HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-04-04, Page 8THURSDAY, APRIL 4 th, 1940 V’s Beauty Shoppe FOR CHARM AND BEAUTY Croqulnole, Comb, and Spiral Permanents Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Exeter Markets Wheat 78-80e. (according to grade) Oats 42c. Barley 60c. Buckwheat 55c. Creamery Butter 32c. Dairy Butter 25c„ 2Sc Eggs. A large Eggs, medium Eggs 13c. Hogs, dressed 55 a. i I J <1 0 M 8 & 0 W. J. Smith & Son 4 poors North Bank of Montreal Main Street, Exeter ► u H * Q M !» New Electrical Appliance Price Range. Refrigerators $150 to $300 Washing Machines $50.50 to $185.00 Cream Separators $57,50 to $200.00 Sewing Machines $75.00 to $150.00 Guaranteed Radios $17.50 to $200.00 G. E. Vacuum Cleaners $59.50 Pianos all Guaranteed ' $50.00 to $200.00 USED MACHINES AT BARGAIN PRICES i X A. JST Q ggg .A Ham Supper sponsored by the Y. P. U. will be held in James St. United Church on Wednesday, April 17th from 6-8 p.m. followed by(. a play. Admission 35 and 25c. See the new Ford Ferguson trac- toi’ plows and row crop cultivators. All on display now at our show­ rooms.—-SANDY ELLIOT LOST—-In Exeter, a gold cameo necklace. Findtr please return to Times-Advocate. ' ltc FOR RENT—Farm 23 miles west of Hensall, 75 acres of good grass land with running water.—Apply J. Mousso, Grand Bend, P.O. FOR -SALE—Madarin soya Nobarb barley, Erban oats, and samples on application. 41 Hensall, Alex Buchanan, Hensall. 2tp. heans, prices Phone No strenuous exercises — Slendor Tablets are the safe way to an luring figure. $1.—Robertson’s. al- We have a quantity of good •cleaned bean screenings and cleaned Ontario Oats for sale, you are interested phone us prices. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Phone Hensall. re- re- ir for 54, Itc andFOR SALE—1 pair of geese 1 pair Bourbon Red turkeys. Apply Ira Moir, phone 171r3, R..R 3,. Ex­ eter. LOST—Wheel and tire from half ton truck, Monday in Stephen Twp. E. R. Hopper, Exeter. We give you absolutely free four lubrication jobs and all we ask in return is a chance to show you our stock of used, cars and make you an offer on your present car. This of­ fer is good for April only-—Sandy Elliot. FOR Exeter, condition. 75 acres ploughed. Must be sold. Balance should Pickard, SALE—100 acres, close to Good soil in the best of Reasonable cash payment, by mortgage. This farm make you money.—C. V. phone 165. WANTED — Odd jobs of kind. Apply to Fred Moore, St., Exeter. any Mill ' FOR SALE—100 good acres, 9th ’con. Blanshard, 2nd lot from No. 23 ■ Highway. Large bank barn, two- storey brick dwelling, driving shed, hog and poultry house. Immediate possession; terms easy, less than 5 percent interest on secured pay­ ment, For particulars write or ap­ ply to John Dearness, 30 Marley Place, London, Ont. Flowering plants for sale. L. Day & Son. FLOOR SANDING — Have your old floors sanded now before busy season starts. No dust, month a-t winter prices. Phone for estimates or see Mr. Johnston, your local decorator. Harry W. Seaforth, phone 224w. the This Hart, acres,FARMS FOR SALE —50 good buildings, hydro, best of land, close to town and school. Reasonable price. 100 acre highway farm, very best priced for quick Sale. Several others. Exeter, C. V. Pickard, phone 165 SALE—100 acres with fullFOR set of buildiftgs, some bush, handy to school and village, $3,500, half cash, A number of houses in Ex­ eter.—W.C. Pewce, We sell vice more_______ lubrication coupons. more cars because we ser- cars, ask about cttr Free .Sandy Elliot. Cottage — Medium sized, comfortable and In good re­ pair. Reasonable price and terms. Several other homes.-—-CJ. V. Pickard phone 165, Exeter, $11.25 for Comfortable THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE "'."•a... Choice Quality Meats The Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St, LOCALS jjiwnr-ir-"1 nr— *. W W1 II " <••'1 ■■■ •■’"{J Trivitt Memorial Unit of the Red Cross Society will hold a Bridge and Euchre in the Town Hall op Friday evening, April Sth, at 8.00 o’clock. Good prizes given - Spec­ ial door prize. Lunch will he served. Everybody welcome. Admission 25c Mrs. M. A. Hunt is giving a tea and shower for refugee children for Tri­ vitt Memorial Unit of the Red Cross .Society at the Rectory, Thursday, April 11th. Tea served 4-6 p.m. and 8-10 p.m. Everybody welcome. 2tc. The -crocuses are in bloom. Monday was All Fool’s Day. The robins returned in numbers last week. Miss Vera Decker spent the week­ end at her home in Zurich. Miss Jean Hennessey spent Easter holidays at the home of W. W. Northcott. C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest approved methods of Eyesight Testing used. Office open 9 a.m, to 5 P.m. every week day except Wednesday The Short Cut to Comfort Is A Quick Call For D&H ANTHRACITE You’ll save many days of trouble­ some heating—if you phone your order for D&H Anthracite, today This Pennsylvania Hard Coal is a fuel of tested quality—especially prepared for home heating use. Once you’ve tried D&H Anthracite —you’ll know it’s the only short cut heating comfort.to JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33; Residence 157 Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Painting and Paperhanging Sign Work of all Kinds Display Cards, Etc. TOM WALKERher Mr. i Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers vis­ ited with their son Reg. at Sarnia, the latter part of the week. The executive of the Exeter Red Cross Branch will meet in the lib­ rary Monday, April Sth, at eight p.m. Mr. W. H. Dearing was able to be out Monday after being his home for two weeks ness. Mr. B. M. Francis is his bed and his friends will regret to that he will be there for some confined to through ill- confined to MissClarence Boyle and Stickney,, of London, spent r-r> ATTENTION — Tractor Owners For Economy Use Imperial Oil Products “Quality and Service Our Motto” Prompt Delivery at all Hours JOHN F. BEANE, Agent Phone 110 Exeter know time. Mr. Edith Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. F. Boyle. Marion and Clayton Schwegler, of Toronto., spent the Easter holidays with their uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. N. J. Dore. Mr. Gordon Emmett and Miss R. Fraser, of London, were visitors at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser on .Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McFalls, and daughter Maxine, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bird, of London, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hod- gert. Mrs. S. Hedden, of Chelsea Heights London, has returned to her home after spending ten days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rodway spent the holidays visiting in Toronto. They were accompanied to Exeter by Miss Gwen Aney who is their guest at present. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Littler and daughter Mary, of Stewart, B. C., are holidaying ’with Dr. and Mrs. Weekes. Mrs. Weekes and Mrs. Littler are sisters. Mrs. Wm. Vale visited with her daughter Mrs. Wm. McDowell, Den- field. Orval McDowell returned with Mrs. Vale and spent the Easter holidays with his grandparents. Miss Mildred Walker, of London, formerly of Exeter was elected vice- president of the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario, at the an­ nual meeting in the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa. Miss Jean Church, of Ottawa was elected president. Mr. Fawcett, of the Exeter High School staff, spent the holidays at his home in Forest; Miss Tape at Highgate and Miss Douglas at Strathroy. Miss Kenny, of the Public School staff, was in London and Miss Woodall, at her home in Cred- itdn. t Mi’, and Mrs. A. J. Hamilton and Mrs, Wm. Sillery were in London •Saturday visiting their sister, Mrs. S. R. prebble, of Ilderton, who on Thursday underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s hospital. Her friends will be pleased to know that she is getting along nicely. Word has been received by MisS Martha Hunter, of town and Mrs. Agnes Laihmie, Hensall, of the sud­ den death of their brother, John L, Hunter, Mayor of Qilmofe City, Iowa. His death occurred on Sun­ day as a result of a sudden attack of pneumonia. g. LEAVITT’S THEATRE Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Mickey Rooney and WALTER CONNELLY in 4 99“Huckleberry Finn ADDED SPECIALS “laurel & Hardy Comedy “The Life of the Famous Horse cSea Biscuit’”J MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY TWO FEATURES “Trade Winds” with FREDRIC MARCH and ANN SOTHERN Blondie Takes a Vacation” PENNY SINGLETON and ARTHUR LAKE « EARN DOUBLE FOR YOUR EF­ FORTS! Easy, interesting work in a district chosen for you. Products well-known throughout Canada sure sellers all. GET STARTED AT ONCE! By RETURN MAIL drop a line to the Familex Products Com­ pany, 570 iSt. Clement,. Montreal. ■< CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—public Worship Sermon: “Receiving the Holy Ghost” 7 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon: "The Reward of the Faithful” Tuesday, April 9th at 8 p.m. Meet­ ing of the Y. P. S. in Church. Y'. P, S. of First Church, Seaforth will be our guests. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader Special Young People’s Sunday Rev. Manson Doyle, D.D., Toronto 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. 3 p.m.—'Sunday School ’ • Thursday, 7.3Oi—Prayer Service. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Clioir Leader a.m,—Divine Worship -Church School -The Minister 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday 2.30 p.m.—Woman’s As­ sociation and War Service Union. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH -nr---- Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlsn Second Sunday After Easter a.m.—'Sunday .School a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser­ mon. “Christ and Immortality” Beginning next Sunday service will be at 11 a.m. 10 11 WEDNESDAY HALF-HOLIDAYS to close our -business at Wednesday April, May, places of on each months of August, September and We, the Barbers and Hairdress­ ers of Exeter do agree respective 12.30 noon during the June, July, October, and remain closed till the following day, commencing April 17 th, except when said Wednesday precedes a holiday. Elmore Harness V. V. Decker Marion pooley A. R. Tomlinson, Barber and Beauty Shop Garnet Flynn Norman Hockey W. J. Hockey Shop REQUEST PROGRAM During the Sunday evening service at James Street Church the choir gave a number of request selections. The choir sang “If a Man Dies” from “The Dawn Immortal” cantata with Miss Pearl Wood taking the solo. They also sang “The Lord’s My Shepherd.” Mrs. T. Coates sang “The Pearly Gates and Golden”. Messrs. Allan and Melville Buswell “The Old Rugged Cross” and Mr. Frank Taylor “No Night There.” The male- quartette, Messrs. Cutbush, Wuerth, Lindenfield and Goulding sang “The Wayside Cross.” The minister, Rev. Mr. Page spoke on the subject “Be Careful to What You Listen.” in Opera House Wednesday, April 10 McNichol’s Orchestra Admission 25c. SPECIAL SERVICES Main Street United Church, Exeter SUNDAY, APRIL 7th, 1940 Under the auspices of the Sunday School and Young People 11 a.m.-—<Rbv. Manson Doyle D.D., Toronto. 3 p.m.—Dr. Doyle will speak to the Sunday School. A Message for Children. Special Music. 7 p.m.—iDr. Doyle will have a Special Message for Young people. The Church Choir will provide Special Music. A Male Double Quartette will sing at each service. Offerings will be received for'Sunday School and Young Peoples* Work A Social Hour, sponsored by the Young peoples* Class, Will be held at the close of the Evening Service. Dr. Doyle will be a guest of honour. Young People are cordially invited. WE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING NEW TO SHOW YOU AND WE HAVE SOME VERY SPECIAL VALUES IN SMART STYLES THAT ARE SURE TO PLEASE YOU. WE INVITE YOU TO LOOK THEM OVER. ‘ I Shadow Cloths and Homespuns A new shipment of these cloths have jpst arived in stripes, plaids and florads. A few yards of one of the new materials will dress your windows for spring. ♦ ♦ ♦ Boys’, Young Men’s and Men’s Clothing ♦ ♦ ♦ The weather we are having isn’t much like Spring, but in a week or so it will be better and you will want to be stepping out in New Clthes. Be sure to see our New Models.. . It will pay you. MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S OXFORDS In nearly every style that is popular this season. You will find them good fitters and real values. at $3.00, $4.00, $4.50 to $7.00 SMART NEW FOOTWEAR FOR WOMEN Many new styles are being shown for Spring. These come ini different widths. May we have the pleasure of showing them to you? Curtains and Curtain Nets Our curtains for spring are all in stock. These nets were bought months ago before the rise in prices. We offer you a big range to choose from at PER YARD 20c, 25c, 29c, 30c, 35c to 75c Wallpapers Wallpapers Have that room papered before the paperhangers get too busy. A few rolls of our new wallpapers will make a wonderful difference in the appearance of your home. Papers at 10c, I2V2C, 15c, 20c, 25c; also Room Lots at $1.29, $1.49, $1.79,$1.99 ..24 pairs of Men’s Rubber Boots at per pair $2.00 •• GROCERY SPECIALS I P. & G. SOAP 5 bars ..... 19c OXYDOL Large pkg. . . 21c PIE CHERRIES 2 tins ..... 23c Fresh Ground Coffee REX 1 •••••• 45c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 cans.............15c CORN BEEF 1 tin...............15c JAM Raspberry, Strawberry and Plum 1 jar ..... . 25c AMMONIA Snowflakes 3 boxes .... 12c MASTER Wheatflakes 5 lb. bag .... 20c Southcott 1 Exeter, Bros. Phone 16 WANTED—A good home for an­ other of our good used cars. If you are a prospect we will pay you four grease jobs on your car if you will, only look over our used cars and let us make an offer on the car you are driving. This offer good end of April. Drive your day.—Sandy Elliot. only till car in to- in ExeterWord has been received of the death of Mr. William Blaney who for a number of years was care­ taker of Caven Presbyterian church. Mr. Blaney has been living in To­ ronto and early in March had the misfortune to fall receiving injuries from- which he never recovered. Guven W. M. Society The Easter Thankoffering meeting of the Society was held in Caven Church schoolroom on Thursday. March 28th. The meeting was in charge of the president Mrs. Glad­ man and Miss Jeckell led in the de­ votional exercises. Two pleasing numbers were rendered by members of the Mission Band under the dir­ ection of their leader. The guest speaker for the meeting was Rev. Wm. Weir, of Hensall. In his ad­ dress he stressed the fallacy of seeking the fruits of Christianity rather than finding it's roots. Rev. Mr. Hill offered the dedicatory pray­ er for the offering. The meeting, clos­ ed with a social half hour. April 1st at the H. Cowen, Thd C, Carey, presided part of the meet- and Miss Eileen Snell’s group James Street Evening Auxiliary The James Street Willing Work­ ers’ Evening Auxiliary held their monthly meeting, home of Mrs. H. president, Mrs. H. over the business ing was in charge of the program. MiSs Hazel Woodall read the Scripture after Which Mrs. Lindenfield led in prayer. Mrs. Elliot sang a solo. The last chapter of the Study Hook Was given by Mrs. Sylvester Taylor. Then a short Easter drama was given by Mrs. A. Tomlinson, Miss Florence Down and Miss Hasel Woodall. A dainty luhch was served by the group in charge. SPRING! We’re Ready with a Smart Collection of Men’s Wearing Apparel including: New Suits and Topcoats; Hats, Shirts, Ties, Socks PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. Trivitt Memorial W. A. The Woman’s Auxiliary of Tri- Vitt Memorial church ^et at the home of Miss E. M. Bowey with a good attendance. The meeting was opened with the Litany and prayers led by the president. Miss McTag- gart read the Scripture. The roll call was answered by the alternate reading of Psalm 145. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer gave her report and correspondence was read Miss Bowey gave a readingVThe Risen Life.” Mrs. C. Heywood and Mrs. Irwin were nominated to take charge of the next business and de­ votional meeting. Mrs. Thomson read a poem “Our W. A.” Mrs. Middleton read a chapter of the Study Book, with the served by half hour James Street Mission Circle The meeting closed benediction. Lunch Was the hostess’' and a social spent. Miss Dorothy Welsh spent the week-end in Sarnia, The James Street Mission Circle .held their monthly meeting Tues­ day evening at the Home of Miss Helen Finkbeiner. The president, Miss Mary Van Camp, presided over the business session, and Miss Vera Decker's group had charge of the program? A hymn was sung fol­ lowed by prayer. The roll was taken and collection gathered. The girls were busy sewing a layette which will be sent to the West, The num­ bers on the program wdfft introduc­ ed by Mrs. A. Page, who read the worship service. Miss Florence Down gave a very interesting talk on “Character Building.” The study book chapter was given by Miss L Sweet and Misses Dorothy Traquair and iLaurene Beavers sang a lovely duet, “Playmates.” Very dainty re­ freshments were then served by the hostess. Miss Irene Sweet moved ' a vote of thanks to Mrs, Fihkbelner and Helen.