HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-04-18, Page 8171LKSUAY', AVRIL 18th, 19» 3BEOXTgSgJE83BCOXaX> <308 <1 0 M & 0 R R R W. J. Smith & Son 4 Doors North Bank of Montreat Main Street, Exeter ► hl e H ► a Q M Servel Electrolux Refriger­ ators have no Moving Parts, are absolutely Silent and they Cost no More. See Them. Electric and Engine Drive Washing Machines, 12 Year Guarantee. DeLaval Cream Separators Stewart Warner, Crossley & Philco Radios. Magic Key Tuning. Wldte Sewing Machines Famous Grinnell Bros. Piano Upright, Orro Hergel Action. Suitable for School, Church, or Hall——S150. Used Radios & Machines at Bargain Prices x» x -A. 3sr o ss and Different TRY OUR DELICIOUS Rhone 113 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. pecker, Proprietress V’l Beauty Shoppe FOR CHARM AND BEAUTY Croquinole, Comb, and Spiral Permanents and 29c lb.The Short Cut to Comfort Is A Quick Call For y D&H ANTHRACITE You’ll save many days of trouble­ some heating—if you phone your order for D&H Anthracite, today This Pennsylvania Hard Coal is a fuel of tested quality—especially prepared for home heating use. Once you’ve tried D&H Anthracite —you’ll know it’s the only short cut to Tender, Juicy COOKS IN ONE-THIRD THE TIME NO BONE. NO WASTE Exeter Markets Wheat 80c. Oats 42c. Barley 60c. Buckwheat 60c Creamery Butter 31c Dairy Butter 25c., 2 Eggs, A large 17c Eggs, medium 15c Eggs, B 13c Hogs, dressed $11.50 Comfortable Optometrist at Exeter , Newest approved methods of Eyesight Testing used. Office o-pen 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, every week day except Wednesday A meeting of the creditors of the C. B. Snell Estate will be held at the store of B. W, F. Beavers, Fri­ day April IS th, at 8 p.m. FOR SALE—Allis-Chalmers trac­ tors, new and used. Any size on display at Hensail. More horse­ power per dollar. Easy terms. Hyde Tractor & Combine Co.. Hensall. 3tc. Experienced married couple wants work on farm. Write Leo. Tramblay. Centralia, care of Mrs. Witty, ltp. Keep your lovely figure, Slendor Tablets tone the system—cleanse the blood. $1.—Robertson's Drugs. About 150 bushels Box 4, FOR SALE of turnips. Milt. Mitchell, Centralia, phone Crediton, 29r4. ltp. POTATOES WANTED—Highest prices paid. Phone 91, Exeter. S. Winer. ltp. FOR SALE—Little pigs for sale. Apply to Hubert Heywood, R.R. 3, Exeter. WANTED— A man for farmwork for seven months, reasonable wages. Apply at Times-Advocate. ltp FOR, SALE—Mason & Risch piano, apartment size, complete with bench and fully guaranteed for $89.00.— Martin’s Music Store. Flowering plants for sale. L. Day & Son. STRAWBERRY PLANTS—Heavy croppers, large solid berries. $1 per 100; $6 per 1,000.—W. J. -Seymour, Exeter. 4-18-tfc. FOR SALE—-Four pure-bred York sows, now ready. Also 6-year-old filly.—Apply" to Wm. Westlake. Ashes but not garbage may dumped on lot south of Church west side, just creek.—-IS. M. SANDERS James north be St. of Seed OatsFOR SALE — Erban and Shorthorn Bulls. Fieldcrop com­ petition winner, test 44 lbs. grown from registered seed, yield 80 bus. to acre; also several good Shorthorn Bulls serviceable age at reasonable prices.—W. C, F. Oestricher, Credi- ton, Ontrio. ltc FOR SALE---'200 bushels good cooking apples priced from 50c. to $1.0>0 a bushel; clean, firm. Bring bushel.—C. ton, Clinton, Ontario. good and B. Middle- heating comfort. Phone 38 LOCALS , Main St. JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33; Residence 157 FOR SALE—Hundred loam, good buildings, i county road. 'Country tached dwelling. Small mill.—W. C. Pearce. acres clay nice bush ■store, at L chopping FOR SALE To close out the estate of the late 0. B. Snell, two modern brick houses on Ann Street, Exeter. These ,houses have all modern conveniences and must be sold. Apply to John Rowe, Adminsitra tor or B. W. F. Beavers. WHEN PAINS ABE TORTURE from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Back­ ache, use Rumacaps — their Two- Way Action attacks the cause. BROWNING’S DRUG STORE FOR SALE — One of Exeter’f finest homes. Hard wood floors. All conveniences. Bea-utiful lawn. Acre­ age may be had if desired. Easy terms. Several other homes.—C. V. Pickard, phone 165, WANTED — Middle aged woman to act as housekeeper for elderly couple. Steady employment-to right person. Give references, state age and experience. Apply “ Times-Advocate. Box HE 3tc, close to _____ ______ __ best of condition. 75 acres ploughed. Must be sold. Reasonable cash payment. Balance by mortgage. This farm should make you money.-—C, V» Pickard, phone 165. FOR SALE—100 acres, Exeter. Good soil in the .-Ma <i ii ii—iu i— I,nt,i — ii rwiiQ 1 I I -a Don‘t forget the show “Stanley and Livingstone at Leavitt’s Theatre on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. April 22nd, 23rd and 24th. under the auspices of the Caven Y. P. Glen McTavish, of Mitchell, visit­ ed with his mother in town Sunday. Mrs. M. Heywood returned last week after visiting with relatives at Windsor. Mr. Jas. A. Van Camp is visiting with friends and relatives at Wing­ ham and Belgrave; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fuller, Sarnia, visited -with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Dearing has been suf­ fering with a severe attack of psora­ sis for some time. County Constable J. Ferguson is in Goderich this week owing to the seaman’s sti’ike, Messrs. Borden Sanders and Ste­ wart Fuke, of Western University, were home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George Mawson are visiting in London this week with Mr, and Mrs. Elmore Tuckey. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Edworthy and Elaine of Tillsonburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Horton. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Brintnell and son, Edwin, spent Sunday even­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smale and family of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Messer and Betty Ann of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Messer’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Horton. Mr. Frank Wood, who has been seriously- ill at his home is some­ what improved. This will be wel­ come news to his many friends. Miss Mildred Hannigan, daughter of Mrs. M. Hannigafi', has been con­ fined to her bed for several weeks and is still under the doctor’s care. In the account of the death of Mrs. G. Easterbrook last we’ek the name of Mr. Wildman was inadver­ tently omitted as one of the bearerh* The many friends of Miss Hannah Keddy who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, will be pleased to know that she is somewhat improv­ ed. The Young People’s Union of James St. Church are holding a ham supper followed by a play ‘Casual Acquaintances” to-night (Wednes­ day.) Messrs. W. G. Medd, of Exeter and Harris West, of lLucan, attend­ ed a district meeting of creamery men at the Hotel Bossenberry at Forest on Tuesday. Mr. James Ireland Kirk, Glan- worth, father of Miss Isabel Kirk, teacher at Bayfield and a .former teacher of the Exeter public School, died Friday in Victoria Hospital, London, in his 78th year. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Ryckman have returned home after spending the week-end in Toronto. Miss I. Mooney, nurse-in-training, who went through an opei’ation for appendi­ citis is getting along as well as can be expected. Miss Violet Willis, of Marlette, Mich., who has spent the winter at Tampa, Florida has returned to her home. While there Miss Willis vis­ ited with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eacrett, of Winnipeg, Who were holidaying at St. Petersburg. With the installation of a new store front by S, B. Taylor a bird box, the* home of our feathered friends the Purple Martins, was re­ moved. With the advent of spring and in anticipation of the Purple Martins return the box has been put on the sidewall of the Chainway store, Mr, and Mrs, H. V. Littler and daughter Mary, of -Stewart B.C., who have bean visiting for the past two weeks With Dr. W. E. and Mrs, Weekes left Tuesday to visit in, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, be* fore returning to their home, Mrs. Littler and Mrs, Weokes ate sisters. ! THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Ladies’ Coats and Dresses CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Douglas C, Hill, B.A., b,d. Minister Mrs, J. G, Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m,—Public Worship 7 p.m.-—Public Worship MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Ruston Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m,—-Rev. R. E. Gosse 3 p.m.—(Sunday School 7 p.m,—'Rev. R. E. Gosse Thursday, 7,30*—Prayer Service. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Arthur Page, Pastor W, R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m,—“Going Through with God” Church School -“Wells and Cisterns” Monday 8‘ p.m.—-Y. P. Union Wednesday—Y. P. Supper & Play SUNDAY, MAY Sth Church School Anniversary 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev, M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, 4tlx Sunday Mr. Middlemlsa WE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING NEW TO SHOW YOU AND WE HAVE SOME VERY SPECIAL VALUES IN SMART STYLES THAT ARE SURE TO PLEASE YOU; WE INVITE YOU TO LOOK THEM OVER. Shadow Cloths and Homespuns A new shipment of these cloths have justarived in stripes, plaids and florads. A few yards of one of the new materials will dress your windows for spring. ♦ ♦ ♦ .Boys’, Young Men’s and Men’s Clothing ♦ ♦ ♦ The weather we are having isn’t much like Spring, but in a week or so it will be better and you will want to be stepping opt in New Clthes. Be sure to’see our New Models... It will pay you. MEN’S AND YOUNG .MEN’S OXFORDS In nearly every style that is popular this season. You will find them good fitters . and real values. at $3.00, $4.00, $4.50 to $7.00 SMART NEW FOOTWEAR FOR WOMEN Many new styles are being shown for Spring. These come in different widths. May we have the pleasure of showing them to you? ? Curtains and Curtain Nets Our curtains for spring are all in stock. These nets were bought months ago before the rise in prices. We offer you a big range to choose from at PER YARD 20c, 25c, 29c, 30c, 35c to 75c Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Painting and Paperhanging Sign Work of all Kinds Display Cards, Etc. TOM WALKER IMPERIAL k PRODUCTS J Attention TRACTOR OWNERS For Economy Use Imperial Oil Products “Quality and Service Our Motto” Prompt Delivery at all Hours JOHN F. BEANE, Agent Phone 110 Exeter JLHI1II1IIIIIII11II!11IIIII11I1UIIII11III1IUIIII2= I EXETER .1 i LOCKER SERVICE I Phone 70 Jumbo Ice Crem Bricks 1 C „ Assorted Flavors each * | Grade “A” Chicken lb. => Heads, Feet Off, Drawn | Winnipeg White Fish 1 Ep =j Winter Gatch, Drawnib tJt LEAVITT’S THEATRE Phone 135 . /______ THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY “HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME” Starring CHARLES LAUGHTON and SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE MARCH oF TIME ‘‘Canada at War” SHOWING 6 DAYS DISNEY TECHNICOLOR CARTOON MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ‘STANLEY & LIVINGSTONE’ Starring SPENCER TRACY March of Time-Canada at War ADDED SHORT FEATURES Under auspices of Caven Pres* byterian Church Y. P. S. PUBLIC NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS r Dog tags are now available and must be secured on or before May 1st. By Order. » JO'S. SENIOR, Municipal Clerk 10 11 After Easter W. A. Sunday > a.m.—'Sunday School . a.m.—Corporate Communion Sermon: “Christ the Way” "Wil ■ by PIANO, VOCAL AND ORGAN Pupils of W. R. Goulding, A. T. C. M. will be given in tf James Street Church Friday, Apr 26th 8:15 p.m. Proceeds'in aid of the War Ser­ vice Unit of James Street United . Church Admission 25c; Children 10c TO COLLECT OLD PAPERS The Boys Scouts and Cubs of Ex­ eter will collect old papers and magazines Saturday, April 20 th. Save your papers for them. ■If you are in need of Dinnerware. Buy now. We have a large assort­ ment of popular priced, 97-piece Sets at S. B.” TAYLO’R’S, Jeweller, Exeter, See the tor plows All on display now at our show­ rooms.—SANDY ELLIOT new Ford Ferguson trac- and row crop cultivators. The A. ¥. P. A. are holding PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE in the PARISH HALL, on MONDAY, APRIL 22nd In aid of Western Appeal Good Prizes. — Admission 25c. a We will supply you with a Gen­ eral Electric Cleaner to do your Spring Housecleaning at a reason-*; able rental.—W. J. Smith & Son. MEN - WOMEN! HERE’S WHAT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR! A STEADY INCOME—-financial secur­ ity for life—guaranteed you with a Familex Agency of your own. In­ quire TODAY without obligations. THE FAMILEX PRODUCTS, COM­ PANY, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. PIANOS — Spring Clearance Sale. Such well known makes as Heintz- man, Mason & Risch, Weber, etc. All thoroughly reconditioned, per­ fectly turned, de-mothed and guar­ anteed. Write today for complete list of bargains. Terms to suit your convenience. Heintzman & Co., Ltd., 242 Dundas Street, London, 3tc, Exeter Arena Tues., Apr. 30 featuring the music of JACK KENNEDY Friends and former pupils of Exeter High School please accept this invitation. Novelties Favours Dancing at 9 Fun Admission 50c, W allpapers W allpapers Have that room papered before the paperhangers get too busy. A few rolls of our new wallpapers will make a wonderful difference in the appearance of your home. Papers at 10c, 12%c, 15c, 20c, 25c; also Room Lots at $1.29, $1.49, $1.79,$1.99 ..24 pairs of Men’s Rubber Boots at per pair $2.00 • • Z&NEW EBtmaMX GROCERY SPECIALS QUAKER 2 Boxes Puffed Wheat 1 Box Puffed Rice 3 for..............23c FRESH VEGETABLES OF ALL KIND$ 2 Cakes of Soap FREE 1 Box 20c LEMONS Large and Juicy 4 for...............10c CANNED TOMATOES 2 large tins . . 19c RINSO 1 large pkg. 22c, 2 cakes Lifebuoy Soap 9c All for . . . .................... 31c 2 s« • • • • • 13c HUSKIES TOMATO CATSUP 14 oz. bottle . 10c Southcott Bros NOTICE Huron Farmers’ Co-Operative Co. Limited wishes to notify its num­ erous patrons and the public in gen­ eral of the appointment of Mr. Robt. J. Cooper, as manager of the com­ pany, who will be on hand full time at the plants in Hensall to supply the needs of all with the best brands of fertilizer, posts, cost. ■, feeds, shingles, cedar coal, twine, etc. at lowest We Albert Hendrick, President Andrew B. Bell, Secretary ___ T because we ser- about cur Free —Sandy Elliot. sell more cars vice more cars, ask lubrication coupons, z Rev. D. C. Hill is week attending the Knox College Board and the Alumni. Mr. Roy Parsons, who has been ill for a few weeks underwent an operation for the removal of • his tonsils in Victoria Hospital, London, and returned home Monday,—.......- . / James St. W. M. S. The regular monthly meeting of the Afternoon Auxilary of James St. Church was held on April 11th with the president, Mrs. Page in the chair. Very satisfactory reports were given by different committees. Mrs. E. Buswell and Mrs. Eunice Stone were .appointed delegates to the Huron Presbytery meeting to be held hi Seaforth on Tuesday, April 23rd. Mrs. W. H. Moise who hs been the very efficient Recording Secretary "for the past few years was presented with an address of appre­ ciation and a Life Membership in the W. M. S. Mrs. J. M. Southcott took charge of the Worship Service on. the theme ‘‘The Living Christ in the Living Church.” During this part of the program Mrs. Goulding sang acceptably “Thine is the Glory” which was the closing hymn at the Madras Conference. The Easter Thankoffering envelopes Were then brought in at this meeting and dedi­ cation prayers were offered by three of the members. Mrs. Batson fa­ vored with an instrumental which was much enjoyed, Mrs. Page in a few well-ehosen remarks Introduc­ ed the guest speaker, Rev. E< Grigg missionary from Burma, who in his usually pleasing and very interest­ ing manner brought a wonderful and inspiring message to the society. At the close of the progratn lunch WaS served by Mrs, S» McFallS’ group. in Toronto this i Ready for Spring? We’re ready with a Smart Collection of Men’s Wearing Apparel including New Suits and Topcoats o I Hats, Shirts, Ties, Socks W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 4 EXETER, ONT. * ’ Miss Eva pearce^left Tuesday for Muskoka where she will resume her position with the Glen Home Hotel at Glen Orchard fox’ the summer. Mr. John Miller, of Kitchener, who a few years ago was employed by the Hogarth Chick Hatchery, re­ newed acquaintances in town Tues­ day, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Redmond and Mr, C. Priest, of Lincoln Park, Mich, and Miss Lillian Rivers, Essex, Ont visited W. C. Pearce’s home on Sat­ urday and Sunday. Mr. Redmond, ■Billy and Ellis Pearce visited Mr. Redmond’S mother and his sister’s family at Mr. W. G. Whitney’s home at Milverton, ont; Moved to Exeter * Mrs. W. J. Floyd and three boys and one girl have moved into their new home at the Bank o£ Montreal where Mr, Floyd succeeds Mr. W. H. Moise aS manager, The names of the children are Billie, Birnie, Caro­ lyn and Bobbie, Their furniture was moved in Monday from Toron­ to. We welcome them to our midst. Charles Costello, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Costello, aged 13, of R. R. No. 2 Monkton, is the proud pos­ sessor of a shield received last week for winning first prize in a provin­ cial oratorical competition. The shield .Is inscribed with his name and the event. Croup No, 1 of the James St W. A. Mrs. Sturgis was hostess day evening to Group No. 1 James St. Woman’s Association, The meeting was opened by the leader, Mrs. C. ‘Itestl^ a hymn being sung followed by prayer. It was decided to have the next meeting on the afternoon of May 21st’ at 2.30 at the home of .Airs. F. A. May, each member bringing a guest. Mrs. Tra- quafr then, took charge of theomeet- Ing. A splendid reading was given by Mrs. Page, and a solo by Miss Beta &0we. The rest of the even­ ing was- spent in playing Chinese Checkers arid contests. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and her committee. Tues- of the