 p.m,—.Sunday School 7 p.m,—Worship Thursday, 7.30<—Prayer Service. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—’Church School 7 p.m.—“Work your own garden” Monday 8 p.m.—Y, P. Union Visit of the Thames Road Y. P. U Wed. 8 p.m.—Prayer Service SUNDAY, MAY 5th Church School Anniversary TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss qth Sunday After Easter a.m.—.Sunday School10 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon I. O. O. F. Service Service in the Church EVERYONE WELCOME The Laymen’s Spring Banquet will be held in Belgrave on Friday, April 26th, at 7 p.m. Speaker: Mr. A. B. Lucas, Superintendent of Schools for London. The Board of Management will meet in the Parish Hall on Monday April 29th at S p.m. 'See the new Frigidaire Refriger­ ators on display at-Snell Bros. & Co. of the J. re­ of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stewart and two children Joan and Jerry, Detroit, spent Sunday with former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Mr. D. B. Stewart turned to Detroit with them. The Boys Scouts and Cubs Exeter were out Saturday collect­ ing old papers and magazines and they secured a large quantity. Any persons w’ho were missed if they will call the Times-Advocate wre will be glad to see that they are looked after. , Mr. G. S. Howard by vote of Pres­ bytery on Tuesday -was elected Lay Commissioner to the General Coun­ cil of the United Church to be held in Winnipeg, Man. was also re-elected Representative of Huron Presbytery to the Lay As­ sociation of 'London Conference. Mr. Howard The, Children’s Aid Society, of Huron County is seeking good homes for boys ranging in age as follows: one child of one month; one of 3 years; two of 2 years; four of nine years and two of 12 years. Any party wishing .to take a boy apply to H. T, Edwards, Goderich, Ontario. .WANTED — Grass cattle. Apply to Geo. Hepburn. Program - Recital by PIANO, VOCAL AND ORGAN Pupils of W. R. Goulding, A. T. C. M. will be given in James Street Church Friday, Apr 26th 8:15 p.m. Prroceeds in aid of the RED CROSS Admission 25c; Children 10c EXPERT Permanent Waving TOMLINSON'S I PUBLIC NOTICE TO BOG OWNERS Dog tags are now available and must be secured on or before May 1st. By Order. JO& SENIOR, • Municipal Clerk FOR SALE ‘ To close out the estate of the late C. B. Snell, a modern brick' house on Ann Street. Exetof. This house has all modern conveniences and must be sold. Apply to John Row’e. Adminsitra tor or B. W. F. Beavers. TWO-WAY ACTION on the kid­ neys, antiseptic and invigorating. Rumacaps attack the cause of Rheu­ matism, Sciatica, Lumbago. BROWNING’S DRUGSTORE I AUTO INSURANCE IN STRONG COMPANIES VERY LOW RATES FOR FARMERS C. V. PICKARD Phone 165 Exeter T Clearing Prices on Drop Patterns in Linoleum ™ESE PRICES CANNOT BE DUPLICATED AGAIN. 2 ONLY ENGLISH LINOL­ EUMS IN 4-YARD WIDTHS. WE OFFER THESE AT THE SPECIAL PRICE OF PER YARD $3.50 ONE ONLY CANADIAN LINOLEUM DROP PATTERN REGULAR $4.40 QUALITY • WHILE IT LASTS -- PER YARD $3.50 7 NEW PATTERNS FIRST QUALITY DOMINION LINOLEUM IN FOUR YARD WIDTHS — AT PER YARD, $4.25 o " ...""" 1" —... —....■ First Quality Linoleum Rugs in Small Sizes Only at Big Reductions 6 by 9 feet Regular $7.50 for $4.75 7*/a by 9 feet — Regular $9.75 for $5.95 3 only 9 by 9 feet — Regular $11.50 for $6.95 i These prices are about the same as you would pay for a Feltol Rug. Act quickly if you want one of these bargains. Borderless Rugs at Special Low Prices SPLENDID FOR BEDROOMS 6 by 9 feet — $1.95; 7% by 9 feet —- $2.45; 9 by 9 feet — $2.95; 9 by 12 feet — $3.95 Also Special Prices in Large Size Linoleum Rugs. ALSO SPECIAL PRICES ON LARGE SIZE LINOLEUM RUGS Paper Blinds at .................................... 15c. Washable Blinds at .............................. 50c. Sub Standards in Green at ................. 79c. Reversible. Blinds at .......... $1.35 to $1.75 Wallpapers Wallpapers You will be surprised to see what smart patterns we have to offer you at very mod­ erate prices. If you want a paper at a low price SEE OUR ROOM LOTS AT — $1.29; $1.49; $1.59 AND $1.79 Curtains and Curtain Nets In a great variety of New Meshes and Weaves. Priced to suit your pocketbook; also a dozen curtain lengths with enough material for one window at half-price. GROCERY SPECIALS Purity BREAD FLOUR 98 lb. bag . . $2.95 Special P. & G. SOAP 7 bars.............25c Choice Aylmer WHITE CORN 3 Ims •••••• 25c Heinz PORK & BEAN5 2 tins . ..............25c plus 1 bottle Ketchup 2c. Choice PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag . . . 55c BON AMI 2 tins 0 • • • • 25c Aylmer PORK & BEANS 3 large tins . . 25c BLEACH 2 bottles .... 15c LIMA BEANS 2 tins . . . • . 25c CERTIFIED IRISH COB- BLER POTATOES FOR SALE Southcott Bros Exeter,Phone 16 w We will supply you with a Gen­ eral Electric Cleaner to do your Spring Housecleaning at a reason­ able rental.—W. J. Smith & Son. PIANOS — Spring Clearance Sale. ■Such well known makes as Heintz- man, Mason & Risch, Weber, etc. All thoroughly reconditioned, per­ fectly turned, de-mothed and guar­ anteed. Write today for complete list of bargains. Terms to suit your convenience. Heintzman & Co., Ltd., 242 Dundas Street, London. 3tc.' Ashes dumped Church creek.—* but not garbage may be on lot south of James St. west side, just north of •S. M. SANDERS Enjoy excellent health —- keep your youthful figure. Take^Slendor Tablets $1.—Robertson’s Drugs. See the new' Ford Ferguson trac­ tor plow's and row crop cultivators. All on display now at/ our show­ rooms.—SANDY ELLIOT . 1 SWIFT - SURE RESULTS! For ambitious men and women! Familex ,will show you how. 900 successful dealers now on our list! Inquire for further details and FREE catalogue today. The Familex Products Com­ pany, 570 St. Clement St., Mont­ real. ■ -"I to Leavitt’s TheatreComing.. “Gone With The Wind” * “Biggest show on earth.” — ♦ “Better than ‘Birth of a Nation’ ” — Walter Winchell* * * ♦ “For three years we’ve waited — it was w orth it” — Jinuny Fiddler * * * * “Will take you 20 years to forget it.” —Hedda Hopper. * * * Boston Post» * ♦ “Something you will live through aS you lived through the book.” —Atlanta Journal * * * * “There’s never been a picture like it.”—New York Daily Mirror. « » • • “Greatest motion picture of all time.”—-New York Telegram Watch for Pates Ready for Spring? We’re ready with a Smart Collection of Men’s Wearing Apparel including New Suits and Topcoats Hats, Shirts, Ties, Socks W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Dedicated to a namesake on our street. LITTLE LORENO She seemed just like a fairy With that little rose in her hand When she left to mingle with angels s Up, Up in the better land. I vision, I see them waving And calling to her “THIS WAY” And saying we’re glad to see you AS we know you have come to Stay, So they play away on thier golden harps And sing'while they watch and wait To welcome the ones they have left behind Who must pass through the pearly gate. She lives! .... From somewhere then Our ROSES she shall see Whispering low with OUtsti'etched hand Please, do pluck one for md. So we’ll toss her a garland of threaded buds And a rose ffom here and there And think of her as a happy child With a home beyond compare, LORENO McINNIS, fexetet, Ontario Composed by the writer In memory of Little Loreno Hewitt who passed away, April 26, 1939