HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-04-25, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1940 at with 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELUXE MODEL — LOW MILEAGE. 1937 DODGE COACH TRUNK. IN GOOD CONDITION 1938 CHEVROLET COACH DELUXE MODEL. A REAL BUY 1935 FORD COACH DELUXE COACH WITH TRUNK 1938 FORD PICK UP HALF TON MODEL. IN REAL NICE CONDITION 1939 MAPLE LEAF TRUCK 2% TON. RACKS AND PLATFORM - Guarantee, Satisfaction and Service - SNELL BROS. & CO. MARRIAGES (FRAYNE—'SULL-IVAN—At St. Jo­ seph’s Church, Toronto, on Sat­ urday, April 20th, Miss Helen Margaret Sullivan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Sullivan, of 75 Kent Road, Toronto, to Mr. Ray Passmore Frayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne, by Rev. Father H, E. Caley. BOWER — JAQUES—-At Woodham United Church parsonage, Verna Elizabeth Catherine, only dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wes­ ley Jaques, to Samuel Bower, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bower, of Sheffield, Eng. QUINTON — MclFALLS — At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McFalls, Bid- dulph, on Saturday, April 20th, 1940, Marlys Ethel, to William Lawrence, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Quinton, Biddulph, by Rev. John Falconbridge. DEATHS CUNNINGHAM — Suddenly, in II- derton on Tuesday, April 23, Frederick Earl, eldest son of Bar­ ney and the late Leah (Krause) Cunningham and dear brother of Mrs. John Long and James L., in his 40th year. Funeral from the residence of his father, Ilderton, Ont., on Thursday, April 25. Ser­ vice at 2 p.m. Interment in St. George’s cemetery, London Town­ ship. KEDDY—In Usborne, on Friday, April 19, 19 40, Hannah M. Keddy, daughter of the late Ralph and Susannah Keddy, born December 12, 1862 CARROLL — in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, on Thursday, April 18, 19401, James Carroll in his 7i8ith year. FOSTER—-At her late residence, lot 5, concession 9, Township of Hay, on Saturday, April 20, Mary (nee Yost) beloved wife of Joseph Foster, in her 5Sth year. MAKE THEM This Year Hogarth Chicks HIGH QUALITY, BLOOP TESTED CHICKS AT REASONABLE PRICES Once You Try You Always Buy From Hogarth BARRED ROCKS, WHITE WYANDOTTES, WHITE LEGHORNS, NEW HAMPSHIRES, JERSEY BLACK GIANTS, COCKERELS, PULLETS AND STARTED CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING HOGARTH CHICK HATCHERY EXETER, ONT. Phone 266 Farm Fencing that is MADE TO LAST! Note these features of "OJIBWAY” Zinc insulated FARM FENCING rigidity to this fence that makes it proof against the severest shocks and strains. Give your farm the PER­ MANENT protection of an “OJIB­ WAY" fence. It will save you many times its cost and prevent many a worry. Durability is a prime essential in farm fenc­ ing. How long will it last? “OJIBWAY" Zinc Insulated Farm Fencing is built to give extra-long service. Copper-bearing steel wire, tem­ pered to the proper degree of hardness and then heayily coated With pure zinc to increase rust and weather resistance, gives unusual strength and long-serviceability to this fencing. In addition, the Stiff Stay Ring i Lock fastening device where the i wires cross imparts a non-slip Centralia Farmers’ Co-Operative Company Limited Centralia, Ontario manufactured by CANADIAN STEEL CORPORATION LIMITED EXECUTIVE AND SALES OFFICES: BOX 157 WALKERVILLE, ONT./ MILLS: OJIBWAY ONT. — Progressive — BRIDGE and EUCHRE Sponsored by the Exeter High School Branch of the Red Cross in the TOWN HALL, EXETER FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1940 Admission 25c Honored on Twentieth Wedding Anniversary •On Monday eveniny, April 15th., there was a reception, held in Mc- Knight’s hall. Exeter, in honour o£ Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hodgert, [Lon­ don, who were celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in dancing until about 11.30 when a short program was held with the following taking part. Solo “I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen’ by Marion Hodgert; instrumental by June Coward. Shir­ ley Coates then favoured us with a couple of her tap numbers followed by a piano duet by Mrs. John Hod­ gert and her daughter, Mildred, af­ ter which an address was read to the bride and groom. The Misses Alma Richards, and June Coward presented the couple with a silver water pitcher and a casserole. Lunch was then served after which Mrs. John Hodgert' sang, “The End of a Perfect Day” and “Love’s Old Sweet Song. Dancing was then enjoyed. Mr. William Hodgert acted as the Chairman for the evening. Guests were present from London, Hensail, ■Seaforth, Russeldale, jStaffa and Exeter. Following is the addfess: Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hodgert: • Dear Milton and Edna: We, as you relatives and friends, have assembled here tonight, that we may in some measure at least, convey to you our sincere good wishes on this the occasion of your 20th wedding anniversary.'This ga­ thering brings, back happy memor­ ies of twenty years ago when the most of us gathered at your home, Edna, at Staffa, on the happy oc­ casion of your marriage when two beloved young people started out in life. As this is another great milestone in your lives, we feel we cannot let this opportunity pass without pre­ senting you with these gifts. Al­ though you have driven a long way to receive them, we ask you to ac­ cept these gifts, and may this pitch-, er and casserole ever remind you of your friends who'wish you combined health, prosperity and happiness. See the new Frigidaire Refriger­ ators on display at Snell Bros. & Co, Mi*, and Mrs. William Shirra, of Toronto have announced the engage­ ment of their only daughter, Ger­ trude Frances, to Mr. Arthur Ern­ est Gunning, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gunning, of Granton, On­ tario, the Carriage to take place in May. BIRTHS HUNTER — At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos­ pital, on Friday, Apvil 19th, 1940 to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hunter, a daughter. GREEN"—On. Friday, April 19th, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green, Exeter North, a son .(still­ born.) CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. T. Wood, and her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Wm. Mellville, wish to thank the many friends for the flowers and the cards sent to Mrs. Wood while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London; also to those who contributed to the sunshine box. CARD OF THANKS The sister and brothers of the late Hannah Keddy wish to express their sincere thanks to those who sent flowers and cards to their sister while ill, for the kindness and sym­ pathy extended during their be­ reavement, for the beautiful floral tributes, to Rev. Mr. Page, Rev. Mr. McTavish, Rev. Mr. Toll and Miss Pearl Wood. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Roy Parsons and family wish to thank all those who remembered Mr. parsons with flowers and cards while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital. IN MEMORIAL NEIL—In loving memory of the late Mr. Thomas Neil, who pass­ ed away three years ago. •—By His Daughters . IN MEMORIAL! KYLE—In loving memory of Mrs. Sarah J. Kyle, who passed away April 26, 1938, Gone from, us leaving memories, Death can never take away; Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. Remembered by her Daughter-in- law. . IN MEMORIAM ROUTLY—In loving memory of John Routly, who passed away. May 1st, 1933. 'the face I loved is now laid low, His loving voice is still; The hand so often clasped in mine Lies now in death’s cold chill. I often sit and think of him When I am all alone; Fond memory is the only thing That grief can call its own. Ever remembered by his wife Minnie. IN MEMORIAL! HEWITT—In loving memory of iLorena Gertrude Hewitt, who passed away one year ago on the 26th of April. God’s loving voice has called away Our daughter from ouy hottie, We think of her as days go by, Arid long for her to come. Dear daughter has gone to dwell above Her pains and suffering o’er, To see her Savior whom she loved And live with Him forevermore. Yet we do miss her happy smile, Her ready cheering word; But God knew best—He gave her rest From this old tiresome world. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hewitt WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley, of Hazel Park, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lynch, of Royal Oak, Micli,, and Mr. and Mrs. Lynch, of North Carolina, were week-end vis­ itors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley. Mrs. Wm. Morley and Mrs, F. Gunning were in Seaforth Tuesday attending the W. M. S. convention, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Squire, Gran­ ton, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire. /Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and fam­ ily, of Kippen, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. F. Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mardlen, of London Twp. visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson. W. M. S. and Ay. A. Meeting The W, M. S, and W. A. meeting was held on Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Wilson Morley’s home with twelve * members and two visitors present”. Mrs. Hazlewood had charge of the W. M. .S- meeting. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Laverne Morley. Several business items- were discussed. Mrs. Laverne Mor­ ley gave a reading and Maida Mor­ ley favoured with an instrumental. Mrs. Wm. Morley presided over the W. A. meeting. At the roll call two new members joined. Readings were given b.y several ladies, Mrs. Wm. Hodgson closed the meeting. Re­ freshments were served by the host­ ess and her assistants. LEAVITT’S THEATRE Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY TWO FEATURES (HOPALONG CASSIDY) WM. BOYD IN “SANTA FE MARSHALL” . “TELEVISION SPY” Starring WILLIAM HENRY Special Saturday Matinee Commencing at 2.30 pan. “ESCAPE TO PARADISE” Starring BOB. GREEN and . KENT TAYLOR Disney Technicolour Cartoon “OFFICER DUCK” Admission: Children 10c Adults 25c MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY TWO FEATURES “HARD TO GET” Starring DICK POWELL and “THE DEAD END KIDS ON DRESS PARADE” COMING—“Gulliver’s Travels “Swiss Family Robinson” “Gone With the Wind” WAR DEMANDS MORE OIL 'Chatham, April 17-—1940 will see greatly increased activity in drilling Gas and Oil Wells in the Chatham, Ontario, district, due to the demands of War, as well as ever increasing demands from the home front. East­ ern Canada imports '9 8 barrels out of every 100 used—-from the United States. When Prairie No. 7 Well was completed 6 weeks ago, it showed over 1,000,000 cubic feet of Natural Gas and 2,000 feet of Oil in the 3,- 3 00 foot Well. This Well was “shot” and, after all broken rock has been taken out, it is expected to go on steady production of Gas and Oil about May 1st. Williams Np. 1—1 1-4 miles s. e. of Prairie No. 7—is at the 2,000 foot level and. will be rushed thru to completion at 3,300 feeto within the next 2 to 3 weeks. Prairie No. 8 will follow—located on a line between these former Two Wells. The Gas, from this latter Well has been contracted for by the Dominion Gas Co at 25% increase, the Oil to go to the Imperial Oil Co., Sarnia. E. P. Rowe, Toronto geologist, is in charge of all 3 Wells. KIPPEN Miss Doris Alexander and girl friend, of London, spent the week-, end with. Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander. Mrs. McMurtrie spent the week­ end with Mi\ and Mrs. Ross Dick, of Smithsville. Mr. and Mrs?, Joseph Linden and Verna, of Denfield, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter and Marie, of Clan- deboye, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the Spring Show in Hen­ sail on Saturday. The many friends of Miss Theda Watson will be sorry to learn she underwent an operation for appen­ dicitis in Seaforth Hospital one day last week. We wish, her a speedy recovery. Mr. Clarence McLean, of London, spent the week-end with relatives in this vicinity. Pte. Albert Chipchase, of London, spent the week-end with friends in this vicinity. 'Mrs. Fred Parsons and son Wal­ ter have returned to their home in Seaforth after a pleasant visit with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. 'E. Thompson. ■Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and daughter attended the Bowers-Ja­ ques’ nuptials at Zion last Wednes­ day. I ...ANNOUNCING... | I . SANITONE ; I I CLEANING , ' | = NOW AVAILABLE AT E | TUCKEY’S | E The famous SANITONE method of dry cleaning is E E now used by Jarmain’s Forest City Laundry — the = = revolutionary process that cleans clothes cleaner E E than ever before. Only the leading cleaner in each E = • city is licensed to use Sanitone. = E SANITONE IS GUARANTEED g = to be the ultimate in dry cleaning service. To the ~ E well known guarantee of Good Housekeeping Maga- E = zine is added Jarmain’s own guarantee of full satis- B E • faction. E | CALL TUCKEY’S TODAY | = FOR THE FINEST IN DRY CLEANING = E Phone 25w, Exeter E | JARMAIN’S FOREST CITY LAUNDRY | EiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiE •See the new Frigidaire Refriger­ ators on display at Snell Bros. & Co. Successful Euchre Party The A. Y. P. A. held a successful euchre in the Parish Hall of Trivitt Memorial church Monday evening. Eleven tables were in play. Miss E. M. Bowey was high score for the ladies and Mrs. E. Harness won the ladies’ lone hands. Bob Ellerington won the gent’s high and Mrs. J. G. Dow won the door prize. A bounti­ ful lunch was served at the close. Caven W. M. S. Thb regular* meeting of Caven Presbyterian W. M. S. was held on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Harold White with a good at­ tendance. Mrs. F. W. Gladman pre­ sided. The devotional period was taken by Miss F. Hatter and some current events were given by Mrs. Carman Cann. Miss F. Douglas dealt in a most interesting way with the topic “Medical Missions.” It was decided to hold the Tulip Tea on Thursday, May 9th. A social half hour was spent at the close of the meeting. Messrs. R. N. Creech and J. M. Southcott were at Mitchell Tues­ day evening attending the annual meeting of the Huron-Perth Bowl­ ers’ Association. Mr. Nelson Hill, of Goderich, is the new president. There is a proposal to re-arrange the district throughout the prov­ ince. Tournament dates for • the coming season were set up. BABY CHICKS Tweddle 1940 chicks have more vigour than ever. Reports come in every day of wonderful livability. Customer after customer reporting more than the number purchased alive at three to four weeks. Send for May prices you can save as much as $10.00 per thousand on chicks by ordering early. 18 varie­ ties to choose from, started chicks, three week old capons, turkey poults. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries limited Fergus, Ontario Renew Now CHICK STARTER Baby chicks grow rapidly and need good qualities of palatable feed. Up to 8 weeks of age is a critical period in their lives. Feed them Shur-Gain Chick Star­ ter and be sure that they will get off to a quick, healthy start. Shur-Gain Chick Starter is palatable: contains in proper proportions the minerals they need, to build strong bone and healthy tissue: and is well supplied with vitamins A, B, D, E, *G and K. ■ No other Chick Starter is higher in quality and yet Shur-Gain costs the feeder less than any comparable feed. GET THE EXTRA VALUE FROM SHUR-GAIN SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER IS FRESH MADE IN OUR MILL AS DEMAND WARRANTS Exeter Flour and Feed Mill G. A. Cann & SONS Phone 35, EXETER MOUNT CARMEL Mrs. A. Morrissey spent Monday with her daughter Sr. Mary Avola,. of St. Joseph’s Hospital, Chatham. Mr. Frank Coughlin returned home from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sunday. He is reported to be im­ proving. ■Miss Geraldine Harness, of Strat­ ford, spent Wednesday with hen grandmother, Mrs. McPhee. ' Miss1 Kate Madden is seriottsly ill. We all hope that she will soon be well again. Misses Evelyn and Marjory Regan spent the week-end with their mother Mrs. M. Regan. Mr. John Kennedy, of Royal Oak,, Michigan, attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, the late James1 Carroll. Mrs. T. Ducharme, of Detroit, spent a few days last week-with her sister, Mrs. J. Mahoney. •Mr. John Glavin attended the St. Joseph’s Nurses’ Dance in London on Friday evening. The funeral of the late James Carroll was held last Saturday at Our Dady of Mt. Carmel church.. Interment was in Mt. Carmel ceme­ tery. We will supply you with a Gen­ eral Electric Cleaner to dq your Spring Housecleaning at a reason­ able rental.—W. J. Smith & Son. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re: Hannah Reardon, late of the Township of Stephen, in the ■ County of Huron, Spinster, de­ ceased. CREDITORS and others having claims against the estate of the said deceased are requested to send full particulars of such claims verified to the undersigned Administrator on or before tile 27th day of April 1940 after which date he will pro­ ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. Dated this 10th day of April 1940. HERBERT K. EILBER Administrator of Hannah Reardon Estate, "Crediton,. Ontario. 2tc.