HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-04-04, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
HENSALL hearty vote of thanks extended
the hostess.
Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London,
visited on Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Qrtwein.
Miss Margaret Kilp,atick return
ed after spending the Easter holi
days with her parents in Strath-
Mr. G. M. Drysdale is having the
interior of his dwellng on Main St.
beautifully remodelled and redec
The many friends of Mr. Geo.
Jackson regret to hear that he is
in a serious condition at his home
suffering from a stroke.
Miss Lettie Love returned to her
duties in Toronto after spending
the Easter holidays with her part
ents Mr. and Mrs. William Love.
Mrs. Wm. Dabus ha§ been con
fined to her room suffering from
an attack of pleurisy but is some
what improved at date of writing,
Miss Hazel Thompson returned
to her duties at Parry Soiynd after
spending the Easter holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomp
Council, Meeting
The regular village council meet
ing was held in the Council Cham
ber on Monday at -8l p.m- with all
members being present. The min
utes of the previous meeting were
read. Robinson and Cameron; That
the minutes be adopted as read. Car-
R. J. Patterson, tax collector re
ported having collected $153.28
since last meeting having a bal
ance of outstanding taxes as being
$479.26 which includes several es
tates still to be wound up.
'Cameron and I-Ioi* ton: That the
road oil taxes of Rev. W. A. Young,
H. McLarnon and Mrs. Evelyn
tax of Mrs.
struck off.
Rev. Wm Weir conducted ser
vices in Carmel Church on Sun
day which were largely attended.
The choir sang a beautiful anthem
and a number of beautiful hymns
written by William Cowper were
■Communion Service was held in
the United Church on Sunday when
nineteen new members were re
ceived into the church. Rev. John
Richardson read the charge to.the
new members, who were received
by Mr. G. M. Drysdale and Mr. H.
Horton. The choir sang a beau
tiful anthem with Mrs. Geo. Hess
and Mr. Harry Horton as soloists.
At the evening service the choir
sang “Jesus is Ri^en.”
Choir Banqueted
The congregation of the United
Church held a delightful banquet
last week at which the members
of the choir were the guests. The
tables were very attractive in Eas
ter decorations and daffodils. The
Board of Stewards of the Church
served at the table to about fifty.
Mr. W. O. Goodwin moved a vote
of thanks, which was seconded by
G. Smillie. Rev. R. A. Brook
a very fine address after
the evening - was spent in
and a social hour enjoyed.
Young People’s Union
Young People’s Union held
meeting in the
Dr. I.
their devotional
United Church on Monday evening"
with Miss Gladys Passmore presid
ing. The meeting opened by sing
ing a hymn followed -by prayer by
Miss Norma Cook. The Scripture
•lesson was read by Miss . Shirley
Fairburn. The devotional topic was
very ably given by Miss June Saun-
dercock. Miss Irene Douglas fa-
oured with a piano solo. The min
utes were read adopted and the
roll called. . The business was dis
cussed and plans made for the
Young people’s Anniversary to be
held on Sunday, April 21st with
Rev. Mr. Burton of Clinton as the
guest speaker. After singing an
other hymn a Bible contest was dir
ected by Miss
meeting closed
Goldie Cross. The
with the benediction.
Circle Meets
meeting of the Arn-
held at the home of
THURSDAY, APRII-i 4th, 1040
and son
All ladies are urgently requested
to be present at the Red Cross meet
ing today (Thursday),
Miss Clara Kraft has returned to
her home after spending a few
weeks with her sister in London.
Charlie" a 3-act comedy at Rader’s
April 11th at 8 p.m.
Mrs, Ness has moved into the
house she recently purchased from
the Stade estate and Mr,
has moved into Mrs.
Betty Taylor is on the
We hope for a speedy recovery.
Mr. Rhinard Miller was taken to
London hospital where he , under
went on operation on Tuesday.
Mrs. Freda Cook, of Chicago,
Mrs. Otto Meyer, of London and
Mr. William Steuer, of Buffalo, at
tended the funeral of their father
the late Mr. George Steuer this
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Kellerman
and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman
motored to Chatham on Sunday.
George Steuer Dies
George .Steuer, a mason
ditcher.for many years died
day at his home in Dashwood
a week’s illness with a heart con
dition. He was in his 73rd year.
Mr. Steuer was born in Germany.
He had lived in Raynham prior to
coming to Dashwood 35 years ago.
He had come to Canada when a
youth of 17-years and was a mem
ber of the'jCutheran church. Surviv
ing are his wife, four sons, John
of Exeter; William, of Onoawando;
N.Y,; Fred, of.Kitchener and Adam
of Putnam; four daughers? Mrs.
Chris. Fischer, of Dashwood;. Mrs.
Wallace Cook, of Chicago; Mrs. W.
Snell and Mrs.
London. There are
A private funeral
held at the home on
2 o’clock followed by public service
in the Lutheran church at 2.30 p.m.
conducted by Rev. T. Luft. Inter
ment was in Bronson Line cemetery.
Annual Business Meeting
The annual business meeting of
the Evangelical Church was held
last Monday evening with fairly
good attendance. Fully itemized re
ports were given by representatives
of every department of the congre
gation. These reports all indicated
wholesome activity in every phase
of church work as carried on dur
ing the past year. All the finan
cial reports were especially gratify
ing For the first time in many
years both the current and mission
ary budgets were fully met before
the annual meeting,
special interest is the
thousand and twenty
pennies plus $70 00,
(total $80.23) were brought in as
Easter offering for missions.
and see “Here Comes
Dashwood on Thursday,
sick list.
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Haist
Douglas, of Detroit, wisited
with Mr, and Mrs. Emmery
Mrs. Fred Kerr is spending the
week with Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Cul-
bert in Lucan.
Mrs. Lawrence
Douglas returned
Hospital, London,
are getting,, along nicely.
A welcome visitor to this dis
trict last week was the Thaw. After
a siege of oldHfashipned winter
weather and heavy roads the annual
thaw came towards the end of last
week to clear away all trace of*
The weather was almost
Wein and son
from St, Joseph’s
on Monday. They
'Stapleton also the dog
Evelyn Stapleton be
Robinson and Moir:
cept the 1939 tax roll i
by the Collector and
to return the list of uncollected
taxes to the treasurer.
The Assessor returned
Assessment Roll stating
assessment as being
Cameron and Robinson:
accept the , Assessment
handed in by the assessor.
Jno. Elder appeared and presented
a list of names petitioning a rif-le
range on private property in the
village and no permission had been
secured from the owners.
Robinson and Cameron: That the
council take no action on petition
presented by J. Elder. Carried.
Horton and Cameron; That we
charge the library $5.00, hydro
$20.00 and the School Board $20.
as being their share of the audit
ing expenses. Carried.
Lee Hedden reported re the catch
basins in front of the Presbyterian
churches being in bad shape. Same
to be
Correspondence' read:
Dept, of Municipal Affairs re the
New Amendments; Mother’s Allow
ance Commission; K. McLean;
F. J.
E. C. Beacom
Robinson and Horton: That we
refund the hall rent to the Red
Cross of $21.00'. Carried.
Bills and accounts read:
Miss Katie Scott relief groceries
$24.00; O. Rowcliffe, relief milk,
$4.00; W. R.( Davidson, relief coal,
$15.'5O; H. O*. Dayman, relief gro
ceries $8.00; J. A. Patterson; type
writer repairs $2.50; R. Dick, la
bour rink $10.20; Lee Hedden, sal-
ary and postage $36.80; W. R. Da
vidson, coal, hall $31.83; School
Board current expenses $1,000.00;
H. Hedden, labour streets 60c; D.
Kilpatrick ditto $1.80; R. Brod
erick, teaming streets $3.80; H.
Bell, labour streets $1.50; M. Coop
er, ditto $2.60;
$3.50,; R. Dick, ditto $1.80; W. Hil
teaming, streets $23.60; Red Cross
Society rebate hall rent $21.00;
total $1261.12.
Robinson and Horton: That the
bills and accounts be paid as read.
the future
instruct the
now adjourn.
James A. Patterson, Clerk
That we ac--
as handed in
instruct him
the 1940
the total
That we
Roll as
looked after by Council,
cferk reported re the Stock
at the C.N.R. also ordering
Burrows; Gurny Scale Co.;
and Hensail Red
Same filed.
ary, $55.00'; R. J. Patterson,
W. Love, ditto
ditto $6.70; O. Geiger,
Otto Meyer, of
28 grandchil-
service was
Wednesday at
A point of
fact that one
three coppers
mostly silver
and Robinson: That in
the committees do or
hiring of help. Carried,
and Horton: That we
The regular
old Circle was
Mrs. John McEwen on Monday ev
ening with a large attendance. Mrs.
Roy Bell presided and the meeting
'opened by singing a hymn played
by Miss Irene Hoggarth. Mrs. Mel
vin Moir read<a beautiful poem
entitled “Give.” After singing an
other hymn Miss S-ally Manson led ’
in prayer. The Scripture lesson was
read by Miss Mildred Hackney. The
minutes were read and adopted and
the roll called. The business was
discussed and it was decided to
have a Birthday Tea in the church
on May 13 th. After another hymn
was sung the offering was received.
Miss Mabel Workman and Mrs. R.
Bell gave the topic on “Higher Ed
ucation in India” which was much
enjoyed. Mrs. MacDougall played
a beautiful piano solo. After sing
ing another hymn the meeting clos
ed by repeating the Lord’s Prayer
in unison.A very dainty lunch was
served by Mrs. McEwen and a very
FOR BALE — ikensall: Brick
house, well built and located. In
good repair. Property of Mrs. M.
Eacrett. Now at very low price.—C.
V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter.
Evangelistic Services
Harold Overholt,
Sunday with the
Mrs. Dennis Ma-
Embryo Fed Chicks from Blood-
Tested Breeders
$10.00 per Hundred
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Geromette
are spending a few;days.in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O’Rourke
spent the week-end with the forpi-
er’s sister Mrs. Jack Barry, Detroit.
Mr. Hubert McKeever spent Sun
day in London.
Mr. and Mrs.
of Zurich, spent
latter’s mother,
Miss Evelyn McCann, of Wal-
laceburg, has returned to her duties
as teacher after spending her holi
days here.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Desjardine
and Mrs. Joe Glavin spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard,
of Zurich.
Mrs. Augustus Morrissey is spend
ing a few days’ with her daughter,
Mrs’. Dennis Bedard, of Zurich.
.Mr. and Mrs. Nap Geromette and
family, of Denfield, spent Sunday
with the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Coughlin.
Mr. C. Regier spent Wednesday
in London.
There will be special evangelis
tic services in the Evangelical
church, Dashwood, all next week,
April 8L14th, inclusive. Miss Emo
gene Quinn (ghove) of Indianapolis
Ind., noted Evangelist will be the
speaker. She has travelled exten
sively and preached in more than
thirty countries in Europe and Asia
as well as in every one of the Unit
ed States.
Her co-worker, Miss
drews, Dayton, Ohio., is
plished musician, known
prodigy when playing
church choirs at only four years of
age. Critics have pronounced her
“a marvel” in Gospel music. Her
favored instrument is the marimba
which she takes with her in her
travels and will be heard in these
invited to
and play
Daisy An-
an accom-
as a child
for, large
The public is cordially
come and hear them
and preach the old
warm and the snow has
appearing rapidly during
few days.
Mrs, Lloyd Fahrner
Glenn and Mrs. J, R. Thompson, of
Parkhill, were visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fahner last
Mr. Fred Kerr made a business
trip to Dorchester on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Brown have
moved into Mr. Herman Oestricher's
house in Crediton. We congratu
late them, on their recent marriage
and welcome them to our midst.
The Young People’s League of
the Evangelical church are enter
taining the Young People’s Union
of James Street United Church in
Exeter on Friday evening of this
Rev. Lawrence Turner, pastor of
the United church, announces a ser
ies of sermons for the month of
April—April 7th “In the Front Line
Trenches”; April 14th “In the
■Crowded Way;” April 21st “In Sal
vaging Operations;” April 28th “In
Lands Beyond the Sea.” Beginning
next Sunday the evening service will
commence at 7:30 o’clock.
Women’s Institute
The regular meeting of the Cred
iton Women’s Institute was held* in
the Town Hall on Monday, April
1st at 8 p.m. . The meeting opened
as usual with the president occupy
ing the chair. The singing of. the
Ode and repeating the Lord's Pray
er were indulged in. Motto “Always
Laugh When You Can, It is Cheap
Medicine.” Roll Call, “Health
Building Habits” with nearly all
members responding. The
-was then transacted. Miss
lock then took the chair
program which was as
Miss E. Morlock
the speaker of the
lor, of Dashwood
instructive talk on
fare” which we all benefited by.
Piano duet by Mrs. wF. Morlock.
and Miss I. Fahrner. Song. The
hostesses were Mrs. E. Lawson,
Mrs. Wes. Wein, Mrs. L. Wein and
Miss E. Morlock. A vote of thanks
by Mrs. W. Mack and seconded by
Mrs. E. K. Fahrner to all who help
ed make the meeting a success.
Glasses Hold Elections
Recently the True Blue and Star
classes of the Evangelical Sunday
■School met in the township hall for
the election of officers for the year.
There were about 40 young people
present. The
were elected:
teacher, Chester Mawhinney; presi
dent, Roy Morlock; vice-president,
Harold Fahner; Secretary, Arthur
Gaiser; Assistant secretary, Clinton
Morlock; treasurer, Maurice Hirt-
zel; chorister, Lawrence Wein; lib
rarians Edgar Mawhinney, August
Schefbuch; Reporter, Eldon Smith.
The Ladies’ True Blue class elect
ed for president, Norma Finkbeiner
vice-president, Clara Gaiser;
tary, Leilla Mollard; pianist,
Fahner; treasurer, Mrs. Ross
Before re-organiza'tion a
song service was enjoyed
which the Ladies’ True Blue class
rendered a much appreciated pro
gram. Norma Finkbeiner was the
chairman. Marguerite Guettinger
read the. Scripture; Mrs. Freeman
Morlock rendered a piano solo;
Margaret Kuhn contributed a hum
orous reading. A quartette con
sisting of Norma Finkbeiner, Nola
Faist, Ella Morlock and Maleeta
Wein sang several selections. Mrs.
Ross Krueger gave a, reading and
Mrs. Freeman Morlock and Miss
Irene Fahner rendered a piano duet
The feature of the evening was “A
trip to Finland” given by Lulu
Morlock. Miss Morlock visited in
Finland last summer and gave a
very interesting talk on the
toms and characteristics of
people of that country.
E. Mor-
for the
Cornet solo by E.
then introduced
evening Dr. Tay-
and gave us an
“The Child Wel-
Mrs. Pete Ravelie and family and
Miss Phyllis Gill have returned
home from Florida where they spent
the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard, Miss
May Yeo visited in Brigden Sun
day. Master Bill Mollard returned
home • with them after a week’s
holiday with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turnbull
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ritchy.
of Parkhill, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Turnbull
visited in Toronto the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker vis
ited their daughter the past week.
Miss Beatrice Green spent the
past week with friends in Toronto.
Quite a number of visitor’s from
different points have returned
their different places of
Mrs. Dr. Kennedy and
Detroit spent the past
their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Moltor,
ford, spent a few days with their
daughter Mrs. Leonard Ravelie.
Mr. Mervin Love visited his home
over the holiday.
The river is free of ice and sever
al are trying to catch a few suck
ers, but as yet they are scarce.
Rev. and Mrs. Beacom • visited
for a few days last week with his
parents at Kingsville.
Mr. Geo. Mason has moved into
Mr. Mansel Mason’s house on the
Blue Water Highway just north
of the village.
•Good crowds are attending
prayer services.
;; 7$
''' 'I
following officers
Men’s -Star class,
of Thed-
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Essery,
don, visited on Sunday with Mrs. W.
J. Parsons.
Mrs. W. Spencer and Jewel, of St.
Thomas, visited on Wednesday with
Mrs. H. Mills.
Miss Wilda Pollock R.N., Kitchen
er, spent’ the week-end with her sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks.
Mr. Albert Mitchell has sold the
residence in Centralia of the late
Thos. Mitchell to Mr. Wellington
Skinner. Mr. Skinner will take up
residence here the latter part of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hern vis
ited on Sunday with Mrs. P. Mar-
Several from the community at
tended the Carnival at London on
Saturday night.
We are pleased to report that
Margaret Hern is improving.
Mr. Charles Hern, of Saskatche
wan, has been visiting with friends
in the community and returned on
Miss Christine Dobson visited
with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hern dur
ing the Easter holidays.
Mr. Wm. Stephens visited
E. Hern last
We have sold over 3,000 cars to
satisfied customers since coming to
Exeter. We sell and we serve. See
our cars today.—Sandy Elliot.
after" School re-opened on Mbnday
the Easter holidays.
A Ham and Egg Supper is to be
held in the basement of the United
Church on Thursday evening, April
4th, A good program is being pro
Dn Sunday last Rev. Mr. Turner
sang a solo “Open the Gate; of the
Temple” in the service of the Unit
ed Church. Next Sunday he is to
preach on “With the United Church
in the front line trenches.”Pte. Sydney Bentley is home on I
two weeks* leave.
Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Cann are both
quite ill but at present Mrs. Cann
is somewhat improved.
Mrs. Earl Dow, of Roys, has been
quite ill with pleuro-pneumonia
but is somewhat improved.
Because’ of the condition of the
roads it has been considered
to cancel the Oyster Supper
Friday, 10th of April. It will
be a Ham and Potato p Supper
the same play as advertised.
Mrs. Mair, Batty and Joanne, are
visiting Mrs. Mair's parents at Wes
Mrs. Archie Morgan sang very
acceptably at the morning service
on Sunday.
her sister Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs.
family and Mr.
ed with Mrs.‘H. Kyle
The Zion
their March
the 28th of
Mrs. Angus Earl. ,
The County plow,
about thirty men cl'eared the road
from Winchelsea to Whalen on
Thursday and Friday after it had
been blocked for some days.
The community meeting which
was postponed last Friday evening
will hold on Thursday night,
April 4th. The guest speaker of
the evening will be the Rev. Mr.
Grigg of Exeter.
Ross Hern
Charles Hern
of Exeter on
March at
Circle held
on Thursday
the home of
assisted by
* $2.95
Shelton Oil
Child’s Perman’t
$2.00 and $2.50
Dreen ,Permanent Ends Permanent
Permanent No Heat, Weight
$1.50 and 1.75
Shelene Oil Machineless Oil
also acts as a Adults Thermique
hair conditioner Special
$4.50 $1.95 and $2.25 $7.00
-------------- <
We are now prepared to process your Spring Grain.
Cleaning and Grading wlill give a satisfactory result
from practically any good grain.
Oats and Barley separated. Wild oats completely re
moved from Barley. An average sample of grain from your
bin will give No. 1 seed. Satisfaction guaranteed.
All Clovers and Grass Seeds cleaned, bought and sold.
We have
We have
a complete stock on hnd of seeds; also seed
a complete stock on hand of seeds; also seed
------ Visit Our Millinery Department------
Numerous patterns to choose from, 20c, 22c, 25c per yard
Huskies 1 cent Sale
1 box; 13c. 2 boxes 14c.
Puffed Wheat 1 cent Sale
1 Puffed Wheat Reg. Price
1 Puffed Rice Reg. Price
2 LBS. LARD ................ 19c
Woodbury’s Hand Soap
4 bars .. ......................... 25c COFFEE
Reg. 39c per lb. for 35c
Ground fresh when you buy
Reg. 33c value for 27c
Frazer C. Brown, Crediton