HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-04-25, Page 5i
Coming to Hensail
C. R. Wilkinson, R.O.
Ophthalmic Optician
will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month, for the. purpose of
testing eyes and fitting glasses,
Difficult cases and those that
have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to con
sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
' Phone 16 Hensall
for appointment
of London,
his brother
of Exeter>
Mr. and Mrs. Tideswell, spent
the week-end visiting in Sarnia.
My. and Mrs. John Carmichael, of
Toronto, called on friends in town
on Sunday.
Mr. John Coleman,
visited on Sunday with
Mr. Wesley Coleman.
Miss Gladys Stone,
spent the week-end at the home of
Her sister Mrs. Roy Bell,
Mrs. Lou Simpson, who has spent
the winter in Arizona, returned to
her home here on Saturday.
Mrs. Taylor, of Toronto, is the
guest of her brother-in-law and sis
ter, Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Weir.
Miss Mildred Forest, R, R„ Of
Fergus, is holidaying with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (Forest.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams and
son Donald, of Dashwood, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and
Mr, Geo. Jackson, who
to Westminster Hospital
for treatment is somewhat improved
in health.
Mr, and Mrs. MacIntyre (nee
Miss Mabel (Sparks) of Detroit, are
visiting with -Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman, of List-
owel, visited on Sunday with the lat
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Pte’s Donald Walker, Roy Brock
and Lloyd Noakes, of Toronto spent
the week-end at their respective
homes here.
Mr. £and Mrs. Cline Flynn, Loh-
Mrs. John
was-* taken
last week
Hensall Town Hall, oil
FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1940
Dancing, 9 to 1 a.m.
Murdock’s Orchestra
Tickets for Red Cross Quilt will
be Prawn
Admission 25c.
At 7 weeks your chicks are on the
way to becoming monSy-making
Fall and Winter layers. Keep them
going in the right direction by feed
ing Roe Complete Growing Mash
—-the feed that has helped
hundreds of thousands of Ontario
chicks grow into sturdy, strong,
productive pullets.
This complete feed is of a
medium texture, high in digestible
nutrients—-with the correct
balance of proteins, minerals and
vitamins your chicks need to pay
you big returns in Fall and Winter
eggs. Ask your Roe Feeds dealer.
Sold by
don, spent the week-end at the home
of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Parkins.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Gould, ’Clin
ton, visited on Sunday at the home
of the latter’s parents, Mr, and
Geo, Walker.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Abray
children, of London, visited
the week-end with Mr. and
Colin Hudson.
Starting next week the stores
will be open on Tuesday evenings.
The half-holidays will begin on Wed
nesday May 1st.
Mrs. Rumble, of Clinton, spent ?■
few days recently visiting with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam. Rennie.
Mrs, Frank Farquhar and Mrs
Hugh McMurtrie spent the week
end in Toronto visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Jarrott.
Mrs. Hugh Hawkins and daughter
Joyce returned to their home in
Clinton after a very pleasant visit
with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dayman.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Love and.
son, of Owen Sound, spent the week
end at the home of Mrs. Love’s par-(
ents Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald.
Mr. Robt. Passmore, who is at
tending college in Toronto spent
the weekend at the home of his
Mrs. Roy
and Mr, and
family,- of Windsor, spent the week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Fisher.
Mrs, Henry Harburn and daugh
ter, of iStaffa, and Mrs. Harold
Simpson and daughter, of ‘Toronto,
visited last week at the home of
their, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. Gus Voth, of Detroit, spent
the weekend here. Mrs. Voth and
Gwen who have been visiting for
the past two weeks with Mrs, R.
Bonthron returned to their home in
The Red Cross 'tickets which were
sold some time ago on the quilt
made and donated to the Red Cross
by Mrs. D. B. MacLean, will be
drawn at the dance in the Town
Hall on Friday evening April 26.
Anniversary Services Hehl
The Young People’s Union of the
United Church held very successful
anniversary services on Sunday with
large congregations attending. Rev.
D. G. Burton, of Ontario United
church, Clinton, was the guest
speaker and delivered very inspir
ing sermons. Mrs. Hedden and
Mrs, Hess sang a vocal duet at
the morning service and the choir
sang an anthem. At the evening ser
vice Mrs. Burton Kearns, Clinton,
as soloist sang two numbers and the
choir a lovely anthem.
>Rev. Wm. Weir conducted ser
vices in Carmel Church preaching
very fine sermons at both services
which were largely attended. A mix
ed quartette comprising Misses I.
Hoggarth, Mabel Workman, Messrs.
R. Y. MacLaren and W. A. M.acLar-
en sang. The choir sang two beau
tiful anthems.
Hold Patriotic Meeting
The Young People’s Society of
Carmel Ghiirch held fheir Patriotic
meeting on Monday evening April
22nd with a large attendance pres
ent. The meeting opened by singing
ing “O Canada’’ after which Miss
Jean McQueen led in prayer. The
Scripture, Psalm 72, was read by
Mrs. MacDougal. The motto for the
evening was taken by Mr. Alvin
of us.
singing a hymn the convenor, Miss
Workman presided over the follow
ing program: Reading by Mrs. Roy
Bell “The patriotic Services of Mrs.
Wallace Campbell, National Chair
man of the Women’s War Work
Committee of Canada’s Red Cross”
which was very interesting. A vocal
solo by Rev. W. Weir was much en
joyed by all. The special speaker
■for the evening was Rev. John Ri
chardson who gave an inspiring ad
dress on “Canada.” The meeting
closed with “God Save the King”
and the benediction.
W. C. T. U. Meets
The regular meeting of the W. C.
T. U. was held in the school-room
of the United Church on Thursday
afternoon with Mrs. John Passmore
presiding over the worship period
l of. the program which opened by
singing a hymn followed by the
Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs. Hed
den sang a beautiful solo accom1
panied by Miss I. Douglas on the
piano. The Scripture lesson was
read by Mrs. Hedden. Miss Jennie
Murray gave the devotional paper
on , “God’s Forgiving Love.” Sen
tence prayers were given by Mrs.
Lammie and Mrs. McQueen.
After singing another hymn, Miss
Murray presided. Hymn sung.
Following the minutes and roll call
Mrs. McQueen gave the treasurer’s
report and $10.00 was forwarded to
the Budget. . Mrs. Hess presided
over Clip' Sheets entitled “What
Legislation Have We to Safeguard
the Rest Day for Canada and On
tario” these were given by Mrs.
Hedden,, Mrs. Passmore, Miss Doug
las and Miss Murray after which
the meeting closed with hymn and
Hensall Minstrel Show
The Town Hall Hensall Was pack
Hensall Minstrels and their show
with a cast of fifty. Mr. E. L.
Mickle was interlocutor and Messrs.
W. B. Cross, Walter .Spencer, Geo.
Hess, Manley Jinks, Ed. Little, T.
Kyle, James Parkins and Claude
Biowes were the’ end men and kept
the audience in spells of laughter
throughout the entire show with
their local jokes and humorous num
bers. The choruses were sung by
the entire group with special solos
by Mr. W. O. Goodwin, Mr, W, B.
Cross, 4ir. Carey joynt and Mr, S,
Mr.and Mrs. John Pass-
Parlmer and ’Caroline
Mrs. Lester Fisher and
,His topic on “Good Citizen-
was very' ably given and a
for each and everyone
The business followed. After
of last
to capacity on
Friday evenings
for the presentation of the
..Dance Recital..
Presented by
Town Hall, Hensall
Town Hall, Zurich
Opera House, Exeter
Featui-ingToe, Tap, Ballet, Novelty
and Acrobatic Dances; also Music
and Readings
Tuck Sisters, acrobatic Dancers
from Palmerston
Admis,: Adults 35c, Students 25c
Children under 12 years 15c
10 Piece Orchestra
The outstanding dance-hit of the
FRIDAY, APRIL 26th, 1940
General Admission 50c
Rennie; Mr. Harry Adkins favour
ed with accordion solos; Mr. Ed.
Little, trombone solo and Messrs.
Claude Blowes and Walter' Spencer
novelty duet, “Soldier, ‘Soldier,
Wont You Marry Me” dressed in
suitable costume. Joyce Broderick
sang “Would You Mind” and
“Pinch Me” and tap danced. The
minstrel show was followed by a
one-act comedy drama “Age Rebels”
which was splendidly presented and
very humorous. The cast being as
follows: Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, Mrs.
Robt. Middleton, Mrs. H. Lawrence,
Mrs. I. G. Smillie, Mrs. Robt. Cam
eron, Misses Beryl Pfaff, Irene Hog-
garlh,.Sally Manson and Kay Drys
dale; director, Mrs. W. O. Goodwin.
Musical director for the minstrels,
Mr. Sam. Rennie; pianist, Miss F.
Welsh. During the evening Rev.
R. A. Brook, president of the Red
Cross spoke of the work being done
by the local organization and Mrs.
R. J. Moore,
presented a
raised here,
the close of
show Rev.
Sam Rennie
tended a hearty vote of thanks to
him for his splendid work in lead
ing and directing the show. Miss F.
Welsh was also called, to ■ the plat
form where Rev. Mr. Brook ex
tended h.er a hearty vote of thanks
and Mr. Sam Rennie presented her
with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
The entire group are to be congrat
ulated on the splendid success of
the show. . .
Play Followed by a Dance
My Wild Ihs^l Rose”
Staffa Young Peoples Ass’n
TUESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1940
Under Auspices of the Red Cross
Admission 25c and 15c
report stating amounts
■On Friday evening at
the Minstrel part of thet
Mr. Brook called Mr.
to the platform and ex
The W. A. meeting for April was
held Wednesday at Mrs. Stanley i
Coward’s home with a good atten
dance. Mrs. Coward '‘presided in
the chair, and opened the meeting
with “Blest-'Be the Tie That Binds”
Mrs. Hunkin gave. J, the Scripture
reading followed by the program.
Mrs. A. Stewart contributed a piano
solo, Mrs. Mavers, a reading on
‘Florence Nightingale’, Mrs. Squires
gave a reading on ‘Personal Charm’'
Miss A. Hackney a reading on
“Public Opinion.” At the close a ten
cent tea was served in aid of the
Red Cross work. Tuesday evening
a play sponsored by the Red Cross
will be given in the Hall
A. Y. P. S. A display of
refugee work was shown.
Mrs. Beatrice Sinclair,
ily, of Woodham, spent Sunday
with her*parents.
Mr, and Mrs. Jim
■London, visited her
and Mrs. W. Kerslake
Mr. and Mrs. John
family motored to Kingsville Sun
The Young. People of Kirkton pre
sented their play “Eyes of Love”
Monday at the. church, under the
auspices of the Mission Band.
by Staffa
quilts for
and fam-
Marshall, of
parents, Mr.
on Sunday.
Hodgert and
Ask. your1 neighbor what Bray
Chicks did for them. Then
phono or drop in. .
Exeter , jphonfc 246
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kerr
Walker spent Saturday in
Messrs. Lewis B. Faist
neth LiUow have accepted positions
with the Bell
is stationed
Toronto and
forth. Both
work last week. We wish them every
success in their new work.
The Young People’s league of
’the Evangelical church has been in
vited to meet in connection with the
Evangelical church, Dashwood on
Monday night next,
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Gaiser and
Oron, Mr. and Mrs. Bowman and
Mrs. Albert Morlock spent Sunday
in Zurich.
The officers and teachers of the
Evangelical Sunday School met at
the home of the Superintendent Mr.
Arthur Amy for the election of min
or officers: Assistant secretary, Em
mery Fisher; Choristers, William
■Swartz, Lawrence Wein; panists,
Mrs. Emmery Fahner, Leila Mol-
lard; paper librarian, Carmen Roez-
ler; Superintendent of Home De
partment, Mrs. G. E. Faist; Superin
tendent of Cradle Roll, Mrs. Arthur
Amy. Rev. Mr. Pletch gave an ad
dress of appreciation to Mr. G. E.
Faist, who for 20! years has acted
as treasurer’ of the Sunday School,
Mr. Faist was presented with a foun
tain-pen. The remainder of the. ev
ening was spent in contests and a
sing-song. An excellent lunch was
served at midnight.
Three-Act Play
The young people of Centralia I presented Wednesday evening in the
I town hall a three-act play entitled,
“Money, Money, Money” under the
auspices of the local Red Cross
Unit. The hearty applause and
laughter of the audience indicated
that the play and players had met
with approval. The hall was fairly
well filled and there was a pleasing
rhythm throughout. The Evangelical
Sunday School orchestra was pres
ent and provided music. Miss Mar
garet McIntyre contributed several
vocal numbers between acts. The
proceeds amounted to $30.00 which
will be applied to the Red. Cross.
The local committee wishes to thank
the orchestra of the Evangelical
Sunday School for their fine contri
bution and everyone who helped in
any way to make this evening a
and Miss
and Ken-
Telephone. Lewis Faist
at Stirling, north of
Kenneth goes to Sea
boys left for their
‘See the new Frigidaire Refriger
ators on display at Snell Bros. & Co.
Gordon McDonald and
Marion Waugh, of Strathroy,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
A. Hicks.
Mr.' and Mrs. Dave Smith are vis
iting with relatives in Palmerston.
Mr. Aaron Hodgins \vlio accom
panied his brother Harry to Mel-
fort, Sask.7- has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddack are
visiting the latter's mother
Baynham in Shipka.
Mrs. .W. ’Spencer,
friends visited on Sunday
H. Mills.
p. S. are being
Credited Y. P.
enter tain-
on Thurs-
The Y.
ed by the
day evening of this week.
The three-month-old baby of Mr.
and Mrs. .Harold Schwartzen truber
passed away Thursday of last week
on their way to St. Joseph’s Hos
pital, London, from pneumonia. The
funeral service was held on Satur
day afternoon conducted .by a Men-
nonite minister from Waterloo, as
sisted by Rev. L. Turner, of Credit-
on. Burial in Mennonite cemetery
near Zurich.
Ou Thursday evening last the
family and grandchildren and one
great grandchild of Mr. John Ratz
Sr.,°to the number of fifty met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz
to celebrate the 87th birthday of
Mr. John Ratz .Sr. Mr. Ratz is
fairly active for his years. The
community joins in wishing him
very many happy returns.
Mr. .Borden Schroeder
ing a coupe.
Miss Jean
training in iSt. _
spent Sunday at her home here.
Mr. and-* Mrs. Garfield .Latta and
family moved last week onto a farm
north of Clandeboye.
The regular meeting of the La
dies’ Aid will be held Thursday af->
ternoon May 2nd at the home of
Mrs. Milton Ratz.
The Misses Ila and Nola .Sweitzer
of London, attended the birthday
gathering of Mr. J. Ratz Thursday
is sport-
Mrs. Joseph Bullock spent
week at the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gower near Cen
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender and
daughter Mrs. Sims and Billy and
Mrs. Ed. Penhale and Grace attend-1
ed the funeral of the infant son of
Mr. and Mr§. Harold Scliwartzen-
truber on Saturday.
Mi. Garnet Rau, who was called
home on account of the illness of
his mother, Mrs. Chris. Rau, has re
turned to his work in Flint, Mich.
Mr and Mrs. John Sims
and fanr
ily, of Thedford, spint the week
datives here.
Charles Anderson
with r
Mrs. _
cepted a position in London and
left for that place. on Thursday last.
Mr. Jack jAfu'erson, of London,
spent the zweol< end here.
■Mrs. Camarin Motz is visiting at
the home. her brother land sister-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Messner,
in Dashwood and on Thursday of
this week Mr. Messner and Mrs,
Motz who are twi«s are celebrating
their 71st birthday at Mr. Mess
ner’s home.
has ac-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Koessel and fam
ily, pf Lansing, Mich., spent the
week-end with hex’ parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Kuntz.
Mr. John gender is spending a
few days with his daughter in Tor
onto this week.
Mr, Addison Mason, of Palmer
ston, visited bis mother last Wed
Mrs. F. Willert, who spent the
winter with his daughter jn Michi
gan has returned to her home here.
Mr, and Mrs. G. Chesna, of Birm
ingham, Mich., accompanied her
home and spent the week-end with
Valentine Becker is all smiles on
the arrival of a son.
Mr, and Mrs. Hoag,
who have rented the
Hotel took possession
We extend a hearty
Mr, and Mrs. Hoag.
Miss Phyllis Reid,
spent the week-end
in town.
Mrs. t Percy Weido,
of Ingersoll,
on Monday,
welcome to
of Thedford,
with friends
Mrs, Percy Weido, of Waterloo,
on April 6 th underwent another op
eration at the Kitchener-Waterloo
Hospital. Her many friends wish
her a speedy recovery
Mr. Wm. Decker, of
purchased a team of
Mr. E. G. Kraft, of Dashwood, some
time ago showed the team at the
Stratford Spring . Show last week
taking first prize out of thirteen
forta single wagon horse and also
first prize out of ten teams. Shortly
after the judging was over Mr.
Decker was offered the handsome
sum of $550.00 for the team which
he refused. This certainly speaks
well of Mr. Decker to be ,the owner
of a team of that kind.
and. best of
Zurich, who
horses from
little Brock brothers DonnieThe
and Billie visited this week with
their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs.
•Wm. Morley at Whalen.
Miss Ellen Hazelwood, nurse-in
training at Stratford, spent Wed
nesday and Thursday with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hazlewood.
■Sunday visitors from London, Mr.
and Mrs, Lome Marshall, Miss E
Routly, Miss Peggy Gallop visited
with friends in and around the vil
Miss Marion Arthur spent the
weekend with her aunt Mrs. Wes.
Mr. H. Gray, of Toronto, visited
with friends in the village this past
The Young People of the Kirkton
United Church have been very busy
this past week having presented
their play “Eyes of Love” at Mt.
Pleasant, Woodham and Thames Rd.
The assessor for Usborne Town
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lankin and
daughter Dorothy were Sunday vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Mar.
Entertained Exeter A. Y. P. A.
The A. Y. P. A. of the Kirkton
Anglican church entertained the
Exeter A. Y. P. A. Tuesday evening
After the ususal business part of the
meeting, Exeter provided the pro
gram which was- very interesting
and profitable, after which a very
dainty lunch was served by the
Kirkton girls.
Mr. Wm. Routly made his
calls in the village this past
and reports that tax money
up to date exceeds previous
The play “The Eyes of Love” put
on by the Young People of Kirkton
in the Orange Hall Friday evening
last, was exceptionally well received
and everyone taking their part well.
On Thursday evening, April 2'5th,
the W. M. >S. will hold an open
meeting in the church basement, in
viting the Mission Circle and Zion
East and Zion Usborne as their
guests. Miss Mitchell, the travel
ing secretary, will be the guest
speakef for the evening.
Mrs. Milton Hooper is visiting in
Londesboro at the home of her mo
ther, who is quite jll.
Rev. C. Lewis, of Kirkton United
Church delivered a very interesting
and inspiring sermon here on
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Doupe
little daughter Grace, were
guests of Miss Beatrice Doupe on
Sunday last.
Mrs. Jas. Squire visited a couple
of days last week with her daughter
Mrs. Laverne Stone, Kirkton.
Mr. and Mrs. Dudely, of Port
Huron were week-end guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Now that the snow has disappear*
ed and lanes cleared of snow, people
are able to get their motor cars out
the attendnce at. Sunday School
Sunday was much larger.
little baby girl arrived at theA .
home of Mr. and Mrs. Pius Dietrich
last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagleson and
family spent Sunday with relatives
near Ailsa Craig,
Mr. Wm.
in London.
Mrs. Joe
Lake Road
her parents
’ We are sorry to report that Mr.
Jacob Hanover is very poorly at the
present time. His many friends
hope for a speedy recovery.
Mrs. T. Ayotte, Drysdale return
ed homo after spending a few days
with her daughter Mrs. Pius Diet-
Mrs. Otto Willert and Miss Ruth
spent last week with the former’s
mother, Mrs, Siverns, of Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hutchinson^
of Corbett and Mrs. J, Allison, of
Parkhill, called on Mr. and Mrs, W,
Mason on Saturday.
Dietrich spent Saturday
Baker and babe, of the
visited last week with
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ma-
FOR APRIL 25, 26, 27
10 gal, of Gas & 4 Grease Jobs goes FREE
———♦ , -y
1939 Dodge Delux 4-door Sedan
Low mileage. $800.Like new
2 - 1937 Chevrolets
Turret Top with Trunk. No Knee Action.
See these two cars before you buy.
Many others to choose from
1930 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coach
1929 Ford Roadster with Rumble Seat
1930 Chevrolet Coach
I Mcknight bros. |
E Dodge & De Soto Sales and Massey-Harris Dealers E
Visitors during the weekend with
Mrs. J. Johns were: Miss Leona
Johns, of- Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Boyce, of Stratford, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Cole, of Exeter and
Messrs. Hilton and Johnnie Johns,
of Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bonis, of
St. Marys, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller and
family, of Dashwood and Miss Flor
ence Bell R.N., of London, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell on
Mr. Wesley Heywood spent the
past week at the home of his daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and -Mrs.
Harry Rader, of Dashwood, where
he has been assisting in making
maplfe syrup.
Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas,
visited her mother over the week
end. ‘ ‘
Mrs. Mary Foster, wife of Joseph
Foster died on Saturday at the
family home, lot five, concessioif
nine, Hay Township, after a month’s
illness. She was in her 58th year.
Formerly Miss Mary Yost, she was
a native of Trenton, N.J. For 29
years she had lived in the Zurich
district, Survivng are her husband
two adopted sons, William Watson
and Vincent Smith, both of Hay
Township; two brothers, Geo. Yost,
Gagetown, Mich., and Ollie Yost, of
Detroit; three sisters, Mrs. Paul
Jasper, Detroit; Sister Borromeo,
Chicago and Mrs. Land Foster, of
Blake. The funeral took place from
the home on Tuesday to .St. Boni
face Church, Zurich, for requiem
high mass. Interment was in the
Zurich R. C. cemetery.
See the new Frigidaire Refriger
ators on display at Snell Bros. & Co.
Are You Still Pioneering?
LIKE log houses, iron pumps and outside sanitary
accommodation are relics of pioneering days.
They are out-of-date, inconvenient, unhealthy — and
your fanlily should not have to put up with them.
Running* water under
pressure enables you to
replace such antiquated
arrangements with a
Modern EMCO Bath
room, and up-to-date
kitchen and laundry fa
cilities. An up-to-date
DURO Water
will furnish all the water necessary for these home
improvements and it will also supply running water
to barns and other buildings where required^
The Duro Special System, capacity 250
gals, per hour, complete with 25 gal. Galvan- A
izedTank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only
For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated;, the
EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and
Lavatory with trimmings costs only............136.00
(Soil and iron pipe and fittings extra)
Other Complete Bathroom equipment as
low as, ............... . ...................$83.90
Can be purchased under our
Easy Payment ’Plan or the
Home Improvement Loan Act.
Can also bd supplied for
Gasoline Encino operation
London Hamilton Toronto Sudbufy
Winnipeg Vancouver