HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-04-11, Page 10THURSDAY, APRIL *1(11, 1040 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE .. V’s Beauty Shoppe FOR CHARM AND BEAUTY Croqutnole, Comb, and Spiral Permanents Exeter Markets FOB Phone 113 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Wheat 78-8Qe. (according to grade) Oats 42c. Barley 60c. Buckwheat 55c. Creamery Butter 31e_ Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, Butter 25c., A large medium B 13e dressed 28c 17c 15e Comfortable AT HQ VS3EU^OXin J <1 W. J. Smith & Son 4 Doors Worth Bank ol Montreal Main Street, Exeter l> 0 N§w Electrical Appliances •fl H Several Electrolux Refrig­ erators. No Moving Parts. p HH N1 Brantford Washing Machines Porcelain Enamel Tubs KPCombination Agitators Crepe Roll Wringers 0 12 Year Guarantee a STEWART WARNER RADIOS a Magic Key Tuning (1 WHITE ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES M Fl GUARANTEED PIANOS ATHREAL BARGAINS th i $11.00 Reasonable Prices CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public Worship Sermon: “The Unpopularity of Christians” 7 p.m.—Public Worship 5 Sermon: “The Tower of Babel” Ladies WE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING NEW TO SHOW YOU AND WE HAVE SOME VERY SPECIAL VALUES IN SMART STYLES THAT ARE SURE TO PLEASE YOU. WE INVITE YOU TO LOOK THEM OVER. SEE FOR SALE—Allis-Chalmers trac­ tors, new and used. Any size on display at Hensail. More horse­ power per dollar. Easy terms. Hyde Tractor & Combine Co., Hensall. The Thames Road Farmers Club has made arrangements with Mr. Cann to buy flour and Canada Pack­ ers Feeds at a reduced price. A list ■of club members will be put up in his office. In order to get this pri­ vilege a certain amount of business must be done. Anyone using pastry flour or any of the feeds join the club so that your name may be added to the list. We have a spec­ ial price on hominy. We are book- . ing orders. Try to get your order in for fertilizer and grass seed. Club meets Monday, April 15 th.—P. PASSMORE, Secretary. Something New and Different TRY OUR DELICIOUS C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest approved methods of Eyesight Testing used. Office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday * MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader f 11 a.m.—Rev. G. D. Morrow 3 p.m.—-Sunday School 7 p.m.-—Rev. G. D. Morrow Thursday, 7.30*—Prayer Service, Shadow Cloths and Homespuns A new shipment of these cloths have just arived in stripes, plaids and florads. A few, yards of one of the new materials will dress your windows for spring. 29c lb.The Short Cut to Comfort Tender, Tasty and Juicy COOKS IN ONE-THIRD THE TIME NO BONE. NO WASTE IDEAL MEAT MARKET Phone 38 Main St. LOCALS The Trivitt War Unit shower for refugee children is be­ ing indefinitely postponed ow’ing to water in the basement of the rec­ tory. Is A Quick Call For D&H ANTHRACITE You’ll save many days of trouble­ some heating—if you phone your order for DAT! Anthracite, today This Pennsylvania Hard Coal is a fuel of tested quality—especially prepared for home heating use. Once you’ve tried D&H Anthracite —you’11 know it’s the only short cut to ’ JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—-Church School 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday 2.30 p.m.—-W.M.S. Eas­ ter Thank Offering meeting. The (Speaker, Rev. Ernest Grigg. ♦ ♦ ♦ Boys’, Young Men’s and Men’s Clothing ♦ ♦ The weather we are having isn’t much like Spring, but in a week or so it will be better and you will want to be stepping out in New Clthes. Be sure to see our New Models.., It will pay you. MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S OXFORDS In nearly every style that is popular this season. You will find them good fitters and real values. ’ at $3.00, $4.00, $4.50 to $7.00 SMART NEW FOOTWEAR FOR WOMEN Many new styles are being shown for Spring. These come in different widths. May we have the pleasure of showing them to you? heating comfort. JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33; Residence 157 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Mlddleanlsa --------------------------------- i WANTED—A quiet, reliable driv­ er that will do light work. William Carrick, R.R. 1, Hay. Phone 35r3,. Dashwood. Itc. FO>R SALE, Reasonable — Baby carriage and high chair in good con­ dition; also child’s cot. Mrs. C. R. Shepherd, John street, Exeter, ltp. FOR SALE—2 colts rising three years old, roan Percheron hpr^e, black Clyde mare, bay Clyde colt rising two years old. Mervin R.R. No. 1, Hensall. Dunn, FOR SALE — 17 pigs, 7 old.—Wm. Darling, phone Lucan. weeks 421-44, ltp. FOR SALE To close out the estate of C. B. Snell, two modern brick houses on Ann Street, Exeter. These houses have all modern conveniences and must be sold. Apply to John Rowe, Adminsitra. tor or .B. W. F. Beavers. the late FOR SALE — One of Exeter’r finest homes. Hard wood floors. All conveniences. Beautiful lawn. Acre­ age may be had if desired. Easy terms. Several other homes.—C. V. Pickard, phone 165. WANTED — Middle aged woman to act as housekeeper for elderly couple. Steady employment to right person. Give references, and experience. Apply Times-Advocate. state Box age HE 3tc. houseFOR SALE — Colony brooder stove.—R. E. Balkwill. and •See the new Ford Ferguson trac­ tor plows and row crop cultivators. All on display now at our rooms.—'SANDY ELLIOT show- FOR .SALE—Madarin soya Nobarb barley, Erban oats, and samples on application. 41 Hensall, Alex Buchanan, beans, prices Phone Hensail. 2tp. No discomfort taking Tablets, $1.—Robertson’s .Slendor We give you absolutely free four lubrication jobs and all we ask in return is a chance to show you our stock of used cars and make you an offer on your present car. This of­ fer is good for April only-—Sandy Elliot. FOR SALE—-100 acres, close to Exeter. Good soil in the best of condition, 75 acres ploughed. Must be sold. Balance should Pickard, Reasonable cash payment, by mortgage. This farm make you money.—C. V. phone 165. WANTED — Odd jobs of kind. Apply to Fred Moore, St., Exeter. any Mill Flowering plants for sale. L. & Son. . Day FOR SALE—100 acres with full set of buildings, some bush, hatidy to school and village, $3,600, cash. A number of houses In e ter.—W. half Ex- C.” Pearce, We sell vice more ___, lubrication coupons. eer-more days because we cars, ask about cur Fi*ee —Sandy Elliot. R. N. Rowe's furniture sales closes j Saturday, April 20th. Mr. Fred Ellerington Jr., is spend­ ing a few days in Toronto with rel­ atives. Mr. Thos. Tapp, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his sister, Miss Mary Tapp. Miss Doreen Sims, of London, vis­ ited with Miss Jean Cann over the week-end. Miss Margaret Ellerington visited in Brampton this week -with Mr. and Mrs. Coates. Mr. William Dunsford, of London, visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunsford. Miss Arney, who has been visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Rodway, re­ turned to Toronto Sunday. Mrs. J. J. O’Brien, of Brucefield, spent a pleasant day with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston recently. Reserve Friday, April 26, for the Program Recital in aid Street United Unit. sMr. Orville dian Bank of is holidaying for three weeks at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graves and Miss Jeanette Taman, of London, spent Sundayi with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman. Mrs. F. J. Sanders and son Jack, and sister Mrs. Norman Hanham, of Toronto visited with Mrs. C. H. Sanders during the week. Mr. L. J. Penhale, of Kitchener, visited on Thursday last grandmother, Mrs. John who is in her 99 th year. Rev. J. W. Penrose is for Rev. J. R. Peters, of Varna, who was injured recently ill an auto ac­ cident when he had his knee-cap broken. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hookey quiet­ ly celebrated their forty-first wed­ ding anniversary Friday of lastt week. Congratulations were re­ ceived from a number of friends. . On Friday last Mr. and Mrs. ,W. J. Beer visited with Rev. Borden and Mrs. Cunningham at Glencoe, Mr. Beer and Mrs. Cunnigham en­ joying a joint birthday celebration. Mrs. Frank Lee, of Thorndale, is visiting at the home of her father and' also attended the funeral of her mother, the late Mrs. George Easterbrook. Miss Velma Quail, who has been visiting here for a few days owing to the death of her grandmother, Mrs. George Easterbrook, returned to Kirkland ‘Lake. Mr. Sylvanus Cann visited in Lon­ don on Friday with his son Master John Cann, a patient at War Mem­ orial Hospital, who has been very sick for the past two months but was^a little better last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Kestle are back after spending a happy honey­ moon trip to Windsor and Detroit, Where their many relatives delight­ ed to do them honor. They have taken up residence on Victoria St., Exeter. * • Mr, and Mrs. T. O. Southcott, Mr. Joseph Follick and Mrs. Edna Hearts motored to Toronto on Sunday. Mrs, Southcott is spending a few days with her neice, Miss June Gordon, who recently had the misfortune to fracture her leg. # Miss Margaret Melville, who has been attehdihg Commercial School at 'Clinton, has taken a position in the office of Canada Packers. Mr. Ralph ■Canada months Clinton C li u roll 1 Curtains and Curtain Nets Our curtains for spring are all in stock. These nets were bought months ago before the rise in prices. We offer you a big range to choose from at PER YARD 20c, 25c, 29c, 30c, 35c to 75c Marion Pboley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Painting and Paperhanging Sign Work of all Kinds Display Cards, Etc. TOM WALKER IMPERIAL PRODUCTS J I ! of the James War Service of the Cana- Attention TRACTOR OWNERS For Economy Use Imperial Oil Products “Quality and Service Our Motto” Prompt Delivery at all Hours JOHN F. BEANE, Agent Phone 110 Exeter Lawson, Commerce at Orillia Foster, who packers for has been and left on with his Sanders. supplying has been With the past three transferred to Tuesday, 10 11 Tliird Sunday After Easter a.m.—.Sunday School . a.m.—Morning prayer and Ser­ mon. “A Glorious Resurretcion” WEDNESDAY HALF-HOLIDAYS business at Wednesday places of on each months of April, May, August, September and We, the Barbers and Hairdress­ ers of Exeter do agree to close our respective 12.30 noon during the June, July, October, and remain closed till the following! day, commencing April 17th, except when said Wednesday precedes a holiday. Elmore Harness V. V. Decker Marion Pooley A. R. Tomlinson, Barber Shop and Beauty Shop Garnet Flynn ■ Norman Hockey W. J. Hockey LOST—Between Exeter and Hen­ sail a dealer’s auto license with let­ ter “M”. J. Passmore & Son, Hen­ sall. FOUND — On William street, a Yale key. O^ner may have same by paying for advt. Apply at Times- Advocate. ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii± Mr. Les. Coates spent a few days this week in Toronto on business. I EXETER LOCKER SERVICE Phone 70 Jumbo Ice Crem Bricks j Assorted Flavors each * ’■'Y Grade “A” Chicken lb. Otp Heads, Feet Off, Drawn faiiJv Winnipeg White Fish j Winter Catch, Drawnib STOP! Wallpapers ‘ Wallpapers Have that room papered before the paperhangers get too busy. A few rolls of our nev wallpapers will make a wonderful difference in the appearance of your home. Papers at 10c, I2V2C, 15c, 20c, 25c; also Room Lots at $1.29, $1.49, $1.79,$1.99 ..24 pairs of Men’s Rubber Boots at per pair $2.00.; GROCERY SPECIALS FREE 1 box Handy Ammonia with 5 bars Pearl Soap .... 21c PORK & BEANS Libby’s 2 for ... .19c CLARK’S SOUPS Vegetable, Tomato, Green Peas TOILET SOAP Assorted 5 cakes .... 25c With Bowl Free OXYDOL, RINSO, IVORY FLAKES Med. size 3 for 25c SEEDED RAISINS 2 boxes..........25c JELLY POWDERS McClaren’s 6 for.............25c 2 for ...... 19< SWEET PICKLES large jar . . .. 20i CHOICE DAIRY BUTTE} 1lb...................28* Southcott Bros. NOTICE Huron Farmers’ Co-Operative Co. Limited wishes to notify its num­ erous patrons and .the public in gen­ eral of the appointment of Mr. Robt. J. Cooper, as manager of the com­ pany, who will be on hand full time at the plant in Hensall to supply the needs of all with the best brands of fertilizer, feeds, shingles, cedar posts, cost. coal, twine, etc. at lowest Albert Hendrick, president Andrew B. Bell, Secretary 2tc. in- At for KIDNEYS ARE CLEANSED and vigorated by using Rumacaps. regular intervals, use Rumacaps your health’s sake. .. BROWNING’S DRUG STORE. LOOK! Owing to the poor condition of the roads during the early part of our sale SATURDAY, APRIL 20th THIS IS FOR YOUR BENEFIT SO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY « Phone 20W R. N. ROWE FURNITURE We Deliver IP ■ Exeter, IH TO COLLECT OLD PAPERS The Boy Scouts and Cubs of Ex­ eter will collect old papers and magazines Saturday, April 20 th. Save your papers for them. •Caven Young People Entertain Twenty-six members-of the Young People’s Society of First Church. Seaforth, were guests of the Y. P. S. of Caven church on Tuesday night. The Scripture lesson was read by Mr. J. MacDonald, of Seaforth and the topic “Mary Slessor, of Cala­ bar” was given by' Mrs. Campbell. Mr. Brown, of the Seaforth High School played two piano solos, one a march of his own composition and Mrs. Anna Kling a solo. Mr. Hill announced that for the third year in succession there was an increase in the number belonging to Y. P. So­ cieties in the Presbytery and also for the third successive year an in­ crease in the’numbers in the Sunday •Schools. were After the program, games played and lunch was served. BABY CHICKS / Cash in on these started chick bargains, They are all High Qual­ ity Chicks from Government Approv­ ed bloodtested breeders. Double AA Quality two New Hamp., 90 per cent, erels $18.95; lets $23.90. three cents; old nonsexed Rocks $13.40; $19,901; Cock- Leghorns Pul- week old add weeks Barred Pullets White Three . __ __ __________ Extra Profit add lie. ■Special Mating add two cents. Sup­ ply limited. Order today, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario PIANOS — Spring Clearance Sale. Guch well known makes as Heintz- man, Mason & Risch, Weber, etc. All thoroughly reconditioned, per­ fectly turned, de-mothed and guar­ anteed. Write today for complete list of bargains. Terms to suit convenience. Heintzman & Co., 242 Dundas Street, London. yOur Ltd., 3tC. Looking tor a steady income/ Want a future free from financial worry? Let FAMILEX show you how easy it is to get. Write to us today, for FREE CATALOGUE and complete information. The FamildX Products Company, 570 .St. Clement, Montreal. Monday Morning APRIL 15th MR. HARRY WILKINS, • of the Cook Clothing Company, Toronto will be at this store with a very extensive showing of 1 Spring Models and likewise a very extensive range of < one thousand cloths. There will be many men buying not only one, but two ? this spring, as every person acquainted with the situs, in the woollen market will realize that further price adva are definately inevitable and buying clothing today rt will mean.a substantial saving. This Spring looks like one of the most active clothing sons in years. Come in and see what the Cook Clothink have to offer. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 » EXETER, < UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIHIII! SEED GRAIN CLEANIN S We are now prepared to process your Spring Grainj E Cleaning and Grading w|ill give a satisfactory r< = from practically any good grain. = Oats and Barley separated. Wild oats completely E moved from Barley. An average sample of grain from = bin will give No. 1 seed. Satisfaction guaranteed. E - All Clovers and Grass Seeds cleaned, bought and E We have a complete stock on hand of seeds; also = grain for sale. Write nr phone for prices. I C. G. ZWICKER j PHONE 3w CREDITON, <! ^lllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIllIIIIIllIIIIHIIIIllllllllll I