HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-04-04, Page 2THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHVRSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1940
• When you take the lid off that
box of baby chicks, can’t you see
your next Fall’s strong, money
making layers? Well, right now
is the time to protect yourself and
these future egg layers.
Roe Vitafood will give them a
safe start, a head start. It is
sweet and palatable, of medium
texture, mixed fresh daily. Follow
the example of Ontario’s largest
poultrymen-—feed Roe Vitafood.
Ask your Roe Feeds dealer for
your copy of the 32-page booklet
of vital information: “Let’s Grow
Better Chicks and Pullets.” 412
Sold by:
HAROLD Jfcfe-r
Mice, skunks, and wax moths of
ten cause damage to bees and bee
hives. In the winter time, mice will
enter the colonies, destroy the
combs, and build nests alongside the
winter clusters. The disturbance to
the bees generally results in loss of
the colonies. Skunks are trouble
some in many parts of the country,
and in winter time do much dam
age by destroying the tar paper in
which the hives are packed. At other
times, skunks scratch in front of a
hive to disturb the bees. When the
bees rush out, they become tangled
in the skunk’s fur and are eaten.
Three kinds of moths, the Mediter
ranean flour moth, the lesser wax
moth and the greater wax moths al
so cause damage to honey combs.
The means of preventing damage by
these pests is described in the Do
minion Department of Agriculture
circular “Care of Bees and Equip
ment” by C. A. Jamieson, Bee Di
vision , Dominion Experimental
Farms Service. The circular may be
obtained free on application to the
Publicity and Extension Division,
Dominion Department of Agricul
ture, Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robertson,
of Marlboro street, Mitchell, March
28 th celebrated their 68 th wed
ding anniversary. The happy couple
Mr. Robertson in his 90 th year and
Mrs. Robertson in her 8.9th, are still
quite active and enjoying the best
of health, Mr. Robertson making at
least one trip downtown daily,
Cry for Help
Most people fail to recognize the
seriousness of a bad back, .
The stitches, twitches, and twinges
ate bad enough and cause great suf
fering, but back ef the backache
and the. cause of it all is the dis
ordered kidneys crying out a warn
ing through the back.
A pain in the back is the kidneys’
Cry for help, Go to their assistance,
Get a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills.
A remedy fat backache and sick
"Doan’s” are put up in an
oblong grey .Lex with our trade
mark a "Maple Leaf” on the
Refuse substitutes. Got" Doan’s. ”
Tlte T, (Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto,’ Ont.
Seed cleaning should be started
early in the season when other work
is not so pressing and there is more
bulk from which to select seeding
requirements, states John D. Mac
Leod, Crops, Seeds and Weeds
Branch, Ontario Department of Ag
riculture, Toronto. All seed should
be cleaned at least twice. The ob
ject the first time is to remove
small, light material and weed seeds
so that a much bettei' grading job
will be accomplished by the second
Do not feed the mill too fast, a
well graded sample cannot be ex
pected if the machine is fed to its
full capacity. Do not be afraid of
blowing heavy grain, in fact, to do
a good job the odd heavy kernel
must be blown out.
Scouring is now considered a
necessary part of cleaning oats.
Tails are removed, double oats are
broken up, small weed seeds are
shaken out of the crease in the ker
nel and a polish is given the sample.
As a result of scouring, grain is
easier to clean, it flows through the
seeder more evenly making possible
a lower rate of seeding and it is be
lieved that the sample germinates
more uniformly.
The fanning mill should be set
where an abundance of light is avail
able, it should be level and solid
and turned with a uniform motion.
When selecting screens for clean
ing oats an effort should be made
to select two and probably three of
each in order that one may have a
second or third choice. The follow
ing screens have proven to be the
best as riddles for cleaning oats:
7-64x% and 8-64x% zinc oblong
and %x6 wire mesh; 7-6 4x% has
proven the best for most varieties of
oats. (However, in some of the old
er mills where the wind comes right
up through the riddle, %x6 wire
mesh has proven to be a good screen
as the wind has greater effect in
lifting light grains. Double oats
should be removed. They are usual
ly spongy and light and should
never reach the seeder box.
The following are recommended
as grading screens: 1-12x5; 1-13x5
and 1-14x5 zinc oblong. Late varie
ties of oats which are smaller usual
ly require 1-13x5 or 1-14x5. For
grading Hulless Oats 1-12x5 is re-,
commended as a riddle and 1-16x5
as a grading screen.
A pamphlet on seed cleaning, also
on the operation of a fanning mill
as available on request. Write the
Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch,
Ontario Department of Agriculture,
■Labour cost is the largest single
item of expense in dairy farming.
From 20 to 30' pei* cent of the cost
of producing milk is involved in la
bour. Not only does labour amount
to a considerable sum but it is also’
one of the recognized economic fac
tors to be considered in the produc
tion of any commodity. In order to
make progress in farm management
it becomes necessary to have some
easily calculated standard by which
labour efficiency may be measured.
Standards of measurement in this
connection are gradually being de
veloped for dairy farmers through
the Ontario Dairy Farm Manage
ment Study. This investigation is
beng conducted co-operatively by the
Economics Division, Marketing Ser
vice. Dominon Department of Agri
culture, Ottawa, and the Ontario
Agricultural College, Guelph. More
than 700 dairy farmers of the Pro
vince of Ontario are keeping re
cords of their complete farm busi
ness, These records are checked at
the farm and taken to Ottawa foi
Two years of study indicate that
the cash receipts of a farm busi
ness per man provides a useful stan
dard of measurement of labour ef
ficiency in dairy farming. To obtain
this the total labour time of all
farm workers is reduced to a “man
equivalent.” The term “man equiv
alent” means the labour of one man
working full time for 12 months on
the farm. Members of the family
working for part of the day only
or doing less than an adult’s work
and seasonal and occasional help
are reckoned proportionately.. The
cash receipts include all cash sales
of the farm business. A farm with
cash receipts of $2,800, and a “man
equivalent” of 1 % would have a
cash receipt per man of $1,600.
It was found in the Study that in
all the fluid and processed milk
aones, under conditions similar to
the year ending April 30, 1938, the
average dairyman needs to secure
$1,500 cash receipts per man to se
cure operator earnings approximate
ly $1,200, Operator earnings close
to $1,000 were obtained where the
cash receipts per man were $1,200
and where the cash recipts per man
fell as $800 the operator earnings
were discouraging.
Though it was found that the
most successful dairyman use the
greatest amount of labour, not all
dairymen, however, should take on
a large labour staff. Those dairy
farm operators who have the ability
to manage labour in such a way as
to secure a high cash receipt per
mail may well bo encouraged to usd
more labour.
Brucefield Site Had
Advantages in Pioneer
Crossing Point of Two Important
Roads Made Outlook Attractive
By W. H. Johnston in the London
Free Press
Among the earliest settlements
in the Huron Tract was that of
the present village of Brucefield,
which, though it never grew to be
large, has consistently retained its
importance in a more than ordinar
ily prosperous rural community.
Goderich was founded in 1828-29,
and Neil Ross came to Brucefield
in September, 1830, locating on lot
34, concession 1, Township of Tuck-
ersmith on the London Road. He
was the first settler in the township,
and if we except a few colored re
fugees from slavery in the United
States, w’ho lived just north of the
then hamlet of London, he was the
only settler between London and
Goderich, a distance of about sixty
miles and his son Donald, was the*
first child born in Tuckersmith.
Others heard of his coming, and
in 11831 James Campbell, John Mc
Intosh, Robert Hunter, William
Hunter, William Bell and Alexander
Mackenzie arrived and located on
near-by lots. In 1832, John Young
arrived and settled on lot 29, just
south of the village site.
The London road was chopped,
but not logged, at this date, and
these men and others were given
work clearing the roadway. The
money earned was generally allow
ed as payment on their land, which
was purchased at $1.50 an acre, but
the price was raised to $2 and $2.50
soon after.
Settlers came pouring in, and a
start was made clearing the farms.
Many of these settlers were young
men with little knowledge of cook
ing, mending their clothes or house
keeping, but, buoyed up with the
hope of owning a farm of 100 acres
all their own, from which they could
not be evicted, was enough to keep i
those lonely lads on the job, despite,
any hardships. It was a long and
wearisome task, but they were rich-'
ly rewarded. They became well-to-
do independent farmers, surround-!
ed by what was, best of all, a family
of strong, self-reliant sons and dau
Energetic and industrious, small
clearings and log buildings were
multiplied rapidly, and men who
were on the lookout for business
locations saw the possibilities for a
fine opening here, situated at the
crossroads of two main highways,
the London road and that running
from Bayfield to .Seaforth,
Donald McMillan opened a gen
eral store, and it was a success
from the beginning, but it was not
until August 6, 1851, that a post
office was established, with Mr. Mc
Millan as postmaster. The name
■ Brucefield was given in honor of
Bruce of Scotland. Other business
men’came, as McIntosh, McKenzie,
Cameron, Campbell, R. W. Marks,
W. Scott & Co., and many others,
since that time.
One of the earliest requisites in
new settlements was a public house
for the accommodation of travelers,
and a tavern was opened, and it was
not long until a second one was
considered necessary, and both did
a thriving business. One of these
was controlled by the same family
for three generations, something
that does not often happen.
■Owing to the tendencies of many
people in those days, one or two
of the merchants tried their skill at
distilling the brand of “mountain
dew” that some of the old men pre
ferred. .Some of these were caught
but more frequently they told sly
stories of how they outwitted an
inspector, who appeared to be more
than willing to overlook infringe
ments of the liquor law.
Russell H. Leach
Crickets chirpin’ here an’ yonder
All the katydids astir
As I set out here an’ ponder
I can hear a partridge whirr;
In the west the sifn. is droppin’
Back behind the far-most pine
An’ the evenin’ star comes poppin’
O’er the darkened timber line.
I can hear the bull frogs holler
Makin’ music for their tads
An’ the black bass start to waller
Down among (he lily pads;
Fireflies with their little lanterns
^Flasliin’ off - and on at will
Shadders makin’ fancy patterns
With the Master Artist’s skill.
It’s a joy to watch an* listen
Whed the twilight rolls aroun’
An’ the first stars start to glisten
Like the jewels in a crown;
Somethin’ rand about the evenin’
Come the closin’ of the day,
Alius seems to me that Heaven
Ain’t so dog-goned for away.
Hunting and Fishing
BBtllSSELS—The call extended to
the Rev. Charles Lewis of Kirkton,
by the United Church here has been
accepted by Mr. Lewis and he ’Will
commence his duties here in June*
Tested Recipes
AEacmwi and Kindred Products.
Macarino, spaghetti, noodles and
yermicilli, are close relatives in the
food family. They differ in ap
pearance, but are similar in com
position, all being made from
coarsely ground hard wheat flour
to which is added a small quantity
of boiling water. Mechanically the
mixture is thoroughly blended, theft
kneaded and finally emerges from
a perforated plate in the forms
which are sold under different
names. Steel pins in the centre of
each hole is in the plate gives the
tubes of macaroni their hollow form,
Spaghetti is pressed through small
er holes without pins, and vermicilli
through very small holes. Noodles
or ribbono varieties pass through
flat openings in place of holes, while
some flat fancy shapes are cut from
thin sheets of the dough, Noodles,
sold as egg noodles, contain egg in
addition to the flour.
These flour products are popular
fare in Canadian homes, especially
during the cold months of the year.
Served alone they would be too
bland for most tastes, but combined
with highly seasoned sauces, or with
piquant flavoured food such as
cheese, they make dishes hard to
excel in palatability.
In cooking macaroni and similar
foods, boiling salted water should
be used in sufficient quantity to al
low for the amount which will be
absorbed. When tender, drain in a
colander and poux’ cold water over
the cooked food.
The following suggestions for
supper dishes are given by the Home
Economists, Dominion Department
of Agriculture:
Baked Macaroni
15 cups uncooked macaroni
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon mustard
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup grated cheese
% cup chopped pimento
2 cups hot milk
Pinch cayenne
Chopped parsley
Cook macaroni in boiling salted wa
ter until tender. Drain. Place a’
layei- of macaroni in well buttered
baking dish. Mix butter, mustard,
salt, cheese, pimento and cayenne.
Sprinkle macaroni with cheese mix
ture. and repeat until ingredients
are all used. Four hot milk over
macaroni. Bake in moderate oven
(350 degrees F.) until macaroni
absorbs most of the milk. Sprinkle
with chopped parsley before serv
Spaghetti Treole
2 cups uncooked spaghetti
3 tablespoons butter or other fat
1 small onion, finely chopped
I cup celery, chopped (may be
3 tablespoons flour
2'cups tomato juice
Salt and pepper
II teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 -cup grated cheese.
Cook spaghetti in boiling salted wa
ter. When tender, drain. Cook on
ion and celery in melted fat. Add
flour and cook until flour is brown
ed. Then add tomato juice. ’Stir
until sauce thickens. Add Worces
tershire sauce and season to taste
with salt and pepper. Pour sauce
over spaghetti and sprinkle with
grated cheese.
Note—I cup chopped -mushrooms*
or chickens livers is a tasty addi
tion to the sauce.
The Boissevain Recorder
Boissevain, Man.
Divide four into 19 40 and the re
sult is an even numbex’ - that means
this is a Leap Year. Boys, I need
not go into any lengthy discourses
on that subject. Need I warn you
that you must at the very least, he
wary, cautious and suspicious at
all times during the year? You will
doubtlessly be assailed from all
sides by ruthless females, each with
a special net into which she shall
attempt to ensnare you. The nets,
although they may be cleverly wo
ven, all spell MARRIAGE. Don’t be
a sucker. In case of being ap
proached regarding youi’ opinion on
matters marital, I suggest that you
ascertain the circumstances of your
female suitor. Ask her, has she
any money (can she buy you a fa
vourable ring, a pleasant wedding
breakfast, a church wedding, flow
ers and that sort of thing, you
know.) Also inquire about where
she expects to give you-.shelter (a
house or apartment,) also if there is
a bath. Doixt’ be afraid to be par
ticular. Quizz her about the ec
centricities of her mother aixd rel
atives — how long do they usually
stay when they visit; do they ap
prove of dog-houses for meh, etc.
Also ask her can she carry water,
split woood and stoke the furnace.
Conclude with digpity by saying, "If
you really wish to have my hand ih
marriage (blush a little there), yotx
must ask my father.—Dufferoh
Aitcheson: “What do you think
■of the art museum?”
Mueller: “Oh, the pictures are
good enough, but there ain’t any
good jokes, under them,”
Query and Reply
by Pagd Turner
(All Radio and Reprint Rights
of the Revolutionary
rate of pay for sol-
the Revolution was
— it was paid at ir-
Query: What pay did the Amer
ican Soldiers
War receive?
Reply: The
diers during
$6.67 a month
regular intervals.
Query: Hoxv old was Methuselah?
Reply; Methuselah - a character
in the Old Testament was designat
ed as the Grandfather of Noah - and
is said to have lived 969 years.
Query; Who built the first refrig*
ated railroad car?
Reply: G. E. Swift built the first
refrigerated car in 1875.
Query; When was the first Tour*
nainent of Roses held in 1’asedena,
Reply; The first Tournament of
Roses was held January 1, 1890. In
the last parade on January 1, 1940,
sixty floats were in the line of
Query: What is the best ■■‘home’
treatment for severe sunburn?
Reply: Tea should be applied to
the affected area in the form of a
sterile cotton pad soaked in the
liquid (a strong brew). This should
be secured by a bandage. A strong
solution of Epsom Salts is also bene
ficial. *'
In treating sunburn, as
burns and scalds, grease
form of lard, butter, etc.,
used as well as flour,
in soda and other powders. These
are dangerous and very often harm
ful because they help to infect the
burned area and promote the ab
sorption of poisons. The best dress
ing for burns and scalds is tannic
acid in solution (two teaspoonsful
in a glass of boiled water.) Where
no tannic *hcid is quickly available,
a strong brew of tea is useful be
cause the active ingredient of tea
is tannin.
Query: At the time of Columbus,
how many different Indian tribes
were there • in North ancl South
America ?
Reply: Roughly 1,50i0’ — from
Hudson Bay to Cape Horn, strange
ly enough, theii’ religion, language,
arts and
well as
in the
is often
starch, bak-
customs were very closely
into tight places.
statements often get men
—___ ______________._______
This year there passed beyond our ken
His Excellency, Dord Tweedsmuir,
■One of Nature’s fine noblemen,
Who lived a life sincere and pure.
In a Scottish manse John Buchan/
— Whom Canada was proud to own
A country lad, began life’s span,
Which ended on vice-regal throne.
This scholar who attained the heights,
Was a soldiei’ and a business man,
His talents rank with those who write,
He made a brilliant statesman.
The life of this successful man,
Swung on the pivot of duty,—
To God, and to his fellow man,
To his country, a stern duty.
This modest, kindly friend of all,
Who understood humanity,
At Plowing Match or Banquet Hall,
Was the spirit of gaiety.
February 1940
Lord Tweedsmuir, gone to his reward,
Enriched us, for knowing him
Made a Plainsman to the Westward
Say, “I feel that I shall miss him.”
■ Mrs. Albert Hey
of Seaforth, who
winter in, Florida
up with W. Grant
the International
"ThiAx. if> no
tobacco JUST
John Beattie,
is spending the
recently teamed
of Clinton foi'
Lawn Bowling Tournament of Or-
landa, Fla., and won this event 21-
11. This is putting Huron on the
I'm for the'
Everywhere In Canada, you find thousands
of satisfied Chevrolet Truck owners, each
with his own very good reasons for choosing
the All-Around Leader in performance and
savings. Such nation-wide popularity means
something. It means that you, too, will dis
cover the thriftiest answer to your hauling
problem in one of the
SO new Chevrolet
Models for 1940
Snell Bros. & Co., Exeter
Associate Dealerss G. Koehler, Zurich: J. E. Snrowl. Lucan