HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-04-04, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE EDIT y .j Hl A I- Well the election is over. !('*****♦•* (Easter hats could not budge old man winter. $*><<***** (Loyalty procedes efficiency. # M' * ‘ .Every hour brings some duty. * # ' To judge hastily is to repent hast­ ily. * * * Few men are as worthless as they seem to be. # * ♦ (Let us not sneei’ at a man merely because he values himself highly, If he doesn't, who will?* * * PEST NO. ONE The Pest I hate And' do abhor Is one who leaves And slams the door. I * * * One afternoon Sid Arthur Sulli­ van of Gilbert and Sullivan fame, set out with a companion for a house where he had been ojily once before, and on reaching the proper street, could not remember the num­ ber. "Never mind,” he cried, “I’ll find it.” He walked up to each door in turn and gave its boot-scraper a gentle kick. "Here we are,” he said at length. “Listen—E. Flat.” * * * An eminent scientist announces that man does his best work at 60. Is there anyone present who is un­ able to guess the age of the emin­ ent scientist? * * * Definitions change from time to time, but human nature remains just the same. What we now speak of as ‘personality’ was once refer­ red to as ‘unmitigated gall.’ ♦ » ♦ mistakes At least one good thing can be said of mistakes. They bear witness to the fact that somebody tried. Better to have, tried and failed than never to have tried at all. Better a winning score plus mistakes than errorless defeat. The man who never made a mis­ take never accomplishes anything. M: * M< VIOLETS All poets siing their songs about The modest violet. Ten thousand poets can’t be wrong - iShe must be shy - and yet - I wonder as I watch her And observe her, hour by hour, If she really is a sensitive, Retiring little flower? When leaves and grass grow thickly; All about her - she will try To stretch her neck to fearful lengths To catch the passing eye. —iL. Young Correthers * * * OUR CHANGING WORLD As long as we have younger gen­ erations — and as long as we have 2.5,000,000 new people every ten years, we will have changes. Twenty-five million people added to our adult population - bringing their youthful viewpoint, likes and dislikes - means we will have changes in our buying habits. Any business firm who does not " study these advancing waves of pro­ gress is doomed — and the pity of it is that they do not realize it be­ fore it is too late. | * * * Speaking of social affairs and how one thing leads to another - and in­ troduces them without asking per­ mission - we are all inter-related in our interests, especially when someone of the same name leaves a large fortune and no will. « * * Finding that the roses she ad­ mired most cost $9.00 a dozen. Sandy sent his girl a package of flower seed for her birthday. * * * Heard of Hamden’s Express? The American Railway Express Company maintains 2'5,000' offices, employs over 50,000 persons, handle about 300,000,00(0' shipments in a- year. All this is an outgrowth of Worry Saps The Nervous System Worry over business or household duties, sudden shock, the insane quest for pleasure, the foolish at­ tempt to put a Week of normal life into twenty-four hours, feverish ac­ tivity, the demand for sensational literature are all conducive to the aggravation of wear and tear on the nervous system. If you are tired, listless, nervous, and worried why not give Milburn ’a Health and Nerve Pills a chance to help put you on your feet again. They ate a body 'building, nerve strengthening tonic containing the essential elements for the nervous system. Th« T. Milburn (Jo., Ltd., TotontO, Oat. Bill Harnden and his old red car­ pet bag. Back in 1834, there fas a pioneer train conductor who ran between New York and Boston. As a per­ sonal accommodation for friends, he frequently carried small packages and delivered them at the end of his run. Friends told friends, who were often willing to pay Harnden a little something for his trouble. Harnden was soon obliged to press into ser­ vice an old red carpet bag that he bought for his wedding journey. And still the business grew. In fact, it soon grew into a carload proposi­ tion with Harnden personally ac­ companying the car upon each of its trips. Thus was the express planted and nurtured by Wm. H. Harnden one­ time conductor on The Boston & Worcester Railroad. His office, eventually established at No. 1 Wall Street, New York, was the first ex­ press office of the 25,(100 not dot­ ted all over the map. What is back of this wonderful growth. 1. the general public is quick to appreciate any reliable service that will permit it to step from under a burden or a responsibility. 2. A more expeditious wa'y of do­ ing anything that must be done, even at a greater cost, soon becomes a recognized standard of good busi­ ness. Mt * Mt And here is a comforting thought for you to mull over when you wake up in the night. Our laws are not half as bad as they might be - con­ sidering the men who made them. * * * If you have difficulty in distin­ guishing the various pines, always remember that the variety with the longest and sharpest needles is the porcupine. ■ * * M> “In human affairs, no realization ever' matches the vision.” proven by What emerges from the stage door after a girl show. * Mi Mi The advantage of a National Bud­ get System is that it permits the tax payers to know in advance just how their money will be wasted. M: Mi M: Our lives are what we make ’em, We cannot pass the buck; But the man without the makin’s - Well, he’s just out of luck! While looking up something at the public library, we acame across the following jingle, author un­ known: Sneeze on Monday, you sneeze for, danger; Sneeze on Tuesday, you’ll kiss a stranger; Sneeze on Wednesday, you sneeze for a letter; Sneeze on Thursday, for something better; Sneeze on Friday, you sneeze for sorrow; Sneeze on Saturday, your sweetheart tomorrow. Sneeze on Sunday, your safety seek- The devil will have you the whole of the week! Mi Ml Ml COME CROOKED SEVEN It has been asserted that gambling and cheating are inseparable - that anyone who plays games for money will take unfair advantage of his fellow players. That is a very broad allegation, and not true, of course, in every instance. The oldest game still in the run­ ning is dice. It is as old as history' itself. And crooked dice seem to have been employed from a very early date. In the Field Museum, ‘Chicago, are ‘bones’ nearly 2,000 years old. They were in play when Cleopatra was vamping Mark An­ thony. Perhaps Cleo may have roll­ ed a little African golf herself to pass the time and money away. The most interesting thing about these Egyptian ivory cubes is the fact that they have been skillfully ‘doctored’ or loaded. They are not straight goods. The five and* two insist upon turning up with inexcus­ able frequency “little phoebe” and ‘snake eyes’ - the hard luck pair. Mi * M< You can’t persuade if you are afraid. Mt * Mt To be truly generous is to be truly great.* * * Your best opportunity lies close to you. M« M« Mi Never make light an another fel­ low’s honest convictions. Mi Mi Mi False dignity is the cloak of fools. * * M= Cock-a-doodle-do says Cock Rdbiii In a manner far from solemn. But that doesn’t help me To end this column, —•the eolOnel Isn’t it fine to see the good old earth once more. #**♦**#* Canadian voters have a way of getting rid of third parties. Ml * * * * M: Ml Ml The Finns were not p*oud to fight, but they are too proud to ask alms. opposition candidates were not popular in * Mi * * *♦* * It takes a flip of frost to make some people see an inch before their poses,< $ Ml # Mi Mi ** * It looks as if the some of the provinces, Those blocked roads brought seclusion. Necessity tends to no « Mi ♦ ♦ many a baking board out of its law of mere convenience. * Mt O Mt * Mi * * * Mary has a bad cold, lecting rubbers and coat, reason. You see, she rushed the season by neg- Her ma has pneumonia for the same MiMiMiM<MiM:M«* The (Liberal party has an opportunity to render the Dominion and the world a great service. It cannot afford to rest on its oars when a world storm is on the national seas. M:******M> A SHADE SPEAKS The shade of Sir Walter Scott to the Finlanders: Breathes there a man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land?. MiMiMiMi**** SOMETHING WRONG In fact, there’s a good deal wrong. An .undetermined number of 'Canadians do not believe there is a war on hand that deeply con­ cerns them. Statesmen are wrong because they have given the im­ pression that the war is an occasion for speech-making and for very little else. Many Red 'Cross people have taken up their work as it it were a “nice” but incidental thing, but not essential. Too many folk who are getting good prices are either feathering their nests or spending disproportionately for unnecessary things.. Then enterpris- prising publicists with an eye to enterainment <are dmusing their readers by suppositions about our duty when the war is over, forget­ ting that unless we hustle we’ll have mighty little to say about what is to be done when the guns cease firing. In these perilous times nothing but a firey will to win can anything like adequately meet an occasion so grave and so fateful. Mt * Ml Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi HUMBLING It takes the weather to humble us. For instance, we made up our minds that we would put up our lips at old man winter. We would have heaters installed in our cars and ride hither and thither in our summer clothes. We’d build big snow plows and let Dobbin and Nell doze in their stalls while the highways would be full of merry travelers. Old man winter smiled quietly, pursed up his lips and blew snow at us till highways became snow lanes filled as high with snow as in the brave days of old, while we huddled over the registers and harried our brains for new forms of malediction on the whole weather fraternity and all their works. Nature simply clamped down on us without as much as a “by your leave, good people.” Sometimes we think we're getting things done but nature turns up an earth­ quake and in five seconds undoes what it took us fifty years to build. Then witness What a spring thaw can do to our highways, a frost work with our harvest, and a drouth of a few years do to a whole province. There’s no. room for boasting. Why should the spirit of mortals be proud? *Mi****Mt* WE CONGRATULATE THEM Word comes that the Finns have decided to remain in what is left to them of their own country, desolate as it is. They say, they have enough left of their native soil to support them in their national ideals and to enable them to make their peculiar contribution to the good of the race. We cannot but congratulate these people on their de­ cision. They’re used to their climate. They know what to do with their soil and forests and fisheries and such natural resources as Providence has put in their way. Above all, they have their religion with its hallowed assocations, while every rising and setting sun will remind them of the graves of their heroic dead. The Finns live not by bread alon,e but by sentiments as noble as ever heaved a human breast and by hopes as mighty as ever were breathed into human nostrils. All this brave people require is a chance to work out their own destiny in their own way. It is not for anyone to tell these people what they should do. All that the rest of us can do is to give the aid they ask, the aid that will be delicately received and which will be asked by them only by the world seeing their ter­ rible need. Mi M> M< M< M< Mi Mi Mt A WELCOME Dwellers in the northern temperate zone knows the delights of the four seasons. This year we know the delight of the coming of spring. While the long dreariness that has beset this region since the advent of the New Year has been relieved by such expedients as radio and the telephone and the electric light, sociability has been decidedly curtailed and getting about has been limited to a degree believed impossible till Jack Frost and the north wind Showed them­ selves masters of the situation. The first days Of Carly spring have therefore a more than usually cordial welcome in 1340. Snowbanks are lowering their haughty brows. The one way lanes of the country roads are gradually widening. After supper work is being done in comfort, without the aid of artificial light. Winter’s accumulated rubbish is being cleared up. Once in a while we think We hear the road of a steamboat whistle. .Little knolls are showing their hoses through the snoWladden fields. The old people and the sick folks are finding their way into the sheltered sunshine. 'Faces are com­ mencing to find their old smiles. We can get to work without our overcoat. “.Spring is here,” we say to one another and extend our welcome to the soft warm breezes and the shining hours as we look for the snowdrops and the crocuses. Did You Know That o—o—-o Running water carries no poison. The word “apple” once was used for any round fruit. Hens don’t lay eggs! They stand up and let them drop. Un the Island of Bali, none but natives own real estate. North Carolina has set aside a trout stream for women "anglers only, Eight hundred varieties of mis­ tletoe grow in various parts of the world. Honesty may be the best policy, but how are we going to keep our friends if we always tell them the truth? An acetylene torch will cut steel quicker than a rope. Answer—Rope chars to form a crust which slows progress, Bargain prices for choioce brides were offered this year at the annual gypsy marriage mart in Kralieva, Serbia. Highest bid was for a bru­ nette who brought $6.40. Other parents sold their marriageable daughters for as little as $3.60, The man who made it Did not want it, The man who bought it Gould not use it; The man who used it Did not know it—a coffin. S. J. S. THCBSDAY, Al'ltll. 4th, 1010 MAKE THEM This Year Hogarth Chicks HIGH QUALITY, BLOOD TESTED CHICKS AT REASONABLE PRICES Once You Try You Always Buy From Hogarth BARRED ROCKS, WHITE WYANDOTTES, WHITE LEGHORNS, NEW HAMPSHIRES, JERSEY BLACK GIANTS, COCKERELS, PULLETS AND STARTED CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING HOGARTH CHICK HATCHERY EXETER, ONT. Phone 266 Advertising Pays March 26, 1940 The Exetei’ Times-Advocate, Exeter Ontario. 3 Gentlemen; It gives us much pleasure to in­ form you that our sales of “Salada” Tea in Exeter for 193.9 showed a sub­ stantial increase over the previous year. As you undoubtedly realize from the space we buy in the Times-Ad­ vocate, we regard newspapers as a fundamental medium for advertis­ ing “.Salada” Tea, and we are glad to acknowledge the contribution of your paper to our success of last year. Please accept our kind thanks for your kind co-operation. Yours very truly, Salada Tea Company of 'Canada, Ltd. Per; O. Hodgkins. Rubber Tires Speed Farm Work Says Professor Application of rubber tires to farm tractors will prove the most important development in farm machinery promoted for many years, in the opinion of Professor L. G. Heimpel, Head of the Agricultur­ al Engineering Department, Mac­ Donald College, Que. .Speaking be­ fore the 30th annual meeting of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association on “New Developments in Farm Ma­ chinery,” Professor Heimpel cited as the basis of his prediction the fact that “the rubber tire has made the tractor a very much higher speed macine. Most of them are now equipped with a fourth speed for roadwork, by means of which speeds of from 10 to 16 or more miles per hour can be secured at nominal en­ gine speed.” The rubber-tired tractor will make imperative the use of rubber-tired wagons, which will be brought much closer to the ground. This will greatly increase convenience and ease of loading, and speed up all kinds • of farm haulage opera­ tions, according to Prof. Heimpel. Nor will it entail the scrapping of all wagons now in existence. “Al­ ready I am in possession of a bul­ letin describing the remodelling of existing farm wagons by simply clamping to the lower side of the axles of those wagons the front axle of old automobiles complete with 1 wheels and tires.” Many farmers are already putting this improvement into practice, he said. These included owners of heavy spraying outfits who have had mounted their machines on good advantage. Growers near big cities are buying used truck tires for this purpose. WINCHELSEA Roads around this community have again been re-ppened by the plow and are now passable. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hunter, pf Chatham, visited on (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Delbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Delbridge and family, of St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch and family, of Eljmville visited on 'Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Delbridge. Master Donald and Miss Eloise Pym, of Thedford, are spending a couple of weeks with their grand­ parents,- Mr. and Mrs. John Prance, Miss Shirley Brock, of Kirkton, spent the latter part of the week with her aunt Mrs. Garnet Johns. Miss Grace Collier, of Kirkton, spent the holidays with her grand­ parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey. Miss Marion Murch, of Elimville, spent a couple of days last week with .Miss Wilma Veal. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, of Kirk­ ton, visited on Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns. Miss Wilma Veal spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Denham, of Sarnia, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Master Murray Stephen, of Elim- ville, spent a few days with Master John .Batten. Miss Gladys Batten spent a few days last week with Miss Norma Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. .Horace Delbridge, Bruce and Fred visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Bruce 'Cooper, of Elimville. New Cavalryman: “I don’t like the looks of this horse’s head.” Drill Sergeant: “Oh, that’s all right, you’ll soon get over it.”. XZOU’RE due for a money-making discovery when you step into a Pontiac showroom to get a closer look at those dynamic beauties so many people are talking about! You’ll discover that prices start with the lowest! You’ll see the brilliant array of 1940 Pontiacs — thrifty Sixes — stunning Eights—great big cars with wide seats and long wheelbases—luxurious in everything but cost! You’ll take a ride — find that Pontiac behaves like a thoroughbred with its amazing riding qualities and flashing engine performance! That’s why there’s a real thrill in the fig­ ures on the price tags. When you can buy so much car for so little money-—there’s no time to lose! Better get the facts today. 5 new Series : 27 brilliant NEW MODELS - Pontiac "Arrow” Six (Standard and De Luxe) I Pontiac “Special” Six * Pontiac “De Luxe” Six r Pontiac "De Luxe" Eight • Pontiac "Torpedo" Eight. P-4SB Snell Bros. & Co., Exeter