HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-04-18, Page 5fit HENSALL MINSTRBL AN1> ONE ACT I*LAY “AGE REBELS” Produced by Special Ammgeineut with Samuel French (Canada) Limited, Toronto by Local. Talent Sponsored by the Hensall Branch of the Red Cross To be presented' in the HENSALL TOWN HALL THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, APRIL 18th anti 19th at 8.15 pan. Cast of 50 8 Rntl Men Specialty Acts Admission 25c and 15c Reserved Seat Section 10c Extra Plan of Hall at Middleton’s Drag Store HENSALL The Spring Stock Show will be held on Saturday, April 20th. Rev. W. A. Young, of called on friends in town day, Miss Pearl Harpole, of spent the week-end at her home here. A number of new editions have been added to the Public Library as follows: , Mr. Percy Carlisle, of Detroit, is visiting with his sisters, Mrs. Walk­ er and Mrs. Leiper. Miss Emalie Hoskins returned home after visiting with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Prior in Stratford. A public auction sale of the house? hold effects of the late Mr. John Keys will be held on Friday. Mrs. Hugh Hawkins and daugh­ ter Joyce, of Clinton, visited .this week with Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Day­ man. Messrs. . Lloyd and Milton Ort- wein, of London, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ort- wein. Rev. R. A. Brook preached very fine sermons at the United Church on Sunday and the choir sang two anthems. Mr. Bert Thompson, who recently underwent an operation for appen­ dicitis in Clinton Hospital returned home on Sunday. Get your tickets early for the Minstrels Show and play “Age Re­ bels” to bes presented in the Town Hall on Thursday and Friday ev­ ening. Rev. Wm. Weir and Mrs. Weir spent a few days this week in Tor­ onto where Mr. Weir attended grad­ uating exercises at Knox College. •Rev. Wm. Weir conducted services in Carmel church on Sunday to large congregations and delivered very in­ spiring sermons. The choir sang two beautiful anthems. / The I. O. O. F. of Hensail, will attend service in .St. Paul’s Anglican church on Sunday evening where they will be addressed by the rec­ tor, Rev. M. A. Hunt.The annual Spring Anniversary Services of Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held on .Sunday, May 19th when Rev. W. A. Young, of Fergus, will be the special speaker. The Young people’s Union of the United Church will hold anniversary services on Sunday, April 2i8th when Rev. D. G. Burton, of Ontario Unit-, ed Church, Clinton, will be th« special speaker. A play entitled “The Glow Lights of San Ray” will be presented by the young people of Brucefield church on Monday, April 29th under the auspices of the Young People’s Un­ ion. Young People’s Union The regular meeting of thes.Y. P, Union was held in the United church on Monday evening with Miss Elva McQueen presiding and opened by singing a hymn followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Miss Ce­ cilia Stephenson gave an interest­ ing reading; vocal duet was sung by Norma gangster and Ruth Hess. Paula Hanson sang a solo. An inter­ esting reading was given by Mrs. Lee Hedden. Miss Gladys Luker favored with a piano solo and read­ ing. A solo was sung by Ross Ken­ nedy; Miss Cecilia Stephenson and Mrs. Hess favored with a vocal duet piano solo by Bob Hess. Games were played directed by Miss Margaret Kilpatrick. Miss Gladys Luker and Bob Hess were accompanists for the evening. Candy was served at the close. Fergus, on Mon­ London, W. M. S. The W. M. S. of Cannel Church entertained the Home Helpers at a banquet in the church on Tuesday evening. .Following supper the Home Helpers presented the follow­ ing program and was presided over by Mrs. Logan and opened by sing­ ing a hymn followed by prayer by Mrs. Wm. Douglas. Mrs. John Cairns followed with a beautiful solo. Fol­ lowed another hymn the roll call which was answered by "Hope.” The minutes were read and adopted. Mrs. C. Hudson then gave an address of thanks and appreciation to the Home Helpers for their co-opera­ tion. The allocation was read and the business discussed and the Gold­ en anniversary of the W.M.S. will be held at the June meeting it being fifty years since the W< M. S. was organized in the Presbyterian church in Hensall. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron Sang a pleasing solo. After singing a hymn Mrs. Clifton led in prayer A vote of thanks was extended to the W.' M. S. on behalf of the Hdme Helpers by Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Cairns.Additional Hensail news appears On another page. TIME TABLE CHANGES EFFECTIVE ‘' Sunday, April 28th Full Information from Agents TH® EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE CREDITON The players of the Crediton hock­ ey team together with the president of the Cyclqne league, M. W, Teller were recently presented with a jacket valued at $6.50. The team is in a good financial position, at the present time and the boys are to be congratulated on the fine hockey exhibited during the past winter. Miss Alma -Smith returned home 'Sunday after spending a week at, Walkerton. Mrs. Samuel Kuhn and Mr. Carl Kuhn spent Sunday with the form­ er’s sister, Miss Della Fahrner, of London. If you are in need of Dinnerware. Buy now. We have a large assort­ ment of popular priced, 97-piece Sets at S. B. TAYLOR’S, Jeweller, Exeter, Miss Helen Schenk, of Arva, spent the weekend with her gir] friend, Miss Marjorie Wein. Miss Doreen Hay, of Zurich, also visited on Sunday with Miss Wein, Surprise presentation Mr. and Mrs. S. J, Brown were takensby surprise when the teachers of Rooms 1 and 2 and the pupils of Room 3 of ' the Crediton Public School, arrived at their home on Tuesday evening of last week. An enjoyable time was spent in games and a short program, The program consisted of readings by Calvin Fah- rner and Doris Wuerth and a Trea­ sure Trail Quiz conducted by Car­ man Roeszler and Bryce Mack. An address was read by Kenneth Tay­ lor expressing the friendship of the pupils and teachers to Mr. and Mrs. Brown. The presentation of a love­ ly end-table was made to Mr. and Mrs. Brown by Pauline Faist and Nornia Fahrner. Several games and contests were conducted and enjoyed by IX everyone. The girls of Grades and X served lunch. Evangelical Church Choir Thursday, April 11th, 1940, was the annual 'business meeting o‘f the choir of the Evangelical church. Af­ ter spending a halfhoui’ on some helpful practice, the members, with some friends, retired to the home of the choir leader and organist, Mr. and Mrs, Freeman Morlock for an evening- of combined business and pleasure. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Earl Haist; vice-president, Emmery Fah- ner; secretary-treasurer, Irene Fah- ner; librarians, Nola ‘Faist, Clara Gaiser; Social convenor, Mrs. M. Faist. Words of appreciation were expressed to the retiring President, Gordon Ratz the retiring secretary­ treasurer, Earl Haist and to the choir leader and organist for the faithfulness and valued service rend­ ered to the choir during the past year. After enjoying an hour of good fun, the evening was brought to a happy conclusion when the hos­ tess, Mrs. Freeman Morlock served a dainty lunch. The choir is looking forward both to good times among' its own members as well as render­ ing real service on every department of the church. River Broke Up Quietly The ice started on its way the be­ ginning of last week very quietly. The break-up this year was very late and while the ice was thicker than it has been for years, the sun and rain got to work on it, and softened it so much that it crumbled and thus made its way down the river. The weather, too, played its part, cool nights after warm days, with not too much rain, permitted the surplus water to get away under the ice, Last Sunday the usual crowds lined the bridge, but the usual spectacular break-up was lacking. There were no reports of damage from high water anywhere along the route and the local farmers as well as household­ ers congratulated themselves on the fact that this was one more flood­ less year. .......... CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Geogre Thompson, of Preston,’called on friends in the village on Sunday. Miss Marie Macaulay, of Wiarton is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Miss Violet Watkins spent the Week-end at her home near Sea­ forth- Mr. and Mrs. George Millar, new­ lyweds, of Flint, Mich., were Satur­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard and other relatives, Mrs. Millar was Miss Elevyn Hicks, dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hicks, of Flint. Mr. Ken. Hodgins, of Wiarton, is taking Mr, Dave Smith’s place at the creamery for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Hodglns is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell, Mrs. Albert Harlton is visiting with, her sister, Mrs. Pickering in Crediton. Mrs. Jane Armstrong returned home last week after spending the winter months with her sister-in? law Mrsr J. Brown near Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hamilton have moved into the residence of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot and family, who have been living in Mrs. Anderson’s house for the win­ ter months have moved back with Mr. Alvin Essery. Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Steeper, of Parkhill visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard. Mr, and Mrs. were in Chatham ing the funeral uncle. The members School and Home Club visited with the Winchelsea Club on Monday ev­ ening, Messrs. O. and C. Statton, of Sarnia, visited on Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Willert, On Monday, April Sth Centralia Red Cross Society met in the school room of. the church and quilted three quilts. The sewing and knit­ ting convenors distributed work for this month and a ten cent lunch was served. On April rOlth Centralia Red Cross Unit delivered to Exeter Red, Cross, 37 pairs socks, 3 sweaters,'? abd. binders, 9 slings, 9 prs. wristlets, 1 pr. knee caps, 4 quilts, 5 baby dresses, 11 children’s dresses, 2 prs. rompers, 1 pr. bloomers, 3 pairs of stockings, 2 child’s slips, 1 boy’s shirt. Women's Association The regular monthly meeting of the Centralia Women’s Association was held in the schoolroom 'of the church on Thursday, April 4th. The president, Mrs. O. Brown was in the chair and the meeting opened with the hymn "More Love to Thee, O Christ" followed by the Lord’s pray­ er. Mrs, ,H. Neil read the 23rd Psalm and an explanatory note on the lesson from "The Upper Room" Mrs. W. Baker and Doreen sang a duet entitled “Back of the Clouds" Mrs. Will Bowden gave two read­ ings, one called “Where are you flying" and another fine »one on “Prayer." The hymn “Take the Name of Jesus With You.” Mrs. H. Neil gave a reading “Take’ it for granted.” The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted fol­ lowed by the treasurer’s report. Rev Mr. Falconbridge read one of Dr. Henry Drummond’s poems from his book “The Habitant.” ‘‘Take My Life and Let it sung. Tea was served by Godbolt, Mrs. F. Penwarden, Mrs. M. Elliott and Mrs. J. McFalls'. G. on of Of F. Penwarden Friday attend- the former’s the Centralia The hymn Be" was Mrs. G. GRAND BEND and Mrs. Norman Turnbull AWttt 1SU>, IMO CHEAT SPRING EXPANSION SALE OF Stock of all popular models and makes! £ ’VfTTE want our decks kept clear for new car business, so are ▼ selling a fine group of R & G—reconditioned and guar­ anteed—cars of all favoured models and makes. We’ve cut prices for quick action. Under the present outlook you may have to pay more for the same makes and models later on. So buy now —and save! All R&G cars carry a 2-day money-back guar­ antee and 50/50 30-day warranty against mechanical defects! Get off to a good motoring start with an R &G bargain car’ '39 Delux PLYMOUTH Coach WITH TRUNK The tires and original Dark Blue , paint are like new. Don’t miss this one. $275 Off the New Price ’38 FORD DELUX COACH that has not been reconditioned but is guaranteed. This car was trad­ ed in on Saturday by a lady school teacher. Again we say it’s a per­ fect car. \ * ’38 CHEVROLETMaster Difi FOUR DOOR SEDAN * i Original mileage only 16,000. This car has a heater and. is like new in every way and we’ll give you four grease jobs whether you trade or not if you let us make you an offer on the car you are driving. ’37 PLYMOUTH DELUX FOUR DOOR SEDAN Clean, as a pin. The original tires still look like new and it has a heater. Only $595 The Cars are right. The Prices are right and four of the six cars - advertised last week have been sold. We are still giving four Free Grease Jobs for a chance to bid you on your car. ’35 FORD Delux Fordor Sedan WITH TRUNK Rigdit and tight in every way, good tires and the price is way down. We want you and your friends to know about our Used Car Bargains.More than 40 Good Used Cars and Trucks to choose from BRINSLEY Bride and Groom Honored On Thursday evening of last week the young people of Crediton Unit­ ed church surprised Grant and Mrs. Amos riage. were presented with a beautiful Pyrex .. People’s Society. Ted Wright read ■the address and Doreen Baker made the "presentation. Grand made a very fitting reply. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and con­ tests. The Sunday School class Mrs. Amos belonged to in Crediton gave hei’ a pair of towels. Making maple syrup is the order of the day. ' i Rev. Mr. Turner occupied the pul­ pit of the United church on Sunday Jast and preached a very instructive sermon. The Young People’s Union met in the basement of the St. Marys church this week. The Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs, L. Amos on Wednesday. Mrs. Thos. Lee is presi­ dent of the Ladies’ Aid and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson president of the W.' M. S. Mrs. Dean Lewis leader of Group three was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. J. T. Wood who underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospit­ al, London, is making a splendid recovery considering her advanced age. Mr. E. Collingwood has again been engaged to care for the Exete^ howling green, and work on tin greens has already commenced, The bowlers are anxiously awaiting the time when they will be able to par­ ticipate in this popular outdoor sport. Mr. visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Mason of Dashwood on Sunday. Mrs. John Love was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, Tuesday for treat­ ment. Everyone is hoping for a speedy recovery. Don’t miss seeing the play put on by the Grand Bend Red Cross Unit Friday night. Mrs. Earl' Finnin returned home Sunday from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London where she had a severe op­ eration on her eyes and is ing nicely. Mr. J. Denomme moved new barbar shop Monday open for business again. Mr. Philip Shady is still in hospit­ al and is quite ill at present. Mr. Wm. Love sold and delivered a team of horses to Seaforth receiv­ ing a nice price for them. Mr. Mansell Mason has started the basement for his new home hav­ ing sold his recent home to Mr. Her­ man Desjardine, who, has taken pos­ session. Congratulations are being handed out to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Statton who were married quietly on April 10 th. COME IN TODAY! SANDY ELLIOT improv- into his and is in honor of their recent mar- During the evening they casserole from the Young CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner family and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil and daughter spent the week­ end in Stratford with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry1 Appleton, of Greenway were callers here in our burg on Monday. Miss Helen Bullock spent the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gower near Cen­ tralia. Mr. and Mrs. William Heatherley, of London, spent Sunday with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Catherine Motz, Miss to her itis. Mrs, to her week’s •Sims, __ ____ . last week was improved over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs, J. Sims, of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr, and Airs. Job Sims and Of her relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hunter and daughter Lois, of Exeter, spent last Sunday With Mr, ahd Mrs. Eli Sims. and Grace Penhalh- was confined home last week with tonsil- Sam Rawlings has returned home in Ailsa Craig after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Job Mr. .Sims, who Was quite ill DANCE CENTRALIA HALL TUESDAY, APRIL 23rd Adam Brock and his Columbians Admission 35c ELIMVILLE" Mrs. Whiteford Sr. who is at her daughter’s, Mrs. Wes. Horne, took a bad turn last week but is recover­ ing again. Mr, and Mrs. King, War­ wick and Mrs. McFalls .of Exeter have also been with their mother. Miss Dorothy Johns visited with her sister Mrs. Fred Long in At­ wood over the week-end. The men of this church held a woodbee at Mr: Robt. Cahn’s bush on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Rollie Williams and Miss Hazel visited at Hensail on Tuesday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Tra- quair. Mr. Wm. Edwards, of Saskatoon, visited with his sister Mrs. E. Johns last week. He has purchased a new 1940 Plymouth car in Windsor and he with Mrs. Johns intend spend­ ing a week in Toronto with their Sister, Mrs. A. Rheim. SHIPKA Miss Nola 'Sweitzer, nurse-in- training at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer visit­ ed Saturday last with relatives in Sarnia. Quite a number from here at­ tended a banquet in Clinton Friday evening last put on by the Lions Club. Miss Ruby Gaiser of the Blue Water Highway is at present as­ sisting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz. Mr. L. Schroeder left last week to spent a couple of weeks in Lon-, don. Mr. visited urday. Mrs. part of last week at the home of her father Mr. L. Schroeder. Miss Thomson, of West Williams, is assisting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. William Sweitzer relatives in Sarnia on Sat- E. Perry of Exeter, spent A. G. Webb. EYES OF LOVE” By Kirktori Young People at Thames Road United Church MONDAY NIGHT, APRIL 22nd under the auspices of Mission Circle Girls Admission 25c arid 10c 44 THAMES ROAD Mission Circle The Thames Road Mission Circle was held at the home of Doris Dun­ can on Saturday afternoon. The meeting opened by all singing hymn 590 followed by the Lord’s Prayer Roberta Duncan read the Scripture 'Secretary’s report was read and adopted. Roll call was taken. Thir­ teen members responded. Business was then discussed. It was decided that we have the play from Kirkton “Eyes of Love” a week from Monday night. Also two delegates for the convention were picked out. Busi­ ness was then in order. Hymn 390 was then sung. The girls then quilted the quilt they are making for the bale. At the close a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Dtincan and Doris. CHICK STARTER Baby chicks grow rapidly and need good qualities of palatable feed. Up to 8 weeks of age is a critical period in their lives. Feed them Shur-Gain Chick Star­ ter and be sure that they will get. off to a quick, healthy start. Shur-Gain Chick Starter is palatable: proper proportions the minerals they need strong bone and healthy tissue: and is well with vitamins A, B, D, E, G and K. contains in to build supplied. No other Chick Starter is higher in quality Shur-Gain costs the feeder less than any comparable feed. and yet GET THE EXTRA VALUE FROM SHUR-GAIN MADE IN OUR MILL AS DEMAND WARRANTS Exeter Flour and Feed Mill G. A. Cann & SONS Phone 35, EXETER